Ual Proposal Action Plan Proforma 2

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Level 3 Diploma Unit 8 Project Proposal pro forma

Level 3 Extended Diploma Unit 12 Project Proposal Proforma

Name Poppy Sweet-Pea Ashbury

Pathway Level 3 Performing and Production Arts
Project A Midsummer Night's Dream
Section 1: Rationale (Yr 1 approx. 100 words) Yr 2- 150 words

● What have I learnt from the projects I've done so far?

Through my previous projects, I have gained valuable insights and skills that have helped me
grow as a performer. I have honed my acting abilities, delved into independent research to
enhance my performances, and improved my problem-solving skills. Time management has
been crucial in balancing my creative endeavors effectively.

● What does all the work I have completed/ learnt so far on the course mean to me?

The work I have completed in this course has taught me so much and I am proud of the progress
I have made. I plan to apply all that I have learned in future opportunities to further enhance my
skills and creativity.

● How has this helped me to think about my skills as a creative/performer?

The experience gained from each project has shaped my perspective on my skills as a creative
performer. With each new project, I acquire fresh insights and knowledge, leading to continuous
growth. Reflecting on what I have learned allows me to recognize the progress I have made in
my creative and performing abilities.

● What are my strengths and weaknesses form my last project?

I would say my strength would be that over the last few projects, I have improved my
problem-solving skills and a have deeper understanding of how to address challenges effectively.
However, I recognized a weakness in balancing schedules and meeting deadlines. I am actively
working on this to address this.

Section 2: Project concept (Yr 1 approx. 200 Yr 2- 200 words


● What are my interests and ideas that I want to explore in my final project

In my final project, I am excited to explore the juxtaposition between Shakespearean language

and contemporary communication. I plan to delve into articles and delve into folklore mythology
to enrich my investigation of this captivating topic. Additionally, I am eager to immerse myself in
the realm of fairies and the myths surrounding them, as these subjects really interest me.

● What will I research?

I am excited to delve into a variety of research topics to enhance my performance and creative
process. Firstly, I will immerse myself in understanding my character and their interactions with
others, delving deep into their psyche to portray them authentically on stage. Additionally, I plan
to immerse myself in the world of Shakespearean plays, studying the language and nuances to
enrich my performance. Exploring the cultural landscape of the 70s will provide me with valuable
insights into the behaviors and interactions of that era, adding depth to my portrayal.
Furthermore, delving into folklore and mythology will allow me to infuse my performance with rich
storytelling elements. Lastly, researching my production role will equip me with the necessary
knowledge and skills to contribute effectively to the overall success of the production. I am eager
to embark on this research journey and apply my findings to elevate my performance to new

● Why do I want to explore this?

I am motivated to explore this further to deepen my understanding of the play, my character, and
the motivations behind their actions and words. I seek to gain a more profound insight into the
nuances of the character's behavior and speech.

● How will you use this research to help you shape your practical work?

I plan to utilize this research to inform and enhance my practical work. By comprehending and
implementing the findings, I aim to infuse authenticity and realism into my performances,
ultimately elevating the quality of my work.

Section 3: Evaluating the Process (Yr 1 Yr 2- 150 words

approx. 50 words)

● How will I check that I have achieved my personal aims within the project?

By engaging in reflection and reviewing my progress.

● How will I know when all this has been achieved?

By reflecting on my journey and comparing my initial skills and abilities to where I am now. By
observing the progress and improvements made over time, I will know that I have successfully
reached my desired level of proficiency as a creative performer.

● How will I measure my own progress?

By consistently taking steps to enhance and refine my work, striving for continuous improvement
in my work

● How will record high and low points of the process?

I plan to document both the high and low points of my creative process by consistently tracking
my progress. By maintaining detailed records, I will be able to reflect on my journey and identify
the peaks and valleys in my creative endeavors.

● How can I best evidence and show my skills in decision making?

I can demonstrate them through detailed reflections and evaluations that highlight my thought
process and reasoning behind each choice made.

