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Unit 5 Holidays

Reading and writing Vocabulary

• skimming for gist • words to describe holidays
• scanning a text to find specific and travel
information • collocations
• reading to infer information • words which signal relative clauses
• identifying a writer’s attitude • connecting and linking words
• matching beginnings and endings
of sentences 21st Century Skills
• writing a description of a holiday
• analyzing and rewriting argumentative Study Skills:
texts, using link words as appropriate • Completing tables

• Identifying relevant information in a text
Listening and speaking • Scanning for information
• listening to identify topics
• talking about previous events Communication Skills:
• describing a holiday
• asking and answering questions
• Matching relevant information
• Retelling information
• describing a process
• practising and extending dialogues with Life Skills:
a partner • Collaboration
• practising grammar in meaningful • Critical thinking
Media Literacy:

Structure and language • Predicting information based on

• compound nouns headings and visuals
• reviewing present perfect simple and
• with adverbs such as ever and never
• with for and since
• with How long …?
• reviewing simple/continuous and present
perfect tenses
• reviewing the past perfect tense
• reviewing relative clauses

Unit 5 Holidays

Key Words
achieve (v) – /əˈtʃiːv/ exceptionally (adv) – seafront (n) – /ˈsiːˌfrʌnt/
anything to declare – /ɪkˈsepʃ(ə)nəli/ self-catering apartment (n) –
/ˈenɪθɪŋ tu dɪˈkleə(r)/ excursion (n) – /ɪkˈskɜː(r)ʃən/ /self ˈkeɪtərɪŋ əˈpɑː(r)tmənt/
atmosphere (n) – /ˈætməsˌfɪə(r)/ extend (v) – /ɪkˈstend/ self-service (adj) – /self ˈsɜː(r)vɪs/
board (v) – /bɔː(r)d/ five-star hotel (n) – sightseeing (n) – /ˈsaɪtˌsiːɪŋ/
boarding card (n) – /faɪv stɑː(r) həʊˈtel/ ski resort (n) – /skiː rɪˈzɔː(r)t/
/ˈbɔːdɪŋ kɑː(r)d/ flavour (get a ~ of) (n) – speciality (n) – /ˌspeʃiˈæləti/
brochure (n) – /ˈbrəʊʃə(r)/ /ˈfleɪvə(r)/ spectacular (adj) –
car hire (n) – /kɑː(r) ˈhaɪə(r)/ heart attack (n) – /hɑː(r)t əˈtæk/ /spekˈtækjʊlə(r)/
cheat (v) – /tʃiːt/ luxurious (adj) – /lʌɡˈzjʊəriəs/ surroundings (n) – /səˈraʊndɪŋz/
compound (n) – /ˈkɒmpaʊnd/ mint (n) – /mɪnt/ thoroughly (adv) – /ˈθʌrəli/

considerably (adv)– nervous (adj) – /ˈnɜː(r)vəs/ throughout (adv) – /θruːˈaʊt/
/kənˈsɪd(ə)rəbli/ operate (v) – /ˈɒpəreɪt/ transfer (v) – /trænsˈfɜː(r)/
considering (adv) – /kənˈsɪdərɪŋ/ package deal (n) – /ˈpækɪʤ diːl/ travel agency (n) –
consist of (phrasal verb) – packed lunch (n) – /pækt lʌnʧ/ /ˈtræv(ə)l ˈeɪʤ(ə)nsi/
/kənˈsɪst ɒv/ personal (adj) – /ˈpɜː(r)s(ə)nəl/ two-storey (adj) – /tuː ˈstɔːri/
display (n) – /dɪsˈpleɪ/
entertainment (n) –
n physical (adj) – /ˈfɪzɪk(ə)l/
relationships (n) – /rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪps/
unbelievably (adv) –
/ˌentə(r)ˈteɪnmənt/ research (n) – /rɪˈsɜː(r)tʃ/ variety (n) – /vəˈraɪəti/
eventually (adv) – /ɪˈventʃuəli/ routine (n) – /ruːˈtiːn/

Unit 5 Holidays

Unit 5 Lesson 1: B Make compound nouns by matching

the words in the two columns.
Travelling Abroad 6 mins

• Choose one compound noun from the students’

Objectives: Expand the students’ suggestions in Exercise A and write it on the
vocabulary for discussing board. Highlight the fact that in English, some
holidays. words are made from two nouns or adjective +
Develop understanding of noun.
compound nouns. • Introduce the word-matching activity. Tell the
Language: Compound nouns students to match the words from both columns
Vocabulary: package deal, boarding to make compound nouns.
card, five-star hotel, • Focus on the stress patterns in compound nouns
travel agency, packed – the first word normally carries the main stress
lunch, ski resort, car hire, in noun–noun compounds (e.g., travel agency).
self-catering apartment, • Point out which words are written as two
sightseeing, seafront, separate words and which as a single word.

compound, anything to • The main stress is shown below in bold. Five-
declare?, perfume star hotel and self-catering apartment have two
21st Century Skills: Media Literacy – Inferring equal stresses.
Reference: Course Book pages 50
1 boarding card
and 51, Workbook pages
72 and 73, Grammar and
2 travel agency
3 five-star hotel
Functions page 93
4 package deal
5 packed lunch
Warm up 5 mins 6 ski resort
7 car hire
• Discuss where students went on their last 8 self-catering apartment
holiday. For those who stayed in Libya or at 9 sightseeing
home, show an interest in what they did. 10 seafront

• Elicit vocabulary items related to holidays, for

example, different types of holidays, where you
can stay, what you can do, things you need to C Match some of the compound
take when you travel, etc. Try to elicit some words above to pictures a to f in
of the vocabulary on pages 50 and 51 of the Exercise A. 6 mins
Course Book.
• Ask students to find which of the compound
nouns are in the pictures.
A Work in pairs. Describe the pictures
below, saying what they show and
a sightseeing
how each picture is connected with
b packed lunch
travelling. 10 mins
c ski resort
d car hire
• Elicit what the students can see in the pictures.
e seafront
Clarify what each image represents, using
f boarding card
the appropriate compound noun. Ask students
to explain how each picture is connected
with travelling.

Unit 5 Holidays

D Read the dialogue in the picture WB B Match the questions and

above. Find the compound noun. responses. Then write one more line
6 mins for each conversation.

• Tell the students to look at the picture (there • Introduce Exercise B. Do the first one as a class.
are two very large bottles of perfume in the Get the students to write it in their books.
bag) and read the conversation. • Tell the students to match the other two-line
• Elicit a reply from the customs officer. dialogues in the same way.
For example: Two small bottles would be • Elicit a possible third line for the first dialogue,
OK, madam. for example, I’m sorry, madam. I’ll send
• Ask the students if they noticed the compound someone to fix them immediately. Then get the
noun – travel agency. students to work in pairs and complete the rest.
• Elicit the compound nouns: exchange rate,
check-in, air conditioning.
E Now do Exercises A to C on
pages 72 and 73 of the Workbook.
1b; 2c; 3a
22 mins

• Refer students to pages 72 and 73 of the WB C Practise the conversations
Workbook. in pairs.

• Tell students to practise the dialogues in pairs.

WB A Complete the sentences with
the compound nouns on page 51 of the
When the conversations have been practised
once, ask students to switch roles.
Course Book.
• Then ask pairs to demonstrate the conversations
in front of the rest of the class.
• Tell the students to complete the sentences
using compound nouns.
• Quickly test the students by giving them the
first part of the compound noun and asking

them to supply the second part.
Tell the students to read the Functional
Unit 5 Lesson 2:

Grammar box and check their understanding

of compound nouns.
Objectives: Discuss holiday
1 self-catering apartment
2 package deal
Review and practise
3 boarding card
present perfect simple.
4 seafront
Create short dialogues.
5 travel agency
Language: Present perfect simple +
6 packed lunch
7 sightseeing
Vocabulary: cheated, unbelievably,
8 car hire
21 Century Skills: –

Reference: Course Book page 52,

Workbook pages 73 to
76, 14, Grammar and
Functions page 93

Unit 5 Holidays

Warm up 5 mins
What’s the strangest food you’ve ever eaten
abroad? Well, in Thailand I ate deep-fried
crickets and in Laos I drank snake juice!
• Ask the students if they have ever stayed in an
unusual hotel. If so, ask when and what it was like.
• Elicit examples of interesting, new or bad
C Now do Exercises A to D on pages
experiences you can have on holiday, e.g., eat
73 to 76 of the Workbook. 22 mins
unusual food. You might want to elicit some of
the experiences on page 52 of the Course Book,
• Tell students to turn to page 73 in
but do not focus on the quiz at this stage.
their Workbooks.

A Choose the correct ending for each

quiz question. 8 mins WB A 14 Listen to different people
talking about points related to
holidays. Match them to the topics
• Ask the students to look at the pictures and say
below. Write the correct number in
what they can see. Elicit questions to go with
each box.
the pictures.

• Tell the students to complete the quiz by
• Elicit the meaning of the seven topics in
matching the beginnings of the questions with
Exercise A. Tell the students they are going to
the endings.
hear people talking about different things related
Answers to the topics. Ask them to listen and match the
1d; 2g; 3c; 4f; 5b; 6h; 7e; 8a speakers and the topics from the list.
n • Play the first speaker and elicit the answer as a
class. Then play the other six speakers straight
B Work in pairs. Take turns asking through. Let the students try to match the
and answering the quiz questions.
speakers to the topics. Play a second time so they
10 mins
can check their answers.
• Ask extra questions: How long was the flight?
• Choose one student and ask him/her to ask you What was in the brochures? What excursions
one of the questions. Respond. does the speaker talk about? What did one
• Ask some of the students a couple of the waiter do? Why was the atmosphere good?

questions. Make sure you receive at least one Which sports were possible?
‘never’ response. Ask one follow-up question • Ask the students if they have ever been on
requiring the past simple for each: Did you a really long flight, been on an interesting
enjoy it? excursion, had terrible service or played golf.
• Ask the students to read the example exchange.
• Put them in pairs and tell them to take turns
asking and answering the questions in this way.
 Track 14
Listen to different people talking. Match.
They should add one piece of information each,
as in the example.
Girl: It took six hours from London to
Example exchanges Washington. The food was awful,
Have you ever camped on a beach? No, I but the films were OK. I watched
haven’t. But I’ve camped in a forest and next two and slept the rest of the time.
to a lake.
Have you ever flown in a helicopter? Yes, I 2
have. It was incredible. I flew over Fox Glacier Boy: Have a look at them. They’re full
in New Zealand. of colour photos of luxury hotels
on the beach and beautiful places
to visit in the area.

Unit 5 Holidays

3 example sentence with ridden, e.g., I have never

Girl: On the first day there’s a jeep trip ridden a horse. Elicit examples of what they
to the desert. On the second day have/haven’t ridden.
there’s a bus trip to a souq. On • Tell the students to write sentences using the
the third day there’s a trip to the remaining prompts. Ask them not only to write
camel races. about themselves but also about friends and
family members.
4 • Check answers.
Boy: The waiters were terrible. They
were really slow and one of them Possible answers
spilt soup on my shirt. 1 I’ve never ridden an elephant.
My sister has never held a scorpion.
5 2 I’ve never played a game on a computer.
Girl: There are candles and flowers My brother never lets me play a game on his
everywhere and the music is Nintendo.
amazing. The people there are 3 I never make my own food.
always really friendly and cheerful. My parents never eat food at restaurants.
It’s a place where you always 4 I’ve never been to an uninteresting place.

feel good. My cousin never visits that place.
5 I never do any sports that involve running.
My friend Sarah never swims in the sea.
Boy: There’s plenty to do there – golf,
tennis, windsurfing, walks.

What shall I book for next
WB C Write one word in each gap,
then write the conversation in the
week – a hotel or a self-catering correct order.
• Write Have you ever camped on a beach? On
Answers the board.
a7; b6; c5; d2; e3; f1; g4 • Write another sentence on the board next to the
question: I camped on the beach last year. Ask
why this is in the past simple. Answer: because

WB B Write true sentences with we are talking about an event at a specific time.
never about you, your family and your • Introduce Exercise C. Tell the students the
friends. Write about: dialogue is in the wrong order. Ask them first to
read it and write one word in each gap.
• Write a sentence from one of the students’ • Then ask them to work in pairs to put the lines
exchanges in Course Book, Exercise B on the in the correct order.
board. It should be present perfect with never. • Ask one pair to read out the correct conversation.
Elicit the question and ask where to put the Answers
word ever. A: Have you ever camped in the desert?
• Read through the Functional Grammar box on B: Yes, I have.
page 74 of the Workbook. Ask if we can use ever A: Lucky you. I’ve never done that, but I’d like
in the positive form. to. When did you go?
Answer: no – only in the question form. B: Two years ago, Karim organized a trip on
• Ask the students to look at Exercise B in their his birthday.
Workbooks. Tell the students that they are going A: Oh, I remember. I wanted to go on that, but
to write some true sentences about themselves, I couldn’t. What was it like?
their families and friends. Ask them to look B: It was great. We made a fire and we cooked
at the prompts for Question 1. Give them an a whole sheep. I really enjoyed it.

Unit 5 Holidays

WB D Complete the responses, Warm up 8 mins

using just/already/yet and an
appropriate verb. • Write on the board:
Yes, I have.
• Tell the students that there are other words that No, I haven’t.
will help them know when to use the present No, I haven’t … yet.
perfect. Introduce the Functional Grammar box • Ask the students if they have done their
on page 75 of the Workbook about the present homework. Elicit different answers. Point out
perfect and just, already and yet. that if they say No, I haven’t, it does not indicate
• Tell students to complete the responses using that they will. If they say No, I haven’t yet, it
just, already and yet. indicates that they intend to do it at some point.
Example answers • Tell the students your favourite places in Libya.
1 I’m sorry, I haven’t told her yet. After each place, ask students if they have been
2 Thanks for asking, but I’ve already seen it. there. Elicit answers using the above: Yes, I have.
3 Here you are. I’ve just finished it. No, I haven’t been there yet, etc.
4 I know, I’ve already seen it. • Ask the students if they like reading travel
5 He can come. I’ve already asked him. articles, what places they like reading about

and if they have read about any interesting
places recently.

Unit 5 Lesson 3: A Read the article and answer the

A Happy Tourist
n questions. 10 mins

• Refer the students to the pictures and ask them

to identify the places shown. What do they think
Objectives: Read an article for specific the article is going to be about?
information. • Tell the students to read the questions. Ask them
Extend knowledge of what Safar Tours is. Ask the students to scan the
collocations. article to find how many times Safar Tours
Review the present perfect is mentioned.
simple and continuous.

• Then ask them to read the article and find the

Language: Present perfect simple/ answers to the questions.
continuous + for/since
Vocabulary: extend, excursion, Answers
considerably, thoroughly, 1 Since 2009.
achieve, considering, 2 Fifteen times.
wouldn’t hesitate to 3 For over 30 years.
recommend, live up to my 4 For three years.
expectations 5 Since last July.
21st Century Skills: Communication Skills – 6 For eight days so far on this visit.
Rephrasing information 7 He has been going on tours around the
Reference: Course Book page 53, country since finishing his business.
Workbook pages 76 to 80,
Grammar and Functions
page 93
B Now do Exercises A to E on pages
76 to 80 of the Workbook. 27 mins

• Tell students to turn to page 76 in

their Workbooks.

Unit 5 Holidays

WB A Find the collocations for the • Ask: How long have they been married? And
following words in the text on page 53 point to 10 years. Elicit For ten years. Point
of the Course Book. to 2003 and ask: How long have they been
married? Elicit Since 2003. Ask: Are they still
• Remind students of the compound nouns they married? Will they be married tomorrow? Elicit
studied in Lesson 1. Elicit some of these from Yes in both cases.
the students. Explain that these are examples of • Ask the students to look at Exercise B. Tell them
words or phrases that we often find together. to complete the phrases using either for or since.
• Now establish that there are also verbs and other Answers
types of words that are often found together. 1 since
We call these collocations. Give the example of 2 since
the verb perform. We perform a play; a surgeon 3 since
performs an operation. We do not perform 4 for
a discussion or a lecture, for example. So we 5 for
can say that perform a play and perform an 6 since
operation are collocations. Collocations can be 7 for
verb + noun, noun + noun, adjective + noun, etc. 8 since

Students should learn collocations so that their 9 since
English will sound more natural. 10 since
• Go through the words in Exercise A and elicit 11 for
what words the students think come after each 12 for
one. If they make any errors, do not correct them
at this point. The aim of this activity is to get
them interested in the idea of collocations. WB C Work in pairs. Take turns
• Tell the students to scan the text on page 53 asking and answering the questions.
of the Course Book and find the words in Then make up five more questions
Exercise A and the words that follow them. and ask and answer them.
1 enjoy • Introduce Exercise C. Tell the students they are
2 say going to ask and answer questions about how
3 expectations long they have done or had something. Put them

4 few in pairs. Look at the example question and ask

them if the answer is true for them. Ask them to
ask you some of the questions.
WB B Complete the phrases with for • Tell them to take turns asking and answering
or since. the questions.
• Tell them to then invent five more questions to
• Ask the students to think about the answers to ask and answer.
the questions in the Course Book on page 53 and • Check by asking round the class for examples.
tell you what they all talk about – time. Elicit the Example dialogues
usual way we ask about time: How long …? How long have you known your best friend? For
• Tell the students to read through the 8 years. / Since 2010.
Functional Grammar box on page 77 of the How long have you studied English? For 2 years.
Workbook. While they read, draw the following How long have you been able to sing? For a very
on the board: long time.
NOW How long have you been interested in art? Since
10 years I was at school.

