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Metacognitive Reflection

Kanav Arora

Perm Number: 7070154

Writing 2

March 16, 2024


Embarking on Writing 2 from a background in Computer Science—a discipline where

writing traditionally plays a supporting role—I held a sceptical view of the relevance of

writing for me beyond the technical documentation and code comments. This scepticism,

however, was promptly challenged as the course moved on, slowly revealing the profound

integration of writing with critical thinking, effective communication, and the broader range

of sharing knowledge across disciplines. Through a long exploration into the details of

writing processes, genres, and rhetorical strategies, I discovered how writing can be a

dynamic tool for articulation and communication. As I navigated through lessons, readings,

and revisions, I came to recognize the transformation of my own writing practices, from

initial apprehension and nervousness to an appreciation for writing. This reflection aims to

trace the arc of my growth as a writer over the quarter, examining how my engagement with

writing evolved and highlighting the emergence of a personal writing style informed by

conscious choices and iterative refinement. Thus, Writing 2 served as a pivotal chapter not

only this quarter in UCSB but in my academic journey, one that significantly altered my

approach to thinking, reading, and writing, and equipped me with a robust set of skills and

perspectives to carry forward into my future endeavours.

Transitioning from my initial reflections to a deeper analysis of my learning journey

reveals a profound transformation in my engagement with writing. Initially, I approached

writing with a sense of detachment, under the impression that excelling in writing wasn't

necessary for my major. This belief was rooted in the misconception that writing talent was

an innate talent rather than a skill that could be cultivated. However, as the course progressed,

my understanding of the writing process changed dramatically. Writing, as discussed by

Szalay in "Making Choices in Writing," is an iterative, decision-making process similar to


sculpting, where each choice significantly shapes the outcome.1 This analogy deepened my

understanding of the writing processes by shedding light on the importance of strategic

deliberation in writing to communicate and engage effectively. Not only writing but my

preconceived notions about genres and writing conventions also underwent significant

change. Previously, my understanding of genres was simplistic, likening them to categories in

movies or books without acknowledging their broader implications. Engagements with

various works in class, such as Lisa Bickmore's, broadened my perspective, introducing

genres as dynamic, evolving forms of communication that adapt to specific contexts.2 This

realisation underscored the flexibility and complexity of writing beyond simple

categorization. Not only genres, but learning about multiple important topics also came from

varied sources and practical experiences throughout the course. Works like "How to Read

Like a Writer" by Mike Bunn and "Literary Genre Translations" by Cirocco Dunlap served

not just as readings but as foundational pillars that shaped my approach to writing3. These

resources, coupled with engaging lecture materials on numerous topics such as thesis

construction and genre discussions, provided a multifaceted understanding of writing as a

craft. Not only that but , learning about citations like Chicago style and the iterative process

of draft revision were pivotal in honing my technical writing skills. Regularly attending office

hours and seeking feedback from the instructor and classmates was also instrumental in

Jessie Szalay, "Decisions, Decisions," in Open English @ SLCC, 2016,
Lisa Bickmore, “GENRE in the WILD: Understanding Genre Within Rhetorical
(Eco)Systems,” Pressbooks, August 1, 2016,
in-rhetorical -ecosystems/.
Mike Bunn, "How to Read Like a Writer," in Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume
2, ed. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky (Parlor Press, 2011),

transforming my writing, reinforcing the idea that writing is not merely a talent but a skill

that flourishes with persistent effort and open-minded engagement.

This exploration into writing's depths sets the stage for reflecting on the creation of

my two essays, each harnessing distinct genres: a formal scientific paper and an engaging

meme format. These endeavours highlighted the unique power of genre to shape message and

reach, demonstrating the importance of adaptability in writing. My style, favouring simplicity

and conciseness, aims to communicate ideas directly and effectively, ensuring accessibility

and clarity for diverse audiences. The process behind these essays began with brainstorming

to capture initial thoughts, later refined through critical review to distil the most coherent and

logical points. This approach, while systematic, also embraced flexibility, allowing for

iterative revisions driven by feedback and self-reflection. Such revisions were not arbitrary

but targeted, aimed at enhancing clarity and depth without compromising the essence of my

message. In crafting these essays, I consciously chose to embody a writing style that balances

simplicity with analytical depth, reflecting my belief in the power of clear and direct

communication. This preference for straightforwardness, coupled with a rigorous revision

process, showcases my individuality and creativity as a writer, embodying my journey

towards a more nuanced and effective writing practice.

