The Copywriting Crash Course Ebook

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The Copywriting
Crash Course
“How To Ethically Cheat Your
Way To Crafting Advertising
Promotions That Produce
Profits On Demand”
By John L. Anghelache

Copyright Notices
Copyright © 2007 by John L. Anghelache

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by

any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or
by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing
from the publisher. Requests for permission or further information should be
addressed to John L. Anghelache, 17566 Merlin Drive, Lowell, IN 46356.

Published by John L. Anghelache

17566 Merlin Drive
Lowell, IN 46356

Phone: (219) 789-4456



Legal Notices
While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this
publication, neither the author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility for
errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.

This publication is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice.
The Publisher wants to stress that the information contained herein may be
subject to varying state and/or local laws or regulations. All users are advised to
retain competent counsel to determine what state and/or local laws or regulations
may apply to the user’s particular business.

The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of
these materials and information. Adherence to all applicable laws and
regulations, both federal and state and local, governing professional licensing,
business practices, advertising and all other aspects of doing business in the
United States or any other jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the purchaser
or reader. The author and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability
whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials.

Any perceived slights of people or organizations is unintentional.

Page 2

What Others Say About

John L. Anghelache…
"John is only one of a handful of new copywriters
on the scene I'd trust. In fact, I hired him recently
to write a sales letter for one of my $6,250 products.
He jam-packed the letter with killer salesmanship.
I'm delighted with the results."
Gary C. Halbert,

"When I read the copy John wrote about my Breakthrough

Copywriting Seminar, I became so enthused I wanted to watch
the DVDs all over again!... He 'gets' it -- and if you're lucky
enough to have him write copy for you, you'll profit from it!"
David Garfinkel, World Copywriting Institute

"I have to tell you the bullet copy you just wrote for
me is fantastic. You pack benefit after benefit into your
copy that practically glued my eyes to every page
from beginning to end."
Yanik Silver, Sure Fire Marketing, Inc.

"But more than that, his sales letter is pulling sales

and making money, which is the real world test.
He's an excellent copywriter."
Dr. Joe Vitale, Hypnotic Marketing Inc.

"By the way folks, John is primarily an offline copywriter...

and a damn fine one. (I know, I've hired him!)"
Michel Fortin, The Success Doctor, Inc.

“John, I can count the number of copywriters I’ll hire

on one hand and still have enough left-over digits
to hold a pencil securely. For the quality, timeliness
and hassle-free results you delivered, I’ll
confidently hire you again."
Peter Stone,

Page 3

Table Of Contents

Introduction………………………………………………………………... pg. 5

Goal Setting:
The first step to creating advertising that works……………………….. pg. 7

Swiping and Templates:

How to ethically “cheat” your way to killer copy………………………... pg. 13

Knowing What To Say:

What really determines the results of your advertising………………… pg. 16

Choosing The Right Swipes

How to plan a winning strategy…………………………………………… pg. 21

Take a Break:
Why taking a break will summon the breakthrough……………………. pg. 30

Writing The Ad:

How to write ads even if you have no creative bone in your body……. pg. 31

Editing and Rewriting

How to edit and rewrite quickly…………………………………………… pg. 60

Test The Ad:

Why you should never skip this…………………………………………… pg. 62

Step-by-step summary of the copywriting process……………………… pg. 63

Page 4


Before we get started, I’d like to set a few things straight.

Writing world-class copy is tough. The amount of work it takes is mind-numbing

to most people. However, you can get very good results by “cheating” your way
through the process. Ethically.

This ebook will show you the shortcuts to writing profit-producing copy without
going through the usual stress and struggle. I should add this: What I’m about to
reveal to you is not necessarily the best way to write copy in every case. For
most business owners…

What You Discover Here Will

Be All You’ll Ever Need

In my opinion, a lot of copywriting tutorials complicate the process. Maybe on

purpose. I don’t know. I do know that I’ve read copywriting courses that present
the subject as if it’s rocket science.

Not true.

Writing copy that sells is easier than you might think if you know how to shortcut.
But, let’s face it, like anything worth doing, to do it well it takes work. Sometimes
long hours and a lot of coffee. That does not appeal to business owners who
want to crank out an ad as fast as possible… and… see that ad pull in sales.

Which is why I’ve written this ebook.

I’m going to show you how it’s done the easy way. Because, when it comes right
down to it, I doubt very much you’re interested in becoming the next Claude
Hopkins anyway. You just want a proven method or system that takes you step
by step from the headline to the post script. And when you’re done…

You Want An Ad
That Makes More Money
Than It Costs To Run

I know exactly how you feel. I’ve often had to produce a winning promotion from
scratch without much lead time. When that happens, this is what I do.

Not to “honk” my own horn, but I’ve had promotions pull in over $30,000,000 in
sales online and offline.

Page 5

So what I’m about to tell you gets the job done.

You’ll notice this ebook is a quick read. I wrote it that way on purpose. Along with
the audio instruction, you’re getting everything you need to put this system in
place quickly and easily.

What you need to bring to the table is the desire to follow simple instructions that
can transform your ability to create responsive advertising. Keep in mind: You’re
only one good ad from financial freedom. Others have done it and so can you.

Here’s An Easy And Quick

Way To Write Powerful Ads That
Can Make You Rich…

Page 6

Goal Setting

The beginning of the process to writing killer copy is to first determine what your
goals are for the ad. By the way, when I say “ad”, I mean website, direct mail
letter, space ad or whatever. Okay?

Hardly anyone I know (including some really good copywriters) bother to sit down

Figure Out What Results They

Want From Writing An Ad

Don’t make that mistake.

For the most part, your ad can only do one of two things…

1. Generate leads… or…

2. Produce sales

The first thing you do is sit down and decide exactly which one of those two
objectives you want to accomplish. Because your ad can only perform one of
those options at one time.

Ads that generate leads must be written in a different way than ads that ask for
the sale. In any case, you must get straight on that issue.

Here Are A Few Questions

To Ask Yourself Before Sitting
Down To Write…

• What is the purpose of this ad? To generate leads or sales?

• How many leads or sales would I like to get by running this ad?

• Is this copy for a space ad, website, direct mail letter, etc.?

• If the ad is running in a publication what publication will it run in?

• What other similar ads have I used with success?

The answers to those questions set the tone for the copy you’ll be writing. You’ll
know the purpose of the ad. You’ll set a simple goal as to how many leads or
sales you want to get. You’ll know what medium the ad will run in. You’ll know

Page 7

the specific publication. Which also lets you know you should read over a few
back issues of that publication.

And you’ll arm yourself with a few winning ads that you’ve used before. All of this
simple preliminary “goal setting”…

Will Pay Big Dividends

In The Long Run

Because you’ll set yourself up for the win by determining (well in advance) what
you want to get from creating this particular promotion. Once you know the goal
you’re shooting for, it’s a whole lot easier to craft the ad.

On the next few pages, I will share with you one lead generation ad example…
and… one ad that asks for the sale. If you were to use the lead generation ad
online as a landing page you would simply ask for the first name and email
address of the reader.

I think it’s important that you see the differences between these types of ads.
They are really the only two kinds of ads you’ll ever write. Some will try to capture
the contact information of the reader so you can follow up. Others will ask for the
order right from the ad.

In either case, you’ll now see why you must…

Pre-Plan And
Set Your Goals Before You
Start Writing Any Copy

Page 8

Lead Generation Ad Example

Free Report Reveals…

How To Gain Up To 30 Pounds

Of Rock-Hard Muscle In 30 Days
Working Out Just 30 Minutes Per Week!
Bodybuilding insiders have just released a free report detailing the results of a
secret workout program. This workout program is so effective the average
bodybuilder who tried it gained a minimum of 12 pounds of muscle in a month. A few
bodybuilders packed on 30 pounds…

With Little To
No Fat Accumulation

Besides incredible muscle gains, bodybuilders testing this workout protocol

increased their overall strength by up to 45%. Core exercise strength for bench
presses, squats, deadlifts, military presses and calf raises shot off the charts.

This workout is so brutal it’s not for everybody. If you can’t devote 30 minutes per
week, train to absolute muscular failure… and… follow simple instructions to the
letter… this is not for you. On the other hand, if this is not a problem for you… then…

You Should Read This

Free Report Immediately

It’s easy to get a copy.

All you have to do is call my free recorded hotline and leave your name and
address. The report will be sent to you by First Class Mail the same day.


Page 9

Example Of An Ad Asking For The Order

How Even A “Hard-Gainer” Can Pack

On At Least 10 Pounds Of Chiseled Muscle
In The Next 30 Days… Guaranteed!
If you would like to gain a minimum of 10 pounds of muscle in the next 30 days, this
is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read.

Here’s why:

Let’s face it: Some people have better genetics than others. They got lucky. Their
parents had the “muscle building gene” and passed it on. These freaks of nature can look
at a barbell and add mounds of beef to their frame.

But What About The Rest Of Us?

Unless you “juice”, your genetic pre-disposition will allow you to put on only so much
muscle so quickly. Natural hard-gainers tend to hit plateaus like a brick wall. Often. It’s
frustrating to grind out grueling rep after grueling rep… day in and day out… and… have
little to show for it.

Well, guess what? A team of exercise scientists set out to discover what really makes
muscles grow. Over the past 24 months they’ve developed an amazing training system so
revolutionary it will turn the bodybuilding world on its ear.

With this system you… don’t have to be in the gym six or seven days a week… don’t
need any special and expensive supplements you’ll piss out anyway… don’t stuff yourself
like a pig just to gain a few pounds (mostly of fat)… and…

Don’t Ever Have To Train

For More Than 30 Minutes During
Any One Training Session

The exercise scientists who developed this powerful program had one goal in mind: To
find out how to maximize muscle gains as quickly as possible.

They did a double-blind test for 90 days. Which is really the only valid way to
scientifically test any theory or product. They took 500 subjects and put them on a regular
six-day a week workout. Another 500 subjects did this workout one day a week for 30
minutes. The results were shocking. Here’s what the scientists discovered…

Page 10

Bodybuilders in the first group showed almost no muscle or strength gains. All subjects, in
both groups, were advanced bodybuilders who had been training for at least five years.

On the other hand, the bodybuilders in the second group (the group that used this new
workout system) gained an average of 10 solid pounds of bodyweight. Their bench press shot
up by 20%... squats increased by 30%... deadlifts by 54%... military press by 46%... and calf
raises by 78%. Not only did these bodybuilders gain muscle their strength went through the
roof. Some of them even put on 30 pounds with hardly any fat.

Reach Your Genetic Potential

In Half The Time

Since this workout is so effective, scientists believe most people (even hard-core hard
gainers) can reach their genetic muscular potential in half the time.

That’s why they’ve put together a special report that details the entire program. When you
read it you’ll discover these little-known secrets…

• How to activate maximum muscle mass while you sleep.

• The only supplement you should ever take if you want to recuperate faster from each
workout… and… gain strength from workout to workout. It works like crazy.

• Five simple exercises guaranteed to make you into a “mass monster”. Everyone
will think you’re shooting ‘roids… even though… you’ll never have to touch any
illegal substances to get as big as you possibly can.

• Lifting techniques of the world’s strongest men. Now you’ll know how to explode
your growth by using these…

Secret Overload Strategies

• What to eat for lean muscle gains that almost never stop. You’ll tear through your
clothes and be forced to buy a new wardrobe when you start eating this way.

• How to build bar-bending strength.