Unit 5 Holidays

WB D rewrite the second sentences

so they have a similar meaning to
Unit 5 Lesson 4:
the first sentence. Use the word in
Planning a Trip Abroad
• Ask the students to look at the examples and Objectives: Clarify the contrast
point out how the second sentence means the between past simple and
same as the first (It uses the present perfect.). present perfect.
• Tell the students to do the same with the Analyze the difference
sentences in the exercise. between been and gone.
• Check answers. Revise past participles of
irregular verbs.
Language: Present perfect/past simple
1 We’ve known them since July.
Vocabulary: brochure, research, flavour
2 He’s had that motorbike for a long time.
(get a flavour of), in the
3 She hasn’t been to the dentist
long run
since September.
21st Century Skills: Information Literacy –
4 We haven’t eaten there since July.

Transferring information;
5 He’s been angry since lunchtime.
Communication Skills –
6 He hasn’t been in touch for six months.
Listening for detail
Reference: Course Book page 54,
Workbook pages 80 to
WB E Read the Functional Grammar
82, 15, Grammar and
box. Then use the information to
complete the exercise below.
Functions page 93

• Introduce the Functional Grammar box on

Warm up 5 mins
page 79 of the Workbook. Explain that this is
an extension of the grammar in the Functional
• Books open, elicit what the students can see in
Grammar box on page 77.
the picture. Ask what they think the women are
• Tell the students to read the explanation and
doing. Remind the students of brochure and
look at the example. They should complete the
present the word research.

questions and answers for homework. They

• Go through the first two lines of the
should answer some questions with for and some
conversation with the class to establish what is
with since.
happening. Elicit different possibilities for words
Example questions that could go in the first two gaps (brochures
1 How long have you been learning Japanese? and been). Tell the students to look at the other
2 How long have you been a pilot? seven gaps and guess what might go in them.
3 How long have you been writing? • Ask the students to summarize what they think
4 How long have you known her? the conversation is about.
5 How long have you been cooking?

Note: The present perfect tense is one that A 15 Listen to the dialogue and fill
the students will take a long time to fully in the gaps with the correct words.
understand. The purpose of the explanations and 10 mins

activities is to help focus attention on one area

of the present perfect in an attempt to move on • Tell the students to listen to the conversation and
their understanding. Whether or not you explain complete the gaps in the text. Play it a second
the second Functional Grammar box in the time so they can check the answers.
class, the students will still not be able to fully • Ask questions to check their understanding of
understand and use the tense correctly. the conversation. For example:
Unit 5 Holidays

Where does Muna want to go on holiday? B Underline examples of the present

Has Katie been to Thailand before? perfect in the conversation. Circle
Who did she go with? Where did they go? examples of the past simple. 8 mins
Why does Katie say a package deal is a
good idea? • Ask the students to find and underline examples
Where did Katie stay in Bangkok? of the present perfect and circle examples of the
Has Katie tried Thai food? past simple in the conversation.
What did she think of it? • Elicit which tense was used more (past simple).
How about Muna? • Elicit the two key words used in the examples
of the present perfect, ever and yet. Remind the
 Track 15 students that the past simple is used for a point
Listen to the dialogue and fill in the gaps. in time and the present perfect for a period
Katie: Hi, Muna. What are you doing with all (ever = the period of your life, yet = the period
those holiday brochures? until now).
Muna: Oh, I’m just doing a bit of research on Answers
holiday deals in Thailand. Have you ever Present perfect:
been there? Have you ever been there?

Katie: Yes. We had a family holiday there a Have you found one yet?
couple of years ago. Haven’t you ever tried it?
Muna: So, which places did you go to?
Katie: Well, we spent a week in Bangkok to get a Past simple:
flavour of the city life and then two weeks on We had a family holiday there …
the beach in Phuket.
Muna: I’m sure that was beautiful!
So, which places did you go to?
Well, we spent a week in Bangkok …
Katie: It was amazing! I really enjoyed it. Well, we I’m sure that was beautiful!
all did. There was something for everyone.
I really enjoyed it.
Muna: We’re looking for a package deal. Well, we all did.
Katie: That’s a good way to do it. At least you There was something for everyone.
know where you’re going and what you’re Which hotel did you stay at in Bangkok?
doing. And it often works out cheaper in We stayed at the Golden Palace …
the long run. Have you found one yet? Then we moved on to the Marriott.

Muna: No, but there are two or three that look The service was excellent …
really good. Which hotel did you stay at in And what did you think of Thai food?
Bangkok? I had green curry once.
Katie: We stayed at the Golden Palace for the I really didn’t like it.
first two nights. Then we moved on to the It nearly burnt a hole in my mouth!
Marriott. The service was excellent in both
of them.
Muna: And what did you think of Thai food? C Now do Exercises A to D on pages
Katie: Oh, it’s delicious. Haven’t you ever tried it? 80, 81 and 82 of the Workbook.
Muna: I had green curry once. I really didn’t like it. 22 mins
Katie: Why not?
Muna: It nearly burnt a hole in my mouth! • Tell students to open their Workbooks at
page 80.
Answers • Draw two squares on the board and label them
1 brochures 6 package Kamal’s house and the bank.
2 been 7 cheaper • Say Kamal has gone to the bank. Point to the
3 couple 8 excellent bank and say He’s here. Then say Kamal has
4 beach 9 mouth been to the bank. Point to his house and say
5 everyone He’s here.

Unit 5 Holidays

• Elicit the difference between He’s gone and • Tell the students to complete the dialogue in
He’s been. Exercise C, putting the verbs in the past simple
• Tell the students to read the Functional or the present perfect simple. They should refer
Grammar box in the Workbook. to the Functional Grammar box on page 81 of
• Check understanding by saying He’s gone to the the Workbook to help them decide which tense
bank. Where is he? (at the bank). He’s been to to use.
the bank. Where is he? (in his house).
1 Have you bought
2 have
WB A Write the past participle of
3 bought
these irregular verbs.
4 Have you booked
5 haven’t
• Tell the students to write the past participle form
6 have just written
for each verb (not the past simple form). The
7 Have you bought
students should know these.
8 have
Answers 9 I bought
be – been

buy – bought
do – done WB D Practise the dialogue in pairs a
find – found few times until you can do it without
go – gone reading it from the book.
leave – left
meet – met
see – seen
n • When the students have completed Workbook
Exercise C, ask them to practise reading it in
spend – spent pairs. Ask pairs to demonstrate to the class.
WB B Complete the sentences with
the correct form of the present
perfect. Choose an appropriate verb Unit 5 Lesson 5:
in each case.
Travel Trouble

• Tell the students to do Exercise B. Point out that

they should use been or gone where appropriate.
Objectives: Review the past perfect.
• The students can use full forms or contractions.
Clarify the difference
Answers between the past simple
1 have seen and the past perfect.
2 have found Write a paragraph using
3 have bought the past perfect and
4 have been past simple.
5 have left Language: Past perfect
6 has gone Vocabulary: –
21 Century Skills: –

Reference: Course Book page 55,

WB C Complete the dialogue with Workbook pages 82 to 84,
the correct present perfect or past Grammar and Functions
simple form of the verbs in brackets. page 94

• Elicit the rules the students know about when

to use the present perfect and when to use the
past simple.
Unit 5 Holidays

Warm up 5 mins C Now do Exercises A to D on pages

82, 83 and 84 of the Workbook.
26 mins
• Tell the students to look at the pictures on
page 55 and discuss what is happening with
their partner. • Tell students to turn to page 82 in
• Elicit ideas from the whole class. their Workbooks.

A Write the number to match the WB A Read the Functional

sentence halves. 8 mins Grammar box.

• Introduce the matching activity using the example • Read through the Functional Grammar box in
1h (We couldn’t get a room because we hadn’t the Workbook with the students. Make sure they
booked.). Tell the students to match the rest of the can see the difference between: I had breakfast
sentence halves to make complete sentences. and then I went to school (past simple/past
• Check answers with the whole class. simple) and I went to school after I had had my
• Focus on the main stresses in the sentences. For breakfast (past simple/past perfect). The second

example: We couldn’t get a room because we sentence uses the past perfect because the first
hadn’t booked. action mentioned is in the past simple. When we
• Point out that each sentence half has a stressed look back in time from that past point, we use
word. Get the students to practise as a class. the past perfect.
Try to get them to feel they are explaining to
someone. Point out they should feel disappointed
in 1, 2 and 7, neutral in 3 and 5, assertive in 4 WB B Complete the text with the
and 6 and surprised in 8. correct past simple or past perfect
• Get the students to practise saying the sentences form of the verbs in brackets.
in pairs.
• Tell the students about a place you returned to
Answers later which had changed. Ask if they have ever
1h; 2b; 3g; 4d; 5a; 6e; 7c; 8f been back somewhere that had changed a lot.
What sort of changes had happened?
• Ask the students to read through the text

B Match five of the sentences from and put the verbs in either the past simple or
Exercise A to the pictures below. past perfect.
6 mins
• Tell students to look at the pictures. What can 1 had changed
they see? Ask them to match five of the sentences 2 wasn’t
to the pictures. 3 had grown
• Elicit any situations that are familiar to the 4 had built
students. Encourage additional comments. 5 looked
6 had made
Answers 7 had closed
a3; b6; c4; d8; e2 8 was
9 had become
10 had moved
11 hadn’t planted
12 was

Unit 5 Holidays

WB C Work in groups. Choose one Sample paragraph

of the situations below. Take it in I got home from the shops yesterday and found
turns to say one sentence each on the my family had organized a surprise party
chosen situation. for me. They had turned off all the lights
so I thought no one was at home. Someone
• Tell the students they are going to talk about had blown up some colourful balloons in the
some imaginary situations. living room, so I knew something special was
• Read through the situations with the students. happening. My mum had brought out a cake
Elicit one example for each situation. with candles on it and some of my favourite
• Ask the students to work in small groups. music played. When my dad turned on the
Ask them to choose a situation. In their groups, lights, I saw that my family had invited all of my
they should then take it in turns to say one friends. Everyone shouted ‘surprise!’ I was really
sentence each using the past perfect for this surprised and happy. They had also printed lots
imaginary situation. of photos of me and my friends in a book for me
• In open class, ask for examples from each as a present. It was a great birthday.
group. Ask if the students have ever been in a
similar situation or know anyone who has.

What happened?

Unit 5 Lesson 6:
WB D Write about one of the
situations in Exercise C, using the past Trip Review
perfect and past simple. Write 100 to
120 words. Start like this: Objectives: Read and understand a
text about a holiday.
• Tell the students to choose one of the situations Extend vocabulary related
and write about it. They can use examples from to holidays.
the group activity. They should write 100 to 120 Describe a holiday orally
words and follow on from one of the three first and in writing.
sentences given. Language: –
• Tell the students to focus on the past perfect, Vocabulary: transfer, two-storey,
although they can also use the past simple

atmosphere, board (v),

where appropriate. exceptionally,
self-service, speciality,
spectacular, variety, consist
WB E When you have finished your
of, mint, entertainment,
draft, swap with a partner and give
display (n), overlook, set
feedback on each other’s drafts. Use
in, regional, octopus
the rubric provided.
21st Century Skills: Study Skills – Scanning a
text for specific information
• Ask students, What changes can you make to
Reference: Course Book page 56,
make them clearer and stronger? Tell them to
Workbook pages 85 to 87
proofread for spelling, grammar and punctuation.
• Now tell students to exchange paragraphs
back with a partner. Ask, Do you have any Warm up 8 mins
questions about your partner’s corrections to the
paragraphs? What is good about your partner’s • Ask the students to talk about these questions
paragraphs? with a partner:
• Ask volunteers to read their paragraphs to What is a travel magazine?
the class. What can you read about in a travel magazine?

Unit 5 Holidays

Have you ever read a travel magazine or written WB B Read the text carefully and
a letter to one? answer these questions.
What do you think people write about in
magazines like this? • Ask the students to read the text carefully to
What would you like to read about? Why? answer the next set of questions.
• Ask the students to tell you what they discussed. • Ask the students to compare their answers.
Example answers
A Scan the text about a holiday in 1 flight/accommodation/transfers/ferry/
Tunisia. Find one piece of information breakfast and dinner/entertainment
about each of the following: 9 mins 2 Very close/A short walk.
3 The peaceful atmosphere.
• Tell the students to scan the text quickly to find 4 They went to the Roman theatre, they
the information. Set a time limit of one minute. went on a donkey cart ride, they toured the
• During the feedback try to find different things island in a taxi, they went for a camel ride,
the students have found. This is a chance for them they learnt to windsurf
to give their own responses to the questions. 5 They watched the free entertainment at
the hotel.

Possible answers
The journey – this included a flight, bus transfers
and ferry rides. WB C Find words in the text on page
The food – this was exceptionally good and you 56 of the Course Book that match the
could have almost anything you wanted. definitions below.
The hotel – it was not very luxurious but had its
own swimming pool and tennis courts. • Ask the students to scan the text to find words
The activities – there was a lot to do, including a for the definitions.
camel ride and surfboarding. • Ask them to compare answers. Check answers.
• Elicit the following: names of places the students
know that you can get to by ferry, any luxurious
B Now do Exercises A to F on pages 85, hotels they can name, the most spectacular view
86 and 87 of the Workbook. 28 mins they have seen, an interesting display they have
seen and the names of some Libyan specialities.

• Tell students to open their Workbooks at page 85.

1 ferry
WB A Scan the text on page 56 of the 2 luxurious
Course Book to find the answers to 3 spectacular
these questions. 4 speciality
5 hospitality
• Ask the students to scan the text in the Course 6 display
Book to answer the questions in Workbook
Exercise A.
• Check answers.
WB D Talk about these questions with
a partner.
1 Kerkennah Islands • Ask the students to look at the questions and
2 two weeks/a fortnight talk about them with a partner. They can make
3 £180 a few notes first.
4 Sfax • Ask for some opinions in open class.
5 swimming pool, tennis courts
6 octopus
7 On a tour of the island.
Unit 5 Holidays

WB E Work in pairs. Give your

partner a brief description of a holiday
Unit 5 Lesson 7:
you have been on. Ask your partner
questions to get more information
A Medical Tourist
about the holiday. Destination
• Tell the students they are going to tell a partner
the details of a holiday they have been on. Elicit Objectives: Review defining and non-
what Anna included in her account: place, cost, defining relative clauses.
journey, hotel, facilities, food, holiday activities. Analyze the punctuation
• Put the students in pairs to describe their used with relative clauses.
holidays. Language: Defining and non-defining
• Ask them to tell the class one interesting detail relative clauses
about their partner’s holiday. Vocabulary: medical tourism
21st Century Skills: –
Reference: Course Book page 57,
WB F Now write a brief description of Workbook pages 88 to 93,

the holiday. First, make notes about Grammar and Functions
the points below. Then write your page 94
description. Write 100 to 120 words.

• Tell the students to write a short description of Warm up 5 mins

the holiday in about 100–120 words.
Ask them to make notes about the points in the
• Ask the students what they can remember
about Kerkennah from the previous lesson.
questions to help them.
Ask specifically about which villages Anna and
Sample paragraph
her cousin saw. Elicit and write on the board:
My mum and I have recently returned from a Anna saw the villages where the fishermen catch
week in Santorini. We stayed in a luxury hotel octopus. Ask: Which villages? Elicit: The villages
with a beautiful swimming pool. Our room where the fishermen catch octopus.
was very big and had a view of the sea. In the • Highlight the relationship between the parts of
day, we went swimming or went on boat rides the sentence as follows: Anna saw the villages

to different Greek islands. In the evening, we where the fishermen catch octopus.
ate delicious dinner at the hotel restaurant, and • Remind the students that the part of the sentence
listened to the musicians playing traditional which gives more information about the village
Greek music. The best thing about the holiday is called a relative clause. Relative clauses are
was when we had a tour of the island and saw signalled by words such as that, which, where
some ruins. The worst thing about the holiday and who.
was when I spent too long in the sun and got
sunburnt. It was my favourite holiday ever!
A Read these sentences and underline
the part of the sentence that gives
WB G Assess your own work. Did you you more information. 6 mins
find answers to all of the questions?
• Ask the students to look at the pictures on the
• Ask students to review their work and feedback web page on page 57 of the Course Book and
to the class. guess what sort of information the web page will
contain. Elicit a few ideas.
• Elicit the meaning of the rubric; if necessary you
can refer back to the Warm up. Students should
underline the relative clause in each sentence.

Unit 5 Holidays

You can help them by eliciting the word that The city has around 11,500 doctors who have
gives them a clue in each sentence (the word trained internationally. (D)
which signals the presence of a relative clause, Treatment that is organized by services such as
such as who, that or which). If necessary, you Cedarmed and Medical Tourism Lebanon can
can also help them by telling them that the include travel, treatment and recovery. (D)
relative clause is sometimes in the middle of the The most popular procedures people travel to
sentence, rather than at the end. Beirut for are plastic surgeries, which are 70% of
all its medical tourism. (ND)
Beirut is chosen by patients who want to
See answers to Exercise B.
combine a holiday with treatment, to rest and
recover. (D)
B What type of information do the
phrases you underlined give –
essential information (defining) or C Now do Exercises A to I on pages
non-essential information (non- 88 to 93 of the Workbook. 28 mins
defining)? 6 mins
• Tell students to open their Workbooks at

page 88.
• Ask students if they can see a piece of
punctuation that comes before some of the
relative clauses. (The answer is a comma, which
WB A Read the Functional Grammar
appears in the first and fourth sentences.)
box and think of four more examples.
• Explain that the comma signals a different kind
of relative clause called non-defining. Explain
that this is when the clause gives non-essential
• Tell the students to read through the Functional
Grammar box to clarify their understanding of
information, rather than information essential to
the rules.
the first part.
• Check understanding by asking checking
• Discuss the first two sentences together. In the
questions, for example: Which give essential
first sentence (which has a comma), the relative
information? Which give non-essential
clause introduces information which is non-
information? Which use a comma? etc.
essential – the first part of the sentence would
• Tell the students to think of four more sentences
make the same point if the relative clause was
and write them down. Two should have defining

missing. So this is a non-defining relative clause.

relative clauses and two non-defining.
But in the second sentence (which doesn’t have a
• Elicit sentences from the students and discuss.
comma), the relative clause introduces essential
information: the first part of the sentence would Example sentences
have a completely different meaning without the The car that I drive is black.
relative clause. Try to elicit the two meanings The man who manages our company is very kind.
of the sentence, with and without the defining My mother, who loves gardening, spends as
relative clause. much time as possible outside.
• Ask students to write ND next to the first America, where I’m originally from, is getting
sentence and D next to the second. Then get more and more expensive to visit.
them to work through the other three sentences,
marking them in the same way.
• In pairs, let the students discuss their answers. WB B Combine these sentences with
who, that or where.
Beirut is famous for its hospitals, which provide
• Introduce Exercise B. Ask the students to
high-quality and affordable healthcare. (ND)
complete the sentences with defining pronouns
to form defining relative clauses.

