Humour and More FinalAssignment

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Institución oferente: Instituto Superior Goya

Autor del curso: Prof. Lic. Griselda Mazzuchini
Año: 2023

Teacher: Hernando Amann Maria Paz

DNI: 41412711

1- Answer the following questions.

a) Which are the benefits of using humour in our classes?
The benefits of using humuor in our classes are: motivated students, they feel
more cheerful, they feel less anxious and show greater interest and
engagement to the subject. Humour creates a great positive atmosphere in the
classroom, and more confidence between teachers and students. It can
increase students’ memory.
b) How can proverbs, puns and riddles help our students’ learning
Proverbs, puns and riddles can help students’ learning process by the use of
students’ imagination. Students can improve their creativity by not only looking,
reading and listening to proverbs, puns or riddles, but also creating one.
Furthermore, it is a funny way to improve our English fluency.
c) What is a meme? How do memes influence the way our students
A meme is a humorous image, video or piece of text that spreads very quickly
on the internet, often being changed by different users.
Memes help the teacher to introduce a topic in a funny way, for that reason they
can catch the students’ attention and make the lessons more interesting,
promoting students’ memory, comprehension, teamwork, creativity and
d) What are the benefits of using short stories in our classes? What
topics/grammatical items can we teach?

Prof. Lic. Griselda Mazzuchini

Using short stories in our classes can make the lesson more dynamic and
students do not get bored. We can use short stories for teaching reading
comprehension, practice grammar as the past simple, or vocabulary. We can
use short stories to teach punctuation too, it is very important to precise and
clarify what we are writing.
e) How can we use short videos in our classes?
We can use short videos in class with the following structure:before, while and
after watching in which students can do activities in order to express their own
ideas and predict the video about (before), do a task in a worksheet or orally
(while) and sum up the lesson or just check that the topic has been understood.

Prof. Lic. Griselda Mazzuchini

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