1.main Points

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Main points:
1-Paula and Terry are working together on a big, important marketing
2-Paula's supervisor approved her marketing plan and he believes that
after the marketing plan, Paula will receive a promotion or move to a
different, more attractive product line.
3-Terry wants Paula's current position as product manager, and her
chances increase if Paula is promoted.
4-Terry is disturbed by the marketing plan regarding her relationship to
the phenomenon of physical attractiveness due to its negative impact
on the individual and society.
5-Paula has a scientific belief that shows that it is financially beneficial
to associate speakers with low physical attractiveness with ordinary
products such as floor cleaning soap.
6-Terry recognizes that the phenomenon of physical attractiveness is
being discussed as a new social issue of increasing importance and is
expected to manifest itself in the future in the form of boycotts and
product/company lawsuits.

2.Main Problem:
1. The marketing plan for a floor scrubbing soap made by Paula that
is approved by her superior is based on discrimination according
to physical attractiveness, and terry has an objection for
differentiating between the people according to their
3.Ethical & Unethical:
1. Terry's discomfort and her responsibility to alert the company about
an important social issue
2. Terry wants to speak out because she believes the marketing plan
propagates a lower role for those people who are born with less
physical attractiveness.
3. Paula is trying to create a marketing plan at a lower financial cost
4. giving opportunities to all people with less physical attractiveness to
work in marketing campaigns.

1-Using Stereotypes Unfairly: Paula's plan relies on stereotypes about

looks, which isn't fair. It suggests that only unattractive people can sell
cleaning products, which isn't right.
2-Ignoring People's Feelings: Even though Terry found out that people
who aren't seen as attractive face a lot of problems, Paula doesn't seem
to care. She still wants to go ahead with the plan that could make things
worse for them.
3-Putting Money Before People: The plan focuses on making money
without thinking about how it might hurt others. It uses people's looks
to sell products, even if it means causing harm.
4-Picking and Choosing Research: Paula only pays attention to research
that supports her idea, ignoring the bigger picture. Terry's research
shows that using looks in marketing can cause real problems for society,
but Paula ignores it.
5-Making Things Worse for Some People: By going along with this plan,
the company could make life harder for people who aren't seen as
attractive. This could lead to more inequality and make people feel
worse about themselves.
Possible Alternatives
1. Terry could express her feelings to Paula about changing the
marketing plan to prevent discrimination based on appearance.
2. Terry could be quiet and hope Paula receives a promotion, which
in turn would increase Terry’s chances of being promoted and
might give Terry a greater opportunity to express her point pf
view and apply it.
3. Terry could request a meeting with Paula’s superior to change his
views about Paula’s plan.
4. Terry could leave her position and file a lawsuit.
5. Terry might try to ignore the articles about physical attractiveness
phenomenon and think only about success.
6. Terry may try to talk about discrimination and the physical
attractiveness phenomenon in a specific article in a top marketing
journal to raise social awareness, then Paula and her superior
might change the marketing plan from themselves.
7. Terry could suggest a different marketing plan that doesn’t involve
people and the concentration would be on the product itself only
with voice over.
8. Terry could ask people through a survey concerning the strategies
taken to make a marketing plan based on physical attractiveness,
so that he can convince Paula and her superior about changing the
marketing plan.

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