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The Legend Of Batu Menangis


In ancient times on a hill far from the countryside, there was a mother who lived with only one

This child's facial features are very beautiful and his mother always brags and praises his child's beauty.
However, even though the child is beautiful and looks perfect, this child is a lazy child and never wants
to help his mother work. Plus, he is also very spoiled, all his wishes must be granted. In fact, they live in
poverty and their mother has to work hard to fulfill all their wishes.

Then, one day, the mother took her child to go shopping at the market. The distance between the
market and his house is very far. Along the way, there were lots of people who were amazed by the
child's beauty. She also wore beautiful and expensive-looking clothes, while her mother, who was
walking behind her, wore dirty, shabby clothes, like an errand girl.

Because their house is very far from society, people there don't know about their lives. When they
entered the village, everyone was amazed at the child, there were many young people who approached
him to look at his face. However, they were very curious about who the old woman behind him was.


“Hi, beautiful girl! Who is that old woman behind you? Is that your mother?” asked a young man. "Of
course not. "He's an errand boy," answered the boy arrogantly.

Every time someone asks the child, he always answers like that. At first, the mother could still restrain
herself. However, because this happened over and over again, it finally hurt him and he stopped for a
moment and sat down. He shed tears.

"Mother why? Let's continue our journey!" The child shouted at his mother. The child asked several
times but his mother gave no answer at all. The mother actually raised her hands up while praying. "O
God, forgive your weak servant, forgive your servant who was unable to educate his child well, so he
grew up to be an arrogant child! "Please punish my disobedient son," said the mother while shedding

Suddenly, the sky became cloudy and dark, lightning struck and rain fell. Gradually, the child's body
turned into stone. His legs became stiff and turned into stone, he couldn't move his body anymore. This
child begged his mother to forgive him and stop everything but the mother only cried because she felt


The child continued to beg. However, everything was too late. Before his head turned to stone, he cried
and regretted his actions. The mother still saw tears coming out of her eyes. Everyone in the village
witnessed this incident. When it turned into stone, the child's eyes still shed tears as if he was crying and
the local people called it the Crying Stone.

The moral message we can get from this story is that we should not hurt our parents. We must always
respect and love them, because prayers from parents are one of the things that God hears most.

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