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Maybelle Marie C.



PEDA 9 Task 1

Research the following legal documents that apply to the teaching profession. Write your insights on the
spaces provided. Submit it on February 16, 2024. Thank you.

Existing Laws in the Teaching Profession How will you apply this in your profession?
1. RA 10627,Anti-bullying Act of 2013 In my role as a teacher, I'll create a welcoming
environment that values inclusivity, empathy,
and respect. Additionally, I may take proactive
steps like establishing clear guidelines for
behavior, encouraging candid communication,
and encouraging students to work together as a
team. Additionally, incorporate curriculum-based
lessons and activities that teach students about
the various types of bullying, the effects it has on
both individuals and communities, and
preventative and intervention techniques. Role-
playing exercises, conversations, and initiatives
that foster empathy and conflict resolution
abilities can all fall under this category.
Furthermore, educators frequently spot the early
indications of bullying in pupils. I should be alert
for signs of possible bullying, such as physical
aggression, exclusion, or teasing, and take
appropriate action to deal with it. This may
include intervening in conflicts, providing support
to victims, and implementing disciplinary
measures as necessary, in accordance with school
policies and the law.
Encourage peer relationships and provide kids
the tools they need to settle disputes amicably by
organizing events and projects. Peer mediation
programs, conversations in groups on empathy
and understanding, and cooperative initiatives
that promote cooperation and teamwork are a
few examples of this.
Teachers have the ability to foster safer, more
inclusive learning environments where all
students can flourish intellectually, socially, and
emotionally by actively implementing the
principles of RA 10627 in our profession.
2. RA 7877, Anti Sexual Harassment Act of By fostering an environment in the classroom and
1995 throughout the school that values everyone's
safety, respect, and dignity. This entails
upholding the anti-harassment policies and
making sure that students are at ease reporting
any instances of sexual harassment. Also, by
acting with respect toward students and
coworkers, we, teachers, may set an example for
our students to follow. We should refrain from
acting in a way that can be interpreted as
harassing others, and they should promptly and
appropriately deal with any improper behavior
they come across. Instructors can take part in
professional development activities and training
courses centered on stopping and dealing with
sexual harassment. We can gain the information
and abilities necessary to handle situations
professionally and assist peers and students as a
Teachers can help create safer and more
respected learning environments where
everyone is treated with dignity and can flourish
intellectually, socially, and emotionally by actively
implementing the provisions of RA 7877 in their
line of work.

3. DepEd Order 40, 2012, Child Protection By making sure that their classrooms are
Policy welcoming and safe places where kids can
express themselves and take part in activities. In
addition, we can prosecute offenders of bullying,
discrimination, and other offenses and take
preemptive steps to shield children from harm
and exploitation. We can include topics like
rights, personal safety, and child protection in
their curriculum. We can lead talks and exercises
that increase students' understanding of
children's rights and provide them the tools they
need to identify and report any abuse or
exploitation they may come across. Trust,
respect, and open communication are the
foundations upon which teachers and students
can build healthy relationships. Teachers who
establish a solid relationship with their students
can foster a supportive environment in which
students feel comfortable confiding in them with
any worries or problems they may be
having. Moreover, Educators have the ability to
push for the successful execution of the Child
Protection Policy in their educational institution
and local community. They can take part in policy
talks, awareness campaigns, and training sessions
to spread the word about child protection issues
and best practices for preserving the rights and
welfare of children. Through the implementation
of the rules and concepts found in DepEd Order
40, 2012, educators can play a role in fostering an
atmosphere that is safer, more protective, and
prioritizes the well-being of children.

4. Resolution No. 435, 1997 Code of Ethics At all times, educators should behave themselves
for Professional Teachers with dignity, professionalism, and honesty. They
should uphold the greatest standards of ethical
behavior in their interactions and relationships,
and they should show respect for their learners,
coworkers, administrators, parents, and the
community. In order to effectively fulfill the
requirements of their students, they should
consistently strive for excellence in their teaching
practice and enhance their knowledge, skills, and
competences. They ought to exhibit a dedication
to professional growth and lifelong learning by
keeping up with the most recent developments in
research, best practices, and education. The
rights and welfare of their students, especially
the right to a secure, encouraging, and
welcoming learning environment, should be
acknowledged and respected by teachers. They
ought to provide chances for the intellectual,
social, emotional, and physical growth of each
student and treat them equally and fairly,
without of bias or partiality. Additionally, make
sure that materials, technology, and other
resources are used in an ethical and responsible
manner to enhance the learning and
development of students. Teachers should also
honor intellectual property rights and properly
credit their sources when using content from
other parties into their lessons. Teachers must
also abide by any applicable laws, rules, and
guidelines that control their line of work,
including those that deal with professional
conduct, education, and child protection.
understand and abide by the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers and other relevant rules in
their day-to-day work.
Teachers can help cultivate a culture of
professionalism, honesty, and ethical behavior in
the teaching profession by putting Resolution No.
435, 1997's guiding principles into practice. This
will ultimately improve the standard of
instruction and the welfare of pupils.

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