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Transformations in quantum networks via local operations

assisted by finitely many rounds of classical communication

Cornelia Spee1,2 and Tristan Kraft1,3

1 Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck, Technikerstraße 21A, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
2 Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI), Austrian Academy of Sciences, Boltzmanngasse 3, 1090 Vienna,
3 Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Fakultät, Universität Siegen, Walter-Flex-Straße 3, 57068 Siegen, Germany

Recent advances have led towards first pro- since they require novel tools to study the correlations
totypes of quantum networks in which entan- that can arise from such networks, which is in itself
glement is distributed by sources producing bi- a challenging problem, and to evaluate their perfor-
arXiv:2105.01090v3 [quant-ph] 10 Mar 2024

partite entangled states. This raises the ques- mance [9] (and Refs. therein). Nevertheless, a lot of
tion of which states can be generated in quan- progress has recently been made concerning the char-
tum networks based on bipartite sources us- acterization of correlations [10] (and Refs. therein)
ing local operations and classical communica- and entanglement [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16].
tion. In this work, we study state transforma- In quantum networks, entanglement is distributed
tions under finite rounds of local operations by multiple sources, rather than a single source. Sub-
and classical communication (LOCC) in net- sequently, the entanglement created in the network
works based on maximally entangled two-qubit can be manipulated, e.g., by means of entanglement
states. We first derive the symmetries for ar- swapping [17], and can thus be spread over the en-
bitrary network structures, as these determine tire network [18]. Entanglement swapping is an in-
which transformations are possible. Then, we stance of a much larger and important class of lo-
show that contrary to tree graphs, for which it cal operations assisted by classical communication
has already been shown that any state within (LOCC). The general question consists of identifying
the same entanglement class can be reached, which state transformations are possible via LOCC
there exist states which can be reached prob- and which are the most useful states under such a
abilistically but not deterministically if the restriction. In the bipartite case, this question is
network contains a cycle. Furthermore, we answered by the Nielsen majorization criterion [19].
provide a systematic way to determine states In case the transformation is not required to be de-
which are not reachable in networks consist- terministically, one arrives at the so-called stochas-
ing of a cycle. Moreover, we provide a com- tic LOCC (SLOCC) operations. For instance, in the
plete characterization of the states which can case of three qubits, it is known that there exist
be reached in a cycle network with a protocol only six classes of states that are equivalent under
where each party measures only once, and each SLOCC [20]. For four parties, the number of SLOCC
step of the protocol results in a deterministic classes is already infinite [21].
transformation. Finally, we present an exam-
ple which cannot be reached with such a simple Despite the fact that the class of LOCC operations
protocol, and constitutes, up to our knowledge, is of fundamental importance for many quantum in-
the first example of a LOCC transformation formation tasks it is notoriously difficult to charac-
among fully entangled states requiring three terize (see, e.g., [22, 23, 24, 25, 26]). Despite many
rounds of classical communication. difficulties, significant progress has been made, e.g.,
in the case where only finitely many rounds of clas-
sical communication (finite-round LOCC) are consid-
1 Introduction ered [27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34].
In this work, we study the transformation of en-
In the last decades, a lot of effort has been de- tanglement in quantum networks under LOCC. We
voted to realizing the first prototypes of a quan- emphasize that in case the parties have access to
tum network [1, 2], based on various physical plat- many copies of maximally entangled states they can
forms [3, 4, 5]. Quantum networks offer the possi- use teleportation in order to realize an arbitrary en-
bility for quantum information processing tasks such tangled state. This might, however, involve a po-
as long-distance quantum communication [6], or dis- tentially large number of rounds of communication.
tributed quantum computing [7, 8]. Moreover, they The fact that quantum memories cannot provide long
are also interesting from a theoretical point of view storage times motivates us to consider the more re-

Accepted in Quantum 2024-02-28, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 1
e31 e11
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S (2)
<latexit sha1_base64="MYNtMQC6YNXutgKDMQSSE9HPLSk=">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</latexit>

<latexit sha1_base64="QIObSL/bK4xCPJa0VFQx97cRoiM=">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</latexit>

S (1) S (2)
<latexit sha1_base64="MYNtMQC6YNXutgKDMQSSE9HPLSk=">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</latexit>

S (1) can be written as

e11 e12
<latexit sha1_base64="MYNtMQC6YNXutgKDMQSSE9HPLSk=">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</latexit>

S (1) |ψini ⟩ = |Φ+ ⟩e . (1)

e33 e12 e31 e33
<latexit sha1_base64="Qb+s3A4LZazWRTwAMqn2otk8dBQ=">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</latexit> <latexit sha1_base64="QIObSL/bK4xCPJa0VFQx97cRoiM=">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</latexit>

