Third Eye Awakening How To Open Your Thir - Aura Heal

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How to Open Your Third Eye for Spiritual Enlightenment,
Psychic Awareness, Intuition and Pineal Gland Activation.
Enhance Psychic Abilities and Mindpower
Using Guided Meditation

By Aura Heal
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In this book, I want to introduce you to your Third Eye chakra, your Ajna,
and show you the importance of opening your Third Eye and what it can do.
The following chapters will discuss some of the ways your pineal gland, or
the Third Eye in more spiritual circles, can become weak. When the Third
Eye is hindered from working properly, a number of symptoms develop.
These can be physical, emotional and spiritual in nature.
You will discover how important it is to maintain the integrity of your Third
Eye and how regular preventative maintenance through proper diet,
exercise and spiritual development can help improve the power of your
third eye. You will find out how important it is for your overall wellness,
both physically and spiritually, to become fully in tune with your third eye .
It will cover the ways in which you will need to protect yourself. Third Eye
activation is a very positive process, but it also involves venturing into the
unknown. Starting anything so big without ample protection can be risky.
You will be able to understand in detail the steps you need to take to remain
protected from all kinds of negative energies.
We can increase this spiritual relationship by using many techniques, all of
which are described throughout this book. You will learn, for example, how
to decalcify your pineal gland, reconnect with your true self, and with the
endless energy of the world, as well. Your life is special and you were made
to live a meaningful and productive one. Now is the time to do it.

The Third Eye is a mystical, and almost magical part of human nature. It is
also called the inner eye, and it is used for mental clarity. It is often showed
as an actual eye in ancient artworks, specifically in Egyptian and Hindi
cultures. They believed that if you opened your inner eye, you would be
able to see the world for what it is, and that the world as they knew it was
all an illusion.
The Third Eye is called the pineal gland, a small organ located at the very
top of the spine as it enters the brain. It is distinctly in the center of the
brain, between the left and right hemispheres. From the outside, it would be
dead center between, and just above the eyes. An air of excitement and
mystery surrounded this organ as soon as it was discovered. This tiny thing
must be important. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be tucked away so safely within
the brain. What could it be?
The pineal gland is primarily responsible for the production of melatonin, a
hormone that is required for regulating our circadian rhythm. It is this
vigilance of light and dark that allows us to fall asleep and wake up in a
normal pattern. Disruptions in melatonin cause sleep disruption, insomnia,
narcolepsy and general fatigue.
Another curious thing about the pineal gland is that it creates and houses a
chemical that is known to cause so-called hallucinations.
Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), is naturally produced in the body and can be
compared to psychedelic drugs like acid, a man-made version. DMT in
large amounts causes the mind to slip into a trance-like state, and vivid
imagery occurs. This chemical is released in small doses when we sleep,
creating dreams.
For those who partake in the use of psychedelic drugs often report being
reborn, awakened into a new life by the experience. This type of drug has
been used for centuries in Native American and South American cultures
(along with many more) for spiritual practice and connection with the gods.
It is hard to ignore the fact that entering such a state opens the mind and has
the potential to connect our inner selves with a higher energy. Could this be
the key to knowing our inner selves?
Although that example is oversimplified a bit, it is our inner selves that
attach meaning and understanding to things. When the brain and soul are
not aligned with each other, it can cause our brain to react without guidance
and wisdom of the bigger picture. We are required to get in touch with our
inner self more often to lead a life with infinite wisdom and guidance.
Awakening our Third Eye without the help of medications is certainly
possible as well. There are many practices we can do on a regular basis that
help open the mind and deepen the connection between our inner selves and
our analytical brains. The world we live in constantly forces us to work
against the better judgment of our inner selves, and so the number of people
being spiritually guided are the minority.
What most people don’t realize, however, is that they are living in a fallacy
of a world in which their physical bodies and analytical minds are at one.
The mind and body are disposable, and what is left after we are gone is our
inner selves, our spirit, to become connected, once again, with the energy of
the universe. We must do the best we can to live out tangible lives through
the needs and desires of our spirit, and not let the worldly needs of the body
take hold. Our souls do not need money or power, they need love and
understanding. Our time here on earth could be made so much happier and
healthier by following the guidance of our inner spirit. Getting connected
with our Third Eye is the key to all of it.
The pineal gland generates hormones like melatonin and serotonin, which
usually play a significant role in controlling sleep cycles and help the
overall mood. Without this gland, the body would not recognize normal
fluctuations in light, which would make it hard to fall and also to stay
asleep within a regular pattern. Also, the body would not be able to
differentiate summer from winter, apart from the change in temperatures.
The pineal gland is present in most vertebrate animals keeps the whole
ecosystem running around the same clock, depending on sunlight.
The Third Eye is a significant part of many cultures, but the description and
what it is varies from culture to culture, and even though the basis of the
concept is the same, there is so much to learn about the Third Eye that it
would be a crime to ignore the differences each culture has. These cultures
are all around the world, and they all have a belief that the Third Eye is the
eye in which you see things that are not seen with your two physical eyes.
Where the differ tends to be on how it works, and what you see with your
third eye.
The Egyptians believed that people could awaken their Third Eye and use it
to come to power. That is why most of the time, pharaohs were depicted
with a Third Eye in the paintings on their tombs. The most powerful Third
Eye users were often known as oracles. One of the most popular oracles
crossed into Greek mythology, and she was known as the Oracle of Delphi.
This oracle often foresaw the fates of many Greek gods, goddesses and
heroes. She was one of the most powerful oracles out there and was so in
touch with her Third Eye that she went blind because she never used her
two physical eyes. Or so the story goes. This was way back before we were
even a star in the galaxy, let alone any time near when this generation was
around. This was back before the time of even Ancient Rome. The Third
Eye concept has been around for more than a little while. It has just
returned to modern society as people are beginning to integrate it into
modern media to bring the awareness back.
African cultures believe in a Third Eye as well. This eye is seen as being
possessed by women after they bear children. It is said that a woman gains
this sight so that she may always be able to keep an eye on her children
even if she is not around. The African women are known for being able to
see through walls it seems when it comes to their kids, and this may have
something to do with them being in touch with their third eyes. This is
something that is a common theme between cultures. The Third Eye being
accessed through love.
In the Hindi culture, the Third Eye is related a lot to Buddhism and
Hinduism. In fact, Buddha is often depicted as a large man with three eyes
and six arms. This is because Buddhists believe that you must open your
Third Eye to succeed in life, and get anywhere past a mediocre level (theme
with the Egyptians, anyone?) Buddha is an all-seeing deity that guides you
to finding yourself, and seeing the world for what it is. They believe that
they are destined to find themselves using the third eye. In their beliefs, a
person must be able to truly find themselves before they can ever even think
of finding their way in the world.
The new age Third Eye culture is all about being more self-aware and
environmentally and emotionally conscious. It is less about trying to see the
future, or trying to see the world around you, but more about finding
yourself, and keeping from destroying the planet. The new age culture is
surrounded by seeing through fake people as well. While there are some
people who still follow the ancient culture, a lot of people have revived and
revamped the Third Eye ideology to bring it back to life, which is a great
Your Third Eye forms a natural part of you as a person as well as every
other individual. We can perceive it more like an unusual or unique "organ"
that is made of your mind as well as other senses working collectively as a
bigger, more robust sensory organ in connection with the pineal gland that
acts as the central point to bring about the vision. The Third Eye makes up a
very clever part of natural evolution that enables you to view your life
patterns. Even more interesting, your Third Eye has the ability to show you
these patterns superimposing this information over your other five senses.
Usually, people will make the vision of the Third Eye to appear as a
supernatural power because they have the ability to foresee future
happenings or see current happenings or any other things that are not
available physically. However, it a completely authentic and palpable skill.
Due to the fact that so many things are dependent on your ability to
decipher results, chances are that there will be a lot of mistranslations
between actuality as well as what your Third Eye relays to you. In addition,
the fact that there are disparities in how everybody sees things, it might not
be easy to share what we have seen with other people. For instance,
whenever we hear the word 'light', everyone might have a completely
different visualization of light. Whatever one person sees is completely
different from what another person will see.
Obviously, there are cases where interpretations may be similar. We are all
human beings and our nature and form aid in pushing us towards the same
measure of experience. Nonetheless, the fact that each one of us is unique in
their own way also makes sure that we view the world from different
perspectives. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise that there are
numerous supernatural practices to scrutinize different views of the world
we hold.
Most of the time, the problem is usually not figuring out how to open the
third eye, instead, it is coming to the realization that we see way more than
we realize we are. On the other hand, some other people choose to
unknowingly ignore it completely. For a section of people, the Third Eye is
something to be completely afraid of therefore the majority of them try to
ignore it whenever it manifests itself.
The secret behind the Third Eye is learning to appreciate its existence and
then taking up the initiative to make sense of what you see over time.
There are many things that you can use your Third Eye for, if you combine
the ideas of many different cultures. If you think about it, there is a
possibility that you can use it for everything that is mentioned, as cultures
adapt things to what they need it for, and if there are that many differences,
then there is obviously a reason for it.
The Third Eye can be used according to history and culture, for so many
different things involving the psychological world. Let us look at some of
the more prevalent things that are mentioned.