• Why you must avoid getting fat at all costs.

• A secret source of motivation that’ll have you “beasting out” during every
workout. You’ll need this kind of crazed intensity to reach your bodybuilding
goals faster than you ever thought possible. You’ll become unstoppable once you
know this.

• Why reading the “muscle rags” is stopping you from getting big beyond belief.

Page 11

• The real reason hard-gainers almost never reach their bodybuilding dreams.

• Scientific proof of what it takes to force your body to create new muscle almost on
demand until you reach your true genetic peak. Maybe the most powerful secret to
bodybuilding and strength success not one gym rat in ten thousand knows about.

• A complete step-by-step workout protocol that will transform your body in as little
as 30 days. Just follow the simple instructions and you’ll be a muscle freak in no

• How to maximize your natural muscular ability within one short year.

• And much, much more.

These amazing secrets are all in the new report entitled… “Scientific Secrets To Maximum
Muscle Mass And Strength”. The report is a quick read. Just 75 pages long. But within those
pages lies the secrets you’ve been searching for. And they can be yours if you act quickly.

It’s Easy To Order

Here’s how you can get your hands on this report with no financial risk to you at all. Order
the report by mail. Keep it and read it over for the next 30 days. If for any reason you don’t
think this information will change your approach to bodybuilding then send it back for a full
refund. However, by following the simple plan in this report, you’ll see such amazing changes
that you’ll want to keep it forever.

To order, write your name and address and the words “BODYBUILDING SECRET” on a
piece of paper and send it with $10 to: Scientific Muscle Building Inc., Dept. 1130, 100 Main
St., Anywhere, USA 00000. Make checks and money orders payable to: Scientific Muscle
Building Inc.”

The book will be sent to you promptly by return mail. If you have any questions or would
prefer to order by phone call toll-free…


Page 12

Swiping And Templates

I believe “swiping” is the fastest and easiest way to produce great copy.

The term “swiping” means: To use another ad as a model or template for your
own ad. It’s a shortcut and alternative to coming up with an ad by yourself.

There is a perfectly legitimate way to swipe. The idea is to use another ad for
inspiration. Not to copy or plagiarize someone else’s hard work. The extent to
which you take exact elements from one ad and put them into yours depends.

Swiping Gives You

A Number Of Benefits…

• You don’t have to come up with an ad without some reference point.

That’s what stops so many business owners dead in their tracks. They
don’t know the concept of swiping proven ads to create their own. So they
think the process is too difficult.

• If you choose the right swipes, you’ll be modeling successful ads that have
proven sales copy. Which puts the odds of success in your favor.

• You’ll be able to write ads faster and test more of them. And, therefore,
you’ll find winning ads that you can run over and over again faster.

Why don’t more business owners swipe the content of their ads?

Well, like I said before, the majority of them don’t know they can. Those who are
in the know, are unsure of the best way to swipe. Because if you do it wrong,
you’ll pay for it with mediocre results.

Later on, we’ll discuss how to properly swipe and use templates. The main
purpose of this section is to…

Let You In
On This “Secret”

To let you know that you can and should swipe other winning promotions when
coming up with a new one. Or when you want to bump the response to an ad
that’s starting to lose its edge.

When I was first starting out as a copywriter, my swipe file saved me several
times. I went to a Dan Kennedy seminar on copywriting and he mentioned the
importance of building a comprehensive swipe file. Several of his marketing

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students exclaimed about what a huge difference using swipes was having in
their business. These people were “heavy hitters”.

Millionaires And

It dawned on me that I should pay particular attention to using swipes and

creating templates of those swipes before I start writing.

I’ll show you how to do this later.

But, every ad has an infrastructure that makes it flow. You just have to be able to
spot that infrastructure and then borrow it for your copy.

The flow of the swipe is the template. It’s how the ad “moves” from thought to
thought and from one copy block to the next. The hard part is pinpointing it in the
first place. Once you do, it’s smooth sailing. Just follow the pattern.

And that leads me to an important point.

This whole topic about swiping and templates is nothing new. Tony Robbins (the
motivational speaker) talks about the Ultimate Success Formula. Part of that
formula (a big part) is modeling successful people.

For instance, if you want to be a successful direct marketer, find other successful
direct marketers and do what they do.

If you want to walk on hot coals, find people who know how to do that and model
their process.

If you want to meet the love of your life, find people who have met their perfect
match and do what they did.

Swiping is the same thing.

Find Successful Ads And

Model Them For Your Use

As simple as this sounds, few people bother. For some reason, they think they
have to struggle to fill up a blank piece of paper. But you don’t. At least not after
getting through this course.

Before you can swipe properly, though, you have to know how to do it.

Like I said earlier, a big problem with swiping is doing it the wrong way and
getting poor response as a result.

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There Is A “Science”
To Swiping

Learning how to do it right will liberate you forever from being unsure how to put
together a winning promotion. From now on, whenever you have the job of
creating powerful copy, you’ll have a blueprint at your fingertips that is easy to
follow along the way.

Page 15

Knowing What To Say

The biggest problem anyone faces when it comes to writing their own copy is…

Knowing What To Say

Otherwise articulate professionals get stumped by this dilemma. There is a

simple solution that you can implement to totally eliminate “writer’s block” forever.

I want to make sure you understand the importance of knowing “what to say”.
Here’s a simple example: You go to a party. There is a very good looking model
there and you’d like to meet her. So do all of the other men in the room.

One guy walks up to her and tells her about his mansion. Another guy tries to
impress her by talking about his business success. Another guy tells her about
his new Corvette. And on and on. Each guy tries his luck at making this beautiful
model interested in him. But none of them succeeds.

Now, let’s say you have some insider knowledge about this girl. Let’s say you
know she loves puppies. So instead of talking to her about all these things she
does not care about… you… tell her about your puppy and invite her to see it.

She gets up and walks out the door with you.

Do you see the difference between knowing what to say and not?

Knowing what to say comes down to understanding what your market wants to
hear about and listen to. Some things are not interesting to them. Others are
mildly interesting. A few things…

Hit Their Hot Buttons

Every Time

Because they are passionate about those things.

It’s your job to know what your market is willing to listen to. Then talk about those
hot buttons only… and… exclusively.

Of course, it’s often difficult to put yourself in their shoes. The fact that you sell a
particular product or service to a specific market does not mean you are one of
them. However, if you want to succeed at selling them in the easiest way
possible you have to find out what they are willing to pay attention to.

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Once you find that out, you make a concerted effort to highlight those things of
interest to the market only. And, at the same time, avoid talking about things they
could care less about. Otherwise, I guarantee you’ll lose them.

This is your number one endeavor…

To Focus Your Marketing

Message Only On What The Market
Wants To Know About

How do you do that?

Here’s where simple market research comes in.

The absolute easiest way to find out what to say to your market is to find, study
and dissect other winning promotions. In other words, find winning ads and use
them to discover what the market is willing to listen to.

If an ad has been running over and over again… or… a direct mail letter has
been sent over and over again… or… a website has been up on the world wide
web for awhile… then… you know those promotions are working. All you have to
do is get your hands on them and look at the content of each ad. Right there lies
everything you need to know about what to say to your market.

I want to stress that you almost…

NEVER Have To Invent Copy

Unless you are pioneering a new product in a totally new market. Even then, you
can use similar ads as templates to swipe content from.

Where do you find these templates? It depends on what type of ad you are
putting together. Basically, the process goes like this…

For Space Ads…

Look in niche and hobby magazines and trade journals and publications. If you’re
selling to Realtors, look in the industry trade pubs. If you’re selling to people
involved in scarp-booking look in those hobby magazines. Etc.

If possible, go to the nearest largest public library and see if they have a couple
of years of back issues of these magazines, publications and newspapers.

The idea is to search through them and to make copies of the ads that keep
running. These are the ones making money… because… they know what to say
to get people to buy.

Page 17

For Direct Mail…

Get on the mailing lists of competitors. Buy a cheap product and you’ll be on their
list… plus… every other list that conceivably ties in to your product and market.

Collect all the letters they send and see which ones keep mailing. Those are the
proven winners. Those are the ones you keep in your swipe file.

For Websites…

Do a simple Google search under your keywords. The top organic sites that
come up (the ones on the left side of the page) should be bookmarked. Also look
at the right side of the page for the top sites that come up for paid search.

What you are looking for is web sites that look like ads or sales letters that have
been running for a long time on the Internet. These are making sales. Also
bookmark landing pages that collect names and emails.

At this website you can get your hands on some of the best ads ever written. Ads
that were crafted my master copywriters including: Claude Hopkins, Gary
Halbert, Eugene Schwartz, John Carlton, etc. Although these ads may not relate
directly to your product, it’s a good idea to keep them in a swipe file as well. They
provide a great deal of tested copy you can use to mold your promotion around.

The whole point here is to find the winning ads (preferably in your market) selling
to your type of customer. Then, you will have at your fingertips copy that you can
swipe to craft your promotion. This process takes the guesswork out of trying to
figure out… what to say.

Before we go on, let me give you a few examples that highlight how you would
figure out what to say to any market.

Let’s first take the golf market.

I don’t golf.

Hate it.

But, if I wanted to write a good golf ad (even though I’m not in the market and
haven’t studied it at all) I could easily do that by following the advice above. The
first thing I would do is find several winning promotions that keep running in the
golf magazines.

Here’s one for an ad that has run for years in the golf magazines.

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Check out the headline…

Amazing Secret Discovered By One-Legged

Golfer Adds 50 Yards To Your Drives, Eliminates
Hooks and Slices… And Can Slash Up To 10
Strokes From Your Game Almost Overnight!

That’s a real headline from an ad that’s run in Golf Tips, Golf and other such
publications for years and years. Let’s do a quick analysis on this headline.

Remember: What we absolutely must know is… What To Say… to our market in
order to get their attention, spark their interest, build their desire and get them to
take action by ordering.

So the obvious question is: What do you say to golfers to get them to read a golf
ad and order?

By looking at the headline above, I can guess a few things…

1. golfers are interested in what other golfers have discovered to improve

their own game

2. golfers want to add more yards to their drives

3. they want to eliminate hooks

4. they want to eliminate slices

5. they want to slash strokes from their game

6. they would prefer to do all this quickly

See what I mean?

Without knowing anything about the golf market… and… by simply looking at a
proven ad… I now know some of the things to talk about in my golf ad. I know
what to say by modeling the successful ad above.

Let’s look at a diet ad headline example…

New High-Speed Diet Formula Used

By Top Fashion Models Produces An
Extremely Fast Weight-Loss!

The headline above is from a diet ad that was running in a local newspaper.
Again, our number one goal is to figure out what to say to dieters so they read

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our ad and order. From this headline, I pick up a few things you definitely want to
say to people interested in losing weight. Such as…

1. dieters want fast results

2. they want some sort of a pill or formula

3. they want to look as good as fashion models

How about one more example? This one is for an ad aimed at real estate
investors in the Chicago area. Here’s the headline…

How To Buy And Sell Houses In

The Chicago Area Without Using
Your Money Or Credit!

What do you say to this market of potential investors and those who are
investors? Well, it seems to me these would be the hot buttons…

1. they want to buy and sell houses

2. they don’t want to use their money

3. they don’t want to use their credit

I think these brief examples have given you a good indication of what I mean. But
I want to stress, yet again, the important thing here is to know what the market
wants. That tells you what you have to say. Because no one pays attention to
something they are not interested in.