(3) (2)
S S e∈E
e23 2
<latexit sha1_base64="Qb+s3A4LZazWRTwAMqn2otk8dBQ=">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</latexit>

S (3)
<latexit sha1_base64="TYS1ltEoXJG+kl8Kdp9EGnwpf3w=">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</latexit>

e2 (S (3) )Te22
<latexit sha1_base64="3ou8zf9mZAhoBggVyzHYU6PBeQ0=">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</latexit>

The number of qubits that each node holds is deter-

mined by the number of connected edges, that is, its
Figure 1: Schematic illustration of the procedure that allows
to identify the symmetries of the triangle network. the first degree in the graph G.
and the second picture are identical up to rearrangement In the following, we will restrict to transformations
of the parties and nodes. In order to transform the second among pure states [up to local unitary (LU) transfor-
picture into the third one we used that Y ⊗ 1l|Φ+ ⟩ = 1l ⊗ mations] that preserve the ranks of the local reduced
Y T |Φ+ ⟩. This, together with the fact that all symmetries of density matrices. In this case, it is not possible to
the |Φ+ ⟩ state are of the form Y ⊗ Y −T , proves that Eq. (7) reach any state outside of the SLOCC class [20]
holds. Y
h1 ⊗ . . . ⊗ hn |Φ+ ⟩e (2)

alistic scenario where sources distribute single copies via a finite-round LOCC protocol, where hi is an in-
of bipartite maximally entangled states according to vertible operator acting on all the particles node i
some predefined network structure and then perform has received from the sources. As LOCC and LOCCN
an LOCC transformation involving only a finite num- transformations have a rather complicated structure,
ber of rounds. it is sometimes useful to consider larger classes of
In Ref. [35], it has already been shown that if the transformations for which the possible transforma-
graph is a tree graph, then any state within this tions are easier to characterize. For instance, LOCC
SLOCC class can be realized. As we will show, for operations are strictly contained in the set of separable
any network that contains a cycle, i.e., that is not a operations (SEP). A completely positive trance pre-
tree graph, this no longer holds true. We will deter- serving (cptp) map Λ is called separable if all its Kraus
mine pure states which can/cannot be reached within operators are separable, i.e., Λ(ϱ) = i Ki ϱKi† , with
such a scenario. First, we will show that surprisingly, Ki = Ki1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Kin . It is well-known that LOCCN ⊊
in such a network, all local symmetries are of a very SEP [25] (and Refs. therein), and thus, if a transfor-
specific form. This allows us to provide a system- mation is not possible via SEP, it is also not possible
atic approach to rule out a large class of states which via LOCC.
can never be realized within networks consisting of a For LOCCN transformations among fully entangled
cycle. Moreover, we identify all states which can be pure states, which we also consider here, it is known
obtained in such networks under the restriction that that they are contained in the set of separable opera-
each party performs at most one non-trivial measure- tions for which all Kraus operators are invertible, so-
ment. Finally, we show that there exist states which called SEP1 transformations [36]. We will use the fol-
cannot be reached with a protocol where each party lowing SEP1 condition [37, 38] for the described sce-
measures only once, and which require three rounds nario, which is a necessary condition on finite-round
of communication. LOCC transformations to exist:

pi Si† HSi = r1l,

2 Preliminaries where {pi } is a probability distribution, and r ∈ R.
Moreover, in this context and in the following,
Any quantum network can be represented by a graph
G consisting of nodes 1, . . . , n which are connected H = ⊗j Hj = ⊗j h†j hj (4)
by edges e ∈ E. Each edge e corresponds to a two-
qubit state |ψ⟩e that is shared between the two nodes is determined by the final state in Eq. (2), and Si
it connects, i.e., e ≡ {eij , ekj } ∈ E, where j labels the are local symmetries of the initial state in Eq. (1).
source, and i, k label the nodes that are connected by The local symmetries are all S = ⊗S (j) , with S (j) ∈
the source j. We will use the convention that lower GL(dj ) and dj being the local dimension of party j,
indices refer to parties. Whenever additional indices for which
are required, such as summation or source indices, S|ψini ⟩ = |ψini ⟩. (5)
the party index will be superscripted. Moreover, we The set of all local symmetries we will denote by
will, whenever it is convenient, denote the identity S(|ψini ⟩). Intuitively, the condition in Eq. (3) guar-
matrix and the Pauli matrices σx , σy , σz by σi , with antees that there exist Kraus operators that define
i = 0, 1, 2, 3. We will assume that, initially, each edge the correct cptp map in SEP1 that can achieve the
corresponds to a maximally entangled state |Φ+ ⟩e = transformation from the initial state |ψini ⟩ to the fi-
√1 (|00⟩ + |11⟩). Thus, the initial state of the network nal state h|ψini ⟩ [37, 38]. Hence, it is the symmetries