Unit 5 Holidays

• Check answers. Answers

1 Salwa, who has a biology degree,
wants to work with animals.
1 The lady who I spoke to on the phone told
2 The Tigris Hotel has a fabulous pool
me to call back later.
that/which opened two months ago.
2 They’ve knocked down the restaurant
3 Bashir, who passed his driving test last
where we had a meal last year.
week, is going to buy a car very soon.
3 The garage that I always go to for
4 The Star Restaurant has a lovely
repairs/where I always go for repairs
garden where you can have a meal
was closed today.
on summer evenings.
4 The car that he bought last month has
broken down.
5 The textbook that had the information I
WB E It is easier to think of ideas
wanted was missing.
when you are in a group. Practise with
the following essay title. One person
WB C Complete the sentences should be the secretary and write
with who, which, where or whose and down the ideas.

add commas.
• Ask the students what they do first when they
read an essay title. Are they good at coming up
• Introduce the activity. Make sure the students
with ideas?
know they should add commas in the
• Read through the advice in the box. Add that
appropriate place.
it is also a good idea to divide the ideas into
• Check answers.
n different sections.
Answers • Put the students in small groups and ask them to
1 Riverside Cinema, where the tickets only brainstorm ideas for the essay: What would you
cost £6 for students, usually has good recommend a visitor to do for a week in Libya?
foreign films. • Tell them to look at the three points under
2 Beirut, which is full of good cafés and the essay title. These might correspond to the
restaurants, is a really interesting city. sections or paragraphs of the essay.
3 My cousin Mike, who loves skiing, is going • Ask the students to brainstorm more ideas for
to buy a holiday home in the Swiss Alps. the three sections.

4 My sister, whose favourite food is pizza, • Ask for ideas from the groups. Ask if you
is having her birthday party at an Italian could use all these points in a 100- to 120-
restaurant. word essay (probably not). Point out that after
5 Fatima, whose article was in the science brainstorming/writing down ideas, they should
magazine yesterday, is a very talented girl. prioritize and choose the best ideas for an essay.

WB D Use the correct relative WB F Now read the notes for this essay
pronoun to make one sentence. title: ‘The future of tourism in Libya’.
The sentence in brackets ( ) becomes Work in pairs and add three or four
the relative clause. Add commas suggestions on what you think tourism
where necessary. in Libya will be like in the future.

• Introduce the activity by going over the • Tell the students that sometimes essay titles are
examples. more abstract. They need to think what the title
• Let the students check answers in pairs before is asking.
checking as a class. • Workbooks closed. Write the title The future of
tourism in Libya on the board. Elicit what sort

Unit 5 Holidays

of things the students would write about. They • Ask different pairs for their examples. Do the
should think about what tourism is like at the others agree they are relevant?
moment and what changes might happen. What
sections would they have?
• Tell the students to look at the sections given WB H When you write essays you
in their Workbooks. Are they the same as their should use connectors to link your
ideas or different? ideas. Which of these connectors
• Put the students in pairs and ask them to add are used a) for adding information?
ideas about the future of tourism in Libya. b) for contrasting?
• Ask different pairs for examples. Do the
others agree? • Write two sentences on the board: We should
organize more tours. We should build more
Sample suggestions
hotels. Ask what is wrong with writing like this.
More desert activities
Elicit that the sentences should be linked. For
Camel rides
example: In addition to organizing more tours,
Day trips to Gaberoun
we should build more hotels.
Tour buses
• Refer the students to Exercise H and ask them
UNESCO world heritage sites; Roman ruins

to categorize the connectors according to
Beach resorts
whether they are for a) adding information or
Homestay holidays to help you learn about
b) contrasting.
Libyan life
Water sports Answers
Adding information: in addition (to this), also,
WB G Work in pairs. Look at the
as well as, too
Contrasting: but, however, although
brainstorming ideas for this essay
title: ‘What can make a good
holiday?’ Add specific examples for WB I Choose one of the essays in
Accommodation, Money, Meeting new Exercises E, F or G. Write 100 to
people and Learning about a different 120 words.
culture. Then write two more general
answers with specific examples. • Tell the students they are going to choose one

of the essay titles in this lesson and write 100 to

• Tell the students that it is a good idea to give 120 words on it.
examples of the different points you make in an • Remind them to choose the best ideas and not to
essay. They make your argument much stronger. try to write about everything discussed.
However, the examples need to be relevant and • Also remind them to plan their essay and group
part of the answer. their points logically, including examples.
• Write What can make a good holiday? on • Encourage them to use connectors to link ideas.
the board and elicit different sections or • When they have finished, they should read and
general answers. check for mistakes. If appropriate, they can look
• Ask the students to look at the general answers at the essay with a partner to check for mistakes.
in Exercise G and see if their ideas are there. Sample essay
Then they should look at the specific examples What can make a good holiday?
given. Can they give other examples for the There are lots of things to think about when you
first two? are planning your holiday. What kind of holiday
• Put the students in pairs and ask them to add do you want? If you want a relaxing beach
specific examples for the remaining sections. holiday, make sure you go with someone who
They should then decide on two more general also wants to relax. However, if you want lots of
answers to add to the list and give specific variety, you should go to the city where you can
examples for these, too.

Unit 5 Holidays

see lots of shops, museums and people. If you A Work in groups. Discuss the title
want some luxury, go to a hotel, or if you want and picture. What do you think the
to meet other travellers as well as save money, text will be about? 8 mins
you can stay in a hostel. Also, if you want to
learn about a new culture, you should go to the • Tell the students to follow the instructions.
tourist office and ask if there are tours by local They should discuss the title of the text and
people. Think about these things and you will picture and predict what the text will contain.
have a great holiday. Encourage them to come up with as many ideas
as possible.
• Elicit information from each group.

Unit 5 Lesson 8: B Skim the text and match the

headings to the correct paragraphs.
Happy Holidays 8 mins

• Tell the students to read through the paragraph

Objectives: Read a text for general and

headings and then read the text quickly to
detailed understanding.
match headings and paragraphs.
Identify the writer’s
• Ask them to compare answers with others in
their groups. Why did they choose these answers?
Give your own opinion.
• Did the text contain what they had predicted?
Language: –
Vocabulary: ensure, sufficient,
physical, stroke, heart
1B; 2E; 3D; 4A; 5C
attack, on the move,
indefinitely, eventually,
workaholic, cannot bear, C Now do Exercises A to D on pages
personal, relationships, 94 and 95 of the Workbook. 21 mins
trekking, routine, vital
21 Century Skills: Study Skills – Skimming
• Tell students to turn to pages 94 and 95 in
a text for general their Workbooks.

Reference: Course Book pages 58
and 59, Workbook WB A Read the text on page 58
pages 94 and 95 of the Course Book and circle the
correct answer.

Warm up 8 mins • Tell the students to read the text again to do

the next task. They should read each sentence
• Ask students what they do to relax when they and choose the correct answer.
are stressed because of work. Ask, Do you stay • Remind the students that the answers are not
at home, or do you try to get away? What might directly stated in the text. They have to infer.
be some of the benefits of going away for a • They should compare their answers in pairs.
short period of time?
1b; 2a; 3b; 4c; 5b

Unit 5 Holidays

WB B Answer this question. Round up

• Tell the students to write down the answer to • Go through the Round up page with students
the question and then discuss in pairs. quickly. Ask students to remind themselves
of the language they have learnt in this unit
by discussing each item with a partner. Ask
This answer is for discussion, but points that
students to take turns giving additional
could be raised by students are as follows:
examples for each item.
• Life is fast and most people spend a lot of
time working.
• The stress of life and work in particular can
cause health problems.
• Everyone, including people who work, need
a change of scene and pace of life; both
brain and body need a break.

WB C Find words or phrases in the

text on page 58 of the Course Book
that mean the same as the words and
phrases below.

• Ask the students to try to find synonyms for

the words and phrases in the text.
Ask them to compare answers with the group.
• Tell the students to check any other unfamiliar
words in a dictionary.
1 ensure
2 indefinitely
3 deadline
4 around the corner

5 snatched
6 well-being
7 vital

WB D Discuss these questions with

a partner.

• Ask the students to work in pairs to discuss the

questions in Exercise D. Go round and listen to
students’ discussions. Ask pairs with exemplary
ideas to share them with the rest of the class.

Unit 6 Money Matters

Reading and writing 21st Century Skills

• reading for gist
• reading to understand detailed Communication Skills:
information • Formal emails
• reading to predict information • Inferring information from context
• editing written work for mistakes • Matching relevant information
• summarizing information
• sending an email of complaint Information Literacy:
• Identifying information in a
Listening and speaking bank statement
• listening to infer specific information • Making predictions

• listening to complete information
• role-playing a real-life situation Study Skills:
• summarizing and retelling information • Inferring Information from a text
• talking about events in the past • Summarizing information

unit topics
• contributing to discussions about
Life Skills:
• Critical thinking
Structure and language
• reviewing active and passive sentences
• reviewing zero conditional (facts or
things that are generally true), first
conditional (talking about possibilities in

the present or future), second conditional

(talking about unreal situations) and
third conditional (unreal situations in
the past)

• words used in banking and finance
• guessing meaning from context
• formal and informal expressions

Unit 6 Money Matters

Key Words
account (n) – /əˈkaʊnt/ currency (n) – /ˈkʌrənsi/ misspelt (n) – /ˈmɪsˈspelt/
advise (v) – /ədˈvaɪz/ current (account) (n) – /ˈkʌrənt/ open (an account) (v) – /ˈəʊpən/
approve (v) – /əˈpruːv/ deposit (n, v) – /dɪˈpɒzɪt/ overdraft facilities (n) –
ATM (n) – /ˌeɪ tiː ˈem/ disappoint (v) – /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt/ /ˈəʊvə(r)drɑːft fəˈsɪlətiz/
attract (customers) (v) – /əˈtrækt/ exchange rate (n) – owner (n) – /ˈəʊnə(r)/
balance (n) – /ˈbæləns/ /ɪksˈʧeɪnʤ reɪt/ password (n) – /ˈpɑːsˌwɜː(r)d/
bank card (n) – /bæŋk kɑː(r)d/ expert (n) – /ˈekspɜː(r)t/ pay (fees) (v) – /peɪ/
bank online (v) – /bæŋk ˈɒnˌlaɪn/ expired (v) – /ɪksˈpaɪə(r)d/ pay back (v) – /peɪ bæk/
bank statement (n) – fee (n) – /fiː/ PIN (n) – /pɪn/
/bæŋk ˈsteɪtmənt/ handbag (n) – /ˈhæn(d)ˌbæɡ/ rate (interest ~) (n) – /reɪt/
bill (pay a ~) (n) – /bɪl/ instalments (n) – satisfying (adj) – /ˈsætɪsˌfaɪɪŋ/

branch (bank ~) (n) – /brɑːntʃ/ /ɪnˈstɔːlmənts/ savings (account) (n) – /ˈseɪvɪŋz/
cancel (v) – /ˈkæns(ə)l/ insurance (n) – /ɪnˈʃʊərəns/ tip (v) – /tɪp/
cash (n) – /kæʃ/ interest (n) – /ˈɪntrəst/ transaction (n) – /trænˈzækʃ(ə)n/
charge (~ a fee) (v) – /tʃɑː(r)dʒ/ investment (n) – traveller’s cheques (n) –
cheque (n) – /tʃek/ /ɪnˈves(t)mənt/ /ˈtræv(ə)ləz ʧeks/
cheque book (n) – /ˈtʃekˌbʊk/
convince (v) – /kənˈvɪns/
keep in touch (v) – /kiːp ɪn tʌʧ/
knowledgeable (adj) –
valid (adj) – /ˈvælɪd/
value (n) – /ˈvæljuː/
credit card (n) – /ˈkredɪt kɑː(r)d/ /ˈnɒlɪdʒəb(ə)l/ withdrawal (n) – /wɪðˈdrɔːəl/
credit limit (n) – /ˈkredɪt ˈlɪmɪt/ loan (n) – /ləʊn/

Unit 6 Money Matters

Unit 6 Lesson 1: • Tell the students to listen and write numbers

beside the parts they have underlined to

Bank Statements show the order of the information. Play the

audio again.
• Ask which students receive bank statements.
Objectives: Listen for specific Ask if they always check them carefully.
information. Why/Why not?
Extend knowledge
of vocabulary related  Track 16
to banking. Listen to two brothers talking.
Understand the benefits of Underline the items on the bank statement
recording new vocabulary. that they talk about.
Language: Revision: non-defining Aziz: Hi, Rami. What are you doing?
relative clauses Rami: I’m trying to understand something
Vocabulary: ATM, bank card, bank I got from my bank. I’m not sure
statement, account, what it is.
balance, cheque, Aziz: Let me see. Oh, that’s your bank

transaction, withdrawal, statement. This is a paper that
deposit (n and v), cash, you’ll get every month from your
PIN, credit card bank. It’s really important because
21 Century Skills: Study Skills – Listening for
it shows you how much money
key words went in and came out of your
Reference: Course Book page 62,
Workbook pages 96 and
account every month. You
should look at it carefully and
97, 16 and 17 check it to make sure there aren’t
any mistakes.
Rami: Can you help me figure out what
Warm up 5 mins
it all means?
Aziz: Sure. Look, to the left of the
• Ask the students where most people keep their
title ‘bank statement’ is the
money: in a bank account. Elicit the names of
name of your bank. Then there’s
any big banks they know.

information to identify the bank

• Ask how banks give us information about our
account. Your name is on the left.
bank accounts: They send us a statement. Elicit
Your account number, which is an
what information a bank statement gives us.
eight-digit number, appears
on the top right. That’s
straightforward, right?
A 16 Listen to two brothers talking. Rami: Sure, that’s easy.
Underline the items on the bank
Aziz: A transaction is an activity in
statement that they talk about.
your account. So the second
10 mins
column is where the bank says
what happened in your account
• Tell the students they are going to listen to
during the month, if you wrote
Rami and his brother Aziz talking about a bank
a cheque or deposited money,
statement. Tell them to listen to the conversation
for example. The date when that
and underline the different things on the bank
transaction happened is on the left.
statement that the brothers talk about.
Rami: And what does ‘balance’ mean?
• Play the audio. Ask the students to listen and
complete the activity.

Unit 6 Money Matters

Aziz: The balance is the total that is B Now do Exercises A to E on pages

left in your account after each 96 and 97 of the Workbook. 30 mins
transaction. The first entry, which
says ‘opening balance’, shows the • Tell students to turn to pages 96 and 97 in
amount that was in your account their Workbooks.
at the beginning of the month.
Rami: And under that it says cheque
number 001. That must be a WB A Match the words and the
cheque I wrote. definitions. Look back at the bank
Aziz: Yes, and further down there are statement on page 62 of the Course
more cheques. See? Numbers 002, Book to help you.
003 and 004. You wrote a lot of
cheques last month! • Tell the students to match the words to the
Rami: Yes. I remember no. 001 was to definitions. They can look at the bank statement
my dentist. The others are on the on page 62 of the Course Book to help them.
same day. Those must be from the • Let them look at the new words for a short time
day I went to the mall. I bought and then give them a quick oral test by giving

some CDs, some clothes and the definitions and asking for the words.
some computer games by cheque
that day.
1b; 2c; 3e; 4f; 5d; 6a
Aziz: Oh, can I see your games?
Rami: Sure, but can you help me with the
rest first?
Yes, well, cash withdrawal means
WB B Look at the example from
the conversation.
you took money out of your
account, probably at an ATM.
• Read the example with the class and ask
Rami: Yes, I did.
the students if the sentence will still be
Aziz: And deposits are transactions when
understandable if you take out the clause – yes,
you put money into your account.
it is. Elicit what we call this type of clause (non-
Rami: Yes, that was my first pay cheque
defining relative clause) and remind students that
from my new job.
these clauses add extra information.

Answers • Tell the students to complete the sentences with

1 CCB (= name of bank) the non-defining relative clauses from the box.
2 Rami Adam (= name) • Ask the students if they can think of other short
3 Account number relative clauses that could go in the same places,
4 Transaction e.g., 1, which tells you what is in your account.
5 Date
6 Balance
1 Your bank statement, which you’ll get every
7 Opening balance
month, is very important.
8 Cheque n. 001
2 Aziz, who is Rami’s brother, is very helpful.
9 Cheque n. 002
3 The mall, where I sometimes buy clothes, has
10 Cheque n. 003
fabulous shops.
11 Cheque n. 004
4 The computer games, which I played
12 Cash withdrawal
yesterday for the first time, are really great.
13 Deposits
5 Don’t forget to check your bank balance,
which is in the column on the right.
6 The cheque, which I deposited on the 10th,
was for 450 pounds.

