4 Daily Principles I Live by That Have Changed My Life Forever - Jari Roomer

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An Initiatic Visionary Experience from God:

A Commentary on the First Four Chapters of Genesis
William John Meegan

This paper is about discussing the spiritual interpretation of a direct Initiatic Visionary Experience as a gift from God as outline
esoterically by the scribes that penned the Judaeo Christian Scriptures. The most mystical aspects of the sacred scriptures is that the
scribes of antiquity wrote the texts in the precise selfsame manner in which they divine the WORD OF GOD via the MATRIX OF
WISDOM; thus, the texts of the sacred scriptures are written as if the reader already knows how to intrinsically read the texts
esoterically. This paper will do all it can to illustrate this latter concept concerning the reader inherent ability to read the sacred
scriptures esoterically.
This paper is a very deep mystical, esoteric and astrological analysis and commentary on the first four chapters of Genesis that
illustrates demonstrably what takes place spiritually and psychically during the Spiritual Initiatic Experience: i.e. the Soul’s Spiritual
Initiation Rite (a direct vision from God: i.e. spiritual powers - ambiance of creation). What the worthy initiate actually experiences in
that nanosecond of time during the Initiatic Visionary Experience is symbolized and encapsulated in the first letter of Genesis: BETH
cannot be explicitly expressed in the vernacular; nevertheless, the ancient scribes of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures divinely
mythologized that mystical spiritual Initiatic Visionary Experience throughout the mythoi of the first four chapters of Genesis.
Throughout this paper I will use the mythoi of the Eleusinian mysteries and the Sun Signs of Astrology via the Greek/Roman
classical myths along the zodiacal signs place throughout the first four chapters of Genesis to unfold in the secular vernacular this
mystically documented description of the INITIATIC VISIONARY EXPERIENCE.
Before I commence writing this paper it behooves me to introduce to the reader to the most inexplicable mystery on the
face of the earth: the MATRIX OF WISDOM (I highly recommend this footnote be followed up – it links to a paper that will
explain how the MATRIX OF WISDOM was developed or at least how I, personally, independently developed it). It would be
inappropriate, for me, to write this paper without this caveat to initiate this paper.

It will be extremely difficult for the reader to believe and/or to

conceptually envisage that this MATRIX OF WISDOM is an accurate and valid graphic depiction of the psyche and the
precision archive that holds and contains in its entirety the WORD OF GOD. Nowhere in humanity’s educational systems,
outside of the deep hidden hierarchies within the major religions and Mysteries Schools throughout the world are there any
people that know about this graphic image of the WORD OF GOD: i.e. MATRIX OF WISDOM.
The Chinese created their Tao Te Ching and the I Ching from this matrix, Buddhism built their Stupas based upon the
matrix, the Hindus and Catholicism builds their temples and churches based upon it schematics, the pyramids around the
world are based upon the matrix and the American Indians knew of it and patterned it into their religious artworks. The
matrix is the foundation of Astrology (iconography) and the impetus for the game of Chess. Pythagoras obtained his
mathematical theorems from it. The Constitution of the United States of America Article I, Section 8 provides for it (10 mile
square) as the city’s pattern for Washington DC.
All the major religions around the world used this MATRIX OF WISDOM to write their sacred scriptures and other
religious writings, create their artworks and build their religious monuments. Freemasonry in many cities around the world
codified their knowledge of this matrix into the landscape and into the city streets and still are actively doing so in the twenty-
first century.
There are very few people on the face of the earth that know of the MATRIX OF WISDOM; though, all ancient
religions knew of it does not mean that their modern counterparts and religious laity know of it. Those that know of it will
not discuss it; for the reason that, no human is capable of teaching anybody anything about it via the vernacular. I,
apparently, am going against the tradition of silence; for the reason that, I am not a member of a secret society so I have no
vows or obligations in that area to maintain. I don’t believe that God gave me this spiritual gift to keep quiet about it. I have
written three books and over two dozen independent-academic papers about it that can be read online free of charge.
Though it will be incredible to believe the matrix of wisdom holds the SUM-TOTAL OF ALL KNOWLEDGE: a glimpse
of eternity and in the process of giving the gift of the Initiatic Visionary Experience to the worthy initiate it downloads this
knowledge in a nanosecond. This is not to say that the initiate will retain this knowledge of this data core-dump;
nonetheless, the missive will be delivered and understood and the initiate’s psyche will be cleansed in preparation to receive
the Christ child: i.e. Christ consciousness. Throughout this paper I will do all I can to demonstrate that and to illustrate
demonstrably what an Initiate Visionary Experience gifted directly from God is all about.
This MATRIX OF WISDOM is the most mystical religious symbol on the face of the earth bar none. The MATRIX OF
WISDOM speaks to the gift of the Initiatic Visionary Experience from God and explains how the initiate can regain his or
her soul. In fact the whole of the sacred scriptures were written solely to explain to the initiate how to regain and to maintain
his or her soul.
This MATRIX OF WISDOM should not, via any standards of physics and/or any educational system known to man,
exists; nonetheless, it does and I will endeavor to give a tsunami of scientific evidence to convince the readers of the truth of
its existence - maybe they will take up and carry Prometheus’ torch. For what I am about to lay out in this paper is truly the
FIRE divined from the spiritual forces of creation.
Much of what this paper is truly about cannot be discussed in any commonsensical manner that would be understood by
modernity’s societal mores; for the reason that, the infidel (the average citizen) would see it as being absolutely ridiculous. True
spiritual knowledge has to be intuited from what is not said.
Judaism symbolically represents secular societal mores: i.e. morality, ethics, penal and civil codes and State and Federal
Constitutional laws. These are manmade control systems born out of necessary via reason and logic. Judaism symbolizes the psychic
realm governed by ego-consciousness. This has nothing to do with the spiritual laws of the cosmos. The history of the Jews is a
mythology that cloths the true spiritual laws that govern humanity. Judaism is basically humanity living under the edicts and the
mandates of societal mores, which forces the individual to sacrifice his archetypal ‘animal’ instincts on the altar of society, in order to
live civilly in a peaceful society. In every sense societal mores per se is Solomon’s Temple preventing an Initiatic Visionary
Christianity on the other hand symbolizes the Holy of Holy; for the reason that, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Judaism or
its societal mores. Yes, a Christian living in society would naturally obey society’s mores; however, societal mores are superfluous to
an initiate that lives in the Garden of Eden: Christ consciousness.
One of the most difficult and insidious problems about the particular set of opposites called Judaism and Christianity, is that
most so-called Christians are essentially Jews (materialists) whether they claim allegiance to Protestantism or Catholicism. Very few
people understand how to read the sacred scriptures esoterically (esoterically) in the manner in which it is suppose to be read


The sacred scriptures are written under the rubric of ‘fork-tongue’ terminology; for the reason that it is continuous and never-
ending doublespeak. What this means is that the surface texts of the sacred scriptures speaks iconoclastically; on the other hand,
beneath the surface texts is iconographic data that has an entirely different message. Such doublespeak language is so insidious and
complex that a chapter of the bible can be analyzed esoterically endlessly and infinite knowledge can be culled out of it.
Everyday conversations that people have with family, friends and associates in the real world are spoken of unwittingly in this
‘fork-tongue doublespeak’ manner. Even if one was an expert in the Esoteric Science he or she straight away unconsciously steps
out of the role of the Esoterist and lives life normally with his or her family, friends and associates and speak in the vernacular of the
iconoclastic and not in the tongue of iconography. It is difficult for the average person to grasp that this kind of ethereal and
mystical behavior is happening continuously and never-ending in the lives of every single human being living in the material world;
nonetheless, it is what it is and there is no getting around it. Iconoclastic language comes from the depths of the individual’s
character and the words that are chosen to converse with another may have a different intent and/or meaning than what the
normal average listener would understand it to mean. A person saying something without any purposeful intent at deception is
actually saying something that is explicit and unconsciously fits more to his or her character and personality. In the real world every
human being is confronting the world with a mask according to how he or she believes the world wants him or her to conduct him or
herself. So use to this iconoclastic mode of communication in the real world the average person reads the sacred scriptures as he or
she would read any novel not even thinking in terms of iconoclasm or iconography. Novels are written in the same mode of
iconoclastic thought authors thinks and speaks in every day conversation and the average citizen has no reason to think otherwise;
whereas, the sacred scriptures are written via iconography to separate the two diametrically modes of thinking. Iconoclasm speaks
to linear thought similar to how the lines of this paper are written. Iconoclasm speaks to history and the time/space continuum;
whereas, iconography designs sacred geometry into the texts, which has nothing to do with history or the time/space continuum.
The spiritual laws of God: the spiritual powers of creation never change and are fixed for all time and eternity. Unless the initiate
understand these basic facts regarding the tenets of iconoclasm and iconography there will always be confusion in the minds of the


Astrology: i.e. iconography is a very difficult problem when it comes to reading the sacred scriptures. I call Astrology the
language of iconography; for the reason that, that is precisely what it is. Astrology is a symbolic tool and it has nothing whatsoever
to do with fortune telling per se; however, because Astrology is at the same time a mathematical and a grammatical tool via the
Seven Liberal Arts it may appear to be a prognosticator of events to come. This is not difficult to believe; for the reason that, human
behavior predicts its own future. A thief most likely will end up in prison. Married couples will most like have children. Most
predictions are self-evident and can be made simply by knowing a person’s personality. Just meeting people tells you a great deal
about them in the way that they look, wear their cloth, the manner and tone of their voice, if they are articulate of dullards and
many other things reveal themselves and most people do not pay attention to any of these things consciously; however,
unconsciously nothing is missed; yet, this unconscious analysis aids in assessing another demeanor and character.
For the reason that Astrology has such a vile reputation it is not known to be a primary tool use to interpret the sacred
scriptures. It is considered an occult science, which for the most part, in mainstream thought, is considered the Devil’s art. Occult
sciences are a total anathema to modernity way of looking at religious lore and I for one agree with that assessment; however,
sometimes treasures are tossed out into the cesspools of society. Catholicism, in modern times, is extremely adamant it teaching
the laity not to go anywhere near Astrology and/or the Tarot Cards; yet, these are both extremely important symbolic tools for an
initiate to understand the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. On the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel the Zodiac/Calendar Year is
openly displayed symbolically via the five sibyls and seven prophets. These twelve symbols exude a unique pattern that perfectly
matches the Zodiac/Calendar Year’s pattern used in modern times. The Roman Catholic Church’s teachings against Astrology so
influence my own thinking in the early years (October 1978 – April 11, 1983) of my researches, on the Genesis Creation Account, that
I immediately, after intuiting a twelve part cycle via an astrological thought on the first two chapters of Genesis, rejected the idea of
Astrology because of Catholicism decrees against it.
It was only when the evidence of Astrology in the bible became so overwhelming, relating to the cycle I discovered, that I finally
acquiesce to the idea. I was trying to find out what the twelve part cycle, in the first two chapters of Genesis, was all about and it
took me about four and half more years of fruitless research before I realized that Astrology was the key factor to understanding it.
Almost immediately upon realizing that Astrology was the key factor to understanding the bible that I stop researching the sacred
scriptures in lieu of analyzing the mathematical structure of Dante Alighieri’s La Divina Commedia (The Divine Comedy), which
serendipitously turned out to have everything to do with Astrology. It was serendipitous; for the reason that, before analyzing the
mathematics of The Divine Comedy I knew practically nothing of Astrology and had to learn about it in piecemeal as I was
progressing in my mathematical analysis on The Divine Comedy. This was in every sense the Holy Spirit guiding me. At no time did I
ever think that Astrology was a fortune telling tool other than what I already mentioned above. Of course there are many other
factors that came up in my researches that convinced me, as the years rolled by, that Astrology was the primary key to
understanding all aspects of the sacred scriptures on a symbolic level. One of those facts was that the Judaea Christian Scriptures in
their entirety had obviously been written with the equinoctial zodiacal signs in mind seeing that Yahweh and Elohym (gods of the Old
Testament) symbolized the Gemini Twins and the Israelites started worshiping the Bull (Taurus) then Judaism sacrificed the Ram
(Aries) and finally Christianity commenced at the dawn of the Fishes (Pisces). This is too neat of a package of symbolism to overlook.
My discovery of what the twelve part cycle was in April 1983 led me to a discovery of the Cycles of Divine Creation, which
were later interpreted as the Scales of Libra. These cycles aided me in astrologically orientating words to a system of eleven cycles
out of possibly 1584-cycles.
There are two final factors that totally convinced me unequivocally that Astrology was the foundation of scriptural
interpretation. The first was the discovery that the KABBALISTIC TREE OF LIFE and the STAR OF DAVID are graphically depicted
images codified esoterically to the texts of the first chapter of Genesis with such precision mathematics that no intelligent person
could deny the evidence of the present of these graphic images; though, Kabbalah was known for thousands of years no one ever
discussed where the origin of these images came from. The second discovery was made shortly after I finished my research on Dante
Alighieri’s La Divina Commedia; yet, it was in those researches I discovered a 10 x 10 matrix, which I now call the MATRIX OF
WISDOM, known all over the world in all times and climes, that is the core principle and original source material for the Judaeo
Christian Scriptures. The Judaeo Christian Scriptures is a commentary on that MATRIX OF WISDOM.
The Initiatic Visionary Experience
Unless one has gone through the Initiatic Visionary Experience, as I have, it is nigh unto an impossibility to explain to
another, that has not had it, this gift from God called the Initiatic Visionary Experience. That is per se, principally, what the secrets of
the Mystery Schools are all about. How can an initiate explain to an uninitiated that there is ethereal knowledge that is received
from God: i.e. spiritual forces, on an individual level, that cannot be transmitted to another via the vernacular? It’s as if there is a
great ‘communication chasm’ between individuals.
Every Mystery School has its overt and covert ‘rituals secrets’, which are not to be openly discussed amongst non-members;
however, these are not the ethereal secrets that cannot be discussed nor transmitted by any means to another. I, personally, am
not a member nor have I ever been a member of a Mystery School other than being born, raised and educated in the traditions of
the Roman Catholic Church, which along with Freemasonry and Rosicrucian are the best of the mystical schools that I know of, in the
whole of Western Civilization.
Having said that I will say that the Rosicrucian’s academic Rose+Croix Journal, peer-reviewed and published an 80-page
paper I wrote on the Sistine Chapel in 2006; however, I am not nor was I ever a member of the Mystical Order of the Rosicrucian. In
December 2012 I published a 484-page volume with the same title.
The phrase ‘Mystery School’ is another expression for ‘Mystical Temple: i.e. Christ Consciousness’, that each individual
builds as an ethereal Garden of Eden in his or her soul. This is the heavenly Mystical Temple that the earthly Mystery School
(Solomon’s Temple) attempt to mirror images, which does not speak of the atheist.
There are three classifications of people in any earthly Mystery School.
⦁ The FIRST GROUP represents the general populace: i.e. laity. These are the hordes of masses that continuously ‘knock on the
door’ and there is never an answer; for the reason that, there is, in their religious studies, no sincerity in their hearts. All
members of the laity in Catholicism are baptized as Christ; however, few will envisage what the religion of their birthright is all
⦁ The SECOND GROUP represent the priesthood, monks, nuns or religious-hermits; though, the first group also has their
percentages of priests, monks, nuns and religious hermits.
This second group does devote most of their time, religiously, trying to obtain an understanding of the WORD OF GOD;
however, what are their psychic reasons for doing so? Is it to obtain some kind of materialistic or spiritual benefits: i.e. wrong
⦁ The THIRD GROUP is the rarest amongst all of the laity on an individual level. This initiate will not be distinguished, as a true
initiate of God, by another, amongst the hordes of civilization. What is meant by this is that this kind of individual will receive a
vision directly from God, which will initiate him or her into a new raison d’être (reason for existence): i.e. Garden of Eden.
The vision per se is the initiate’s Spiritual Rite of Initiation (all of his or her previous sins: i.e. false beliefs – erroneous manner of
worshipping God will be forgiven). Manmade control systems: morality, ethics, penal and civil codes are superfluous, which have
absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the ethereal laws of God.
There is no training or research that can prepare anyone on earth for this kind of Initiatic Visionary Experience; for the reason
that, its duration is merely a nanosecond of time and in that period of time the Initiatic vision will completely change the individual’s
world view psychically. In every sense the vision is the individual regaining his or her soul: i.e. the Holy Grail: i.e. the MATRIX OF
WISDOM. This kind of individual does all that he or she can possibly do, in a materialistically driven world, to give of his or her whole
heart, mind, soul, time, finances and resources to discern the WORD OF GOD. These activities are spontaneously generated from
out of the essence of who the individual has psychically become before receiving the gift of the Initiatic Visionary Experience from
God. This individual ‘lives in the world; but, is not of the world’. The chosen religious activities that the initiate has set upon doing
are; for the reason that, he or she cannot psychically do otherwise. In every sense the initiate’s soul, once it has received the Initiatic
Visionary Experience, has been seized by a divine obsession.
The materialistically driven world: people, places and thing: i.e. ‘dog eat dog world’ has literally become a cesspool to this
individual’s mindset and this cesspool of a world is not even worth living in; thus, giving of one’s whole heart, mind, soul, time,
finances and resources is, per se, reaching for that last straw of desperation to obtain some kind of common sense or sanity in a
world gone mad and that alone is probably the primary reason that the initiate receives the Initiatic Visionary Experience directly
from God: spiritual forces in creation.
To this individual the world has turned topsy-turvy in comparison to what was originally considered the rules and regulations
regarding societal mores. One day through shock and awe this individual realizes he or she is literally outside of society looking in at
a world he or she knows nothing of. Morality, ethics, penal and civil codes and Federal and State Constitutional laws (manmade
control systems) are only words on paper and have absolutely nothing to do with the reality of the true existing spiritual laws. The
people in the world act out in all their endeavors in thought, word and deed as if their everyday societal mores don’t even exist; yet,
these societal mores is the armor and basic training that every child puts on and is educated into and then systemically tossed into
the world, as if off of a conveyor belt, essentially defenseless against a dog eat dog environment, which, for all intent and purpose, is
diametrically opposite to his or her educative experiences in his or her formative years. It is as if the sheep are daily toss to the
wolves in a never-ending vicious cycle.
Everybody in society speaks of morality, ethics, penal and civil codes and Federal and State Constitutional laws as if they are
valid avenues of deportment and defenses against those that don’t act civilly in society; though, for the most part the masses
themselves do not adhere to these rules and regulation; though, they know how to wear the mask of civility; rather, the majority of
people take inappropriate advantage of the masses that are trained to obey those societal mores. The civil authorities themselves
that allegedly oversee the societal mores twist and spin every single one of these rules and regulations, to their own financial and/or
power grabbing advantage, that are presumed to standardize civility and civilized behavior in the world at large.
Can anybody that has come face to face with a world gone mad live in that milieu? Can such an individual that realizes that he
or she is possibly the only sane man or woman alive live in such stench and filth? Such an individual feels like the King or Queen that
has not drunk the cool-aid. They feel that they have been dress in the most beautiful regal garments in the world that shows their
naiveté (nakedness) and there is not a single person in the world that doesn’t see that naiveté in their deportment; but, instantly
those hardhearted people rejects the reality of it; for the reason that, they have come to believe such norms are not possible. In fact
they know instinctually such norms are aberrant behavior; thus, they take advantage of people that believe in and act upon decent
societal mores. Most people put up defenses against what they have come to envisage as the true societal mores, which is per se
the incarnation of evil; thus, they then can envisage clearly the nakedness of those individuals that are naïve. The only other people,
basically children, going through such a state of naïve-nakedness training can see in others that which they are enduring themselves;
however, it is only in this depressing and psychic state of awareness that the individual begins searching the trash bins and garbage
dumps of the world (libraries and bookstores) seeking to understand the WORD OF GOD. It is in this voluntary meditational state of
being when one unwittingly hands over to God his or her whole heart, mind, soul, time, finances and resources that the gift of the
Initiatic Visionary Experience comes unexpectedly upon that individual like a streak of lightning.
Such an Initiatic Visionary Experience from God cannot be conceived by anyone as to what it is nor can one expect to receive
any kind of an Initiatic Visionary Experience from God. Expecting to receive a reward from God per se will spiritually and psychically
prevent one from ever receiving such a gift. One does not research to understand the WORD OF GOD expecting a gift of any kind
from God.
Such an Initiatic Visionary Experience is analogous to a data-core-dump from a computer (terabytes of information); however, in
this psychic-data-core-dumb the individual understands it in its entirety what is being conveyed, in that nanosecond of time;
however, one does not retain that knowledge per se; but, does retain the sense that one has seen God and lives. The sacred
scripture says that ‘no one sees God and lives (Exodus 33:20)’. What this means is that if one sees God he or she can no longer live
in the materialistic, greedy and slumbering world of egocentrism. The transition to the Garden of Eden is instantaneous. No one can
ever forget such a Initiatic Visionary Experience and that spiritual vision alone is the sole authority for the initiate to continue his or
her religious researches and studies to understand the WORD OF GOD to the end of time; henceforth in life, nothing can ever deter
that individual that receives such an Initiatic Visionary Experience from his or her religious studies - FOR NOW AND FOREVER MORE -
that individual knows that there is a God. That individual lives in the world; but, is not of the world. The initiate that receives such a
vision lives in the Garden of Eden searching to learn and understand as much of the WORD OF GOD as possible. It is as if, and
probably is, as if that individual has got off the merry-go-round and has left the materialistic realm and only exists in the world on
the periphery of society (oasis) and lives only with God.
It took many years of contemplating my researches that enable me to envisage the above MATRIX OF WISDOM which is a valid
and physical manifested iconographic image of the psyche, which is known all over the world in all religious cultures in all times and
clime, which is a commentary on the MONAD: God/Man Christ: i.e. Soul. It is from this MATRIX OF WISDOM that the psychic-data-
core-dump of terabytes of data is coalesced into an Initiatic Visionary Experience from God. The fact that the vision is
comprehensible in the parlance of the initiate’s vernacular is verification of it coming directly from Christ consciousness: God/Man.
The paradox that such a spiritual vision puts forth is that the initiate does not have to know anything about God in order to
receive such a vision. I know what my own educative knowledge about God was when I, personally received the Initiatic Visionary
Experience (June 1978), which was absolutely nothing. Those that have studied and researched for decades, or even a half century,
their religious teachings will never receive the Initiatic Visionary Experience if they don’t humble themselves and deflate their egos
individually like the neophyte and give of his or her whole heart, mind, soul, time, finances and resources to obtain spiritual
After the initiate receives the Initiatic Visionary Experience the spirit within will guide the initiate. This does not mean giving
finances and resources to institutional religious establishments; rather, it means using those finances and resources to buy personal
books, CDs, DVDs, going to religious movies, attending lectures or whatever it takes to learn something about the WORD OF GOD.
Such purchases are internal spiritual tests of one’s heartfelt sincerity.
The search for knowledge of God is done mono-e-mono (one-on-one) with God not through fellowship. If one is in fellowship
than literalism and iconoclasm rules the day and no knowledge can be obtain via literalism; because, literalism symbolizes the
concretization of thought: i.e. a fixed program, which is molded into religious doctrine similar to the idea of a mountain of granite
rock, which is not Christ consciousness: i.e. mental state that symbolizes the malleable Waters of Life. Don’t misunderstand me.
Every drop of water (thought) becomes as solid as granite rock that must evaporate and dissipate into the ethers of the psyche to be
reconstituted into a new genre of thought. The above MATRIX OF WISDOM is such a granite mountain that needs to be
continuously and everlastingly reinvigorated, sustained and maintained psychically: i.e. eternal vigilance is the spiritual motto.
If the initiate is observant and has read any of the books on the so-called initiation process he or she will see condensed in the
Mystery Schools the physical ritual initiation process in what I have outlined in this paper as the true spiritual Initiatic Visionary
What the scribes of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures recorded in the first four chapter of Genesis is a composite, for the purposes of human
understanding of what the Initiatic Visionary Experience is all about. The Initiatic Visionary Experience is not a process and it certainly is not
in sequential order neatly packaged as it is systematically laid out linearly in the first four chapters of Genesis astrologically. What is laid out in
the first four chapters of Genesis is merely a synthesis of what takes place, and why, in the soul during the Initiatic Visionary Experience. Those
that have eyes to see will see the zodiacal cycle in the first four chapters of Genesis as an eternal everlasting cycle eternally gyrating and
transubstantiating the initiate’s psychic content. The Initiatic Visionary Experience is not symbolized by any particular part of the zodiacal
cycle; rather, the Initiatic Visionary Experience is symbolized wholly by the STAR OF DAVID: i.e. CHRIST consciousness that is synthesized
out of the collective twelve part zodiacal cycle (symbolically the things that enamor the initiate’s psyche in life).

This paper will discuss the INITIATION RITE as outlined and esoterically codified to the first four chapters of Genesis. Here I will
discuss a great deal of the Esoteric Science codified to the Judaeo Christian Scriptures. The Esoteric Sciences are actually teachings
that the Mystery Schools and religious institutions are mandated not to give instructions on overtly; however, they can be
transmitted by them covertly through the auspices of literature, artworks and monuments. In modernity I have not seen any
religious institutions consciously producing any covert evidence of their knowledge that these Esoteric Sciences exist; however, I
have incontrovertible evidence that Freemasonry, which I am not a member, is still codifying the Esoteric Sciences, as outlined in the
sacred scriptures, into the streets and monuments of Washington DC., during the first decade of the twenty-first century.
The true Spiritual Initiation Rite is a very private matter between the initiate and the spiritual powers that be: i.e. God. Mystery
Schools are spiritual secret societies as are religious institutions on par with Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholicism
etc., etc. that are institutionalized to invoke this spiritual process in the soul of the initiate. These Mystery Schools and religious
organizations that were institutionalized, to invoke the spiritual in the initiate, are inordinately secrets. In fact they are so secret
that each of them has a secret hierarchy within their outer secular hierarchy: this later is symbolically analogous to the soul being
encased by the body or the kernel being encased in the husk or shell of a nut. Each secret society, which is the outer façade of the
hidden hierarchy, can claim deniability of such mystical knowledge if it knows nothing of its core principles.
Normally, from a worldly secular perspective, people not members of a Mystery School or religious institution tend to think
erroneously that Initiation in a Mystery School or religious institution is a testing process believing the initiate is query about what he
or she has learned by rote via a mnemonic system. Actually, this latter is true from the standpoint of the initiate being instructed in
the secular teachings of a Mystery School or religious institution; however, that is not the spiritual initiation that comes out of such a
focused curriculum. True spiritual initiation is experiencing the truth about one’s soul internally on a spiritual and psychic level. This
psychic spiritual Initiatic Visionary Experience neither has anything to do with the secular Initiation Rite nor does it have anything to
do with appeasing the whims of a secular hierarchy as professional tradesmen do in their vocations.
All secular vocations are in their truest sense cults or in a manner of speaking secret societies, with their own initiation rites, for
each of them have their own secret teachings: i.e. knowledge that anyone can obtain in the secular world by reading published
books and going to their secular schools of higher learning for practical experience. Nobody in the world is going to declare him or
herself a doctor, lawyer, engineer, artist, musician, etc., etc. without first learning the secret teachings of any of those schools of
thought and subsequently illustrating one’s knowledge via academic and practical applications.
Internal spiritual knowledge experienced soulfully by the initiate cannot be tested as secular institutions give examinations to
their students. In fact what the initiate experiences spiritually cannot be discussed secularly; for the reason that, the inexplicable
cannot be translated via thought, word of deed. Such knowledge cannot be obtained unless it is gifted by the spiritual forces of
creation: i.e. God. The so-called secrets of a spiritual Mystery School’s or religious institution’s mandate of secrecy concerning their
secular rituals are symbolically analogous to this inability of the true initiate to express his or her spiritual Initiatic Visionary
Experience on a mundane level.

Below, I have outlined a short description of the Roman Catholic Church’s Seven Sacraments. This is not meant to be a definitive
commentary. The Catholic Catechism does that. I, personally, adhere to the true spiritual teachings of the Roman Catholic Church;
though, I don’t approve of many of its secular practices. Any cult allegedly religious or otherwise declaring themselves to be so-
called Christians: i.e. Protestants (protesting the WORD OF GOD) are in every sense satanic (erroneous thought); for the reason that,
they are literal-minded iconoclastic people that know absolutely nothing about the WORD OF GOD that they protest against, which
can only be convey and expressed in iconography (symbolism via Astrology).
The Rite of Initiation is not something that can be easily dismissed; though, few indeed, if any, in the world at large know what
an Initiation Rite is. The Roman Catholic Church’s Seven Sacraments are pseudo-initiation rites for they are externalized myths to
illustrate what the internal Spiritual Rite of Initiation is all about. The paradox here is that all seven of these sacraments are one and
the same expressed seven different ways and this is similar to the Seven Light Chakras codified to the first four chapters of Genesis.
Here these sacraments are listed top down; for the reason that, that is the way the LIGHT CHAKRAS are aligned to the mythoi of the
human body in order for the dormant lingam: i.e. Kundalini Serpent to rise.
⦁ The priest pours a few drops of water on the baby’s brow symbolic of the religious teachings that life will drown the
child in. Also the child is given a godmother and godfather that promises to oversee the child’s religious teachings,
which they rarely if ever take part in, in the secular or religious life of the child. In fact, in modernity neither godparent
would know how to go about the task of overseeing the child’s religious education; whereas,
⦁ True Baptism is drowning the psyche in one’s oceanic cultural religious teachings and the TRUE DESIRE on the part of
the initiate will call forth the spiritual powers that will aid him or her in his or her spiritual studies. Without this TRUE
DESIRE for knowledge of God and one’s own soul no progress can be made. Lip-service to TRUE DESIRE is an anathema.
The personal unconscious ego (Shadow) provides the anima (feminine): i.e. godmother for the baby-boy being baptized
and the animus (masculine): godfather for the baby-girl being baptized. This is symbolically analogous to the angel
(anima or animus) and the devil (EGO) that sits on one’s shoulders guiding the soul throughout life.
⦁ Very few initiates survive this oceanic tsunami (universal flood) in the religious world; rather, they stay asleep beneath
the waves (blanket of sleep) in the secular world living life unaware of what true spiritual life is all about.
⦁ PENANCE (Reconciliation - Confession):
⦁ The priest during Confession in the secular world gives absolution to the initiate for any alleged sins rarely if ever
committed in the outer world. Sin is a spiritual violation not a materialistic one. This earthly absolution frees the
initiate’s mind of guilt of alleged inappropriate secular activities (violation of manmade control systems: morals, ethics
or penal codes) so that he or she can continue his or her religious studies without fear that God will not forgive him or
her; whereas,
⦁ True Reconciliation is a Initiatic Visionary Experience from God wiping the sinner’s (initiate’s) mind of any addiction
and/or obsession and/or false beliefs (sins) he or she may have.
⦁ Reading and hearing the scriptural teachings and receiving the bread and the wine (scriptural readings and homily) is a
secular theatrical skit of the Holy Mass; however, rarely is there a true understandable presence of the Eucharist in the
Holy Mass; for the reason that, the laity is basically ignorance of what the Eucharist is; whereas,
⦁ The true spiritual understanding of the presence of the Eucharist is raising Christ from the dead from his tomb (Holy
Scriptures) via the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine (reading and interpretation of the WORD OF GOD): in
other words the initiate regains his or her soul and becomes the God/Man CHRIST through receiving the true WORD OF
GOD: i.e. Eucharist.
⦁ The Bishop in this outer pseudo-religious Initiation Rite gives a slight slap (tap) to the face; whereas,
⦁ This slap on the initiate’s face symbolizes the enormous psychological shock and awe that take place in the psyche as to
the true conceptual nature and understanding of his or her religious teachings.
⦁ The ordained priest symbolically represents CHRIST and by extension symbolizes that the entire Roman Catholic laity
individually are priests after the Order of Melchiezidek; whereas,
⦁ Spiritually the initiate goes home and studies the WORD OF GOD conducting High Mass as the priest does in daily
services. The initiate at home raises the Christ that is within his or her own psyche from the dead: i.e. the soul per se is
the sacred scriptures that the outer world’s sacred text reflects.
⦁ Marriage in the outer world symbolizes uniting man and woman into one flesh symbolizing the spiritual process that
amalgamates the psyche: ego-consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow); whereas,
⦁ Spiritually marriage is the spiritual forces: God joining the sincere initiate’s psyche: i.e. ego-consciousness (Boaz) and
the personal unconscious ego (Shadow - Jachin) as one flesh creating Christ consciousness: i.e. the God/Man CHRIST.
⦁ At physical death the priest performs Extreme Unction on the deceased with Holy Oil; whereas,
⦁ Extreme Unction symbolizes that when a person falls from the grace of God he or she is spiritually dead as if in a coffin
(drowning in the oceanic waters of the psyche), which symbolically he or she is encased without any hope of life, the
Catholic community gathers around to pray (Holy Oil) for the spiritually dead to reunite with God in this life time.

