The Origin of Crhistmas

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The “Christmas” is a pagan celebration because between December 17
and 23, Saturnalia was celebrated a festival in honor of Saturn, god of
agriculture and harvest. That week coincided with the winter solstice,
the darkest period of the year and in which the Sun rises later and sets
earlier during the celebration of Saturn, both peasants and slaves
postponed daily work, they could visit their families and friends,
exchange gifts and hold large public banquets. The festival lasted seven
days, this celebration was already part of the Roman calendar, but in
order to 'convert' the Romans between the years 320 and 353, Pope
Julius I set the solemnity of Christmas on December its first years
of life, the Catholic Church did not celebrate births: people's deaths
were the most important thing. However, in order to separate the
population from pagan festivals, the Church decided that December 25
would be the day to commemorate the birth of Jesus and thus
Christmas took its place from the Saturnalia festivals in the winter of
The birth of Santa Claus had its origin in Turkey, since it is based on the
Christian bishop Nicolas of Bari. Nicolás had an excellent economic
position, but when his parents died, he distributed his possessions
among the poor and dedicated his life to religion in order to comfort the
loss of his parents. His concern for the little ones was such that he was
baptized "The Bishop of the Children." And later Coca-Cola take this
history and do “Santa Claus or Santa” like we know, he was created in
1931 with Haddon Sundblom of the agency of ads. With not important
thing “Santa/Nicolas” died in 6 of December of 345, so he can´t give
presents to all the kids in
24/25 that it´s so amazing and “Santa” if we believe he not die and still
here he will be approx. 1679 this year rea.

A curiosity that everyone knows is that he "Lives at the North Pole" but I
am not a faithful believer of that, but everyone believes what they want,
so maybe I am not right or maybe yes, I don´t know.

In Christmas eve change in deferent countries lit. all in Venezuela they

eat hallaca, pan de jamon etc. In Mexico they eat turkey in all its
preparations, pork leg and loin, romeritos with shrimp pancakes, the fish
and seafood that are eaten on the Mexican coast, punch, tamales and
atoles, apple salads. In brasil they eat Christmas roast goose, Brazilian-
style turkey or chicken, roast suckling pig, farofa, rabanadas
(of Portuguese origin) and other sweet fried foods while toasting beer
or wine. In EE.UU. eat usually turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, and
savory pies But what about the celebrations?

Well, all of us celebrate Christmas eve, Noche Buena etc. all are totally
the same stay with family, have presents etc. but every country have
something different like toys, trends and the dinner the important of all
is stay in family.

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