You shortcut the process of writing your ad by simply looking at proven winners
to see what they say. Those hot buttons are usually going to be the same or
similar for your product or service.

Maybe not all of them.

But now you know what the market is willing to respond to. Then you can either
include those points in your copy if they pertain to your product. Or you can
modify your product so that you can talk about those proven hot buttons that elicit
positive response.

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Choose The Right Swipes

If you are following along, at this point, you would have gotten your hands on a
few proven ads selling successfully to people in your market.

Next, choose two or three of them. Choose ones that match what you sell to your
niche market as closely as possible. You are now better off than 99% of the
business owners out there faced with an ad to write. They have no clue what to
do. You have just taken the most important step to…

Creating Powerful Ads

Without Having To Think
Them Up On Your Own

What you do next is simple. You read those ads OUT LOUD. Slowly. The idea is
to get a feel for how the ad is trying to sell you. As you read it (out loud and
slowly) you’ll come across certain parts that really appeal to you.

Make a note of those parts.

Maybe the headline resonates well with you. It could be a certain feature or
benefit of the product. Or maybe the closing copy (where you ask for the order)
gets your blood boiling and almost makes you take out your wallet. Write down
all the parts of these ads that hit your hot buttons.

Because you’ll be sure to include similar copy in your ad.

After reading each of the two or three swipes out loud and slowly (and making
notes as appropriate)… the next thing you do is…

Make A List Of Benefits

In Each Ad

A benefit, by the way, is what something DOES for the person using it. The
reason you want to make a list of benefits in each ad is to make sure you don’t
miss any benefits in your ad that would appeal to your market.

In other words, since you chose swipes that sell similar products (maybe even
the same kind of product) as you do, the benefits in those ads would be similar to
the benefits your product delivers. So you want to make sure each of those
benefits (as long as it does pertain to your product) is emphasized in your ad.

How about an example?

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I’m going to use a diet ad. This ad was written by the late and great, Gary “The
Prince of Print” Halbert. First, I will reproduce the ad for you. So you can follow
along as I show you…

The Easiest Way In The World

To Create A Winning Promotion…
Even If… You Have A Hard Time
Writing A Grocery List

Okay, here’s the ad…

The Amazing Diet Secret

Of A Desperate Housewife!
My name is Nancy Pryor. I am 35 years old. I am a housewife and mother of three
children. I would like to tell you something personal about myself. One day last September,
I just broke down and started to cry.

I couldn’t help it. I had reached my breaking point. I felt like I was going to have a
nervous breakdown.

It happened one Monday morning right after I got on the bathroom scales to weigh
myself. I had been on a strict diet for nearly two months. I had gone off the diet over the
weekend to give myself a little break and just to live like a normal human being for a couple
of days. Now the scales said I weighed 188 pounds. I just couldn’t believe it! That meant
that in one lousy weekend I had more than gained back every single pound I had lost in the
last 3 weeks.

Maybe this doesn’t sound like a big deal to you, but to me it felt like a tragedy.

I had been trying to lose weight for the last 5-1/2 years. I had tried liquid protein. I had
tried fasting. I had tried hypnosis. I had tried exercise. I had tried sauna belts. For a while I
even used dangerous diet drugs. As far as diets go I tried almost every one I heard about.
The Atkins diet. The Stillman diet. The grapefruit diet. The Women’s Ski Team diet. Etc.
Etc. Etc. You name it – I tried it.

The results were always the same. I would struggle and struggle to lose a few pounds
and then the very first time I would give myself a small break the weight would come right
back on.

It had happened many times before, but somehow this time it seemed like the last straw.
I didn’t know where to turn or what else to try. I was about to give up.

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Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want this to sound like a sob story. I’m not telling you all
this because I want you to feel sorry for me. There is no need for that anyway. My story has
a very happy ending.

My story has a happy ending because the very next day I made a discovery that has
changed my entire life. I found an amazing way to lose weight that I never dreamed existed.

I am not going to tell you where I found this secret. However, I will tell you this much: I
did not get this information from a doctor. I did not get this information from a diet book. I
did not find this information in a newspaper. I did not get this information from any of the
so-called “diet experts”.

To tell the truth, I stumbled across this information totally by accident when I was
looking for something else.

But all that doesn’t matter. What does matter is that at last I have found the answer.

Let me tell you why I think my diet secret is so fantastic.


First of all, this diet works fast. It literally burns off fat by the hour. If you go on this diet
in the morning, you will be losing weight before lunch. You will lose weight faster on this
diet than if you ran 7 miles every day. You will be able to measure the difference in your
waistline in 24 to 36 hours. I think this is the fastest safe diet in the world. If you can find a
diet that works faster I will buy it from you and gladly pay you good money for it.


I’ll tell you a secret. You will never lose weight and keep it off on any diet that leaves
you hungry. Hunger is an irresistible force. Sooner or later, willpower always give in to

This diet brings hunger to a dead full stop. You will never be hungry. As a matter of fact,
one of the unique features of this diet makes it metabolically impossible for your to
experience hunger. To me, it’s like heaven.


This diet converts body fat to body fuel. Starting on the 5th day of this diet your energy
will begin to increase dramatically. It will increase every day until the 9th day when it
begins to level off. After that your energy level will stay about the same. This new energy
level will probably be about 76% higher than your level is now.


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This diet is very simple. It is easy to follow even if you eat in a restaurant all the time.
You do not count calories. You do not measure portions. The only thing you keep track of
is how much you lose.


This is not just a weight loss diet. It is a health diet also. It is safe. It is probably much
safer than the way you eat right now.

Don’t ever take a chance with your health. It’s not worth it. Besides it is not necessary.
You can lose weight fast with my diet plus get healthier every day you stay on it.


You do not have to exercise to lose weight with this diet. However, since after the first
few days you will have a lot more energy, you will probably become more active. But you
will lose weight very rapidly whether you become active or not.


Right after you go on this diet you start to lose weight automatically. You don’t have
to think about it all the time. Since you are never hungry you would probably forget you
were on a diet if you weren’t losing weight so fast.

As you can tell by now, I have come up with something pretty good. I think my diet is
the best way to lose weight I have ever heard about. You will lose weight very fast and
you will never be hungry. You will not have to count calories or measure portions. You
can eat out as often as you like. Your health will improve and your energy will increase.
Except for when you weigh yourself you will probably forget you are on a diet.

In short, this diet is fast, safe and simple.

There are four reasons this diet works so well. These four reasons make this diet
different from any other. Here are those reasons.

Reason #1: This diet makes liberal use of a natural food substance that eliminates hunger.
This food substance is widely used in Europe but almost unheard of in the United States.
It looks and tastes exactly like table sugar. You use it the same way. You can mix it in
your coffee or sprinkle it on cereals or use it in recipes as a substitute for table sugar. This
substance is perfectly safe. Remember – it is a food not a drug. It is much better for you
than ordinary table sugar (sucrose) because it does not provoke an insulin response. When
eaten regularly throughout the day this substance very dramatically reduces hunger. It also
has a soothing effect on jangled nerves.

Reason #2: This diet has a different plan of attack. This diet forces you to form a very…

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new habit. This new habit is pleasurable and fun. This habit makes it possible to stay on
any diet for life without ever feeling deprived. This new habit makes everything easy. It is
so simple you will wonder why you never thought of it yourself.

Reason #3: This diet contains 5 delicious foods that may very well be new to you. I am
going to ask you to eat at least one of these 5 foods every day. All of them are what I call
“natural food tranquilizers”. At exactly the same time these foods are releasing new
energy into your system they also work to release all the tension from your nerves and
muscles and give you an emotional lift. Believe me it is very hard to diet if you are upset
and in a bad mood all the time!

Reason #4: This diet contains yet another unique food substance that releases the natural
fat burning power of your system. This substance increases the amount of calories your
body burns each day thereby allowing you to eat more without weight gain.


This diet has been a Godsend to me. I have a sparkling new body. I have lost 75
pounds. I now weigh 113 and I wear a size 6 dress. (I used to wear an 18). I have more
energy now than I had when I was a teenager. I am in better health than I ever remember.
My friends say I look 15 years younger. I enjoy a peace of mind I have never before
experienced. I feel good all the time. Best of all, my husband has fallen in love with me
all over again.

Will this amazing little diet work for you? I am sure it will. All I ask is that you be
open-minded enough to give me a chance to prove it even though I am an everyday
housewife and not a diet doctor or anything like that.

I have written a book that tells you about my secret diet. It is easy-to-read. It tells you
exactly what to do step-by-step. You can read my book in one evening. Then the very
next day you can start losing weight so fast you just won’t believe it.


Here’s how you can read my book and try my diet without any financial risk at all. Go
ahead and order my book by mail. Keep it 30 days and read it and check it out. Then if
you are unhappy with it, send it back and I will return your payment to you quietly and
without question.

If you are extra skeptical, I suggest you postdate your check or money order by 30
days. I promise and guarantee I will not deposit it for at least that amount of time. Then if
you decide to return my book I will send back your uncashed check or money order with
no questions asked.

To order, write your name and address and the words “DIET SECRET” on a piece…

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of paper and send it with $10.00 to me Nancy Pryor, Dept. 168, 123 Any Street Ave., P.O.
Box 000, Anywhere, USA 00000. I will send your book promptly by return mail. If you
have any questions you can call me. My number is (000) 000-0000. Checks and money
orders should be made payable to me – Nancy Pryor. (It is not a good idea to mail cash).

Now that we are both looking at the same ad, the next step is to list all the
benefits the ad promises people who use this diet secret. We’ll start with the
headline and work our way through each sentence of the ad to find all the
benefits we can.

I’ll list each benefit in bullet format under this sub-headline…

Benefit List For Diet Ad

• changed my entire life

• melts fat fast
• works fast
• burns fat off by the hour
• lose weight faster on diet than running
• fastest safe diet in the world
• slimmer waist in 36 hours
• better than exercise
• brings hunger to a dead stop
• no hunger
• metabolically impossible to experience hunger
• more energy within 5 days
• simple
• easy to follow
• can eat in restaurants
• no counting calories
• no measuring portions
• healthy and safe
• get healthier every day you stay on diet
• lose weight whether you exercise or not
• lose weight automatically
• eat out as often as you like
• fast, safe and simple
• relies on substance that reduces hunger
• nerves will be soothed
• never feel deprived
• pleasurable and fun
• introduces you to 5 delicious foods
• releases tension from your nerves

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• get an emotional lift

• releases natural fat burning power of your system
• eat more without weight gain
• get a sparkling new body
• have more energy
• look younger
• enjoy peace of mind
• feel good all the time
• book contains step by step plan
• book is easy to read in one evening
• no risk offer
• postdate check if skeptical

That’s quite a list of benefits. I may have missed one or two here and there but
the point is to get all of them down on paper. You’ll notice some of these benefits
are expressed in a different way and therefore presented more than once. That’s
okay. You want to get them all down and be redundant about it.

Do This For Each Of The

Swipes You’ve Chosen

Next, circle all of the benefits that appear in each of the swipe ads. You’ll notice
that some benefits are expressed by just about everyone selling the same
product. Good. Make a note of those benefits.

Because you want to make sure to include them in your ad. Those benefits
should be written down on another piece of paper labeled “Must-Have Benefits”.

Once you’ve finished the above…

Make A List Of Facts

About The Product In
Each Swipe Ad

Start from the beginning of the ad and write down all the facts that are there.
Some of the facts will be about the person in the ad. For instance, here are some
facts from the ad we’re using as an example…

• person in the ad is Nancy Pryor

• she is 35 years old
• she is a housewife
• she has three children
• etc.

