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School of Water Resource and Environmental Engineering

Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering
Building construction [CEng - 2082], Final Exam
Exam Date: 19 January, 2024 Time Allowed: 2:00hrs
Acad. Year: 2023/24 Max Mark: [40%]


General Instructions:

 The Exam is Closed Book

 Write your full name and ID.No. Correctly on the cover page and answer sheets.
 Be sure that the exam contains a total 7 pages including this page.
 Make your handwriting orderly, clear and readable, and show all necessarily steps!
 Don’t detach any paper from this answer sheet and start new solution on new page
 You can use both sides of the answer sheet.
 Any type of mishaps and cheating during the examination will invalidate your result!
 Mobile Phones or any related electronic materials is NOT ALLOWED to be with you during the examination


Student information:

Name & Signature:________________________________________

ID. No:___________________

For instructor use only:

Question Part I Part II Total Mark
(10%) (30%) (40%)

Building construction Final Exam
PART I: Define and discuss briefly the following terminologies (2 pt. for each)

1. Construction joints and Expansion joints

2. Lintels and Arches

3. Prefabricated building systems

4. Formwork and Schafolding

5. Shells and Dom structures

PART II: Explain the following questions (30pt)

1. What are the basic functional requirements a building should satisfy in its design and construction work?


2. Explain in brief, the essential requirements of a floor. Discuss the requirements that must be fulfilled

for a floor to serve its function. Briefly discus the different factors which affect the choice of floor

finishing. (5pt)

3. Explain in brief, the function of a wall. Discuss the requirements that must be fulfilled for a wall to
serve its function. Briefly discus the different factors which affect the choice of material for wall
construction. (5pt)
4. What are the requirements while locating doors and windows? (5pt)

5. What are the basic requirements of a good roof? List and briefly describe types of roofs. What are the

selection criteria for the roofs? (5pt)

6. What are the major purposes of building finishes? What are the major factors that need to be considered
in making the decision for the selection of a suitable finish, its specifications and color? (5pt)

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