Trading Plan Form

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Money & Risk Management Plan

My Purpose
I trade to attain financial freedom
Trading is aligned with the kind of lifestyle I want
My main motivation is to be able to take care of myself and everyone close to me
need money for to take care of my living expenses
I want to completely replace my current income

My Financial Situation
My monthly Living Expenses (LE) are: 100USD a week . That’s my Need Number.
Therefore, in order to survive, I need to make:
$400 per month .
$1200 per quarter.
$4800per year.

My Money Plan
Based on my Backtesting/Live Performance, I can easily generate 300USD per month.
To achieve my Need Number, I need a 100USD Trading Account.
In order to achieve my targeted returns and account size, my Current Highest Priority Actions are to:
1. Focus on processes
2. specific actions
3. mindsets
4. habits
5. routines

Risk Parameters

1. I will be risking 5% per trade.

2. My Max Loss per Day is 40%.
 That is 5 Losing Trades in a row.
3. My Max Loss per Week is _65_ %.
4. If my balance falls below _35_ %, I will reduce my risk to 2.5% per trade.
 I will trade with the reduced risk only if I am below my drawdown threshold.
5. If my balance increases above 50%, I will increase my risk to 10% per trade.
 I will trade with the increased risk until as long as I am _80% in profit.

 I target 100 USDper week.

 I’d love to achieve 500USD per month.
My current Win Rate is _60_%.

Timing and Pairs

My Trading Windows are:
From ___ to ___. And from ___ to ___.
My Trading Pairs are:
 (include all your instruments and pairs)

I commit to following this plan strictly. It is my full responsibility to manage my risk and execute on
my trading system flawlessly, without being influenced by emotions.
I know that not every day/week/month will be profitable. I will keep executing my system, while
managing risk flawlessly. In the long-run, I will achieve a positive return.


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