Talking about writing styles, one of the main strengths of my writing style, I believe,

is rooted in my revision process and the meticulous method I follow—a practice that was

significantly refined throughout my work on Writing Projects 1 and 2. Reflecting on my

portfolio, the revisions across these projects were not merely about correcting errors but were

deeply tied to enhancing the clarity, coherence, and depth of my essays. While I believed that

my essay structure was concise and easy to follow, I recognized an issue in some of my

paragraphs: the lack of sufficient backing for my arguments. This realisation led me to focus

on bolstering my claims with more substantial evidence and examples, striving to ensure that

each point was not only clearly presented but also thoroughly supported. This approach

significantly contributed to the overall strength and persuasiveness of my writing. In Writing

Project 1, feedback from peers and instructors was instrumental in addressing several key

areas for improvement. Notably, issues with citation formatting were corrected by adopting

the precise Chicago style, enhancing the essay's scholarly integrity. Moreover, a significant

revision in the writing involved working on the content of a few of the paragraphs itself . For

example, expanding discussions on the methodologies of AI and Sports Science, employing

the five-argument technique we learned in class. This adjustment went beyond mere addition

of content; it aimed to deepen the reader's understanding and engagement by contextualising

the discussion with clearer arguments. Such a deliberate choice not only made the essay more

informative but also more compelling. Additionally, refining the transitions between

paragraphs also enhanced the narrative's flow and cohesion. This improvement made the

essay not only more readable but also ensured that its argumentation was seamless.

For Writing Project 2, the focus was on honing argumentative clarity and engaging a

broader audience through the creative use of memes. Revisions included the insertion of

specific meme examples right after discussing universal conventions. This was a strategic

choice to provide clear, illustrative examples of how memes function within their

conventions, thereby demonstrating the theory in practice. The revision process also involved

refining the summary and the intro to emphasise the transformative power of genre

translation for knowledge sharing and public engagement, providing a stronger conclusion

that underscored the broader implications of the work.Significant, too, was the incorporation

of more examples and arguments to back my claims, guided by techniques learnt in class for

effective revision. Reflective writing, as introduced by Giles, became a critical tool, allowing

me to evaluate my intentions and choices throughout the revision process carefully.4 This

approach helped me to implement targeted changes that substantiated my arguments and

enhanced the essay's overall quality. I've learned the importance of backing arguments with

specific examples and authoritative sources, a practice that not only strengthens the essay’s

persuasive power but also demonstrates rigorous scholarly engagement.These large-scale

revisions, informed by classroom techniques and feedback, underscore my belief in

thoughtful, purpose-driven change. This iterative approach not only refined my essays but

also crystallised my understanding of effective communication, setting the stage for

reflections on the cumulative learning throughout this course which I talk about in much

more detail in the revision matrix.

The journey through Writing 2 has been transformative, profoundly affecting my

approach to writing and thinking. This portfolio is a testament to that evolution, showcasing a

significant leap in my ability to critically analyse, revise, and articulate my thoughts. The

strongest aspect of my writing now lies in the power of revision and iteration—a skill that has

enhanced the clarity and persuasiveness of my essays. Looking forward, I am excited to apply

the insights gained from this course to future academic endeavours, confident that the skills

acquired will be invaluable in crafting research papers and engaging in scholarly discourse.

Despite the challenges, including the nuanced task of translating scientific papers into

memes, the course reinforced the importance of persistence, curiosity, and the willingness to

seek guidance. These experiences have not only enriched my writing but have also prepared

me for the diverse challenges of academic and professional communication, underscoring the

endless possibilities that effective writing can unlock.

Sandra L. Giles, "Reflective Writing and the Revision Process: What Were You Thinking?"
in Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 1, eds. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky
(Parlor Press, 2010),

Reference List

Szalay, Jessie. "Decisions, Decisions." In Open English @ SLCC. 2016.


Bickmore, Lisa. "Genre in the Wild: Understanding Genre Within Rhetorical (Eco)Systems."

Pressbooks, August 1, 2016.


Bunn, Mike. "How to Read Like a Writer." In Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume

2, edited by Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. Parlor Press, 2011.

Giles, Sandra L. "Reflective Writing and the Revision Process: What Were You Thinking?"

In Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 1, edited by Charles Lowe and Pavel

Zemliansky, Parlor Press, 2010.

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