Unit 6 Money Matters

WB C 17 Complete the definitions. I forgot my PIN, but luckily I had written
it down in my diary!
• Tell the students to work in pairs and complete I wrote a cheque for my sister as a
the short definition for each item. birthday present.
• Play the audio and tell the students to listen I paid for my graduation clothes with my
and repeat for pronunciation practice. credit card on the internet.

 Track 17 WB E Complete the paragraph with

Complete the definitions. words and phrases from the lesson.
Bank card: A piece of plastic you can use to
pay for things or get money in • Tell the students to complete the paragraph
the street. with words or phrases from the lesson.
ATM: Somewhere you can get money
using a bank card. Example answer
PIN: A secret number you can use with I opened a bank account last month. Now I’ve
a bank card to stop others using it. got a bank card, which I can use to get money
Cheque: A piece of paper you can use to out of the ATM/account. Yesterday, I made a

pay for things. withdrawal of 35 Libyan dinars to go to the
Credit card: A piece of plastic you can use to cinema and buy some juice. I need to remember
buy things and pay for them later. to write down how much I spend – it’s easy to
spend too much money! I should get a bank
Possible answers statement very soon, which will show me
Bank card: a piece of plastic you can use to pay how much money I’ve still got in my account.
I haven’t got a credit card yet, so I pay for
for things or get money in the street
ATM: somewhere you can get money using a everything by cash or by cheque.
bank card
PIN: a secret number you can use with a bank
card to stop others using it
Cheque: a piece of paper you can use to pay
for things
Credit card: a piece of plastic you can use to buy

things and pay for them later

WB D Write five sentences using

new words.

• Ask the students for examples of how to record

new vocabulary.
• Point out that it is important to write sentences
using the new words to show the meaning and
how they are used. Ask if they can remember
the last five words they recorded.
• Tell the students to write sentences with five
new words from this lesson.
Possible answers
I paid for the meal with my bank card.
I got some money yesterday from an ATM
on my street.

Unit 6 Money Matters

Unit 6 Lesson 2: WB A Read the information on

page 63 of the Course Book. Answer
Opening an Account the questions.

• Tell students to answer the questions based on

Objectives: Practise scanning a text to what they have just read. Check answers.
find specific information.
Practise and extend
1 A savings account
knowledge of vocabulary
2 A children’s account
related to bank accounts.
3 A current account
Listen for specific
4 A current account
5 A university student account
Language: Revision: the passive
Vocabulary: current (account), cheque
book, savings (account), B 18 Listen to the conversation
open (an account), fee, between the customer and a banker
interest, charge (a fee), and tick (✓) the things they talk

pay (interest), overdraft about. 10 mins
facilities, rate (interest~),
maintain (a minimum • Tell the students they are going to hear a
balance) conversation between a girl and a woman banker.
21st Century Skills: Study Skills – Listening • Read through the ten topics on page 63 of the
for key words; Course Book and check understanding. Then tell
Communication Skills– the students to listen and tick which of the ten
Information exchange items the girl and the banker discuss.
Reference: Course Book page 63, • Check answers.
Workbook pages 98 to
101, 18, Grammar and  Track 18
Functions page 95 Listen to the conversation between the
customer and a banker and tick the things
they talk about.
Warm up 5 mins

Customer: Good morning. I’d like some

information about opening
• Elicit what different types of accounts you can
an account.
get at a bank and list the students’ suggestions
Banker: Of course. What kind of account
on the board.
would you like to get?
Customer: Well, I’m not really sure. What
kinds of accounts do you have?
A Read the information about the
Banker: Well, first of all, are you over 17?
bank accounts. Use the glossary in
Customer: Yes, I’m 18. Why?
the middle of the page to help you.
Banker: Well, we have special accounts
Then do Exercise A on page 98 of
for people under 17. But if you’re
the Workbook. 10 mins
18, you have different accounts to
choose from. If you get a savings
• Introduce the task. Tell the students to read the
account, you get an ATM card.
questions in the Workbook and then scan the
The interest is paid by the bank
texts on page 63 of the Course Book to find the
every six months.
answers. Ask them to look at the glossary and
Customer: That sounds like a good account.
suggest they use this to help.
Can I get a cheque book? I think
I’ll need a cheque book to pay bills.

Unit 6 Money Matters

Banker: No. Cheque books aren’t provided WB B Match the verbs and nouns
with a savings account. But you to make collocations.
get a free cheque book if you open
a current account. • Remind the students about collocations (see
Customer: And can I get an ATM card, too? Unit 5, Lesson 3).
I want to be able to get cash easily. • Introduce Exercise B. Tell the students to
Banker: Yes. The cards can be used at any match the verbs with the nouns to make new
ATM machine in the country. You collocations.
can also make withdrawals all • Check answers.
over the world if you need money • Then ask the students to test each other in pairs.
while you’re travelling.
Customer: What do I need to do to open
1c; 2a; 3d; 4e; 5b
an account?
Banker: You need to have an identity
card and to deposit 400 Libyan
WB C 18 Listen to Track 18 again
dinars. If you have less than 200
and complete these sentences from
Libyan dinars in your account,
the conversation.

we charge a fee of 50 Libyan
dinars per month.
• Write two sentences on the board: We pay rent
Customer: That’s a lot of money. I haven’t got
every month. Our rent is paid every month. Elicit
a job. I’m a student, I’m starting
which is passive and which is active.
university next autumn.
• Play 18. Tell the students to listen and
Banker: Oh, then you should get a
University student account.
complete the sentences in Exercise C with words
from the conversation.
You don’t have to maintain a
• Check answers and ask the students to tell you if
minimum balance.
these are active or passive sentences.
Customer: Do you have a branch near
• Ask the students to give you the active forms of
the university?
these sentences.
Banker: Yes, we do. It is being renovated,
• Highlight the difference in form and focus on
but it will open again next month.
how passive sentences are formed.
Customer: That’s great. I think I’ll open a
• Read through the Functional Grammar box on
student account then.

page 99 of the Workbook to clarify use of the

passive. Check understanding by asking questions
like: What is the subject? (who or what did the
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10
action), Who deposited the money in the example?
(the uncle), What is a process? (something you do
step by step), How do you say ‘The statement will
C What kind of account does the
show the cash withdrawal’ in the passive?
customer decide to get? 3 mins
• Elicit the answer to the question from the whole 1 provided
class – the customer opens a student account. 2 used
3 being

D Now do Exercises B to F on pages

98 to 101 of the Workbook. 17 mins

• Tell students to turn to page 98 in

their Workbooks.

Unit 6 Money Matters

WB D Unscramble the words to make 6 My bedroom is being painted, so I’m

passive sentences. sleeping in the living room.
7 My ATM card was stolen yesterday, so I
• Tell the students to read the active sentences have to get a new one.
and then unscramble the corresponding passive 8 Bank statements are sent at the end of
sentences in brackets. each month.

1 My wallet was stolen last week.
2 The bank was robbed yesterday.
3 The bill will be paid tomorrow.
4 These coins are used in Egypt.
Unit 6 Lesson 3:
Meet a Banker
WB E Work in pairs and role-play
the situation. Objectives: Develop the reading skills
of prediction, reading for
• Tell the students to work in pairs. Student A gist and reading for detail.

should ask questions to get information about Develop an understanding
bank accounts. Student B should answer the of paragraph structure.
questions with the information in the table. Discuss the issues raised
Read through the beginning of the conversation in the text.
with them. Language: Revision: the passive

When they have finished, Student A should read
the information back to Student B, who should
Vocabulary: convince, attract
(customers), branch
correct any mistakes. (bank ~), advise,
• Monitor and give help where necessary. responsibility, approve,
• Ask a strong pair to act out their role-play for disappoint, knowledgeable,
the class. satisfying, expert, loan
21st Century Skills: Study Skills –
Understanding text
WB F Complete the sentences using structure

the verb in brackets. Reference: Course Book page 64,

Workbook pages 101
• Tell the students to complete the sentences in to 104
the Workbook with the passive form of the
verb in brackets.
• Refer them to the Grammar and Functions Warm up 8 mins

section on page 95 of the Course Book.

• Discuss the following questions with
the students:
1 The cheque was signed last week.
What do you think the job of a banker is like?
2 A fee will be charged if you don’t have
What do you think a banker has to do?
enough money in your account.
What sort of qualifications or skills does a
3 This letter was written by my father.
banker need?
4 The magazine is published every month.
5 I used my father’s car while my car was
being repaired.

Unit 6 Money Matters

A Skim the text. What is the main WB B Choose which of the

topic? Tick (3) the best description. following sentences give supporting
8 mins information for the main idea, The
variety of a banker’s job. Tick (3) the
• Tell the students to read the text on page 64 of ones you choose.
the Course Book quickly and choose the best
description from the three at the top of the page. • Elicit the fact that texts are divided into
• Then ask them to compare their predictions paragraphs and that these have a structure.
about the job of a banker with the information Tell the students you are going to look at how
in the text. paragraphs are structured.
• Explain that most paragraphs have a main
idea and several details that support this main
3 What a banker’s job is like.
idea. Write on the board examples/reasons/
explanations and say that these are what the
B Now do Exercises A to E on pages supporting details can include.
101 to 104 of the Workbook. 29 mins • Elicit the instructions for Exercise B. Then
ask the students to tell you the main idea of

• Refer students to pages 101 to 104 of paragraph 1.
the Workbook. • Tell the students to study the statements in
Exercise B and choose which ones give the
supporting details. Ask the students to discuss
WB A Decide if these statements their answers with a partner and be prepared to
about the text on page 64 of the
Course Book are true (T) or false (F). •
explain them.
Check answers as a class.
Underline the parts of the text that Answers
helped you find the answer.
1, 2 and 4 (because they give more information
about what a banker does)
• Check the meanings of possible unfamiliar
words: convince – persuade, suitable – right for
them, extend – make bigger, a range of – a lot of, WB C Look at the other three
requires – needs, assess – judge. paragraphs in the text on page 64

• Ask the students to read the text again carefully of the Course Book. Choose the
and answer the true/false questions in the main idea and supporting details for
Workbook. Ask them to underline the parts of each paragraph.
the text that give them the answers.
Answers • Tell the students to continue in pairs with
1 F: No two days are ever the same. Exercise C. Ask them to find the main idea
2 F: … we can attract students by offering and the supporting details for each of the
special student accounts … remaining paragraphs of the text on page 64 of
3 T: It is often up to me to decide whether the the Course Book.
business is a good idea or not … Answers
4 T: Unfortunately, I cannot always approve Para 2: Main idea a), supporting details a) and c)
a loan. Para 3: Main idea b), supporting details a) and c)
5 F: … you have to be quite knowledgeable Para 4: Main idea b), supporting details a) and b)
about many different subjects.
6 F: Another important skill is being able to • Ask the students whether they think being a
work with other experts … banker is a good job and why/why not. Would
they like a job like this? Why/Why not?

Unit 6 Money Matters

• Get them to discuss this in pairs or groups and to decide whether or not to give out loans
then listen to their ideas in open class. to people or businesses. Loans are used for
expensive purchases, like buying a house or
starting a business. Sometimes they cannot
WB D Complete the sentences with approve loans, but can give advice. Bankers
the passive or active form of the verb can choose to work with big companies or
in brackets. small businesses. You need skills in maths
and research to be a banker. You also have
• Ask the students to find an example of a verb in to be a good communicator, because people
the passive form in paragraph 3 of the text: … trust someone who communicates well. Also,
you have to understand how the products are bankers must be able to explain complicated
made and used. things to people easily, to help them make
• Introduce Exercise D. Tell the students to decisions about money.
complete the sentences with the passive or active
form of the verb in brackets.
1 The money in a bank account is used
Unit 6 Lesson 4:

in many ways.
2 The machine is being repaired at
the moment. Money Matters
3 The loan is paid back with interest at
the end of the year. Objectives: Extend knowledge of
4 The decision will be made tomorrow by
the bank manager.
vocabulary related to
personal banking.
5 Fatima got a loan last week to buy her flat. Develop gist listening
6 The business was started two years ago by by matching conversations
two brothers. to situations.
7 Bankers usually like helping their customers. Develop the skill of
8 Was the information sent to you by mail guessing the meaning
last week? of words from context.
Review conditional

WB E Summarize the text. Write Language: Zero, first, second and
100 to 120 words. third conditionals
Vocabulary: cancel, credit limit,
• Ask the students how much they can expired, valid, handbag
remember about the text and what the job of 21st Century Skills: Communication –
a banker is like. In pairs they can note down Interpreting conversations
the points. Elicit sentences about the text from Reference: Course Book page 65,
different students. Workbook pages 104
• The students can check their points against the to 107, 19
points in Exercise C in the Workbook. They
should now write a summary of the text. They
can use the points to help them. Warm up 5 mins

Sample summary
A banker has lots of responsibilities. Their • Elicit the sort of problems you can have with bank
job is to make sure people use the bank by cards and credit cards. Write these on the board.
creating discounts and offers. They also have

Unit 6 Money Matters

A What kinds of problems are these Cashier: Well, if you go to the bank in the
people having? 19 Listen to the next street, you could get cash from the ATM.
conversations and match them to Customer: Thank you very much.
the pictures. 10 mins
Conversation 3
Waiter: I’m sorry, sir. Your credit card
• Tell the students to look at page 65 of the
isn’t working.
Course Book and guess what problems the
Customer: Could you try it again, please?
people in the pictures are having.
It worked yesterday.
• Tell the students that they are going to listen to
Waiter: I’m sorry, it still isn’t working.
four conversations about different problems.
Sometimes if you put in the wrong
They should match the conversations and
number several times, it gets
the pictures.
blocked. Or you may have reached
• Play the audio and ask the students to match
your credit limit. Would you like to
the conversations and the pictures.
pay by cheque instead?
Customer: Yes, that’s a good idea.
 Track 19
Listen to the conversations and match them Conversation 4

to the pictures. Customer: Good morning. Can you help me?
Conversation 1 My bank card didn’t come out of
Banker: Good morning, National Bank. the ATM.
Can I help you? Banker: Of course. Can you give me your
Customer: Yes, I don’t know what to do. I’ve account number? I’ll check your
lost my handbag. My wallet, with
all my money and bank cards, was Customer:
Yes, it’s 92671098. Does this mean
in it. there’s no money in my account?
Banker: Are you sure you’ve lost it? Banker: No. If there was no money in your
Couldn’t you have just left it account, the machine would still
at home? give you your card back. I see the
Customer: No. I definitely had it when I was problem. Your card has expired.
at the café. I was talking to my Customer: It has?
friend when we left and I think I Banker: Yes. Today is 5 April and your card

left it on the table. was valid until 4 April. We sent

Banker: Did you go back to look for it? you a new card two weeks ago.
Customer: Yes, it wasn’t there. If I hadn’t been Customer: I never received it.
in such a hurry, I wouldn’t have Banker: We’ll cancel that one and send
left it there! you a new one, then. You should
Banker: Don’t worry. If we cancel your receive it in three or four days.
cards now, no one else will be able Answers
to use them. New ones will be sent 1c; 2b; 3d; 4a
to you very soon.

Conversation 2
B Now do Exercises A to D on pages
Customer: Do you take credit cards?
104 to 107 of the Workbook. 30 mins
Cashier: I’m sorry, we don’t.
Customer: Can I pay by cheque?
• Refer students to pages 104 to 107 of
Cashier: No, we only take cash.
the Workbook.
Customer: I didn’t know that.
Cashier: Look, it’s on the sign.
Customer: Oh, no. If I’d known that, I would
have brought cash.

Unit 6 Money Matters

WB A 19 Listen to and read • Use concept questions to check meaning: If you
the conversations. Decide if these put in the wrong number several times, it gets
statements are true (T) or false (F). blocked. (Does this always happen? – yes) If we
cancel your cards now, no one else will be able
• Play the audio again and ask students to read the to use them. (Will no one else be able to use the
conversations in the Workbook. card? Only if it is cancelled.) If you go to the
• Ask them to work in pairs to decide whether the bank in the next street, you could get cash from
statements about the conversations are true or the ATM. (Is this going to happen? – maybe) If
false. They should also be prepared to say why I’d known that, I would have brought cash. (Did
they made their decisions. she bring cash? – no)
• Ask the students to check the Functional
Answers Grammar box and classify the examples on the
1T; 2T; 3F; 4T; 5T; 6T; 7F board as zero, first, second or third conditional.
• Tell the students to find the other two examples
• Put the students in pairs and tell them to find in the conversations and classify them. (If I
these words in the conversations: cancel, credit hadn’t been in such a hurry, I wouldn’t have
limit, expired, valid. (The words are in bold in left it there. and If there was no money in your

the conversations.) They should try to guess the account, the machine would still give you your
meanings of the words from the context of the card back.)
conversations. Encourage students to read the • Elicit more examples using the following
sentences before and after a sentence containing situations:
an unfamiliar word. My friend sometimes borrows money from me,
• Elicit what the students think the meaning is. but he always pays me back quickly. (If my
Encourage them to express the meaning in their friend borrows money from me, he pays me
own words. back quickly.)
• During feedback, try to use words the students I might be late, and then my teacher will be
already know. However, you might want to angry. (If I’m late, my teacher will be angry.)
clarify the meaning of valid in Arabic, as can be I didn’t hear the alarm clock this morning and I
used only gives the meaning in this situation. was late for work. (If I’d heard the alarm clock,
The word acceptable may be more appropriate. I wouldn’t have been late for work.)
Possible answers I’m not very rich. I can’t buy the Ferrari. (If I
were very rich, I’d buy the Ferrari.)

cancel: stop something working

credit limit: the amount of money you
can borrow
expired: come to an end WB C Choose the sentence with
valid: can be used the same meaning and match each
sentence to the statement that best
describes it.
WB B Find conditional sentences
in the conversations. Read the • Tell the students to read the conditional
Functional Grammar box and identify sentences and choose which sentence, a or b,
what type they are. is closest in meaning to it.
• Elicit examples of conditionals from the 1a (third conditional) A
conversations. Choose and write on the board 2a (second conditional) B
one example of each type, zero to 3b (first conditional) D
third conditional. 4a (zero conditional) C

Unit 6 Money Matters

WB D Tell your partner about a time A Read the email and do Exercise
when you lost or forgot something. A on page 108 of the Workbook.
Then use the context to help you
• Tell the students about a time when you forgot match the words in bold with these
or lost something important. The students pictures. 12 mins
listen. Ask them: What did I lose/forget? When
and where did I forget/lose it? Why did this • Tell students to read the email and check how
happen? Did I get it back? What were many of their suggestions are mentioned.
the consequences? • Ask some quick questions about the email.
• Tell the students that now it’s their turn. When does Hazem’s plane leave? What is he
They are going to tell their partner about a taking in his suitcase? Why can’t he take the
time when they lost or forgot something. Underground? What is the exchange rate?
• They should use the ideas in the Workbook to
help them and take two minutes to prepare
what they’re going to say. They can make notes WB A Reread the email on page 66
if they wish. of the Course Book and answer
• Then the students tell each other their stories the questions.

and ask each other questions about them.
• Ask some students to retell their stories to • Tell the students to read the email again and
the class. answer the questions in Exercise A on page 108
of the Workbook. They can write short answers.
n 1 Packed. Bought some new clothes and some
guidebooks. Got some traveller’s cheques.
Unit 6 Lesson 5: 2 By taxi, Underground and bus.