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As you go through the ad you’ll notice facts about Nancy, the diet, the book she
is selling, the no risk offer. All of those facts are necessary to make a note of.
Why? Because they will allow you to know… WHAT TO SAY… in your ad. Those
facts are the type of facts you have to include in your own ad. Not the exact
same facts, of course. But similar in nature.

Make A Fact List

About Your Promotion

A fact is simply what something is.

For instance: the car is blue… the book is 125 pages… the author is a
housewife. Etc. Etc. Etc.

You need this list because you have to include facts about your product within
the body copy of the ad. You’ll just replace the facts in the swipe ad with facts
about your product.

Say you are selling a book about a diet. Some of the facts you will include…

• how fast the diet works

• who developed the diet

• how did they discover it

• what does the diet consist of

• etc.

Go back and read the diet ad we’re using as an example. You’ll notice all of
these facts are in the ad. They need to be there in order for the ad to sound
believable to the reader. Take your product and make a long list of facts
pertaining to it. Use the facts in your swipe ads as a basis for your own list.

Later, I’ll show you how to use these facts in the copy.


Make A Benefit List

For Your Product

Take all the facts you’ve written down about your product and turn them into a
benefit. Here are a few examples…

Fact: Your diet starts working within 24 hours.

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Benefit: Start losing weight within the first day.

Fact: Your diets lets people have a “cheat day”.

Benefit: You can still go out with friends and eat.

Fact: You’ll lose at least 10 pounds the first week.

Benefit: Fast results will keep you motivated.

Make sure you include the benefits that all the swipe ads contain. This way you
are not missing out on any hot button. However, be sure whatever benefit you
promise the product delivers. Otherwise, you could get in trouble for false
advertising. So keep your claims truthful and within…

What Typically Happens

When Someone Uses Your Product

This portion of the process is… work.

No doubt about it. You have to do a little reading and writing to create these Fact
and Benefit lists. Soon you’ll be using these facts and benefits to write the copy
for your ad. But notice something important: Everything we’ve done has been
modeled after successful promotions.

No guessing. No wondering and hoping to get the process right. By following

these simple steps you now have all the information you need to craft a winning
ad that brings home the bacon.

But first, you’re going to have to…

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Take A Break

Look, at this point in the process, your mind is crammed full of facts, benefits and
other information. You’ve just finished all of the necessary “research”. Had you
not done this research, your ad would not come out the right way.

Essentially, getting all the facts and benefits down on paper is sort of like
gathering the ingredients for a cake. You look at successful recipes and get the
ingredients together to make your own cake. Or in this case… your ad. Before
you can start writing, though, you need to step back from the project and…

Let Your Subconscious

Mind Work On The Ad For You

Maybe that sounds kind of strange to you. But, here’s something you should be
aware of: You have already given your mind a task. To help you write a winning
ad. So your mind is now in a “goal-seeking” mode. It’s looking for all the things it
needs to piece this ad together for you.

The way you help it is by… (1) setting the goal… (2) gathering the “ingredients”
by reading those swipes and preparing the facts and benefits lists… and… (3) by
stepping back and letting the subconscious sift and sort through all that data.

During this “down time” process, your mind is putting everything together.

But you have to do…

Two Things To
Make This Part Of The
Process Work…

1. Do not think about this ad for at least two or three days. You’ll notice
an urge to get back to it. Don’t. Just let things be for a couple of days. Let
everything simmer and “stew” without paying attention to this subject.

2. Do something else… or even… something fun. After you’ve finished your

fact and benefit lists, put the project out of sight in a folder somewhere and
take a little time off if you can. If not, go on to something completely
unrelated. This is critical.

After a couple of days or so, your mind will be sparking ideas left and right. Have
a pen and paper handy and jot down what comes to you. These ideas are little
nuggets of inspiration you’ll want to capture.

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Writing The Ad

Now, it’s time to get to the writing of the ad itself.

Notice how far down in the process we are. This is Step Number Six. Most
people start here and wonder why their ads don’t pull in big response rates and
profits. You can not start writing until you’ve done the preliminary work in the
previous steps.

What I’m going to show you in this step is…

How To Swipe Successful

Ads For Your Promotion

The way I’m going to do that is to go back to our diet ad example. I’m going to
create a diet ad too. But this ad will be for a pill not a book about a diet program.

I’m going to start from the headline and go right through to the end.

Then, I’m going to show you how to use the same diet ad swipe example to write
an ad for an unrelated product. I’m going to use the swipe to write an ad for a
moneymaking report. I think by showing you these two different examples you’ll
get a much better feel for how to swipe… even if… you don’t have a successful
ad for the type of product you sell.

The way I’m going to do this is by taking each copy block of the swipe ad and
writing the copy for my ad underneath it. So you can see what I’m doing.

Afterwards, I’ll give you the full version of my ad.

Here we go…

The Amazing Diet Secret Of A Desperate Housewife!

The Amazing Diet Secret Of A Russian Scientist!

My name is Nancy Pryor. I am 35 years old. I am a housewife and mother of

three children. I would like to tell you something personal about myself. One
day last September, I just broke down and started to cry.

My name is Yuri Maganov. I am a research scientist at the University of

Pennsylvania. I have been studying the human body for over 25 years. The focus
of my research has been energy consumption. I would like to let you in on a little

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secret about me. About 18 months ago, I made the most amazing discovery the
scientific world has ever known. I almost started to cry for joy.

I couldn’t help it. I had reached my breaking point. I felt like I was going to
have a nervous breakdown.

I just couldn’t contain myself. I had finally cracked the code to the cellular
manipulation of energy for overnight weight loss.

It happened one Monday morning right after I got on the bathroom scales to
weigh myself. I had been on a strict diet for nearly two months. I had gone
off the diet over the weekend to give myself a little break and just to live like
a normal human being for a couple of days. Now the scales said I weighed
188 pounds. I just couldn’t believe it! That meant that in one lousy weekend I
had more than gained back every single pound I had lost in the last 3 weeks.

It happened at 12:47 A.M. on Thursday morning. I know the exact time because it
is recorded during such experiments. I was trying to figure out how to help the
human body naturally shed fat and excess weight. My findings would help
millions of obese people in this country. Two days before, myself and a group of
1,200 test subjects took a secret pill I had developed. At that time I weighed 220
pounds. But on this Thursday morning the scale said I weighed 205 pounds.
That’s a fifteen pound weight loss in just two days. The average weight loss
during those two days for all subjects was ten pounds.

Maybe this doesn’t sound like a big deal to you, but to me it felt like a

The thing is we did nothing different other than take this scientifically developed
pill. No other changes to lifestyle or diet. I mean, how much can you do in two
days anyway?

I had been trying to lose weight for the last 5-1/2 years. I had tried liquid
protein. I had tried fasting. I had tried hypnosis. I had tried exercise. I had
tried sauna belts. For a while I even used dangerous diet drugs. As far as
diets go I tried almost every one I heard about. The Atkins diet. The Stillman
diet. The grapefruit diet. The Women’s Ski Team diet. Etc. Etc. Etc. You
name it – I tried it.

I had been trying for over seven years to come up with the ultimate weight loss
formula. After hundreds of failed tests, I finally hit the mark. Now, millions of
people in the United States and across the world will be able to lose all the weight

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they want. No more liquid diets. No more fasting, hypnosis, dangerous diets or
diet drugs. This is the weight loss cure you’ve been hoping to find.

The results were always the same. I would struggle and struggle to lose a few
pounds and then the very first time I would give myself a small break the
weight would come right back on.

Aren’t you sick and tired of getting the same results? You struggle and struggle to
lose a few pounds… and then… put them right back on the first time you fall off
the wagon.

It had happened many times before, but somehow this time it seemed like the
last straw. I didn’t know where to turn or what else to try. I was about to
give up.

I’m sure it’s happened to you many times before. If you are a serious dieter,
you’re probably at your wits end. Maybe you’ve even thought about giving up.
Now you don’t have to worry about that anymore.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want this to sound like a sob story. I’m not
telling you all this because I want you to feel sorry for me. There is no need
for that anyway. My story has a very happy ending.

I understand what it’s like to be overweight. But I believe I’ve discovered

something that can change your life forever. Quickly.

My story has a happy ending because the very next day I made a discovery
that has changed my entire life. I found an amazing way to lose weight that I
never dreamed existed.

Your story can finally have a happy ending. By using my little miracle weight
loss pill you can lose all the weight you want. Easily and safely.

I am not going to tell you where I found this secret. However, I will tell you
this much: I did not get this information from a doctor. I did not get this
information from a diet book. I did not find this information in a newspaper.
I did not get this information from any of the so-called “diet experts”.

Let me tell you how I discovered this secret. There is a certain plant that grows
deep in the African dessert. This plant contains a special natural ingredient that
curbs appetite. No one else but me and my team of researchers knows what this

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ingredient is. You can’t get it from a doctor. You won’t find it in a newspaper.
Your personal trainer or dietitian does not know about it, either. In fact, there is
no else in the world who has identified this ingredient. And there is no one else
who has figured out how to manufacture it in a laboratory.

To tell the truth, I stumbled across this information totally by accident when
I was looking for something else.

I accidentally found out about this ingredient while studying the lives of some of
Africa’s least known dessert dwellers. I was an anthropology student at the time.

But all that doesn’t matter. What does matter is that at last I have found the

None of that makes any difference. The important thing is, I now know how to
help anyone lose all the weight they want as fast as they want. And I know how to
do it in a natural and healthy way using my diet pill.

Let me tell you why I think my diet secret is so fantastic.

Let me tell you why my scientific diet formula is so effective.



First of all, this diet works fast. It literally burns off fat by the hour. If you go
on this diet in the morning, you will be losing weight before lunch. You will
lose weight faster on this diet than if you ran 7 miles every day. You will be
able to measure the difference in your waistline in 24 to 36 hours. I think this
is the fastest safe diet in the world. If you can find a diet that works faster I
will buy it from you and gladly pay you good money for it.

To being with, my secret formula takes less than 24 hours to start producing
weight loss. You can lose up to 10 pounds per week. Then your bodyweight will
level off to your natural weight. I don’t believe there is any formula that works
faster that the FDA has approved.


Page 34


I’ll tell you a secret. You will never lose weight and keep it off on any diet
that leaves you hungry. Hunger is an irresistible force. Sooner or later,
willpower always give in to hunger.

This diet brings hunger to a dead full stop. You will never be hungry. As a
matter of fact, one of the unique features of this diet makes it metabolically
impossible for your to experience hunger. To me, it’s like heaven.

When using this formula you will never feel hungry again. You can eat pretty
much whatever you want. But you won’t ever overeat because you’ll feel full
most of the time. The big secret to dieting is not feeling hungry. Now you won’t.
The special ingredients in this natural product stops the hunger signals from
reaching your brain. So your brain thinks your full. It’s amazing.



This diet converts body fat to body fuel. Starting on the 5th day of this diet
you energy will begin to increase dramatically. It will increase every day
until the 9th day when it begins to level off. After that your energy level will
stay about the same. This new energy level will probably be about 76%
higher than your level is now.

A lot of over-the-counter diet products claim to raise your metabolism. They use
substances that give you a jolt and then drop your energy levels like a lead
balloon. My diet formula allows your body to slowly release the energy stored in
your cells as you burn off body fat. This sustained and controlled energy release
will feel very good to you. And there’s no “crashing” effect at all.