Prophecy: Throughout ancient times, people seeing visions and

being able to tell the future has been a common theme, however
for a while these people were hunted and put into mental
facilities, so it seemed to die off for over a hundred years.
Self-Awareness: This is something that a lot of cultures use their
Third Eye for. Self-awareness is the act of learning about
yourself entirely. Being aware of the things you do and knowing
what your character is. The only person in the world who can
truly know everything about you is you, and if you become self-
aware you will learn so much more about yourself and be able to
develop skills that you didn't even know you had.
World Vision: This allows you to see things that are going on in
the world that other people are blind to. You have to think about
the things that go on in the world to truly allow yourself to be
free. Freedom only comes when one opens their eyes to the truth.
This is a great thing to use your Third Eye for, and in using your
third eye, you will see so much of the world that you will begin
to feel a little overwhelmed at first.
Entirety: This is the ability to see the truth. To see things for
what they are. This is different than world vision because it deals
with deception. You want to be able to see past deceptive facades
and understand and know what lies beneath the exterior, or else
you can have the wool pulled over your eyes. People of the world
today are very deceptive, they would rather take advantage of
your kindness, and then spit in your face later on in life.
Connection to the Earth : This is an important thing to have, as
it will help you be more environmentally conscious. You want to
be good to the Earth so that it will be around for many
generations to come. This is one of the most important things to
think about. With all of the waste that is going on in the world
today, it is imperative that people start realizing just how
wasteful they are being. You have to think about the environment
and what is good for it.
The Third Eye is an important part of your life. It is even scientifically
proven to be a possible entity that everyone possesses. You want to utilize
every tool in your life. Do not let this be one that you let slip because the
concept seems out there. The truth is, everything is not what it seems.
If you are skeptical about the process of the third eye, you are probably
asking yourself “why would you need to open your Third Eye anyway?”
The truth is there is no absolute need to. No one needs to. It is all on a want
to basis. You have to want to open it for it to even open. If you are planning
on trying to open it just so you can prove it will fail, you will fail. No one is
forced to open their third eye, and that is a wonderful thing, because not all
people are strong enough to control it, and that is okay. So you have the
choice to decide if you want to open your Third Eye or not.
However, there are a lot of good reasons to open your third eye. These
benefits go beyond what you can do with your third eye. You can see so
much when you open your third eye. However, there are some cons as well,
and they will be talked about later in this chapter. There is always good with
the bad, which is part of your third eye, you have to have balance. So what
are the reasons to open your inner eye? Let's see.
This can bring you inner peace if you use it to see what is bothering you,
and you use it for self-awareness. Peace is something that we should all
strive for, because when you have peace with yourself, and peace with the
rest of the world, that is one less angry person in the world. The more
people who are at peace, then there would be less fighting. If everyone held
peace in their heart, then the world would be a beautiful place. However,
there most likely always will be angry people. You do not want to be angry,
though, because the more anger you hold, the higher risk you have for
health problems. You have to make sure that you are healthy, so it is best to
try to find your inner peace as soon as possible to stay happy and healthy.
Not everyone tells the truth. In fact, anymore, it seems no one tells the truth.
It seems as if everyone has something up their sleeves, and that is sad,
because you want to be able to trust people, but in this generation, it can be
hard to do. If you want to know the truth, most of the time you will have to
find that yourself. Truth is not always pretty though, so make sure that you
are prepared for the truth. You want to make sure that you are ready to
handle the ugly side of the truth, because it is not always pretty. However,
the truth is something that we should all strive to know, because the more
people that know the truth, the less people can lie, because they will know it
won't work. You can use your Third Eye to uncap the truth in everything.
The truth lurks in even the darkest corners, if you only open yourself up to
Can Spot Liars
This goes hand in hand with the truth, but a little more in depth. Not only
can you spot the truth in the world, you can also tell when someone is lying
to you. You do not want to be at the mercy of someone who lies to you. You
have to be able to tell if someone is not telling the truth, so that no one takes
advantage of you. Especially if you are a kind person. There are so many
people in this world that are good, but they are shadowed by the people that
are not good, and the ones that use people for their money or what they can
do for them, and then dump them for a more useful person. You have to
make sure that you are protected from these people. The people who will lie
to you, and tell you that they are worse off than they are, just so they can
get a little extra of something that you may need more than they do, but you
are too kind to let someone in need go without. These are the worst kind of
Clean Living
You will be alerted to the way you are living to make sure that you are
living a lot better than you were. You want to live a clean life because if you
live an unhealthy life, it is bad for you, and the earth. Whether you decide
to go vegetarian, or recycle more, opening your Third Eye will make things
so much easier. You need to see the damage you are doing on the earth to
make the changes that you need to for your health, and for your sanity as
well. You want to live clean because it is good for everyone involved, and
the more involved you are in clean living, the easier it is to steer other
people clear of the dangers of living unclean.

You can experience some of these abilities if you have awakened your third
It is the ability of psychic sight. This means that you can see what others
can’t. People have always considered this ability a gift. However, we all
have this ability to some extent. Some young children have stronger
clairvoyant abilities than adults. They can sense spirits, energies, and future
mishaps. Their minds are not fully developed to understand the meanings of
some signals, but they do see things more clearly. As we age, our pineal
gland gets calcified and your psychic abilities become dim.
Third Eye activation also involves decalcification of the pineal gland. It
helps in improving our sense of perception. We can sense the presence of
energies, spirits, and omens better. As our minds are more mature, we may
be able to deduce the correct meanings of those signals.
This is among the most desired psychic abilities of all as it gives you a real
hold of the things happening around you. You can even predict things that
haven’t even happened yet with some level of accuracy.
This doesn’t happen due to magic. Your mind has the ability to feel the
energies. Your body in itself is an intense ball of energy. When your sense
of perception increases due to Third Eye awakening, you can feel these
energies clearly. This heightened sense of perception makes you stand apart
among others. You start seeing things clearly unblemished by the
deductions or judgment of our prejudices. Your sight and experiences
become clear.
You can develop clairvoyant abilities by practicing meditation once your
Third Eye has been activated.
This whole universe is a form of energy. We, being a part of the universe,
are also energy. The characteristic quality of energy is that it radiates itself.
Every living being has an electromagnetic field of energy engulfing the
whole persona. This field of energy is called the aura. Our body is simply
not just the physical form. Emotional, etheric, mental, astral, celestial
energies are also present in the body. All these energies emit specific
radiations or auras in form of colors. These colors can be seen, and they can
help in identifying the kind of energy that dominates a person. This art is
called observing auras.
When your Third Eye becomes active and starts functioning properly, you
can develop the powers to see these auras or energy fields. Most of us have
this power, but it is never very strong. Yet, when you go to someplace or
meet someone you can feel the negative energy or vibe coming. You don’t
need the help of others to tell you this. Third Eye awakening simply
magnifies this ability several times. You will be able to clearly distinguish
auras without opening your eyes. You will be able to feel auras that don’t
even have a physical body. You will be able to see energy, dark or light in
its most vivid form.
This ability starts developing naturally when you meditate and activate your
third eye. You will be able to feel the presence of negative or positive
energies. The vibes coming from people will be very clear and strong. You
wouldn’t need an introduction to know the basic traits of a person. If you
want to develop this ability, then meditation and focus are the main ways to
do so.
Astral Projection is a way to have out of body experiences. This is, again,
an ability that we all have to some extent. At times of near-death
experiences, traumas, illnesses, people may feel like they have left the body
and traveled far. However, such experiences are never voluntary.
‘Dreaming while awake’ is a better description of Astral travel. We are
made up of energies. With the psychic abilities provided by the third eye,
you can make your energies leave your body and travel at will. Although
astral travels last for brief periods, your experience can be very, very long,
because as in other dimensions, time is not relative. You can communicate
with other energies that do not hold a body of their own. You can travel far
away and return. You remain in complete control of yourself. You will be
able to see the world from a completely different perspective. Your view of
the world would completely change.
Although the projection looks very mystical, it is a reality. We all are not
just this body. This body is a very insignificant part of our actual being. We
won’t simply die when this body stops functioning. On the levels of energy,
we will continue to live forever. You can develop the powers of astral
projection by awakening your Third Eye and making it powerful by doing
meditation regularly.
All these powers are real; we have all of them in dormant forms as we do
not exercise them regularly. You can make them stronger by practicing
them regularly.
However, it is important that before you start to practice these powers, you
strengthen your powers fully. All energies around us are not positive and
harmless. The world is full of negative energies and they will try to interact
with you or influence you. If you do not have enough protection, you may
be influenced by them and bring harm to yourself.
Meditation is one of the best ways to activate your Third Eye and
strengthen its powers. You will be able to develop the desired powers with
meditation and keep them in your control. If you remain dedicated and
focused, there is nothing that will stop you from achieving your goals.

Third Eye activation is a powerful process. It makes you more receptive.