Accepted in Quantum 2024-02-28, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 2
of the initial state which allow the transformation to
be deterministic.
In [39], the symmetries and SLOCC transfor-
mations of translationally invariant matrix product
states (which include certain network structures) have
been characterized. In the following, we character-
Figure 2: Schematic illustration of the procedure that allows
ize the symmetries of arbitrary networks of bipar-
to identify the symmetries for the example of the double-
tite sources that distribute maximally entangled two- triangle network. In order to transform one picture into the
qubit states. other Y ⊗ 1l|Φ+ ⟩ = 1l ⊗ Y T |Φ+ ⟩ is used, as well as that
Eq. (8) implies that the operators factorize. From the last
picture it follows that all symmetries factorize.
3 Symmetries of Quantum Networks
For simplicity, we will only provide the explicit proof factorize (see Fig. 2 for a simple example). Repeating
for the symmetries of the triangle network, as shown this procedure for all qubits on any party, one sees
in Fig. 1. However, the proof can be straightforwardly that all symmetries have to be local symmetries. Fi-
generalized to arbitrary network structures. nally, if the graph G that describes the connectivity of
In order to derive the symmetries, we will use the the network contains leaves, i.e., nodes that only have
property of |Φ+ ⟩ that Y ⊗1l|Φ+ ⟩ = 1l ⊗Y T |Φ+ ⟩. With a single neighbour, one arrives in a situation where
this we have that Eq. (8) becomes trivial, i.e., XB ZBC = YC ⊗ 1lB . In
this case, one can directly observe that ZBC factorizes
S (1) ⊗ S (2) ⊗ S (3) |Φ+ ⟩e11 e21 |Φ+ ⟩e22 e32 |Φ+ ⟩e33 e13 = −1
  by multiplying with XB from the left.
T 2 With this, we have that there can only exist sym-
S (1) ⊗ 1le32 ⊗ (S (2) ⊗ 1le33 ){(S (3) ) e2 ⊗ 1le21 } |Φ+ ⟩⊗3 ,
metries acting locally on eij and ekj for any ej ≡
(6) {eij , ekj } ∈ E. Using that the local symmetries of |Φ+ ⟩
are X ⊗ X N we obtain −T that the set of symmetries is
where Te22 denotes the partial transpose on e22 (see also
given by e∈E (Xe ⊗ Xe )e . Note that here Xe can
Fig. 1 for a graphical illustration). Using that the well
be different for any edge e. This results in the follow-
known symmetries of |Φ+ ⟩ are Y ⊗ Y −T this implies
ing observation.
Te 2
(S (2) ⊗ 1le33 )[(S (3) ) 2
⊗ 1le21 ] = (Se2 e3 )−T ⊗ 1le22 . (7) Q For any network structure
Observation 1. N the local
1 3 symmetries of e∈E |Φ+ ⟩e are given by e∈E (Xe ⊗
Xe−T )e .
Remarkably, this condition can only be satisfied if S (2)
T 2
and (S (3) ) e2 , and thus, also S (3) , factorize. More Hence, only symmetries acting locally on single
precisely, one can show that qubits can contribute and enable transformations.

XAB ZBC = YAC ⊗ 1lB , (8)

4 States which cannot be prepared via
with system B being two-dimensional and X, Z in-
vertible operators, implies that X and Z factorize finite round LOCC transformations in
with respect to the splitting A|B and B|C respectively networks
(see Lemma 4 in Appendix A). Note that, therefore,
S2 and S3 factorize for any symmetry of the triangle. Within a tree graph network, any state in the cor-
The triangle is invariant under cyclic permutation of responding SLOCC class is reachable [35]. Here, we
the parties, and therefore, via an analogous argumen- will show that if a network contains a cycle, this is
tation, one can show that also S1 has to factorize for no longer true. For convenience, we N will consider
any symmetry. Moreover, we emphasize that the same here and in the following as initial state Ne∈E |Ψ− ⟩e ,
argument can straightforwardly be extended to any +
which is local unitary (LU) equivalentNto e∈E |Φ ⟩e ,
network structure. and therefore has the symmetries e∈E (Xe ⊗ Xe )e
To see this, observe that by construction, any qubit with det(Xe ) = 1. We make the following observa-
is maximally entangled to exactly one other qubit, tion.
which is held by a different party. Moreover, all qubits
that belong to one party are all entangled to differ- Observation 2. An example for a class of states
ent parties. Thus, if one considers any party-local which cannot be reached via finite round LOCC from
symmetry on one party, one can repeatedly use that the initial network stateNcontaining a cycle is given by
Y ⊗ 1l|Φ+ ⟩ = 1l ⊗ Y T |Φ+ ⟩ to make this symmetry (⊗i∈cycle hi ⊗j̸∈cycle 1l) e∈E |Ψ− ⟩e with Hi = (1l/4 +
overlap with another symmetry on exactly one qubit. αi σz ⊗σz )⊗̸∈cycle 1l acting non-triviallyQ
only on the two
Then one employs Eq. (8) to see that the operators qubits which are part of the cycle and i∈cycle αi > 0.