This diet is very simple. It is easy to follow even if you eat in a restaurant all
the time. You do not count calories. You do not measure portions. The only
thing you keep track of is how much you lose.

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I don’t think I’ve ever studied an easier diet plan to follow. Because all you do is
take the diet pill I’ve formulated upon waking up in the morning. Then go about
your day as usual. The pounds will come off on their own.



This is not just a weight loss diet. It is a health diet also. It is safe. It is
probably much safer than the way you eat right now.

Don’t ever take a chance with your health. It’s not worth it. Besides it is not
necessary. You can lose weight fast with my diet plus get healthier every day
you stay on it.

Unlike diet fads, my unique formula has been approved by the FDA. So it’s 100%
safe and healthy to use. You don’t know what you’ll get with the over-the-counter
diet potions. Mine has been studied and clinically-proven to shed fat off your
body in a healthy and safe manner.



You do not have to exercise to lose weight with this diet. However, since after
the first few days you will have a lot more energy, you will probably become
more active. But you will lose weight very rapidly whether you become active
or not.

There is no need to exercise to lose all the weight you want when you take this
diet pill. But we all know that a little bit of exercise is a good thing. A brisk 20
minute walk per day will do wonders for you. Although, it’s totally optional.



Right after you go on this diet you start to lose weight automatically. You
don’t have to think about it all the time. Since you are never hungry you
would probably forget you were on a diet if you weren’t losing weight so fast.

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My weight loss pill is so powerful it works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Simply
follow the instructions and take it as directed. You’ll forget you’re on a diet
because you are never hungry. When you get on the scale every morning you’ll be
amazed at how much weight you lost from the day before.

As you can tell by now, I have come up with something pretty good. I think
my diet is the best way to lose weight I have ever heard about. You will lose
weight very fast and you will never be hungry. You will not have to count
calories or measure portions. You can eat out as often as you like. Your
health will improve and your energy will increase. Except for when you
weigh yourself you will probably forget you are on a diet.

In short, this diet is fast, safe and simple.

Obviously, I’ve formulated an incredible little diet pill. I think it will be used
around the world to help people restore their natural bodyweight. When you take
this pill you will lose unwanted pounds very fast and never suffer from
uncontrollable hunger again. You will still be able to eat pretty much whatever
you desire without feeling guilty. You’ll gain an energy boost you haven’t had in
years. And you’ll drop pounds around the clock.

There are four reasons this diet works so well. These four reasons make this
diet different from any other. Here are those reasons.

There are four reasons my diet pill is the best in the world. These four reasons
make all the difference if you’ve been trying to slim down but just can’t on your
own. Here they are…

Reason #1: This diet makes liberal use of a natural food substance that
eliminates hunger. This food substance is widely used in Europe but almost
unheard of in the United States. It looks and tastes exactly like table sugar.
You use it the same way. You can mix it in your coffee or sprinkle it on
cereals or use it in recipes as a substitute for table sugar. This substance is
perfectly safe. Remember – it is a food not a drug. It is much better for you
than ordinary table sugar (sucrose) because it does not provoke an insulin
response. When eaten regularly throughout the day this substance very
dramatically reduces hunger. It also has a soothing effect on jangled nerve.

My Secret Ingredient: This diet formula contains the secret ingredient I’ve been
telling you about. It’s a natural food found in the African dessert. The only people
on Earth who know about it are the indigenous people of that area. As combined
in my formula, the ingredient is odorless and tasteless. My formula contains a

Page 37

very concentrated amount of this ingredient to help curb your appetite throughout
the day.

Reason #2: This diet has a different plan of attack. This diet forces you to
form a very… new habit. This new habit is pleasurable and fun. This habit
makes it possible to stay on any diet for life without ever feeling deprived.
This new habit makes everything easy. It is so simple you will wonder why
you never thought of it yourself.

My Diet Strategy: Unlike most diets that deprive you, my strategy is just the
opposite. I recommend you eat healthy foods. But you don’t have to ever give up
on the foods you love. This way you don’t feel like you’re on a diet. Which often
makes the biggest difference. Sticking to this plan is a cinch.

Reason #3: This diet contains 5 delicious foods that may very well be new to
you. I am going to ask you to eat at least one of these 5 foods every day. All of
them are what I call “natural food tranquilizers”. At exactly the same time
these foods are releasing new energy into your system they also work to
release all the tension from your nerves and muscles and give you an
emotional lift. Believe me it is very hard to diet if you are upset and in a bad
mood all the time!

My Motivation Guide: Listen, there’s no willpower needed when using my diet

pill. You don’t have to struggle with sudden food cravings. You won’t get up in
them middle of the night and binge. And then hate yourself for it. One of the
reasons is because of my motivation guide. I describe in detail how to
successfully use my diet pill to reach your weight loss goals quickly. Plus, you’ll
see how others have done it. Remember – I have several hundred test subjects
who have proven this diet pill to work like nothing else.

Reason #4: This diet contains yet another unique food substance that releases
the natural fat burning power of your system. This substance increases the
amount of calories your body burns each day thereby allowing you to eat
more without weight gain.

My Weight Loss Support Team: Along with this diet pill, you get access to my
weight loss support team. They are available by e-mail 24 hours a day. If you
have any questions just send them an e-mail. They are here to make sure you use
the formula the right way. They are here to make sure you lose weight.


Page 38


This diet has been a Godsend to me. I have a sparkling new body. I have lost
75 pounds. I now weigh 113 and I wear a size 6 dress. (I used to weigh an 18).
I have more energy now than I had when I was a teenager. I am in better
health than I ever remember. My friends say I look 15 years younger. I enjoy
a peace of mind I have never before experienced. I feel good all the time. Best
of all, my husband has fallen in love with me all over again.

I guarantee this is the diet pill you’ve been praying for. Within 30 days you’ll lose
at least 30 pounds. For most people, that’s all the extra weight they need to get rid
of. You’ll transform your body and look wonderful again. Your pants will be
loose. Your blood pressure and many other health problems will go away. Your
friends won’t recognize the “new” you. You’ll finally be in control of your body
and feel good all the time.

Will this amazing little diet work for you? I am sure it will. All I ask is that
you be open-minded enough to give me a chance to prove it even though I am
an everyday housewife and not a diet doctor or anything like that.

Will this amazing little diet pill work for you? To prove to you that it will, I am
going to make you a special offer. Only readers of this announcement will get this
“half-off” offer.


I have written a book that tells you about my secret diet. It is easy-to-read. It
tells you exactly what to do step-by-step. You can read my book in one
evening. Then the very next day you can start losing weight so fast you just
won’t believe it.

I am making my diet pill available at half-price to readers of this announcement.

A regular 30 day supply costs $69.95. But you can get it for $34.95. As soon as
your order arrives read the instructions. Make sure you take this diet pill with a
full 8 oz. of water first thing upon waking up in the morning. Then go about your
day as usual.



Page 39

Here’s how you can read my book and try my diet without any financial risk
at all. Go ahead and order my book by mail. Keep it 30 days and read it and
check it out. Then if you are unhappy with it, send it back and I will return
your payment to you quietly and without question.

I am so certain this diet pill is the final solution to all your weight loss problems.
That’s why I’m putting my money where my mouth is. If you don’t lose at least
10 full pounds in the first week, simply return the unused portion for a full and
complete refund. No funny business. No questions asked. I couldn’t make this
kind of guarantee if I wasn’t completely sure my diet pill works.

If you are extra skeptical, I suggest you postdate your check or money order
by 30 days. I promise and guarantee I will not deposit it for at least that
amount of time. Then if you decide to return my book I will send back your
uncashed check or money order with no questions asked.

However, if you are extra skeptical, when you order by credit card today we will
not charge your credit card the full amount for 30 days. The way it works is
simple. Call the toll-free number below to order your supply. When you call, your
credit card will be billed $0.50 cents to make sure it is active. The full amount of
the order will not be billed for 30 days. This way, if you decide to return the
bottle, we will reverse the small charge and never bill you for the full amount.
You can’t get more risk-free than that.

To order, write your name and address and the words “DIET SECRET” on
a piece… of paper and send it with $10.00 to me Nancy Pryor, Dept. 168, 123
Any Street Ave., P.O. Box 000, Anywhere, USA 00000. I will send your book
promptly by return mail. If you have any questions you can call me. My
number is (000) 000-0000. Checks and money orders should be made payable
to me – Nancy Pryor. (It is not a good idea to mail cash).

To order call the toll-free number below right now. Operators are standing by.
Due to the large volume of calls, if you can’t get through the first time you call,
please try again. The number is…


Okay, that’s how I would swipe the proven winning ad for my own diet ad. Below
I’ve reproduced the entire text of my new ad. Notice how we simply made sure to
add the facts and benefits relevant to our product. But the structure and even
theme of the ad was left untouched.

Page 40

The Amazing Diet Secret

Of A Russian Scientist!
My name is Yuri Maganov. I am a research scientist at the University of
Pennsylvania. I have been studying the human body for over 25 years. The focus of my
research has been energy consumption. I would like to let you in on a little secret about
me. About 18 months ago, I made the most amazing discovery the scientific world has
ever known. I almost started to cry for joy.

I just couldn’t contain myself. I had finally cracked the code to the cellular
manipulation of energy for overnight weight loss.

It happened at 12:47 A.M. on Thursday morning. I know the exact time because it is
recorded during such experiments. I was trying to figure out how to help the human
body naturally shed fat and excess weight. My findings would help millions of obese
people in this country. Two days before, myself and a group of 1,200 test subjects took
a secret pill I had developed. At that time I weighed 220 pounds. But on this Thursday
morning the scale said I weighed 205 pounds. That’s a fifteen pound weight loss in just
two days. The average weight loss during those two days for all subjects was ten

The thing is we did nothing different other than take this scientifically developed pill.
No other changes to lifestyle or diet. I mean, how much can you do in two days

I had been trying for over seven years to come up with the ultimate weight loss
formula. After hundreds of failed tests, I finally hit the mark. Now, millions of people in
the United States and across the world will be able to lose all the weight they want. No
more liquid diets. No more fasting, hypnosis, dangerous diets or diet drugs. This is the
weight loss cure you’ve been hoping to find.

Aren’t you sick and tired of getting the same results? You struggle and struggle to
lose a few pounds… and then… put them right back on the first time you fall off the

I’m sure it’s happened to you many times before. If you are a serious dieter, you’re
probably at your wits end. Maybe you’ve even thought about giving up. Now you don’t
have to worry about that anymore.

I understand what it’s like to be overweight. But I believe I’ve discovered something
that can change your life forever. Quickly.

Your story can finally have a happy ending. By using my little miracle weight loss
pill you can lose all the weight you want. Easily and safely.

Page 41

Let me tell you how I discovered this secret. There is a certain plant that grows deep in
the African dessert. This plant contains a special natural ingredient that curbs appetite. No
one else but me and my team of researchers knows what this ingredient is. You can’t get it
from a doctor. You won’t find it in a newspaper. Your personal trainer or dietitian does
not know about it, either. In fact, there is no else in the world who has identified this
ingredient. And there is no one else who has figured out how to manufacture it in a

I accidentally found out about this ingredient while studying the lives of some of
Africa’s least known dessert dwellers. I was an anthropology student at the time.

None of that makes any difference. The important thing is, I now know how to help
anyone lose all the weight they want as fast as they want. And I know how to do it in a
natural and healthy way using my diet pill.

