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EESO N°328 2023Test 1 1er AÑO

Curso/División: Alumno:

1. Multiple choice:

1. ___________ is your surname? 5. ___________ is your birthday?

a) How a) When
b) When b) What
c) What c) Where

2. It is a dog and this is _____ toy. 6. I am Tina and this is ______ cat.
a) His a) My
b) Its b) Its
c) Our c) His

3. ___________ is your favourite color? 7. She is Ami and this is _____ dog.
a) How a) Their
b) Where b) Your
c) What c) Her

4. ___________ is your best friend?

a) When 8. ___________ are you from?
b) Who a) How
c) What b) Where
c) What

2- Complete with a subject pronoun ( They, We, I, She, He)

EESO N°328 2023Test 1 1er AÑO
Curso/División: Alumno:

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