Accepted in Quantum 2024-02-28, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 3
Proof. Consider the projection of Eq. (3), with Hi be- Secondly, there must exist local symmetries Si =
ing of this form, on |Ψ− ⟩e for all edges
N (j)
N except one edge

j Si ∈ S(|Ψ⟩) and probabilities {pi } such that
that is part of the cycle, i.e., on E\ẽ∈cycle |Ψ ⟩e .
(j) (j)
One obtains that in order for the transformation to (Si )† Hj Si ∝ Hj (13)
be possible it has to hold that
for parties j = 1, . . . , k − 1, k + 1, . . . N , and for party
pi (Xi ⊗ Xi )† J(Xi ⊗ Xi ) = r1l, (9) k
pi (Si )† Hk Si = rGk = rgk† gk ,
(k) (k)
i (14)
with J = 1l/4N + j∈cycle αj σz ⊗σz and N the number
for some r ∈ R [29, 30, 40]. The transformation is
of parties within the cycle. From the projection of non-trivial, i.e., the initial and the final state are not
− N
Q equation on |Ψ ⟩ one obtains that r = 1/4 −
this LU equivalent, if
j∈cycle αj .
(k) (k)
Considering then the trace leads to an equation of (Si )† Gk Si ̸∝ Hk (15)
the following form
for all symmetries for which Eq. (13) holds true.
X 1 n o Note that for any finite round LOCC protocol
pi N [|ai |2 + |ci |2 + |bi |2 + |di |2 ]2 − 4 transforming a pure state into some other pure state,
n the final round is exactly of the form described above,
+ [|ai |2 + |ci |2 − (|bi |2 + |di |2 )]2 i.e., it has to transform deterministically one pure
o Y state into another within a single round. Hence, for
+4 αj = 0, (10) any state which is reachable via a finite-round LOCC
j∈cycle protocol, there have to exist symmetries for which Eq.
(13) holds true for N − 1 parties and for at least one
where ai di − bi ci = 1 for any i. As [|ai |2 + |ci |2 + symmetry Si for which Eq. (13) holds
|bi |2 + |di |2 ]2 ≥ 4 for ai di − bi ci = 1 and [|ai |2 + |ci |2 −
(k) (k)
(|bQ 2 2 2
i | +|di | )] +4 > 0 this equation can not be fulfilled (Si )† Hk Si ̸∝ Hk (16)
if j∈cycle αj > 0.
for the remaining party (in order for an operator
We note that, as the proof relies on Eq. (3), the Gk ̸∝ Hk to possibly exist) [40]. In order to decide
class of states defined above is also not reachable whether a given H fulfills this requirement one can
by SEP1 transformations. Before characterizing all first determine the local operators Xj ⊗ Yj which ful-
states which can be reached with simple LOCC pro- fill Eq. (13) locally for a given Hj , i.e.,
tocols in cycle networks, we present a systematic way (Xj ⊗ Yj )† Hj (Xj ⊗ Yj ) ∝ Hj . (17)
to decide whether or not a state is reachable for many
cases. Then
N one considers for these local operators
j̸=k Xj ⊗ Yj and determines whether there exists
N (j) N
a symmetry such that j̸=k Si = j̸=k (Xj ⊗ Yj ).
5 Systematic way to determine finite In case this is possible, one can consider all the sym-
round LOCC transformations which are metries Si for which this is true and check whether
Eq. (16) holds.
not possible in a cycle network In the following, we present a systematic way to
evaluate for a given Hj which operators fulfill Eq. (17)
In the following, we will restrict to networks which
locally. In order to do so, we use ideas which have also
correspond to a cycle of size N (which we will call
been used in Ref. [33] to determine the symmetries of
cycle networks). Moreover, we will use the following
four-qubit states. Eq. (17) holds true if and only if
necessary and sufficient condition for a transforma-
tion to be possible if party k performs a generalized (X̃j ⊗ Ỹj )† H̃j (X̃j ⊗ Ỹj ) ∝ H̃j (18)
measurement, communicates the outcome to the other
parties, and these apply LUs. Note that this corre- with H̃j = (M ⊗ M̄ )† Hj (M ⊗ M̄ ) and X̃j ⊗ Ỹj =
sponds to a single round within a LOCC protocol. M −1 Xj M ⊗ M̄ −1 Yj M̄ for any M, M̄ invertible. We
Such a transformation is solely possible among pure then choose M ⊗ M̄ such that H̃j is Bell diagonal
states if the following conditions are satisfied. Firstly, denoted by H̃jB . Note that it has been shown [41] that
the initial state is of the form this is always possible. We will call in the following
H̃jB the local standard form of Hj and we obtain
h1 ⊗ . . . ⊗ gk ⊗ hk+1 . . . hN |Ψ⟩ (11)
(X̃jB ⊗ ỸjB )† H̃jB (X̃jB ⊗ ỸjB ) ∝ H̃jB . (19)
and the final state is (up to LUs)
Transforming then H̃jB and X̃jB ⊗ ỸjB into the magic
h1 ⊗ . . . ⊗ hk ⊗ hk+1 . . . hN |Ψ⟩. (12) basis, i.e., Hjmb = U † H̃jB U and Oj = U † X̃jB ⊗