Let me tell you why my scientific diet formula is so effective.


To being with, my secret formula takes less than 24 hours to start producing weight
loss. You can lose up to 10 pounds per week. Then your bodyweight will level off to your
natural weight. I don’t believe there is any formula that works faster that the FDA has


When using this formula you will never feel hungry again. You can eat pretty much
whatever you want. But you won’t ever overeat because you’ll feel full most of the time.
The big secret to dieting is not feeling hungry. Now you won’t.

The special ingredients in this natural product stops the hunger signals from reaching
your brain. So your brain thinks your full. It’s amazing.


A lot of over-the-counter diet products claim to raise your metabolism. They use
substances that give you a jolt and then drop your energy levels like a lead balloon. My
diet formula allows your body to slowly release the energy stored in your cells as you
burn off body fat. This sustained and controlled energy release will feel very good to you.
And there’s no “crashing” effect at all.


I don’t think I’ve ever studied an easier diet plan to follow. Because all you do is take
the diet pill I’ve formulated upon waking up in the morning.

Page 42

Then go about your day as usual. The pounds will come off on their own.


Unlike diet fads, my unique formula has been approved by the FDA. So it’s 100% safe
and healthy to use. You don’t know what you’ll get with the over-the-counter diet potions.
Mine has been studied and clinically-proven to shed fat off your body in a healthy and
safe manner.


There is no need to exercise to lose all the weight you want when you take this diet
pill. But we all know that a little bit of exercise is a good thing. A brisk 20 minute walk
per day will do wonders for you. Although, it’s totally optional.


My weight loss pill is so powerful it works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Simply
follow the instructions and take it as directed. You’ll forget you’re on a diet because you
are never hungry. When you get on the scale every morning you’ll be amazed at how
much weight you lost from the day before.

Obviously, I’ve formulated an incredible little diet pill. I think it will be used around
the world to help people restore their natural bodyweight. When you take this pill you will
lose unwanted pounds very fast and never suffer from uncontrollable hunger again. You
will still be able to eat pretty much whatever you desire without feeling guilty. You’ll gain
an energy boost you haven’t had in years. And you’ll drop pounds around the clock.

There are four reasons my diet pill is the best in the world. These four reasons make all
the difference if you’ve been trying to slim down but just can’t on your own. Here they

My Secret Ingredient: This diet formula contains the secret ingredient I’ve been telling
you about. It’s a natural food found in the African dessert. The only people on Earth who
know about it are the indigenous people of that area. As combined in my formula, the
ingredient is odorless and tasteless. My formula contains a very concentrated amount of
this ingredient to help curb your appetite throughout the day.

My Diet Strategy: Unlike most diets that deprive you, my strategy is just the opposite. I
recommend you eat healthy foods. But you don’t have to ever give up on the foods you
love. This way you don’t feel like you’re on a diet. Which often makes the biggest
difference. Sticking to this plan is a cinch.

My Motivation Guide: Listen, there’s no willpower needed when using my diet pill. You
don’t have to struggle with sudden food cravings. You won’t get up in them middle of the
night and binge. And then hate yourself for it.

Page 43

One of the reasons is because of my motivation guide. I describe in detail how to

successfully use my diet pill to reach your weight loss goals quickly. Plus, you’ll see how
others have done it. Remember – I have several hundred test subjects who have proven
this diet pill to work like nothing else.

My Weight Loss Support Team: Along with this diet pill, you get access to my weight
loss support team. They are available by e-mail 24 hours a day. If you have any questions
just send them an e-mail. They are here to make sure you use the formula the right way.
They are here to make sure you lose weight.


I guarantee this is the diet pill you’ve been praying for. Within 30 days you’ll lose at
least 30 pounds. For most people, that’s all the extra weight they need to get rid of. You’ll
transform your body and look wonderful again. Your pants will be loose. Your blood
pressure and many other health problems will go away. Your friends won’t recognize the
“new” you. You’ll finally be in control of your body and feel good all the time.

Will this amazing little diet pill work for you? To prove to you that it will, I am going
to make you a special offer. Only readers of this announcement will get this “half-off”


I am making my diet pill available at half-price to readers of this announcement. A

regular 30 day supply costs $69.95. But you can get it for $34.95. As soon as your order
arrives read the instructions. Make sure you take this diet pill with a full 8 oz. of water
first thing upon waking up in the morning. Then go about your day as usual.


I am so certain this diet pill is the final solution to all your weight loss problems.
That’s why I’m putting my money where my mouth is. If you don’t lose at least 10 full
pounds in the first week, simply return the unused portion for a full and complete refund.
No funny business. No questions asked. I couldn’t make this kind of guarantee if I wasn’t
completely sure my diet pill works.

However, if you are extra skeptical, when you order by credit card today we will not
charge your credit card the full amount for 30 days. The way it works is simple. Call the
toll-free number below to order your supply. When you call, your credit card will be
billed $0.50 cents to make sure it is active. The full amount of the order will not be billed
for 30 days. This way, if you decide to return the bottle, we will reverse the small charge
and never bill you for the full amount. You can’t get more risk-free than that.

To order call the toll-free number below right now. Operators are standing by. Due to
the large volume of calls, if you can’t get through the first time you call, please try again.
The number is… 1-800-000-0000.

Page 44

Now, I’m going to use the same winning diet ad to write an ad for a
moneymaking report. These two examples will be all you need to use swipe ads
as templates for your own promotions. It’s important for me to note that I’m
making these ads up as I go along. The products in these ads are fictitious. They
don’t exist. But if I had a real diet product or moneymaking report to write an ad
about this is the process I’d go through. Especially if I didn’t have time to go
through my usual copywriting process.

Here we go again…

The Amazing Diet Secret Of A Desperate Housewife!

The Amazing Moneymaking Secret Of A College Dropout From Indiana!

My name is Nancy Pryor. I am 35 years old. I am a housewife and mother of

three children. I would like to tell you something personal about myself. One
day last September, I just broke down and started to cry.

My name is Joe Fantoni. I am 48 years old. I am a college drop out turned

entrepreneur and father of two wonderful boys. I’m not sure, but I think after you
read this message you may want to call me. My phone number is (000) 000-0000.
Let me tell you something kind of personal. Three years ago I was bankrupt. Dead
broke with no options. My situation got so desperate I had to beg my friends for
grocery money just to feed my family.

I couldn’t help it. I had reached my breaking point. I felt like I was going to
have a nervous breakdown.

I was so depressed my wife asked me to see a doctor. I was on the edge and about
to snap.

It happened one Monday morning right after I got on the bathroom scales to
weigh myself. I had been on a strict diet for nearly two months. I had gone
off the diet over the weekend to give myself a little break and just to live like
a normal human being for a couple of days. Now the scales said I weighed
188 pounds. I just couldn’t believe it! That meant that in one lousy weekend I
had more than gained back every single pound I had lost in the last 3 weeks.

Why was my financial situation so bad? Because I bought into a “hair brained”
business opportunity – through an MLM company – and had lost all my money. A
friend of mine, who I trusted told me this was “it”. We would be rich in no time.
But the company went out of business within a month and I was out my life’s

Page 45

savings. It took me 12 years of hard work to save that $25,000. I managed to lose
it all in less than five weeks.

Maybe this doesn’t sound like a big deal to you, but to me it felt like a

Maybe $25,000 doesn’t sound like a lot of money to you, but to me it was all I

I had been trying to lose weight for the last 5-1/2 years. I had tried liquid
protein. I had tried fasting. I had tried hypnosis. I had tried exercise. I had
tried sauna belts. For a while I even used dangerous diet drugs. As far as
diets go I tried almost every one I heard about. The Atkins diet. The Stillman
diet. The grapefruit diet. The Women’s Ski Team diet. Etc. Etc. Etc. You
name it – I tried it.

I gotta admit I’m kind of a biz opp. junky. You know? Ever since I can remember
I’ve been trying one moneymaking scheme after another. I tried vending
machines. I tried MLM. I tried fixing windshields. I tired 900 numbers. I tried
placing tiny ads in newspapers. I bought books, ebooks, courses, tapes, videos,
etc. I sent for stuff through the mail, by TV, from ads in papers and magazines…
and… of course… the Internet.

The results were always the same. I would struggle and struggle to lose a few
pounds and then the very first time I would give myself a small break the
weight would come right back on.

But I never made much to speak of. Sometimes a few bucks would roll in here
and there. Nowhere near enough to live. Much less to get rich. Nothing seemed to
work for me no matter how hard I worked.

It had happened many times before, but somehow this time it seemed like the
last straw. I didn’t know where to turn or what else to try. I was about to
give up.

Losing $25,000 was the last straw. My wife was fuming. She even threatened me
with divorce. I was about to blow my top and just give up trying.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want this to sound like a sob story. I’m not
telling you all this because I want you to feel sorry for me. There is no need
for that anyway. My story has a very happy ending.

Page 46

Don’t worry. Things ended up working out just fine. I wanted to let you know
where I was just in case you think you’re at the end of your rope. You see, just
when things looked darkest I found something that changed my financial situation
for the better. Forever.

My story has a happy ending because the very next day I made a discovery
that has changed my entire life. I found an amazing way to lose weight that I
never dreamed existed.

Two weeks after I lost all that money I discovered an amazing way to make real
money (real fast) on the Internet. Now, I bring in between $10,000 and $15,000
per month from the comfort of my own home.

I am not going to tell you where I found this secret. However, I will tell you
this much: I did not get this information from a doctor. I did not get this
information from a diet book. I did not find this information in a newspaper.
I did not get this information from any of the so-called “diet experts”.

I am going to reveal my secret to you. Why? Because it’s no skin off my nose to
let you in on this profitable venture. Besides, I put together a surefire system for
raking in $300 to $500 the first month. It’s easy. It’s fast. It will take your breath
away while putting fast cash profits in your pockets. The best part is there’s
nothing for you to figure out on your own if you follow my simple plan

To tell the truth, I stumbled across this information totally by accident when
I was looking for something else.

Funny thing is, I wasn’t even looking for a way to make money when I stumbled
across this secret.

But all that doesn’t matter. What does matter is that at last I have found the

Anyway, none of that is important. What is important is that I’ve found a way to
make serious cash fast. Within 90 days you’ll be raking in an extra $4,000 to
$6,000. All of it will be generated automatically from the Internet.

Let me tell you why I think my diet secret is so fantastic.

Here’s why I believe my moneymaking secret is mandatory for you to know.

Page 47



First of all, this diet works fast. It literally burns off fat by the hour. If you go
on this diet in the morning, you will be losing weight before lunch. You will
lose weight faster on this diet than if you ran 7 miles every day. You will be
able to measure the difference in your waistline in 24 to 36 hours. I think this
is the fastest safe diet in the world. If you can find a diet that works faster I
will buy it from you and gladly pay you good money for it.

Look we all need more money as fast as possible. Well, my little secret starts
generating profits right away. On average, you can count on an extra $300 to $500
in the first month. Those profits multiply quickly. Because in the second month,
you’ll double or even triple what you made the to begin with. I don’t know about
you… but… even a few hundred dollars in pure profits made a big difference to
me. That’s a car or credit card payment you won’t have to worry about any more.



I’ll tell you a secret. You will never lose weight and keep it off on any diet
that leaves you hungry. Hunger is an irresistible force. Sooner or later,
willpower always give in to hunger.