Here I placed the symbolism denoting the first two verses of Genesis in this arrangement, from right to left (east to west –
counterclockwise); for the reason that, this is how the Hebrew texts of Genesis is formatted.
The initiate reading the first two verses of Genesis, literally: iconoclastically will not allow him or herself to envisage the
missive from out of the Mouth (PEI) of God. Unless the spiritual powers that be: God seizes the soul of the initiate via the Initiatic
Visionary Experience there is no hope of spiritual life in the world only existence under the harsh taskmaster: i.e. egocentrism. The
initiate has to intuit that Astrology’s Zodiacal signs are an alphanumeric method of reading and writing the WORD OF GOD via
iconography (symbolism) in a very mystical ethereal manner. I will return to this discussion in a minute.


The scribes of the sacred scriptures of the world wrote as if the initiate was already fully and competently aware of all the
esoteric and symbolic ways of reading the WORD OF GOD. The sacred scriptures are perfectly structured scientifically
alphanumerically letter by letter. If the initiate (reader) does not know how to symbolically interpret the esoteric texts of the sacred
scriptures that is his or her problem; however, the sacred scriptures are more than adequately designed, especially without the
assistance of human (ego) input, to aid the initiate in his or her studies to interpret the scriptural texts properly; however, this
depends solely upon the tenacity of the initiate’s sincerity to know the spiritual laws of creation. The initiate must understand that
he or she is living in a very mystical realm whether it is material or spiritual thought. No matter what an individual thinks, says or
does it is in accordance to the laws of the spiritual powers of creation otherwise it cannot thrust itself into manifested creation; but,
how to interpret any manifested material esoterically as the WORD OF GOD is another enigma altogether.
True, the sacred scriptures of the world are institutionalized instructional manuals: i.e. manmade texts that are divinely
authorized as an esoteric standardization (Order out of Chaos) for teaching: via reading and writing the WORD OF GOD to
the initiate still embroiled in DARKNESS. I said, “Divinely authorized” and how I know this is via the MATRIX OF
WISDOM , which is a direct commentary on the MONAD: i.e. Soul: CHRIST: God/Man. Unless the initiate knows that the
MATRIX OF WISDOM exist and how it was spiritually and psychically developed he or she will neither be able to envisaged
nor conceptualize how and why religious institutions and Mystery Schools were authorized and mandated by Divine Province
to write the sacred scriptures of the world: literature, artworks and monuments.
The reason that the scribes that wrote the sacred scriptures of the world covertly (esoterically) wrote the WORD OF GOD is
because the MATRIX OF WISDOM mandated it. The MATRIX OF WISDOM is the WORD OF GOD prior to it being
interpreted as the sacred scriptures. This is explicitly mandated via the sacred geometry (Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the Star of
David, the SEVEN LIBERAL ARTS and what will come to be known as the Pythagorean mathematical theorem) that is
esoterically codified to the matrix: along with infinite knowledge (all possible knowledge the initiate - not collective
humanity - need to live in his or her earthly Garden of Eden). Scripture is the LIGHT culled out of DARKNESS.
Learning that the MATRIX OF WISDOM is a direct commentary on the MONAD: i.e. Soul: Christ consciousness:
God/Man answers a great many questions that simultaneously wipes away (forgiveness of sins: false belief) from the psyche a
great deal of the biases, prejudices and preconceived notions that were previous obstacles blinding the initiate from seeing the
The MATRIX OF WISDOM defies the known laws of physics; for the reason that it as a mathematical device coalesces the
first nine numbers in the first nine multiplication tables into iconographic images. Physics says such spontaneous generation
of images out of numerical data is not possible. These very same images are what are codified esoterically into the Genesis
Creation Account. It is the synchronization of the MATRIX OF WISDOM with the Esoteric Science codified to the Judaeo
Christian Scriptures that convinces the initiate of the truth of what the sacred scriptures are conveying esoterically.
Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholicism, Egyptian, Freemasonry, Rosicrucian, Mayan, Aztec, American
Indian, etc., etc. is neither on an individual level nor collectively the Church (Temple) of God. The TEMPLE OF GOD is
how the individual initiate psychically synthesizes the divine teachings: i.e. MATRIX OF WISDOM of his or her religious
institution into his or her soul.
Each Hebrew and Greek letter and/or word codified to the Judaeo Christian Scripture is crammed packed with enumerable
symbolic nuances. Many of the Hebrew and Greek letters and/or word’s meanings will not be readily apparently even to the most
trained esoteric expert. One of the most important principles of interpreting the sacred scriptures is to learn that once an
interpretation is culled from the biblical texts it has to be summarily dismiss in pursuit of any further researches (interpretations) in
that area of its texts. It is not that previous interpretations are forgotten, outdated or improved upon; rather, see that summary
dismissal as being ‘out of sight out of mind’ when researching the same area of the texts again. No Hebrew or Greek letter or word
should ever be given a one-word definition. This one-word definition (iconoclastic thought) for letters and/or words is one of
societal mores’ great fallacies more especially should this caveat be taken seriously when it comes to scriptural letters and/or words.
Amongst society’s social gatherings this fallacy of one-word definitions (iconoclastic thought) for words causes enumerable conflicts
amongst equals; for the reason that, misinterpretations of meanings and intentions in verbal conversations causes more arguments
than any other conflicts in the world. It is my belief that in monasteries and convents the ‘Rule of Silence’ is invoked to eschew this
demonic one-word definition (iconoclastic thought). I warn the initiate to substitute disagreeable words in a text with words that
have the same meanings and nuances; rather, than let rage overtake the psyche. The initiate will shortly learn that the sages that
authored the Judaeo Christian Scriptures substituted what appear to be inappropriate words for esoteric concepts throughout to
provide a DARKNESS that would accommodate an infinite source of LIGHT.

Here I have to get way ahead of myself by illustrating the last

Astrological sign in the series: Libra in this Initiation Rite series of twelve Zodiacal signs in order to discuss the first two signs in the
series: Scorpio and Sagittarius. I am illustrating here Anubis’ scales of weighting the Heart against the weight of a feather. My
interpretation of this Egyptian ‘Spiritual Death Ritual’ is that the Heart must be equal to the weight of the feather; for the reason
that, if the Heart weighs more or weighs less than the weight of the feather it illustrates that the soul has too much desire for the
world. The feather, I believe, symbolizes the Cygnus Swan (Initiatic Visionary Experience). Physical death has nothing to do with the
Egyptian ‘Spiritual Death Ritual’. The Egyptian Death Ritual symbolized the death of materialistic living and the spiritual entrance into
the Garden of Eden or the Land of Ka (psychic paradise) or what Christianity would call CHRIST consciousness (Birth of
The first four chapters of Genesis come around cyclically to the twelve signs of the zodiacal calendar. What is most interesting
about the placement of the zodiacal calendar into the first four chapters of Genesis is that a zodiacal sign can symbolically be
represented by one verse of seven words as Scorpio does in the first verse of Genesis or as much a whole chapter as Virgo and Libra
lay claim to in the third and forth chapters of Genesis respectively. Or a chapter can represent two signs as Cancer and Leo lays claim
to in the second chapter of Genesis. The other six signs of the zodiac lay claim to the first six days of the Genesis Creation Account.
These are some of the seemingly inane and illogical pitfalls that the initiate must recognize in analyzing the sacred scriptures.
One of the main conundrums in interpreting the sacred scriptures is that there is nobody to argue with over the content or
interpretations of the texts other than one’s own biases, prejudices and preconceived notions. The scriptural text says what it says
and there is no arguing the matter. Scriptural authority is the final say on the truth and validity of the WORD OF GOD that is of
course through the auspices of the indigenous languages of the original textual materials. It is up to the initiate to research the
letters and/or words of the texts under analysis to see if it is a bad translation or if further data can be obtained by understanding
what each of the letters mean in the words of the texts being studied via the indigenous language. It’s a tedious, boring and
laborious task (an extremely harsh taskmaster: i.e. slavery to some, paradise to the spiritually gifted) to undertake such precision
and detail scriptural analysis of the sacred scriptures; nonetheless, it has to be done.
I, personally, when through a six year period of researching, seemingly fruitlessly and endlessly, a nine part cycle I
gleamed in the first chapter of Genesis in December/January 1976/1977 to April 11th 1983 to grasp what it was all about. I
could not psychically do otherwise; though, it was the most frustrating period of the forty-one years of my researches.
Spirituality had seized my soul and I was caught up in its Divine Obsession, which still governs my life to this day possibly to
my passing. The reason that I am speaking of these trials and tribulations is to tell the reader that though I, at the time, was
suffering the Purgatorial pangs of ignorance I unwittingly learned a great deal about what was not spirituality. I had waded
through a dozen Protestant sects and enumerable works on occult literature (parapsychology, Shamanic drugs and other
nonsensical teachings about alleged magic powers) only to intuit why it was all basically the trash (cesspools) of humanity. If
scriptural data wasn’t grounded in reason and logic and proven demonstrably it wasn’t accepted as the WORD OF GOD.
With such a harsh mandate as a guide some gems (Astrology) went by the wayside only to be retrieved at a later period.

Caution is the hallmark of research when following human guidance pertaining to how to
interpret one’s own sacred religious scriptures and literature and artworks. There are no scriptural experts for no human can ever
know it all.
I will assume, probably erroneously, that the initiate (reader) has read at the very least some of my other independent
academic papers, which I will appropriately reference in order to augment this thesis for it would not be appropriate to rehash all of
it in this paper.
The most important thing to understand about the sacred scriptures is that nothing is written unless it is precedent in
previous texts. This is why prognosticating prophetically is seemingly so prevalent throughout the sacred scriptures. “What has been
is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9)”. This verse augments
my thesis that the numerous vignettes of the sacred scriptures are all explaining the same concept using different symbolism and
nuances to accomplish that feat. Even the first written letter of Genesis: BETH is precedent by the first unwritten letter of Genesis:
PEI. Even PEI is precedent by its creator, which is symbolized by the unwritten letter just before both these Hebrew letters: QOPH,
which is part and partial of the GENESIS FORMULA, which is a conceptual interpretation I developed on BERESHITH.
In order for the zodiacal signs Scorpio and Sagittarius to appear on the psyche’s horizon in the scriptural texts something had to
take place as an impetus to invoke the spiritual powers into action in the soul of the initiate. A spiritual vision (Northern Cross:
Cygnus X-3, Children of the Swan), which Scorpio and Sagittarius identifies between the first two verses of Genesis, does not come
upon the ne’er-do-wells: i.e. the slackers and the lazy people of the world that are always looking for someone else to do the work
for them and to answer their questions essentially spoon feeding them like little babies in highchairs. Another key factor in
understanding Astrology is that the twelve zodiacal signs are paired off twice except for four signs Capricorn, Aquarius and Cancer
and Leo. These four zodiacal signs are paired off only once and that will be demonstrated as I go through the entire zodiacal cycle of
twelve signs. I mention this now about the astrological zodiacal signs; for the reason that, Virgo is seen holding up the Scales of
Libra, which pairs these two astrological signs as a unit. Enigmatically, these Scales of Libra are actually formatted in the first two
chapters of genesis via sacred geometry. The interpretive inference I drew from this by discovering the Scales of Libra codified to the
textual material not only by experiencing it in real life by living that Initiation Rite unwittingly; but, by learning from the sacred
scriptures that a new set of Scales for Libra had to be created for the next spiritual experience to take place. These new set of Scales
for Libra is laid out in a system of cycles in the first two chapters of Genesis. I envisage that the third and fourth chapter of Genesis
mirror-imaged the first two chapters of Genesis. Elohym the Goddess (Virgo?) is the creator (separator) and Yahweh is the builder.
What I mean by Yahweh being the builder is that Elohym (Moon) symbolizes CHAOS; whereas, Yahweh (sun) symbolizes ego-
consciousness with culls out the LIGHT (ORDER) from the DARKNESS of CHAOS. Yahweh is the discriminator; however, by formatting
and concretizing the WORD OF GOD into a one-word definition is actually destroying the WORD OF GOD. The WORD OF GOD is no
longer a free flowing stream of knowledge; but, now a concretized text. This is why each letter is symbolized and structured
alphanumerically to create an abyss of DARKNESS from which the LIGHT can be culled. Ego-consciousness is the DARKNESS in which
the LIGHT is to be culled from.
The third chapter of Genesis symbolizes Virgo and the fourth chapter of Genesis symbolizes the Scales of Libra and this is what
preceded and invoked the arrival of Scorpio and Sagittarius, which brought forth a new creation. I will revisit the third and fourth
chapters of Genesis as signs of the Astrology in their sequential turn in the zodiacal cycle. Before I continue I want to mention that
the primary rule of Astrology was invoked otherwise the first letter of Genesis could never have been written. The primary rule of
Astrology is that the Zodiac cannot move unless Virgo moved first. The first decan of Virgo is Coma, which means DESIRE in Hebrew;
thus, if Virgo is holding up the Scales of Libra something went right that allowed for the first letter of Genesis to be written. The
Scales of Anubis and the mythoi of the Egyptian Book of the Dead give more of a reason for the beginnings of Genesis than
modernity’s present understanding of what the astrological sign of Libra represent zodiacally. The initiate symbolically dies the
materialistic death and no longer wants anything to do with the material commercial world; thus, he or she cast off the materialist
mantle and takes on the spiritual mantle and all of this is mythologized to preserve the internal dynamics of the psyche and to
preserved the internal spiritual processes that brings about these psychic experiences to the initiate, which internally takes place in
the soul during this initiation process. The Initiation Rite does not take place in a minute, hour, or a day. The initiate experiences
the Initiation Rite throughout life; though, the actual initial Initiatic Visionary Experience takes place in a nanosecond.
For years I contemplated the reason as to why only eleven (11) out of possibly 1584-cycles were used in the analysis
on the first two chapters of Genesis. Where and for what purpose would the other 1573-cycles be used? As I was writing
this paper it suddenly dawned on me what the answer was.

Since, only eleven cycles gyrated out of each ‘anchored number in a zodiacal sign’
then all twelve numbers within an ‘anchored zodiacal sign’ would generate collectively a total of 132-cycles: i.e. 11 x 12 x
12 = 1584 (CYCLES OF DIVINE CREATION). This nuance out of the first two chapters of Genesis is probably the
original source material as to a particular zodiacal sign dominating the character of an individual. For example I was
born in mid-June and I am told that I fit all the characteristics of the Gemini Twins. I tend to agree with this nuance; for
the reason that, the 132-cycles that gyrate out of the zodiacal sign of Gemini is a transposition of the numerical number
representing the Hebrew letter RESH (213): i.e. Shin (300 - 3), Aleph (1) and Resh (200 - 2). The initiatic Visionary
Experience seems to be collectively the synthesizing of all twelve zodiacal signs gyrating within each of the zodiacal signs,
which in each sign closes the Mystic Circle bringing forth the Initiatic Visionary Experience for the initiate that is
consigned to that particular sign.
This letter RESH is inserted into BETH to create the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH. RESH is what symbolizes
the Initiatic Visionary Experience seeing that the first verse of Genesis is interpreted from just this letter/word RESH: i.e.
“Elohym (God) separated (bara) the heavens and the earth”: i.e. the letter/word RESH is interpreted letter by letter: Resh
symbolizes the heavens, Aleph symbolizes Elohym (God) and Shin symbolizes the earth; therefore, the total number of
cycles gyrating out of a zodiacal sign would symbolically represent RESH and it seems that RESH would also symbolize
separating Scorpio and Sagittarius: i.e. also symbolically representing the Scales of Libra with the Cygnus X-3 (Northern
Cross or Children of the Swan) representing the initiate receiving the Initiatic Visionary Experience. The central staff-
like-caduceus holding up the Scales of Libra would symbolize Aleph = Elohym (pi: 3.1415) that would instigate the
Initiatic Visionary Experience in the life of the initiate. The Scales of Libra represent Divine Justice; for the reason that,
those undeserving of the Initiatic Visionary Experience will never receive it.
I can only speak from experience. I remember in the very early years of my studies on the bible when I was getting very little
result as to its commonsensical nature, of hearing a voice, as I agonized contemplatively over this biblical problem (October 1977), a
voice came out of the ethers (where?) saying, “WAIT”. I don’t believe in so-called “Channeling: i.e. voices from within”: such
ramblings are one’s own frustrating ego’s hopes, desires and dreams of the coming Messiah at work put into a religious format. At
the time I was studying Christian Science and Mary Baker Eddy’s metaphysical teachings and my present thoughts on God and
religion has been greatly influence by her writings. Mrs. Eddy discusses how hearing voices or seeing ghosts/spirit are only
projections of one’s own inner thoughts. So upon hearing that one word “WAIT” I instantly knew what it was and thought about it
no more. Today I think of it as encouragement from the Holy Spirit that was guiding me through life.
In December/January 1976/1977 I intuited a nine part cycle in the first two chapters of Genesis. This was, I believe, my first
encounter with the Holy Spirit and I had no idea that that had happened. I am only reflecting retrospectively. Two months from
October 1977, December 30th 1977 I was instantly healed of a chronic smoking habit via the metaphysical teachings of Christian
Science and within another six months after that I would receive from God the Initiatic Visionary Experience (June 1978) and four
months later I would conceptualize the 9-part cycle gleamed in December/January 1976/1977 into a 12-part cycle via an Astrological
thought (October 1978; but, then I rejected Astrology for another four and a half years; thus, for a period of twenty-two months I
had five extraordinary spiritual experiences. Rejecting Astrology, at that time, as a valid avenue for researching the sacred scriptures
placed me on a necessary educative course as to what religion was not regardless as to what the outer world had to say on the
subject. Retrospectively this was the only rational manner that I could have been educated as to what was not religious.
Again retrospectively this all was the Holy Spirit guidance for how else could I have learned to reject outright as nonsense
modernity’s pseudo educational system and reject out of hand the cesspools of Protestantism without knowing firsthand what they
were all about? Catholicism laity had basically turned to Protestantism iconoclastic teachings. Christian Science Metaphysical
Teachings was the last lifeline I had to biblical teachings at that time; however, Christian Science would turn out to be, in my
estimation, only half the equation. I discerned that somehow Mary Baker Eddy’s writings; though, written in modernity’s vernacular
had to somehow be saying and teaching biblical truths. Mrs. Eddy centered on the mortal mind (ego-consciousness) and the five
senses, which immediately made sense to me and this rationality convince me Mary Baker Eddy was speaking biblical truths; though,
the bible does not explicitly talk about the psyche or the five senses, which pointed to the bible being totally symbolic. Mrs. Eddy
called mortal mind and the five senses liars. Coincidentally I had experiences of that mindset in Viet Nam as to the senses of smell
and hearing going silent at opportune times.
I realized that the metaphysical healing of my chronic smoking habit (December 30th 1977) was symbolically the biblical account
of the Pool of Bethesda.

“There is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew
tongue Bethesda, having five porches. In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the
moving of the water. For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first
after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had. And a certain man was there,
which had an infirmity thirty and eight years. When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that
case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole? The impotent man answered him, Sir; I have no man, when the water is
troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another stepped down before me. Jesus saith unto him, rise, take
up thy bed, and walk and immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was
the Sabbath (John 5:2-9)”.
The Pool of Bethesda is the psyche and the five porches are the five senses. The angel is a pure thought from God. The thirty-
eight years is an obvious play on the Grand Lunar Cycle (second day of creation 38-words), which points to completion and the Birth
of Christ. This symbol of thirty-eight years has everything to do with the synthesis of the Julian and Augustus Caesars’ calendars,
which symbolizes the birth of spirituality (Christ) in the soul and possibly the main reason it is used in the Pool of Bethesda narrative.
What caused the chronic smoking habit to be healed from my person was my understanding, due to hours of biblical study
immediately prior to the incident, not theoretical or hypothetical that the sacred scriptures were entirely symbolic. Just as I don’t
believe; but, I know that God exist I don’t believe the bible is totally symbolic I know the bible is totally iconographic. That thought
pattern is what healed me; for the reason that, that was what was going on in my head at the time of the healing: it was the sudden
psychic shock and awe of its eternal spiritual truth.
Catholicism is my religious birthright and the Roman Catholic Church was created to educate the laity in Western Civilization
into the science of iconography, which it has failed at miserably in modernity; thus, I saw Catholicism as one-half the equation and
the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy and the works of Carl G. Jung (Analytical Psychology) as the second-half of the equation as to how
to study and research the sacred scriptures. Serendipitously, in the latter part of September 1978 I met a woman that was showing a
TV interview film on Carl G Jung (1875-1961) in his eighties; but, like Astrology I initially summarily dismissed him thinking he was too
much of a mystic for me and I had, at that time, not read a word of CG Jung’s works. In April 1983 when Astrology came permanently
to the fore of my thought CG Jung’s works were the first I thought of to educate myself into a sense of symbolism. Mary Baker
Eddy’s works and the works of Carl G. Jung were a marriage made in heaven as far as I was concerned. CG Jung’s works like Mrs.
Eddy was on the psyche; however, CG Jung researched deeply into symbolism, which is what enamored me to his Collective Works.
Throughout the decades of biblical studies, via the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I began to piecemeal and put together the
jigsaw puzzle that is called the Judaeo Christian Scriptures. The bible should never be looked at as a start to finish endeavor. That
should be the furthest thought from anybody’s mind. The bible is not linear history written iconoclastically in linear though; rather,
the bible should be seen as ten-thousand jigsaw puzzle pieces that need to be discovered and understood in piecemeal to discern
overall what the WORD OF GOD is conveying.
What inspired me to write this portion of the paper; about the Holy Spirit, is what I just wrote prior to writing this section. I
mentioned that my first encounter with the Holy Spirit was in December/January 1976/1977 when I discern the nine part cycle then
twenty-two months later I enhanced the cycle to twelve parts and I had no idea what the cycle was. On April 11-15, 1983 I learned
via a very deep mental spiritual experience that this cycle was merely one out of a total of a system of 1584-cycles. Over the past
thirty-two years I intermittently wrote about those cycles. I always pondered why there were not 1728-cycles: 12 x 12 x 12, which is
a number associated with the equinoctial moments of the stars. Why was there this variation on the theme of the equinoctial
movement of the star so-to-speak? Yesterday, November 10, 2015 the answer came to me. For me that was a spectacular event in
my researches. I made enumerable discoveries, putting many of those ten thousand jigsaw puzzle pieces together, over the past
four decades, and there is no doubt in my mind that the Holy Spirit has been with me all that time. Those that have read my books
and/or independent-academic papers will understand these enumerable discoveries; however, yesterday was a very unique EUREKA
for me.
I have known for decades that all the zodiacal signs were suppose to be astrological aspects in each of all the other signs of
Astrology; however, I was never able to fathom the purpose for that. There are twelve basic signs of Astrology and I believe what is
being conveyed in the sacred scriptures is that each initiate (individual human) has his own experiences in life and chooses those
things that enamor his or her psyche. The twelve zodiacal signs symbolize those things that enamored the psyche in life. One of
those things that enamor the psyche symbolizes more explicitly than all the others the zodiacal sign that is the initiate’s birthright.
The 132-cycles within the initiate’s birthright zodiacal sign have to synthesize into a harmonious relationship in order for the initiate
to receive the Initiatic Visionary Experience.
Forty-years are just a few for anyone living in modernity. For what reason I was so blessed I cannot say; however, the
consistent never-ending aid received from the Holy Spirit indicates all humans can be so privileged.


Codified into the first four chapters of Genesis

Who amongst us would connect the story of the Goddesses, Demeter and her daughter, Persephone, with the creation account
and the Adam and Eve and the Cain and Abel stories out of the Judeao Christian Scriptures? Only a true Christian initiate would
make that mystical association.
Academically there is very little known, in modernity on a mundane level, about the Eleusinian mysteries or any of the other
Mystery Schools from out of antiquity; for the reason that, Academia is not a Mystery School, where their brother and/or
sisterhood’s institutional membership actually care, one way or the other, what there neophyte-initiates are learning. Academia
merely feeds the sheep the same old – same old - pabulum: i.e. fixed curriculums that any individual can read out of a book or watch
or listen to on a video DVD or audio CD. In Christianity as well as other religious cultural cults there are multiple source materials
that augment their sacred scriptures. Christianity has the Old and New Testaments as the primary WORD OF GOD and then there
are the Jewish and Christian mystical writings. In ancient Greece and Rome there were many temples to their pantheon of gods. In
Rome there is the Roman Pantheon to all their Gods, which illustrates that, one should research all genres of thought in one’s
religion in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of its religious inner nuances. In Christianity for example, the New
Testament is, for the most part, studied in exclusion to the Old Testament. It is Christianity that wrote the Old Testament; though,
that is not generally known and would be disputed fanatically by all three monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam)
that rose from the so-called foundations of the Old Testament. The reason why this would be disputed by the three monotheistic
religions associated to the Judeao Christian Scriptures is; for the reason that, they collectively know nothing, or they act overtly as if
they don’t know anything about the esoteric science codified to the surface textual story-line.
Rarely does a Jew research the teachings of Christianity, and vice versa, rarely does a Christian study the teachings of Judaism;
yet, the two are intrinsically one; however, don’t expect a Jew and/or a Christian to understand that. Judaism and Christianity
symbolically represent Adam and Eve where two become one. The Old Testament has 929-chapters and Genesis 5:5; declares that
Adam lived 930-years; thus, in the New Testament Matthew’s gospel is the 930th chapter where the old Adam is dead and the New
Adam, Jesus Christ, is alive and the first chapter of Matthew outlines the genealogy of Jesus Christ. That tiny nuance back in Genesis
5:5; illustrates that the Old and New Testaments were conceived and written at the same time. There is a great deal more evidence
to that than that little nuance indicates; however, I will not discuss it here for I have written of it in my other writings. Consider that
Adam symbolically represents the 929-chapters of the Old Testament; whereas, the woman and her man symbolically represents the
New Testament: i.e. Christ. I will discuss this in greater length when I come to the Cancer to Virgo zodiacal signs.
The reader should have at least a clear unambiguous understanding of the Demeter and Persephone myth before trying to
compare it to the textual storylines outlined in the first four chapters of Genesis. The average Christian reading the first four
chapters of Genesis from a mundane perspective being uninitiated would not fathom the teachings of the Eleusinian mysteries in the
textual wording and/or storyline.
The basic tale of the Demeter myth is that Persephone (soul), daughter of Demeter, was picking Narcissus Flowers while
playing with the daughters of the Poseidon, in the Elysian Fields and Hades lord of the underworld with his brother Zeus’ consent
came up out of the underworld in his chariot and snatched a frightened and screaming Persephone to his side and brought her to
Hades (Hell) to be his queen. Persephone never stopped desiring to return to Mount Olympus to be with the immortal gods.
Demeter, goddess of the harvest, discovered that her daughter, Persephone, was missing. Demeter then scoured the whole
earth looking for her daughter. No one would tell Demeter the truth as to where her daughter was. Not being able to find
Persephone, Demeter cursed the earth declaring there would not be another harvest until her daughter was returned to her.
Finally, Demeter did learn of Persephone’s whereabouts and discuss the matter with Hades’ brother Zeus. The gods on Mount
Olympus were getting upset; for the reason that, the peoples of the earth stop worshipping the gods; for the reason that, there were
no crops to harvest. Zeus sent forth Mercury (messenger of the gods) to speak to his brother, Hades, to negotiate terms for
Persephone’s release. Finally, the terms were agree upon and Persephone was to stay four months out of the calendar year with
Hades and the other eight months out of the calendar year she would be allowed to return to her mother Demeter to live with the
other immortal gods on Mount Olympus; however, unbeknown to the uninitiated that four months period can symbolize an infinite
amount of time.
MY INTERPRETATION: The Narcissus Flower (self-love) is the impetus for the reason Hades snatched Persephone into
Hades/Hell. Normally the four months/signs (1/3 of the year is symbolically 1/3 of a whole and 2/3 symbolizes the EMPYREAN - not the
celestial zodiac) signifies divine LIGHT, which includes the zodiacal cycle; however, the Narcissus Flower s took the divine LIGHT out
of the equation when Persephone started indiscriminately plucking them in the Elysian Fields. Persephone did not end up in divine
DARKNESS; rather, it is obvious that Hades/Hell is non-existence for anyone living the life of materialism: egocentrism; thus, what was
divine LIGHT vanished from consciousness and Hades/Hell appeared for nothing but self-love enamored the psyche of Persephone. For
Persephone to return home to her mother, Demeter, she first has to retrieve the divine LIGHT, which would be extremely difficult seeing
she ate pomegranate seeds symbolic of the Narcissus Flowers: i.e. vain repetition.
The pomegranate seeds are an incredible nuance as to why Persephone would return to Hades/Hell four months out of the years or
1/3 of creation. Persephone eating seeds are future influences (seeds): things that enamored her psyche that she plants in the soil of her
soul. Vegetation like thoughts, words and deeds are transitory and concretize (petrify) the LIGHT of creation. The petrifaction of life is
Hades/Hell; thus, Persephone by indulging in the pomegranate seeds fulfills the prophecy and returns to Hades/Hell. Eternally culling
out the LIGHT from the un-manifested LIGHT of creation (DARKNESS) is the initiate’s ceaseless responsibility 24/7/365¼: there is no
Snatching Persephone from the Elysian Fields
Right here in this off-the-cuff synopsis of the Demeter and Persephone mythoi are all the elements to the Rite of
Initiation that are outlined in the first four chapters of Genesis. Persephone symbolizes the SOUL that is snatched up;
for the reason that, she had a false belief system: i.e. Narcissus (self-love).
When one reads the first word of Genesis it is automatically understood that the Initiatic Visionary Experience had
already taken place otherwise the sacred scriptures could never been inaugurated nor would they have been literarily
laid out in their entirety.
In fact the whole of the Old and New Testaments is a collection of numerous vignettes (small concise accounts of
the same thesis) that redundantly delineate the Initiatic Visionary Experience. This numerous collection of vignettes is
put in an elongated linear queue clothed in mythological garments to appear to the profane (infidel) as the historicity of
the Hebraic people and the dawn of Christianity.
The reader can imagine the impossibility of explaining the ethereal to an initiate no less the uninitiated; thus, the
numerous vignettes that make up the whole of the Old and New Testaments is the only way of trying to explain via the
auspices of reason and logic the unfathomable depth of the ethereal. It would be analogous to studying the many
facets of a diamond. The numerous vignettes of the Old and New Testaments would allow the initiate to study the
many thousands of nuances relating to the Initiatic Visionary Experience and the MATRIX OF WISDOM, which would not
be readily available in a single explanation of the Initiatic Visionary Experience nor in a lone example of interpreting the
MATRIX OF WISDOM. What researching and studying these numerous vignettes of the Old and New Testament will
reveal to the initiate is the infinite, unfathomable and inexhaustible depths of the ethereal. It would analogously be like
looking out into the stellar universe knowing there is no end to its infinite depths.
As already noted the Northern Cross (Cygnus X-3 – Children of the Swan) is sighted between Scorpio and Sagittarius. I owe
much of my knowledge of Cygnus X-3 through the works of Andrew Collins and Dr. Paul A LaViolette, PH.D. Neither of them knows
anything about my researches. Andrew Collins goes around the world and visits many archeological sites and he illustrate quite
effectively that all culture in antiquity saw the Cygnus Swan or the Northern Cross as the epitome of spirituality; whereas, Dr. Paul A.
LaViolette demonstrates the arrows in the two signs Scorpio and Sagittarius crisscross creating symbolically the Northern Cross and
directly in the center is the star Sadr, which points to the Galactic Core (center of the Milky Way Galaxy), which is the point of the
legendary Big Bang (origin of creation).
In order to continue my explanation on Cygnus X-3 I have to first segue into discussing the dynamics of the first word of
Genesis: BERESHITH in order to give good reason for the interpretation of Cygnus X-3 (Northern Cross) being positioned between the
first two verses of Genesis. Such a surprising and enigmatic interpretation cannot just come out of nowhere without a logical
explanation for its appearance in a discussion relating to the texts of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures concerning the Initiatic
Visionary Experience.
BERESHITH is the first word of Genesis and it is the amalgamation of two Hebrew letters: BETH and RESH, which incidentally
are the first two written letters of the Genesis texts. The letter BETH is spelt Beth-Yud-Tav and the letter RESH is spelt Resh-Aleph-
Shin. When these two Hebrew letters combine they form the six letter word: BERESHITH: i.e. TAV-YUD-SHIN-ALEPH-RESH-BETH.
The Hebrew text is written from right to left (east to west); thus, BETH is the first letter in Genesis and RESH is the second letter.
RESH (200) is the cosmic counterpart to the earthly BETH (2) and symbolizes the Initiatic Visionary Experience given to BETH
(initiate), which commences the creation process.

