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Essay Proposal (5%)

Essay Topic: _________The Negative Effects of Video Games on Children's Behavior and
Academic Performance_______________________________

Research Question:
___________________________What are the negative effects of video games on children's
behaviour and academic performance?


Thesis Statement:
____________________Video games have a negative influence on children's development and
well-being, as evidenced by the links between excessive gameplay and poor social skills,
aggressive behaviour, and decreased performance in school

Main Discussion Points:

1. _Excessive video game playing has been associated with poorer grades and less time spent on
homework and school-related activities, which eventually affects academic performance,
according to
2. ___Video games, especially those with violent content, have been associated with children's
aggressive ideas, actions, and desensitization to violence, which has a detrimental impact on
their conduct and social
3. _Video game addiction can negatively affect children's general development and well-being
by causing social skills impairment, less family time, and decreased interest in other
4. ________________________________________________________________________
Counter argument to your thesis and how you will address it:
_________According to some studies, playing video games can assist children in becoming
improved at social interaction and relieving stress. Although these potential advantages are
acknowledged, it is crucial to take into account the overwhelming body of research
demonstrating the detrimental effects of excessive video game playing on children's behaviour
and academic

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