This diet brings hunger to a dead full stop. You will never be hungry. As a
matter of fact, one of the unique features of this diet makes it metabolically
impossible for your to experience hunger. To me, it’s like heaven.

A quick influx of cash to pay bills is great. The real wealth, however, is in the
assets you build in your business. You can’t get rich unless you create a business
that can be sold for many times the amount of cash it takes in. Sooner or later,
you’ll want to retire.

This moneymaking secret not only provides you with monthly cash flow… but…
even more important… it allows you to build a saleable asset. You will be
creating a money machine you can cash out of and retire rich. One of the most
valuable aspects of this secret guarantees the business you grow takes care of you
when you no longer want to be in business.


Page 48


This diet converts body fat to body fuel. Starting on the 5th day of this diet
you energy will begin to increase dramatically. It will increase every day
until the 9th day when it begins to level off. After that your energy level will
stay about the same. This new energy level will probably be about 76%
higher than your level is now.

This moneymaking secret provides the highest return on investment possible.

Because you can start this business with zero capital. Within 30 days you’ll see
profits rolling in. By the 90th day, you’ll be enjoying an income that comes in on
auto-pilot. In fact, after about six months, you won’t be able to turn off the
“money spigot” even if you tried. Tell me, what franchise can you think of where
you can start with no money out of pocket? None.



This diet is very simple. It is easy to follow even if you eat in a restaurant all
the time. You do not count calories. You do not measure portions. The only
thing you keep track of is how much you lose.

This Internet business is easy to understand. I give you a complete plan to follow.
It’s the same one I follow every day. You don’t need to be a computer geek. You
don’t need business experience. The only thing you do need is the desire to learn
and implement my system.



This is not just a weight loss diet. It is a health diet also. It is safe. It is
probably much safer than the way you eat right now.

Don’t ever take a chance with your health. It’s not worth it. Besides it is not
necessary. You can lose weight fast with my diet plus get healthier every day
you stay on it.

Page 49

This is not just a great way to make money from home. It is a way for you to take
back total control of your financial situation. It is proven. It is probably more
secure than slaving at a 9-to-5 dead end job.

Don’t kid yourself. Working for someone else only makes them rich. Besides, in
this great country… and… with this opportunity staring you in the face… it is not
necessary to stay at your job. Unless you want to of course. You can replace your
current income quickly… plus… have the security of true financial freedom from
this amazing business.



You do not have to exercise to lose weight with this diet. However, since after
the first few days you will have a lot more energy, you will probably become
more active. But you will lose weight very rapidly whether you become active
or not.

You don’t need any fancy college degree to make this business work. However,
you will learn how to make money in the “real” world. From now on, you’ll look
at things a different way. Opportunities will become apparent everywhere you go.
Whether you take advantage of them or not won’t matter. Because you’ll have
everything you need right at your fingertips.



Right after you go on this diet you start to lose weight automatically. You
don’t have to think about it all the time. Since you are never hungry you
would probably forget you were on a diet if you weren’t losing weight so fast.

Within a few short days you’ll start making money automatically from the
Internet. You don’t have to sweat for money any longer. Follow my
instructions… and… the big bucks will come to you fast and furious. You’ll be
happily surprised when you wake up in the morning to see cash in your account.

As you can tell by now, I have come up with something pretty good. I think
my diet is the best way to lose weight I have ever heard about. You will lose
weight very fast and you will never be hungry. You will not have to count

Page 50

calories or measure portions. You can eat out as often as you like. Your
health will improve and your energy will increase. Except for when you
weigh yourself you will probably forget you are on a diet.

In short, this diet is fast, safe and simple.

As you can see, I’ve discovered an amazing way to make money. I think this
business is the best way to make all the money you’ll ever need. You will begin to
generate cash in days. You will be able to replace your current income. You will
be able to work from home or anywhere there’s an Internet connection. Money
will literally be deposited in your bank account round the clock. You won’t ever
have to come up with any money out of pocket. You will build a saleable business
that can set you up for life.

In all honesty, this moneymaking secret is fast, proven and can make you rich.

There are four reasons this diet works so well. These four reasons make this
diet different from any other. Here are those reasons.

There are four reasons this moneymaking secret works like crazy. Here they are…

Reason #1: This diet makes liberal use of a natural food substance that
eliminates hunger. This food substance is widely used in Europe but almost
unheard of in the United States. It looks and tastes exactly like table sugar.
You use it the same way. You can mix it in your coffee or sprinkle it on
cereals or use it in recipes as a substitute for table sugar. This substance is
perfectly safe. Remember – it is a food not a drug. It is much better for you
than ordinary table sugar (sucrose) because it does not provoke an insulin
response. When eaten regularly throughout the day this substance very
dramatically reduces hunger. It also has a soothing effect on jangled nerve.

Reason #1: This moneymaking secret leverages the power of the world wide web.
Due to the power of the Internet, you can do business with people all around the
world. Hook your computer up to an Internet connection – at home, in an Internet
café, in a book store or where ever – and you’re in business.

Reason #2: This diet has a different plan of attack. This diet forces you to
form a very… new habit. This new habit is pleasurable and fun. This habit
makes it possible to stay on any diet for life without ever feeling deprived.
This new habit makes everything easy. It is so simple you will wonder why
you never thought of it yourself.

Page 51

Reason #2: This business relies on a proven model. There is no guesswork on

your part. Everything you need to know is outlined in simple step-by-step fashion.
It takes only 7 days to get set up and running. You only need about two hours a
day to get going. Then, you can put in as much time as you want. It’s so much fun
you’ll never feel like you’re “working”.

Reason #3: This diet contains 5 delicious foods that may very well be new to
you. I am going to ask you to eat at least one of these 5 foods every day. All of
them are what I call “natural food tranquilizers”. At exactly the same time
these foods are releasing new energy into your system they also work to
release all the tension from your nerves and muscles and give you an
emotional lift. Believe me it is very hard to diet if you are upset and in a bad
mood all the time!

Reason#3: This moneymaking secret is only known by a small group of people.

Which means there is hardly any competition. The fact is, you can only make a lot
of money when few others are in on the secret. That holds true for any business.
Another million people could find out about this and it would still work just fine.

Reason #4: This diet contains yet another unique food substance that releases
the natural fat burning power of your system. This substance increases the
amount of calories your body burns each day thereby allowing you to eat
more without weight gain.

Reason #4: This moneymaking secret is set up to give you periodic big paydays.
Once in a while you’ll be cashing very big checks. You can take that money and
run or reinvest back into the business. Either way it won’t matter. Because, before
you know it, you’ll be getting another big check. The process never ends.



This diet has been a Godsend to me. I have a sparkling new body. I have lost
75 pounds. I now weigh 113 and I wear a size 6 dress. (I used to weigh an 18).
I have more energy now than I had when I was a teenager. I am in better
health than I ever remember. My friends say I look 15 years younger. I enjoy
a peace of mind I have never before experienced. I feel good all the time. Best
of all, my husband has fallen in love with me all over again.

I can’t even begin to describe how fortunate I feel for knowing this secret. I am
totally financially free. I have more money in my bank account than I used to

Page 52

make all year. My house is paid off. My cars are paid off. And I never have to
deny myself or my family and of the good things in life. Best of all, I get to see
my kids grow up and spend more time with my family.

Will this amazing little diet work for you? I am sure it will. All I ask is that
you be open-minded enough to give me a chance to prove it even though I am
an everyday housewife and not a diet doctor or anything like that.

Will this amazing moneymaking secret work for you? I don’t see why not. You
just have to be open-minded and be willing to take instruction from an everyday
average Joe like me.


I have written a book that tells you about my secret diet. It is easy-to-read. It
tells you exactly what to do step-by-step. You can read my book in one
evening. Then the very next day you can start losing weight so fast you just
won’t believe it.

How can you find out about this moneymaking secret? It’s simple. I’ve written a
book that explains my entire system. You can read it in about a day. Right after,
you can start building an online empire worth a fortune. You’ll be blown away.



Here’s how you can read my book and try my diet without any financial risk
at all. Go ahead and order my book by mail. Keep it 30 days and read it and
check it out. Then if you are unhappy with it, send it back and I will return
your payment to you quietly and without question.

I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is and let you try my
moneymaking secret with no financial risk. Order my book by mail. You’ll have
30 full days to read it, use it and put my system to the test. Then you be the judge.
If you follow my simple instructions… within 30 days… you should be making at
least an extra $300. That’s just for starters.

If you are extra skeptical, I suggest you postdate your check or money order
by 30 days. I promise and guarantee I will not deposit it for at least that

Page 53

amount of time. Then if you decide to return my book I will send back your
uncashed check or money order with no questions asked.

Hey, I know you’re a little skeptical. That’s good. That’s healthy. So to take all
the pressure off your decision go ahead and postdate your check by 30 days. I will
not deposit it for at least that much time. All the risk in on my shoulders to prove
to you how powerful this moneymaking secret is. But if you’re not satisfied for
any reason… and you decide to return the book… I will tear up your uncashed
check and throw it away. No hassles. No questions.

To order, write your name and address and the words “DIET SECRET” on
a piece of paper and send it with $10.00 to me Nancy Pryor, Dept. 168, 123
Any Street Ave., P.O. Box 000, Anywhere, USA 00000. I will send your book
promptly by return mail. If you have any questions you can call me. My
number is (000) 000-0000. Checks and money orders should be made payable
to me – Nancy Pryor. (It is not a good idea to mail cash).

To order, write your name and address and the words “MONEYMAKING
SECRET” on a piece of paper and send it with check or money order for $19.95
to me Joe Fantoni, 123 Anywhere St., Anywhere, USA 00000. Your book will be
sent by return mail. If you have any questions call me at (000) 000-0000. Make
sure you make your check or money order payable to me – Joe Fantoni.

Thank you.

Okay, that’s how I would swipe the proven diet ad for a totally unrelated market.
In this case, the moneymaking or biz opp. market. Below I’ve reproduced the
entire text of my new ad. Notice how we simply made sure to add the facts and
benefits relevant to our product. But the structure and even theme of the ad was
left untouched. By following this process, you save a ton of time. There’s really
very little to figure out. Other than the relevant facts and benefits you need to
substitute for your product.

Page 54

The Amazing Moneymaking Secret Of

A College Dropout From Indiana!
My name is Joe Fantoni. I am 48 years old. I am a college drop out turned entrepreneur and
father of two wonderful boys. I’m not sure, but I think after you read this message you may
want to call me. My phone number is (000) 000-0000. Let me tell you something kind of
personal. Three years ago I was bankrupt. Dead broke with no options. My situation got so
desperate I had to beg my friends for grocery money just to feed my family.

I was so depressed my wife asked me to see a doctor. I was on the edge and about to snap.

Why was my financial situation so bad? Because I bought into a “hair brained” business
opportunity – through an MLM company – and had lost all my money. A friend of mine, who I
trusted told me this was “it”. We would be rich in no time. But the company went out of
business within a month and I was out my life’s savings. It took me 12 years of hard work to
save that $25,000. I managed to lose it all in less than five weeks.

Maybe $25,000 doesn’t sound like a lot of money to you, but to me it was all I had.

I gotta admit I’m kind of a biz opp. junky. You know? Ever since I can remember I’ve been
trying one moneymaking scheme after another. I tried vending machines. I tried MLM. I tried
fixing windshields. I tired 900 numbers. I tried placing tiny ads in newspapers. I bought books,
ebooks, courses, tapes, videos, etc. I sent for stuff through the mail, by TV, from ads in papers
and magazines… and… of course… the Internet.