The Zohar a mystical interpretation of the Torah (five books of Moses) interprets the word BERESHITH as representing the
‘ordinal directions’. Taking that nuance and working with it I place BETH in the EAST and TAV in the WEST and since YUD had to
move over to accommodate the three letters of RESH I designated it as representing the DOWN direction. RESH symbolizes heaven
so it is positioned in the NORTH and SHIN as earth is positioned in the SOUTH and ALEPH as representing God is placed at the UP
direction. This sphere has seven parts. The center is represented by QOPH, which is the first letter before BETH in the transcendent.
Notice how QOPH literally spells out BETH and RESH without using ALEPH and YUD. It is as if ALEPH and YUD amalgamated into
QOPH creating CHRIST consciousness. I will not go into that discussion here; however, I will say that this septenary symbolizes the
birth of consciousness. The three letters Yud (10), Aleph (1) and Qoph (100) represent the TRINITY. It is not difficult to envisage that
by looking down on the sphere of BERESHITH Aleph would be seen as SADR in the NORTHERN CROSS of the Cygnus Constellation.
Actually, it is the word BERESHITH that writes the first two verses of Genesis:
⦁ BETH – “In (the)”
“And the Earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep”
⦁ BETH – (Dyson Sphere - ego-centrism before the Initiatic Visionary Experience)
⦁ YUD – “And the Spirit of Elohym move on the”
⦁ TAV – “Face of the waters”.
⦁ RESH – “Beginning”
⦁ ALEPH – “Elohym (God) separated (bara)”
⦁ RESH – “the heavens”
⦁ SHIN – “and the earth”
It is effortless, now, to envisage that RESH is the Northern Cross and that BETH signify SCORPIO for BETH symbolizes the EGO
(Yahweh the builder or the sting of death); however, once the EGO gets the Initiatic Visionary Experience than Yahweh the EGO
become CHRIST in the flesh. The letter BETH can even be called DEATH as in “Death (ego), where is thy sting? O grave (unconscious
mind), where is thy victory?” as Saint Paul says in I Corinthians 15:51-57. Saint Paul here is actually doing a commentary on this first
word of Genesis: BERESHITH: i.e. the first two verses of Genesis; for the reason that, the word BERESHITH has the spelling of the
word CHRIST (krst) in it in Greek using Hebrew letters: TAV-SHIN-RESH-QOPH. The letter BETH (2nd letter of the Hebrew coder) is
inundated and surrounded by the hidden Hebrew letter PEI (17th letter). Pei symbolizes the Vesica Piscis; thus, when BETH and PEI
amalgamate they form the nineteenth Hebrew letter QOPH, which completes the spelling of the word CHRIST.
“Behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an
eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For
this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put
on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, and then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written,
Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and
the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (I Corinthians
There then is precedence for interpreting the sacred scriptures in this manner. The first letter of Genesis: BETH is given
multiple interpretations by Saint Paul. He calls BETH death, grave and sting: i.e. Scorpio. For once the Initiatic Visionary Experience
is envisaged in the texts the text interprets itself, within the contexts of that interpretation; however, paradoxically, the sacred
scriptures doesn’t deal with one-word definitions. Each interpretation of the word BERESHITH would be considered a one-word
definition (concept) no matter how lengthy it is.
In the letter/word RESH is the letter ALEPH, which is spelt Aleph (1)-Lemmed (30)-Pei (80), which totals to the Gematria
value of 111, which comprises all three Trinitarian letters: Aleph (1)-Yud (10)-Qoph (100) that combine to form the TRINITY and all
three can be reference interchangeably by each other’s names; thus, Elohym as the word for God is exclusively used in the first
chapter of Genesis; however, the word Elohym is referencing any one of the three aspects of the Trinity. ALEPH according to the
Zohar represents Elohym (Moon) and Yud (Yahweh) symbolizes the (Sun). Qoph would represent the Most High El (God). Ironically,
ALEPH in the letter/word RESH also gives off the numerical value of 318, which is the Gematria value of the word CROSS: Aleph (1)-
Lemmed (30 = 3) and Pei (80 = 8); thus, 1, 3 and 8 transposes into the number 318, which is a Greek reference for the Gematria value
of the word CROSS: Jesus’ Cross. I point this out because the letter BETH spelt Beth-Yud-Tav shows that the letters Beth and Tav are
equidistance flanking the letter Yud, which is symbolically the Sun encased in a Dyson Sphere (solar system) or egocentrism.
In the above diagram where the word BERESHITH is designed as a sphere there are many nuances to consider. Think of
RESH being inserted into BETH forming the word BERESHITH: i.e. TAV-YUD-SHIN-ALEPH-RESH-BETH as the sun (Yahweh) setting;
thus, it can be envisaged that Yahweh symbolizes the horizon (rod - straight-line) going from east to west; whereas, Elohym
symbolizes a staff: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will dread no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy
staff they comfort me (Psalms 23:4).” This is not off the mark for the word ELOHYM emanates the formula for Pi: 3.1415: ELOHYM is
spelt Aleph (1)-Lemmed (30 = 3)-Heh (5)-Yud (10 = 1)-Mem (40 = 4); thus, by going counterclockwise from the number three (3) the
formula for pi presents itself. Note that in Psalms 23 its references the “valley of the shadow of death”; therefore, the word
BERESHITH it is not out of context to the discussion at hand since the text deals with the spiritual Initiatic Visionary Experience. In
Secret Societies like Freemasonry and Skull and Bones this ritual is played out materialistically where the neophyte is placed in a
coffin (the sun’s Dyson’s Sphere) symbolizing as if he has died and is about to rise from the dead. Remember that this discussion
began by illustrating that the Scales of Anubis were present, which infers the Egyptian Death Ritual as outlined in the Egyptian Book
of the Dead. By inserting RESH into BETH creating the word BERESHITH the spiritual powers are inserting Jesus’ Cross giving the
initiate a new raison d’être (reason for existence).
BERESHITH’S entire interpretive essence is literally written into the texts of the first chapter of Genesis’ six days of creation.
If the initiate cannot envisage this then he or she has yet to receive the Initiatic Visionary Experience. One can never over interpret
the texts of the Sacred Scriptures if it done objectively. Frivolous matters should not even enter into the discussion; however, all
other materials in line with the immediate topic’s discussion are valid methods and venues of interpreting the scriptural texts.
Here below I quote the second day of creation (Gen. 1:3-8) and part of the fourth day of creation (Gen. 1:14-17) in the first
chapter of Genesis. The emphasis here is on the two words FIRMAMENT and HEAVEN.
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God
made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the
firmament: and it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs,
and for seasons, and for days, and years: 15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the
earth: and it was so. 16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night:
he made the stars also. 17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
The word FIRMAMENT I believe takes on the concept of the heliacal rising of the stars and the word HEAVEN I take to
represent the horizon. Yahweh (sun) represents the horizon; for the reason that, the sun’s journey across the skies denotes that;
thus, the word heaven would also represent Yahweh. From a spherical point of view there are no directions: i.e. directions are
relative to one’s position: the front of the body is north, the back is south, right is east, left is west, the head is up and the feet are
down. When dealing with delegating concepts in letters and words, in the scriptural story-line, later to be deciphered there can’t be
any frivolity or chaos will ensue.
When returning to the word BERESHITH it become even more clearer that what was entered into the letter/word BETH was
Jesus’ Cross denoted by the letter ALEPH that symbolizes the TRINITY. There is something being said in the word BERESHITH that is
not readily apparent to the uninitiated. The word BERESHITH is interpreted “in the beginning”, which infers that only RESH is being
discussed; for the reason that, RESH is interpreted as ‘head or beginning’. The YUD and the TAV in the word BERESHITH is not being
immediately discussed as if YUD and TAV had been summarily dismissed when the letter/word RESH appeared on the scene. In this
case it would not be unreasonable to believe that YUD and TAV are seen as being dead since the sun (Yahweh) set. Many ancient
cultures saw the setting sun as a dying God and a new God would rise in the morning. In fact the Navajo Indian still pray for the
returning sun each morning in order to save the world.
BETH symbolizes going east to west (linear thought: i.e. iconoclastic); whereas, RESH symbolizes going
north to south (geometric thought: i.e. iconography) as if Cygnus X (Northern Cross- Children of the Swan) cosmic
rays are coming down to earth, which is depicted in obelisk symbolism; thus, the synthesis of BETH and RESH into
BERESHITH is the obtainment of CHRIST consciousness via the Initiate Visionary Experience. Notice how RESH
(geometric thought) is hidden in BETH (linear thought). This Initiate Visionary Experience shows precisely why
and how each and every Hebrew and Greek letter is alphanumerically garmenting the WORD OF GOD. This is
symbolically analogous to psychically synthesizing the opposites.

The demise of the Sun (Yahweh): the local deity in the letter/word BETH
allowed ALEPH representing the entire TRINTY to transmogrify the letter BETH in the word BERESHITH into QOPH. This means that
when RESH was inserted into BETH the letters BETH and PEI synthesized into the letter QOPH; thus, the word BERESHITH was
transform entirely into the TRINITY: ‫קראשית‬, which there are indications this word translates to “ruined” or “crash”. Within ‫קראשית‬
the TRINITY can be envisaged. The word CHRIST (krst) colored green is spelt out in Greek using Hebrew letters ‫ ;קרשת‬whereas, YUD
(YAHWEH) is colored red and ALEPH (ELOHYM) is colored blue. This analysis of the word BERESHITH proves out the Prologue of
Saint John the Evangelist’s gospel. The only way that YAHWEH can regain an independent solar system: i.e. egocentrism is to desert
the Trinitarian force. The TRINITY essentially in gifting the initiate with an Initiatic Visionary Experience, which destroys the initiate’s
old raison d’être and simultaneously provides a new creation (raison d’être – reason for existence: i.e. “life more abundantly”) that
literally comes out of nothing (ex nihilo).
What the Trinitarian presence represents in the first word of Genesis is actually described by the Hopi Indians in their mythoi of
the Blue Star Kachina and this is precisely what Dr. Paul A. LaViolette work is all about. These two examples talk about a cleansing or
destruction taking place throughout the galaxy; for the reason that, a cosmic wave emanate out of a galactic core explosion
resonating devastation all over the galaxy and then the galaxy is called a Seyfert Galaxies. About 95% percent, if not more, of the
earth’s population was wiped out in the last galactic core explosion and civilizations were destroyed all over the world; thus, ‫קראשית‬
perfectly depicts symbolically the mythoi of the Trinitarian vision (initiate’s Initiatic Visionary Experience) on the soul of the initiate.
Now the question comes, what do the words HEAVENS and EARTH symbolize conceptually? The answer to that question
resides in the word EARTH, which is at the end of the first verse of Genesis and the word EARTH at the beginning of the second verse
of Genesis. The second verse of Genesis describes the condition of the EARTH after the separation process took place in the first
verse of Genesis: “the earth was without form and void”. Since the first and second verses of Genesis symbolize Scorpio and
Sagittarius respectively and the word EARTH now flanks the Trinitarian Cross known as the Northern Cross it has to be realized that
the previous heaven and earth had passed away for now the new earth is without form and void, which now makes the Earth
malleable: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away (Matthew 24:35)”. The Trinitarian Cross seems
to be in its own Dyson Sphere, which the EARTH flanking it equidistance seems to symbolically represent indicating that the EARTH
“without form and void” symbolizes the SOUL. There are indications in the third and fourth days of creation that this is a valid
interpretation of the texts. For the waters moved aside in the third day of creation and the dry-land called EARTH appeared and in
the fourth day of creation the two great luminaries from out of the new heaven brings LIGHT to the EARTH.
The second verse of Genesis also gives off a fount of knowledge that is not readily apparent. For example “darkness was on
the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved over the face of the waters” explains a great deal of what the differences were
between the two word BERESHITH ‫ בּראשית‬and ‫קראשית‬. The word BERESHITH ‫ בּראשית‬illustrates the sun setting; whereas, ‫קראשית‬
illustrates the destruction of the old heaven and earth and the birth of the new creation. The Spirit of God is of course the birds,
symbolically Cygnus X-3 – Children of the Swan, flying out of the waters of the fifth day of creation and going to live upon the earth.
This brief synopsis of the Initiatic Visionary Experience in the first two verses of Genesis cannot be fully conveyed, during the
first reading, conceptually for the neophyte to entirely understand this Initiation Rite; thus, the rest of the first four chapters of
Genesis laying out the rest of Astrology’s zodiacal cycle clearly demonstrate the entire Initiatic Visionary Experience in fuller detail;
though, all of it can be surmised from what has already been laid out in the first two verses of Genesis for this is the nature of the
sacred scriptures to allow for this kind of deductive reasoning and at the same time to augment all other aspects of the scriptural

I introduced the MATRIX OF WISDOM above on page #2 and here I introduce again on page #24 in this format to augment my
commentary on Astrology’s zodiacal cycle so that the reader can see where I am getting my inspiration and where I am conceptually
coming from. From out of nowhere: i.e. psyche comes this MATRIX OF WISDOM; however, this paper is not about this matrix per se;
therefore, I will not go into its origins; however, I will say that this MATRIX OF WISDOM is the origin and foundation of all knowledge
on earth and it has written all the sacred scriptures of all the major Mystery Schools and religions of the world in all times and climes.
If I was to give this matrix another name I would call it the SOUL or CHRIST consciousness. It is the spiritual law of divine creation:
i.e. a direct commentary on the MONAD: i.e. spiritual law of God.
I present this MATRIX OF WISDOM in this above diamond shape manner in order to illustrate the concepts of the Paradiso,
Purgatorio and the Inferno embedded in its makeup. By viewing the MATRIX OF WISDOM in this pattern the initiate can envisage
that Heaven, Purgatory and Hell are lived out here in the real world in this three dimensional realm and there is no escaping the
reality of that fact.
As it can be seen the twelve parts (Single Letters) of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life initially known to represent the zodiac cycle
fully lays out the twelve signs of the Zodiac in the precise same manner in which that they are presented in the first four chapters of
Genesis. I especially want the initiate to take notice of the top of diamond shape MATRIX OF WISDOM, where Scorpio and
Sagittarius symbolically points to the source of all spiritual life, which is outside the central 64-cells similar to how the bowels of hell
are represented by Virgo and Libra that are also outside of the central 64-cells; however, the interesting aspects of these four
zodiacal signs of the matrix is that the periphery of the MATRIX OF WISDOM are all nines (9s), which symbolizes, LIGHT and
DARKNESS, un-manifested creation: i.e. “the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep (Gen.
1:2)”, which is analogous to having an angel on one should and a devil on the other.
The inspiration that initially drew my attention to this possibility was that the whole of the Old and New Testaments only speak
to the central four signs of the Zodiacal signs: Gemini, Taurus, Aries and Piscis. I understand that at the beginning of the sacred
scriptures the GEMINI TWINS are represented by Yahweh and Elohym: i.e. the Old Testament Gods: i.e. the psyche: ego-
consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow); though, they take on other symbols as the sacred scripture continuously
narrates its mythoi. The psyche as ego-consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow) are without doubt
communicators and are the two snakes that coil around Mercury’s caduceus staff. Gemini is ruled by Mercury; thus, it can be
envisaged that all these nuances one way or another are codified esoterically into the scriptural texts especially relating to the
Genesis Creation Account: i.e. Sixth Day of Creation. The Jews throughout the Exodus period worshiped TAURUS THE BULL and the
history of the Judaic religious culture shows that they then gave God the gift of ARIES THE RAM on their altars of sacrifice. The dawn
of Christianity, which speaks to the birth of the messiah is symbolized by PISCIS THE FISHES; thus, the sacred scriptures represent the
Garden of Eden.
The so-called Dawn of Creation calculated out of the Old Testament by Bishop Ussher is a singular research, which cannot
be verified by others; however, other researchers both by Byzantine and Catholic scholars place the Dawn of Creation according to
the Old Testament texts at about the mid sixth millennia before the birth of Christ, which leave well over twelve hundred years for
the Gemini era.
I particularly like Saint Augustine remarks in his work on the City of God relating to this topic:
"Let us omit the conjectures of men who know not what they say; when they speak of the nature and origin of the human
race...They are deceived by those highly mendacious documents which profess to give the history of many thousands of years,
though reckoning by the sacred writings we find that not 6,000 years have passed. (City of God 12:10).”
Saint Augustine was a fourth century bishop noting the works of those that wrote about the origins of creation; whereas, Bishop
Ussher makes his calculations some 1200-years later as if he is more correct then those Saint Augustine spoke of; though, Saint
Augustine says, in his last sentence, that the sacred scriptures records less than 6000-years, which is right into the heart of Gemini.
Obviously, Saint Augustine was not taking the timeline of the sacred scriptures as pointing to the origins of humanity.
I, personally, interpret the Genesis Creation Account as the initiate regaining his soul. The Genesis Creation Account has
nothing whatsoever to do with the creation of the material world; though, the initiate regaining his soul is analogous to restructuring
the universe.
Therefore, it is not difficult to grasp that the Judaeo Christian Scriptures are only recording the precession of the equinoxes
that directly involves PISCES, ARIES, TAURUS and GEMINI in that order, which places the commencement of the Genesis texts to
represent about 5,500BC; however, I actually believe that the entire Old and New Testaments were written in the Pisces era; but,
that is a different analysis, which would not reflect upon the true nature of the spiritual texts of the sacred scriptures.
If the initiate has paid close attention to the above discussion on the Eleusinian mysteries then he or she would have
realized by now that Persephone the daughter of Demeter: i.e. the soul has been released from hell to live amongst the Gods of
Olympus; however, there are three gods that will not be included in that Olympian array of gods: Apollo, Selene, and Saturn/Cronus.
The reasons that these three gods are not included is; for the reason that, Apollo and Selene the Sun and Moon represent mortal
mind (ego-consciousness and the person unconscious ego (Shadow)), which is diametrically opposite to Christ consciousness. Cronus
would not be in that array of Olympian gods; for the reason that, he represents the FATHER-TIME and what the sacred scriptures are
saying is that its texts have nothing whatsoever to do with TIME nor does it deal with mortal mind, which per se is Satan (ego-
centrism). Yes, in the real world the psyche (mortal mind) via the Initiatic Visionary Experience has been transformed into Christ
consciousness: Zeus/Jupiter that freed the Titans that were imprisoned by Cronus/Saturn.
I placed the Zodiacal Cycle below on page #30 for the initiate to reference, as this paper continues, even though the diamond
shaped MATRIX OF WISDOM is used for the same purpose. Here I deliberately aligned the zodiacal cycle so that the signs Cancer
and Leo (left and right Frontal Lobes of the brain) were up front and Aquarius and Capricorn (left and right Occipital Lobes of the
brain) were in the rear. The other eight signs are delegated to the left and right Temporal and Parietal Lobes; this hypothesis is
based upon the Sun Signs of Astrology. It is a bit too coincidental that the brain is split in two hemispheres as is the zodiacal cycle.
In addition I placed the Star of David dead center to the Zodiac; for the reason that, the first chapter of Genesis has plenty of
evidence for it, which I will not go into in this paper; plus, the modern day calendar also produces this Star of David in the center of
the Zodiac/Calendar year. In the Roman Catholic Church the twelve disciples were designated as the twelve signs of the zodiacal
cycle. What this means on a spiritual level is that the Catholic laity has to use symbolism; for the reason that, Astrology symbolizes
the science of symbols, until Catholics don’t need to use Astrology anymore. Astrology symbolizes a fixed institutional religion’s
teaching. Catholicism is basically, on an esoteric level, a fixed religion institution based upon the science of Astrology. The modern
Catholic laity knows nothing of this; however, I, personally, discovered the Zodiac/Calendar year on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel,
with an ethereal Star of David dominating the entire ceiling of the chapel and I wrote a book on the symbolism of the Sistine Chapel.
I mention all this about Astrology; for the reason that, eventually the initiate has to give up the science of Astrology once he or she
has gain Christ consciousness and fully understand the esoteric teachings of the sacred scriptures. Christians that understand
Astrology and give it up is essentially going beyond the realms of Catholicism. Once the initiate enters the Garden of Eden the
science of Astrology (Roman Catholic Church’s teachings) is no longer needed.
A beautiful example of this is found in Buddhism literature. A young neophyte enters one of Buddhism monastery.
Buddhism is known as the Little Ferry Boat that guides the monk through life. The neophyte says to his master, ‘master why
did that monk that reached yonder shores leave the Little Ferry Boat behind?’ The master said, ‘yonder shores is the land of
Nirvana and once a monk gets there the Little Ferry Boat is no longer needed.’
What I am trying to convey here is that neither the sacred scriptures nor the MATRIX OF WISDOM is the desired goal.
Obtaining Christ consciousness: i.e. the WORD OF GOD is the desired goal even if the initiate does not know that.


One of the most crucial interpretations of Genesis Creation Account is to study the word BERESHITH from all possible
perspectives, which I will not go into all of them here in this paper. Each word of the sacred scriptures has an infinite depth and that
does not seem reasonable to the secular mind in light of modernity educational system; however, studying the word BERESHITH
from its symbolic and numeric perspective throws a great deal more light on what it mystically has to convey. Everything written in
the Judeao Christian Scriptures has precedent. Nothing is written unless it has been previously mystically-standardized in the
scriptural texts. Now that alone seems ridiculous when it comes to the first letter (Beth) or the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH;
however, we have already discussed this above.
What I have discovered in my researches and named the Genesis Formula has to be understood in order for the reader to
understand what is going to be culled out of the main body of the Genesis Creation Account. When studying the word BERESHITH it
is easily seen how the mythoi in the Prologue of the Zohar, regarding the alphabet coming before the Lord of the World (YUD: i.e.
Yahweh = ego-consciousness) to bring about creation through one of them, is envisaged. The alphabet comes into creation from the
last letter to the first and as each letter is rejected the next one has an audience before the Lord of the World as the previous one
begins the journey back out of creation very much like a Daisy Wheel on the typewriter; however, when studying the word
BERESHITH the patterns that presents themselves coalesce into ten letters. Years after envisaging this pattern I learned it originated
from the MATRIX OF WISDOM, which I discuss below. I reintroduce this idea about the Genesis Formula; for the reason that, it
has to be understood that all that is written in the sacred scriptures, bar nothing, has precedence.
By viewing the pattern of the ten letters and placing them into a circle a number of mini-patterns presents themselves. The
Kabbalistic Tree of Life main frame is shown by just the ones and threes and the rest can be filled in; whereas, the Zodiac/Calendar
year with the STAR OF DAVID dead center to it is patterned by reducing the two fours to four twos creating a twelve part cycle. The
number ones create a butterfly pattern and there is only one way to produce the same butterfly pattern twice more with the other
eight signs/months. Finally, taking the ten letters and putting them into the Microsoft Area Graphics Program the KETER: The Crown
of Creation is revealed.
Below it will be seen how the 32-Elohyms in the first chapter of Genesis creates the image of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and
the Star of David, which as it can be seen is precedent in the first word of Genesis.
The whole of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures is a recapitulation of the first two verses of Genesis. At first this is not apparent
via the support system of using the various means of symbolism. Symbolism is the fine art of ‘doublespeak’. All language is
symbolism no matter what the literalist: iconoclastic has to say about it. Symbolism is deliberate deception and all government
officials are experts in speaking to their constituent in this fork-tongue disciplinary manner.
Right from the first words of the first day of creation (Gen. 1:3) the scream and anguish of the suffering soul in the bowels of
hell can be heard: i.e. “Desired (said) Elohym, let there be light”. The word ELOHYM represents the entire Trinity or anyone of these
three personages at any given time. The very fact that the wail for the presents of LIGHT is verbalized through sincere DESIRE
indicates the suffering soul is in the non-existence of hell. The mere fact that the word ‘DESIRE’ is the first word of the first day of
creation indicates that it is sincere because DESIRE is the first decan of Virgo, which holds the Scales of Libra. Since both Virgo and
Libra are in the bowels of hell symbolized by the un-manifested nines (9s) that represent the periphery of the MATRIX OF WISDOM
indicates it is the Initiatic Visionary Experience employed for only the empyrean can judge the initiate. The DARKNESS that the dead
1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s and 8s represent symbolizes the grave or coffin: BETH. Note that the initiate would not be able to interpret
the texts of the first day of creation in this manner if he or she had not a previous understanding of what spiritually transpired
previously in the scriptural texts in the first letter of Genesis: BETH when RESH was inserted into it creating the first word of Genesis:
BERESHITH. Here in the first day of creation it is merely a recapitulation of what was discussed about the first word of Genesis:
BERESHITH; thus, here the text is regurgitating what is known to have transpired previously. The text continues and says, “And
there was light and Elohym divided the light from the darkness”. As mentioned above all four of the signs Scorpio, Sagittarius,
Virgo and Libra are in the nines, which symbolizes un-manifested creation; thus, both Paradiso and the Inferno are in the DARKNESS:
un-manifested LIGHT. This interpretation tells us by the text using the word Elohym twice in this first day of creation that the first
Elohym symbolized Yahweh (sun): ego-consciousness deflated and the second Elohym (Moon): personal unconscious ego (Shadow) is
the transformation of the deflated-ego into an angel that culled out the LIGHT out of DARKNESS or it can be reworded as culling
ORDER out of CHAOS. This newly acquired LIGHT out of the DARKNESS is CHRIST consciousness, which was symbolized in the first
word of Genesis: BERESHITH, which transformed into ‫קראשית‬. What explicitly point to the first Elohym representing Yahweh (Sun)
transformed into an angel is; because, the first day of creation has 31-words and there are 31-verses to the first chapter of Genesis.
The number thirty-one (31) is the cube of pi³, which illustrates that the psyche has come out of it slumber and goes into a geometrical
format. No longer is pi, in this case, merely a straight-line. The psyche has moved out of its fixed concretized mode of thought. And
this will be discussed further in a few minutes.
CAPRICORN symbolizes the first day of creation for a number of reasons. The myth of Cronus/Saturn: the Father of Time is
well inferred here in the first day of creation. The mythoi of Cronus/Saturn have him devouring his children in fear that one of them
would take over his reign. That is quite an appropriate myth to illustrate exactly what TIME does. TIME symbolizes action rather
than being passive; however, what the text is additionally inferring is that once an idea comes to mind it is, for all intent and
purpose, concretized and that concretized thought becomes the new DARKNESS the eternal pass. This is not of course saying that
every secular thought is CHRIST consciousness, which represents spiritual LIGHT. CHRIST consciousness is totally different then the
repetitiveness of obsessions and addictions, which symbolizes the concretization of thought: repetitive symbols.
The very reason that a Goat is used in the symbolism of the zodiacal signs of Capricorn is; for the reason that, the Goat goes
up and down the rocky crevices of mountains. TIME frozen is analogous to granite rock analogous to a granite mountain. The
weight of the granite rock and the burden of building the temple of God within are inexplicable laborious tasks that must be
envisaged as a Garden of Eden rather than being at the mercy of harsh taskmasters. Here is the reason that I believe that ancient
religions built their temple and holy places with huge granite rock that weighed tons as if weighed down by time: i.e. Saturn/Cronus
(the weight of lead).
AQUARIUS symbolizes the second day of creation. Just how did Elohym in the first day of creation divide the LIGHT from
the DARKNESS? This is not an inappropriate question when it is realized that the initiate as the son of God has by birthright to know
all there is to know about God. There is not a sincere question that can be conceived of, concerning the content of the sacred
scriptures, that the initiate does not have a divine birthright to know the answer to. In fact every initiate has a divine birthright to
mandate that God give him infinite knowledge about his or her spiritual heritage and God has absolutely no right to refuse giving
that knowledge to his offspring unless of course that soul is an imbecilic materialistic idiot.
The Water Carrier, which Aquarius symbolizes, is a very appropriate symbol for the second day of creation or the eleventh-
sign of the zodiacal year, which is the second month of the year.
“And all the congregation of the children of Israel journeyed from the wilderness of Sin, after their journeys, according to
the commandment of the LORD, and pitched in Rephidim: and there was no water for the people to drink. Wherefore the
people did chide with Moses, and said, give us water that we may drink. And Moses said unto them, why chide you with me?
Wherefore do ye tempt the LORD? And the people thirsted there for water; and the people murmured against Moses, and
said, Wherefore is this that thou hast brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst? And
Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, what shall I do unto this people? They are almost ready to stone me. And the LORD said
unto Moses, Go on before the people, and take with thee of the elders of Israel; and thy rod, wherewith thou smotest the river,
take in thine hand, and go. Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and
there shall come water out of it that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel (Exodus
Moses cries to Yahweh for water (LIGHT?)? I think so; for the reason that, the second day of creation is all about the rod, which
is called the heaven: i.e. horizon. With the horizon the waters beneath the heaven is divided from the waters that are above the
heavens. Out of the DARKNESS that is beneath the horizon comes the LIGHT, which are called in human parlance the constellations
of the heavens for this is what brings the LIGHT to the earth as stated in the fourth day of creation. What is the heliacal rising of the
star constellations representing other than a steady stream of TIME being put into place denoting the first of twenty-two MINOR
“There are seven major chakras and approximately 22 minor chakras. The major Chakra System begins at the base of the
spine and finishes at the top of the head. They are fixed in the central spinal column. Five of the chakras are located on both
the front and back of the body, and work through it”.
The second day of creation has 38-words and the first day has 31-words totally to 69-words. Both the third and fourth days of
creation each have 69-Hebrew words; thus, the first four days of creation total to 207-words, which symbolizes the first LIGHT
CHAKRA. The word LIGHT in the first and fourth days of creation has the Gematria value of 207. There are 1449-words in the first
four chapters of Genesis: 1449 / 207 = 7 and 1449 / 69 = 21. The 22nd Minor Chakra is symbolized in the 69-Groups of words held
together by 80-hyphens in the first chapter of Genesis. These 22-Minor Chakras are obviously the Hebrew coder.
The number thirty-eight (38) as in 38-words in the second day of creation symbolizes the Grand Lunar Cycle. To have
reached that number thirty-eight (38) for the Grand Lunar Cycle a great deal of stargazing had to take place. In day one of creation
pi is cubed and in day two of creation there is the sphere as if inferring squaring the circle. Above it was discussed that BERESHITH
represents the ordinal directions. The mathematics concerning the cube and sphere was not done at that time. When BETH (2)
represents the radius of the circle then all the other letters in the word BERESHITH symbolize number two in this regard coming
through BETH to form creation. BETH-TAV combine and total to four or the diameter of the circle, which is pi x 4 x 4 = 50.26… or the
surface area of said sphere and the volume of said sphere = 33.51…; whereas, 4³ = 64, which is symbolic of pi³. The volume of said
sphere is 33.51… and erasing the decimal and reversing 3351 = 1533 and 50.26… represent 50 and these calculations symbolically
represent the exact amount of verses (1533) in the 50-chapters in the book of Genesis.
The first letter of Genesis is BETH, which represents number two. The hidden letter PEI, which inundates and surrounds the
letter BETH, symbolizes the number 80. This is precisely why the obelisk in Saint Peter’s Square is 82-feet high; for the reason that, it
symbolizes the cosmic rays from Cygnus X-3 (Northern Cross – Children of the Swan). It has been mentioned that when BETH (2) and
PEI (17) merge they amalgamate into QOPH (19). PEI having the numerical value of 80 can be reduced to 8; thus, 8 + 2 = 10 or 1. In
other words the amalgamation of these two letters BETH and PEI represents the Trinity. The point here is that the number two is
20% of 2 + 8. The bible often uses small numbers that are not equivalent to the symbolism they represent (the sacred scriptures
throughout uses the least amount of material as possible in its esoteric structure); however, as the material enlarges and
extrapolates out the sacred scriptures corrects itself. For example every orb in the real time solar system has scarring on the
landscape or dynamic tetrahedral forces at about 19.5º of the axis poles. It is called the upwelling of forces in the planetary orb.
Since it is now known that Genesis symbolizes a sphere then calculating its content of 1533-verses x 0.195 (it is known that
percentages are not degrees) = 298.935 or 299th verse of Genesis, which is the last verse of the eleventh chapter of Genesis. The first
eleven chapters of Genesis are known as the antediluvian times. The first verse of the twelfth chapter of Genesis Yahweh is calling
Abrams: i.e. upwelling of forces out of the city of Ur. Note that the numbers in the equation 0.195 are the three fire signs (1, 5, and 9)
of Astrology. It would seem that only when the first two letters of Genesis BETH and PEI amalgamate into QOPH that the LIGHT
(tetrahedral forces) comes out of the DARKNESS. Two tetrahedrons gyrating in reverse of each other is a three dimensional Star of
David. This is why the Star of David is codified to the Zodiac/Calendar year. It is why the Star of David is graphically depicted
throughout the first chapter of Genesis. These tetrahedral forces illustrate that the universe per se is part and partial of the original
source material that codified the sacred scriptures. It is through the MATRIX OF WISDOM via the unending stream of LIGHT from
GOD that the phantasmagoria of the psyche creates the manifested universe.
When taking the interpretive content of the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH and conceptually comparing the interpretive
data of the first and second days of creation it is not difficult to envisage that they are literally mirror imaging each other and
augmenting each other materials.
Aquarius the Water Carrier is shown as emptying the jug of water. Apparently Aquarius fills the container (BETH) up with
water (LIGHT) only to empty it and then refill it again only to empty it again, etc., etc. ad infinitum.
This is why it is extremely important to contemplate the heliacal rising of star constellations (LIGHT) in the second day of
creation coming out of the waters beneath the heavens (DARKNESS). For here it infers the calculations of the Precession of
the equinoxes (Axial precession): see image below. The MATRIX OF WISDOM when calculated out as it was the center of a
rubric cube 28³ or 25,920 - 28³ = 3968 / 25,920 = 0.153…, which the number 153 is the ratio of the Vesica Piscis 265/153 or
153 is the aggregate of seventeen (17), which symbolizes PEI (17). There would be twenty-seven (27) rubrics like cubes
within the grand cube 28³. Each of those rubrics like cubes would have a total of 480-cells that represent LIGHT: 480 x 27 =
12960, which is half the figure for the entire Precession of the Equinoxes and 28³ - 12960 = 8992 + (12960 – 8992) = 3968.
There is little doubt from this nuance that the matrix is conveying that when equality comes via opposites the synthesized
Vesica Piscis emerges symbolizing the Initiatic Visionary Experience. What I mean by equality is that the 12960, which
represents the LIGHT and it opposite the empyrean (9s) also has 12960, which 3968 are ethereally the Vesica Piscis that
LIGHT and the empyrean (9s) creates in the center of their two cycles. To clarify the addition of 3968 it has to be understood
they are not in the 28³ MATRIX OF WISDOM; for the reason that, that additional 3968 (Vesica Piscis) represents the
Initiatic Visionary Experience, earned only by the worthy initiate.