You will attract energies around you. However, you cannot have real control
over the kind of energies with which you may come in contact. You simply
become the receiver of energies. This can pose a problem.
The positive energies will bring peace and tranquility. They will make you
strong and blissful. However, negative energies can have a stronger but
negative impact. To this end, you must protect yourself. You must become
aware of the energies around you. You must choose the place of practice
carefully. You should also work to seal your aura to get better protection
against negative energies.
Neglecting these important aspects can have serious consequences on your
physical, mental, as well as spiritual health. Enabling psychic protection
against negative energies is the best way to avoid these issues.
The places of meditation, the lifestyle you follow, and even the kind of
clothes you wear have important roles to play in your protection. Proper
attention to all these aspects will help you in ensuring proper protection. We
will now discuss the main things that you need to take into consideration.
There are positive energies that help us in our endeavors. There are negative
energies that push us down or corner us. The whole concept of things and
places being lucky or unlucky isn’t just a misconception. When positive
energies in a place are dominant, that place becomes lucky. It helps you in
becoming successful. You become more energetic and alive. Your
entrepreneurial skills get sharp. Your risk-taking abilities become stronger.
Your ability to judge people, things, and circumstances gets better. You feel
rejuvenated and healthy. However, if the place is dominated by negative
energies, things are exactly the opposite.
Therefore, ignoring the significance of the place is not a very prudent thing.
We are not the first to roam on this earth. Several people have walked,
lived, and died in the same place where we live at present. A part of their
energy is left behind. Accumulation of such energies has a profound effect
on the nature of that place.
Earth ray lines have been known to be a reason for several health issues.
Our ancestor's associated cot deaths with such ray lines. People sleeping on
these ray lines are known to be prone to joint problems, heart conditions,
migraine headaches, and other such ailments. Frequent and unexplained
bed-wetting is also attributed to these ray lines. If you are constantly having
bad dreams while sleeping in the same place, then changing the direction or
position of your bed can help. Insomnia or difficulty in sleeping can be due
to this problem.
Such energies also impact your meditation and its results. While you are in
a meditative state, your aura expands, and it starts communicating with the
energies around it. Excessive influence of negative energies can lead to fear
and visualization of negative imagery. It can leave you in a fearful state and
make longer meditations difficult. That’s why It is important you find a
place that is more conducive.
Once you start meditation, your sense of perception will become sharper.
You will be able to feel such energies strongly. If you feel that meditating at
any particular place is getting difficult, you must change the place. You can
also take the help of professional dowsers, house healers, or Feng Shui to
balance the energies.
A healthy body and a balanced mind are the best defense
Attacking the weak is the best strategy and we all know this. Negativity will
engulf the weak of mind and body first. You must always focus on having a
healthy body and a balanced mind. If you remain healthy and sane, negative
forces will not be able to influence you easily. You must adopt a healthy
lifestyle to remain protected.
A balanced lifestyle and mindset are the first requisite for any such practice.
If you are stepping into your practice with a negative outlook, the results
won’t be very promising. Your journey would remain bumpy, and you
would face several impediments on the way.
A healthy body is a strong foundation for success. You will be able to face
your fears with strength and overpower the roadblocks easily. The
protection techniques will work in any condition, but a healthy lifestyle will
help you in many ways.
Third Eye activation is a spiritual journey, but it has to be carried out
through your physical body; and therefore, you can never ignore the
importance of your physicality. You must take steps to ensure that you
remain healthy and focused. Following a healthy lifestyle will take you a
long way in this process.
Sleep and rest are important
An exhausted body is weak and prone to the influence of negative energies.
If you are taxing yourself too much or not getting enough sleep, then you
will become empty. This state will be easier to overpower. Some people
start meditation and want to achieve things very quickly. They undermine
this important concept and face dire consequences.
You must ensure that you are getting ample time to rest and have proper
sleep. Lack of rest and sleep will make you weak. Your energy field will
also get weak, and your protection cover will fade away.
A balanced diet
This is among the key reasons that the monks have very simple, yet healthy
meals. They focus on supplying a healthy mix of macronutrients to their
body. They eat the foods that can be easily processed by the body.
In this modern way of life where processed food has taken over the natural
diet, it would be unwise to prescribe any strict eating regimen. However,
you should stay away from an unbalanced diet. You must always eat the
right mix of macronutrients that supply you with needed energy. Following
diet plans or strict calorie control will expose you to negative energies as
you become weak. It is a very unwise thing to do. You can also get the same
results by having a diet that supplies all the required nutrients and
eliminates the junk food that leads to excess weight. Whatever the diet plan
you follow; you must ensure that it is nutritious.
You must focus on foods that have a lot of antioxidants and help in fighting
free radicals. Eating easily digestible food is always the best way to remain
healthy and fit. Complex foods, especially red meat, take a lot of time to
digest. It also promotes the growth of negative energies in your body. You
should try to avoid it as much as possible.
Sorrow or grief are dark emotions. They attract negative energies a lot.
Somewhere deep down there is a grudge building up. The development of
positive energies becomes difficult in such a state. Happiness, laughter, and
positivity, on the other hand, keep the dark energies at bay. You become
strong and remain protected.
You must cultivate happiness. Try to remain cheerful. If you are unhappy
about a few things in the past, try to forgive and forget them. Moving on
will be easier for you. Moving on the path of Third Eye awakening with
baggage from the past is not a healthy thing. Joy and peace are important in
life. In fact, happiness has been the ultimate goal of the majority of people
who have walked on this earth. Sadness and depression only weigh you
down. Make your choice prudently.
The intoxication of any kind may give you a temporary relief from the
problems of this world, but it cannot be a permanent solution. In fact, it
isn’t a solution at all. Problems generally become bigger when you come
out of a hangover. You must stay away from avoid this scenario.
Drugs and alcohol have become quite popular. They cause hallucinations
and make you see an imaginary world which you may like. However, they
take you far away from reality.
Drugs and alcohol can be dangerous while you are on the path of Third Eye
activation. You may hallucinate and have false visualizations. They also
make you weak and incapable of exercising any control. You become weak
and may become influenced by negative energies. You must stay away from
them to remain protected.
Choose your colors wisely
The color you wear will have a profound impact on the amount of energy
you absorb. Light colors do not absorb energy. This will help you a lot in
staying safe from the influence of negative energies. This is one of the
reasons whites is the preferred color for meditation. It reflects negative
Dark colors attract and absorb energy. If you are wearing dark colors while
doing your meditation, then the chances of coming in contact with the dark
energies increase.
Find a positive place for meditation
The place of meditation has a very strong impact. A place with an excess of
negative energies will always give you a hard time in meditation. You will
be able to feel an intense pressure. There will be distractions and you will
find it difficult to concentrate for long. If you find yourself in any such
situation, then the chances are that you are sitting on a fault line. Shifting
the place of meditation even by a few feet can make a lot of difference.
Wash your hands
Once you start meditation, your sense of perception of the outside energy
forces increases. You can feel their interaction with your body. You will be
able to feel the extra pressure on your hands. You will become aware of
energy building up around you. These realizations will become common.
All this happens because you start attracting more energy toward yourself.
Whenever you feel any such pressure in your hands, you must wash them
thoroughly under running water. It will increase your perception. It will also
keep you safe from such energies.
Purify the room
The presence of negative and positive energies is beyond your control in
any place. However, managing as best as you can is always in your interest.
If you feel that your home or the place of meditation has a high
concentration of negative energies, then you can take some proactive steps
to balance these energies.
Burn incense or candles
Burning incense or candles have a positive impact on the energies. You can
make the positive energies stronger by this method. It also helps in
purifying the room. It gets filled with positivity and smells great. You will
be able to meditate for longer.
Hot and cold treatment
Creating a temperature variation in the room is also a way to deal with the
flow of energy. You can use heaters to make your room as warm as
possible, and let it become cold afterward. Creating a temperature
difference in the room helps immensely.
Get in sync with the lunar cycle
The moon has a deep impact on the energies on the earth. It generates a
great force. Even the oceans and currents do not remain unaffected by the
influence of the moon. The behavior of energies varies on the full moon and
new moon. You must consider this factor.
A full moon night is the best time to meditate. You will feel an explosion of
energy during this period. It is a very suitable time for intellectual
realization. The chances of Third Eye awakening are very high in this phase
of the month. You must make the best use of this time.


With every meditation session, your consciousness level increases. You will
start achieving higher states of consciousness. The light inside you
illuminates you. It takes away your insecurities and fears. Our worries are a
product of our worldly burdens. With every step we take in our lives,
Karma has its effect. It keeps on piling up. We fail to recognize the impact
of Karma and keep fretting over the results. Meditation gives us the power
to ponder upon our actions and the resultant Karma. It all starts making
sense and you can make amends. Clear thoughts give birth to reasoning. We
also start giving weight to cause and not just the results. This helps in
balancing the effect of Karma.
The illumination also makes you realize the importance of various things in
life. You can prioritize things better. We do many things without setting up
clear priorities. This creates a lot of backlash in form of pending mortgage,
student loan, or unpaid credit card bills. These keep haunting our thoughts.
Once you can see clearly inside yourself, you start understanding that most
of the actions were unnecessary. You can also get out of them once you
reason and align them properly. This is the best way to come clear from this
vicious cycle of debts and liabilities.
Astral Travel is often described as “dreaming while awake”, and many
consider this concept to be like having an out of body experience. Astral
travel is your mind’s ability to experience your surroundings without being
limited to your physical body. Astral travel allows your soul to be free from
your physical body to travel the universe freely. Everyone is born with
some minute amount of psychic ability, and if you do exercises to
strengthen your psychic abilities anyone can become capable of astral
projection. When the astral body is projected from the physical body, the
two remain connected by the astral cord (or silver cord) which can stretch to
almost infinite length and cannot be severed (with the exception of the
occurrence of death).
Third Eye Awakening is also extremely beneficial in reenergizing your
senses of imagination and creativity. Opening your Third Eye allows you to
problem solve with ease since your mind had been relaxed and open to all
the available possibilities and solutions. The awakening of the sixth chakra
enables you to be more receptive to greater details, which not only results in
an increased sense of creativity but also an increase in the frequency of
vivid dreams.
The concept of space order is widely discussed as one of the common
results of Third Eye Awakening. This can be described as an idea similar to
“you get what you give”, as space order is similar to the universe’s form of
Karma. By opening the Third Eye, you give off more positive energy and so
you, in turn, become a sort of magnet for receiving more positive energy in
the form of positive events, experiences, and meetings with other


One of the biggest reasons for our distress is our emotions. Love, hatred,
dislike, and affection are some of the free-flowing emotions. We attach
undue importance to things. The negative energies and emotions
accumulate and make us sad. Most of these emotions and energies are
avoidable. When you look deep inside yourself, you find that most of your
outbursts were unreasonable and uncalled for. You could have avoided the
negative energies by suppressing them. These eventually lead to sadness.
Your inner light will give you the wisdom to introspect. This time is entirely
yours. In this moment, you are unchallenged. There is no victory or loss.
You are in complete control. There is no ego or tussle. You take rational
decisions. This leads to the birth of positive decisions. You can shun
negative energies. It is relieving and light. You become happy from within.
You get mature and become affable in real terms. You can take proactive
steps towards improving your health and relationships. You can make
prudent decisions towards strengthening your career and financial situation.
The intuitive power of the Third Eye will help you in assessing your future
course of action.
Now, we know that meditation helps you in self-introspection. You
understand the impact of Karma. You also understand the impact even the
small steps would have on your life. You can predict the consequences of
those actions. This knowledge helps in shaping up a new you. You become
a better and improved human being. Your thought process starts changing
from the root. Your worries and insecurities vanish slowly and gradually.
This makes you more confident and stronger. As your Third Eye opens up
your physical, emotional and mental well-being improves. This starts
reflecting in your overall personality. You mellow down. You become calm
yet confident.
Your path to success becomes clear. Your goals become clear and the path
leading up to them also gets crystal clear. There is no confusion. The mind
makes its way through the darkness. It is no more just an entangled
structure of nerve cells. It gets illuminated.
You start realizing the power of your mind. It is a powerhouse. It gets
illuminated and you know the things in place. Once the light comes the path
gets clear. The challenge lies in bringing the light. The pineal gland or the
Ajna chakra needs to be illuminated and activated. This requires focus,
dedication, and discipline. You will have to work your way till here with
meditation. You will have to open your Third Eye inwards. This will need
patience and determination. It is a doable task. You will just have to
dedicate yourself to it. The path is not tough. It only requires you to keep
walking on it. The journey is calming and rewarding. You only need to take
the first step towards it. It will lead you from there.
The powerful arousing of your 6th chakra opens our eyes from otherworldly
laziness. This enables us to start to see "Reality" that encompasses us. This
means you start to see the world all the more obviously.
You will most likely feel a longing for opportunity and to live in a world
loaded up with adoration, empathy and truth. Inevitably, you will feel and
see the interconnectedness with everything around you in nature and build
up a solid bond with the Universe. This is a profound sense that enables you
to see the magnificence no matter what and to understand that your physical
I isn't your actual nature.
Your senses are as a balanced compass that focuses you in the "right"
bearing to accomplish what your spirit is searching for. At the point when
the Ajna awakens, you can peruse instinctual signs far simpler until they
become practically like another sense, subsequently the term intuition is
gotten from.
It's practically similar to you recognize what will occur and what will be the
consequences of specific occasions. That is the reason a few people believe
that the most eminent prophets within recent memory had an open Third
Eye constantly. The inclination that we are all piece of a similar entire
additionally turns out to be clear and you are equipped for sympathy with
others, realizing that they are a piece of a similar all-inclusive awareness.

