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The honourable chief of BAZNAZ Seram Bagian Timur,

The honourable the judges,
Respected the audience and everyone here today.
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

First of all, I would like to thanks the Almighty Allah SWT, it’s because of him we are able to attend this
contest in order to celebrate the 23rd birthday of BAZNAZ Seram Bagian Timur.

Secondly, may shalawat and salam always be delivered to our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be
upon him. Who had brought us from the darkness to this bright modern era that we are living today.

And last but not less, I would like to thanks BAZNAZ of Seram Bagian Timur for giving me this very
special opportunities to compete in this contest.

Ladies and gentlemen good afternoon. My name is Srikandhy Rumasilan and I am from Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Negeri 3 Seram Bagian Timur. I am standing before you all deliver my speech under the title
“Zakat as A Solution to Eradicate Poverty”.

Are you guys happy ? You want to know how to be happy ? make others happy and allah will
make you happy. Long story short, when an Indian billionaire was asked in an interview : sir, what do
you remember when you got the happiest in life ? the billioner said : I have gone through four stage of
happiness in life, and I finally understood the meaning of true happiness. The first stage was to
accumulate wealth and resources but at this stage I didn’t get the happiness I wanted. Then came the
second stage of collecting valuables and items, but I realized that the effect of this thing is also
temporary. Then came the third stage getting a big project. That was when I had 95 % the diesel supply
in india and Africa, but even here I didn’t get the happiness that I had imagined. The fourth stage was
when a friend of mine asked me to buy wheelchairs for 200 disabled children. At the behest of my friend
I immediately bought the wheelchairs, but the friend insisted that I go with him and hand over the
wheelchair to the children. I gave these children the wheelchairs with my own hands. I saw a strage glow
of happiness on the face of these children. I saw them all sitting in wheelchairs having fun, I felt real
happiness inside me. When I decided to leave, one of the kids grabbed my leg I leaned over and asked
the child “do you need anything else ?” the answer this kid gave me completely changed my outlook
towards life. This child said “I want to remember your face, so that when I meet you in heaven I can
recognize you and thank you once again”.

Ladies and gentlemen,

From this short story, we can all see that sharing is caring. Even if just a glass of water in our eyes, it can
mean so much for a thirsty person.
The poverty rate in our country based on data from the central statistical agency in March 2023, there
are 25,90 million poor people in Indonesia. As we all understand, poverty can cause the backwardness,
crime, and destruction.
Therefore, to answer this issue, it is mandatory for all of us as a muslim to always care to each other,
establish prayers, pay zakat, and obey our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. As Allah
says in Qur'an, Surah An-Nur verse number 56 which means: "Complete the five daily prayers, pay zakat
to your wealth, and obey the Prophet in each of his laws so that you are given mercy. We all realize the
benefit of zakat for ourselves, but do we know the benefit of zakat for other people who receive it?
Some of us who had experience of receiving zakat might understand this,It might also be surprise
happiness for some others. In short, zakat helps a lot of people in something that you might have never
imagined before. That is the reason why, we have to give away our zakat.

What does zakat truly mean? zakat means clean, holy, growing, and developing. According to Dr. Yusuf
al-Qordowi, zakat is a certain amount of property given by Allah to those who are entitled to receive it.
Then, how does zakat eradicate poverty? To answer the question, let us see on what Allah SWT said in
surah At-Taubah verse number 60 which mean "Verily, zakat is only for indigent people, poor people,
muallaf who are persuaded by their hearts, slaves, to free people who are in debt in the way of Allah
and to the people who are a musafir as an obligation of Allah, Allah is All-Knowing and Wise."
Zakat has been described as wealth which is taken from the rich and returned to the poor. By giving to
the poor the wealth of the community definitely increase and at the same time, giver's heart purified
from inordinate love of wealth. In islam economic system, Zakat is the backbone of the government.
Zakat can help to eradicate poor condition. It give economic security to the muslim community. Zakat is
collected and managed by the state, It is to be spent upon the poor and disable for their basic need.
Zakat also can be spent as the salary for the employs of the state who has collected and distributed
Ladies and gentlemen,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Allah wants wealthness not only belong to the hands of the rich, felt by the rich, and enjoyed by the rich,
but must be shared to the poor as well.
Therefore, we appeal to all muslim who are able to pay zakat. Be aware to pay zakat, because in our
property there are other’s people rights.

Dear brothers and sisters , never be sad about the zakat you pay, don't be sad about the amount of
money or property that become less as the outcome of zakat. Wealth is only an ornament of the world
by Allah to be used for the benefit of many people. When the day of judgment comes, every piece of
property that is entrusted to all of us will be asked, how much have we given as zakat in the way of

Ladies and Gentlemen who are blessed by Allah,

That my short speech about zakat as a solution to eradicate poverty. Hope it can be useful for all of us.
Forgive me if there is a mistake because perfection only belongs to Allah SWT.

Wabillahi taufiq wal hidayah, wassalamu'alaikum. wr.wb.

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