Accepted in Quantum 2024-02-28, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 4
ỸjB U where U = |Φ+ ⟩ ⟨00| − i|Φ− ⟩ ⟨01| + |Ψ− ⟩ ⟨10| − some choice of k and Gk = A† A ⊗ B † B for some
i|Ψ+ ⟩ ⟨11|, we obtain that Hjmb is a diagonal matrix A, B ∈ SL(2). If they do not hold true, the state
with real non-zero entries (as Hj is a positive definite cannot be reached via such a protocol, as can be seen
matrix) and Oj is a special orthogonal matrix. With as follows. For a successful transformation, the ini-
this we have that tial
N state in the final round has to be of the form
i̸=k hi ⊗ gk |Ψ⟩ where k is the party measuring in
Aj = Oj† Hjmb Oj ∝ Hjmb . (20) the final round. It is easy to see that for the consid-
ered class of protocols, gk has to be of the form A⊗B,
This implies that
as party k did not perform any measurement yet and
ATj Aj = (Oj )T (Hjmb )T Hjmb Oj = (Hjmb )T Hjmb . (21) the only way how one may obtain a non-trivial gk
is via the symmetries. However, if the conditions are
Note that as this is a similarity transformation the not fulfilled the transformation in the final round can-
set of eigenvalues has to stay invariant. As the not be deterministic. In case they hold true, one can
eigenvalues of (Hjmb )T Hjmb have to be real and pos- devise a protocol implementing the transformation.
itive this implies that there is no proportionality This results in the following observation.
factor. Alternatively, Eq. (21) can be written as
[(Hjmb )T Hjmb , Oj ] = 0 and it is straightforward to Observation 3. A state h|Ψ⟩ can be reached from the
solve this equation. From the resulting matrices Oj initial network via LOCC, where each party measures
one obtains potential candidates for X̃jB ⊗ ỸjB = only once, and each step of the protocol is determin-
U Oj U † . We then insert them into Eq. (19) and eval- istic, if and only if the conditions in Eqs. (13),(14)
uate the ones that indeed leave HjB invariant up to and (15) are fulfilled for some choice of k and Gk =
a factor. Note that if one knows the local operators A† A ⊗ B † B for some A, B ∈ SL(2).
X̃jB ⊗ ỸjB which fulfill Eq. (19) for the local standard If the conditions in Observation 3 hold, the follow-
forms one can directly calculate the ones which fulfill ing protocol allows us to reach the state h|Ψ⟩ deter-
Eq. (17) for a given Hj via the relations ministically. First, note that we consider in the fol-
lowing the SLOCC operator H for which
Hj = (M −1 ⊗ M̄ −1 )† H̃jB (M −1 ⊗ M̄ −1 ) (22)
trej (Hj ) = 21l (24)
and j−1

X ⊗ Y = M X̃jB M −1 ⊗ M̄ ỸjB M̄ −1 . (23)

holds for j ∈ {3, . . . , N − 1} and
The explicit symmetries for all local standard forms
can be found in Appendix B. Using the method pre- tre21 (Be−† −1
2 H2 Be2 ) = 21
l. (25)
1 1
sented in [41] one can identify the matrices M and
M̄ which relate Hj to its local standard form and Here we use that S † HS with S ∈ S(Ψ) defines the
with this it is easy to determine the matrices X and same state as H (see also [31]). Hence, there is some
Y which fulfill Eq. (17). Determining from the so ambiguity in the choice of H and we will make use of
obtained operators whether there exists a way of con- this to ensure the desired property. Note that for any
catenating them to form a symmetry on N − 1 party state in a cycle network, it is possible to transform a
allows to straightforwardly employ the necessary con- given H in such a form (if we choose to normalize the
ditions in Eqs. (13) and (16) to identify states that operator accordingly). We further denote here with-
cannot be reached via finite round LOCC protocols in out loss of generality k = 1 and enumerate the par-
cycle networks. In the following, we will use Eqs. (13) ties and edges consecutively, i.e., ej = (ejj , ej+1
j ) ∈ E.
and (14) also to determine the class of states which First, party N applies the generalized measurement
can be reached with a LOCC protocol where each
{1/4hN [(A−1 σi )eN ⊗ (σk )eN ]}, (26)
party measures solely once. N N −1

