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Docker particle Command

1) sudo docker run docker/whalesay cowsay hello World

2) docker version
3) docker run nginx ( run the container nginx application on your system)

4) to check the status of container

5) To check the status of all containers running or stop

6) Docker stop <container ID or container name> to stop the container ,you can verify the
container existence by running container process this is not remove just existed .

7) Remove the container permanently used the command “ docker rm <container ID or container
name> this will remove from system same can be verify by using ps –a command

8) docker images ( to list the available images.)

9) docdocker rmi images ( to remove image from system before remove ensure no container using
the images)

10) docker pull command

11) run the container using sleep and check the process status

12) exec the command in the running containers

13) run the attach and detach when we run this command we can see the output on the screen .
14) docker run command with option I and t for interactive and terminal

15) tag column in the output show the version of the image ,by default its uses latest but if you
want any particular version mention after image ( to check the detail of tag refer docker hub )
16) practice docker portmap with usecase
17) practice docker volume with use case

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