The Verbal Roulete 1

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Objective: This game is designed for 7th-grade students to reinforce and improve

oral and written vocabulary skills.


 Roulette.

 + Colored envelopes with instructions.

 Bag with numbers.

 Blackboard.

1. Students number themselves from one to ten.

2. The teacher raffles ten numbers in a bag, and then the chosen one
spins the roulette.

3. The student has to take the envelope which has the same color where
the roulette stopped.

4. There is a task inside each envelope that students have to perform. If

they don't complete this instruction, they get disqualified of the game.

5. If a player gets a joker, they can skip their tum and pick the next
student to spin the roulette, except the ones that got disqualified.

6. The game goes on until every student has completed a task.

7. The teacher awards a prize of their choice to the whole class for their

The verbal roulette reinforces previous knowledge and improves their

competencies at the same time they have fun and learn, encouraging an
active participation.

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