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A. General Mechanics

1. The competition is open to 1st Year to 4th Year students of SLSU Gumaca. Each
department is allowed to send only one (1) group which shall be composed of two (3)
2. During the contest prepare the following materials will be used:
a. A board (provided by the facilitator)
b. Writing material (chalk)
c. Eraser (Tissue Paper)
3. The questions will be from General Information, Social Science, and Natural Science.

B. Answering Mechanics

1. The ten (10) second-time limit will automatically begin with the word “go” by the
quiz master.

2. The contestants shall write their answers on the provided board.

The contest shall be in three (3) rounds:

a. First Round (Easy Round). There shall be fifteen (15) questions for this
round and each correct answer shall earn one (1) point.
b. Second Round (Average Round). There shall be ten (10) questions for this
round and each correct answer shall earn two (2) points.
c. Third and Final Round (Difficult Round). There shall be five (5) questions
for this round and each correct answer shall earn three (3) points.

C. Scoring Mechanics

1. The contest shall follow a point system of scoring.

a. Easy Round - 1 point
b. Average Round - 2 points
c. Difficult Round - 3 points
d. Clincher Round - 5 points
2. At the end of each round, the cumulative score of each participant shall be
computed and announced by the Quiz Master.
3. At the end of the contest, the contestant with the highest cumulative score
shall be declared the Champion as the first-place winner. The next two
highest-scoring contestants shall be declared second-place and third-place

D. Tie-Breaking Mechanics

1. In case of ties, clincher questions shall be asked.

2. Contestants are given 15 seconds to answer the clincher question.
3. The first contestant/s to answer correctly ahead of time with the other
contestant/s will be declared as the winner.

E. Protest Mechanics

1. All protests should be referred to the Board of Judges (Student Council

Officers in charge) immediately before the Quizmaster reads the next

2. The Board of Judges shall be in complete control of the contest. The

decision of judges is final, non-appealable, and irrevocable.

Prepared By:

Krish Bernadette P. Palay

Quiz Master

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