with tr(A−† HN A−1 ) = 4 for normalization. Depend-

6 A simple class of finite round LOCC ing on the measurement outcome, party 1 and party
N − 1 apply σi and σk respectively on the qubit
protocols in cycle networks that is connected to party N . Then, beginning with
party N −1 and proceeding in decreasing order, party
In case the necessary conditions in the previous sec-
j ∈ {3, . . . , N } applies the generalized measurement
tion are fulfilled, a transformation may be possible. In
particular, these conditions provide a complete char- {1/2hj (1lej ⊗ (σi )ej )} (27)
j j−1
acterization of states which can be realized with pro-
tocols where each party measures once in a cycle net- j−1
and for outcome i party j −1 applies σi on ej−1 before
work. In order for a state to be reachable from the it measures in the subsequent round. Finally, party 2
network of maximally entangled states with a proto- applies the measurement
col where each party measures only once, the condi-
tions in Eqs. (13) and (14) have to be fulfilled for {1/2h2 (1le22 ⊗ (B −1 σi )e21 )} (28)

Accepted in Quantum 2024-02-28, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 5
and for outcome i party 1 implements σi . With k. Thus, this state cannot be reached from the initial
this, the initial state in the final round is given by network state via a protocol where each party mea-
A ⊗ B ⊗N i=2 hi |Ψ⟩. In the last round party 1 applies sures solely once. If party 3 is allowed to measure
(1) twice, the state can be reached, and we will provide
the generalized measurement {h1 Si } which is a valid
POVM due to Eq. (14). For outcome i, all other par- an explicit protocol achieving this transformation.
(j) (j)
ties apply the unitary Vi such that Vi hj = hj Si .
(j) We will make use of the necessary conditions in Eqs.
These unitaries exist due to Eq. (13). This protocol (13) and (14) and the systematic approach explained
allows to reach the state h|Ψ⟩ deterministically. in Section 5 that allows to identify the local operators
Unfortunately, however, this provides no complete which fulfill Eq. (13). Note that for party 1 and 2 Hj
characterization of finite round LOCC transforma- is already Bell diagonal and corresponds to the non-
tions in cycle networks, as the following example il- degenerate case, which implies that for party 1 and 2
lustrates. the symmetries that can potentially be used locally in
the last round are σi ⊗ σi , and for party 3 they are
U1† ⊗ U1† {[Z(ϕ1 ) ⊗ Z(ϕ2 )](σx ⊗ σx )k }U1 ⊗ U1 (31)
7 Example of a transformation that re-
with k ∈ {0, 1} and Z(ϕ) = diag(eiϕ , e−iϕ ) as the
quires one party to measure more than local standard form has two double degenerate eigen-
once values (see Appendix B).
The only operators ⊗j̸=k Xj ⊗ Yj on two parties
Analogous to the case of unitary symmetries, it may which have a non-zero intersection with a symme-
be that probabilistic steps are required [29, 30]. More- try restricted to two parties are (a) σi⊗4 on party
over, even if one restricts to protocols for which each 1 and 2 (with corresponding symmetries σi⊗6 ) or
LOCC round corresponds to a deterministic transfor- (b) U1† Z(ϕ)U1 ⊗ 1l⊗3 and σx⊗4 on party 3 and one
mation among pure states (and therefore Eqs. (13) of the other parties (with corresponding symmetries
and (14) have to hold true for each round), it is not U1† Z(ϕ)U1 ⊗ 1l⊗4 ⊗ U1† Z(ϕ)U1 and σx⊗6 ).
straightforward to find these protocols as parties may Let us first consider case (a) in which the party
be required to measure more than once. In the sim- measuring in the last round is party 3. It is straight-
plest case of transformation between bipartite states forward to see that the final state is not reachable in
with pure initial state, it is known that one round of a protocol where this party has not performed any
communication is always sufficient [42, 19]. For more measurement before, and therefore g3 = A ⊗ B. This
parties, more rounds may be required. The minimum is due to the fact that
number of rounds is also called the round complexity, X
and it it is known that exist tasks, including state dis- pi σi ⊗ σi H3 σi ⊗ σi ̸∝ G3 = A† A ⊗ B † B (32)
crimination and entanglement distillation, that show i