● How can I best evidence and show my skills in collaboration?

To effectively showcase my skills in collaboration, I can demonstrate them through written

reflections and evaluations. I can provide documented evidence of my collaborative work to
highlight my abilities in certain areas.

Proposed research sources and bibliography (Harvard format)

● What sources of material will I look into? (n.d.). A Midsummer Night’s Dream | Folger Shakespeare Library. [online]

Available at:

‌ (n.d.). Peter Brook and A Midsummer Night’s Dream - English and Drama blog.
[online] Available at:

‌ hakespeare Birthplace Trust. (2016). Shakespedia. [online] Available at:


‌ hakespeare, W. (2003). A Midsummer Night’s Dream. 2nd ed. [online] Cambridge University
Press. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Available at:
7A3001E8AE [Accessed 17 Mar. 2024].

‌Project Gutenberg. (2019). Project Gutenberg. [online] Available at:

● Why do I think these will be helpful?

These resources will be beneficial for immersing myself in the era and gaining a deeper
understanding. By studying the works of Shakespeare, folklore, and mythology, I will be able to
enhance my performance and grasp the historical and cultural context more thoroughly.

Project action plan and timetable

Week Date week Activity/what you intend to Resources / what you will need to
beginning do - including independent do - including access to resources
08/01/2024 Research into the production of I will use a variety of sources such as
1 ''A Midsummer Night's Dream'' articles and books on Shakespearean
by gaining insights into various literature, historical resources on the
aspects of the play, such as Elizabethan era, online databases for
historical context, character theatrical design ideas, and
motivations, thematic elements, biographies of Shakespeare for a
and design possibilities better understanding of his life and
15/01/2024 Research into my character to Folklore mythology books, online
gain a better understanding resources, and academic articles on
2 (character development) folklore studies

22/01/2024 Research makeup and hair I will use a variety of sources such as
design for the production to late 60's and early 70's beauty and
3 enhance overall aesthetic and fashion magazines, online tutorials,
visual appeal and books on theatrical makeup and
hair styling
4 29/01/2024 Research into the origin and The sources I will use include articles
folklore surrounding fairies in and books on Shakespeare folklore,
Shakespeare's time, as well as and fairy mythology. I could also look
how they are depicted in other at the critical analyses of the play that
works of literature and art. discuss the portrayal of fairies in the
5 05/02/2024 Study various theatrical Sources for this information will
productions that feature fairies, include articles on movement in
analysing their movement theatre, books on fairy folklore and
patterns, gestures, and mythology, videos of theatrical
physicality to identify common productions featuring fairies, and
themes and techniques used to interviews with theatre practioners
portray these magical who have experience working with
creatures. fantasy characters.
19/02/2024 Research on how relationships Sources could include books, articles,
with other characters affect plot essays, interviews with creators or
6 progressions, and thematic experts, and analyses of specific
elements in literature, film, or works or genres. I could also explore
other forms of media. primary sources such as the texts,
films, or artworks themselves to
examine the relationships with other
characters in detail.
26/02/2024 Research various artwork, Possible sources could include classic
literary works, and mythological works of fantasy literature. I could also
7 narratives that portray explore art movements like
fantastical realms and Romanticism or Surrealism that
landscapes. This could include showcase dreamlike and mystical
studying paintings, illustrations, landscapes. As well as the tales from
books, poems, and folktales various cultures that feature magical
that depict magical worlds filled realms and beings.
with mythical creatures,
enchanting scenery, and
mystical elements.
04/03/2024 Research and analyse speech Sources could include the original text
8 patterns, language choices, of the play featuring my character,
and poetic style of my critical analyse sand interpretations of
character's voice. the work, and articles and books
discussing aspects of the fairies' voice
and language.
9 11/03/2024 Delve into the power dynamics Sources for this research may include
between the Fairies and various literary works, folklore,
Titania. mythology, and possibly even
historical references related to fairies
and their interactions with other

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