But I never made much to speak of. Sometimes a few bucks would roll in here and there.
Nowhere near enough to live on. Much less to get rich. Nothing seemed to work for me no
matter how hard I worked.

Losing $25,000 was the last straw. My wife was fuming. She even threatened me with
divorce. I was about to blow my top and just give up trying.

Don’t worry. Things ended up working out just fine. I wanted to let you know where I was
just in case you think you’re at the end of your rope. You see, just when things looked darkest I
found something that changed my financial situation for the better. Forever.

Two weeks after I lost all that money I discovered an amazing way to make real money (real
fast) on the Internet. Now, I bring in between $10,000 and $15,000 per month from the comfort
of my own home.

Page 55

I am going to reveal my secret to you. Why? Because it’s no skin off my nose to let
you in on this profitable venture. Besides, I put together a surefire system for raking in
$300 to $500 the first month. It’s easy. It’s fast. It will take your breath away while
putting fast cash profits in your pockets. The best part is there’s nothing for you to figure
out on your own if you follow my simple plan

Funny thing is, I wasn’t even looking for a way to make money when I stumbled
across this secret.

Anyway, none of that is important. What is important is that I’ve found a way to make
serious cash fast. Within 90 days you’ll be raking in an extra $4,000 to $6,000. All of it
will be generated automatically from the Internet.

Here’s why I believe my moneymaking secret is mandatory for you to know.


Look we all need more money as fast as possible. Well, my little secret starts
generating profits right away. On average, you can count on an extra $300 to $500 in the
first month. Those profits multiply quickly. Because in the second month, you’ll double or
even triple what you made the first month. I don’t know about you… but… even a few
hundred dollars in pure profits made a big difference to me. That’s a car or credit card
payment you won’t have to worry about any more.


A quick influx of cash to pay bills is great. The real wealth, however, is in the assets
you build in your business. You can’t get rich unless you create a business that can be
sold for many times the amount of cash it takes in. Sooner or later, you’ll want to retire.

This moneymaking secret not only provides you with monthly cash flow… but… even
more important… it allows you to build a saleable asset. You will be creating a money
machine you can cash out of and retire rich. One of the most valuable aspects of this
secret guarantees the business you grow takes care of you when you no longer want to be
in business.


This moneymaking secret provides the highest return on investment possible. Because
you can start this business with zero capital. Within 30 days you’ll see profits rolling in.
By the 90th day, you’ll be enjoying an income that comes in on auto-pilot. In fact, after
about six months, you won’t be able to turn off the “money spigot” even if you tried. Tell
me, what franchise can you think of where you can start with no money out of pocket?

Page 56


This Internet business is easy to understand. I give you a complete plan to follow. It’s the
same one I follow every day. You don’t need to be a computer geek. You don’t need
business experience. The only thing you do need is the desire to learn and implement my


This is not just a great way to make money from home. It is a way for you to take back
total control of your financial situation. It is proven. It is probably more secure than slaving
at a 9-to-5 dead end job.

Don’t kid yourself. Working for someone else only makes them rich. Besides, in this
great country… and… with this opportunity staring you in the face… it is not necessary to
stay at your job. Unless you want to of course. You can replace your current income
quickly… plus… have the security of true financial freedom from this amazing business.


You don’t need any fancy college degree to make this business work. However, you will
learn how to make money in the “real” world. From now on, you’ll look at things a different
way. Opportunities will become apparent everywhere you go.

Whether you take advantage of them or not won’t matter. Because you’ll have
everything you need right at your fingertips.


Within a few short days you’ll start making money automatically from the Internet. You
don’t have to sweat for money any longer. Follow my instructions… and… the big bucks
will come to you fast and furious. You’ll be happily surprised when you wake up in the
morning to see cash in your account.

As you can see, I’ve discovered an amazing way to make money. I think this business is
the best way to make all the money you’ll ever need. You will begin to generate cash in
days. You will be able to replace your current income. You will be able to work from home
or anywhere there’s an Internet connection. Money will literally be deposited in your bank
account round the clock. You won’t ever have to come up with any money out of pocket.
You will build a saleable business that can set you up for life.

In all honesty, this moneymaking secret is fast, proven and can make you rich.

There are four reasons this moneymaking secret works like crazy. Here they are…

Page 57

Reason #1: This moneymaking secret leverages the power of the world wide web. Due to the
power of the Internet, you can do business with people all around the world. Hook your
computer up to an Internet connection – at home, in an Internet café, in a book store or where
ever – and you’re in business.

Reason #2: This business relies on a proven model. There is no guesswork on your part.
Everything you need to know is outlined in simple step-by-step fashion. It takes only 7 days
to get set up and running. You only need about two hours a day to get going. Then, you can
put in as much time as you want. It’s so much fun you’ll never feel like you’re “working”.

Reason#3: This moneymaking secret is only known by a small group of people. Which
means there is hardly any competition. The fact is, you can only make a lot of money when
few others are in on the secret. That holds true for any business. Another million people could
find out about this and it would still work just fine.

Reason #4: This moneymaking secret is set up to give you periodic big paydays. Once in a
while you’ll be cashing very big checks. You can take that money and run or reinvest back
into the business. Either way it won’t matter. Because, before you know it, you’ll be getting
another big check. The process never ends.


I can’t even begin to describe how fortunate I feel for knowing this secret. I am totally
financially free. I have more money in my bank account than I used to make all year. My
house is paid off. My cars are paid off. And I never have to deny myself or my family and of
the good things in life. Best of all, I get to see my kids grow up and spend more time with my

Will this amazing moneymaking secret work for you? I don’t see why not. You just have
to be open-minded and be willing to take instruction from an everyday average Joe like me.


How can you find out about this moneymaking secret? It’s simple. I’ve written a book that
explains my entire system. You can read it in about a day. Right after, you can start building
an online empire worth a fortune. You’ll be blown away.


I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is and let you try my moneymaking secret
with no financial risk. Order my book by mail. You’ll have 30 full days to read it, use it and
put my system to the test. Then you be the judge. If you follow my simple instructions…
within 30 days… you should be making at least an extra $300. That’s just for starters.

Page 58

Hey, I know you’re a little skeptical. That’s good. That’s healthy. So to take all the
pressure off your decision go ahead and postdate your check by 30 days. I will not deposit it
for at least that much time. All the risk in on my shoulders to prove to you how powerful this
moneymaking secret is. But if you’re not satisfied for any reason… and you decide to return
the book… I will tear up your uncashed check and throw it away. No hassles. No questions.

To order, write your name and address and the words “MONEYMAKING
SECRET” on a piece of paper and send it with check or money order for $19.95 to me
Joe Fantoni, 123 Anywhere St., Anywhere, USA 00000. Your book will be sent by return
mail. If you have any questions call me at (000) 000-0000. Make sure you make your
check or money order payable to me – Joe Fantoni.

Thank you.

Page 59

Editing And Rewriting

After writing your first draft, take a couple of days off again.

You see, at this point, you’re so close to the ad – the message – that you WILL
miss mistakes. So don’t do anything else after you finish writing the first draft.
Just put it away for a couple of days. Do something fun. Do something else.

When you come back, here’s how to edit and rewrite…

Actually, before I get into that let me just explain what the purpose of editing and
rewriting is all about. Namely…

Clearly Expressing Your

Sales Message In The Most
Persuasive Manner Possible

In other words, you want to make sure you convey the facts and benefits of your
product or service as clearly as you can. In addition, you want to make sure the
words you choose are convincing.

Okay, so the first step to the editing process is to…

Read Your Sales

Message Out Loud

Why? Because as you read your ad out loud you will find “stumbling blocks”.
You’ll come across words, phrases and sentences that need to be reworked. You
will find spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.

As you read your ad out loud make a note of where the stumbling blocks are.
Make a note of where the other errors are. It would be best to print out your ad.
With a red pen make a note of those parts and sections and words that are out of
place. Then you can go back and fix them.

The next step is to…

Fix Those Obvious Errors

Read those sentences out loud that don’t quite make sense and rewrite them as
you go along. At this point you just want to make sure everything makes sense.
That it’s clear and obvious what you mean.

Page 60

This editing process will take you about an hour or two. Don’t make it hard on
yourself. Just fix the obvious errors as you come across them.

The next step is to…

Make Sure You Include All

The Relevant Facts And Hot Button
Benefits Of Your Product Or Service

Take the list of facts and benefits you made about your product or service and
line by line make sure you include them as appropriate. You don’t want to miss
any of them because you never know which of them – especially benefits – will
elicit a positive response.


Re-Read The Ad And Make Other

Corrections As You See Them

You see, because you are using a proven ad to swipe from you don’t have to
worry about some of the other parts of the editing process.

If you were writing your ad from scratch, you’d have to make sure you included
enough “reason why” copy. You’d have to check the infrastructure of the ad for
consistency and flow. You’d have to make sure copy blocks segued into each
other smoothly. You’d have to make sure your copy did not leave readers saying
to themselves “So What?”. Which would make them stop reading.

None of that is necessary.

Because the proven ad you’re swiping already addressed those issues. All you
really have to do is read your ad out loud and correct obvious mistakes in content
and context. The first time you do that you’ll find quite a few. This second time
you’ll find a small fraction that zipped under your editing radar.

Make those corrections. Rewrite the parts that need rewriting. And now you’re
ready for the final step…

Page 61

Test The Ad

The final step to creating an ad that works is to…

Test The Ad You

Just Wrote

You can not assume the ad you wrote is necessarily going to produce the best
results possible. In most cases, this ad – one that you wrote by using a proven
ad as a template – will work much, much better than an ad you’d think up on your
own without guidance.

But even so, it can probably be improved. So what you do is run the ad as a
website sales letter, direct mail letter or postcard, email, space ad or whatever.

Then calculate the results it produced. Ultimately, an ad is a winner if…

It Brings Back More In

Profits Than It Costs To Run

However, if it’s a lead generation ad, the test is whether it brought back enough
leads and at what cost. The lower the cost per lead the better the ad worked.

Try not to get too hung up on what you think the ad should do.

The only way to know for sure if it’s a good ad is to run it and see the results. But,
by following the process in this tutorial, your ad has the best chance of winning.
Even top copywriters look over proven winners to make sure they include the
winning elements in their ad.

Not too long ago, Mal Decker beat the Wall Street Journal control that had been
running for over 20 plus years. If you were to look at his version of that ad, it
contains all of the winning elements of the original letter. He did not stray from
those. He just added a few new elements that skyrocketed the response rate.

So, I’m telling you, even top-level copywriters who get paid an arm and a leg use
this process to varying degrees. It is ethical. It is proven. And it will work for you.


Let’s Recap The

Steps To This Process Of
Writing Winning Copy

Page 62

Overview Of The Steps

To Crafting Killer Copy Using
Swipes And Templates

Step One: Set your goals for this promotion.

Step Two: Find several ads that pertain to your market and product.

Step Three: Choose a couple of ads as templates to swipe from.

Step Four: Read your swipe ads out loud.

Step Five: Make a list of benefits from each swipe ad.

Step Six: Jot down all the facts that appear in each swipe ad.

Step Seven: Make a fact list about your product or service.

Step Eight: Make a benefit list for your product or service.

Step Nine: Take a break after creating all of the benefit and fact lists.

Step Ten: Use your swipe templates to create your ad as instructed.

Step Eleven: Edit and rewrite as instructed.

Step Twelve: Test the ad.

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