Because of enlivening the Muddy Pellet (another name of the third eye), the
Brow chakra is initiated, which thusly encourages to adjust your seven
chakra framework. At the point when you are stimulated and in amicability
with the Universe, you resemble a monster magnet for occasions,
individuals, circumstances and so on.
By outfitting the intensity of the positive plan, appreciation and love, you
can show substantially more excellence in your life. You will become
mindful that the quantity of valuable "incidents" will extraordinarily
Since your pineal organ directs your rest cycles, you will find that you rest
much better and that your fantasies are progressively distinctive. You could
likewise be clear dreaming.
This implies you will feel that you can control your fantasies and you will
have the option to understand your actual interminable self and the
unending potential outcomes that exist in a condition of rest.
Also, you will understand that this universe of dreams is equivalent to "this
present reality" wherein we live. For instance, the way that we have
boundless potential outcomes and we are generally bosses of our own

Third Eye awakening results in the enhancement of several psychic

abilities, the most common of these being increased learning ability,
increased creativity, clairvoyance (psychic vision), clairaudience (psychic
hearing), clairsentience (psychic feeling), increased the feeling of intuition,
and the increased ability to see or sense others’ auras.
The Third Eye, or sixth chakra, is most commonly known for its clarified
abilities of perception and clear vision. The Third Eye expands universal
consciousness and allows one’s feeling of belonging to the universe. One
may wonder why it is important or why they should be interested in the
enhancement of their psychic abilities, and the answer is very simple:
psychic abilities help us to avoid unpleasantness or unnecessary suffering in
our lives. These various psychic abilities can be utilized to clearly see
which path in life should be taken to reach success and to also make the
best decisions possible. Psychic abilities are not a gift that only a select few
possess, everyone has at least some amount of psychic ability and can
strengthen that ability.
Some techniques (other than meditation, of course) for developing and
enhancing your psychic abilities are compiled in a list for you below:

Practice Psychometry: practicing psychometry is an excellent

way to enhance your existing psychic abilities and works very
similarly to intuition. In practicing psychometry, you are
attempting to read an inanimate object’s energy. To do this, hold
an object firmly in your hand (preferably the object will be
metal) and close your eyes. Concentrate your sole focus on the
object in your hand, and try to use your intuition to sense
information about the object’s owner.
Use Zener Cards: Zener cards are an excellent tool in working to
greatly enhance your psychic abilities. To use Zener cards, ask a
friend of yours to choose a card and (without showing you or
telling you which card they hold) memorize which card they
have chosen. Then ask them to try to project the card image to
you mentally, as you use your psychic abilities to receive the
card’s image telepathically.
Visit an antique store: Antique stores are filled with many older
items that have years of history behind them. Simply being in an
environment filled with so many past connections can help to
benefit your psychic abilities. Visit an antique store in your area
and try to see what you feel by being immersed in this
environment using your natural intuition.
Telepathy Phone Call: This exercise can be fun, and cool once
your psychic abilities are strengthened enough to do it
successfully. Using only your mind and your psychic powers,
relax and focus all your energy on a specific friend. In your
mind, concentrate on asking this specific individual to call you
within 24 hours. After you feel you have focused your energy on
this task, wait and see if your friend’s intuition was able to pick
up the signal and call you based on a feeling they had.
If you are interested in developing and enhancing your psychic abilities,
please see Chapter 11 for some meditation exercises that can help to
strengthen your psychic abilities.
Your pineal organ isn't secured by the blood-mind hindrance, which implies
that it has no additional guard against poisons that may enter your
circulation system. Manufactured calcium and engineered fluoride,
specifically, appear to unfavorably influence the pineal organ, debilitating
its capacity to process photons of light and produce synapses. Note that the
worry is manufactured calcium and fluoride, not supplements that normally
happen in vegetables, for instance.
To start to completely enact your third eye, at that point, you should initially
free the pineal organ of these poisonous synthetic compounds that keep it
from working accurately. You can start to do this by drinking cleaned water
and suspending any nutrients, supplements, invigorated nourishments, and
toothpastes that contain manufactured fluoride and calcium.
Notwithstanding detoxifying your pineal organ, you ought to consider
likewise how to effectively sustain your pineal organ with your dietary
decisions. This can bolster a definitive opening of your third eye.
To start, you ought to be aware of eating natural plants and creature items.
Some would suggest that you seek after a vegetarian diet just, maintaining a
strategic distance from every single creature item.
There are explicit nourishments accepted to invigorate the pineal organ.
These include:

Apple juice vinegar (unpasteurized)

Cacao beans
Grass juices
Green vegetables
Reishi mushroom tea

The Third Eye has garnered a lot of attention in recent years. It has emerged
as a great scientific resource that opens the door to new dimensions of
knowledge and power. This concept has made it mystical. A race has begun,
and many individuals have started a treasure hunt for the third eye. This is a
mistake. It will become the biggest impediment in activating your third eye.
The more effort you put in and the desperate you become to activate the
third eye, the more difficult it will become for you.
The Third Eye is a doorway to knowledge, consciousness, awareness, and
spirituality. Other powers like the psychic abilities, heightened perception,
and awakened sixth sense are simply the by-products of the process. The
activated Third Eye will increase the sense of perception in you. This is a
power beyond all powers. It is an enlightening experience where you can
know and see things much better than others.
The Third Eye is present in all of us. However, it remains dormant or
inactive in most of us. Calcification of the pineal gland and lack of
knowledge are some of the common reasons for not paying attention to it.
In recent years, a lot of research has been done and the effect of activating
the Third Eye on consciousness and wellbeing have been registered.
However, while there is a budding curiosity in people about activating the
third eye, the process is still not clear. You can view thousands of videos on
YouTube and read material on the internet about the third eye, but nothing
gives you a coordinated way to activate the third eye. This leads to a lot of
confusion. People start trying to activate their Third Eye in an improper
wrong manner and the results are poor. In some cases, this can be
disadvantageous for the practitioner in many ways.
You must understand the reason for this ambiguity in the procedures. The
first reason is the metaphysical nature of the subject. The Third Eye is not a
physical eye. It does not have and “on” switch to flip. There are processes
that can help in activating the third eye, but different people may take a
different amount of time to activate their third eye. It is not be the same for
everyone. This leads to a sense of desperation in some people. They
become disheartened and stop practicing. Some start looking for the
shortcuts and get lost in the way.
It is a process that requires great devotion as it opens the path of
consciousness. If you are looking to be enlightened, you must not be in a
In the normal course of life, our experiences are limited. Physical and
psychological experiences are the only two kinds of experiences we know.
These are the only two dimensions in which our whole life revolves. This
limits our perception. The Third Eye opens a whole new dimension for us.
We become more conscious and aware of the things that we have not been
able to feel till now. This can be a bit too much to handle for some. The
Third Eye will increase your sense of perception, and this means you will
be able to feel things that others generally don’t feel.
This can be a bit of a scary experience for many. It also works as per your
current state of mind. If you are in a negative state of mind, then you are
more likely to attract negative powers. If you are afraid, don’t expect to
become brave through this experience. In fact, Third Eye activation can
make you more fearful. You can start experiencing your worst fears with
greater intensity. It is due to the fact that fear leads to negative energies.
You will attract more negative energies in that case.
To remain safe and free from such fears, you must do your preparation well.
Do not jump in right away to activate the Third Eye before you enable
yourself to handle the power well. You will have to build enough protection
around you to handle higher powers efficiently. Remember, activating the
Third Eye chakra is a process that involves activating many other chakras,
too. You shouldn’t rush the process. It will not only come in the way of the
results, but it can be harmful too.
Trivial struggles of the mind will come to an end, and you will be able to
see this world from a different perspective. You will be able to clearly see
inside your mind and the outside world, too.
We all consider ourselves to be conscious. You may not have an iota of
doubt about that fact. Walking, eating, sleeping, working, and other similar
activities to run this life are a part of being conscious. However, we seldom
ponder over the fact that we are not doing these things consciously but that
we simply play a part in the greater design. We all are the cogs of the wheel.
We are not conscious of the things happening around us and the reasons for
their happening.
We are not even conscious of the simple things happening in our lives that
are so very important. We talk about the world, politics, global issues,
violation of rights, exploitation, and several other such burning issues.
However, we fail to realize that we may have a part to play in those things
in many ways. We even fail to remain conscious of the good things as they
happen in our lives.
Desperation most often than not leads to failures. It brings hopelessness in
life. Desperation while walking on an undefined path can be a tough
Awakening the Third Eye is a tough process. The thing that makes it even
tougher is the fact that you can never be sure of the extent of awakening in
the initial stages. Showing desperation in such a case will only make you
feel more defeated.
When you start the process of awakening the third eye, you do not need to
fret. Forcing yourself to start paying too much attention is not required. You
simply need to become aware of the things around you. If you start taking
note of every tiny change in and around you, you’ll get mad and it won’t
help your cause.
The only thing that you need to do is widen your perspective. Start thinking
above yourself. Start appreciating the things around you. Do not fret over
the small stuff in life. Activating the Third Eye chakra also involves
balancing all other chakras in your body. If you start forcing yourself
toward the Third Eye chakra, you may create an imbalance.
One of the biggest problems in activating the Third Eye in real terms is an
overemphasis on its abilities. The sudden hype about the Third Eye has led
to several misbeliefs. Some people say that they see angels, demons, lights,
and other such things. The grapevine does the rest for the world. The
moment you start meditating to activate your third eye, your prime focus
becomes to look for such imageries. However, this is not a problem.
Your mind is a very powerful and efficient machine. In fact, it is hundreds
of times more powerful than the most powerful supercomputer ever built to
date. You start with a belief that once your Third Eye becomes activated,
you will start seeing some particular things and ‘lo and behold’ even before
you get a grasp of things, you start visualizing them. The problem is that
this doesn’t mean that your Third Eye is activated. It might be your mind
playing tricks with you.
The true measure of an awakened Third Eye is your experience. As your
Third Eye gets activated, your experience of life will change. You will be
able to perceive things in a better way. Your outlook for things will change
in a positive manner. The activated Third Eye is a state of heightened
consciousness. In this state, you will be able to see life with greater
It is a state of greater consciousness in which you get intellectually realized.
In this state, the worldly affairs will affect you less. This doesn’t mean that
the world starts functioning in a different manner. It doesn’t. You simply
start reacting to it in a different manner. You may start meditating for
longer. You may start feeling a calmness inside you. You may stop getting
agitated by small things happening around you.
We have a discerning mind. We analyze things. We hypothesize about
things. Perception is a completely different approach. Our rational mind is
always up on analyzing things. You will need to give your mind a little rest
here. If you remain focused on deducing everything on the way to activate
the third eye, you might never reach your goal. You will need to focus more
on experience than on analysis.
You must stop judging yourself and your experience on every step of the
ladder. It will have far-reaching consequences on your experience.
Activating the Third Eye involves a lot of meditation. You will sit in a state
of stillness with a calm mind. This state of mental quietness is the hardest to
achieve even for the most profound practitioners. You might achieve this
state only for brief moments. If you keep analyzing yourself and your
progress excessively, you may never truly achieve this state.
Regular practice is also very important for making you more receptive to
new experiences. The more you practice, the more aware you will become.
Practicing various techniques like the breathing exercises and meditation
will help you in stabilizing your body and mind. You will be able to control
your thoughts and sit for longer timeframes. It also improves your ability to
perceive the energies in a better way.
Make a routine for your practice. Fix a place in your home where you
practice daily. Do not change your position regularly if you have found the
right place, as that place will have a high concentration of positive energy.
Fix a time of the day for practicing daily so that you do not have to fight
with yourself every day. This is the best way to get the most out of this
Procrastination is the biggest sin in this world of action. Our actions are the
only things that make or mar us. Not taking any action is the biggest wrong
we can commit. When it comes to meditation or any other such practice,
people keep putting it off for a tomorrow that will never come. You must
understand that the only thing that you don’t have in abundance is time. The
moment you are born, the clock starts clicking. You can put off anything in
this world, but you can’t do that with death. It will come in due time. The
longer you procrastinate, the shorter you will have to do achieve your goals
in life.
Third Eye activation can be a great journey. Not only the destination but
also the journey can give you immense joy. Third Eye awakening is an
experience that will take your consciousness above the regular experiences
of joys and sorrows. It helps you in becoming relaxed and calm. It is a state
of intense peace. You will be able to feel the stillness in and around
yourself. However, this goal isn’t the only good thing about Third Eye
The higher self is a part of you that connects you to the spiritual realm. It
transcends our consciousness. It is infinitely wise and eternal. It stays in
touch with the Divine since it is a part of it. Gaining knowledge of the
higher self and all its wisdom is the goal of the spirit in all its different
Every one of us connects to the Divine. The higher self-transcends all
understanding of the conscious mind. This is the power that all teachers and
geniuses have accessed. It is the place of miracles and magic that is in our
Here are some steps to contact it:
Expectation and Belief
You must first believe that you have a higher self to communicate with.
Then you need to expect that every day this communication will improve as
you focus on inner growth. Without these two essential necessities, it will
be hard to achieve anything in life. These two qualities are necessary for
inner growth. Set a goal to make contact with your higher self, review it
daily, and maintain this purpose with determination until you get success.
Transform your World View
We are raised in a materialistic world that neglects the Spirit. To establish a
close connection with the spiritual realm, you must have the whole being
agreeable with the goal. In all major goals, you need to make rules as to
how the game will be played. Contacting the higher self is exactly the same.
Find teachers and writings that can expand how you understand the
universe as a fundamental being of the conscious mind.
Take time to be completely alone. Make sure it is a quiet place. Sit quietly
without any expectations. Do absolutely nothing. This might feel strange or
uncomfortable at first. Keep going. Take the time for the inner voice to be
heard. It will do it during the quiet time or sometime during the day. An
event will happen, someone will give you the information you need, or you
might get an insight. All the wonderful geniuses in history found time for
regular silence and solitude. You need to, too.
With meditation, you will work to discipline the inner chatter and silence
the mind. You make a clean vessel that the higher self will fill. Follow your
breath is a great meditation discipline since it concentrates on a candle
flame. Visualize a gold ball in your solar plexus that will fill your entire
body with healing and energy. There are many different practices that you
can use.
Keep your insights, dreams, emotions, and feelings in a journal daily. This
will get you closer to your inner intuition. You can ask your higher self-
questions and then record what answers you receive. If you do this with
expectations, you will receive answers.
Inner Dialogue
Have regular talks with your higher self. For 40 days, decide to stay in
contact through the day. Tell your higher self that you know that it’s there
and you will pay attention to it. Ask it to speak to you and guide you. This
dialogue might be one-way at first. Remember you have not been in touch
for a long time. It will take the time to clear out the cobwebs. Continue to
talk just like you are talking to friends, share your hopes, ask questions, and
just chat. Don’t forget to listen for answers. You will get them.
Life Lessons
Look at life as a mystery. Believe that your entire life has been constructed
to teach you what you must know now. Approach life like it was created to
do good for you. When something happens whether it be good or bad, ask
yourself what lesson you learned. Unpleasant situations and people have
been put there as a challenge. When you can view life as a drama where
you play the main role, the higher self will become evident in your life.
Write the finding in the journal.

