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I was born in 1987 in Venice, Italy. There I studied philosophy (Cà Foscari
university) and drawing (Academy of fine arts) before moving to Pisa and England
where I graduated in the history of art. Now based in Hungary and Slovenia, I work as
a language teacher, I paint and write.

My paintings take a philosophical view of humanity and feelings, favouring

realism and tradition in my aesthetic. My oeuvre is located in bleak empty landscapes
and sentimental portraits. The portraits look at the expression of the flesh, captured in
detailed dark oil paintings, where only a part of the body is visible, but evokes a sense
of sorrow, frustration, nostalgia, or the subject’s own emptiness. I only paint people I
know and I relate to, and my muse is my husband.
I am inspired by Romanticism and Mannerism, by the work of Francis Bacon
and the kitsch aesthetic of Odd Nerdrum. My work could be described as “dark
kitsch” “photorealistic” or “desrupted realistic”.

I have started drawing when I was two years old, and I have never stopped. My
first oil on canvas was a portrait of my cat, I painted at the age of twelve.

My first solo exhibition took place in 2010 in Forte Tron (Venice). In 2021 one
of my paintings was exhibited at the Biennale of Venice in the pavilion 29, in an
exhibition dedicated to young artists with the title “Creators of our time”
My next solo exhibition will be held in Budapest.
I have been exhibiting in Italy, Hungary and Slovenia.

I exhibit alone or with others, and I am an active member of the collective of

painters Hungarian movin’ gallery.
Hands, oil on canvas 2019

Venetian walk, oil on canvas 2019

Portrait of D, oil on canvas 2014
Porto Marghera, oil on canvas 2008

Tatabanya, oil on canvas 2017

Portrait of J, oil on canvas 2020

Piano, oil on canvas 2017

New topography part2, oil on canvas 2023
Portrait of J, oil on canvas 2019

Crucifixion, oil on canvas 2014


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