The Big Day 3 By email from an internet café.

• Ask the students to use the context to guess
Objectives: Read an email for detailed the meanings of these words from the email:
understanding. traveller’s cheques, currency, pounds,
Understand and use basic exchange rate

conditional sentences in • Elicit the difference between regular cheques and

both controlled and freer traveller’s cheques. Ask if they know what the
situations. exchange rate is at the moment.
Language: Zero, first, second and • Ask the students if they think Hazem’s idea
third conditionals about taking traveller’s cheques is a good one.
Vocabulary: traveller’s cheques, Why/Why not? Elicit how they, or members of
exchange rate, currency, their family, usually take money when travelling.
tip (v) Answers
21st Century Skills: – traveller’s cheque: a special cheque that can be
Reference: Course Book pages 66 and used in any bank (top left picture)
67, Workbook pages 108 currency: money or a system of money (bottom
and 109 right picture)
pounds: the currency used in the UK (top right
Warm up 5 mins
exchange rate: the amount of money you get
when changing from one currency to another
• Ask the students what they think people do to
(bottom left picture)
prepare for a holiday. Write their suggestions on
the board.

Unit 6 Money Matters

B Work in pairs. Match the currencies WB C Continue the event chain,

and their names. 8 mins using the first conditional for as long
as you can.
• Elicit as many currencies as you can from the
students and write them on the board. • Ask the students to work in pairs to continue the
• Tell the students to work in pairs to match the event chain in Exercise C for as long as they can.
currencies and their names. Each conditional depends on the one before. Go
through the examples with the students and elicit
the ending of the second sentence with them.
1f euro
Make sure they are familiar with the form of the
2a US dollar
first conditional.
3b Japanese yen
• Check answers and listen to several possibilities
4h Syrian pound
from different pairs.
5d Chinese yuan
6e Indian rupee Possible answers
7i Saudi riyal 1 If I go to town, I’ll spend a lot of money.
8g Libyan dinar 2 If I spend a lot of money, I won’t be able to
9c Australian dollar buy new shoes.

10j UAE dirham 3 If I don’t buy new shoes, I won’t be able to
go running.
4 If I don’t go running, I won’t be as healthy.
C Now do Exercises B to F on pages 5 If I’m not healthy, I will feel very tired.
108 and 109 of the Workbook. 6 If I feel very tired, I won’t be able to work
20 mins
n as efficiently.

• Refer students to pages 108 and 109 of

the Workbook. WB D Continue the regret chain,
using the third conditional as long as
you can.
WB B Match the clauses to make
meaningful sentences. • Ask students to do the same as Exercise C
with the regret chain in Exercise D. Make sure

• Quickly review the four types of conditional they are familiar with the form of the third
from the previous lesson. Elicit answers as conditional. Explain that each condition leads to
complete phrases: If you travel by bus, what do another action and regret. Get feedback in the
you need? (You need cash.) same way.
If Hazem wants to go sightseeing, what will he
Possible answers
use? (He will use his guidebooks.)
1 If my alarm clock had gone off this morning,
If he arrived at the airport at 3.30, what would
I wouldn’t have overslept.
happen? (He would miss the plane.)
2 If I hadn’t overslept, I wouldn’t have missed
• Introduce the Workbook Exercise B matching
the bus.
task. Tell the students to complete the matching
3 If I hadn’t missed the bus, I wouldn’t have
task and then compare their answers.
been late for my interview.
Answers 4 If I hadn’t been late for my interview, I
1b; 2d; 3a; 4e; 5c would have got the job.
5 If I had been given the job, I would have
been able to get a pay rise.
6 If I had been given a pay rise, I would have
been able to pay my rent this month.

Unit 6 Money Matters

WB E Complete the sentences

with the correct form of the verb
Unit 6 Lesson 6:
in brackets. A Car Loan
• Ask the students to use the correct forms of the
verbs in brackets to complete the sentences in Objectives: Listen and read for specific
Exercise E. Explain that the sentences use all information.
four types of conditionals. Extend knowledge of
• Ask the students to compare answers. vocabulary related to
• Check answers and concept check each sentence banking and finance.
to make sure they understand the meanings. Practise using conditionals.
Language: Zero, first, second and
third conditionals
1 If my plane doesn’t leave on time, I’ll miss
Vocabulary: down payment,
my connection this afternoon.
instalments, pay back,
2 If you hadn’t renewed your passport last
investment, value,
month, you wouldn’t have been allowed
insurance, owner
to travel.

21st Century Skills: Study Skills – Listening for
3 If I don’t bring some books, I usually get
key words
very bored on the plane.
Reference: Course Book page 68,
4 If I have any currency left over after the trip,
Workbook pages 110 and
I’ll keep it for my next visit.
111, 20, Grammar and
5 If they didn’t have duty-free shops at the
Functions page 92
airport, people wouldn’t be very happy.

Warm up 5 mins
WB F Complete the sentences with
your own ideas. • Elicit which students drive and have cars, what
cars they have or would like to have. Discuss the
• Tell the students to complete the sentences in
advantages and disadvantages of buying a used
their Workbooks with their own ideas. Do one
car over a new car.
sentence with them as an example: If you hadn’t

come with me, I would have got lost.

Possible answers A 20 Read and listen to
1 If you hadn’t come with me, I would have the conversation. 8 mins

got lost.
2 If they hadn’t run out of petrol, they • Tell the students to scan the conversation on
wouldn’t have missed their flight. page 68 of the Course Book and find and
3 If I hadn’t seen you at school, I would have underline all the questions.
thought you’d graduated. • Elicit the questions. Clarify the new vocabulary:
4 If I went to London, I would visit the Houses down payment and monthly instalments. With
of Parliament first. the question: What are they? make sure the
5 If I had a bank account, I could pay with a students understand that it means: What are the
card instead of cash. monthly instalments?
6 If I didn’t know the word, I would have • Tell the students to listen and read. They
looked it up. should pay particular attention to the answers to
the questions.

Unit 6 Money Matters

B Now do Exercises A to D on pages Nour: Yeah. But it’s worth it. This sort of
110 and 111 of the Workbook. 32 mins car is a real investment. It won’t
lose money. In fact, it may even go
• Tell the students to turn to page 110 of up in value.
the Workbook. Ahlam: Well, I suppose it’s more enjoyable
than investing your money in a
business bank and waiting for it
WB A Read the conversation on to make a profit! Maybe I should
page 68 of the Course Book and make an investment like this.
answer the questions. Nour: Here we are. The beach. Do
you think I can fit into that
• Tell the students to answer the questions. parking space?
• When you have checked answers, ask: Why is Ahlam: Sure. Uh, no, maybe not. Oh, no. I
Nour glad the loan includes free car insurance? think one of your lights is broken.
• Ask what other things people get loans for. What Nour: Luckily, the loan also includes free
do we call a special loan for buying a house? car insurance!
A mortgage. What other sorts of insurance

can we get? Answers
1 With a car loan.
 Track 20 2 No, he didn’t.
Read and listen to the conversation. 3 800 Libyan dinars.
Ahlam: Wow! Is that your car? 4 Five years.
Yes! Nice, isn’t it? I bought it
yesterday. Do you want to go for a
5 Because it’s not a new car.
Final question: Because he’s just broken
drive? We could go to the beach. a light.
Ahlam: Sure, that’s a great idea. I’d love a
car like this one. How did you pay
WB B Read the conversation again on
for it?
page 68 of the Course Book. Look at
Nour: I got a car loan.
the words in bold. Write the meaning.
Ahlam: That’s a good idea. Maybe I should
do that. If I got a car loan, would I
• Tell the students to read the conversation,

have to make a big down payment?

focusing on the words in bold.
Nour: No. I didn’t pay any money in
• Let them discuss in pairs before writing a
advance at all. I just have to pay a
definition in Exercise B.
certain amount every month.
• Check answers. Ask the students: What other
Ahlam: That’s even better! But the monthly
things can you buy by making a down payment
instalments must be pretty high.
and monthly instalments? What do you think
What are they?
would be a good investment today? What else
Nour: About 800 Libyan dinars. It wasn’t
can go up in value?
that expensive, because it isn’t a
new car. Possible answers
Ahlam: It looks new! 1 Part of the total cost that is paid first.
Nour: The owner took really good care of 2 Part of the total cost that is paid
it. It’s actually three years old. every month.
Ahlam: How long do you have to pay 3 Something you buy that makes money.
it back? 4 The amount you can sell something for
Nour: Five years. increases.
Ahlam: That’s a long time. Won’t it cost 5 Money you pay to a company so you can
you a lot in interest? get money if your car is lost or damaged.

Unit 6 Money Matters

WB C Read the first sentence in each

item. Then complete the gaps to
Unit 6 Lesson 7:
make conditional sentences with the
same meaning.
• Tell the students to complete the sentences using Objectives: Read emails for gist and
conditionals so that they have the same meaning. specific information.
Do the first one with them, then let them work Extend knowledge of
on their own. common expressions used
• Refer them to the Grammar and Functions in letters/emails.
section on conditional sentences on page 92 of Identify formal and
the Course Book if they need help. informal language in
• Feed back as a class. letters/emails.
Language: Expressions used in letters/
1 If the car was new, Nour would have to pay
Vocabulary: password, please find
big instalments.
enclosed, misspelt,
2 If Nour pays monthly instalments, he will

inconvenient, bill (pay a ~),
finish paying in five years.
bank online
3 If the owner hadn’t taken good care of the
21st Century Skills: –
car, Nour wouldn’t have bought it.
Reference: Course Book page 69,
4 If Nour had parked his car carefully, he
Workbook pages 112
wouldn’t have broken a light.
to 114
5 If Nour didn’t have car insurance, he would
have to pay for the broken light.
Warm up 5 mins
WB D Complete the letter with words
from the box. • Ask the students how often they write
letters and/or emails. Then discuss the
following questions:
• Tell the students to read the letter and think
Who do you write to?
about the words that could complete the gaps.
What sort of letters and emails do

• Check general understanding by asking questions

you receive?
such as:
Why do you think people sometimes
Who was Tom writing to?
write letters rather than send emails?
Why did he buy a car?
How do letters and emails differ from texts?
Was it new?
How long is the loan for?
Is he a careful driver? Note: Make sure students know how to add
• Then tell the students to complete the letter using titles when writing emails. Check that they
the words in the box. know Mr stands for Mister and Mrs stands
for Missus (for married women). remind
Answers them that we use the title and the surname,
1 salary e.g. Mr Wilson, Mrs Smith. We can use titles
2 loan with full names (Mr Carl Wilson), but it is
3 banker less common.
4 owner
5 down payment
6 instalments
7 insurance

Unit 6 Money Matters

A Read the emails. Which is an email the expressions and write F or I to identify
of thanks? Which is an answer to a the expressions as formal or informal. Some
request for information? 8 mins expressions can be used in both formal and
informal pieces of writing and students should
• Tell the students to read the questions in mark these F/I.
Exercise A, then skim-read the emails to find • Go through the information in the box on page
the answers. 113 of the Workbook with the students.

Answers Answers
Email of thanks: 2 Addressing the letter/email:
Answer to a request for information: 1 Dear Mr Smith, F
Dear Rashid, I
Dear Sir, F
B Now do Exercises A to D on pages Starting the letter/email:
112, 113 and 114 of the Workbook. This letter/email is to inform you ... F
32 mins Thank you for your letter/email of … F
Thanks for your letter/email. I
• Refer students to pages 112 to 114 of I am writing to … F

the Workbook.
Making a request:
Would you …? F/I
WB A Read the emails on page 69 Could you …? F/I
of the Course Book and answer Can you …? I
the questions.
n Saying you are sorry:
• Tell the students to read the emails on page 69 of I’m sorry I … I
the Course Book again and answer the questions I apologize for … (~ing) F
in Exercise A.
Answers To say you are sending something with the
1 10 April, 2019. letter/email:
2 Three days after opening an account. Please find enclosed/attached … F
3 He would have taken some pictures, too. Here’s … I

4 Buy him a waterproof phone case like his. I enclose/attach … F

Closing the letter/email:

WB B Which expressions can we use Yours sincerely, F
in formal letters or emails? Which can Yours faithfully, F
we use in informal letters or emails? Best wishes, I
Write F, I or F/I in the boxes. See you soon. I

• Ask the students to cover the emails and see if

they can remember the following: WB C Look at the email Samira sent
What greetings did the writers use? complaining to her bank and put it in
How did the emails start? the correct order. Then answer the
How did they finish? questions after the email.
• Ask the students how well they think the writers
know the people they are writing to. Are there • Introduce the task. Tell the students they are
any differences in the styles of the two emails? going to read an email about a problem, but the
• Tell the students to look at the expressions sentences are in the wrong order. Tell them to
in Exercise B. Then tell them to go through reorder the sentences.

Unit 6 Money Matters

• Elicit what Samira’s problem was and what she

asked her banker to do.
Unit 6 Lesson 8:
• Tell the students to write the answer in the space
provided in the Workbook.
Making Money
Objectives: Develop reading skills:
a6; b4; c3; d2; e1; f5
prediction, gist and
Possible answer inference.
Samira’s name was misspelt in her cheque book. Extend knowledge of
She asks Mr Saleh to send her a new cheque collocations and compound
book and some information about nouns.
online banking. Discuss topics related to
Language: –
WB D Complete Mr Saleh’s reply to Vocabulary: put aside, pension plans,
Samira. Use words or phrases from regular savers, fixed sum,
Exercise B. financially minded, a risky

business, major players,
• Tell the students to complete Mr Saleh’s letter of break even, realize a profit
reply. They should refer to the list of expressions 21st Century Skills: Communication Skills –
in Exercise B. Information exchange
Answers Reference: Course Book pages 70 and
71, Workbook pages 115
1 Dear
2 Thank you for your email and 116
3 apologize
4 enclose
5 Yours sincerely, Warm up 5 mins

• Books closed. Ask students to suggest different

ways of making money apart from working a
normal job. For example, buying a property
and renting it out, etc. Write their suggestions

on the board.

A Work in pairs. Read the title of the

text then talk about what points
you think might be mentioned in
the text. 6 mins

• Ask the students to look at the title of the text on

page 70 of the Course Book and discuss in pairs
what they think the text is going to be about. Go
round and listen to their suggestions.

Unit 6 Money Matters

B Now read the first sentence of each WB C Find the words in the text that
paragraph and check your ideas. complete the following phrases.
3 mins

• Ask the students to try to complete the phrases

• Tell students to read the first sentence of each with words from the text. They should then
paragraph to check their ideas. Ask students to compare answers in pairs.
tell you how their ideas compared to the text. • Tell the students to check any other unfamiliar
words in a dictionary.

C Now do Exercises A to D on pages Answers

115 and 116 of the Workbook. 31 mins 1 put some aside
2 pension plans
• Tell students to turn to pages 115 and 116 of 3 regular savers
the Workbook. 4 a fixed sum
5 financially minded
6 a risky business
WB A Match the paragraph headings 7 major players
with the paragraphs of the text on 8 break even

page 70 of the Course Book. 9 realize the profit

• Tell the students to read through the paragraph

headings in the AB and then read the text WB D Discuss these questions in
quickly to match headings and paragraphs. small groups.

