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Liceo de Cagayan University

Senior High School Department

RNP Blvd., Kauswagan,Cagayan de Oro City

Third Quarter
(Group Task)

Subject: __ROBOTICS 2________________________________

Topic:___PERFORMANCE TASK____________________
Date Given: ______________________ Due Date: ______________________


Expected Output: The LED should be able to light on and off using the push button and control its
brightness using a potentiometer.
Materials Required:

1 - LED
1 - Potentiometer
1 - Push Button
2 - Resistors
Jumper Wires (You can decide how many you would like to use)

How to know if we get the Performance Task right?

1. When the push button is pressed, the LED should light up,
2. Once the LED is on, the brightness should increase or decrease using the potentiometer
3. After that press the push button again to turn off the LED.
What to SUBMIT?

1. Submit the TINKERCAD link of your work in the PRIVATE COMMENT. How to get the link?
Watch this video:


Excellent (9-10 points) Good (7-8 points) Fair (5-6 points) Poor (3-4 points) Unsatisfactory (0-2

Code The code is fully The code is mostly The code is The code is The code is not
Functionality functional and meets functional and meets somewhat functional minimally functional functional and does not
all requirements of the most requirements of and meets some and meets few meet any requirements
assignment. the assignment. requirements of the requirements of the of the assignment.
assignment. assignment.

Code Clarity The code is well- The code is mostly The code is The code is poorly The code is
organized, easy to read, well-organized, easy to somewhat well- organized, difficult disorganized,
and well-commented. read, and mostly well- organized, somewhat to read, and poorly unreadable, and not
commented. easy to read, and commented. commented.
somewhat well-

Code Originality The code exhibits The code demonstrates The code shows The code's The code lacks
exceptional originality, a high level of moderate originality, originality is limited, originality overall,
presenting a originality, introducing incorporating some with few distinctive failing to introduce any
groundbreaking creative elements or unique features or elements or significant or unique
approach or concept solutions that approaches that innovations that set it elements that
that significantly distinguish it from contribute to its apart from common differentiate it from
contributes to the conventional differentiation from implementations. existing solutions.
project's uniqueness implementations and standard solutions.
and innovation. add value to the

Electrical The LED and resistor The LED and resistor The LED and resistor The LED and The LED and resistor
Connection are correctly connected are mostly correctly are somewhat resistor are poorly are not connected or do
and function properly. connected and mostly correctly connected connected and do not not function at all.

Tel. No. (088) 858-4086, 858-4093 to 95, (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 PABX local (President) – 112 & 126, (Registrar) – 109
Tel. Fax No. (01163) (088) 858-3123 (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 local 111 [email: [website:
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
RNP Blvd., Kauswagan,Cagayan de Oro City

function properly. and somewhat function properly.

function properly.

Adherence to Strictly adheres to all Mostly adheres to Partially adheres to Partially adheres to Does not adhere to
Guidelines guidelines provided in guidelines provided in guidelines provided guidelines provided guidelines provided in
the instructions. the instructions with in the instructions in the instructions the instructions;
minor deviations. with noticeable with noticeable significant deviations.
deviations. deviations.

Group Members Code Code Electrical

Functionality Clarity Connection

Only 1 Member/ Representative must TURN IN your output in our gclassroom. Just make sure to write
all the names of your members.

Tel. No. (088) 858-4086, 858-4093 to 95, (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 PABX local (President) – 112 & 126, (Registrar) – 109
Tel. Fax No. (01163) (088) 858-3123 (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 local 111 [email: [website:

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