The number nines in the MATRIX OF WISDOM symbolize DARK MATTER: i.e. un-manifested creation, which indicates that about
66.6% of the universe is not visible. This is extraordinary; for the reason that, it points to and agrees theologically with the number of the
beast: i.e. 666, written into the last book of the New Testament: The Revelations of Jesus Christ by John the Evangelist. Modern physicists
have postulated that DARK MATTER exists; however, I would suggest that their calculations are way off.
There is a very simple way of calculating this out. The amount of cells in the MATRIX OF WISDOM cubed as if it was the center of a
Rubric’s Cube: i.e. 28³ is 21,952; whereas, the amount of cells in just the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 would total to 60 x 8 x 27 = 12,960.
Each of the twenty-seven (27) matrices cube would have a total of 480-cells and this quotient of 12,960 is precisely half of the calculation for the
Precession of the Equinoxes. It has already been discussed above how the LIGHT and DARKNESS (Empyrean) come together to form the
Vesica Piscis.
Now look at the matrix from a purely numerical perspective. There are 12,960-cells of LIGHT; however, each of these 12,960 cells is
occupied by a number that pairs off with another cell to total to nine; thus, there would be only a total of 6,480-nines from with the 12,960-cells
of LIGHT originated from.
The other 12,960-nines, which symbolize DARKNESS (Empyrean), which represents un-manifested creation (unused potential), added to
the 6,480-nines that represent LIGHT would total to 19440-nines, which makes the ratio of the manifested portion of creation 0.333… and the
un-manifested portion of creation 0.666… It is two coincidental to believe that the cells in the MATRIX OF WISDOM that symbolize CHRIST
via LIGHT equal 33% of the visual universe, which the exact amount of years CHRIST is said to have lived. The DARKNESS that equal 66% of
the universe coincides with number of the antichrist.
The conundrum here in this mathematical equation is the ethereal 3968-cells that represent the Vesica Piscis. Where the academic world
would not recognize this unseen and mystical portion of the universe the initiate would recognize it.
Another point here about the 3968-cells is that the numbers 3, 9, 6 and 8 almost sync with the 1, 3, 6, 8 signs of Astrology that symbolizes
Christ consciousness and produces the Star of David in the center of the Zodiac. The number nine (9) literally takes the place of one: i.e.
MONAD for in the MATRIX OF WISDOM they are equals. I discuss this in my other writings when I discuss how the Genesis Formula is
derived from the MATRIX OF WISDOM.
The Genesis formula was discussed above. I introduce it here with the pattern of the Vesica Piscis overlaying the Genesis Formula to
illustrate how the three Trinitarian letters: Yud, Aleph and Qoph inaugurate the Initiatic Visionary Experience, which this Vesica Piscis
sacred geometry illustrates. As it was pointed out above everything written into the sacred scriptures has it precedent. This Vesica Piscis if
further illustrated in the main body of text in the first chapter of Genesis. Both the Vesica Piscis and the Star of David illustrate this Initiatic
Visionary Experience that the sacred scriptures outline.
Enigmatically, this MATRIX OF WISDOM, which was intuited contemplatively from the MONAD, which is the soul and psyche of the
initiate, was literally culled out of nothing: i.e. ex nihilo (creation out of nothing). The inexplicable dynamic nature of this MATRIX OF
WISDOM is what eternally awes me. How can a mathematical image culled out of nothing have the calculations of the equinoctial year?
How can it emanate data that coincides with what science literally knows about the universe? This MATRIX OF WISDOM is certainly a
divine gift to the initiate from the Empyrean.
It’s appropriate for me to speak of Carl G. Jung’s theory on the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS, which admittedly I was quite
confused over it for many years. Here in the central image of the above three matrices I have place what I consider CG Jung’s theory into
my discovery of the MATRIX OF WISDOM. The rationale behind doing this is; for the reason that, I believe CG Jung work can mostly be
envisaged in the esoteric teachings of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures, which the MATRIX OF WISDOM wrote.
⦁ MATRIX OF WISDOM is how I envisage this matrix as a commentary intuitively and contemplatively culled out of the MONAD. The
bright white numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 collectively represent what CG Jung calls the Collective Unconscious, which is projected out of
the psyche as the stellar universe. The dark nines symbolize the un-manifested creation; yet, to be brought to the fore of consciousness;
although, these very dark nines symbolize the sayings (Sefirahs of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life) of the spiritual forces: God. It is as if the
dark nines symbolize the empyrean; however, once the nines (9s) split into the opposites they become un-manifested and manifested
⦁ CARL G. JUNG’S matrix shows how he envisaged the psyche: i.e. Ego-Consciousness and the Unconscious Mind (SHADOW)
relationship to the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS. CG Jung did not know anything about the MATRIX OF WISDOM; thus, he saw
via intuition and through the psychoanalytical study of his patients the inner fringes of the psyche as a deeper stratum of the
Unconscious Mind (SHADOW), which he named the Collective Unconscious, which both aspects of the psyche: i.e. Ego-Consciousness
and the Unconscious Mind (SHADOW) culls out the archetypes of the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS; whereas, I have not seen
anything in CG Jung’s writing about the un-manifested psyche (nines) other than the Transcendent Function.
⦁ THE GENERIC PSYCHE merely shows that the ego (Ego-Consciousness) is basically on its own without a helper (neither knowing of
the Unconscious Mind (SHADOW) or the universe at large). The ego symbolizes the Sun in the center of its solar system just as the
average human being is the center of his world in the state of egocentrism. Just as the ego radiates out during the daylight hours so too
does the generic psyche illustrates the reason why it knows nothing of the universe at large or anything around it. The individual psyche
generically goes to sleep at night and rarely sees the stars studded universe. This Generic Psyche is what CG Jung researched via
Analytical Psychology seeing the average patient knew nothing more than consciousness (ego). Unlike the MATRIX OF WISDOM,
which CG Jung unwittingly and correctly classified as iconography taught by the religions of the world, which stays off the onslaught of
the Unconscious Mind (SHADOW). This Generic Psyche symbolizes iconoclasm (no iconography), which Protestantism brought to the
fore in the Baroque Period, which has no protection against the onslaught of Unconscious Mind (SHADOW). Ego-consciousness is
basically non-existence without self-knowledge.
⦁ The MATRIX OF WISDOM and/or the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS is an illusion: i.e. commentary on the MONAD, which Ego-
Consciousness represents. Everything in life is culled out of Ego-Consciousness. The Unconscious Mind (SHADOW) is that which Ego-
Consciousness stores all it rejects. The Unconscious Mind (SHADOW) belongs solely to the personal egocentric world that Ego-
Consciousness has created and it has no part in the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS unless of course Ego-Consciousness can no longer
psychically deal with the phantasmagoria of the psyche it has created and then it psychically reaches out desperately to WHATEVER for
help, which for the most part creates mental illness via the archetypes of the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS; because, iconoclasm has
no way of dealing with the iconography of the archetypes of the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS.

This above MATRIX OF WISDOM cubed 27-times I have also relating to the zodiacal sign of Pisces the next sign in sequence
concerning to the third day of creation. When reading the first verse of Genesis, which has 28-letters it’s not beyond the scope of
the imagination to realize that the number twenty-eight (28) was deliberately put forward to cube (28³) in reference to separating
the heavens and the earth. The paradox is eternal insofar as the initiate is supposed to know it all in order to read the sacred
scriptures properly.
Capricorn: i.e. day one of creation discusses the LIGHT (1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s and 8s) that was divided from the
Empyrean/DARKNESS (9s).
Once the overall mathematical calculations of the MATRIX OF WISDOM 28³ are known then it is easily conceptualized why
there are two separate waters of creation (above and below the horizon) discussed in Aquarius: the second day of creation. The waters
above the heavens symbolize the visual earthly LIGHT of ego-consciousness (Sun) that was culled out of the Heavenly/DARKNESS
by heliacally rising above the horizon (heavens = firmament). The second half of the LIGHT, the waters beneath the heavens is Un-
manifested creation, which I named Heavenly/DARKNESS (CG Jung’s Collective Unconscious): i.e. Lunar Astrology: i.e.
The personal unconscious (Shadow) is a creation of ego-consciousness. Ego-consciousness summarily dismisses the personal
unconscious (Shadow) when it destroys the Vesica Piscis and Christ consciousness vanishes when ego-consciousness inflates itself;
thus, ego-consciousness ceases to have any knowledge concerning the Empyrean/DARKNESS and the Heavenly/DARKNESS.

I believe that this

distinction I have made here is what the New Testament authors distinguished between the Kingdom of God: i.e.
Empyrean/DARKNESS (totality of the nines (9s)) and the Kingdom of Heaven: i.e. Heavenly/DARKNESS (white 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s,
7s and 8s in the MATRIX OF WISDOM).
As mentioned above both the third and fourth days of creation are paired off; for the reason that each of them has 69-words,
which relate to the Minor Light Chakras. This becomes important to know because the word LIGHT in the first and fourth days of
creation (not luminaries) has the Gematria value of 207 and the first four days of creation has 207-Hebrew words; thus, the first four
days of creation collectively represent the LIGHT: i.e. Earth (Capricorn), Air (Aquarius), Water (Piscis) and Fire (Aries), which the
secular world of physics call the four nuclear forces: Electromagnetism, Weak Bosons, Strong Gluons and Gravitons.
In the third day of creation ‘the waters under the heavens went unto one place and the dryland, called earth appeared’.
The dryland called Earth is coming out of the waters of the Empyrean/DARKNESS. This is the period immediately after the Initiatic
Visionary Experience when the newly graced initiate cries out for the LIGHT (Gen. 1:3). There is no doubt that the Initiatic Visionary
Experience cleanses the psyche (soul: i.e. earth) of its addictions and/or obsessions, which prevented the ego from gaining any
spiritual progress. This Earth hails back to the second verse of Genesis, which was when “the Earth was without form and void”,
which was when the Empyrean/Darkness embraced the soul of the initiate instantaneously before destroying the old heaven and
earth. Since there was no heaven and earth then there was no place to put the soul: i.e. Adam. The soul (Earth = dryland) was able
to come out of the Empyrean/DARKNESS; for the reason that, the soul not only culled out the LIGHT from the Empyrean/DARKNESS;
but, it was given the LIGHT and this LIGHT is why the Earth was no longer Empyrean/DARKNESS water; thus, the waters had to go on
to one place to rid itself of the EARTH, which basically had concretized itself; however, the fourth day of creation: i.e. Aries place the
Solar and Luna luminaries into the firmament of the heavens to give LIGHT to the Earth along with the stars. That consistency of
getting LIGHT for the Heavenly/DARKNESS is what life is all about. The initiate is not allowed to languish and rest on his or her
The two fishes in the symbol of Piscis representing the third day of creation are going in opposite directions as if they
represent the Tai Chi symbol of the Ying Yang; however, the fact that they are fishes points to their going in opposite directions
means they are not on the same page. When Christ chose his disciples he made them fishers of men. The deep complexity of the
concept being relayed here is nigh unto an impossibility to convey. The fishes in water symbolize two diametrically different
concepts saying the same thing; but, having diametrically opposite results on a conceptual level. The fishes symbolize being in a
state of Baptism, which is being drown in one’s own religious teachings; however, the fishes cannot come above the waters of their
free will and rise from their slumber.
Here most initiates would read this as Elohym (God) creating the phantasmagoria of the psyche and by extension the outer
world. This is not what is being said here. God does not need to DESIRE for such things to take place in the phantasmagoria of the
psyche; for the reason that, that is a natural phenomenon that emanates involuntarily via the spontaneity of the soul: i.e. MATRIX
OF WISDOM, which is symbolically mirrored imaged and played out in the involuntary workings of the organs and the infinite cells of
the human body and the whole world and the universe at large.
Elohym (God) is the initiate that just had his or her Initiatic Visionary Experience and his or her soul (dryland called earth) has
been cleansed as if the cosmic wave from the galactic core explosion has spread across the planetary globe as the Blue Star Kachina
is legend to have done in previous times.
So what is this enigmatic text in the third day of creation saying? As a new fledging initiate there is no other recourse in one’s
journey to understand God then to proceed as one has been taught to conduct oneself in life; thus, though one’s thoughts are
mirroring pass times new thoughts are being brought to the attention of the neophyte so that slowly his or her understanding of
God changes for the better; for the reason that, the enigmatic statement in day three point to a divine law being put into place
rather than the rule of egocentrism. As pointed out the creation of the phantasmagoria of the psyche is a natural divine
phenomenon, which the universe is continuously regenerated nanosecond by nanosecond via the spiritual LIGHT streaming through
the MATRIX OF WISDOM: i.e. psyche; however, what the initiate does as the ego or via Christ consciousness is of a local nature and
not a universal phenomenon similar to how the solar system relates to the universal at large.
All human beings have personal biases, prejudices and preconceived notions and are caught up in some kind of addiction or
obsession. All of these things are repetitive actions and vain repetition for the psyche to obtain a sense of ORDER out of CHAOS and
to do otherwise is to invoke CHAOS; however, egocentrism tends to lock the psyche into that never-ending merry-go-round of
repetitive actions and this creates a boring existence equivalent to hell on earth: CHAOS.
The Initiatic Visionary Experience gives the initiate the gift of a DIVINE REPETITIVE OBSESSION so to the outer materialistic
world that initiate will not look or act any different than the rest of humanity. The DIVINE REPETITIVE OBSESSION is to inform the
initiate of the spiritual teachings relating to the soul as outline in the MATRIX OF WISDOM and the sacred scriptures of the world.
All that has come out of the MATRIX OF WISDOM is repetitive of what went before. What was quoted above is appropriate to
repeat here, “What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun
(Ecclesiastes 1:9)”. So far it has been shown that all that has been discussed in the first three days of creation is a rehashing of the
first word of Genesis; however, the repetitive teachings of the sacred scriptures teachings the initiate about his soul and the world
he or she lives in; thus, the repetitiveness is eternally using the different symbols to say the same thing and initiate is able to cull out
additional nuances out of that interplay with the symbolism of the sacred scriptures. This is what the enigmatic statement in the
third day of creation is discussing. All thoughts, words and deeds are phantasmagoria of the psyche. In every sense they are
cathedral rising from the psyche. This is what the enigmatic statement in the third day of creation is talking about. All organic life
like the herbs and trees that have seed within themselves are transient and temporary ideas.
The third day of creation continues with God planning seed into the soul (Earth).
“And God said, let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose
seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after his kind, and
the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind (Gen. 1:11-12)”.
These verses reference Gen. 2:4-5; and they reveal a shocking revelation.
“These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the
earth and the heavens, and every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for
the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground (Gen. 2:4-5)”.
Notice that Gen. 2:4, speaks of “the day that the Lord God (Christ: i.e. Vesica Piscis) made the earth and the heavens”; thus,
out of the Empyrean/DARKNESS the earth and the heavens are made. Think about it for it is talking about “a singular day not
multiple days”. This directly references the discussion that the angels had with the shepherds in the hills of Judea when they said
that ‘a savior would be born this day’. These creation days in the first chapter of Genesis are being interpreted as sign/months of
the Zodiac; thus, the zodiacal day is 2,160-years. Where the angels were referring to Sagittarius, the birth of Christ, Gen. 2:4; speaks
to Aries the conception of Christ the fourth day of creation because the luminaries and stars brings (impregnates) the LIGHT (CHRIST)
to the Earth.
In Genesis 2:1-3;
“Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which
he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and
sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made (Gen. 2:1-3)”.
One out of the multitudes of interpretations culled out of the first chapter of Genesis is that the first six days of creation
symbolizes six of the twelve Solar Calendar Months; whereas, the other six Celestial Zodiacal Signs (months) had yet to heliacally rise
above the horizon. The arch of the dome of the Heavens over the horizon only signifies half of the calendar months and this is what
BERESHITH is interpreted as “separated six”.
Here we have Pisces pairing off with Sagittarius in the zodiacal cycle, which goes according to the Sun Signs of Astrology.
Jupiter/Zeus rules over the zodiacal signs of Pisces and Sagittarius. The mythoi of the Jupiter/Zeus legend have him defeating his
father Cronus/Saturn: i.e. the Father of Time and releasing his brothers and sisters: i.e. the Titans, which his father had eaten. When
viewing the zodiacal cycle in the MATRIX OF WISDOM it is not difficult to envisage that Cronus/Saturn the Father of Time was
overtaken by his son Jupiter/Saturn. Yes, TIME is needed to concretize thought as in naming a concept concretizes thought;
however, such concretization of though limits thought activity to the point of idleness. Each second of time is essentially the
concretization of thought; for the reason that, it becomes history and in every sense this is TIME devouring thought as Cronus
devoured his children the Titans. It is this concretization of thought that generates addiction or obsession in the psyche and
provides for an individual to have biases, prejudices and preconceived notions that further hampers spiritual progress. What
Jupiter/Saturn does is come along and frees up those imprisoned thoughts (Titans the children of Cronus) to be freely used.
Jupiter/Zeus is equivalent to CHRIST consciousness because Christ teaches his disciples to be fishers of men: i.e. drawing initiates out
of the abyss of DARKNESS just as Jupiter/Zeus released the Titans out of the bowel of Cronus/Saturn.
The third day of creation is the initiate creating his own Garden of Eden. And the Garden of Eden is built upon the spiritual laws
of the MATRIX OF WISDOM. There is nothing more important in life than learning about one’s own psyche/SOUL in relations to the
powers that be: i.e. God and this is the sole reason that the MATRIX OF WISDOM has the sacred scriptures of the world created.
Sagittarius is the sign/month of Christ’s birth not Capricorn. Pisces is the sign/month of Christ’s crucifixion and that is why the
arrow of Sagittarius points towards the Northern Cross. Christ’s death on the cross is predicted at his birth and it is the first; yet, the
final act in the initiate’s Initiatic Visionary Experience; for the reason that, the mythoi of Christ in the New Testament illustrates how
the initiate has to sincerely invokes Christ to regain his or her soul.
The bible is not a book of fellowship; for the reason that, the human vernacular is a royale battle of the egos in the world.
Always somebody has to be the chief cook and bottle washer. In other words there is always someone that wants to rule over his or
her peers thinking him or herself knows-it-all and is above the fray. When one studies the bible alone there is no arguing with the
indigenous (not referring to translations here) textual materials for the sacred scriptures esoterically is the final spiritual authority on
I do not subscribe to modernity’s take on the positioning of the astrological signs in the calendar cycle; for the reason that, it is
nonsensical to place a zodiacal sign two thirds into one month and one third into another month. How, from that CHAOS is the
Zodiac and Calendar years to amalgamate into one flesh? The Zodiac is the spiritual database of knowledge and the solar year is the
material limited database of knowledge: i.e. both are cyclic. Anyone that uses common sense can go back and study the Julian and
Augustus Caesars calendars and ask if they would have created that kind of CHAOS relating to the Zodiac and Calendar cycles.
Consider the Gregorian calendar, which when the eleven days were removed from the solar year those days were not deducted from
the zodiacal calendar; hence, the CHAOS that modernity finds itself in relating to the Zodiac/Calendar year. I adhere to the zodiacal
sign and the calendar month symbolically being equivalent and amalgamating with each other in reference to TIME. This of course
has absolutely nothing to do with the positioning of the Vernal and Autumn Equinoxes nor positioning the Winter and Summer
Solstices in the Zodiac/Calendar year. I believe that the Zodiac/Calendar year was inaugurated to emphasize the conceptions, births
and circumcision rites of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ; though, history has Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar instituting that
calendar over a thirty-eight year period from January 1st 46BC to January 1st 8BC, which is two years before the birth of Christ. That
is another spiritual analysis on the New Testament mythoi, which I will not go any further here; however, I will further say that this
Zodiac/Calendar year enigma, in relationship to the birth of Christ, goes back to its origins in the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH
in constructing the Genesis Formula.
Looking at the MATRIX OF WISDOM on page #2 it can be seen on the second row of the matrix that numbers 1-8 pair off into
four Astrological sets 1 and 8 (Mars), 2 and 7 (Venus), 3 and 6 (Mercury) and 4 and 5 (Moon and Sun respectively); whereas, on
page #24 it displays Astrology’s twelve signs in the MATRIX OF WISDOM; however, the Sun and Moon are not in the central square
of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The central square symbolizes the Garden of Eden; therefore, the Initiatic Visionary Experience
replaces the Sun (ego-consciousness) and Moon (personal unconscious ego (Shadow)) and substitutes them for CHRIST
consciousness, which symbolizes the whole of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures seeing that it (Christ’s LIGHT) is culled out of the
DARKESS that the Old Testaments iconoclastic texts symbolizes. It is not the texts of the sacred scriptures per se; though, that is
what it symbolizes: i.e. the initiate’s biases, prejudices and preconceived notions (DARKNESS).
Then why, it can be asked, does the first four days of creation begin with Capricorn/January and end at Aries/April in creating
the LIGHT of creation; whereas, the overall biblical structure begins with Gemini the sixth day of creation and ends with Pisces the
third day of creation? The answer to that is that the first four days of creation are going clockwise: i.e. solar calendar: January,
February, March, April, which signifies manifested creation; whereas, the overall structure of the sacred scriptures goes
counterclockwise: Gemini, Taurus, Aries and Piscis i.e. zodiacal calendar. The reason why the first four days of creation signify the
solar calendar is; for the reason that, they symbolized manifested creation; whereas, the zodiacal calendar symbolizes the eternal
un-manifested creation: i.e. Christ consciousness. This is why Pisces symbolize the fishes going in diametrically opposite directions.
Each sign of the Zodiac/Calendar year is like the two fishes swimming in opposite directions. Notice this makes Christ’s statement to
Peter and his brother Andrew more commonsensical insofar as Him telling them that he will make them ‘fishers of men’. Each
person is born in a different sign/month; thus, each person has a demonic or angelic angel on his or her shoulder whispering sage
advice simultaneously.

Scorpio symbolizes the ego: i.e. the sting of death is in the Empyrean/DARKNESS realm of the MATRIX OF WISDOM indicating
that the ego spiritualized is an essential aspect to living in the Garden of Eden; for the reason that, Aries can access its counterpart
Scorpio. All four of the signs in the central square of the MATRIX OF WISDOM can access their counterparts via the Sun Signs of
Astrology; however, ego-consciousness: i.e. the Sun and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow): i.e. the Moon are not allowed into
the Garden of Eden as if they represented Adam and Eve that broke the law of God. Note that the two signs that represent
Cronus/Saturn: i.e. Father of Time (Aquarius and Capricorn) cannot be access from the Garden of Eden as if to say that TIME is not a
factor in the Garden of Eden for the thoughts of Christ consciousness cannot concretized (Cronus eating the Titans). The ego (BETH)
in the first letter of Genesis, which is represented by Scorpio, amalgamates with the moon (PEI = Gematria value of 81: 9 x 9, Magic
Square: i.e. Kamea of the Moon), which creates the letter QOPH, which finishes the spelling of the word CHRIST in the first word of
Genesis: BERESHITH. Only in this manner can Boaz (Sun) and Jachin (Moon) the two columns outside the temple enter into the
temple in a psychic Mystical Alchemical Marriage. The ego (Sun) becomes the spiritualized Sun through the Initiatic Visionary
Experience via the auspices of CHRIST consciousness. What Aries and Scorpio illustrate is that the Initiatic Visionary Experience is an
eternal ongoing process; for the reason that, Aries and Scorpio symbolize Solomon Temple (linear - rectangular) that transmogrifies
into the Christian Temple (circular - octagon) as in squaring the circle.
Aries symbolizes the sacrificing of the RAM or becoming the priest because it represents the first born of Israel. In Israel the
first born were dedicated to God; whereas, the ego (sting of death) is diametrically opposite to the priesthood. The two: Priest and
Ego are in an eternal Royale Battle for supremacy over the other: hence MARS: THE GOD OF WAR. It is this psychic Armageddon
battle that the priest has with his ego that causes DESIRE to come forth: i.e. “let there be light”, which invokes the Initiatic Visionary
Experience that symbolizes entry into the Holy of Holies, which in itself invokes CHRIST consciousness. The priest sacrifices his ego as
the ram of Aries was sacrifice in lieu of Isaac: i.e. The Akedah. In the book of Genesis the first born male never-ever gets his father’s
inheritance for some excuse is always made to prevent that from happening. The birthright always goes to the second son or
another son in succession as in the case of Judah.
Aries symbolizes the fourth day of creation that brings LIGHT (Eucharist) to the earth. The fourth day of creation should be
studied in relationship to synthesizing the first three days of creation by blending them into a cohesive whole. This is why the fourth
day of creation is seen as bringing LIGHT to the earth (soul). The fourth day of creation is symbolically “Closing the Mystic Circle”: for
the reason that, all the elements are symbolically astrological signs that have enamored the psyche and have been psychically
amalgamated into a spiritual synthesis. These twelve Astrological signs coalescing into a circle is the acausal reason for the STAR OF
DAVID to magically appear ethereally in the Zodiac/Calendar year. The symbolism of the bible is a generic esoteric system of
thought; whereby, Astrology symbolizes symbols: i.e. those things that enamor the psyche in life; thus, any profession or vocation
can be used to educate the psyche as to its true spiritual heritage. As below so above and as above so below: i.e. “And I will give
unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever
thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven (Matthew 16:19)”. The keys of the kingdom of heaven is, ‘CHRIST consciousness’
that sacredly and divinely transubstantiates the Gold and Silver keys (bread and wine of the Eucharistic Mass): i.e. ego-consciousness
and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow) without changing the inherent psychic personality of the initiate. This is why the bread
and the wine in the Eucharistic Mass are physically unchanged; however, spiritually on a symbolical level Christ consciousness is
These first four days of creation have a great deal more to say; for the reason that, they can never be fully emptied of their
infinite spiritual database of knowledge.
Below are images (Kabbalistic Tree of Life and the Star of David) culled out of the first chapter of Genesis, which I will only
briefly discuss; though, I have discussed them ad nausea in other academic papers that fully explain them. I place them here to
illustrate to those new to my work that there is a great deal more that can be culled out of the texts. There are other cycles that I
mentioned above that produce the Scales of Libra, which actually infer a system of 1584-cycles and the Scales of Libra only deals
with eleven of them.