Ask them to compare answers in pairs. Ask why
they chose these answers. • Ask the students to discuss the questions in
• Elicit whether the text contains what they small groups
• When they have finished, discuss the questions
had predicted.
as a class. Elicit from different groups which
were the most interesting questions.
1 Para 2
2 Para 4
3 Para 1 Round up
4 Para 3

• Go through the Round up page with students

quickly. Ask students to remind themselves of
WB B Read the text on page 70 of
the language they have learnt in this unit by
the Course Book and circle the
discussing each item with a partner. Ask students
correct answer.
to take turns giving additional examples for
each item.
• Tell the students to read the text again to answer
the multiple-choice questions. Remind them that
the answers are not directly stated in the text.
They have to infer.
• They should compare their answers with the
rest of the class and discuss why they chose one
answer over the others.
1b; 2c; 3c; 4b

Unit 7 Further Education

Reading and writing 21st Century Skills

• matching words with definitions
• scanning a text to find specific Communication Skills:
information • Contributing to discussions
• reading to infer information • Matching relevant information
• reading to identify main ideas • Retelling information
• writing to express opinion
• writing a dialogue Study Skills:
• writing an essay describing advantages • Completing tables
and disadvantages • Preparing for a talk

Listening and speaking Life Skills:
• listening for specific information • Critical thinking
• listening for detailed understanding
• listening to a partner’s spoken work to Career Skills:
identify ideas
• talking about favourite things
• Volunteering

• speaking in front of a group Media Literacy:

• discussing ideas with a partner • Inferring information from context

Structure and language

• reviewing future tenses
• future in the past

• words used in education
• learning about word families
• linking words and phrases

Unit 7 Further Education

Key Words
admit (on a course) (v) – /ədˈmɪt/ graphic design (n) – responsibility (n) –
charity (n) – /ˈtʃærəti/ /ˈgræfɪk dɪˈzaɪn/ /rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti/
chat (v) – /tʃæt/ intensive (adj) – /ɪnˈtensɪv/ self-disciplined (adj) –
conference (n) – /ˈkɒnf(ə)rəns/ job prospect (n) – /self ˈdɪsɪplɪnd/
connection (internet ~) (n) – /ʤɒb ˈprɒspekt/ shift (work ~) (n) – /ʃɪft/
/kəˈnekʃ(ə)n/ librarian (n) – /laɪˈbreəriən/ spreadsheet (n) – /ˈspredˌʃiːt/
convenient (adj) – /kənˈviːniənt/ management (n) – /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ support (v) – /səˈpɔː(r)t/
crafts (n) – /krɑːfts/ medical (adj) – /ˈmedɪk(ə)l/ venue (n) – /ˈvenjuː/
efficient (adj) – /ɪˈfɪʃ(ə)nt/ register (for a course) (v) – web design (n) – /web dɪˈzaɪn/
enhance (v) – /ɪnˈhɑːns/ /ˈredʒɪstə(r)/
enrol (v) – /ɪnˈrəʊl/

n et

Unit 7 Further Education

Unit 7 Lesson 1: WB A Write down ideas from

your discussion. Then read the speech
What can I study? bubbles on page 75 of the Course
Book and add more ideas to your lists.

Objectives: Discuss learning after • Tell the students to write their ideas from their
leaving school. discussions in Exercise A in the Workbook. They
Extend vocabulary related then read the speech bubbles on page 75 of the
to learning. Course Book and add more ideas to their lists.
Develop the skill of
guessing the meaning of
words from context. C Read what these people are saying
Language: Word building and add more information to your
Vocabulary: enhance, enrol, admit lists. 6 mins
(on a course), conference,
register (for a course), • Refer the students to the five characters on
efficient page 75 of the Course Book. Ask them if they

21st Century Skills: Study Skills – Using word know any people like these.
families • Tell the students to read the speech bubbles
Reference: Course Book pages 74 and and add ideas from this information to what
75, Workbook pages 117 they have already written in Exercise A of
to 119 the Workbook.
n • Ask the students to read out examples of what
they have written.
Warm up 5 mins
• If appropriate, tell students what you studied D Now do Exercises B to D on pages
after you left school. What other jobs did you 118 and 119 of the Workbook. 20 mins
do? Ask students to tell you what they are
thinking of doing when they leave school. • Ask students to turn to pages 118 and 119 in
their Workbooks.

A Work with a partner. Discuss the

three questions below. Use the WB B Match the following definitions
pictures to prompt your discussion. to the words in bold on page 75 of the
8 mins Course Book.

• Ask the students for examples of what people • Point out that the students will have already
can study after they have left full-time education tried to guess the unfamiliar words from the
and why. Give an example of something extra context they are in. Ask them to match the
you have studied if this is appropriate. words in bold in the speech bubbles on page 75
• Tell the students to read the questions on page 74 of the Course Book to the definitions in
of the Course Book and discuss the questions Workbook Exercise B to check understanding.
with a partner. Elicit ideas from the class. • Tell the students to discuss their answers with
a partner by using the explanations instead of
the words on page 75. Use the first one as an
B Write your ideas in Exercise A on example: I need to learn new skills to make my
page 117 of the Workbook. 6 mins chances of getting a good job better.
• Point out that the students will need to do more
• Ask students to turn to page 117 in than just substitute words.
their Workbooks.
Unit 7 Further Education

Note: The students might make mistakes in this WB D Complete each sentence with
activity, but it is important to give them a chance a word from the box.
to experiment with language.
Answers • Tell the students to complete the sentences with
1 register a word from the box.
2 conference Answers
3 workshop 1 enhance
4 application 2 application
5 efficient 3 conference
6 enrol 4 admitted
7 enhance 5 register
8 admitted 6 qualifications

WB C Making word families can help

you remember vocabulary. Use the
suffixes to help you complete the Unit 7 Lesson 2:

words in the box. Note the following:
A Language School
• Elicit the six words from Exercise C. Point out
that these are part of a word family. Prompt the
students to guess what this is. Objectives: Read and understand a

Tell the students to look at the suffixes in
Exercise C and find one example in the chart
Extend vocabulary related
– application. Elicit the verb that comes from to learning after leaving
application. school.
• Point out that there are sometimes modifications Develop the skill of
to the root word when they are given suffixes. guessing the meaning of
Go through the rubric in Exercise C. words from context.
• Tell the students to complete the chart using the Listen and understand a
suffixes given. conversation.
Review tenses used to talk

• Encourage the students to notice any changes

in spelling. Point out that being able to notice about the future.
such things is the best way to see patterns and Language: Future forms
improve spelling. Vocabulary: job prospect, intensive,
placement test, mandatory
Answers 21 Century Skills: Study Skills – Making

Verb Noun inferences ; Study Skills

enhance enhancement – Assessing written
enrol enrolment information
apply application Reference: Course Book page 76,
admit admission/admittance Workbook pages 119 and
attend attendance 120, 21, Grammar and
register registration Functions pages 95 and 96

Note: Admittance and admission (as in gain

entry) mean the same thing, although one is
sometimes more appropriate than the other.

Unit 7 Further Education

Warm up 5 mins C Read the Functional Grammar box

and complete the rules with the
• Ask the students to imagine they are going phrases from the box. 5 mins
to enrol on a language course. Elicit what is
important when choosing the right course. Write • Ask students to read the Functional Grammar
suggestions on the board, for example, cost of box discussing future tenses and complete the
course, number of students in a class, etc. rules using the phrases in the box on the left.
For further information, refer to the Grammar
and Functions section on pages 95 and 96 in the
A Read the brochure. Does it give you Course Book.
the information you need to choose Answers
a course? 5 mins Use the present continuous for fixed
• Tell the students to read the information from Use the future continuous for a fixed time in the
the brochure on page 76 of the Course Book and future where the focus is on the action.
see if it can tell them what they need to know. Use the present simple for schedules.
• Discuss the reasons given for learning a Use going to + infinitive for plans and intentions.

language. Are they good reasons? Are there any Use the future simple for predictions.
other reasons the students can think of?

D Now do Exercises B to D on pages

B Now do Exercise A on page 119 of 119 and 120 of the Workbook. 24 mins
the Workbook. 6 mins
• Ask students to reopen their Workbooks at
• Ask students to turn to page 119 in their page 119.
WB B Hasan is taking English lessons.
WB A Complete the sentences using 21 Listen to a conversation between
the words in bold in the brochure on Hasan and his friend, Zaid. Then
page 76 of the Course Book. decide if these statements are true

(T) or false (F).

• Refer the students to the words in bold in the
brochure on page 76 of the Course Book. • Introduce the conversation between Hasan and
• Discuss the first word, maximum, as a class. his friend, Zaid. Explain that Zaid discovers
Prompt the students to identify clues to help that Hasan is learning English and so asks him
them guess – the brochure is highlighting small questions about it. Elicit the kind of questions he
classes, so ten students is likely to indicate the might ask.
highest number. • Introduce the task in Exercise B.
• Then tell the students to use the words to • Tell the students to listen and complete the true/
complete the sentences in Exercise A. false exercise.
1 placement test
2 intensive
3 maximum
4 course fees
5 mandatory

Unit 7 Further Education

 Track 21 3 T
Listen to a conversation between Hasan 4 T
and his friend, Zaid. 5 F: It’s hard work.
Zaid: Hi, Hasan. I’m meeting Abdulla at 6 F: He just wants to relax after work.
7.00 to watch the football game.
Why don’t you come with us?
Hasan: Hi, Zaid. Thanks. I’d love to, but
WB C Read sentences 1–5. Decide
I’m afraid I can’t. At 7.00 I’ll be
what type they are. Write letters
sitting in an English class, listening
a–e in the boxes.
to my teacher!
• Reassure the students that learning how to use
Zaid: You’ll be at school? I thought you
the future tense takes place over a period of time.
had a job.
Point out that they have already studied the five
Hasan: I do. But I’m also studying at a
forms discussed and that this exercise will help
special language school to improve
them remember how they are used.
my English. Classes start at 6.00,
• Explain that there are two main areas of
so people can take them even if
language learning:
they work. It suits me perfectly.

– knowledge of the language and its rules
Zaid: But your English is really
– ability to use the language fluently
good now.
and accurately
Hasan: Not good enough. The company
• Point out that the first is the one they make
I work for needs people whose
most use of in the exams, so they need to learn
English is fluent so that they can
the rules.
go on business trips to other
countries. I’m going to work on
• Tell the students to read the five sentences in
their Workbooks and decide which type they are.
my English a lot this year. I’d really
They can refer back to the Functional Grammar
like the opportunity to travel with
box on page 76 of the Course Book if necessary.
my job.
• Elicit ideas from the class. Clarify the idea
Zaid: It must take up a lot of your time.
behind each one if necessary.
Hasan: It does. I spend four hours a week
in class, and when I get home I Answers
have to do a lot of homework. 1e; 2c; 3b; 4d; 5a

Zaid: I couldn’t do that. When I get

home from work I don’t want to
do anything. I just want to relax! WB D Write five different types of
Hasan: I know. It’s hard work and pretty future sentence. Use the correct verb
tiring, but it’s worth it if my form in each case.
English improves. I’ll get a better
job really quickly. • Point out that the students should write five
Zaid: Are the classes expensive? different types of future sentence with the
Hasan: Well, yes. They cost 400 Libyan corresponding verb form, as in the Functional
dinars. But the classes are fun. Grammar box on page 76 of the Course Book.
And speaking better English will They can write about their own lives and
help me when I’m on holiday in arrangements/plans/intentions.
other countries. I’m actually quite • The students may also refer to the Grammar
enjoying studying again, too! and Functions section on pages 95 and 96 of the
Course Book.
1 F: He’ll be having an English lesson.
2 F: He has a job.

Unit 7 Further Education

Sample answers Revising future forms from last lesson, ask

Schedules: I work on Mondays and Tuesdays. students in pairs to predict how the world of
Fixed arrangements: I am meeting a friend for work might change in another 50 years.
lunch on Thursday.
Plans and intentions: I am going to apply for
a new job. A Work in pairs. Discuss the kind
Predictions: I will go to the supermarket later. of computer skills you feel it is
Fixed time in the future with focus on the important to learn. 8 mins
action: This time next year I will be living in
Hong Kong. • Ask the students how important it is to have
good computer skills for working today. Ask
them which skills are most important to help
in a job.
• Tell them to discuss this in pairs.
Unit 7 Lesson 3:
Improving Your B Read the article below and
see which computer skills are

Computer Skills mentioned. 8 mins

• Now tell the students to read the article and see

Objectives: Read and understand an
which of their ideas are mentioned. Elicit any
new ones.
Extend vocabulary related
to learning after leaving
• Write on the board programme and program.
Elicit the difference – the first is a list of activities
such as a university programme and the second
Develop the skill of making
is a piece of software, as in computer program.
Point out that in American English both words
Review and practise tenses
are spelt program. Highlight the fact that the
used to talk about the
first syllable is stressed.
Language: Future forms

Vocabulary: graphic design, job seeker, C Now do Exercises A to F on pages

spreadsheet, web design,
121, 122 and 123 of the Workbook.
self-disciplined, continuing 24 mins
21 Century Skills: Study Skills – Making
• Refer students to pages 121 to 123 of
the Workbook.
Reference: Course Book page 77,
Workbook pages 121
to 123 WB A Match the words and phrases
in bold on page 77 of the Course Book
with the definitions below.
Warm up 5 mins

• Ask the students to look at the definitions in

• Ask students to look at the title of the article,
Exercise A and match them to the words and
‘Work Today’ on page 77 of the Course Book.
phrases in bold in the article.
Ask them to tell you how they think the world
• Compare answers with a partner before checking
of work might have changed from 50 years
as a class.
ago. Try to elicit people use computers today.

Unit 7 Further Education

Answers Answers
1 self-disciplined Paragraph 2:
2 spreadsheet a If you are a banker, you should learn to
3 job seeker use spreadsheets.
4 web design Paragraph 2:
5 graphic design b More and more companies have websites.
Paragraph 3:
b Many universities offer classes for people
WB B Reread the article on page 77 who work.
of the Course Book and answer the Paragraph 3:
following questions. a Some online classes won’t help you get a
better job.
• Introduce the questions in the Workbook. Tell Paragraph 3:
the students to read and write short answers. a Teaching yourself with an app is not easy.
• Let the students check answers in pairs.
WB E Complete the sentences
1 To improve job prospects./To help find a
with the correct future form of the

new career.
verb in brackets. Use the present
2 Because they can show information in table
simple, present continuous or going
form./Because they are good for showing
to + infinitive.
financial information.
3 A publisher, advertising agency or
• Tell the students to put the verb in brackets
TV station.
4 Because you can study whenever you want.
in the correct form, using the present simple,
present continuous or going to + infinitive.
5 On a course, online or from an app.
• During feedback, get the students to tell you why
they made their choice.
WB C Read the Study Tip about Note: The alternative answers in brackets are
making inferences. also correct usage.
• Write Reading skills and Inferring on the board. 1 is going to take

Ask the students what they can remember about 2 starts (is starting)
inferring answers to questions. 3 ’s going to tell
• Read through the information box in the 4 ’re leaving (leave)
Workbook with them and do the activity as 5 ’re having (’re going to have)
a class. 6 begins

WB D Choose a or b to say which WB F Use the phrases in the box to

inference you can make from the make sentences about the future.
article on page 77 of the Course Book.
Underline the sentence or sentences • Tell the students to use the phrases in the box to
that helped you decide. make sentences about the future. They should
use an appropriate future form for the type
• Tell the students to work on their own and of sentence. They may refer to the Functional
choose the right answer, a or b. Grammar box on page 76 of the Course Book
• Let the students discuss their answers in pairs. and/or the Grammar and Functions section on
• Check answers as a class. Use the opportunity to pages 95 and 96 of the Course Book.
clarify how the inferences are made.

Unit 7 Further Education

Sample sentences A Read the catalogue to find the

Next year I am going to go to Spain. answers to Exercise A on page 124
My class starts tomorrow at 3.00. of the Workbook. 9 mins
In the summer I will be working at a
summer camp. • Give the students 30 seconds to skim-read the
I would like to get a dog some time soon. catalogue page in the Course Book and
While you are at work, I will go to the library. ask them:
How many courses are mentioned? (4)
Are they all about computers? (no)
What sort of information is given about each
course? (place/time/suitable for whom)
Unit 7 Lesson 4:
Summer Courses WB A Scan the course catalogue
on page 78 of the Course Book and
Objectives: Read and understand
answer the questions.
a course catalogue.

Listen for specific • Tell the students to scan the course catalogue to
information. find answers to the questions in the Workbook.
Discuss a favourite class/ Answers
course. 1 Basic web design
Introduce and practise 2 English for work
future in the past.
Language: Future in the past: I
3 Basic web design
4 Protecting our environment
thought I would learn … / 5 a where something takes place
I decided I was going to 6 a improve them
study …, etc.
Vocabulary: venue, prior knowledge
21st Century Skills: Communication Skills B 22 Listen to Nisrin talk about her
– Preparing and sharing plans. 5 mins


Reference: Course Book page 78,

Workbook pages 124 C Read the Functional Grammar
and 125, 22, Grammar box. Then do Exercises B to D on
and Functions pages 95 pages 124 and 125 of the Workbook.
and 96 26 mins

• Play the audio and ask students to listen to the

Warm up 5 mins talk then to read the Functional Grammar box
before they go on to do the Workbook exercises.
• Ask the students what sort of course they • Refer students to pages 124 and 125 of
would like to study for a short time if they the Workbook.
had the opportunity.

WB B 22 Listen again to Nisrin

talking about her summer class. Tick
(✓) the reasons she liked her class.

