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1.Structure, surfaces,borders , muscle attachment and clinical anatomy of hip bone,femur, patella,tibia,fibula,tarsals, metatarsals,phalanges.

2. Front of thigh (Skin and superficial fascia, cutaneous nerve and arteries,great saphenous vein, superficial inguinal lymph nodes, subcutaneous
bursa and it’s clinical anatomy,deep fascia, femoral triangle, femoral sheath, femoral canal,femoral artery and these clinical anatomy, femoral
vein, femoral nerve, muscle of front of thigh, iliacus and psoas major, adductor canal and it’s clinical anatomy)

3. Medial side of thigh(muscle of adductor/medial compartment of thigh, obturator nerve it’s clinical anatomy, obturator artery,medial circumflex
femoral artery)

4. Gluteal Region (details discussion about the muscles of gluteal Region and their clinical anatomy,sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligament,
superior and inferior gluteal nerve,sciatic nerve and it’s clinical anatomy, posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh, nerve to quadratus femoris,pudendal
nerve,nerve to obturator internus, superior and inferior gluteal artery, internal pudendal artery, structure passing through the greater sciatic
foramen i.e gateway of gluteal Region, structure passing through the lesser sciatic foramen)

5. Popliteal fossa(location boundaries and contents, popliteal artery and vein and it’s clinical anatomy, tibial nerve in popliteal fossa and it’s
clinical anatomy,common peroneal nerve, posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh, popliteal lymph nodes and it’s clinical anatomy, anastomosis around
the knee joint)

6. Back of thigh(muscles of back of thigh and there’s clinical anatomy, sciatic nerve and it’s clinical anatomy, arteries of back of thigh,
anastomosis on the back of thigh)

7.Front of leg, lateral and medial side of leg(superior and inferior extensor retinaculum, muscle of front of leg and it’s clinical anatomy, muscle of
anterior compartment of leg and it’s clinical anatomy, anterior tibial artery,deep peroneal nerve, dorsum of foot,dorsalis pedis artery and it’s
clinical anatomy,fascia and muscle of lateral side of leg,peroneal retinacula and it’s clinical anatomy,peroneal muscles and it’s clinical anatomy,
superficial peroneal nerve and it’s clinical anatomy,tendons of medial side of leg and it’s clinical anatomy)

8. Back of leg(great and small saphenous vein, cutaneous nerve and it’s clinical anatomy,flexor retinaculum it’s clinical anatomy, superficial and
deep muscles of back of leg and there’s clinical anatomy, posterior tibial artery, peroneal artery, tibial nerve and there’s clinical anatomy)

9. Sole of foot(Plantar aponeurosis,deep transverse metatarsal ligament, fibrous flexor sheaths and it’s clinical anatomy, muscle of sole,muscle
and tendons of 1st 2nd 3rd 4th layers, medial and lateral plantar nerve and there’s clinical anatomy, medial and lateral plantar artery and there’s
clinical anatomy, plantar arch)

10. Joints of lower limb (Hip joint -type, ligament, relation, blood and nerve supply, movement and clinical anatomy. Knee joint- type, ligaments,
synovial membrane,bursae around knee, relation,blood and nerve supply, movement, locking and unlocking of knee joint and it’s clinical
anatomy, Ankle joint – ligament , relation, movement,blood and nerve supply and clinical anatomy. Tibiofibular joint- superior middle and
inferior tibiofibular joint and it’s clinical anatomy. Joints of the foot- Talocalcanean joint, movement,talocalcaneonavicular joint,
movement,calcaneocuboid joint, transverse tarsal or midtarsal joint, inversion and eversion of foot and joints taking part in these ans muscles
producing these movements,smaller joints of forefoot,joint cavities of foot, metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joint and all these joints
clinical anatomy, gait/walking)

11. Arches of foot( structure of arches, medial and lateral longitudinal arch, anterior and posterior transverse arch, factors responsible for
maintenance of arch, function of arches, comparison of medial and lateral longitudinal arches and there’s clinical anatomy)

12. Surface marking and radiological anatomy of lower limb.

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