The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is displayed in the first chapter of Genesis via the 32-uses of the
word ‘Elohym’. When these 32-Elohyms are sequentially listed and each is categorized by the word Elohym and its associate word
and then placed into a cycle instantaneously the basic frame work of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life presents itself when the all Sefirahs
are colorized with a black-dot. This image of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life is known as the GRA Tree of Life and it is a ‘natural array of
the Kabbalistic Tree of Life 32-paths’. Filling in the rest of the frame of the Tree of Life is not difficult at all. Also the associate words
connected to the word Elohym is not the only indication of how to construct the graphic images that are displayed. Notice that out
of the 10-Sefirah there are four set of Elohyms in that category that are 180º form each other. The final two Sefirahs are paired off
by not being 180º from each other. There are three sets of Elementals (Single letters) that are 180º from one another producing the
image of the STAR OF DAVID. The Mother letters has only one set 180º apart; in addition, the three Mother letters are positioned
sequentially as the 8th, 16th and 24th Elohyms (multiple of eights) and a fourth word MADE is found in the 31st-verse, where the 32nd
Elohym is. This is why I placed a red line under that Double letter. These Mother letters are further pattern by be located in the 7th,
16th and 25th verses (mutable of nines) and there is another word MADE found in the 34th verse of Genesis (Gen. 2:3). Obviously
these two squares are patterned into the texts for a number of reasons. The only possible reasons that I can think of that the
authors of the sacred scriptures wanted to draw attention to these to two perfectly structured squares is because Cygnus X-3 is
between the 8th and 9th signs of the Zodiac and also to show how scientifically the texts are laid out.
A third possible reason is that 8 + 16 + 24 + 32 totals to 80 and 7 + 16 + 25 +
34 totals to 82. The first letter of Genesis BETH has the letter PEI inundated and surrounds it, which has the Gematria value of 80 and
when it amalgamates with BETH (2) it totals to 82: 80 + 82 = 162, which is the transposition of 216, which is the cube of 6³. The 6 x 6
magic square represents the Sun sign of Astrology and each row or column totals to 111, which is the Gematria value of all three
Hebrew letters: Aleph (1), Yud (10) and Qoph (100) that represents the TRINITY. In addition the three columns three rows and two
diagonals total to 888, which is the number of Jesus Christ. The cube of 6³ would symbolize the spiritualized Sun: i.e. Christ. In
addition the cube of 6³ = 216 equals the sum of three other magic squares: Saturn = 3³, Jupiter 4³ and Mars 5³. This latter is where
the gist of what I am hypothesizing lies. This coincides with the doctrine of Christianity as Astrology not being needed, which is
correct once Christ consciousness is achieved. This shows that the cube of 6³ combines the three highest gods of Greece and Rome
that Christ is greater than any pagan God, which these pagan religions called the UNKNOWN GOD knowing there, was something
more powerful than Saturn, Jupiter and Mars.
The Double letters have no matching pairs 180º apart. This then shows that half of the 32-Elohyms are paired off with a mate
in their own category. These images have a number of reasons for being placed esoterically into the first chapter of Genesis. They
give incontrovertible evidence that their original source material is the MATRIX OF WISDOM.
The last image showing the 32-Elohyms divided between LIGHT and DARKNESS with the green background is the very reason I
added the Kabbalistic Tree of Life to this discussion. The White area symbolizes the first four days of creation and black area
symbolizes first two verses of Genesis and the fifth and six days of creation, which represent the 206-bones (words) found in the
human body. The aggregate of 32 is 528 and the diameter of said circle is 168 (hours in a week). A study of the Kabbalistic Tree of
Life categories in the White area (first four days of creation) shows that the Seven Day Week pair off into 3½ sets or the coiled
Kundalini around the central pole of the Tree of Life. The Kundalini Rising is analogous to the Initiatic Visionary Experience. This is
not the only example of the Kundalini for the 22-Minor and 7-Major Chakras were discussed above plus there is another major
example not discussed. There of course is a great deal more to the analysis of the first chapter of Genesis. Here I gave a quick review
to associate the Kabbalistic Tree of Life with the Initiatic Visionary Experience (see Appendixes 1, 2 and 3).
Gemini and Taurus are paired off; for the reason that they collectively as the fifth and sixth days of creation have a total of
206-words, which coincides with the amount of bones in the human body. This is the Heavenly/DARKNESS in the Vesica Piscis that
the LIGHT is culled out of. Notice how the number 207, which is the amount of words in the first four day of creation reduces to nine
(9) and the number 206 reduces to the number eight (8). The numbers nine and eight total to seventeen (17) or the letter PEI and
the 21-words in the first two verses of Genesis totals the DARKNESS: 206 + 21 = 227. It is already known, from the above
commentary, that there are 21 x 69 Minor Chakras or 7 x 207 Major Chakras in the first four chapters of Genesis indicating the
amount of LIGHT that has to be culled out of the DARKNESS. This should be interpreted as to what Christ said in the New Testament,
“For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, until all is fulfilled
(Matthew 5:18)”. It’s a very satisfying to see statements in the Bible put into contexts with their spiritual conceptual themes.
My understanding of the 21 + 1 words (BERESHITH is split into two words make it 22) in the first two verses of Genesis
symbolizes the seeds that God plants in the soul; whereas, the 206-words in the fifth and six days of creation symbolizes the bones
of the initiate: i.e. those things that enamor his or her psyche. Remember that the totality of the first chapter of Genesis symbolizes
the Vesica Piscis where spirituality and materiality have combined. The first chapter of Genesis breaks this Vesica Piscis down into its
constituent parts. Also the Vesica Piscis symbolizes the sphere or bubble of Christ consciousness that the initiate is placed in making
his or her consciousness autonomous. This does not mean that the bones are in the Empyrean/DARKNESS; rather, they should be
seen in the new heaven and earth, which the Heavenly/DARKNESS is half the equation.
The aggregate of three through eighteen (3-18), the numerical sequence of the 16-Elohyms in the first four days of creation
symbolizes the LIGHT totaling to 168 and the remaining 16-Elohyms total to 360. The 168 symbolizes Pi, which is known to represent
Elohym five letters that produces the formula for pi. The 360 symbols the letter SHIN, which has the Gematria value of 360. SHIN
symbolizes the Earth: i.e. the soul. In other words the sacred scriptures are saying that each individual has to cull the LIGHT out of
his or her own soul.
This makes the amount of words in the first chapter of Genesis as 434: 21 + 207 + 206 or +1 = 435, which is the aggregate of
29, which symbolizes Saturn that is the planet said to govern Israel. There is only one Hebrew letter that has the Gematria value of
434 and that is Daleth, which symbolically means DOOR. Christ tells us that he is the DOOR: “I am the door: by me if any man
enters in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture (John 10:9)”.

Venus symbolizes the Love of God and certainly not sensuality. The condition of what the fifth day of creation and the fourth
chapter of Genesis depict indicates that the initiate is left entirely to his or her own resources. I believe the message here is that the
initiate cannot be spoon fed the teachings of the Esoteric Science. Sparing the rod and spoiling the child will bring CHAOS to the
child life in the future.
When the Cain and Abel story is considered in relationship to what takes place in the fifth day of creation it is seen that when
the birds fly out of the oceanic seas the initiate has become a swan like the Cygnus Swan. The ocean waters symbolize Baptism.
Remember that 99.999…% of those Baptized into the teachings of their religion drown in it. This is why the fifth day is symbolized by
Taurus the Bull; for the reason that, the psyche’s ego-consciousness is extremely stubborn. Rarely does anyone fly out of the
oceanic waters (personal unconscious ego (Shadow)) like a bird. Even today in England women are called ‘birds’. The feminine
symbolizes the person unconscious ego (Shadow). To become the bird is too united with the deflated ego. The Scales of Libra are in
essence the feather and the heart. The heart of the psyche is the unconscious mind (feminine) and the feather is symbolic to the
deflated ego: i.e. the Cygnus Swan. Unless the two: heart and the feather are equal in every way the Initiatic Visionary Experience
cannot be had.
The Scales of Libra has weighed the soul and has found it not wanting. The Initiatic Visionary Experience is basically an
instantaneous event; though, the analysis of the first four days of creation seem to be endless it is nothing more than a momentary
event in the life of the initiate. This is where the second verse of Genesis kicks in with the spirit of Elohym hovering over the face of
the waters and then is sent to live on the earth. Is this not what happened when Christ was Baptized by John the Baptist. When
Christ came out of the water the TRINITY was fully present and it has been learned from the first word of Genesis that the TRINITY is
an intricate part of the Initiatic Visionary Experience. Then Christ was sent into the wilderness of the dog-eat-dog world to be
tempted by Satan.
The story of Cain and Abel is a fascinating one because it has a lot to say to the initiate. Cain is a farmer and Abel is a shepherd.
There are two roads to spirituality: i.e. the Way of the Animal Envoy and the Way of the Seeded Earth. One is by nature and the
other is via the Hermetic (Esoteric) Sciences. Those that read the nativity stories of the New Testament in Matthew and Luke’s
gospel will clearly see this religious phenomenon. Mary the Mother of Christ had a vision from the angel Gabriel on the day she
conceived the Christ child, cir. April 1st. Take note that the Shepherds in the field were notified by an angelic vision of the birth of the
Christ Child in the spring time, cir. April 1st nine months before the Christ child was born; however, notice how both Joseph and the
Magi both had dreams, which they interpreted as a divine message. They did not have angelic visits. Both Joseph and the Magi
would have been deeply educated into their religions cultures. The Magi had a two year notice, which commence on January 1st 8BC
as to when the birth of Christ would take place, which points to them knowing the Hermetic Sciences seeing the Star of David
appeared in the Astrological calendar on January 1st 8BC. Joseph is a name that is associated with interpreting dreams and certainly
the Magi would not have any difficult interpreting their dreams. I will not go into how I know these dates. I am revising a paper I did
on the Birth of Christ more than a decade ago and it goes very deep into all the New Testament aspect of the Nativity.
In the Cain and Abel story the legend is that they were twins; though, Abel is treated interpretively as if he was younger than
his brother Cain. Cain as a farmer would have grown all kinds of vegetables and fruits, which would have included wheat and grapes
for the bread and wine offered up in the Eucharistic Mass. Whereas, Abel was of the tradition of sacrificing animals to have Yahweh
forgive him his sins. The animal takes Abel’s place on the altar; however, Yahweh accepts Abel’s sacrifice and rejects Cain’s offering.
From Judaism’s perspective that would be acceptable; whereas, offering up the Eucharistic as did Melchizedek, a Canaanite Priest
and King, in the fourteenth chapter of Genesis would not have been acceptable to a Jewish God. It has just been discovered through
the lengthy researches of Professor David Rohl and many other scholars on the archeological site of Goshen in Egypt that those that
lived there were not Jewish; rather, they were of the Canaanite Empire.
The key phrase in the Cain and Abel story is that Cain went off to build a city, which implies a community and it negates the
curse put on Cain by Yahweh. It is as if Yahweh curse on Cain was uncontrollable rage that didn’t mean anything. Living in a city is
not being a ‘fugitive and a vagabond in the earth’. Also the idea of building a city would have come from being a farmer, which a
farmer plants his crops like streets are laid out in a city. Also the MATRIX OF WISDOM exudes the schematics for the building a city.
In addition Adam and Eve as Jews; for the reason that, they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden would have seen the conversion
of Abel to his brother Cain’s (Canaanite?) religion as Cain murdering his brother. In fact this Jewish tradition still exists to this very
day. When a Jew converts to a Gentile religious that Jew is considered dead in the eyes of the Jewish community no matter whether
he or she is breathing, eating, siring children or whatever. I have found in a number of cases when a Jew marries a Gentile that
Gentile must convert to Judaism before the marriage can take place.
The sixth day of creation is all about the Gemini Twins and it is so obvious that the Royale Battle between the two halves of
the psyche: ego-consciousness (Sun - Yahweh) and personal unconscious ego (Shadow – Moon - Elohym) that it is a wonder that no
one has remarked about the two different techniques that Elohym (in his Trinitarian role) ‘MAKE or CREATE Adam into his image and
likeness’. Those texts in the sixth day of creation should have thrown up red flags. In the Roman Catholic tradition this is symbolic of
the angel on one shoulder and a demon on the other.

And God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in
the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought
forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them,
saying, be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth (Gen. 1:20-22).
And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over
the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creep upon the earth. So God
created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them,
and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the
sea and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that move upon the earth (Gen. 1:26-28).
When reading the whole of the fifth and sixth day of creation one of the major things that stick out is that God gives Adam
control over all that creeps and moves on the earth. In the fifth day of creation God is creating the animals to move; whereas, the
second theme has God as if he wanted all that moved be stationary or control in a corral; whereas, the second technique is to
separate (create - Bara) Adam into his image. One wants to unite and other wants to separate: builder and destroyer. This edict of
having control over all that moved references “the spirit of God moved over the face of the waters’ in the second verse of Genesis.
Remember that Taurus the Bull symbolizes ego-consciousness and during the bullfights of Spain the matador (the main
bullfighter in a bullfight, whose job is to kill the bull) waves a red flag, which enrages the bull because he is seeing the moving cloth.
Something in the psyche of the bull cannot stand seeing something moving. This is symbolic of the human psyche becoming
addicted or obsessed in his or her activities doing vain repetition throughout life: i.e. white sepulchers full of filth and all unclean
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear
beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness (Matthew 23:27)”.
The fifth day of creation clearly shows that God created the creatures to become fowl of the air (birds) to multiply on the
face of the earth. Considering both the fifth and sixth days of creation have a separate agenda and it is easy to envisage why Yahweh
and Elohym would be seen as the Gemini Twins. Notice how the word ELOHYM (God) is used in the fifth day of creation and this
Elohym is converting the creatures in the sea (via Baptism?) to go and live on the earth. This of course is the old sleight of hand
maneuver. The Elohym that wants to MAKE Adam into his image is not concerned about those creatures of the sea; for the reason
that, he is pretty certain he has a loyal congregation; thus, his only concern is to convert the moving creatures back into the sea. In
the sixth day of creation there are multiple uses of the world Elohym as if there is a Royale Battle for the souls of the creatures that
Remember that Satan (EGO - antichrist) is an adversary not necessary evil per se. For the ego is necessary to name and
concretize thought that has been culled out of the unconscious mind in order to live in the world. Think about what is transpiring
psychically at the very moment of reading this text or while conjuring up your own thoughts. There is nothing there in the psyche
until it is concretized by ego-consciousness. The problem is that humans tend to want permanency in all things and thus they make
iconic idols out of those things that enamor their psyche, which they concretize.
In the below image of Adam and Eve being tempted in the Garden of Eden I believe it is interpreted incorrectly universally;
for the reason that, the majority of the laity take this image that is on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel as representing two scenes in a
sequel where the serpent tempts Adam and Eve and then the Angel kick them out of the garden into the wilderness; however, what
negates the entirety of that interpretation is the fact that there are two serpents wrapped around the tree. Follow the tail of the
serpent at the bottom of the tree to its completion. It is obvious that there is another serpent’s body going into the rare of the
angel. The angel is all dress up prim and proper liken to a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The angel in clothing appears institutionalized for
she has the blackboard pointer in her hand being a pain in the neck to Adam.
I found it quite interesting that the interplay that the naked serpent is having with the lounging Eve in the Garden of Eden is
similar to God creating Adam; however, the Creation of Adam is told in the Second Chapter of Genesis. Notice how both Adam and
Eve in these two scenes are lounging in a similar nonchalant manner as if God is trying to get them activated to move out of their
slumbering positions. The recent analysis of the Creation of Adam’s panel has God as the brain, with angels surrounding him. Here
God represent Elohym and yes the psyche is the conduit that God uses to create man into his image; thus, there should be no
problem with that interpretation of that panel.
The third scene in the Adam and Eve story shows Eve being birthed from the carcass of Adam, which is explicitly discussed in
the second chapter of Genesis. What is interesting in the birth of Eve in this fresco is that Yahweh (ego) fully clothed, like the angel
that banished Adam and Eve in the third chapter of Genesis, is waiting for her the instant she is born. Analogously, this is similar to
how the adolescence is educated out of his or her transcendental state of mind when maturing to adulthood.
This artwork can be said not be scriptural iconoclastically; however, it is Catholicism’s iconographic interpretation of the sacred
scriptures they were inspired and guided to write. An old legend out of Judaism says any interpretation of the Torah is the Torah.
The reason that I show these images is because they synch with the reading of the first four chapters of Genesis and they give
succinct esoteric information concerning the teachings of the sacred scriptures that the surface iconoclastic storyline does not
It; therefore, would be extremely difficult for the initiate not to see these two Gods: Yahweh and Elohym as the serpents on
Mercury’s caduceus on both the sixth day of creation and the third chapter of Genesis. These two sections of the first four chapters
of Genesis perfectly synch with each other. One of the main scriptural paradoxes for the initiate to overcome is to understand that
the scripture doesn’t normally give both sides of the story. What is outlined in the sixth day of creation is a rarity insofar as
discussing both sides of equation when it comes to God giving the Initiatic Visionary Experience to the soul and then instantaneously
trying to take it away from the initiate. In the New Testament this is clearly outlined in the Lord’s Prayer, “And lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil (Matthew 6:13)”. Why would the laity be given a prayer to ask God, in the same sentence,
not to tempt them; rather, deliver them from evil? This is one of the most profound mysteries of the bible.
Remember that after Christ was baptized by John the Baptist he was sent to the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. I see
nothing wrong with placing Christ’s conversation with Satan in the wilderness as told in Matthew, Mark and Luke’s gospels along
side of Eve’s discussion with Satan outlined in the third chapter of Genesis. Adam and Eve’s sin was not eating the fruit; rather, I
would say that their great sin is that they no longer knew the edict that Yahweh Elohym (Christ) initially laid out for them.
Michelangelo’s fresco of the Temptation and Expulsion of Adam and Eve speaks to this dilemma. Notice how Adam and Eve are each
taking their fruit from two separate parts of the tree, which infers equality. One part belongs to the naked serpent and the other
part belongs to the angel (ego) clothed in red: for “Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14)”.
Eve’s conversation with Satan is confused; whereas, Christ quotes scripture as his guiding principle. Eve gives Adam the fruit of the
tree, which indicates that there was no longer equality in the relationship, which Christ consciousness symbolizes. Adam doting over
Eve is obeying her every command without dissent, which is essentially becoming her slave, is a wrong understanding of the law of
God. Virgo holding the Scales of Libra could neither balance nor condone such confusion concerning the Initiatic Rite, which leads to
discrepancies in psychic understanding.
Virgo is the Zodiac/Calendar sign/month that the Eleusinian mysteries are celebrated in: i.e. September 15th is the anniversary
date of the Eleusinian mysteries. It is this sign/month that determines who receives the Initiation Experience. The Roman Catholic
Church, the heir to the ancient Mystery Schools, has the daily Eucharistic Mass inferring that the Initiatic Visionary Experience is a
perpetual ongoing process.
The conversation that the woman (for she had not been named Eve at this point) had with the serpent illustrates why she was
confused. Verses nine (9) and seventeen (17) in the second chapter of Genesis were conceptually turned around in the mind of the
woman. Gen. 2:9; says that the Tree of Life was also in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. In
this Verse-9 it says that Yahweh Elohym causes the trees to grow and this is a very important nuance in referring the conversation
between the serpent and the woman. Gen. 2:16-17; clearly shows that Yahweh and Elohym, in unanimity as YAHWEH ELOHYM, give
the edict for Adam and by extension the woman not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Gen. 3:1-7; has the
serpent discussing with the woman Elohym’s edicts not Yahweh’s edicts.
The serpent breaks down the name YAHWEH ELOHYM and only
uses solely the name of the feminine God: i.e. Elohym. I believe here in the sacred scriptures where the name YAHWEH ELOHYM
was used exclusively in the second chapter of Genesis is now being deliberately misquoted by the serpent by using the name
Elohym. By using the word ELOHYM in referencing YAHWEH ELOHYM it confuses Eve into believing that it was Elohym that gave the
edict. The reader should study the bible verses I quoted above in relationship to the Serpent and Eve’s conversation and then the
enigma of the so-called Original Sin is clarified.
The conversation that the woman (for she had not been named Eve at this point) had with the serpent illustrates why she was
confused. Verses nine (9) and seventeen (17) in the second chapter of Genesis were conceptually turned around in the mind of the
Gen. 2:9; says that the Tree of Life was also in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. In this
Verse-9 it says that Yahweh Elohym causes the trees to grow and this is a very important nuance in referring the conversation
between the serpent and the woman.
Gen. 2:16-17; clearly shows that Yahweh and Elohym, in unanimity as YAHWEH ELOHYM, give the edict for Adam and by
extension the woman not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Gen. 3:1-7; has the serpent discussing with the woman Elohym’s edicts not Yahweh’s edicts. The serpent breaks down the
name YAHWEH ELOHYM and only uses the name of the feminine God: i.e. Elohym.
On page #24 above the image of the MATRIX OF WISDOM, outlining the positions of the zodiacal constellations, clearly shows
that the only Sun Signs of Astrology not available are Saturn (Aquarius and Capricorn) and the Moon Goddess: Selene and the Sun
God: Apollo (Cancer and Leo). I hypothesize that the Sun Signs of Astrology are the trees of the Garden of Eden; for the reason that,
Jupiter (Pisces and Sagittarius), Mars (Aries and Scorpio), Venus (Taurus and Libra) and Mercury (Gemini and Virgo) all act, from
the perspective of the Garden of Eden, like branches on a tree: i.e. Kabbalistic Tree of Life and each branch acts like a tree of its own.
Notice how the branches connecting the Sun Signs of Astrology also appear to symbolize the poles that carry the Ark of the
Covenant. The Garden of Eden: i.e. MATRIX OF WISDOM is the Holy of Holies and the Ark of the Covenant would be the central four
signs that symbolize the Judeao Christian Scriptures: i.e. Old and New Testaments (Gemini, Taurus, Aries and Piscis). I have already
intuited in my researches that the initiate has to reach beyond the texts of the sacred scriptures to understand them and this is why I
believe that the branches are displayed as trees in the garden; however, such reaching beyond the texts of the sacred scriptures also
implies not going beyond the mandated pathways.
The fact that Scorpio and Sagittarius and Virgo and Libra are on the periphery (nines = DARKNESS) of the MATRIX OF WISDOM
indicates that they are in un-manifested creation (nines). The reason the nines are called un-manifested creation (DARKNESS) is
because LIGHT is culled out of Empyrean/DARKNESS (nines). The nines are broken up into 1 and 8, 2 and 7, 3 and 6 and 4 and 5,
which symbolically represent the LIGHT of creation.
This now define HELL (Inferno) from an entirely different perspective. Hell
is not a place nor a Sun Sign nor Astrological Sign; but, rather a psychic experience. In Christ consciousness: I.e. the text of the sacred
scriptures (Gemini, Taurus, Aries and Piscis) TIME: Saturn: Father of Time (Aquarius and Capricorn) is not a factor; though, the
mythoi of the surface texts of the sacred scriptures infer this throughout. The boundaries of sacred scriptures: i.e. Gemini, Taurus,
Aries and Piscis will not allow Boaz (Sun: egocentrism) and Jachin (Moon: personal unconscious ego (Shadow)) to enter into its
precincts unless they amalgamate into Christ consciousness.
The serpent in the garden is talking to the woman about the feminine God Elohym: i.e. the Moon Goddess. It is my contention
that since the fresco of the TEMPTATION AND EXPULSION OF ADAM AND EVE painted by Michelangelo shows two serpents around
the caduceus tree then the serpent talking to the woman is Adam, who symbolizes YAHWEH (masculine God) the Sun God. How
could the woman have learned of the edicts of YAHWEH ELOHYM unless she learned them from Adam? What is more subtle than
the ego (serpent)? The opening remarks and subsequent conversation that the serpent has with the woman is as if he is treating her
like a student. Review the conversation that the serpent’s has with the woman: Gen. 3: 1-5;
Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto
the woman, Yea, hath God (Elohym) said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said
unto the serpent, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: but of the fruit of the tree which is in the
midst of the garden, God (Elohym) hath said, ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And
the serpent said unto the woman, ye shall not surely die: for God (Elohym) doth know that in the day ye eat
thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
The subtlety of the serpent is obvious through the means of reason and logic. The serpent in starting off the conversation
accusing Elohym of having said things she did not say and the woman apparently doesn’t pick up on nuances of the sleight of hand
maneuver in the bantering of the wordplay and refers back to Gen. 2:9, 17; thinking that Elohym said them; rather, then
remembering that Yahweh Elohym said them.
Here I suggest that the scriptural texts are using the mythoi of parental demands upon their children to illustrate a spiritual
law. A father and mother would tell their daughter not to have sex and not even to touch the male sexual organ. Here the serpent a
male (Adam) is wooing the woman into a sexual intimate relationship. I say this for a number of reasons. The woman has the idea
that she is not allowed to even touch it, which was not even worded in the original edict in Gen. 2:17; What does tactile contact
have to do with the commandment of Yahweh Elohym not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? Then after the
woman eats of the fruit and gives to her husband they realize that they are naked and sew fig leaves to make aprons. What were
they so ashamed of after eating of the fruit if that shame did not come from has a sexual experience? I can think of nothing that
would change the status quo so quickly that Adam and the woman would find a need to cover up their sexual organs. Remember
that the status quo of Adam and the woman was their being in an eternal state of nakedness and they were not ashamed.
The serpent’s opening question to the woman is obviously ridiculous seeing that Adam was told he could eat of all the trees
of the Garden except the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It has to be assumed that Adam told his wife after being married;
for the reason that, she almost quotes those edicts from YAHWEH ELOHYM precisely; however, she gets the data in Gen. 2:9; and
Gen. 2:17; amalgamated into a single law. It cannot be overlooked that sexual attraction is an instinctual emotional amongst youth.
The serpent is an animal that
symbolizes the
archetypal instinct, which seizes the psyche of Adam (serpent) and the woman.
he Seventh Day of Creation as outlined in the second chapter of Genesis illustrates magnificently why the Initiatic Visionary
Experience is essential in the life experiences of the psyche: ego-consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow).
Christ consciousness per se is mythologically Atlantis, the Garden of Eden, Nirvana, and Shangri-La or any of the other myriad
forms of the Paradiso where the initiate walks with God on earth totally content with life, which the average uninitiated knows is
nigh unto an impossibility. Humanity as a whole symbolizes the greyhounds that chase the marked-rabbit circling electronically
around the racetrack. Like the dog that gives his whole heart, mind and essence into catching that rabbit, which promises a delicious
meal so too does humanity collectively chase after the corporate carrot that is always just out of reach. Periodically, there are those
dogs that catch up with the false image of the rabbit and those dogs are no longer fit to run the race again. The psyche of the
initiate rigs itself against itself via the old sleight of hand: materialism and all that it promises against the backdrop of the assurances
of religions and/or the Mystery Schools that are on the periphery of society. Materialism is a down to earth science that holds out
the delicious carrot to tease the psyche into eternal slavery; whereas, spirituality is a conceptual understanding of life that promises
nothing that is material; but, all that is ethereal, which no one has ever verifiably demonstrated, in modern times, is true. There is no
way of proving materialistically the inexplicable ethereal laws of God.
This above is what the second chapter of Genesis is about instantaneously after the spiritual Initiatic Rite is experienced. The
four rivers of Eden symbolize the first four days of creation. PEI (the Moon Goddess Selene) overwhelms ego-consciousness
symbolized by BETH, totally eradicating the ego’s limited and very finite materialistic existence into insignificance in comparison to
the vastness of spirituality symbolized by infinite space. It is almost as if God is speaking to Job again. It takes time to write out, on
the space of a scroll, comprehensibly an explanation that would fully attempt to explain the inexplicable nature of the Initiatic
Visionary Experience. If the reader has read the previous pages of this paper there should be no problem in understanding the
second chapter of Genesis.


The first three verses of the second chapter of Genesis appears to me to be a deliberate parody reemphasizing Yahweh take on
the Initiatic Visionary Experience, which puts the inactive materialistic initiate into the active mode of searching out the psychic laws
of creation. If you think about it putting the Sabbath into the context of spirituality is oxymoronic.
v1: Thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them. v2: And on the
seventh day God ended his work, which he had made and he rested on the seventh day
from all his work which he had made. v3: And Yahweh blessed the seventh day, and
sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work, which Elohym created and
The Sabbath means to ‘rest’ and to be passive; whereas, spirituality is all about activity and searching for knowledge of the
spiritual laws of God. As it can be seen from the first three verses of the second chapter of Genesis the Elohym that ‘made: i.e.
constructs’ is Yahweh and he is trying to institute an edict for the Sabbath, which will prevent people from doing anything during
those alleged sacred times. Read these verses over and over again in relationship to what is known to have previously taken place in
the first chapter of Genesis. Realize that he that is resting is a sleeper: i.e. a materialist and dead to the spiritual world.
Genesis: 2:4-17; are basically a recapitulation of what previously transpired in the first chapter of Genesis. What takes place via
an instantaneous vision takes time and space on paper to explain and can only be structure via segmented vignettes. What also
astonishingly takes place throughout the rest of the second chapter of Genesis is that the word God is not used singularly as it was
used in the first thirty-fives verses of the book of Genesis. Now the phrase Yahweh Elohym is used to denote the dynamic twin
deities: the Gemini Twins. When it is realized that the first seventeen verses of the second chapter of Genesis are a recapitulation of
the first chapter then all the Elohyms used in the first chapter can also be envisaged as Yahweh Elohym or Yahweh or Elohym. One
of the interesting things about the first eleven chapters of Genesis is that they represent the antediluvian times, which was known as
the age of the Goddess: i.e. Matriarchal culture. To verify that interpretation the initiate should count the amount of times that the
words Yahweh, Yahweh Elohym and Elohym are used in those first eleven chapters of Genesis. It will be found that there is a one
hundred count of Yahwehs and Elohyms: 50 + 50. The phrase Yahweh Elohym of course splits into a single Yahweh and a single
Elohym, which points throughout that in the first eleven chapters of Genesis equality was being conveyed as the preferred spiritual
teachings. Most of the Catholic laity has no idea that Catholicism is a matriarchal religion. It should also be noted that those one
hundred Yahwehs and Elohyms located in the first eleven chapters of Genesis fits perfectly into the 100-cells of the MATRIX OF
WISDOM. It is obvious that the sages that wrote the Genesis Creation Account: i.e. Initiatic Visionary Experience was dropping hints
here, there and everywhere as to how to read the texts of the sacred scriptures; however, those clues were only for those that were
attentive to the WORD OF GOD.
Verse-4 begins by pointing out that the above were the generations of the Initiatic Rite that was laid out previously in the first
chapter of Genesis and once again there are words denoting both Elohym and Yahweh: i.e. created and made respectively.
Verse-5 seems to go out of its way to point out the plants and herbs that did not grow; for the reason that, Yahweh Elohym did
not as yet make it rain. Rain symbolizes pain. There was not a man to till the ground; because, Adam had not been formed;
therefore, he could not have violated any laws. This verse seems to be referring to the second verse of Genesis where the “earth is
without form and void”.
Verse-6 Remember that the MONAD is the soul: i.e. God/Man Christ, which the Earth is symbolic of and the MATRIX OF
WISDOM is a commentary on the MONAD. The ‘mist: i.e. MATRIX OF WISDOM’ is obviously the phantasmagoria of the mind
creating the outer world: i.e. ‘ground’. The mist rising watering the whole face of the ground is analogous to a cathedral rising from
its foundation. All thoughts, words and deeds are cathedrals of the psyche, which basically are the ‘mist (dew: i.e. transient nature)’
of life, which the sun evaporate the next morning. Though the mist is the MATRIX OF WISDOM (commentary on the MONAD) every
thought, word and deed that emanates out of it is of a very transient nature. The MATRIX OF WISDOM: i.e. Eucharist is being
sustained ad infinitum. Though the MATRIX OF WISDOM looks the same moment by moment, never changing its outer format, it is
actually transubstantiating spiritually proportional to the initiate’s increasing knowledge of the laws of God.
Throughout the first chapter of Genesis every single day end with “and the evening and the morning”. Why was this done
after each day was narrated? In the second chapter of Genesis that answer is found and it is the only day that does not use that
phrase; but, actually illustrates that phrase. In the first word of Genesis it was seen that when RESH was inserted into BETH to form
the word BERESHITH the Moon rose and the Sun set, which is actually the first time that the phrase “evening and the morning” was
actually structured into the Genesis Creation Account.
By saying that a ‘mist went up from the face of the earth’ a declaration that it is nighttime had been made. It is quite apparent
that nighttime is the Moon’s domain. The word ‘ground’ was not used before Gen. 2:5; thus, the question as to what the word
‘ground’ represents in not unreasonable to be inquiring about.
“Watered the whole face of the ground” is quite a statement in lieu of what the word ‘ground’ symbolizes. It is my hypothesis
that via the MATRIX OF WISDOM (psyche) being the Earth: i.e. soul, God continuously streams his LIGHT ad infinitum sustaining the
universe at large on the ‘ground of being’: i.e. “the whole face of the ground”; whereas:
Verse-7 goes further into explaining what the word ‘ground’ represents.
“And the Yahweh Elohym formed [the beginning and end of] Adam of the dust of the ground and breathed into his
nostrils the breath (divine inspiration) of life and Adam became a living soul.”
Here in the seventh verse of the Seventh Day of Creation it is seen that ground is nothing but dust, which implies that the
‘mist’ that ‘watered the whole face of the ground’ had been all dried up by the Sun (egocentrism?) otherwise there would be no
dust on the ground. When I read this verse, relating to the ‘dust of the ground’ the thoughts that came related to Pharaoh dream of
the Sphinx buried by the sands of the desert.
Notice that I included the phrase “the beginning and end of” relating to the formation of Adam. Translators never translate
this Alpha and Tav (Omega) word. It is mentioned twenty-six times (26: i.e. Gematria of Yahweh) in the first chapter of Genesis.
‘Breathing into his nostrils’ seems to infer the dual nature of the psyche and the world of opposites; however, it points to equality.
Then there is the phrase “breath (divine inspiration {G-365}) of life”, which I further interpret according to Hebrew lexicons
definitions of these Hebrew words. Finally, in this verse I want to speak on the last two words, ‘living soul’, which is a direct
reference to Adam’s wife Eve. Adam finally names his woman, Eve (Gen. 3:20); for the reason that she was the mother of all living.
Adam only became a ‘living soul’ after the ‘breath of divine inspiration of life’ was breathed into him. Then later what comes out of
Adam {G-45} but woman who he later called Eve {G-19}.
“Breath (divine inspiration {G-365}) of life has the Gematria value of 365, which implies receiving the intellect to understand the
Zodiac/Calendar year as outlined in this paper. And the definition of ‘divine inspiration’ also includes intellect being an aspect of
that breath of life.
“After he begot Methuselah, Enoch walked with God three hundred years, and had sons and daughters; thus, all
the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God
took him (Gen. 5:22-24)”.
The point here is of course that only those in the Garden of Eden walk with God. Remember that 365-days symbolizes the
whole of the Zodiacal/Calendar year, which infers the entire 21-Minor and 7-Major Chakras, which points to the rising of the
Kundalini and the obtainment of Christ consciousness.
The second chapter of Genesis is very beautifully structured when it is realized that the symbolism of the Full Moon (Goddess
Selene) eclipsing the sun is graphically laid out. The second chapter of Genesis is basically a recapitulation of BETH (sun), the first
letter of Genesis, with PEI (moon) inundating and surrounding it.
The Vesica Piscis has not yet been totally created. The new day being in the evening and by mentioning that Adam had no
helper indicates that Christ consciousness had not been fully developed. Having Adam name the animals (zodiacal cycle) indicates
that astrology: those things that enamor the psyche, is not the answer. Those things come from the Heavenly/DARKNESS: i.e. the
old heaven and Earth. Just because the initiate is in the Garden of Eden does not mean he or she has the right to languish; thus, to
name the animals: i.e. Astrology means it had to be night time or when the moon was out; but, Adam still had no helper. Yahweh
Elohym (Christ consciousness) ‘divine inspiration’ is not good enough. Adam was supposed to cull out the LIGHT, which that ‘divine
inspiration’ symbolized.
The Initiatic Visionary Experience destroys the old Adam (puts him to sleep).
“And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed
up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from Adam, made he a woman, and
brought her unto the Adam. And Adam said this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be
called Woman, because she was taken out of man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and
shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the Adam and his wife, and
were not ashamed (Gen. 2:21-25)”.