It is entirely possible to reshape the entirety of your life with guidance from
your inner self. Now that your Third Eye has been awakened; use the
information it is giving you to make informed decisions about your future.
No matter how much time you have behind you, it is possible to make the
future, starting with this very moment, a completely different and wondrous
life. If you could have the courage to start the life you have always
imagined leading, why wouldn’t you? If you knew that leading yourself
down a new path would eventually lead to feelings of happiness, security,
and love, wouldn’t you start today?
The great news, it is all possible, and the wisdom carried by your inner self
is all you need to achieve your dreams. So what are they?
The process starts with a bit of vivid imagery. It is necessary to have a clear
picture of what it is you want in your head to make a great game plan.
Think about making a business plan for your life. First, you must define
your goals, then figure out a plan to get there.
If you are like most people, your daydreams of your fabulous life are often
cut short by the draws of your current reality. Now is the time to give those
daydreams the attention they deserve. Explore what they look like. Are
there physical things there? A house? A car? What do these tangible things
signify? Security? A happy home for your family?
Next, focus on these feelings and compare them to where you are now.
Although your current reality might not look exactly like the one in your
mind, it is possible that you already have everything you need to be happy
and secure right in front of you. Before you begin on a new path, make sure
the one you are on isn’t something you will be missing.
If you are feeling uninspired about your true inner goals, don’t worry. This
probably means that you have been too bogged down with life to consider
this question. Knowing what you want takes time and experience. This step
may take a while, even a number of years, to know what you want.
In the meantime, let your inner intuition guide you. Begin to tune into your
intuitive thoughts and play with them. If your inner self is drawn to attend a
certain seminar, go ahead and sign up. If it is prompting to move your body
and try a new exercise, go with that too. By giving in to your desires, you
attract joy and positivity to your life. Every time you loosen the reigns, your
spirit is allowed to grow and flourish. Sooner than later, it will reveal your
true inner purpose, but only when you are ready.
One of the most interesting places to use your intuition is with starting a
business. Sure, you may have an idea of what your business plan looks like.
It takes quite a bit of networking to get any business off the ground. You
will be meeting new people, all with spirits as driven and joyous as yours.
Let your intuition draw you to positive people and ideas that will help your
business flourish.
With any business venture or otherwise, It is important you keep an open
mind, and allow your Third Eye to see the goodness in front of it. Staying
optimistic allows you to explore ideas for new facets of life you formerly
knew nothing about. You just never know when a great idea that changes
the face of your business may come about.
Here is a little more concrete advice. Each day take stock of your goals. Do
you want to go back to school? Start an exercise routine? Eat healthy? No
matter the goal, set your inner self loose with the plans. If exercise is on tap,
dig deep and ask your spirit and your body how it would like to move. Does
running speak to you? Maybe dance? Is there a class downtown you have
always wanted to try, but were too shy to sign up?
Making a concrete plan to accomplish your goals is a great and necessary
step to success. Sometimes you need to push yourself through the things
you don’t truly enjoy doing for the sake of progress. However, if you begin
to feel like you are pushing every day, forcing it, you may not be on the
right path. Take a step back and listen to your intuition.
Everyone needs a break now and then, so take a couple days to think, relax,
and renew your interest in the project. Schedule in time to be more creative
and follow the lead of your intuition. For example, if you own an art studio
and you have been dealing with the financial aspects of the company a lot
lately, take a break and teach a creative painting class to renew and feed
your spirit. Making time for what you want to do reminds you why you are
doing it in the first place. When it is no longer fun, the ambition is lost.
Your intuitions are the only thing in this world that have your best interests
in mind. After all, it is the true you inside telling you where it wants to go.
Trust that it is taking you in the right direction and use it to your advantage.
Your inner self is after joy and will do anything to get it. Redefine your
definition of success to include overall happiness and joy, and you will
never be steered in the wrong direction.

