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Production meeting 3

11.05- Costume, Taylor’s target from last time was to make a list of everything people need
and draw up all the costumes and then send it to them. She has drawn them all up and
shown everyone, she has now begun to show everyone what they need so that people can
begin to gather them. She is going to set a deadline for after Feb half term for people to get
their stuff, so that then everyone can begin looking around charity shops etc.

11.07- Sound- Daisy was looking at the Donny Darko soundtrack after her reflection from last
week, and found a band called Oingo Boingo, and she shared one of their songs with us that
she thinks could fit quite nicely for Replica. Her target for next time is to listen to more of
their stuff and see if any of it fits. Also, it could be useful to discover more of the artists and
explore more of that film soundtrack. Maybe look into music by the Ramones, as Mika will
be wearing a Ramones band t shirt. Daisy wants to look into music that could go with the
monolith, even if its just sound effects of a hum or a sort of vibration noise that can go under
eerie and strange scenes. Ben suggested to look into sounds or music that has some
unsettling bass that could create a sort of feeling and atmosphere. Different sounds could be
layered so it created a kind of texture that the audience can feel. Steve shared something
called Schuman resonance, which essentially sounds like the ‘Earth’s heartbeat’. This created
a real feeling of suspense which we can definitely use in Replica. Daisy has also began
making a playlist of songs that Cora would listen to, and then be able to sing for the
monolith scene.

11.21- Marketing- The meeting for marketing has been arranged for next Monday, so that
they can present ideas about different things to the College team and see what is possible.
Ben spoke to his nan who is on the council and asked about different ideas for promotion
etc. Sophie has been working on the poster and that should be ready for around a week
today following last week’s feedback. Steve asked the college marketing if it would be
possible to start a TikTok account, and we began brainstorming ideas for different content
we could make to promote the show. People came up with ideas and wrote them down to
potentially use if we get a yes about starting the account.
- A day in the life of making Replica
- Shake my hand in character
- Showing different warmups and why they’re effective
- Showing different scenes and quick montages
- Showing production roles
- Interviews talking about characters
11.32- Assistant director- The scenes have been worked on lots and going forward we’d like
to try a rehearsal technique where both of them massively exaggerate their character so
that they become used to the power dominance and the way their characters interact.

11.42- Lighting. Emillie sent through a word document that she’s made about her progress
and her ideas for lighting that she’s talked to Jamie about.

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