In Gen. 2:24; Adam saying, “this is now bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh” is referring to the fifth and sixth days of
creation, which symbolizes the 206-bones (words) of the human body. The woman (rib) culled out of the man is the LIGHT of
creation in the first chapter of Genesis. And Adam leaving his father and mother is leaving the old heaven and earth and a new
heaven and earth is created by the Mystical Alchemical Marriage of the man and woman: i.e. Christ consciousness.
The woman that Yahweh Elohym (Christ consciousness) brought to the MAN was not the Adam that the rib, which is the Full
Moon (Cancer), that was culled out of Adam that revealed the sun (Leo). The unanimity and synthesizing of the Sun (man) and
Moon (woman) into one flesh (Mystical Alchemical Marriage) is Christ consciousness.
The entire process of the total eclipse of Leo the Sun by Goddess Selene (Cancer): i.e. from Adam naming the animals to
Yahweh Elohym (Christ consciousness) culling a rib out of Adam and building a woman (Full Moon) is the secret behind Adam being
caught up in the teachings of the woman in the third chapter of Genesis.
It is extraordinary how the sacred scripture recapitulates what went before eternally clarifying nuances in the previous texts.
Before the Initiatic Visionary Experience took place something was the impetus that inaugurated Christ’s introduction into the life of
the initiate.
The second chapter of Genesis is broken up into three separate and distinct parts Verses 1-3, 4-20; and Verses 21-25. Notice
that the first twenty verses symbolizes 80% of the chapter analogous to the PEI (N-80) the seventeenth letter of the Hebraic coder.
And the last five verses are analogous to BETH (N-2) the second letter. Those fives verses represent 20%; however, 20 reduces to #2.
It is as if the twenty-fives verses in the second chapter symbolize the Birth of Consciousness and the second chapter as a whole
symbolizes the obelisk (82 feet high) in the center of the Vesica Piscis as outlined in Saint Peter’s Square symbolizing the spiritual
LIGHT coming from the Northern Cross (Cygnus X-3, Children of the Swan).
However, the second chapter like the first chapter seems to be put into a circle where the seventeen verses 4-20; takes up half
the chapter and verse 1-3; and 21-25; takes up the other half as if playing off the Fibonacci sequence 3 + 5 = 8 scriptures explain in it
way that this was all a natural process. The 3 + 8 + 5 verses are in the proper order for the Fibonacci sequence; however, the sacred
scriptures are never in sequential order esoterically. Like King David it is up to the initiate to gather all the proper materials to build
the temple.
There is little doubt that the first three verses of the second chapter of Genesis describe the fallible reasoning for a rest day. I
am not saying that the sacred scriptures are fallible; however, something cause Christ consciousness to vanish from the psyche as
Gen. 2:1-3; suggest via the incorporation of a ‘REST DAY’. Christianity is all about being active not passive. In fact the artwork of
Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is dedicated to that principle alone.
Something in the psyche of the individual had to inaugurate the process of the Initiatic Visionary Experience. There can be little
doubt that verses 5-6; explains what happened to cause divine interference with the soul of the initiate. The absence of Christ
consciousness causes it to rain upon the earth: i.e.
“These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord
God made the earth and the heavens, and every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of
the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till
the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground (Gen. 2:4-6)”.
This is read very much like the Eleusinian mysteries; for the reason that, the Goddess Demeter, did not allow the vegetation to
grow upon the earth; whereas, in the third day of creation God allowed the vegetation to grow. Rain symbolizes pain and no quicker
does an individual turn inward then when he or she is going through pain and/or depression. The mist coming up from the earth did
not come from ego-consciousness (sun) evaporating the waters and making it rain; rather, this sounds very much like the dew in the
morning caused; for the reason that, there wasn’t enough heat from the sun before it set to completely evaporate the moisture in
the air. That mist that came up from the earth in Gen. 2:6; is conveying the idea that the sun had set; however, in this case there
was a total eclipse of the sun. The unconscious mind was crying out for there to be LIGHT. It is not the inflated ego crying it is the
internal self seeking the LIGHT.
Notice that it was only after the mist went up from the earth that Yahweh Elohym make Adam from the dust of the Ground.
“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and
man became a living soul. And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man
whom he had formed. And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight
and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil
(Gen. 2:7-9)”.
Then Yahweh Elohym made Adam from the dust of the ground and then places Adam into the
Garden of Eden and then allowed the vegetation to grown. All of this happened; for the reason that, the mist went up from the
Earth. From the MATRIX OF WISDOM (psyche) comes the Garden of Eden. The image provided on the right of this page illustrates
how I was able to conceptualize how the Garden of Eden was culled out of the MATRIX OF WISDOM. The companied map shows
where the rivers of Eden are thought to have come from; though, I know that these are mythological stories I want to show how the
rivers ran from east to west and north to south. The rivers according to the map do not run nice and neatly as the MATRIX OF
WISDOM: i.e. Garden of Eden; however, the rivers do run in the same directions as the bible provides (Gen. 2:10-14). There is a story
of Adam and Eve in the Old Testament Pseudepigraphia that tells how Adam and Eve stood in two of the rivers: Adam in the Tigris
and Eve in Gihon (symbolically Jordon) trying to plea for redemption and the return to the Garden of Eden. That story runs perfectly
with how the letter/word RESH was inserted into the letter/word BETH (East to West) directionally from North to South creating the
first word of Genesis: BERESHITH. That would not have worked; for the reason that, the Initiatic Visionary Experience cannot be
planned or ritualized nor Yahweh Elohym tempted into doing something.
The first part of the second chapter of Genesis verses 1-3 speaks of a rest day, which no doubt is the Original Sin: i.e.
believing that the initiate can take time off from the spiritual forces of creation (God). These three verses in Genesis seem to the turn
the entire Genesis Creation Account topsy-turvy into utter and absolute chaos. Consider that the Zodiacal/Calendar has Saturday:
i.e. Jewish Sabbath back at the first two days of creation: Capricorn and Aquarius ruled by Saturn/Cronus. For God to end the
creation process has to be a reference to the dome of heavens that arches over the horizon, which only six of the twelve
months/signs can be viewed at any given time.
“Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And
on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on
the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the
seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his
work which God created and made (Gen. 2:1-3)”.
However, this enigma in Gen. 2:1-3; does bring to the fore an obligatory research project on the seven day week in relationship
to the Sun Signs of Astrology and the Zodiacal/Calendar Year to see what the sacred scriptures are implying by inserting this texts at
this point for everything concerning the Genesis Creation Account appears to have come to a sudden and everlasting halt until Gen.
2:7. Gen. 2:1-3, speaks to the sequential order of the days of the week but not to the Sun Signs of Astrology.

The Initiatic Visionary Experience comes not all at once; but, in progressive stages psychically, similar if not the same as the
degrees in Free Masonry or the Sacraments as ritualized by the Roman Catholic Church. In the second and third verses of Genesis
where “the Spirit of God moved over the face of the waters and God said, let there be LIGHT (Gen. 1:2-3)” the Jewish Sabbath,
Saturday would be most appropriate. It would be like King David gathering the materials to build the internal psychic Temple of
As I looked back over the vista of the Zodiacal Calendar that I thus far did a commentary on and listed the separate elements of
the Sun Signs: i.e. scriptures texts, days of the week, astrological signs and then numbered them according to the days of the seven
day week: Sunday to Saturday, which is the Christian week: rather than the Jewish Week, which begins on Friday night: i.e. the
beginning of the Sabbath, an extraordinary discovery was made. By drawing a line from numbers 1-7 a graphic pattern of a ‘Man’s
Hat’ formatted. This is a direct reference to Genesis 2: 15; as if this is where the Jews get the idea for the Yamakas; for the reason
that, it appears to be dressing the psyche: i.e. the Garden of Eden.
“And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.”

Genesis 2:15; seems to be a pun on the initiate properly dressing him or herself indicating that he or she is the Garden of Eden;
meaning that he or she should properly take care of him or herself. I show above the modern day dress hat because it mirror-images
the graphic image directly out of the Genesis Creation Account.
Now I certainly understand that the sacred scriptures are basically speaking to the masculine and that is; for the reason that,
the masculine is identified with the ego (Patriarchal world), which is the only part of the psyche that can discriminately dress: i.e.
classify, diversify and individualize the elements in the Garden of Eden, which is the sacred scriptures via the esoteric science dressed
with the mundane mythoi and societal mores of the culture. My use of the pronouns for male and female throughout my writings is
to include the woman in the real world and not to exclude her as a spiritual initiate. This does not mean that a woman in the real
world does not have an ego; however, her gender symbolizes her as the unconscious mind and/or the spiritual aspects of life and the
male is the material and/or the spiritual aspects of life depending upon the spiritual progress of the initiate.
Whereas, the male ego tends to write the immutable law; whereas, the woman tends to re-dress it (exactly like the mindless
mentality of a corporation absent any morality or ethics or obligations to the penal codes and/or state and federal constitutions
globally): redress the law as in the manner in which she has her conversation with the serpent. This is very much how a woman acts
in the real world. A man is satisfied with solid colors (no changes, which is very similar to a bull (Taurus) not wanting to see
movement of any kind); whereas, a woman dresses in many different and multitude of colors or she is constantly refurnishing and
redressing and making beautiful to the senses the ambiance of the living quarters: her job is to spur her man into action to get him
out of his eternal reclining mode of living. This is ultimately why a woman got the reputation as being evil.
This skip pattern sequence that is seen here with the days of the week was first envisaged in the first word of Genesis
BERESHITH when the Hebrew alphabet came into creation. Remember that there are two ways that the word BERESHITH can be
constructed. The first technique is through the Initiatic Visionary Experience: i.e. RESH being inserted into BETH: i.e. BERESHITH, and
the second method is through the Heavenly/DARKNESS created via the old heaven and earth mores when the Hebraic alphabet
comes in and out of manifested creation from the last letter to the first: BE-R-E-SH-I-TH: Tav-Shin-Resh skip pattern sequence into
Yud-Aleph-Beth: TAV-YUD-SHIN-ALEPH-RESH-BETH. This same pattern from a different perspective can be seen in the Magic
Squares associated to the Sun Signs of Astrology and they are so coordinated mathematically to show the smallest Magic Squares are
associated with the three furthers planets in the solar system. Another skip pattern sequence is found on the ceiling of the Sistine
Chapel relating to the spine of the ceiling nine central panels. This sequence is further discussed below in relationship to Noah’s
family. I show all this material to illustrate that there is precedence for this kind of sacred geometry.
I found it quite interesting that the Genesis Creation Account has the Zodiac/Calendar going from the Leo in Gen. 2:21-25;
clockwise (circularly) back Saturn.
After the Yahweh Elohym formed Adam from the dust of the ground in Gen. 2:7-9; and causes the vegetation to grow, He gives
a commandment to Adam. I believe that this commandment has everything to do with ego-consciousness the state of mind that
Adam was just freed of via the Initiatic Visionary Experience. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is the EGO, which
discriminate between what is good and what is evil: i.e. the unconscious mind cannot do that. This is why the woman that spoke to
the serpent was never blamed. The unconscious mind like a corporation is amoral; for the reason that, it is incapable of
discriminating between good and evil. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in Gen. 2:9; says it is in the midst (center) of the
Garden of Eden, which is the center of the psyche designated as the EGO. Notice how Adam became a living soul only when the mist
went up from the face of the ground when the EGO was deflated.
“And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou may freely eat: but of the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eats thereof thou shalt surely
die (Gen. 2:16-17)”.
Scripturally speaking when Adam ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil his soul was not living; for the reason that,
the soul’s EGO had been inflated pushing it out of sight out of mind, which is in every sense the death of the soul; thus, close detail
meditation on the texts of the sacred scriptures gives more information than reading scriptural texts at the speed of summer
It would seem that to tell Adam to eat of all the trees in the Garden of Eden except the one tree was not good enough for
Adam for he was without a helper: in other words Adam was without any disciplinary direction. Adam was chaotically living like a
fugitive and a vagabond in the earth: Chaos without Order. This; for the reason that, Yahweh Elohym allowed the soul’s old heaven
and earth to pass away and now the soul is living in a new heaven and earth; thus, it is a new and foreign landscape to look upon.
“And the Lord God said; it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him. And
out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto
Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature that was the name
thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle and to the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field; but for
Adam there was not found a help meet for him (Gen. 2:18-20)”.
Notice that Yahweh Elohym is making the animals out of the ground (G-50) not the dust of the ground (G-270 + G-50 = G-320),
which Adam was formed from symbolizing the spiritualized sun: i.e. Christ consciousness. The G-320 symbolizes YUD (10) X 32-
elements of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. In other words Adam was created from everything and it was all spiritualized; whereas, the
animals coming out of the ground symbolize fixed ideas manifested by the EGO. By Yahweh Elohym bringing the animals to Adam
symbolizes the implication of Adam getting to know his new self: new heaven and earth. These zodiacal animals merely point to the
enumerable things, objects concepts, ideas and the societal mores in the world that enamor the psyche in life. The
Zodiacal/Calendar Year obviously represent the whole of the creation account. Adam has to obey the old occult saying, KNOW
THYSELF. Adam has to learn about the world around himself that which enamors his psyche. Who are you? What in the world do
you like? What do you want to do in life? These are the questions that the initiate has to ask and answer for him or herself. These
naming the objects, things, concepts, ideas and learning about societal mores in his life are merely the gathering of the materials
that are needed to build the temple of God; however, self-knowledge and knowing the world around oneself does not tell Adam how
to build that temple. I see this educative command put upon Adam as his Baptism. Adam is drowning in the realm of the
unconscious mind (the realm of the goddess Selene) and it is these waters that Adam must emerge from. Adam, who represents by
himself ego-consciousness the discriminator is still without a helper and this is why Elohym brood over the waters and cries out for
LIGHT in Gen. 1:2-3.
“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed
up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and
brought her unto the man. And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be
called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and
shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and
were not ashamed (Gen. 2:21-25)”.
Having had the Initiatic Visionary Experience in June 1978 I can say that the deep sleep that God places the initiate in is
somewhat of a memory loss. What I mean by this is that addictions and obsessions fade from consciousness and become distance
memories. There are no more cravings and longings for those addictions and obsession that enamored and dominated the needs of
the psyche from the old heaven and earth. The new heaven and earth frees up a lot of time in the initiate’s life and he and she
knows not what to do. Without the old addictions and obsessions that previously defined the individual what now will he or she do
in life? This is the period of Time where the individual gets to know himself.
Taking a rib out of Adam is basically culling out the character of whom and what he is and this is defined by the
Zodiacal/Calendar sign/month that Yahweh Elohym takes out of him. There are twelve sets of ribs in the human body and each set is
analogous to a Zodiacal/Calendar sign/month that defines Adam. From that set of ribs, which is mentioned singularly Yahweh
Elohym builds a woman. The woman is built by the different stages of the Moon that develop over the span of the zodiacal day that
Adam is born in. A new Man is born out of the placenta into a new creation. No longer is there a total eclipse of the Sun (Leo the
Lion); rather, the Sun has emerged from the waters of the seas. The woman is the LIGHT culled out of Adam and this is why Adam
can declare that she is bone of his bone. In the first chapter of Genesis half the Elohyms symbolized the Heavenly/DARKNESS which
symbolizes the 206-human bones besides the 22-spiritual forces of creation symbolized by the 22-Hebrew letters and it from this
that the LIGHT is culled. The Man (not yet named Adam) becomes equals with the woman as one flesh. She is not dominating him
nor is he dominating her.
One of the most fascinating interesting parts in studying the second chapter of Genesis is learning its word-count: i.e. N-328,
which is the Gematria value of DARKNESS G-328 and the Gematria value of the Serpent G-328; thus, there is no doubt that the
second chapter of Genesis symbolizes Adam, which symbolizes him as DARKNESS and he is also the Serpent in conversation with the
As will be seen below the serpent is most likely thought of by the scribes as being an archetype of the collective unconscious,
which is the realm of the MOON: i.e. Heavenly/DARKNESS. The serpent would symbolize an addiction or an obsession. I interpret
the serpent this way because Yahweh Elohym “because thou has hearkened to the voice of thy woman and have eaten of the tree,
of which I commanded thee, thou shalt not eat of it”. In other words Adam went back beneath the oceanic waves of the seas
dominated by the unconscious mind (with an entirely different mode of consciousness than initially place in the waters by Yahweh
Elohym), which makes Adam psychotic. Most of humanity in modernity is psychotic; however, when the majority drinks the same
cool aid then they are the one with sanity and all else are insane. Adam dominated by his woman makes them no longer equals:
Christ consciousness has vanished from the psyche. In modernity most people think others have an ego problem when realistically
each person has a different psychosis caused by the domination of an archetype of the Collective Unconscious. I believe the sacred
scriptures collectively put all archetypes under the rubric umbrella of the serpent. This is why the sacred scriptures have Satan as a
multitude of demons.

This is the final section to this paper outlining the Initiatic Visionary Experience. There is no planned program per se that can
place an initiate in a queue to set up an appointment to receive an Initiatic vision from God. That is a spiritual and a spontaneous act
(God’s province), which cannot be foretold. One has to literally psychically demonstrate A SINCERE AND HONEST DESIRE TO
KNOW THE SPIRITUAL LAWS OF CREATION (GOD) AND TO KNOW THYSELF. Lip-Service will not fulfill that most essential
spiritual requirement that the spiritual forces in creation (God) mandate from the initiate. Studying and researching the sacred
scriptures for half a century will not avail any member of the laity anything of spiritual consequence if that SINCERE AND HONEST
DESIRE is not sacrifice to God as psychic evidence via spontaneity of one’s earnestness to know and love Him.
The Zodiacal Cycle is given to the psyche by the MATRIX OF WISDOM, which is a commentary on the MONAD (Soul: i.e.
God/Man Christ), as a means of illustrating conceptually what the Initiatic experience is. There is no Astrological cycle per se for
Astrology merely symbolizes symbolism; in addition, Astrology symbolizes the spiritual blending (amalgamation) of those things in
the world that enamor the initiate’s psyche. In other words each initiate though he researches the same source material: i.e.
MATRIX OF WISDOM, he or she is completely autonomous in how he or she deals with that canonized and standardized knowledge
in his or her religious societal mores. This spiritual blending of the transcendental spiritual laws is what Christ consciousness: Initiatic
Experience is all about. Each initiate being autonomous must be completely independent of how others may or may not appear to
implement the canonized and standardized teaching of his religious teachings. Just as all the major religions of the world use
different mythoi to convey the spiritual laws of creation as outlined by the MATRIX OF WISDOM so to must each initiate
independently scribe the gospel of the MATRIX OF WISDOM creatively via painting, music, writing, sculpture or by any means into
his or her own consciousness. Each initiate that scribes such a record of his or her understanding of the matrix basically writes a
Gnostic text: i.e. Gnostic; for the reason that, it is neither the authorized canonization nor standardization of his or her religious
mores; however, the initiate creativity is just as valid as the canonized and standard literature in his or her religious mores; thus, for
every human being on the face of the earth there should be a separate, distinct and unique gospel, according to him or her, that
outlines the spiritual laws of creation.


VIRGO and LIBRA pair off; for the reason that, Virgo holds the Scales of Libra. Both Virgo and Libra symbolize the psychic
direction that the initiate takes in his or her quest to know God.
Gen. 2:25; the last verse of the second chapter of Genesis, says, “And they were both naked, the Adam and his wife, and were
not ashamed”. Here is a crucial clue as to why Adam got caught up in the Original Sin scenario. Gen. 2:21-22; speaks of Adam
having the important role in the texts; whereas, Genesis 2:23-24; speaks of MAN as having the important role. In other words Adam
had lost his name when he was gutted to retrieve the LIGHT (rib = woman). Notice how moonlight is a synthesis of sunlight and the
moon: i.e. symbolically creating Yahweh Elohym: i.e. Christ consciousness. Gen. 2:25; however, names the Man Adam. When a
person or a thing is named then it is known inside out. All parts of its character and nature are known. The woman was not named;
yet, until after the expulsion from the Garden of Eden. It is only natural for ego-consciousness to name things. For Adam to have
made a name for himself so early after being graced by Yahweh Elohym: i.e. Christ consciousness shows the inflation of the ego
causing Yahweh Elohym: i.e. Christ consciousness to vanish from consciousness. In order for the ego-consciousness to go psychotic
and become addicted or obsessed then an archetype of the Collective Unconscious: i.e. Heavenly/DARKNESS had to take possession
of ego-consciousness: 99.999…% of the peoples of the earth are so possessed. The personal unconscious mind (woman) controls
ego-consciousness: (Adam). The subtlest beast is the psyche: ego-consciousness. The fact that Adam is the serpent illustrates that
he has now been taken over by a celestial archetype of the Heavenly/DARKNESS (Collective Unconscious).
The serpent’s opening question to the woman appears, for all intent and purpose, to be a probe into memory trying to
recollect the edicts of Yahweh Elohym: i.e. Christ consciousness and as in all addictions and/or obsession the unconscious mind
mirror-images the character of the psyche, which is well known in this case as ADAM. I interpret the opening verses of the third
chapter of Genesis this way because Yahweh Elohym: i.e. Christ consciousness points out to ADAM “because thou has hearkened to
the voice of thy woman and have eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, thou shalt not eat of it”. The only conversation
the woman had in the text was with the serpent; thus, Adam was the serpent. Notice that the entire conversation with the serpent
appears initially to be the woman being enticed by the serpent.
Some more very important words to understand in the Genesis Creation Account are the words use to denote deity: i.e.
Elohym (God), Yahweh Elohym (Lord God) and Yahweh (Lord). In the first thirty-four verses of Genesis Creation Account (Gen.
1:1; - 2:3) the word ELOHYM (God) is mentioned thirty-five (35) times; whereas, in the Jewish Targums the word Yahweh (Lord) is
used instead illustrating that these words for God are used interchangeably; however, they just cannot be used willy-nilly as one
pleases. If the words ELOHYM (Moon – feminine – personal unconscious ego (Shadow)) or Yahweh (Sun – masculine – ego-
consciousness) are used in the scriptural texts to denote Elohym, Yahweh or Yahweh Elohym (Mystical Alchemical Marriage of Boaz
and Jachin: i.e. Christ consciousness) it has to be done so in a meticulous context so that it can be decisively determined which one is
appropriate to the textual wording. Where Genesis Chapter One was somewhat chaotic to this principle concerning the uses of the
word ELOHYM Genesis’ chapters two, three and four are more explicit in there uses. Don’t get me wrong I understand that any of
these names of the deity used can transmogrify in the same text to exudes another interpretation altogether.
After the first three verses of the second chapter of Genesis only the phrase Yahweh Elohym is used to denote Christ
consciousness and this is first mystically noted in the insertion of the letter RESH into the letter BETH to format the word BERESHITH,
which denotes the Initiatic Visionary Experience.
Thus the conversation with the serpent can also be read and interpreted in the following manner. The serpent starts his
conversation, with the woman, saying, “Yea, hast Elohym (God) said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the Garden (Genesis 3:1)?” Right from
the start the serpent is on par with the woman’s psyche because she does not know the scriptures that well and her answers to the
serpent is evident of that. ELOHYM never said that for in Genesis 2: 16-17; it clearly shows that YAHWEH ELOHYM says not to eat of
the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. In Genesis 3:2-3; the woman shows her ignorance of the scriptural law by saying, “We
may eat of the trees of the Garden: but the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall
ye touch it, lest ye die”. Here the woman clearly confuses Genesis 2:9; amalgamating it to Genesis 2:16-17.
It is my hypothesis that Adam and his woman (not yet named Eve) took over the role of their father and mother when they
were united. Adam became Yahweh and woman took over the role of Elohym. As pointed out the word ELOHYM can be used to
denote any part of the Trinity; however, there are two serpents wrapped around the tree as Michelangelo frescoed on the ceiling of
the Sistine Chapel. There is no doubt in my mind that Adam, if he was not the serpent per se, should have been in on that
conversation with the serpent. The fact that Adam was not in that conversation infers that he was the subtle serpent that mirror
imaged his woman’s psyche. The fact that the woman mentioned not even ‘touching it’ indicates that this was a command by a
parent not to touch a man’s sexual organ; for the reason that, where did the woman get the idea of not touching something, which
the word ‘TOUCH’ is not mentioned anywhere in the Genesis creation account accept in this verse? Touch is a tactile sensation.
Woman represents the unconscious mind that gives birth to thought; however, she does not concretize thought as does the
masculine ego. It is as if the role of the unconscious mind is to present both sides of the equation to a dilemma and it is up to the
ego to ferret out the truth.
Yahweh Elohym united the man and woman into one flesh. The man then took on the name of Adam again after the rib was
taken out of him. I don’t think sex was the issue here at all. The fact that woman was alone shows that somehow they entered into
an agreement to eat of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil; for the reason that, the psyche ego-consciousness
and the unconscious mind is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which is symbolized by Cancer (Jachin) and Leo (Boaz)
The word ‘ADAM’ has the Gematria value of {G-45}, which is the same numerical value of the Magic Square (45: aggregate of 1-9)
called the KAMEA OF SATURN: Father of Time; whereas, the word ‘EVE’ having the Gematria value of {G-19}, infers she represents
QOPH (19th Hebrew letter), which is the last letter into creation that completes the spelling of CHRIST (krst) in Greek using Hebrew
The combination of words Adam {G-45} and Eve {G-19} totals to 64, which would symbolically represent the inner 64-cells of the
10 x 10 MATRIX OF WISDOM representing the LIGHT outlined in the first four days of creation. These inner 64-cells symbolize the
platform of existence. This alone shows that Adam and Eve after leaving the Garden of Eden returned to the Garden of Eden for how
else would they have regained the LIGHT. The number 45 symbolizes coming from the Heavenly/DARKNESS and 19 symbolize the
LIGHT culled out of that Heavenly/DARKNESS. The woman is given the name Eve after they are both cast from the Garden of Eden.


The ancients wanted to express why the individual, and by extension humanity as a whole, has fallen from
grace. By using this example with the serpent and the woman’s conversation it is clearly seen that the would-be
initiate had a confused understanding of the spiritual laws of creation. In Christ’s conversation with Satan in the
wilderness after being Baptized Jesus quoted sacred scriptures decisively, which is the very opposite of what the
woman did in the third chapter of Genesis in her conversation with the serpent. What subsequently happened to
Adam and his woman clearly shows that ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Notice that after the woman and Adam ate the fruit from the forbidden tree the name of Yahweh Elohym (Christ
consciousness) appears back in the text to the end of the third chapter of Genesis. Yahweh Elohym gave the law to Adam and
theoretically by extension to his woman; therefore, it would be neither Elohym (God) nor Yahweh that punishes Adam and his
woman; rather it would be Yahweh Elohym (Christ consciousness).
It was Yahweh (Lord) that Eve claims she obtain a man (Cain) from Yahweh (lord); therefore, it could be said that Adam
obtained Abel from Elohym (God). This is verifiable in Gen. 4:25; where Eve says that Elohym gave her Seth (substitute) to replace
Abel; yet, in the second chapter of Genesis the woman was taken out of Adam by Yahweh Elohym (Christ consciousness) and
presented to the man. The man was no longer Adam until a few verses later; thus, the man (Cain) that was given to Eve from
Yahweh (lord) has nothing to do with the man that the woman received Yahweh Elohym (Christ consciousness). These are
extraordinarily important nuances.
It is interesting that the curse put on Adam and Eve when Yahweh Elohym kick them out of the Garden of Eden is also placed on
Cain the farmer and the animal skins (archetypal instincts: Masonic Aprons) Adam and Eve received come from the Yahweh Elohym
(Christ consciousness). Originally Adam and Eve sew themselves aprons: i.e. degrees from academia (institute of higher learn?) from
fig leaves. I think it is possible that what the Cain and Abel story illustrates is the so-called ORIGINAL SIN (ignorance of the spiritual
laws of creation) is passed on instinctually and involuntarily from one generation to another and each generation has to deal with
spiritual ignorance on their own; for the reason that, spirituality cannot be convey via the vernacular. Only the spiritual forces in
creation can educate the initiate. Cain and Abel amalgamated into one religion; for the reason that, the moment that Cain and Abel
combined they went off to build a city (New Jerusalem: i.e. MATRIX OF WISDOM). Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious are
what the LIGHT is made from; however, when they are concretized they become addictions and obsessions: i.e. psychosis; thus,
archetypes per se are not evil.

This may seem to the reader to be a preposterous and nonsensical hypothesis that Adam and Eve sewed themselves the aprons
worn by members of academia (degrees); however, I beg to differ. The fact that I have already discussed the Eleusinian mysteries,
Catholicism, the Kundalini Serpent and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life in this paper it should be no surprise that the teachings of Mystery
Schools are being discussed. Personally, I see no problem with Mystery Schools; however, this is not the conundrum that the sacred
scripture is presenting to the reader. Each of these Masonic Aprons are made of sheep skin or leather, which is animal hide, which is
alright and they are not documents with degrees written all over them made out of fig-leaves (vegetation) earned via the mnemonic
memory systems. Academic degrees take on the euphemism of SHEEP SKINS. To sew something like fig-leaves together, as Adam
and Eve did, implies forcing two or more things together via a scientific technique, which more than implies egocentrism. Sewing is a
learned technique it is not natural like coats of skin. Remember that at the end of the third chapter of Genesis Yahweh Elohym
(Christ consciousness) made coats of skin for Adam and his woman, which is diametrically opposite to those aprons made by Adam
and Eve. These coats of skin are what convinced me that Yahweh Elohym (Christ consciousness) instituted religious institutions and
Mystery Schools; for the reason that they come naturally from the MATRIX OF WISDOM: i.e. the WORD OF GOD.
The coats of skin symbolize the zodiacal cycle of animals and being that they are only coats indicates that the initiate is the
animal carcass and this is why Adam and his woman saw themselves as naked. This I believe is another way of saying that Adam is
made from the dust of the ground: i.e. surface area of the canvas known as the star-studded universe. Coats of skins would imply
natural selection via archetypal instincts of those things that enamor the psyche. Coats of skins are merely the surface area of the
body and Masonic aprons are frequently adorned with numerous decorations as an individual attains positions within the lodge as
he move through the 33-degrees.
The Adam and Eve and the Cain and Abel stories are synched insofar as they illustrate how the initiate falls from grace and what
the initiate has to do to regain his soul.