According to science, the brain cannot tell if what you see or feel is real or
only something that is imagined. Hence, whether you look at a real candle
or simply visualize a candle in front of you will have no difference to the
brain. This is given the presumption that you can visualize properly and
effectively. Just like anything else, the faculty of visualization can be
developed as you continue to develop your Third Eye chakra.
Here is a question: Should you believe what you visualize? This is a matter
of personal preference. There are those who do guided meditations and
strongly believe that what they visualize is a reality while others know that
it is just a fantasy, and yet they all benefit from doing a meditation. Whether
or not you want to view it as a reality depends on you. However, to increase
the effectiveness of the meditation, many suggest that you should believe
whatever you visualize to be a reality, or at least do so even just during the
meditation itself.
How do you use the faculty of visualization effectively? Visualization is
just like imagining something, but it takes it a step further. Guided
meditations become more powerful when you use more senses. Also, by
doing this, whatever you imagine takes the form of reality. Remember that
the brain is not good at distinguishing reality from fantasy, so this is a good
way to take advantage of that weakness and turn whatever you imagine into
a new reality.
A common misconception is the idea that only a few chosen people have a
third eye. As a human being, you should know that you are blessed with a
third eye, as well as other chakras. However, a common problem is that
most people have an underdeveloped Third Eye chakra. This is because
they do not do anything to empower or develop it. But, the truth remains
that everybody has a third eye. You have a Third Eye that is waiting to be
tapped and harnessed. Once you can use the power of you or third eye, then
you can create positive changes in your life. However, developing your
Third Eye takes time and practice. You cannot just take it as a hobby.
Rather, you have to be fully committed to it. Do not worry; it is all worth all
the efforts that you give it.
The third eye, being the seat of intuition and the great power of sight, it will
allow you to draw positive energies into your life and turn negativity into a
more creative and positive force.
When you use your third eye, you should also know how to use the power
of intention. Your intention lies in the mind. As you go through the guided
meditations in this book, I will ask you to visualize things. You must have
good intentions for doing these exercises. You should not develop your
Third Eye for the purpose of evil; otherwise, you will be attracting negative
forces. Instead, you should focus on positive things and pursue these
meditations in a spirit of kindness, gentleness, peace, and love.
This power of intention is important not only on why you want to develop
your third eye, but also during the meditation proper itself. For example, if I
tell you to visualize a ray of healing energy, then you must intend that the
light has the quality of healing. Intention is just a matter of "knowing." It is
not difficult to do.
Your intention is also important when directing or controlling energy. What
is energy? Well, we will discuss that later on. For now, think of it as what
comprises anything and everything. It is not limited to the formula given by
Einstein for energy but goes far beyond it. Intention is closely related to the
will. If you want for something to happen, then you intend for it to happen.
This is not difficult to do, especially when you engage in guided meditation
as I will guide you through the process. All that you need to do is listen to
my voice and follow everything that I tell you. Do not worry; you will not
visualize anything that is scary or sad. Instead, by the time you finish any of
the exercises in this book, you will be rejuvenated, refreshed, and
The meditation practices in this book will stimulate your Third Eye chakra
and strengthen it. However, just like any other form of meditation,
continuous practice is a must for you to experience the wonderful benefits
of these guided meditations. The Third Eye chakra is like a muscle; if you
stop using it, then it gradually loses its power. Hence, engaging in regular
practice should he your priority.
Ideally, you need to practice at least one guided meditation every day. Some
of the meditations in this book are fast and easy to do, so you may want to
use them several times. With continuous practice, your Third Eye chairs
will be well developed, and then you can start making positive changes in
your life. In case that you miss a meditation session for a day, then try to do
more the next day. The important thing is to keep on practicing.
Developing the Third Eye chakra is not hard. But you need to work on it
continuously. If you can, try to spend at least an hour doing guided
meditations on a daily basis. The more that you work on it, the faster it will
develop. However, you should also avoid straining your Third Eye chakra.
You should work on developing your practice gradually. For example, you
can start by spending around 15 minutes in meditation daily, and then make
it 20 minutes, and then 30 minutes, and so on. If you feel tired, then give
yourself time to relax. You should not engage in meditation when you are
physically exhausted as that will only make you fall asleep. In a guided
meditation, the body may be still, but the mind is very much active and
Continuous practice is very important because without it, then you may not
achieve a significant level of success. Even if you know everything on how
to develop your Third Eye and even if you have the best meditation
techniques, you will not benefit from your meditative exercises unless you
practice meditation regularly. Hence, before you even start with the actual
practices in this book, it should be noted that you must be committed to the
work at hand. Do your best and meditate often.
It is worth noting that the practices in this book are not exclusive. There are
other guided meditations that can help develop your third eye. However,
what this book offers is a series of powerful and time-tested meditation
techniques that can effectively empower and develop your third eye. This
book offers the keys, and it is up to you to use them and unlock the door to
happiness, success, peace, good health, and love. A well-energized Third
Eye chakra will give you spiritual awakening, spiritual enlightenment,
enhanced psychic ability, expanded creativity, and so much more.

Meditation is among the most efficient tools to aid you in opening your
third eye. If you take a moment to completely concentrate on your thoughts,
you will be able to have unclouded access to the clarity of the mind that is
usually linked or interconnected to the third eye. The key purpose of
meditation is to direct the concentration of the mind on one object or
thought. It is critical to settle for surroundings that give you some form of
comfort whenever you begin meditation.
If you usually sit on a chair, make an initiative to get used to sitting on the
floor every day until you get used to it. As time goes by, it will feel more
natural and it will be easy to concentrate on your meditation.
If you cannot be comfortable at all when sitting down, you can resort to
what is referred to as walking meditation. For instance, some people find
the rhythmic sound of their footsteps very calming. Walk-in slow motion
and use a familiar path so that you do not have to worry about where you
are going.
An object of meditation could be a physical object or a thought. You have to
only settle for one because it will be much easier for you to concentrate. It
will also shield your thoughts from wandering off and it will also increase
the benefits of your meditation.
In most cases, lit candles are used as the most preferred object of
meditation. The manner in which the flame flickers is east to set your eyes
upon and it offers comfort to many people.
Also, note that your object of meditation does not necessarily have to be
physically present Just ensure that you create a vivid picture of the object.
A mantra simply refers to a phrase or word you will use repeat during the
meditation process. You have the choice of saying the mantra out loud or
internally. Make sure that your mantra is something that is meaningful to
Make sure that your mantra is something that you desire to incorporate into
your awareness or mind. For example, you might settle for "I want to be
happy" as your mantra. This will strengthen the idea that your focus will be
on feeling happy throughout the day.
You could also opt to choose a single word like "growth" and repeat it
during your meditation.
Meditation is an exercise that requires practice. Probably the first time you
decide to meditate, it might not be successful because your mind might
wander off or you might even doze off. Learning meditation is a procedure
that requires time.
Incorporate meditation in your daily life. Kick off with shorter sessions,
probably two or five minutes. Thereafter, as you get comfortable with the
process, you will be able to meditate for longer periods of time.
You might have heard about crystals being used as spiritual instruments. It
is not any different in case you want to open your third eye. Whenever you
meditate, you should try to place a crystal on your Third Eye and then direct
your concentration on how you breathe.
Comprehend What It Means to Be Mindful
Being mindful generally means that you are more consciously aware of
what is taking place in your surroundings. You are actively concentrating on
your physical sensations and emotions. Mindfulness helps you connect with
the universe around you.
As you make more observations, try to restrict yourself from making
judgments. Simply observe and give your acknowledgement without
coming up with an opinion of whether something bid good or bad.
Go Outside
Spending more time outside can be very important in making sure you
become more mindful. Mindfulness can help you open your Third Eye
because you will be aware of its presence. Therefore, it is advisable to take
a stroll every day with the aim of interacting with nature for a while.
Be Creative
Mindfulness can enable you to connect better with your creative side. A lot
of research suggests that meditating cures writers' block as well as blocks
that other artists go through. Mindfulness can help in opening the gateway
to your creativity.
You can take up the initiative to experiment with your creativity for
instance. You could commit to learning how to play a new musical
instrument or take up a painting class. Opening the gates for your creativity
to come in will enable you to have a comprehensive in-tune feeling with
yourself and consequently help you to open your eye.
Focus on the Subtle Things
Everyday life can be very volatile and overwhelming. Mindfulness has the
ability to make you feel better and calmer. This puts you in a better position
to make use of your third eye. Direct your attention to every aspect of your
environment and routine.
For instance, when you are in the shower, actively take note of the physical
sensations. Observe how the warm water feels on your body or even the
smell of your soap.


Sharpen Your Instincts
This is because the Third Eye is the pathway to elected levels of perception
and intuition. Simply put, we can refer to it’s using the phrase: fake it until
you make it. This means that you should take up the initiative to learn about
techniques of intuition. As time goes by, these practices that initially
appeared to be esoteric will make more meaning to you and you will
consequently strengthen your abilities.
Do not even stress yourself or give this too much thought. As a matter of
fact, the opposite is advocated for.
Purpose to Eat a Nutritious Diet
It might not sound serious, but the fact is that opening your Third Eye is not
easy at all if all the food you ingest is junk food. The type of foods you
choose to eat is very crucial in the process of chakra alignment Your choice
of foods greatly determines your energy. Taking up the initiative to eat
healthy foods like eggplants, grapes, purple sweet potatoes, and cabbage
will balance and boost your third eye.
In addition, other foods like vinegar made out of raw apples as well as
vitamin D can help in detoxifying the pineal gland and consequently
enabling you to stand a better chance of opening the Third Eye as well as
the abilities that come with it.

The chakra meditation is different depending on the person and the time.
Chakras might appear in different ways. What gets highlighted are places
that have separation, numbness, cloudiness, density, or constriction. They
may feel like they are pulling back from the other chakras. They won’t feel
like they are moving. They might feel like they are trying to protect itself.
Try to sense which chakra is struggling and notice what area of the body it’s
in. This can help you be aware of the beliefs that are related to a certain
The chakra colors are the same colors and in the same order as a rainbow.
With red being at the base and violet being at the crown. We are walking
rainbows. If you hold a crystal in sunlight, it will display beautiful
We have been told that when we get upset, it is due to something happening
that caused us to be upset. This is the opposite. When a bad event occurs
like disease, discomfort, or pain within your body or another event like
losing a relationship or job, this occurrence reflects the upset we feel within
us. This is what a person can see with conscious awareness.
Your chakras will reflect this, too. Usually in the heart or solar plexus. It
can affect the first two and the throat chakras, too. The cells and organs in
these parts of the body are related to the chakras that rule them.
There are a corresponding body sensation and emotion that is tied to the
separation. A chakra meditation is needed to simply allow this sensation
and give it permission to be here.
When you can stay with that sensation, the associated chakra that needs
healing will begin to heal and open by itself. The chakra will clear
automatically. Our bodies have the power to heal itself. You just have to
allow it to happen.
With chakra meditation, if we can embrace whatever arises, the trauma
inside the chakra will begin to release. This is done by letting it work and
spin along with the other chakras. This will bring balance and harmony as
your energy field shifts to make a unified whole. When your energy field
becomes aligned, healing will begin automatically. Our inner knowing can
take care of our emotions, body, and mind when we can learn to turn
towards conflicts instead of running away.
There are two different ways to approach chakra clearing, healing, and
balancing. The first one covers focusing on the cause of the imbalance.
If we don’t address the cause, feeling distressed and upset will persist in our
emotions, mind, and body. What is causing all the suffering and distress?
Suffering is caused by assuming we’re separate instead of whole.
Compare this to a wave in the sea that is trying to locate water. It doesn’t
realize that it is water and one with the whole ocean it appears in. If it
continues identifying itself as being a separate wave, it will suffer.
Identifying that we can create our own belief system. If we continue to
believe we’re separate, we will believe that we are incomplete and
inadequate. In turn, our beliefs control our bodies, emotions, and thoughts.
They will also make a whole movie about our experiences.
If we can start to experience that we are pure awareness, our lives,
experiences, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs will begin to show the peace
that we know we are.
To have a chakra meditation that will help your chakras to balance and heal,
you have to use a meditation the helps you to bring attention to yourself.
Imagine and focus on your current light, and then release everything that is
standing in the way of your wellbeing and love.
You don’t have an inside or an outside, you are only pure awareness that
doesn’t belong to a single location, and you will work with everything that
is outside on the inside.
Chakra meditation that focuses different effects levels. As we become
accustomed to ourselves as being pure awareness, you can use different
chakra mediation variations to help ease the problems that were caused by
identifying as being separate and isolated instead of the whole we are.
Use visuals and music that helps to relax and calm your nervous system.
To ease the side effects of beliefs that are painful, you can use some
variation of light that you could incorporate like:

White diamond light that aligns and purifies energy fields.