• Tell the students they are going to listen to a

woman talking about a class she took during

Unit 7 Further Education

the summer. Ask them to read through the list of What subject did Nisrin think about studying
reasons why she liked her class in the Workbook. when she finished school in June? (history)
Tell them to listen to the audio and tick which of Did she go on to study this? (no)
the reasons they hear. What did she study? (a secretarial skills course)
What does she want to study next? (business)
 Track 22 • Tell the students to look at the first pair of
Listen to Nisrin talking about her summer examples in the Functional Grammar box in
class.Tick the reasons she liked her class. the Course Book on page 78. Ask them which
Nisrin: I took a class in secretarial skills last sentence refers to what she used to think. Point
summer, and I’m very glad I did. out that people are always changing their minds.
When I finished school in June, I just This is one way of expressing a change of plan.
didn’t know what I wanted to do. I Write I was going to study history on the board
thought I’d study history and become and emphasize that this is another way of
a teacher, but I wanted time to think talking about the future from the point of view
about it. I decided to get a job, so I of the past.
enrolled in the class on secretarial • Tell the students to think about their current
skills. I enjoyed it a lot because I plans and how they have changed. Write on

learnt so many new things. I knew a the board:
little about computers when I started, I think I will …
but in the class I learnt about all sorts I thought I would …
of new programs, and I learnt to type • Elicit pairs of sentences expressing past and
much faster. The classes were never current plans from different students.
boring. Our teacher was great and
explained everything very clearly. She
was also very kind and sometimes
WB C Match the beginnings and
stayed after class if someone had more
endings of the sentences.
questions. We usually did!
• Refer students to Exercise C in the Workbook.
Another reason I liked the class is that • Tell the students to match the beginnings and
we had very modern equipment, just endings to make complete sentences.
like the equipment we would be using • Listen to their answers and make sure they
in our jobs. I liked the other students, are correct.

too. The class was not too big, so we • Ask students to mark sentences that talk about
got to know each other quite well. the future in the past (1, 4, 5, 6, 8).
Everybody was very motivated to
learn, and we all helped each other. If
1 When I was ten, I thought I would be a pilot.
one of us was going to be absent, she
2 I can’t stay long because I’m meeting my
told the others so that we would make
brother at 6.00.
copies of the class notes for her. The
3 Next semester we will be studying biology
best thing about the course is that it
at school.
helped me find a job very quickly.
4 They didn’t stay for dinner because they
I use all the skills I learnt on the
were having dinner with a friend.
course. Next, I think I’ll study
5 She felt sleepy and decided she was going to
business. Until then, I have a job as a
get to bed early.
secretary that I enjoy very much.
6 She studied English because she knew she
would be travelling for work.
7 If you leave now, I think you will get there
3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10
on time.
8 When I read the catalogue, I saw that classes
• Ask the students: started in June.

Unit 7 Further Education

WB D Speaking: Take two minutes Warm up 5 mins

to prepare to tell a partner about a
class/course you’ve enjoyed. You can • Write the word volunteer on the board and ask
take notes if you want. Talk about: the students what it means: someone who works
for no money, usually to help other people. Ask
• Tell the students about a course you enjoyed. Use the students if anyone in the class volunteers
the headings in Exercise D as a framework. anywhere. Why is volunteering important? Who
• Explain that you want them to give a similar does it benefit?
talk to Nisrin’s about a class or course they have
enjoyed. Point out that they can use the framework
in Workbook Exercise D to help them. They A Work in pairs. Discuss the questions
should take two minutes to prepare what they’re below. 8 mins
going to say. They can make notes if they wish.
• Organize the students in pairs to give their talk. • Give them the adjectival form of the word –
Encourage the partners to ask questions when voluntary. Write this underneath volunteer on
the first student has finished speaking. the board.
• Ask one or two students to repeat their talk for • Contrast the stress patterns in the two words:

the class, if appropriate. volunteer; voluntary.
• Ask for examples of types of voluntary work.
• Discuss the questions at the top of page 79 with
the class.

Unit 7 Lesson 5:
n B Read the three paragraphs and
Volunteers at the make notes in Exercise A on page
126 of the Workbook. 10 mins
• Tell the students they are going to read about
the experiences of three volunteers working in
Objectives: Discuss voluntary work.
a hospital. Ask what sorts of jobs they might
Identify the functions of
do there.
linking words in a text and
• Then tell students to open their Workbooks at

use them in context.

page 126.
Write a short text giving an
Practise future in the past. WB A Read the paragraphs on page
Language: Future in the past 79 of the Course Book. Make notes
Linking words, e.g., for about the questions you discussed.
instance, as a result, as
soon as, whereas • Tell students to read the paragraphs and note
Vocabulary: librarian, medical, down what the volunteers say in response to the
supervise, management, questions the students discussed in Exercise A.
shift (work ~), support,
charity Suggested answers
21st Century Skills: Study Skills – Making A volunteer is someone who works without
notes being paid.
Reference: Course Book page 79, You can find volunteer work:
Workbook pages 126 by looking at websites that have information
to 129 on volunteer opportunities.
at a local hospital.

Unit 7 Further Education

The volunteers in the Course Book wanted to: … you have to enjoy working with people,
help other people. whereas to write articles you have to be able to
learn more about a possible career. work on your own. (comparison or contrast)
take care of children.
The volunteers learnt: • Ask for answers from the students. For practice,
to handle greater responsibilities. ask them to complete these sentences:
about a nurse’s job. 1 I didn’t do my homework, and as a result …
new skills. 2 Unlike my friend, I …
3 As soon as I got home after school, I …
4 I often make mistakes with my English
C Now do Exercises B to E on pages grammar. For example, I …
126 to 129 of the Workbook. 22 mins

• Refer students to pages 126 to 129 of

WB C Complete the text with linking
the Workbook.
words from the box.

• Tell the students to complete the gapped text

WB B Read about linking ideas in using some of the words in the box.
a paragraph. • Check the answers in open class.
• Tell the students that we can make our writing 1 Once
more interesting by linking different ideas. Write 2 However

I’m a nurse.
three short sentences on the board in this format: 3 for instance
4 Unlike
I work in a hospital. 5 so
I’m not a nurse.
• Ask the students how to link the two statements
on the left with the statement on the right (using WB D Underline the correct form of
and and but). the verb.
• Write the headings from the information box on
the board. Go through what they mean and ask • Remind the students how we use the future in

for some examples. the past.

• Read through section A of the box with the • Tell them to complete the sentences by choosing
students and ask them to find an example from the correct verb in each pair. Point out that some
the first paragraph in the Course Book. Get them of the sentences may not refer to the future in
to underline all the examples given. the past.
• Read through the remaining sections and tell • Check the answers in open class.
them to work in pairs to find and underline the
relevant part of the sentence.
1 was going to become
Note: Point out that they should underline both
2 would like
parts of the sentence in D, because the word
3 is starting
whereas contrasts two ideas.
4 had
Answers 5 will be sleeping
1 … such as playing with the children, ... 6 started
2 As a result, I’m getting a very good idea of 7 would be
what a nurse’s day is like.
3 After that, I got a different volunteer job …
(time order)

Unit 7 Further Education

WB E Some people do volunteer them to proofread for spelling, grammar and

work in different countries. They punctuation and to make any changes they feel
can build houses or teach children to will improve their work.
read. Do you think this is a good idea? • Ask volunteers to read their paragraphs to
Write 100 to 120 words explaining the class.
your opinion.

• Ask the students if they know anyone who has

done volunteer work in another country.
• Ask what disadvantages there might be in doing Unit 7 Lesson 6:
this. Write any suggestions on the board.
• Tell the students to look at the points listed in Learning Experiences
their Workbooks. Which are advantages and
which are disadvantages? Why? Objectives: Listen for general and
• Tell the students to write a short text giving their specific information.
opinion about the subject. They can talk about Review future in the past.
these points and they should try to use some of Practise language for

the linking words and phrases they have looked giving advice/persuasion.
at in this lesson. Role-play a conversation.
• Review some expressions for giving your opinion Language: Future in the past
and introducing different points: I think this is a should, shouldn’t, etc.
really good idea because … It is also useful to … Vocabulary: crafts, removals
Another point is … It can be quite difficult to …
However, in general I think …
21st Century Skills: –
Reference: Course Book page 80,
• If the students do not finish in class, they can Workbook pages 129 and
complete the writing for homework. 130, 23
Possible answer
I think it is a really good idea to volunteer to
work in different countries because it is good to Warm up 5 mins

think about other people. There are lots of things

we can do to help, such as build houses and • Review: Ask the students what sort of training

schools. It is also useful to help with teaching courses people can go on while they are working
children to read. to help them get better jobs.

I think it can be quite difficult to be away

from home for a long time, and the language A 23 Listen to five people talking
differences might cause problems. However, in about their learning experiences.
general I think it would be very useful for me Find the name of each speaker.
12 mins
to learn new skills and meet new people. At the
same time, I could help people who have less
than me. • Tell the students that they are going to listen to
five people talking about their jobs and learning
experiences. Present the new words crafts and
F Reflect on your writing using the removals, using the pictures on page 80 of the
rubric below. Course Book where possible.
• Play the audio and ask the students to match the
• Ask students, What changes can you make to pictures to the speakers.
your work to make it clearer and stronger? Tell • Ask these questions about each person: What did
he or she learn? What made him or her decide to
do some training?

Unit 7 Further Education

 Track 23 3
Listen to five people talking about their Joe: Art was always my favourite class
learning experiences. at school, but when I started my
1 job at the bank I stopped drawing
Sarah: I work for a large company that and painting. Then one day I
buys crafts in many countries had lunch with a friend who is a
throughout the world. Then we banker, too. I found out he was
sell these products all over Great going to a painting class that
Britain. I worked as a secretary evening. I went with him to see
at the company for many years. what it was like, and I enjoyed it
I liked my job at first, but then I so much I enrolled immediately.
decided I wanted to have more Now I go to my painting class once
responsibility. I knew a lot about a week, and I also paint at home at
the company and the products we weekends. It’s really relaxing and
buy, but I couldn’t get a better job who knows, I might sell some of
because I couldn’t speak any other them one day!
languages. Our company does a 4

lot of business with the Middle Layla: When I left school, I had trouble
East, so I decided I was going to finding a job. My father said I
learn Arabic. I found a language should take a class in web design,
school that offered Arabic classes but I didn’t really want to. I knew
in the evening, and I went there the classes started in the summer,
twice a week after work. It took a
long time, but it was great fun and
and I wanted to go on holiday with
my friends. And I didn’t know a
really interesting, and now I have lot about computers. I was more
a more exciting job. I travel to the
interested in fashion, and I thought
Middle East once a month and the classes would be boring. But
meet the craftsmen. My job is to in the end, my father convinced
help decide what products we buy. me and I enrolled. I learnt a lot
2 and I was surprised how much I
Ahmad: I work for a company that makes enjoyed the class. Now I maintain

and sells petroleum products. the website of a famous clothing

To make sure that our products company and I love my job.
are high-quality, we analyze 5
them in our laboratory. When Tareq: I worked for a removals company
I started at the company, I was for a year. I liked the work, and
a laboratory technician and I I was very disappointed to learn
helped the scientists by measuring the owner would be closing the
the products and operating the company in the autumn, so I
machines. I was a good worker, decided to start my own company.
so my employer said the company My friends didn’t think it was a
would give me on-the-job good idea. They said I would have
training. I learnt much more to work harder than if I worked
about laboratory procedures, and for somebody else. And they were
now I supervise a team of right. It was very difficult at the
laboratory technicians. beginning. I had to spend all

Unit 7 Further Education

the money I had saved on office 3 I found out he was going to a painting class
equipment and a removals van. that evening.
I couldn’t afford to pay many 4 I knew the classes started in the summer.
employees, so I did most of the 5 I was very disappointed to learn the
work myself. That meant I couldn’t owner would be closing the company
spend much time with my family in the autumn.
and friends. And if there was a
problem, it was my responsibility
to fix it. I was tired and worried all WB B 23 Listen again to the last
the time. But it was worth it. My speaker and make a list of advantages
company is doing well now, and I and disadvantages of having your
am very proud of my work. I enjoy own business.
making all the decisions, and the
best thing about running my own • Ask the students what the last speaker (Sultan)
company is that I don’t have to do did. Was it easy for him?
what someone else tells me to do. • Tell the students to look at Exercise B. They
I choose who I want to work with, should listen again to Sultan and list the

too, so I get along with everybody. advantages and disadvantages of having your
own business.
• Ask the students if they can think of any
Speaker 1: Sarah
more good or bad points about having your
Speaker 2: Ahmad
own business. Do they think it’s worth it?
Speaker 3: Joe
Why/Why not?
Speaker 4: Layla
Speaker 5: Tareq
n Answers
You can be proud of your company.
B Now do Exercises A to C on pages You make all the decisions.
129 and 130 of the Workbook. 28 mins You don’t have to do what someone else says.
You can choose who you work with.
• Ask students to turn to pages 129 and 130 in
their Workbooks.
You have to work harder.

It’s difficult at the beginning.

You have to spend your own money.
WB A Rewrite the sentences using
You have to do a lot of the work yourself.
the future in the past. 23 Then
You can’t spend much time with your family
listen to Track 23 again and check
and friends.
your answers.
Everything is your responsibility.

• Write a sentence on the board: I’ve decided I’m

going to have chess lessons. Ask the students: WB C Work in pairs and
Imagine it’s tomorrow. What did I decide role-play a conversation for the
yesterday? (You decided you were going to have following situation.
chess lessons.)
• Tell the students to change the sentences from
• Put the students in pairs. Tell the students to
the future to the future in the past, then listen to
imagine that one of them wants to start his/her
the audio again and check their answers.
own business. The other one thinks this is a bad
Answers idea and tries to persuade his/her friend not to
1 I decided I was going to learn Arabic. go ahead. The students use the points in
2 My employer said the company would give Exercise B and can add any extra ideas that they
me on-the-job training. think of.
Unit 7 Further Education

• Remind the students of useful language for A Read about essays that express
giving advice and persuasion. Elicit some of these opinions in Exercise A on page
expressions and write them on the board: 130 of the Workbook. What
But what if … information is presented in the
That’s not a good idea … body of the essay? 10 mins
The problem is …
I think you should … • Tell students to read the information box on
I’d rather … page 130 of the Workbook.
It’s better to …
• Tell the students to role-play the situation.
• If there is time, choose one or two pairs to repeat WB A Read about opinion essays.
their role-play for the class.
• After students have read the information
box, ask these questions: As well as saying
what you think, what else must you say in an
opinion essay? Why? What do you say in the
Unit 7 Lesson 7: introduction? What do you do if there are two

sides to a question? Where do you give your
Books and the Internet own opinion?

Objectives: Analyze the organization B Now do Exercises B to E on pages

of an essay expressing 131 and 132 of the Workbook. 30 mins
Study and practise
• Tell students to turn to pages 131 and 132 of the
using linking words and Workbook and complete Exercises B to E.
discourse markers.
Read for general
understanding (gist) and WB B Read the essay on page 81
detailed understanding. of the Course Book and put the
Language: Linking words: although, paragraphs in order below.
but, in addition, unlike

Vocabulary: connection (internet ~), • Ask the students to take a quick look at the
chat essay on page 81 of the Course Book. Elicit what
21st Century Skills: – points the writer might make in the essay.
Reference: Course Book page 81, • Tell them that the essay is not in the right order.
Workbook pages 130 to 132 They should read it more thoroughly this time
to reorder it. They should write the paragraph
letters next to their description in Workbook
Warm up 5 mins
Exercise B.

• Elicit what the students would expect to see in Answers

an essay expressing opinions. Elicit examples of 1 Introduction: C
the type of things they might express opinions on 2 Body: D and B
in an essay. 3 Conclusion: A
• See if they can remember the general framework
of an essay: introduction, main body, conclusion.
WB C Read the essay again and
answer the questions.

• Tell the students to read the essay again and

answer the questions in Exercise C.
Unit 7 Further Education

1 It is convenient. There are many sources of
Unit 7 Lesson 8:
2 The information is not always reliable.
Using the Library
3 The information is more reliable. You
can find more in-depth information. The Objectives: Read a text for general
ideas are better developed. They are more understanding (gist) and
convenient (you can take them with you). detailed understanding.
You can buy them easily (online). Develop the ability to
4 The internet is fine for general information, deduce meaning from
but books help you learn better. context.
Discuss the points raised
in the text.
WB D Look at how the words in Language: –
brackets are used in the essay. Use Vocabulary: catalogue, astounded, job
them to rewrite these sentences. offer, body language,
21st Century Skills: Study Skills –

• Tell the students to study the way the underlined Re-presenting written
words are used in the essay. information
• Look at the first pair of sentences in Exercise D Reference: Course Book pages 82 and
with the students and elicit how to connect them. 83, Workbook page 133
• Tell the students to combine the rest of the
sentences using the words in brackets.

Listen to their answers in open class and make Warm up 5 mins

sure they are correct.

• Draw the students’ attention to the lesson title.
Model answers
Ask what experience students have of using a
1 Unlike computers, books can be
library, either in the school or elsewhere.
used anywhere.
2 In addition to reading information on the
internet, you can also listen to the news.
A Read the text and choose the
3 Buying books can be expensive, but using
best title. 8 mins

the internet can be cheaper.

4 Although using the internet is sometimes
• Tell the students to skim the text and choose
dangerous, you can’t get a virus from
which of the three titles is the best.
reading a book.
b A new career
WB E Work in pairs. Do you agree
with the essay? Say why or why not?
How do you prefer to get information? B Read one paragraph and then
explain the content in your own
• Tell the students to work in pairs and discuss words. 10 mins
whether they agree with the points made in the
essay or not, and why. • Tell the students to work in groups of four.
• Ask them how they prefer to get information. Allocate one paragraph to each student. Tell
them to read in enough detail to be able to
explain what their paragraph is about.
• Get the students in each group to summarize
their paragraphs.

Unit 7 Further Education

C Now do Exercises A to C on page Round up

133 of the Workbook. 22 mins
• Go through the Round up page with students
• Tell students to open their Workbooks at quickly. Ask students to remind themselves of
page 133. the language they have learnt in this unit by
discussing each item with a partner. Ask students
to take turns giving additional examples for
WB A Read the text on page 82 of each item.
the Course Book. Decide if these
statements are true (T) or false (F).

• Tell the students to decide if the statements are

true or false.
1F; 2T; 3T; 4F; 5F

WB B What do these words mean in
the text? Circle the correct answer.

• Tell the students to use the context to match the

words in bold with the correct answers.
1b; 2a; 3c; 4b
WB C Complete the sentences about
the text.

• Tell the students to complete the sentences about

the text.