The woman’s, not yet name Eve, conversation with the serpent cannot be fully understood without
comparing Jesus’ conversation with Satan during the three temptations. In addition the conversation that the woman had with the
serpent also has to be put side by side with Yahweh Elohym (Lord God) two declarations that ‘it is not good that Adam should be
without a helper’. This same mandate would have also gone for the woman if she was left alone without assistance. The opening
question that inaugurates the conversation between the serpent and the woman is no different than how Satan treated Jesus during
his three temptations. The serpent’s question to the woman is very much like that of a lawyer mentality, which argues the two sides
of a Möbius strip. Notice the serpent’s sleight of hand maneuver in his opening question by asking the woman about Elohym
commandment, which Elohym gave none in regards to the forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The
serpent’s question was deliberately psychologically suggestive for it influenced the answer.


Here is an extremely difficult conundrum crammed packed with unfathomable nuances to conceptualize. In fact
this conundrum is the selfsame dilemma that modernity, here in the twenty-first century, faces when reading
indigenous and/or translations of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures; thus, the Serpent, the most subtle of beings that
Yahweh Elohym (Christ consciousness) had created, is linear thought: i.e. iconoclasm. The serpent is at the same time
both the problem and the solution. The two Serpents going up and around the caduceus staff: i.e. the tree in the midst
of the garden, symbolizes pi that divides the LIGHT from the DARKNESS (see Michelangelo’s TEMPTATION and
EXPULSION fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel).
It was discussed above that the word Elohym (God), in the Old Testament texts, takes on the persona of all three
divine persons of the TRINITY. Each of the three divine persons of the TRINITY can, at any given time via the
vernacular, be spoken about using any of their three nomenclatures interchangeably: Elohym (God), Yahweh (Lord)
and Yahweh Elohym (Christ consciousness). And it is in this mindset that the Serpent’s opening question is put forth.
The question to the woman was a trick question that is on par with an academic query to see if the student knows his
or her subject matter.
The phrase Yahweh Elohym (Christ consciousness) is used throughout the second chapter of Genesis; however,
all three persons of the TRINITY are played out in that chapter through the use of that phrase Yahweh Elohym (Christ
1) Elohym (God) is represented by Yahweh Elohym (Christ consciousness) in Gen. 2:9; where she causes to grow
via nature all vegetation. This is symbolic of the MATRIX OF WISDOM involuntarily projecting itself out from the
unconscious psyche as the manifested universe: i.e. Garden of Eden.
2) Yahweh (Lord) contrarily is represented by Yahweh Elohym (Christ consciousness) in Gen. 2: 19-20; where
Adam is to name the animals that Yahweh had created. Only Yahweh (Lord - ego-consciousness) has the ability for
distinguishing and concretizing thought: i.e. naming the stars (animals).
3) Yahweh Elohym (Christ consciousness): in both cases above with Elohym (God) and Yahweh (Lord) there was
found no helper for Adam indicating that neither of them alone have the answers to life. Neither of them knows of the
other’s existence. Yahweh Elohym (Christ consciousness) then takes Adam and removes a rib and forms a woman:
Elohym (God) from it and presents her to the man Yahweh (Lord); thus, both consciously become Yahweh Elohym
(Christ consciousness).
Original Sin is, for all intent and purpose, not understanding who and what the TRINITY is. It is not just
the TRINITY that is not understood; rather, it is the initiate taking everything (false gods and idols) around him or her
in life for granted. The Judaeo Christian Scripture provides a very good example by showing the conundrum in using
the triune names of the TRINITY. Saint Paul writes about people in the congregation that say the same things as
Church officials that have entirely different meanings. The example of the Trinitarian names given above is very much
like people having different philosophical, religious or political ideologies. Each of these groups could use, read or
hear the same words via their denotative or connotative meanings and unless this is consciously understood chaos will
ensue as it is normally played out in modernity in everyday life via every couple or the assembly of diverse peoples with
different ideologies.
Original Sin is more than this. It is the initiate sacrificing Yahweh Elohym (Christ consciousness) in lieu of
getting ahead in the world just as Satan tried to do with Christ during the three temptations. Notice that the woman
does not have a helper when speaking to the serpent, which has to be in this instance Yahweh (Lord); therefore, she as
Elohym (God) is no longer mated with Yahweh (Lord) in unanimity as Yahweh Elohym (Christ consciousness).
The serpent (Adam: i.e. ego-consciousness) and the woman (unconscious mind) are separate and distinct and
represent the human psyche. The initiate has to sacrifice his instincts: i.e. woman to get that academic degree
(everything has to be sacrificed). To get that academic degree the initiate has to become the image and likeness of the
professor (serpent): i.e. Yahweh (Lord) teaching the course. That is the fruit of the tree. To give the fruit to Adam
(ego-consciousness) the initiate void of his or her unconscious mind (archetypal instinct) has only to regurgitate to
Adam by rote, not inherent knowledge, which Adam subjectively or vocationally gave to him or her. The woman
sacrifices her own archetypal instincts to obtain her academic degree: i.e. the sewed or manufactured apron/degree
(was that off an assembly line like modernity’s universities?).


According to biblical parlance Cain should have been a shepherd and Abel should have been a farmer.
What is it that made them switch professions? It is obtaining that academic degree that truly messes up many
children’s lives by forcing them into professions that they don’t want and are not suited for.
Gen. 4:1; illustrates that it is Cain that is a man from the Yahweh (Lord). This scenario of Yahweh (Lord).
giving Eve a man can only come from Yahweh Elohym (Christ consciousness); for the reason that, it was to man
that the woman was given to (Gen. 2:23); thus, Adam and Eve had to have regain entrance to the Garden of
Eden; whereas, Gen. 4:25; show Elohym (God) gave Eve another seed (Seth) to replace/substitute for Abel.
The curse of tilling the land was put on Adam (G-120) not man (G-376) (Gen. 2:5; “there was not an Adam
to till the ground” and Gen. 3:17-19); thus, there can be no doubt that Cain was in a state of spirituality and he
offered up the Eucharist (his work product) showing he was a Catholic Priest: i.e. Yahweh Elohym (Christ
consciousness). Yes, vegetation is from Elohym (God); however, Cain as Yahweh Elohym (Christ consciousness)
synthesized nature and science into a farming industry. The fact that Yahweh (Lord) refused Cain’s offering
indicates that this was a proper use of that name of the TRINITY in that section of the sacred scriptures.
Now look at what Abel was doing as a shepherd. Abel was a shepherd when his true vocation should
have been in farming via the auspices of Elohym (God); rather, he turns into a star-gazer instinctually (via
animals) trying to names the stars all by himself without a helper. It is not difficult to see why Yahweh (Lord)
accepted Abel’s offering and refused Cain’s offering. Abel was doing diametrically opposite to that, which was
natural for him to do. It is obvious via the birth of Seth (name means ‘substitute’) that Abel was a shepherd via
parental control.
Notice that Cain in bringing an offering to Yahweh (Lord), which seems to be an attempt at converting his
father Adam back into Christ consciousness, which apparently Adam (Yahweh (Lord)) wanted no part of. The
fact that Abel gave the firstling of his flock to Yahweh (Lord) illustrates his DESIRE for change. Abel was not
satisfied being a shepherd otherwise why would he give the firstling of his flock (his first born son?) to Yahweh
(Lord) prove his loyalty. The offering of the firstling of the flock is very similar to the Akedah when Abraham
was about to sacrifice Isaac, his son, when an angel intervened.
Cain had a nice conversation with Yahweh (Lord) who did nothing but curse him out and then Cain has a
talk with Abel as if after trying and failing to convert his father Cain decided to convert his brother Abel to
Yahweh Elohym (Christ consciousness). Cain became his brother helper. Cain rising in the field, as he was
having a discussion with his brother Abel, appears to be the Kundalini rising, which is Christ consciousness.
Cain remark to Yahweh (Lord) “am I my brother’s keeper” is obviously a play on words; for the reason that,
Abel was a keeper of the sheep; thus, indicating that a keeper of the sheep represented a pastor or rabbi whose
congregations are flocks. Cain was not a keeper (of followers?); rather, he was a helper (to get others to be all
that they can be via Christ consciousness).
By becoming aware of the overall pattern of how the first four chapters of Genesis are written esoterically as a commentary
on the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH it would not be difficult for the reader to extrapolate that paradigm out to how the entire
Old and New Testaments were written.
Consider the whole of the mythoi of Jesus Christ in New Testament lore to symbolize the Initiatic Visionary Experience. Can
there be any doubt after studying the first four chapters of Genesis that the four gospels of the New Testament: i.e. Matthew (11 -
Angel – Air/ Aquarius), Mark (5 - Lion – Fire/Leo), Luke (2 - Ox – Earth/Taurus) and John (8 - Eagle – Water/Scorpio) represent the
LIGHT culled out of the DARKNESS as it was esoterically conveyed in the first four days of creation. Aren’t these gospels these early
Christian initiates wrote their being ‘fruitful (G-285) and multiplying and replenishing the earth’ as it was mandated in the sixth day
of creation? Look how the word ‘fruitful’ has the same Gematria (G-285) value as the fixed signs of Astrology (2, 5, 8 and 11), which
the gospel writers patterned their work after.

If this theme about the four gospels is a valid and solid hypothesis regarding Jesus Christ symbolizing the LIGHT of creation;
then, where is the equivalent to the prologue of Genesis: i.e. first two verses and where is the impetus (prior to the vision) that led to
the Initiatic Visionary Experience (Christ being that vision)?
It would seem that when the proper biblical connections are made with other parts of the bible the basic paradigm of the
sacred scriptures easily unfolds. John’s gospel is the most mystical of the four gospels and his zodiacal sign of Scorpio, which along
with Sagittarius points to the Northern Cross (Cygnus X3), which infers the Initiatic Visionary Experience for Scorpio symbolizes
BERESHITH: i.e. “In the beginning”, and in this regards John deliberated repeats in the prologue of his gospel the interpretation of
the first word of Genesis, “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God”.
The prologue of the whole of the New Testament, that represents the first two verses of Genesis, is the last chapter of
Zachariah and the four chapters of Malachi, which is the last book of the Old Testament.
“And his (Lord’s) feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount
of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half
of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south (Zachariah 14:4)”.
From my interpretive perspective I see Zachariah chapter fourteen being the pivotal center of the entire Old and New
Testaments, which would put that biblical ratio at 924/264 with Zachariah 14 at the center. This is a perfect mathematical
representation of the Kundalini Serpent. The quotient of 924 / 264 = 3½ symbolizing the Old Testament is equivalent to the coiled
dormant Kundalini Serpent. The Mount of Olives (1) splitting in two parts towards the east and west and then separating into four
parts points to the birth of consciousness symbolized by BETH’s (G-412) Gematria value, which is the transposition of 1, 2 and 4,
known in Christendom as the Pelican, which also symbolizes Christ. See discussion on James (1), Peter (2) and John (4) below on a
new birth of consciousness.
The four chapters of Malachi represent New Testament lore; for the reason that, it defines the prologue of the New
Testament similar to how the first two verses of the sacred scriptures defines the dawn of the Genesis Creation Account. This
pattern is also illustrated from out of Matthew and Luke’s gospels by working out the conception, birth and circumcision dates of
John the Baptist and Jesus Christ in relationship to the Julian and Augustus Caesar’s calendars. The fact that the STAR OF DAVID
appeared in the Augustus Caesar Calendar on January 1, 8BC is also indicative to this paradigmatic pattern that precedes the Initiatic
Visionary Experience. What is also interesting about this paradigmatic pattern of the Initiatic Visionary Experience is that the
prophet Zachariah is exclusively place in the slot of the sign/month of Capricorn/January. I believe this is done so that if either
January or Capricorn is mentioned alone in Christian spiritual law the other is automatically inferred. This is seen artistically
expressed on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel where Zachariah is frescoed above the entrance door, which is in the east looking
towards the altar wall in the west similar to the Hebraic texts being written from right to left (east to west). Capricorn/January
represents the first day of creation and the first of the four months that represent the LIGHT. In the Julian and Augustus Caesars’
calendars January was a new month and was not part of the old Roman calendar. The reader can clearly see that this paradigmatic
pattern in the Initiatic Visionary Experience is all tightly knit together to give a number of examples of how this pattern should be
This is not Capricorn/January (Zachariah) skewing the zodiacal cycle pattern in the Genesis Creation Account. I believe that
Zachariah chapter fourteen (14) symbolizes the Northern Cross (Cygnus X-3); for the reason that, it separates Scorpio and Sagittarius,
which points to the spiritual LIGHT of Christ and Capricorn/January (Zachariah), symbolizes the investiture of that LIGHT into
creation. Malachi’s four chapters symbolize John the Baptist, which precedes the birth of Christ by six months, which is yet another
example of the prologue’s paradigmatic pattern to the Initiatic Visionary Experience. It is known that Malachi’s book symbolizes
John the Baptist; for the reason that, Malachi prophesizes the return of Elijah and in the New Testament Jesus says that John is Elijah
“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn
the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a
curse (Malachi 4:5-6).”
And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and brought them up onto a high mountain apart, and
was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. And, behold, there
appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him. Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to
be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. While he yet
spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in
whom I am well pleased; hear ye him. And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were sore afraid.
And Jesus came and touched them, and said, Arise, and be not afraid. And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no
man, save Jesus only. And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man,
until the Son of man be risen again from the dead. And his disciples asked him, saying, why then say the scribes that Elias
must first come? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things. But I say unto
you, that Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also
the Son of man suffer of them. Then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist (Matt. 17:1-13).
To bring Peter, James and John to the top of a mountain is indicative of them having a panoramic view of the entirety of the
mythoi of the sacred scriptures. Jesus tells Peter, James and John not to tell anybody about the vision they just had as if they could if
they wanted to, which of course they couldn’t because of the vision’s unfathomable nature. That vision is indicative of them going from the
bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain on a visionary spiritual level. Here I interpret Peter, James and John as Water
signs of Astrology: Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio respectively. The Water element of creation symbolizes the synthesizing
cosmologically (mandala circle) all the things that enamor the psyche into Christ consciousness; hence, the reason why only Peter,
James and John was brought to the top of the mountain in the mythoi of the New Testament’s mythological lore. It is as if the three
disciples rising to the top of the mountain was analogous to their coming up out of the Waters of Baptism, which is what John the
Baptist’s ministry was all about. In the second verse of Genesis the Spirit of Elohym moved (hovered) over the face of the waters.
This paradigmatic pattern is further illustrated in the fifth day of creation when the fowl of the heavens flies out of the water to live
on the earth, which Peter, James and John did when they came back down from the mountain top to join the other disciples.
“Then Jesus came from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be
baptized of thee, and comes thou to me? And Jesus answering said unto him, suffer it to be so now: for thus it becomes us to
fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered him. And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and,
lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: And lo a
voice from heaven, saying, this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased (Matthew 3:13-17).”
There are a couple of interesting points about Jesus’ baptism. The Spirit of God is the same phrase used in the second verse
of Genesis relating to water and the Initiatic Visionary Experience. Then there is the voice coming out of the heavens in Matthew
3:17; repeating the same phrase “this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” as that used in Matthew 17:1-13. This is a very
good point. The first time the voice came out of the heavens was when Jesus was baptized; whereas, when Peter, James and John
had their vision they heard the same voice from heaven for they were baptized by Jesus. This means that the baptism of Jesus, from
a mythological perspective, is the same as when an initiate is baptized, it is the initiate that is told that the vision is the ‘son of God’.
This is why every single Catholic is called CHRIST and this is additionally supported theologically by the first epistle of John.
“Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear,
we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is (1 John 3:2).”
These New Testament verses heighten our understanding of the previous interpretive analysis on the first two verses of
Genesis and the first four days of creation in relationship to the Initiatic Visionary Experience. The LIGHT that comes to the earth
from the two great luminaries (combined sun (ego-consciousness) and moon (personal unconscious ego (Shadow)): i.e. CHRIST
consciousness) as outlined in the fourth day of creation is the LIGHT that transforms the initiate into LIGHT: i.e. CHRIST. In ancient
times they called this the Shamanic experience. Remember that the first verse of Genesis tells us that “Elohym (God) separate (bara)
the Heavens and the Earth”. We see that the two words EARTH in the first two verses of Genesis are flanking the midpoint between
the first and second verses: i.e. between Scorpio and Sagittarius.
Now that we have recognized the initial aspects of the paradigmatic pattern of the Initiatic Visionary Experience in the
mythoi of the mythological lore of the New Testament as far as the IMPETUS, PROLOGUE and LIGHT goes it has to now be evaluated
what it means to send the fowl of the heavens to live upon the earth and what is meant when Elohym in the sixth day of creation
wants to make Adam into his image.
This is not hard to grasp at all seeing the disciples are of course the LIGHT: Christ. They are no longer individuals per se; for
the reason that, they have collectively synthesized into Christ consciousness on Pentecostal Sunday and they each have been given
different gifts to spread the word of Christ. How this is known is discussed in the book of the Acts of the Apostles, which tells us that
the disciples went out and preached amongst the peoples of Jerusalem: i.e. making Adam (humanity) into Christ’s image. The Acts of
the Apostles seems to take in the whole of the fifth and six days of creation and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th chapters of Genesis.
The important thing to understand is that Christ consciousness allows for personal isolation far from the maddening crowd
and din of secular society. The initiate can live in the very midst of secular civilization and still be isolated from it. Christ
consciousness is the initiate giving willingly his or her whole heart, mind, soul, time, finances and resources for his or her own
educative understanding of God’s spiritual universe. According to the mythoi of the New Testament lore this translated into multiple
Christian initiates forming monastic communities. The Acts of the Apostles further tells us that to form the Christian Community is in
every sense the disciples creating simultaneously a synthesized Communist and Democratic community. Communism comes from
the word community and it has always confused me as to why people in democracies did not recognize this. Basically a Communist
and Democratic community is a monastic existence. Monks and nuns that live in these communities own nothing; for the reason
that, they all have given everything they own to the community, which in every sense makes the populace of these monasteries the
poor people. They collectively and democratically elect their internal community leaders. Those spiritual monastic communities
were basically oases: i.e. multiple Garden of Edens in the wilderness of the secular world.
Whereas, to split the idea of the synthesized Communist and Democratic community into two separate entities as it is being
played out throughout the real world in modernity has brought about nothing but wars, political intrigue and infighting, untold debt
throughout the populace, crime and worldwide suffering, famine and diseases. The separation of Church and State is an excellent
idea when it comes to atheists and godless people having Presidential, Judicial and/or Congressional control over the Church. The
United States Founding Fathers saw the danger of that happening in a secular society; therefore, they provided for separation of
Church and State not to protect the State against the Church; rather, it was to protect the Church from the State. Queen Elizabeth
I’s Church of England, which solidified in 1560AD, taught the early founding fathers a great lesson about the amalgamation of Church
and State and they protected themselves against such diabolical evil.
The 2nd, 3rd and 4th chapters of Genesis illustrate the behavioral patterns of those living in Christian monastic communities and
this is discussed in the Acts of the Apostles. The sacred scriptures are written to illustrate how difficult it is at times to interpret
correctly what is transpiring in a narrative as the mythoi of Cain and Abel demonstrates. Saint Paul speaks to this problem when he
discusses how people say one thing and mean another.
Then we see Cain going off to build a city, which is a very interesting biblical mystical quandary between him and his brother
Seth. Whatever Cain gave his descendents names, Seth (substitute) names his descendents unequivocally imitating Cain. This is
precisely how I see modernity’s civilizations, around the world, occupying and imitating antiquity’s abandon civilizations. Seth,
which is interpreted as ‘substitute’ is obviously put into the mythoi of the Old Testament mythology to augment this paradigmatic
pattern in human behavior. This imitating another would be an anathema to those that have received Christ consciousness. In all my
researches on the artworks of the Roman Catholic Church, in antiquity, I have not found one instance where anyone has copied
another’s artwork whether it is in literature, artistic expression or monuments. Yet, in modernity in the industrial factories and
entertainment fields around the world the conveyor belts are unending. Everything in the secular world is repetitive incessantly.
Who would have ever thought, in the mid 1960s, that Mickey D’s arches would be planted in almost every city around the world?
Living in the midst of modernity’s milieu it is unthinkable that anything can exist outside of that repetitive mindset. Yet, Christ
consciousness promises exactly the opposite of modernity’s concretization of thought.
Where Cain goes off to build a city so too does Saint Paul using his own technique builds a spiritual city on a literary level
consolidating the teachings of Christianity. The MATRIX OF WISDOM is the City of God, which Saint John calls the New Jerusalem in
The Revelations of Jesus Christ and it is this paradigmatic pattern that all Christians should receive their educative knowledge about
God. The Old and New Testaments are commentaries on the MATRIX OF WISDOM. Saint Paul wrote exactly one hundred (100)
chapters in his fourteen epistles, which is the exact amount of cells in the 10 x 10 MATRIX OF WISDOM, which Dante Alighieri also
spiritually maneuvers in his one hundred (100) chapters to codify esoterically to his La Divina Commedia.


The most enigmatic feature concerning the Initiatic Visionary Experience in the New Testament concerns its last eight (8) books,
which, I believe, Jude’s epistle touches on people in high places thinking they are better than others: innuendoes about the
Evangelist John. Seven of the last eight books of the New Testament were written by James (1), Peter (2) and John (4) as if the birth
of consciousness (1, 2 and 4: i.e. Pelican) was again being put to the fore. This I have no doubt is another recapitulation of the
Initiatic Visionary Experience. We know that these four disciples were of the original twelve and the only ones that wrote books in
the finale of New Testament. I do not see anything strange about James’ epistle nor Peter’s two epistles; however, John three
epistles and the book of Revelations throw up red flags all over the place especially when considering the content of Jude epistle.
John writes his three epistles like a convict doing time in prison. We know that mythologically John was on the penal colony in
the Aegean Sea called Patmos allegedly until he was an old man. John’s three epistles take on the paradigmatic pattern of how a
convict writes his letters. There are only three classifications to how convicts write letters home even in modern times.
⦁ First letter John writes to the congregation of his Church: i.e. his little children (longest letter).
⦁ Second letter John writes to his CHURCH: his wife reminding her of her vows to him (second longest letter)
⦁ Third letter John writes to a friend about his Church (wife) taking on a new pastor (lover?) and he threatens to handle that
situation when he gets out of prison. (Shortest letter).
⦁ Finally, John writes his book, The Revelations of Jesus Christ, finally Christ consciousness is regained.
I believe that the mythoi of John reputation as the great mystic, as the mythological lore of the New Testament has it, has his
celebrity status going to his head and he thought he could handle more than God gave him to do and he ended up imprisoning
himself in all his obsessive activities, symbolically called the penal colony at Patmos. In The Revelations of Jesus Christ John is given
another change at Christ consciousness.
In the APPENDIX II below I demonstrate that the first chapter of Genesis has 69-groups of words held together by 80-hyphens
(PEI). There is 142-Words (BETH) are gathered together in those 69-groups of words, which is analogous to the first letter of Genesis:
BETH (G-412) with PEI (N-80) inundating and surrounding it. Seeing this same pattern discussed in the last chapter of Zachariah in
regards to Mount Olive and now patterned in the last seven books of the New Testament it is not difficult what the Early Church
Fathers were trying to convey about the Initiatic Visionary Experience gifted to the initiate directly from God.


Honestly, the epistle of Jude (Thaddeus?) is hard to swallow insofar as how the rest of the New Testament reads out
iconoclastically (normally) and on an iconographic level (mythologically). Jude’s epistle sounds somewhat fanatical in its wording. It is
as if Jude is ranting and raving similar if not the same as Judas Iscariot would in how people spend money on Christ. The brevity of
Jude’s epistle may be because of the terseness of the remarks he make throughout the twenty-five verses for he does not really
explain what he is talking about.
I understand that Jude’s epistle would symbolically represent the Prologue part of the Initiatic Visionary Experience pattern,
which would put it on par with the first two verses of Genesis and the book of Malachi. Jude writing this epistle may be symbolizing
the coming of Elijah, who becomes John the Baptist in the New Testament. John the Baptist’s complaint against King Herod got him
executed similar to how Judas Iscariot hung himself after betraying Christ.
Jude made a direct reference to Gnostic literature: i.e. Enoch, which puts it outside the scope of the canonized literature. Then
Jude makes biblical references about the Cain and Abel story and the Sodom and Gomorrah story and why he made all these
references is not clear. Even Jesus makes reference to Abel at one time in the New Testament. What Jude was referencing with the
Cain and Abel story may well have different nuances in the esoteric aspects of the textual materials that are not readily apparent.


John the Evangelist may have written the last book of the New Testament; however, Jude is the last out of eight authors to
have written a book in the New Testament. Somehow, I will hypothesize that the first four New Testament authors: Matthew, Mark,

Luke and John somehow pair off mirror-image with Paul, James, Peter and Jude. I say this because of
what is known about the eight people that survive on Noah’s Ark. It is not that they are married to each other as is Noah and his
wife and their three sons and three daughter-in-laws. The four males and the females on Noah’s Ark are evenly split between the
LIGHT: Heavenly/DARKNESS and the Empyrean/DARKNESS. It is obvious from the New Testament account that the four gospels
represent the LIGHT: Heavenly/Darkness and the New Testament peripheral documents symbolize the Empyrean/DARKNESS from
which the LIGHT is culled.
In the image of Noah and his family comes off the spine of the Sistine Chapel Ceiling denoting the nine central panels. When
the nine central panels are number according to the days of creation the sequence of numbers circle the Agni fire in this manner
starting with Noah as number one from the Altar Wall as 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 7, 2 and the center holds the nine. As you can see the male
and females pair off according to how they are positioned in the Michelangelo rendition of them around the altar, which is the
KAMEA OF SATURN, which is a pattern that is found in circular designs in the mosaics of the floor in front of and flanking the altar.
Draw a line from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 and back to 1 placing the nine in the center and it forms a 3 x 3 square similar to
the Kamea of Saturn. I believe that what Noah and his family symbolize is that the activities of the individual (not the community)
religiously are what gyrates the fire of Agni into action. Noah and his family may seem to represent more than one person; however,
the bible always speaks to the individual not the community at large.
It is extraordinary interesting that the four gospel writers wrote a total of nine books and the other four authors wrote a total
of eighteen books totaling twenty-seven. On pages 33-35 above I speak about DARK MATTER out of the MATRIX OF WISDOM cubed
28³, which points to 0.333…% for LIGHT (Heavenly/Darkness) and 0.666…% for Empyrean/DARKNESS.
Here the eight gospel writers pair off in the selfsame manner as Noah and his family. This kind of synchronicity and evidence
directly from the bible and Christian art sources is beyond cavil.
⦁ Matthew = 1 book
⦁ James = 1 epistle
⦁ Mark = 1 book: i.e. shortest gospel
⦁ Jude = 1 epistle: i.e. shortest epistle
⦁ Luke = 2 books
⦁ Peter = 2 epistles
⦁ John = 5: 2 books and 3 epistles
⦁ Paul = 14 (5) epistles
I wonder if the 21-epistles can also be representing the 21-words in the first two verses of Genesis and the 21-Minor Light
Chakras as outlined in the first four chapters of Genesis. The six books of the New Testament could very well represent the 6-days of
creation (months) because of their concretization of thought. I think so. Half the New testament authors write 1/3: i.e. 0.333… of
the epistles and Saint Paul writes the other 2/3: i.e. 0.666…%.
Notice in the image above of Noah and his family and the Kamea of Saturn. The odd numbers image a cross and the even
numbers take the empty spaces. This is exactly how most Christian churches are built in the image of an elongated cross.


Since June of 1978 I had wondered how such a spiritual vision (now I call it the Initiatic Visionary Experience) was possible.
Such a problem to envisage meditatively became even more complex when I discovered the MATRIX OF WISDOM and eventually
learned of its spiritual cosmic order. Since all human beings have the same psychic potential whether male or female it did not seem
possible that one would be gifted the Initiatic Visionary Experience when others were not so gifted. As I write this now about 37-
years and 5-months since I received that vision (answers do not come quickly) it dawned on me that the empyrean that the nines
(Un-manifested creation) in the MATRIX OF WISDOM symbolize has a precise percentage of turf that it occupies in the cubed matrix,
which is shown mathematical to be equivalent to that which the manifested creation occupies (50% each) when the Vesica Piscis is
placed into the equation. I know for a fact, having experience it, that much is spiritually wiped (obsession or addiction) from the
psyche at the moment that the Initiatic Visionary Experience is gifted to the initiate: i.e. that wiping away of old sins so-to-speak
leave a void: i.e. empty space in the psyche or whatever it is called where the initiate knows not what to do with him or herself;
though, in every other respect the initiate living normally; thus, something has to fill that void. It is my belief that the Initiatic
Visionary Vision is the death knell for the initiate. For all intent and purpose the initiate has died; yet, he or she is alive in the world;
but, is spiritually not of the world.
There can be no doubt that the Initiatic Visionary Experience has its own spiritually psychic obsessive and/or addictive program
that is to be fulfilled by the initiate. The one thing that is quite obvious about the differences between the average materialistic
generic psyche and those that have had the Initiatic Visionary Experience is that the average generic materialistic psyche enthralled
in it obsessions and/or addictions is eternally repetitive: i.e. smoking tobacco, drinking alcoholic beverages, drugs, gambling,
womanizing, etc., etc. All these addictions and obsessions experienced by the materialistic generic psyche proliferates exponentially
and become incessantly demonic as the years go by causing all kinds of bodily illnesses and social problems; whereas, the repetitive
obsession of the initiate that had the Initiatic Visionary Experience is not observable as being repetitive by others. The initiate is
constantly having new ideas on how to research the WORD OF GOD: i.e. even though it is the same spiritual conceptual idea that is
clothed in different symbolism and mythoi to generate new explanatory nuances that give further details about the WORD OF GOD
in greater depths of conceptual understanding. The wisdom that the initiate obtained via such eternal ongoing researches can only
mature to a greater height of spirituality. Life in the outer world does not seem to change other than obstacles seem to dissipate all
around the initiate without rationalization. The initiate will never become rich or famous, for that is not his or her goal, but what is
needed is made available without much ado from the initiate.

The reader has come to the end of this paper and now the real test concerning spiritual desire hovers above the waters of life
in anticipation as to whether the initiate wants to start upon his or her own quest upon the road rarely taken or will the initiate go
down the well worn beaten path where guides and gurus and know-it-alls abound? Will the reader/initiate, like Percival, enter the
forest alone ignorant desiring to learn more of all he or she has just read in search of the Holy Grail: i.e. his or her lost soul? It is
appropriate here to cite a well worn out quotation from Shakespeare’s writings; “to be or not to be - that is the question”, is what
each initiate has to decide in his or her heart.
In a world that abounds with guides and gurus and know-it-alls why don’t they tell you about this Initiatic Visionary Experience?
Why is the world collectively so ignorant of this most important of human experiences in the life of the soul? Why do not any of
these guides and gurus and know-it-alls talk about spirituality in its truest and rawest form? Why are not these guides and gurus and
know-it-alls instructing the world on how the sacred scriptures of the world are written esoterically?
The answers to these questions are just as frightening as the world collectively being ignorant that such questions exist. Now
that you have read this paper you the initiate know that these questions exist. The answer is of course is that the world is actually a
blank slate in which the initiate writes and directs his or her life. There is nobody in the outer world knows the answers because only
the initiate can obtain the answers. All the peoples of the world in the initiate’s life are cast there as characters in a movie to play
out their roles. Those self-projected characters in the outer world cannot give the answers about the psyche and the soul only the
initiate can provide the answers for him or herself.
The most frightening; yet, the most important piece of information that the initiate should know about him or herself is that
he or she is the only person alive for all else in the outer world is a phantasmagoria of the psyche. All of life is lived between the
ears. This is why another can never teach the initiate anything unless one wants to learn and then of course the initiate teaches him
or herself. KNOW THYSELF is the most ancient of maxims; but, only the initiate can dwell within his own being. As the Chinese say,
“the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step”. There should be no destination in life. The journey euphemistically
experienced between the ears is all about experiencing life which should not have an end goal.
I hypothesize that the Hebraic Alphabet and numerical system was derived from the MATRIX OF WISDOM. I illustrate above
how I think this may have developed through the Kabbalistic Tree of Life; for the reason that, the Kabbalistic Tree of Life is
derived from this MATRIX OF WISDOM and this is where the 32-paths of Kabbalism are derived: i.e. 22-letters and 10-numbers.
There are of course 5-final letters in the Hebrew coder. I am unsure of the placement of letters and numbers; however, I am
positive that the MATRIX OF WISDOM did develop the Hebraic Alphabet and its numerical digits.
I had initially intended to publish another ten pages or more of over a hundred Hebraic words taken from the first four
chapters of Genesis, which would have shown their locations in the scriptural texts their relationship to STRONG’S EXHAUSTIVE
CONCORDANCE’S Number System and each word’s Gematria value would be included; plus, a short commentary on each word
would have accompanied it.
It is my contention that the only true way to read the sacred scriptures is letter by letter via the indigenous language knowing
their numerical and Gematria values showing how a word it constructed. Without this inherent knowledge codified to the
letters the sacred scriptures cannot be fully appreciated.
I am hold back on publishing these pages; for the reason that, I am continuously intuiting how to read these Hebraic letters
from different perspective and this is what is holding my finishing these pages; thus, it is holding up publication of this paper;
therefore, I decided to include these additional pages at a later date.