Green emerald flame that transforms and restores your physical
Violet flame which combines gold of Christ Consciousness, the
Divine Feminine rose pink, and the sapphire blue of the Divine
Masculine. These colors come together to form the pure violet
flame that helps to release painful memory attachments
Pink rose light will infuse your being with love from the Divine
Mother and makes a protection shield around and in you. This is
perfect if you are in need of inner child protection and healing
Yellow sunshine ray arises in our awareness as our feminine and
masculine polarities become balanced and are associated with
Christ Consciousness. This ray has both Divine Wisdom and
Gold light is slightly darker than sunshine yellow. It will bring
you true peace. This energy healer helps to nurture and stabilize
energy fields. This is what you call after you have finished
energy work to bring light in and complete and balance yourself.
You can also experiment with different variations of these while you
meditate and find the ones that speak to you. Your intuition might bring
other colors to you. You might find that you are drawn to a different light
during different times.
As you begin resting with your pure awareness and turn loose of past
trauma and beliefs, follow your inner guidance and check out healing
modes you have been drawn to. There are lots of therapies out there that can
help you to ease painful beliefs that appear within your mind, emotions, and
body. Your inner guidance will help to show you what model is best for you
Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, and yoga are helpful because these
approach healings as a whole, unlike western medicine that treats parts and
not the whole.
As you start meditation healing, you must know that you are opening your
awareness that can increase awareness of unconscious materials that have
been dormant just under the surface for possibly many lifetimes.
You might notice some uncomfortable sensations and feelings. This is you
being aware of the energy that is growing, and not the energy itself.
Healing goes slowly. You have residue that releases layer by layer. You
won’t need to dig around to find them. Just notice anything that is bothering
your daily life, and that will provide you with what your need to heal. This
gives you an opportunity window.
While you continue on with your chakra meditation, your healing will
continue to unfold in divine timing While you are continuing to dream this
dream, the healing process will continue with each layer, as we awake fully
into realizing the pure awareness that we are.

Learning how to activate or bring into use the Third Eye is a very big
achievement for everyone, and fortunately, it can be learnt.
Breathing is a critical activity. It infuses life into the body. However, we
always remain oblivious of this important process. We take it for granted.
Meditation involves becoming conscious of everything. The first step in the
path of activating the Third Eye is to become conscious of your breathing
process. You will need to be aware of your breathing and feel it.
Find a suitable place in the room for meditation. Sit in a cross-legged
posture and keep your hands on your thighs. The palm of your hands should
face upward. Now close your eyes and open your mouth a bit and breathe.
You do not necessarily need to breathe from your mouth. You can keep
inhaling from your nose and your mouth. However, you must take deep
breaths and feel the vibration the air created at the back of your throat. This
in itself is a powerful process.
You will become aware of the breath you take and the vibrations it makes as
it passes your throat. Breathing in this manner will help you in attaining a
higher state of consciousness.
Breathing in this manner can, at times, cause irritation or dryness in the
throat. However, there is no reason to worry. With practice, this problem
will go away. You simply need to focus on breathing and feeling the
vibration of the breath at the back of your throat.
Keep your neck straight and vertical in position. Your jaw should remain
relaxed and you must not put in any extra effort. The whole exercise is
meant to relax your mind and make you more conscious.
Breathing in this manner for some time will tune your mind. You will be
able to focus in the center of your eyebrows. This area is the seat of the
third eye. It enhances your psychic abilities and your sense of perception
It is essential first to know the location of what you are trying to activate.
The Third Eye is found in between the face skull and the brain. It is
essential to access the Third Eye so that it then becomes more comfortable
for you to activate it. The way to get yourself there is by to focus your mind
in that said location, eyes closed and relaxed and with a relaxed face as
well. The head should be let loose such that there are no tensed head
muscles. Let loose everything by allowing the head and face risk so that
your only focus will be the area where the Third Eye resides.
You might likely get distracted, but there is a way around this, and that
would be by trying to get your images together. Imagining a specific thing
or spot where you will put all your imagination is essential. You could
visualize a small dot and put all your thoughts on the dot, try very hard to
ensure that you concentrate on that space. At that time of your
concentration, do not allow any other thoughts to take you away from your
point of focus. When you have been able to gather all your thoughts at that
particular spot, you are now ready to focus even with your eyes wide open.
When you feel that you are totally comfortable and that you are now in
contact with your third eye, you may start to increase your visualization.
Start slowly, as you go up, do not pressure yourself to reach the peak when
you are not ready.
Take your time to visualization whatever it is you want to deal with, do not
be afraid if the process is taking too much time, and be gradual but sure. It
is essential not to forget to let loose. Relax with every level of visualization;
being tense will only distract you further. Try reaching the Third Eye with
your eyes open imagining the process, the journey, and how you feel
connecting with it. The mind is also found in the third area location and
helps the eyes and the brain to relax.
When you have relaxed the eyes and the brain, the Third Eye then becomes
stronger and much clear to understand. This process is also the process that
we use to let in the warmth from the sun to get into our body system and
freshen up the entire body give us new energy levels. If the process feels
uncomfortable and even starts to hurt your head, it’s good to relax or let go
and you can always do it another time when you are more relaxed.
The first step is to have a normal breathing process without forcing
anything. Understand your breathing by paying attention to your breathing
pattern. When you are sure you have mastered the pattern, try controlling
into small breaths. Smaller than how your normal breathing was.
Secondly, you need to take very deep breaths. Let the breaths be so deep
that you will find them inside you; you will feel as if there is consumption
within you. The deep breaths should be taken in with through the nose and
exhaled through the mouth. Let this last for a while and be sure that you are
feeling every single breath.
Lastly, one is supposed to take rapid yet deep breaths for a few seconds.
This is to try reducing the air trapped in the lungs and the belly. The air
inhaled should be held inside for some seconds before carefully letting it
out again.
By regularly exercising like this at least every day, you will get a calmness
that will gradually give your body and mental relaxation, before finally
opening your third eye. Sometimes the only way around achieving a
positive spirit is by grounding yourself. Taking grounding breaks to
overcome something. You may need a little more of over a day to use
different strategies over an emotion finally. Take time to inhale because as
when you complete the breathing process you get the third eye. The Third
Eye will improve your intuition so that whenever you are about to feel low,
you and stop yourself before it becomes severe and beyond you. Intuition
from the Third Eye will help you predict situations that are most likely to
affect your feelings and emotions. Therefore, you will find yourself
avoiding these situations more often. The Third Eye also encourages
calmness that will become a personality trait when handling all matters.
There is also wisdom attached to the Third Eye that will give you the right
judgment on issues. While without the Third Eye wisdom you would have
reacted to situations with hostility, you now find yourself being calm and
collected about it. As you take the breathing exercise, it is essential to
remember all that you are trying to achieve from it. Focus on it so that you
do not end up doing just regular inhaling and exhaling of air without any
accomplishment. Remember to make the routine as consistent as possible
until it becomes a habit. Sometimes our most strong negative feelings are
held deep down with us, and the only way to let go of them is exhaling it
Making a humming sound is the best way to continue this position for a
long time. It creates strong vibrations in your throat, and your concentration
also remains unwavering.
You do not need to say any particular word or chant any mantra. Simply by
making the humming sounds of the bees, you can focus your energies in the
right direction.
Try to experience the vibrations that originate while you make the humming
sound. Stop for a while in between and feel the difference. Continue
breathing while humming. This process will help you in the initial stages of
your meditation to build a strong focus.
Most people believe that opening the eye is the most difficult part of the
process. They fail to understand that even the path can be treacherous if you
are not following the right procedure. Even attaining great focus can be one
of the most difficult tasks.
In the beginning, as soon as you close your eyes, your mind will race
toward an innumerable amount of thoughts. The mind chatter will become
incessant. You will find yourself unable to focus. You will have distracting
thoughts, and they will weigh you down.
This breathing exercise will help you in forming great focus and staying
away from such thoughts. It will help you in getting into the meditative
state. You will be able to calm yourself faster.

One of the most effective ways to reenergize your body and mind is to
relax. This might sound counterproductive, but remember when your mind
and body are calm, they are better able to heal. A mind and body that have
healed are healthier and when healthy, they are reenergized. The techniques
needed to relax and promote more mind and body energy are simple. In
fact, as soon as you finish this chapter, you can get started with them.
These include:

Engage in conscious breathing to help overcome overwhelming

feelings and stress. When things are hectic or hard, taking just a
minute to breathe consciously grounds you and allows you to
find your center again.
Get in some exercise to reenergize your mind and body. This is
effective because it allows you to release emotions that are
building up while also alleviating stress. Any exercise that you
prefer will work.
Stretching your body helps you to center yourself, reflect and
alleviate muscle tension and stiffness. As you are stretching, you
can also incorporate conscious breathing.
Both meditation and prayer, depending on your preference, have
a similar effect. You are nourishing your soul and working to
quiet your mind. Just make sure that no matter which you choose
that you are in a calm and quiet place.
Always make sure to get good and plentiful sleep. A tired mind
and body can have negative effects on all areas of your life.
Take time every week to pamper yourself. Even if you only have
an hour per week this will be sufficient. Lie around watching a
movie, get a massage or apply a mask to your face at home. Find
the pampering method you prefer and use it.
Take the time to travel to new places. You can go anywhere from
a great park 30 minutes away to a completely different continent.
Getting out of your normal environment gives your body and
mind a new flood of energy.
Consider adopting a new hobby that you have always wanted to
try. Those with a creative angle are the best choice since this also
plays into healing certain chakras and allowing you to improve
your intuitive abilities.
Make sure that you are actively exercising your mind. Just like
your body, you can strengthen your mind when you make it
work. Read more, do some puzzles or play games that require
you to think. This can aid in improving concentration and focus,
as well as essentially giving your mind a reason to always be as
active as possible.
Start writing more often. Maybe you enjoy writing poetry, or you
have a novel idea you have been wanting to get on paper. You
can also consider starting a blog or writing in a journal. The
method you choose is up to you because any form of writing will
provide the same benefits.
Life is challenging, and it can be difficult to keep up with all of your
responsibilities. This meditation works to remind you what is important and
can aid you in making better choices concerning your productivity.
Sit or lie comfortably in a quiet space. Begin by taking a few deep breaths
and your compassion for yourself. Forgive yourself for not getting it all
done each day. Remind yourself that you are only human, and it is okay to
not achieve perfection. Now, visualize yourself going through your normal
day. As you visualize, think of tasks that can be delayed or ways to make
certain tasks easier. Now, sit or lie comfortably for a few more minutes. Let
your thoughts and visualizations sink in. Slowly come out of your
Meditation is an exercise that cannot only energize the entire system of
chakras, but it can also help you obtain a happier lifestyle that originates
from within. Opening or awakening the Third Eye will bring to you a
positive sense of peace and happiness that will result in your having a
positive perception of the other areas of your life.
Many people who regularly incorporate meditation into their daily lives
have claimed that since they have begun the practice of meditation, they
have experienced an increase in happiness in their lifestyles. How can this
be true? How can doing one activity for a short period each day have an
impact on your life as a whole?
There are many reasons why meditation can be explained as resulting in a
general and even prolonged feeling of happiness. The first branch of
explanation can be summarized as simply as stating that, by meditating, you
project positive energy. In projecting and embracing more positive energy,
you gain a more positive perspective overall and can experience greater
happiness. Meditation not only allows you to see your life in a more
positive manner, but it also helps you to view yourself in a more positive
light. Having the ability to view yourself in a positive way will, in turn,
result in increased confidence.
Third Eye Awakening asks you to focus on pushing out or completely
eliminating (if possible) negative energy from your life. In eliminating the
negative energy from our daily lives, we are left only with positive thoughts
and positive energy. Eliminating the negative not only results in an increase
in positive energy but it also greatly reduces anxiety which allows us to live
happier, more relaxed lives. The way that you meditate will also greatly
affect the amount of happiness that it can bring to your life. By meditating
first thing in the morning, you begin each day relaxed and readier to be
productive. Setting even a small portion of time each day aside for Third
Eye awakening (or the alignment of all seven chakras) can enable you the
chance to not only relax but to sit with your thoughts and prepare for the
day ahead. Rather than waking up last minute in a panic and rushing out of
the house, try to begin each morning with a short meditation session. You
are guaranteed to be more relaxed and happier in your daily life if you
begin the morning in a happy, stress-free state of mind.

