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Task 1

The chart illustrates the overall view of citizen pursuing their education level either full time or half-time
study by gender in England. With the information indicated, majority of men are willing to spend time in
studying further. However, the growth of women invest in further education is noted in the chart.

In the period of early stage, man played in the importance role as a main economic source in a family. In
this connection, they might invest more time and money in pursing higher level in education so as to get
higher pay. On the hand, most of the women were a housewife in a family. They did have limited time
and no financial support if they went to school either at night or being a full time student again.

Sequence to changing role between women and men, a steady growth of women getting more
education’s opportunity was found. Women were empowered by the family supports and societal
retransformation to go to study advance. In the period of 1990 to 1991, it is an adverse situation
compare with the early stage, which a larger part of the half-time studying was the female group.

In conclusion, the education level would be the same in term of gender, or female would get higher
education qualification in the future.

(216 words)

Task 2. Well-educated good education , sound education

With the economic growth and sound education world-wide/ in developed country, most of the parents
the stand of living is higher/ can provide better life style to their children. A child living in wealthy family
whose (their) parents are able to afford to buy toys, meal and so on. While an unprivileged family that
parents need to think twice whatever they will purchase for their children. However, the reaction of
facing problem for children living in worse standing would be higher than children living in rich family.
General facts

Your point of view

With the economic growth and sound education level achieved in developed countries, most parents
tend to be able to offer better life style to their children. On one hand, it is true that wealthy families can
offer better education and upbringings to their children in order to prepare for their adult life. On the
other hand, in reality, many children living in poor families tend to be equipped with better survival skill
to confront the adult life before they grow up.

In contrast to family with fewer resources, it is true that rich family has some advantages to build a up
survival skills of their children to confront their future adult life. First of all, they receive better education
since their parents have better financial situation to invest in their education. For example, extra tutorial
classes and better learning equipment could be provided for effective outcome. In addition, richer
families are able to spare money for their children’s leisure, which provides a happier learning
environment such as dancing classes and drawing lessons. More importantly, richer parents have more
control on their work-life balance. As a result they have more time to stay with their children to train
them with adult survival skills.


But actually in reality poor family also trained better children too

In contrast Poor family

1/ use their skills and know themselves, environment push them, study hard finanlly speaking,

2/ many famous people/ professional come from poor family

3/ they need to plan financially since they are young

Firstly, they can consider alternative ways that not involve any expenditure when facing problem or
achieve a goal. For example, if they want to buy a new pencil box and stationery, a high mark in an exam
need to be got. Their wish will come true since the wishing materials should be a reward from their
parents. On the other hand, the children who living in privileged family can ask their parents to buy what
they want regardless of fail or pass in academic result. No any effort they need to pay. Their handling
skill on a problem might weaker than children living in poor household.

Secondly, “money” might be the single and only solution for children living in rich level. Their parents
might convey a message for their children that they can use money to handle all the difficulties. This is
not true definitely. Parents are the role model for a person in the life. Once they get this impression in
child period, it will be their motto of life. Whereas, children might living hard if their family is poor.
Money would be out of their solution checklist then. They have to find solution as various as possible
and therefore they will be equipped adequate skills for dealing with the difficulties.

All in all, the family standard will have a direct relationship with the children’s dealing skill in difficulties.

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