a separation between LOCC protocols with different for any probability distribution pi (see Observation 3).
round complexity [25]. Analogously, we have that for case (b)
In case of transformations among generic four-qubit
pi U1† Z(−ϕi )U1 ⊗1lHj U1† Z(ϕi )U1 ⊗1l ̸∝ A† A⊗B † B
states [31], it can be easily seen that certain transfor-
mations require a round complexity of two. More- i
over, the following transformation provides, up to our
for j ∈ {1, 2} and therefore also in this case, it is not
knowledge, the first example of a pure state LOCC
possible to reach the final state if each party measures
transformation among fully entangled states that re-
only once. Note here that the symmetry σx⊗6 does
quires a round complexity of three. For this trans-
not need to be taken into account as σx⊗6 commutes
formation, which requires one party to measure more
with H and hence is equivalent to the identity in our
than once, we consider the triangle network and the
SLOCC operators
However, it can be reached via the following proto-
X (j)
Hj = 1l + ai σi ⊗ σi (29) col. First party 3 measures
i=x,y 1 1
{ √ h̃3 , √ h̃3 (1l ⊗ σy )}, (34)
for j ∈ {1, 2} and 2 2

with h̃3 = 1l + c̃σz ⊗ σz and c̃ = 1/4tr(H3 σz ⊗ σz )
H3 = U1† ⊗ U1† (1l + cσz ⊗ σz )U1 ⊗ U1 (30) which corresponds to a valid POVM. In case of the
(j) (j) (j)
with ai ̸= 0, ax ̸= ±ay , c ̸= 0 and U1 = eiαx σx second outcome party 2 applies σy on the qubit which
with αx ̸= 0, mπ/4 and m being an integer. In partic- is entangled with the second qubit of party 3. With
ular, we will show that for all symmetries for which this Nthey reach deterministically the state (1l ⊗ 1l ⊗
Eq. (13) is fulfilled for two parties, Eq. (14) with h̃3 )( e∈E |Φ+ ⟩e ). Then party 1 and 2 measure
gk = 1l (i.e., party k has not performed a measure- 1 1
{ √ hj , √ hj (1l ⊗ σz )}, (35)
ment yet) does not hold true for the remaining party 2 2

Accepted in Quantum 2024-02-28, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 6
where for the second outcome, σz is acting on the and P 32273-N27, the Austrian Academy of Sciences,
qubit that is connected to the third party and in the ERC (Consolidator Grant 683107/TempoQ), and
case this outcome is obtained, party 3 applies σz the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German
on the qubit which originated from the same source. Research Foundation - 447948357 and 440958198).
By doing so, theyN obtain deterministically the state
(h1 ⊗ h2 ⊗ h̃3 )( e∈E |Φ+ ⟩e ). Finally, party 3 imple-
ments the measurement References
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A Proof of Lemma 4
In the following, we provide a proof for the fact that the local symmetry operators S2 and S3 in Eq. (7) in the
main text have to factorize.

Lemma 4. The relation XAB ZBC = YAC ⊗ 1lB with system B being two-dimensional, and X, Z invertible can
only hold true if XAB = X̄A ⊗ XB and ZBC = Z̄B ⊗ ZC for some choice of invertible operators X̄A , XB , Z̄B
and ZC , i.e., the operators factorize.

Proof. We will show that XAB ZBC = YAC ⊗ 1lB , with system B being two-dimensional, and X, Z invertible
implies that XAB = X̃A ⊗ XB and ZBC = Z̃B ⊗ ZC . As we have explained in the main text (see also Fig. 1
in the main text), this implies that in any network the local symmetries have to factorize with respect to the
different particles the parties receive from the sources.
So let us consider the equation
XAB ZBC = YAC ⊗ 1lB . (A1)
Note that this equation holds true if and only if

X̃AB Z̃BC = YAC ⊗ 1lB , (A2)

with Q̃ = MB−1 QMB for Q = X, Z. Note further that Q factorizes with respect to the splitting B versus rest
if and only if Q̃ does. We will decompose the operators X̃ and Z̃ in an operator basis {λi ⊗ σj }, where σj is
acting on system B and correspond to the Pauli operators, i.e.,
X̃AB = xij λi ⊗ σj (A3)

and X X
Z̃BC = zkl σk ⊗ λl = W l ⊗ λl . (A4)
k,l l

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Moreover, we will choose M such that W0 = k zk0 σk is in Jordan decomposition. Here we chose without loss
of generality to bring the matrix W0 acting on B for the component λ0 into Jordan form, however, in case this
component does vanish we relabel the basis for C such that some non-zero component is referred to as λ0 . The
matrix W0 can then either be diagonal or have a Jordan block of size 2. We will first discuss the diagonal case.
Then in order for Eq. (A2) to hold true we have that for all i and j ∈ 1, 2, 3

tr[(X̃AB Z̃BC )(λi ⊗ σj ⊗ λ0 )] = tr[(X̃AB {1lA ⊗ W0 })(λi ⊗ σj )] = 0.