King James 1611 Bible 1769 Edition
Mea Culpa: I here present the first four chapters of Genesis from the Internet site noted before each chapter, not in the sense of
plagiarism, rather to introduce to the reader the source materials, on the Judaeo Christian Scriptures, that are available for all to avail
themselves of.
STRONG’S EXHAUSTIVE CORDANCE has been around for over one hundred and seventeen years and it is continuously being
revised; though, this is a great site on the Internet and each number(s) coded to a word is link to a definition of the word, I advise the reader
that is sincerely interested in scriptural study to purchase this inexpensive volume; for the reason that, the Hebrew and Greek dictionaries in
English are far more comprehensive when defining words then these Internet sites.
However, let me place a very stringent caveat here concerning available reference works. They should be studied with a copy of the
original Hebrew and Greek texts at hand. As powerful and as important a tool that Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance is it makes horrendous
mistakes throughout its volume: i.e. example; Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance will come across a Hebraic wording in the texts and not be
able to translate it outright; thus, to compensate for that dilemma translators will indiscriminately break the Hebraic word down into two
Hebrew words and then list each of those subjectively translated words into its concordance as if they were the original Hebrew words used
in the texts referencing chapter and verse and Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance coding number, which is a false and misleading judgment on
the translators’ part. What such mistakes incur is to give the students and researchers a false and misleading understanding for the Gematria
value of words; though Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance was not initially created to determine Gematria value; nonetheless, it can be used
for that purpose. For example the Hebraic wording I just spoke of would have the Gematria value for two independent words; rather, than
the collective Gematria value of the letters in the Hebraic wording actually used. William John Meegan

Chapter One

1:1 ¶ In the beginning 7225 God 430 created 1254 853 z8804 the heaven 8064 and y853 the earth. 776

1:2 And the earth 776 was 1961 z8804 without form, 8414 and void; 922 and darkness 2822 [was] upon x5921 the face 6440 of
the deep. 8415 And the Spirit 7307 of God 430 moved 7363 z8764 upon 5921 the face 6440 of the waters. 4325

1:3 And God 430 said, 559 z8799 Let there be 1961 z8799 light: 216 and there was x1961 light. 216

1:4 And God 430 saw 7200 853 z8799 the light, 216 that 3588 [it was] good: 2896 and God 430 divided 914 996 z8686 the light
216 from 996 the darkness. 2822

1:5 And God 430 called 7121 z8799 the light 216 Day, 3117 and the darkness 2822 he called 7121 z8804 Night. 3915 And the
evening 6153 and the morning 1242 were x1961 the first 259 day. 3117

1:6 ¶ And God 430 said, 559 z8799 Let there be x1961 a firmament 7549 in the midst 8432 of the waters, 4325 and let x1961 it
divide 914 z8688 x996 the waters 4325 from the waters. 4325

1:7 And God 430 made 6213 z8799 x853 the firmament, 7549 and divided 914 z8686 x996 the waters 4325 which 834 [were]
under 8478 x4480 the firmament 7549 from x996 the waters 4325 which 834 [were] above 5921 x4480 the firmament: 7549 and it was
x1961 so. 3651

1:8 And God 430 called 7121 z8799 the firmament 7549 Heaven. 8064 And the evening 6153 and the morning 1242 were x1961
the second 8145 day. 3117

1:9 ¶ And God 430 said, 559 z8799 Let the waters 4325 under x4480 x8478 the heaven 8064 be gathered together 6960 z8735
unto 413 one 259 place, 4725 and let the dry 3004 [land] appear: 7200 z8735 and it was x1961 so. x3651

1:10 And God 430 called 7121 z8799 the dry 3004 [land] Earth; 776 and the gathering together 4723 of the waters 4325 called
7121 z8804 he Seas: 3220 and God 430 saw 7200 z8799 that x3588 [it was] good. 2896

1:11 And God 430 said, 559 z8799 Let the earth 776 bring forth 1876 z8686 grass, 1877 the herb 6212 yielding 2232 z8688 seed,
2233 [and] the fruit 6529 tree 6086 yielding 6213 z8802 fruit 6529 after his kind, 4327 whose 834 seed 2233 [is] in itself, upon x5921
the earth: 776 and it was x1961 so. x3651

1:12 And the earth 776 brought forth 3318 z8686 grass, 1877 [and] herb 6212 yielding 2232 z8688 seed 2233 after his kind, 4327
and the tree 6086 yielding 6213 z8802 fruit, 6529 whose x834 seed 2233 [was] in itself, after his kind: 4327 and God 430 saw 7200
z8799 that x3588 [it was] good. 2896

1:13 And the evening 6153 and the morning 1242 were x1961 the third 7992 day. 3117

1:14 ¶ And God 430 said, 559 z8799 Let there be x1961 lights 3974 in the firmament 7549 of the heaven 8064 to divide 914
z8687 x996 the day 3117 from x996 the night; 3915 and let them be x1961 for signs, 226 and for seasons, 4150 and for days, 3117 and
years: 8141

1:15 And let them be x1961 for lights 3974 in the firmament 7549 of the heaven 8064 to give light 215 z8687 upon x5921 the
earth: 776 and it was x1961 so. x3651

1:16 And God 430 made 6213 z8799 x853 two 8147 great 1419 lights; 3974 x853 the greater 1419 light 3974 to rule 4475 the
day, 3117 and the lesser 6996 light 3974 to rule 4475 the night: 3915 [he made] the stars 3556 also.
1:17 And God 430 set 5414 z8799 them in the firmament 7549 of the heaven 8064 to give light 215 z8687 upon x5921 the earth,

1:18 And to rule 4910 z8800 over the day 3117 and over the night, 3915 and to divide 914 z8687 x996 the light 216 from x996
the darkness: 2822 and God 430 saw 7200 z8799 that x3588 [it was] good. 2896

1:19 And the evening 6153 and the morning 1242 were x1961 the fourth 7243 day. 3117

1:20 And God 430 said, 559 z8799 Let the waters 4325 bring forth abundantly 8317 z8799 the moving creature 8318 that hath
y5315 life, 2416 x5315 and fowl 5775 [that] may fly 5774 z8787 above 5921 the earth 776 in x5921 the open 6440 firmament 7549 of
heaven. 8064

1:21 And God 430 created 1254 z8799 x853 great 1419 whales, 8577 and every x3605 living 2416 creature 5315 that moveth,
7430 z8802 which x834 the waters 4325 brought forth abundantly, 8317 z8804 after their kind, 4327 and every x3605 winged 3671
fowl 5775 after his kind: 4327 and God 430 saw 7200 z8799 that x3588 [it was] good. 2896

1:22 And God 430 blessed 1288 z8762 them, saying, 559 z8800 Be fruitful, 6509 z8798 and multiply, 7235 z8798 and fill 4390
z8798 x853 the waters 4325 in the seas, 3220 and let fowl 5775 multiply 7235 z8799 in the earth. 776

1:23 And the evening 6153 and the morning 1242 were x1961 the fifth 2549 day. 3117

1:24 ¶ And God 430 said, 559 z8799 Let the earth 776 bring forth 3318 z8686 the living 2416 creature 5315 after his kind, 4327
cattle, 929 and creeping thing, 7431 and beast 2416 of the earth 776 after his kind: 4327 and it was x1961 so. x3651

1:25 And God 430 made 6213 z8799 x853 the beast 2416 of the earth 776 after his kind, 4327 and cattle 929 after their kind,
4327 and every thing x3605 that creepeth 7431 upon the earth 127 after his kind: 4327 and God 430 saw 7200 z8799 that x3588 [it
was] good. 2896

1:26 ¶ And God 430 said, 559 z8799 Let us make 6213 z8799 man 120 in our image, 6754 after our likeness: 1823 and let them
have dominion 7287 z8799 over the fish 1710 of the sea, 3220 and over the fowl 5775 of the air, 8064 and over the cattle, 929 and
over all x3605 the earth, 776 and over every x3605 creeping thing 7431 that creepeth 7430 z8802 upon x5921 the earth. 776

1:27 So God 430 created 1254 z8799 x853 man 120 in his [own] image, 6754 in the image 6754 of God 430 created 1254 z8804
he him; male 2145 and female 5347 created 1254 z8804 he them.

1:28 And God 430 blessed 1288 z8762 them, and God 430 said 559 z8799 unto them, Be fruitful, 6509 z8798 and multiply, 7235
z8798 and replenish 4390 z8798 x853 the earth, 776 and subdue x3533 it: y3533 z8798 and have dominion 7287 z8798 over the fish
1710 of the sea, 3220 and over the fowl 5775 of the air, 8064 and over every x3605 living thing 2416 that moveth 7430 z8802 upon
x5921 the earth. 776

1:29 ¶ And God 430 said, 559 z8799 Behold, 2009 I have given 5414 z8804 you x853 every x3605 herb 6212 bearing 2232
z8802 seed, 2233 which x834 [is] upon x5921 the face 6440 of all x3605 the earth, 776 and every x3605 tree, 6086 in the which x834
[is] the fruit 6529 of a tree 6086 yielding 2232 z8802 seed; 2233 to you it shall be 1961 z8799 for meat. 402

1:30 And to every x3605 beast 2416 of the earth, 776 and to every x3605 fowl 5775 of the air, 8064 and to every thing x3605 that
creepeth 7430 z8802 upon x5921 the earth, 776 wherein x834 [there is] life, 2416 5315 [I have given] x853 every x3605 green 3418
herb 6212 for meat: 402 and it was x1961 so. x3651

1:31 And God 430 saw 7200 z8799 x853 every thing x3605 that 834 he had made, 6213 z8804 and, behold, x2009 [it was] very
3966 good. 2896 And the evening 6153 and the morning 1242 were x1961 the sixth 8345 day. 3117

Chapter Two

2:1 ¶ Thus the heavens 8064 and the earth 776 were finished, 3615 z8792 and all x3605 the host x6635 of them. y6635

2:2 And on the seventh 7637 day 3117 God 430 ended 3615 z8762 his work 4399 which x834 he had made; 6213 z8804 and he
rested 7673 z8799 on the seventh 7637 day 3117 from all x4480 x3605 his work 4399 which x834 he had made. 6213 z8804

2:3 And God 430 blessed 1288 z8762 x853 the seventh 7637 day, 3117 and sanctified 6942 z8762 it: because 3588 that in it he
had rested 7673 z8804 from all x4480 x3605 his work 4399 which x834 God 430 created 1254 z8804 and made. 6213 z8800

2:4 ¶ These 428 [are] the generations 8435 of the heavens 8064 and of the earth 776 when they were created, 1254 z8736 in the
day 3117 that the LORD 3068 God 430 made 6213 z8800 the earth 776 and the heavens, 8064

2:5 And every x3605 plant 7880 of the field 7704 before 2962 it was x1961 in the earth, 776 and every x3605 herb 6212 of the
field 7704 before 2962 it grew: 6779 z8799 for 3588 the LORD 3068 God 430 had not 3808 caused it to rain 4305 z8689 upon x5921
the earth, 776 and [there was] not 369 a man 120 to till 5647 z8800 x853 the ground. 127

2:6 But there went up 5927 z8799 a mist 108 from 4480 the earth, 776 and watered 8248 z8689 x853 the whole x3605 face 6440
of the ground. 127

2:7 And the LORD 3068 God 430 formed 3335 z8799 x853 man 120 [of] the dust 6083 of 4480 the ground, 127 and breathed
5301 z8799 into his nostrils 639 the breath 5397 of life; 2416 and man 120 became x1961 a living 2416 soul. 5315

2:8 ¶ And the LORD 3068 God 430 planted 5193 z8799 a garden 1588 eastward 6924 x4480 in Eden; 5731 and there 8033 he put
7760 z8799 x853 the man 120 whom 834 he had formed. 3335 z8804

2:9 And out y4480 of x4480 the ground 127 made y6779 z0 the LORD 3068 God 430 to grow 6779 z8686 every x3605 tree 6086
that is pleasant 2530 z8737 to the sight, 4758 and good 2896 for food; 3978 the tree 6086 of life 2416 also in the midst 8432 of the
garden, 1588 and the tree 6086 of knowledge 1847 of good 2896 and evil. 7451

2:10 And a river 5104 went out 3318 z8802 of Eden 5731 x4480 to water 8248 z8687 x853 the garden; 1588 and from thence
x4480 x8033 it was parted, 6504 z8735 and became x1961 into four 702 heads. 7218

2:11 The name 8034 of the first 259 [is] Pison: 6376 that y1931 [is] it x1931 which compasseth 5437 z8802 x853 the whole
x3605 land 776 of Havilah, 2341 where 834 x8033 [there is] gold; 2091

2:12 And the gold 2091 of that 1931 land 776 [is] good: 2896 there x8033 [is] bdellium 916 and the onyx 7718 stone. 68

2:13 And the name 8034 of the second 8145 river 5104 [is] Gihon: 1521 the same x1931 [is] it that compasseth 5437 z8802 x853
the whole x3605 land 776 of Ethiopia. 3568

2:14 And the name 8034 of the third 7992 river 5104 [is] Hiddekel: 2313 that [is] it x1931 which goeth x1980 toward y1980
z8802 the east 6926 of Assyria. 804 And the fourth 7243 river 5104 [is] Euphrates. 6578

2:15 And the LORD 3068 God 430 took 3947 z8799 x853 the man, 120 and put x5117 him y3240 z8686 into the garden 1588 of
Eden 5731 to dress 5647 z8800 it and to keep 8104 z8800 it.

2:16 And the LORD 3068 God 430 commanded 6680 z8762 x5921 the man, 120 saying, 559 z8800 Of every x4480 x3605 tree
6086 of the garden 1588 thou mayest freely y398 z8800 eat: 398 z8799

2:17 But of the tree 6086 x4480 of the knowledge 1847 of good 2896 and evil, 7451 thou shalt not x3808 eat 398 z8799 of x4480
it: for x3588 in the day 3117 that thou eatest 398 z8800 thereof x4480 thou shalt surely y4191 z8800 die. 4191 z8799

2:18 ¶ And the LORD 3068 God 430 said, 559 z8799 [It is] not x3808 good 2896 that the man 120 should be 1961 z8800 alone;
x905 I will make 6213 z8799 him an help x5828 meet y5828 for him. x5048

2:19 And out of x4480 the ground 127 the LORD 3068 God 430 formed 3335 z8799 every x3605 beast 2416 of the field, 7704
and every x3605 fowl 5775 of the air; 8064 and brought 935 z8686 [them] unto x413 Adam y120 x121 to see 7200 z8800 what x4100
he would call 7121 z8799 them: and whatsoever x3605 x834 Adam y120 x121 called 7121 z8799 every living 2416 creature, 5315
that 1931 [was] the name x8034 thereof. y8034

2:20 And Adam y120 x121 gave 7121 z8799 names 8034 to all x3605 cattle, 929 and to the fowl 5775 of the air, 8064 and to
every x3605 beast 2416 of the field; 7704 but for Adam y120 x121 there was not x3808 found 4672 z8804 an help x5828 meet y5828
for him. x5048

2:21 And the LORD 3068 God 430 caused y5307 z0 a deep sleep 8639 to fall 5307 z8686 upon x5921 Adam, 121 and he slept:
3462 z8799 and he took 3947 z8799 one 259 of his ribs, 6763 x4480 and closed up 5462 z8799 the flesh 1320 instead x8478 thereof;

2:22 And x853 the rib, 6763 which x834 the LORD 3068 God 430 had taken 3947 z8804 from x4480 man, 120 made 1129 z8799
he a woman, 802 and brought 935 z8686 her unto x413 the man. 120
2:23 And Adam y120 x121 said, 559 z8799 This 2063 [is] now 6471 bone 6106 of my bones, 6106 x4480 and flesh 1320 of my
flesh: 1320 x4480 she 2063 shall be called 7121 z8735 Woman, 802 because x3588 she 2063 was taken 3947 z8795 out of Man. 376

2:24 Therefore 3651 x5921 shall a man 376 leave 5800 z8799 x853 his father 1 and his mother, 517 and shall cleave 1692 z8804
unto his wife: 802 and they shall be x1961 one 259 flesh. 1320

2:25 And they were x1961 both 8147 naked, 6174 the man 120 and his wife, 802 and were not x3808 ashamed. 954 z8709

Chapter Three

3:1 ¶ Now the serpent 5175 was 1961 z8804 more subtle 6175 than any x4480 x3605 beast 2416 of the field 7704 which x834 the
LORD 3068 God 430 had made. 6213 z8804 And he said 559 z8799 unto x413 the woman, 802 Yea, 637 x3588 hath God 430 said,
559 z8804 Ye shall not x3808 eat 398 z8799 of every x4480 x3605 tree 6086 of the garden? 1588

3:2 And the woman 802 said 559 z8799 unto x413 the serpent, 5175 We may eat 398 z8799 of the fruit 6529 x4480 of the trees
6086 of the garden: 1588

3:3 But of the fruit 6529 x4480 of the tree 6086 which x834 [is] in the midst 8432 of the garden, 1588 God 430 hath said, 559
z8804 Ye shall not x3808 eat 398 z8799 of x4480 it, neither x3808 shall ye touch 5060 z8799 it, lest 6435 ye die. 4191 z8799

3:4 And the serpent 5175 said 559 z8799 unto x413 the woman, 802 Ye shall not x3808 surely y4191 z8800 die: 4191 z8799

3:5 For x3588 God 430 doth know 3045 z8802 that x3588 in the day 3117 ye eat 398 z8800 thereof, x4480 then your eyes 5869
shall be opened, 6491 z8738 and ye shall be x1961 as gods, 430 knowing 3045 z8802 good 2896 and evil. 7451

3:6 And when the woman 802 saw 7200 z8799 that x3588 the tree 6086 [was] good 2896 for food, 3978 and that x3588 it 1931
[was] pleasant 8378 to the eyes, 5869 and a tree 6086 to be desired 2530 z8737 to make [one] wise, 7919 z8687 she took 3947 z8799
of the fruit x4480 x6529 thereof, y6529 and did eat, 398 z8799 and gave 5414 z8799 also 1571 unto her husband 376 with x5973 her;
and he did eat. 398 z8799

3:7 And the eyes 5869 of them both 8147 were opened, 6491 z8735 and they y1992 knew 3045 z8799 that x3588 they x1992
[were] naked; 5903 and they sewed 8609 z0 fig 8384 leaves 5929 together, y8609 z8799 and made x6213 themselves y6213 z8799
aprons. 2290

3:8 And they heard 8085 z8799 x853 the voice 6963 of the LORD 3068 God 430 walking 1980 z8693 in the garden 1588 in the
cool 7307 of the day: 3117 and Adam y120 x121 and his wife 802 hid themselves 2244 z8691 from the presence 6440 x4480 of the
LORD 3068 God 430 amongst 8432 the trees 6086 of the garden. 1588

3:9 And the LORD 3068 God 430 called 7121 z8799 unto x413 Adam, y120 x121 and said 559 z8799 unto him, Where x335
[art] thou? y335

3:10 And he said, 559 z8799 I heard 8085 z8804 x853 thy voice 6963 in the garden, 1588 and I was afraid, 3372 z8799 because
x3588 I 595 [was] naked; 5903 and I hid myself. 2244 z8735

3:11 And he said, 559 z8799 Who 4310 told 5046 z8689 thee that x3588 thou x859 [wast] naked? 5903 Hast thou eaten 398
z8804 of x4480 the tree, 6086 whereof x834 x4480 I commanded x6680 thee y6680 z8765 that thou shouldest not 1115 eat? 398

3:12 And the man 120 said, 559 z8799 The woman 802 whom x834 thou gavest 5414 z8804 [to be] with x5973 me, y5978 she
1931 gave 5414 z8804 me of x4480 the tree, 6086 and I did eat. 398 z8799

3:13 And the LORD 3068 God 430 said 559 z8799 unto the woman, 802 What x4100 [is] this x2063 [that] thou hast done? 6213
z8804 And the woman 802 said, 559 z8799 The serpent 5175 beguiled x5377 me, y5377 z8689 and I did eat. 398 z8799

3:14 And the LORD 3068 God 430 said 559 z8799 unto x413 the serpent, 5175 Because x3588 thou y859 hast done 6213 z8804
this, x2063 thou x859 [art] cursed 779 z8803 above all x4480 x3605 cattle, 929 and above every x4480 x3605 beast 2416 of the field;
7704 upon x5921 thy belly 1512 shalt thou go, y3212 z8799 x1980 and dust 6083 shalt thou eat 398 z8799 all x3605 the days 3117 of
thy life: 2416
3:15 And I will put 7896 z8799 enmity 342 between x996 thee and the woman, 802 and between x996 thy seed 2233 and her
seed; 2233 it x1931 shall bruise 7779 z8799 thy head, 7218 and thou x859 shalt bruise 7779 z8799 his heel. 6119

3:16 Unto x413 the woman 802 he said, 559 z8804 I will greatly 7235 z8687 multiply 7235 z8686 thy sorrow 6093 and thy
conception; 2032 in sorrow 6089 thou shalt bring forth 3205 z8799 children; 1121 and thy desire 8669 [shall be] to x413 thy husband,
376 and he x1931 shall rule 4910 z8799 over thee.

3:17 And unto Adam 121 he said, 559 z8804 Because x3588 thou hast hearkened 8085 z8804 unto the voice 6963 of thy wife,
802 and hast eaten 398 z8799 of x4480 the tree, 6086 of which 834 I commanded x6680 thee, y6680 z8765 saying, 559 z8800 Thou
shalt not x3808 eat 398 z8799 of x4480 it: cursed 779 z8803 [is] the ground 127 for thy sake; x5668 in sorrow 6093 shalt thou eat 398
z8799 [of] it all 3605 the days 3117 of thy life; 2416

3:18 Thorns x6975 also y6975 and thistles 1863 shall it bring forth 6779 z8686 to thee; and thou shalt eat 398 z8804 x853 the
herb 6212 of the field; 7704

3:19 In the sweat 2188 of thy face 639 shalt thou eat 398 z8799 bread, 3899 till 5704 thou return 7725 z8800 unto x413 the
ground; 127 for x3588 out of x4480 it wast thou taken: 3947 z8795 for x3588 dust 6083 thou 859 [art], and unto x413 dust 6083 shalt
thou return. 7725 z8799

3:20 And Adam y120 x121 called 7121 z8799 his wife's 802 name 8034 Eve; 2332 because x3588 she x1931 was x1961 the
mother 517 of all x3605 living. 2416

3:21 Unto Adam y120 x121 also and to his wife 802 did the LORD 3068 God 430 make 6213 z8799 coats 3801 of skins, 5785
and clothed x3847 them. y3847 z8686

3:22 ¶ And the LORD 3068 God 430 said, 559 z8799 Behold, 2005 the man 120 is become x1961 as one 259 of x4480 us, to
know 3045 z8800 good 2896 and evil: 7451 and now, x6258 lest x6435 he put forth 7971 z8799 his hand, 3027 and take 3947 z8804
also x1571 of the tree 6086 x4480 of life, 2416 and eat, 398 z8804 and live 2425 z8804 for ever: 5769

3:23 Therefore the LORD 3068 God 430 sent him forth 7971 z8762 from the garden 1588 x4480 of Eden, 5731 to till 5647 z8800
x853 the ground 127 from whence x4480 x8033 x834 he was taken. 3947 z8795

3:24 So he drove out 1644 z8762 x853 the man; 120 and he placed 7931 z8686 at the east 6924 x4480 of the garden 1588 of Eden
5731 x853 Cherubims, 3742 and a flaming 3858 sword 2719 which turned every way, 2015 z8693 to keep 8104 z8800 x853 the way
1870 of the tree 6086 of life. 2416

Chapter Four

4:1 ¶ And Adam y120 x121 knew 3045 853 z8804 Eve 2332 his wife; 802 and she conceived, 2029 z8799 and bare 3205 853
z8799 Cain, 7014 and said, 559 z8799 I have gotten 7069 z8804 a man 376 from 854 the LORD. 3068

4:2 And she again 3254 z8686 bare 3205 z8800 x853 his brother 251 x853 Abel. 1893 And Abel 1893 was x1961 a keeper 7462
z8802 of sheep, 6629 but Cain 7014 was x1961 a tiller 5647 z8802 of the ground. 127

4:3 And in process 7093 x4480 of time 3117 it came to pass, x1961 that Cain 7014 brought 935 z8686 of the fruit 6529 x4480 of
the ground 127 an offering 4503 unto the LORD. 3068

4:4 And Abel, 1893 he 1931 also x1571 brought 935 z8689 of the firstlings 1062 x4480 of his flock 6629 and of the fat 2459
x4480 thereof. And the LORD 3068 had respect 8159 z8799 unto x413 Abel 1893 and to x413 his offering: 4503

4:5 But unto x413 Cain 7014 and to x413 his offering 4503 he had not respect. 8159 z8804 x3808 And Cain 7014 was very 3966
wroth, 2734 z8799 and his countenance 6440 fell. 5307 z8799

4:6 And the LORD 3068 said 559 z8799 unto x413 Cain, 7014 Why x4100 art thou wroth? 2734 z8804 and why x4100 is thy
countenance 6440 fallen? 5307 z8804

4:7 If 518 thou doest well, 3190 z8686 shalt thou not x3808 be accepted? 7613 and if x518 thou doest not x3808 well, 3190
z8686 sin 2403 lieth 7257 z8802 at the door. 6607 And unto x413 thee [shall be] his desire, 8669 and thou x859 shalt rule 4910 z8799
over him.
4:8 And Cain 7014 talked 559 z8799 with 413 Abel 1893 his brother: 251 and it came to pass, x1961 when they were x1961 in the
field, 7704 that Cain 7014 rose up 6965 z8799 against 413 Abel 1893 his brother, 251 and slew x2026 him. y2026 z8799

4:9 ¶ And the LORD 3068 said 559 z8799 unto x413 Cain, 7014 Where 335 [is] Abel 1893 thy brother? 251 And he said, 559
z8799 I know 3045 z8804 not: x3808 [Am] I x595 my brother's 251 keeper? 8104 z8802

4:10 And he said, 559 z8799 What 4100 hast thou done? 6213 z8804 the voice 6963 of thy brother's 251 blood 1818 crieth 6817
z8802 unto x413 me from x4480 the ground. 127

4:11 And now x6258 [art] thou x859 cursed 779 z8803 from x4480 the earth, 127 which x834 hath opened 6475 z8804 x853 her
mouth 6310 to receive 3947 z8800 thy brother's 251 x853 blood 1818 from thy hand; 3027 x4480

4:12 When 3588 thou tillest 5647 z8799 x853 the ground, 127 it shall not x3808 henceforth 3254 z8686 yield 5414 z8800 unto
thee her strength; 3581 a fugitive 5128 z8801 and a vagabond 5110 z8802 shalt thou be x1961 in the earth. 776

4:13 And Cain 7014 said 559 z8799 unto x413 the LORD, 3068 My punishment 5771 [is] greater 1419 than I can bear. 5375
z8800 x4480

4:14 Behold, x2005 thou hast driven me out 1644 z8765 x853 this day 3117 from x4480 x5921 the face 6440 of the earth; 127
and from y5921 thy face 6440 x4480 shall I be hid; 5641 z8735 and I shall be x1961 a fugitive 5128 z8801 and a vagabond 5110
z8802 in the earth; 776 and it shall come to pass, 1961 z8804 [that] every one x3605 that findeth x4672 me y4672 z8802 shall slay
x2026 me. y2026 z8799

4:15 And the LORD 3068 said 559 z8799 unto him, Therefore 3651 whosoever x3605 slayeth 2026 z8802 Cain, 7014 vengeance
shall be taken 5358 z8714 on him sevenfold. 7659 And the LORD 3068 set 7760 z8799 a mark 226 upon Cain, 7014 lest 1115 any
x3605 finding 4672 z8802 him should kill 5221 z8687 him.

4:16 ¶ And Cain 7014 went out 3318 z8799 from the presence 6440 x4480 of the LORD, 3068 and dwelt 3427 z8799 in the land
776 of Nod, 5113 on the east 6926 of Eden. 5731

4:17 And Cain 7014 knew 3045 z8799 x853 his wife; 802 and she conceived, 2029 z8799 and bare 3205 z8799 x853 Enoch:
2585 and he builded 1129 z8802 x1961 a city, 5892 and called 7121 z8799 the name 8034 of the city, 5892 after the name 8034 of his
son, 1121 Enoch. 2585

4:18 And unto Enoch 2585 was born 3205 z8735 x853 Irad: 5897 and Irad 5897 begat 3205 z8804 x853 Mehujael: 4232 and
Mehujael 4232 begat 3205 z8804 x853 Methusael: 4967 and Methusael 4967 begat 3205 z8804 x853 Lamech. 3929

4:19 ¶ And Lamech 3929 took 3947 z8799 unto him two 8147 wives: 802 the name 8034 of the one 259 [was] Adah, 5711 and
the name 8034 of the other 8145 Zillah. 6741

4:20 And Adah 5711 bare 3205 z8799 x853 Jabal: 2989 he x1931 was x1961 the father 1 of such as dwell 3427 z8802 in tents,
168 and [of such as have] cattle. 4735

4:21 And his brother's 251 name 8034 [was] Jubal: 3106 he x1931 was x1961 the father 1 of all x3605 such as handle 8610 z8802
the harp 3658 and organ. 5748

4:22 And Zillah, 6741 she x1931 also x1571 bare 3205 z8804 x853 Tubalcain, 8423 an instructer 3913 z8803 of every x3605
artificer 2794 in brass 5178 and iron: 1270 and the sister 269 of Tubalcain 8423 [was] Naamah. 5279

4:23 And Lamech 3929 said 559 z8799 unto his wives, 802 Adah 5711 and Zillah, 6741 Hear 8085 z8798 my voice; 6963 ye
wives 802 of Lamech, 3929 hearken 238 z8685 unto my speech: 565 for x3588 I have slain 2026 z8804 a man 376 to my wounding,
6482 and a young man 3206 to my hurt. 2250

4:24 If 3588 Cain 7014 shall be avenged 5358 z8714 sevenfold, 7659 truly Lamech 3929 seventy 7657 and sevenfold. 7651

4:25 ¶ And Adam y120 x121 knew 3045 z8799 x853 his wife 802 again; 5750 and she bare 3205 z8799 a son, 1121 and called
7121 z8799 his x853 name 8034 Seth: 8352 For x3588 God, 430 [said she], hath appointed 7896 z8804 me another 312 seed 2233
instead y8478 of x8478 Abel, 1893 whom y3588 Cain 7014 slew. 2026 z8804

4:26 And to Seth, 8352 to him 1931 also x1571 there was born 3205 z8795 a son; 1121 and he called 7121 z8799 x853 his name
8034 Enos: 583 then x227 began x2490 men y2490 z8717 to call 7121 z8800 upon the name 8034 of the LORD. 3068

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