Possible answers
1 … he then decided it wasn’t what he wanted
to do for the rest of his life.
2 … what skills or qualifications you need to
do a new job.
3 … has practice books to help people prepare
for examinations.

Unit 8 Fun with English 2

• Revision and practice of skills, grammar 21st Century Skills

and lexis from Units 5 to 7
Study Skills:
• Guessing meanings of words based on
root form
• Preparing for a talk
• Transferring information from text
to table

Information Literacy:
• Inferring information from charts

• Matching and inferring
relevant information

Media Literacy:
n • Predicting content through visuals

Career Skills:
• Environment and science

Life Skills:
• Critical thinking

Unit 8 Fun with English 2

Key Words
bury (v) – ˈberi/ fundamental (adj) – /ˌfʌndəˈmɛntl/ renewable (adj) – /rɪˈnjuːəb(ə)l/
capture (v) – /ˈkæpʧə/ landfill (n) – /ˈlæn(d)ˌfɪl/ replace (v) – /rɪˈpleɪs/
complex (adj) – /ˈkɒmplɛks/ limit (v) – /ˈlɪmɪt/ separate (v) – /ˈsepəreɪt/
concentrate (v) – /ˈkɒns(ə)nˌtreɪt/ mismanage (v) – /ˌmɪsˈmænɪʤ/ uplands (n) – /ˈʌpləndz/
crops (n) – /krɒps/ precise (adj) – /prɪˈsaɪz/ wisely (adv) – /ˈwaɪzli/
creatures (n) – /ˈkriːʧəz/ redirect (v) – /ˌriːdɪˈrɛkt/
drip (v) – /drɪp/ regulations (n) –
enforce (v) – /ɪnˈfɔː(r)s/ /ˌreɡjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)nz/

n et

Unit 8 Fun with English 2

Unit 8 Lesson 1: C Skim the texts and match each

paragraph to the most appropriate
Our Natural Resources picture. 6 mins

• Introduce the task. Tell the students they are

Objectives: Read for general going to read three texts about natural resources
understanding and for and match the photographs to each of the texts.
detailed understanding. • Set a time limit of one minute for the task.
Extend vocabulary related • Check answers as a class. Ask check questions
to natural resources. such as: What can’t we live without? What
Develop understanding of examples of renewable and non-renewable
prefixes and suffixes. resources are given? How can we protect
Language: Prefixes and suffixes the environment?
Revision: future forms
Vocabulary: limit, renewable, replace,
Paragraph a: 3
concentrate, potentially,
Paragraph b: 1
disastrous, deforestation,
Paragraph c: 2

deoxygenation, plentiful,
logging, wisely
21st Century Skills: Media Literacy – Predicting
D Now do Exercises A to D on pages
information ; Study Skills –
134 and 135 of the Workbook.
Matching texts and images
20 mins
Reference: Course Book page 86,
Workbook pages 134
• Tell students to turn to pages 134 and 135 of
and 135, Grammar and
their Workbooks.
Functions pages 96 and 97
Warm up 5 mins
WB A Match these words from the
texts on page 86 of the Course Book
with their definitions.
• Books open, elicit the title. Explain that
resources are things you can use. Show the class

• Ask the students to match the words with

the resources you have for teaching: whiteboard,
their definitions.
books, CD player, etc.
• Check answers.
A Look at the pictures. Which are 1c; 2d; 3a; 4b
natural resources? 6 mins

• Ask the students to look at the pictures and WB B Read the texts again and
decide which ones are natural resources. Point answer the questions.
out that all the items except soda are natural.
• Read through the questions with the students
and elicit possible answers.
B Work in pairs. Discuss the questions
• Tell the students to reread the texts and check/
below. 8 mins
answer the questions in their Workbooks.
• Tell the students to compare their answers with
• Tell the students to work in pairs or small groups
a partner.
and discuss the rest of the questions.
• When they have finished, elicit ideas from
different pairs.

Unit 8 Fun with English 2

Answers WB D Read the conversation between

1 Because we use them for many things, two friends about a trip to South
such as food, water and energy. America. Complete the questions.
2 Renewable resources don’t disappear
when they are used. Non-renewable • Review forms used for talking about the future
resources will eventually disappear. by asking some simple questions: What are you
3 Renewable: trees, energy from the Sun. going to do after school? Are you doing anything
Non-renewable: petrol. at five o’clock? What do you think will happen if
4 Greenhouse gases contribute to we don’t protect the environment? etc.
global warming. • Tell the students that they are going to read one
5 Deforestation happens when large half of a dialogue which gives answers to a series
numbers of trees are cut down and they of questions. Tell the students to work in pairs
cannot be replaced. It endangers plant and write possible questions in pencil. Point out
and animal habitats. that by discussing the questions in pairs, they
will gain a better understanding of the use of
future tenses.
WB C Guess the meanings of the • Discuss the answers as a class, but don’t let
following words.

the students write the answers yet. Use this as
an opportunity to talk about different ways
• Write disappear and plentiful on the board. of expressing future time. Tell the students to
Ask the students to tell you what the prefixes complete the questions in pen, making any
or suffixes are in these words. necessary changes to what they wrote originally.
• Elicit any other prefixes or suffixes they
can remember.
n • Ask one or two pairs to read their dialogues to
the class.
• Remind them that knowing different prefixes
and suffixes can help them understand Answers
unfamiliar words. Q: Where are you going?
• Write de~ and ~ation on the board. Ask them A: I’m going to South America.
to find a word in the text beginning and ending Q: What are you going to do there?/
with these – deforestation. Can they guess what Why are you going there?
the prefix and suffix tell us about the word? A: I’m going to study the disappearance
• Read through the information box with them. of animal habitats.

• Ask the students to guess the meanings of the Q: Are the animals endangered?
words in their Workbooks and then check the A: Yes, many animals are endangered
meanings in a dictionary. because of deforestation.
• Ask for answers from the class. Q: Do you think the forests will
disappear completely?
Answers A: No, I don’t think the forests will
1 removing the oxygen from something disappear completely, because more
2 reducing the population of an area and more people are becoming aware
3 reducing the value of something of the problem.
Q: When are you leaving?
A: I’m leaving on Monday.
Q: When does your plane leave?
A: My plane leaves at 9.00.
Q: How long will you be staying in
South America?
A: I’ll be staying there for six months.

Unit 8 Fun with English 2

Unit 8 Lesson 2: • Elicit who had the right answer. Then write: No,
I thought it was … on the board. Ask the others:

Recycling Waste Did you think it was what they were made from?
and elicit their answers prompted by the sentence
on the board.
Objectives: Read to confirm
Study vocabulary related to C Do Exercise A on page 136 of the
recycling waste. Workbook. 24 Then listen to a
Listen for specific description of how waste can be
information. recycled. Complete the flow chart
Practise writing passive below with the correct words from
sentences. the box in the passive form. 10 mins
Language: Revision: the passive
Vocabulary: buried, separate • Tell students to open their Workbooks at
21 Century Skills: Career Skills – Transferring
page 136.
information ; Study Skills

– Completing a flow chart;
Study Skills – Interpreting WB A Match the words and the
a flow chart definitions.
Reference: Course Book page 87,
Workbook page 136, • Ask the students if they know the meanings
24 of the words in Exercise A.
n • Tell them to match the words with the definitions.
• Check answers.
Warm up 5 mins
1c; 2b; 3a; 4d
• Ask students how many try to recycle at home.
Ask, Why is recycling important? Which
• Tell students they are going to listen to a
countries do you think are good at recycling?
description of the waste recycling process.
• Tell them to look at the flow chart on page 87 of

the Course Book and read the different stages in

A Work in pairs. Look at the pictures
the process. Point out the words in the box and
and discuss what they have in
check they understand the meanings.
common. 8 mins
• They should listen to complete the chart with
words from the box.
• Ask the students to look at the pictures and
guess what they have in common. Explain
that the same thing can happen to all of these
products. Tell the students to guess what all the
products have in common and write it down.
Encourage them to write something even if they
are not sure.

B Read the text and check your

predictions. 6 mins

• Ask students to read the text to check if they

were right – they can all be recycled.

Unit 8 Fun with English 2

 Track 24 process. They should use the information from

Listen to a description of how waste can the completed flow chart.
be recycled. Complete the flow chart with • Point out the words we use in describing stages
words from the box. in a process: first/then/next/after that/once it
The recycling process has several stages. has been …
First, the waste is sorted at home. The main Answers
types of waste are food waste, glass and glass 1 First, the waste is sorted at home.
products, paper and plastics. There are also 2 Then, it is placed in different bags.
some items (for example, batteries) that cannot 3 Next, it is collected by a refuse lorry.
normally be recycled. The waste is then placed 4 After that, it is taken to a waste
in different bags, one for food waste, another treatment plant.
for glass, another for paper, and so on. These 5 In the waste treatment plant, it is separated
bags are then placed outside the house, where into different types.
they are collected by the refuse lorry and taken 6 Then, it is cleaned in special machines.
to the waste treatment plant. At the waste 7 Finally, glass, paper and plastic can be
treatment plant, all waste is separated into used again.
different types. Then it is carefully checked, and

any waste which cannot be recycled is removed.
The waste is then cleaned in special machines. WB C Look only at the flow chart on
Finally, it is taken to different factories, where page 87 of the Course Book. Retell
it is treated. Products like glass, plastic and the process to a partner, using the
paper can all be used again. verbs in the passive form.

n • Tell students to close their Workbooks and look
1 placed only at the flow chart in their Course Books.
2 collected • Tell them to use this information to retell the
3 taken process to a partner, using passive forms.
4 separated
5 cleaned
6 used

D Now do Exercises B and C on page

136 of the Workbook. 16 mins

• Tell students to reopen their Workbooks at

page 136.

WB B Look at the flow chart on page

87 of the Course Book and complete
the sentences about the recycling
process, using the passive form.

• Ask what verb form is used to describe the

process (passive).
• Tell the students to complete the sentences
in their Workbooks to describe the recycling

Unit 8 Fun with English 2

Unit 8 Lesson 3: Answers

1d; 2c; 3b; 4a

Careers and the

B Match the pictures of the jobs
Environment above to the job descriptions.
6 mins

Objectives: Read for detailed

understanding. • Tell the students to match the jobs with the
Listen for specific job descriptions.
information. Answers
Discuss environmental Pictures: b, d, c, a
problems and possible
Language: Revision: future in the C 25 Listen and check your
past (including reporting answers. 8 mins

• Tell the students to listen to the people talking

Vocabulary: enforce, park ranger,
regulations, landfill about their jobs, and compare what the people
21st Century Skills: Media Literacy – Predicting have to do with the ideas elicited in Exercise A.
information ; Study Skills – • Ask what sort of animals a park ranger protects.
Matching texts and images Ask what health and safety rules must be
Reference: Course Book page 88, followed at an oil refinery. Ask how we can
Workbook pages 137 and divide our rubbish for recycling. Ask what can
cause water pollution.
138, 25
• Ask which of these jobs the students would
prefer to have and why.
Warm up 5 mins

 Track 25
• Ask the students if they would like to have a Listen and check your answers.
job connected with the environment and why/ Park ranger
why not. I’ve been working as a park ranger for five

• Elicit examples of jobs they know of that are years. I love this job because I love animals.
connected with the environment (e.g., air quality I spend a lot of my working hours outdoors,
coordinator, waste manager). Write them on the collecting information about animals – where
board. Elicit what these different people have they are, what they are eating, if they are
to do. healthy. I also make sure that people respect the
rules for protecting them. I don’t allow hunters
in the park, and remind visitors not to leave
A Match the jobs to the pictures. rubbish that can hurt the wildlife.
6 mins
Health, safety and environment manager
• Ask the students to look at the list of jobs I work in a petrol refinery. I’m the health,
on Course Book page 88. Elicit what the safety and environment manager. Petrol is an
students think these people do. Write their important natural resource, but so are the
ideas on the board. air and water. There are lots of rules that we
• Tell the students to match the jobs to the have to follow to make sure that our refinery
pictures. Then discuss whether any of these are doesn’t damage the environment. I also make
on the list of jobs they have provided. sure that the people at the refinery work in safe
conditions. It’s an important job, and I’m glad
that I can help keep people safe.

Unit 8 Fun with English 2

Recycling coordinator WB B Read what the teens said about

As the recycling coordinator for my city, I how they can help the environment.
make sure that everybody understands the Then complete the sentences using
importance of recycling. I give talks to school the information underlined.
groups and send people brochures with
recycling information, such as which products • Ask the students what people like us can do to
to put in the different coloured recycling bins. help the environment.
When people realize that recycling helps keep • Write on the board: I’m going to recycle my
the Earth clean for future generations, they bottles. Last year I decided I was going to
usually want to participate in the recycling recycle my bottles. Review future in the past.
programme. I like to feel I’m making a • Tell the students to read the comments of
difference in the quality of our environment by the teens.
helping people reduce the amount of rubbish • Tell them to complete the sentences about each
we put in landfill sites or incinerate. person using forms to express future in the past.
Water quality planner Answers
A water quality planner has an important job, Ibrahim decided he was going to work in a
because water is so important in our lives. We petrol refinery.

drink it, wash in it, cook with it and use it to help Nabeel thought she would be more careful about
plants grow. That’s why our water must be as clean sorting and recycling her rubbish in the future.
as possible. I am in charge of a team that collects Hazem decided he would take a big bag to put
water samples and makes sure that the water is their rubbish in.
clean. If there is a problem with the water, I help Amal had to hurry because the library was
identify the reason and look for solutions. closing in half an hour.

D Now do Exercises A to C on pages WB C With a partner, talk about why

137 and 138 of the Workbook. one of these problems is important.
20 mins Discuss what you think can be done
about it. Make some notes. Then tell
• Tell students to turn to pages 137 and 138 in the class what you have talked about.
their Workbooks. Does everyone agree with you?

• Tell students they are going to talk about

WB A 25 Listen to Track 25 again environmental problems. Discuss each topic,
and decide if these statements are Air pollution, Water pollution and Rubbish, as
true (T) or false (F). a class. Prompt the students with information,
depending on what they know already.
• Tell the students to listen again and mark the • Put the students in pairs (or small groups) and
statements true or false, and then correct the give one problem to each pair.
false statements. • Ask them to talk about this problem and note
Answers down ideas. They should think about why this
1F; 2T; 3T; 4T; 5F; 6T; 7T problem is important and how we can try to
solve it.
• Ask the students from the different pairs to
talk about their ideas in open class. The other
students should agree or disagree and give
their comments.
• Ask the students to decide which problem is the
most important.

Unit 8 Fun with English 2

Note: Teachers will need to do some research on B Read the article and check your
the topics in preparation for the class discussion. answers to Exercise A. Then write
a heading for each section. 9 mins

• Tell the students to skim the article to see if they

can confirm any of their predictions.
Unit 8 Lesson 4: • Tell the students that they are going to write
headings for the paragraphs.
Irrigation – A case • They should read the paragraphs carefully to
understand the main idea of each one. From
Study this, they should make up a heading for each.
The students can work in pairs for this activity.
Objectives: Read an article for • Check answers. Ask why the students chose
general understanding. these headings.
Scan an article for Possible answers
specific information. 1 Watering the crops / Making crops grow
Compare information. 2 Moving water from pace to place / How to

Language: – move water
Vocabulary: capture, complex, 3 Developments in irrigation
creatures, crops, drip, 4 A serious mistake
fundamental, mismanage,
precise, redirect, uplands
21 Century Skills: Information Literacy –
Predicting information
C Now do Exercises A to C on page
139 of the Workbook. 25 mins
Reference: Course Book page 89,
Workbook page 139 • Tell students to open their Workbooks at
page 139.

Warm up 5 mins

WB A Read the article on page 89

• Ask students to work in groups to brainstorm of the Course Book and decide if these

the different uses for water. Invite groups to statements are true (T) or false (F).
share their ideas with the class. As a class, ask Correct the false statements.
students to suggest what would happen if the
world’s seas started to dry up. • Tell the students to look back at the article to
complete the fact file in their Workbooks.
• They should compare their answers with
A Look at the pictures. What do you a partner.
think the article will be about?
6 mins
1 T
2 T
• Ask the students to look at the title of the
3 F Humans have been irrigating the land for
lesson and the pictures and briefly discuss what
thousands of years.
information they think the text will contain.
4 F Irrigation systems are complex and
Elicit that the article is going to be about the
very advanced.
a place called the Aral Sea. Ask the students
5 T
what they know about the sea and write any
6 F In the 1960s, an irrigation system was
information on the board. They may not know
built to redirect water from the sea.
the sea at all, in which case ask students to
name the seas they do know.

Unit 8 Fun with English 2

WB B Find words in the text that WB D Work with two other students.
have the following meanings. You may Tell them what you learnt and listen
need to change the form. to what they learnt.

• Tell the students to find the words in the article • Put the students into groups of three.
to match the meanings in their Workbooks. • The students tell each other what they learnt
• Check answers. about The Aral Sea. Encourage them to retell
what they learnt from memory, but they can
refer to their fact file if necessary. They can ask
1 fundamental
each other questions.
2 crops
3 creatures
4 uplands
5 capture
6 redirect
7 complex
8 drip
9 precise

10 mismanage

WB C Do some research on The Aral

Sea online. Fill in the fact file.

Possible Answer
Name Aral Sea
Type of feature lake
Location Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan,
in Central Asia
Rivers Syr Darya and the Amu Darya
Size in 1960 67,000 square km
Size in 1996 30,000 square km

Problem Lake is shrinking. Water is

getting saltier, so fish are dying.
Fishermen have no jobs and
local people have nothing to
eat. Way of life in area has
been destroyed.
Reasons Redirection of water for use
in irrigation, farming etc;
global warming.
Possible solutions A dam was built in 2005. Water
levels a rising and salt levels are
falling. Fish are returning.


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