This is equivalent to

xi1 z00 + ixi2 z30 = 0,

xi2 z00 − ixi1 z30 = 0,
xi3 z00 + xi0 z30 = 0. (A5)

These equations can also be written as

⃗vij · ω
⃗ = 0, (A6)

with ω⃗ = (z00 , z03 )T , ⃗vi1 = (xi1 , ixi2 )T ,⃗vi2 = (xi2 , −ixi1 )T and ⃗vi3 = (xi3 , ixi0 )T . From Eq. (A6) for j = 1 and
j = 2 we have that ⃗vi2 = ci⃗vi2 with ci being some proportionality factor, which can be straightforwardly be
shown to be ±i. With this we have that xi2 = ±ixi1 . In case xi1 ̸= 0 it therefore follows that z00 = ±z03 . This
implies that xi2 = ±ixi1 for all i, i.e. it is the same sign for all i, and also xi3 = ∓xi0 for all i. It should be
noted that these constraints lead to a matrix Wi which has a kernel. The corresponding eigenvector is (1, 0)T
for xi2 = ixi1 or (0, 1)T for xi2 = −ixi1 . As any Wi has the same kernel this solution is only possible if Z̃ is
not invertible (which contradicts our assumption). Hence, it has to hold that xi2 = xi1 = 0. From Eq. (A6) for
j = 3 it follows that all vectors ⃗vi3 have to be parallel (or the zero vector), which corresponds to the case that
X̃ factorizes. It can be straightforwardly seen that in this case also Z̃ has to factorize.
It remains to consider the case that W0 is a Jordan block of size 2, i.e. z30 = 0 and z20 = iz10 = i/2. Then
Eq. (A1) is fulfilled only if for all i

xi1 z00 + i(xi0 + xi3 )z10 = 0,

xi2 z00 + i(xi0 + xi3 )z10 = 0,
xi3 z00 + i(ixi1 − xi2 )z10 = 0. (A7)

Let us first consider the case that z00 = 0. Then for all i it has to hold that xi2 = ixi1 and xi0 = −xi3 . As before
this would imply in contradiction to our assumption that Z̃ is not invertible. Considering the case z00 ̸= 0 it
can be easily seen that xi2 = ixi1 and xi3 = 0. We can then write the first condition in Eq. (A7) as

0 = xi1 z00 + ixi0 z10 ≡ ⃗ri · ⃗s,

with ⃗ri = (xi1 , xi0 )T and ⃗s = (z00 , iz10 )T . Hence, for all i the vectors ⃗ri have to be parallel (or the zero vector).
This implies that X̃ and hence also Z̃ has to factorize, which completes the proof that in order for Eq. (A1) to
hold X and Z have to factorize.

B Symmetries for the local standard form

The local standard form is chosen such that Hjmb is diagonal with real positive entries. Which symmetries
are possible will depend on the degeneracy. Note that one can always permute the diagonal entries of Hjmb to
bring it in a form mentioned below, e.g., one
√ can √permute |Ψ+ ⟩ ⟨Ψ+ | and |Ψ− ⟩ ⟨Ψ− | (leaving at the same time
± ±
|Φ ⟩ ⟨Φ | invariant) by conjugation with iσz ⊗ −iσz . Via the procedure outlined in the main text one can
determine the symmetries of HjB . We obtain the following results:

(i) No degeneracy, i.e., Hjmb = diag(a, b, c, d): The local operators which leave HjB invariant are σi ⊗ σi (see
also [33]).

(ii) A double-degenerate and two different eigenvalues, i.e., Hjmb = diag(a, a, b, c): The operators [Z(ϕ) ⊗
Z(ϕ)](σx ⊗ σx )k with Z(ϕ) = diag(eiϕ , e−iϕ ) and k ∈ {0, 1} are the only local ones which leave HjB

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(iii) Two double-degenerate eigenvalues, i.e., Hjmb = diag(a, a, b, b): The symmetries of HjB are [Z(ϕ1 ) ⊗
Z(ϕ2 )](σx ⊗ σx )k with k ∈ {0, 1}.
(iv) Triple degenerate eigenvalues, i.e., Hjmb = diag(a, a, a, b): The local symmetries of HjB are given by
Z(ϕ1 )X(α)Z(ϕ2 ) ⊗ Z(ϕ1 )X(−α)Z(ϕ2 ) with X(α) = eiασx .

(v) Four degenerate eigenvalues, i.e., Hjmb = 1l: All local unitaries leave HjB invariant.

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