Awakening the Third Eye is very important as it helps a person become

wiser and improve on their instincts. Sometimes it’s so hard for someone to
awaken the Third Eye because you need some skills to be fully aware of its
abilities. You cannot awaken something you do not know exists, and that is
why it is essential for someone first to discover the abilities of the Third
Eye so that a person can then try to awaken it.
Look for Silence
It is very important to give your mind some silence. The way to achieve this
silence is by meditating. Sitting somewhere quiet where all you can see, and
feel is the nature around you. Nature always has a way of bringing some
sense of calmness that gives someone unexplained peace and that is what
silence of the mind is all about. You can also achieve silence by being
absorbed in what you love doing.
Sharpening Your Instincts
The Third Eye is attributed to great intuitions, excellent imaginations, and
extremely high wisdom. A person with the Third Eye can easily realize
their life goals, tell their dreams, and understand the meaning of the dreams.
Everyone needs to understand their dreams; it would make life so much
easier. Therefore, by involving the Third Eye means that you are adding
wisdom and brightness to already existing instincts within you. By
sharpening your instincts, you can gain confidence in your Third Eye
instincts, and therefore be better.
Boosting Your Creativity
Do not be afraid to grow your creativity, imagine yourself doing great
things and do anything you can to help yourself. Go for that thing that you
have been imagining yourself doing because you can always learn. You do
not need to be a natural at something, and neither do you have to be perfect
at it. Just allow yourself the opportunity to try and you might surprise
yourself with excellent results. What creativity does is that it sharpens your
intelligence. You get the intelligence to understand between right and
wrong. You get the intelligence that controls your actions so that while you
would have done something that would have brought you down, you end up
doing better. Your rational mind takes charge of your actions and allows
your creativity to improve.
Grounding Yourself
Being humble is always a great virtue of helping accomplish everything in
life, and so does it help in exposing our abilities got from the third eye.
Humbling ourselves will help us start from the bottom so that we get to
appreciate every step of our way up. Grounding oneself gives the
foundation that will provide you with a better understanding and ability to
interpret things more clearly. The Third Eye needs a person with an
excellent comprehension of stuff because of its complexity. Clarity is
achieved when a person grounds themselves and starts from the bottom to
understand the third eye. For a person without clarity, the information sent
by the Third Eye might not be understood and may even be a bit more
disturbing to them. Being grounded helps us overcome some of the negative
Third Eye effects, such as disorientation and confusion.
Exercising the Third Eye Chakra
Exercise with your insight because it is what the Third Eye is all about.

When there is moonlight, it is excellent to relax under it and have

a self-reflection as that is similar to the light needed for your
Practice silence so that you may experience wisdom. The Third
Eye will whisper wisdom into, so you have to be quiet to hear it.
Build up your first chakra and throat chakra energies.
Have regular divine practices
Work on your dreams, do not let them pass for just ordinary
dreams, take time to understand what the dreams and what they
could mean.
Open your mind to big imaginations. There is nothing wrong
with having big imaginations; nothing will go wrong if you allow
yourself to be more imaginative; no one will get hurt from it.
It is also good to understand different symbols and what they
represent. Different cultures have different symbols or similar
symbols with different meanings. Explore, get to know more
after all knowledge is power.
Absorb the nature and try to understand it. Be curious about what
surrounds you and get to know the deeper meaning of what
nature means to you and what you could do to help protect
Listen to the inner voice and obey it. Sometimes there is so much
we know at heart but ignore it or do not take time to listen. Listen
to that spirit inside you; the message being passed to you could
mean everything to you.
Learn your physical abilities and potentials and explore them. Do
not assume weakness when you have not tried and proved
yourself otherwise.
Allow things to flow freely as they should. Do not try to control
things beyond you; they will only stress you.
By practicing these exercises, you will experience an energy boost that will
help with the third eye.
The Third Eye in the human body can be found above the eyes and in
between the eyebrows. It’s mainly attributed to being all about insight and
wisdom. However, in the biological science of the human body, the center
of energy is said to be the pituitary gland. This gland is the primary gland
scientifically as it dominates all the other glands in the body. The pineal
gland, on the other hand, is found at the center of the brain. The pineal
gland is positioned at the same level as the eyes. This gland is, therefore
believed to be where the human soul sits and also where the soul matures.
Therefore, the gland is said to be the source of human spiritual perceptions
and magical abilities. The gland is also said to control a person’s sleeping
system and even in charge of our sexual fulfilment. Its functionalities can
be compared to the revolution of the light and darkness.
Here are ways to let the pineal gland assist in the eye awakening.

Expose yourself to the natural warmth by going outside to

It is also good to eat foods that help the pineal gland be more
active in its functionalities. The foods and supplements should
include apple ciders and also iodine.
Assist the pineal gland by actively practicing meditation.
Meditation helps the nervous system to and strengthens the brain,
which in return helps the pineal gland be more active.
It is also good that sometimes you stay in a dark room without
any source of light. Being in full darkness helps encourages the
gland to be more productive, and therefore it performs better.
There is a connection between darkness and the Third Eye that
awakens its functionality.


With an open third eye, chakra improves a person’s level of concentration,
attention, and insight. It is therefore essential to ensure that the Third Eye
stays alert if you intend to reap of these benefits. Here is how to achieve
Breathing – having good breathings brings a sense of calmness to
the mind which then clears the way for the Third Eye to open up.
This means for every breath you take; you have to think and feel
it. Having mindful breathing gives stability to the chakra system.
Giving color to your Third Eye – the Third Eye is usually
considered to be indigo in color. Indigo is a color combination of
violet and a deep blue which closely comes off as purple. The
best way to expose your Third Eye is by painting the two colors
everywhere you are likely to spend your most time. It is a good
idea that the first colors you expose yourself to are the two. This
will help in healing the sixth chakra and also could be the right
way of improving the flow of your energy. You can also use the
two colors for your clothes, jewelry and even anything else that
handles every day.
Practicing meditations - imagine either of the two colors between
blue and purple and also meditates on the same. This will help in
activating the sixth chakra, and it is very easy to achieve this. All
you need to do is sit in a quiet place, with eyes closed, imagine
either of the two colors in the shape or form you want it to
appear. Concentrate on the shape you were imagining and
automatically, the sixth chakra will be activated. Keep
concentrating on the image as this helps in opening the energy
center, eliminates any form of imbalances and also heals the
Dreaming – the Third Eye plays a significant role in the dreams
and even in the remembrance of these dreams. Most people
dream but never remember their dreams. We must assist the
Third Eye in the remembering of our dreams. The way to support
the Third Eye is by having a daily updated journal and recording
every dream you can remember. When you keep this journal, the
Third Eye will help in the interpretation of dreams. For people
who struggle to understand their dreams, this is a very significant
way to achieve this.
Working out the theta brainwaves – theta brain waves help
change a reality you are trying to escape from. By working out
on the theta and alpha brainwaves, and also striving to maintain
them, you get to prepare the brain to more open-minded on
everything. You then can accept harsh reality without stressing
because the brain has been attuned to be more flexible. A person
whose Third Eye has not been awakened will find it very
difficult to accept the reality. Such a person will find himself
worrying about things beyond his control.
Surround yourself with great scents – take showers with great
perfumes surrounding you, spray the house and even your body.
Great scents are magical when it comes to unlocking, cleaning
and also balancing the chakras. There are a few recommended
oils that are believed to work wonders. These include myrrh,
grapefruits, sandalwoods, and nutmegs.
Eating and drinking – even in what you eat and drink, it is
recommended that you eat and drink foods and drinks that have
blue and purple tones. Foods with these colors give the Third Eye
positivity. The beverages include juices made from fruits such as
grapes and blackberries. The fruits attributed to these positive
energies include blueberries, black currants, eggplants, beetroots,
prunes, and rainbows.
Practicing yoga - yoga is essential in helping open the third eye.
The breathing experience when one is doing yoga is very good
for cleaning the chakras. The physical movement involved is also
equally very important as it creates room for calmness for the
chakras. The yoga also gives someone concentration that helps
balance the chakra.

Getting your body moving is one of the best ways to clear your pineal gland
and get in touch with your inner spirit. We know that when we exercise, our
muscles expand and contract, creating physical movement. What you may
not realize is that physical exercise also moves energy around the body. The
increase in this energy flow helps you connect your mind and body, as well
as your mind and inner spirit.
Any type of physical activity will do. Starting a regular routine consisting
of cardiovascular activity like walking or running will get the blood
pumping and will keep your heart healthy. Adding weight training will
improve strength, preserve bone mass and burn more energy. Any type of
activity will raise your body temperature, get your energy flowing and will
clear a blocked pineal gland.
There are exercises that focus more on the mind and spirit connection,
which may fit better into your overall goals. Practicing yoga is a great place
to start. This exercise combines the benefits of strength training and
stretching with relaxation and meditation.
If you are not familiar with yoga, it is a guided practice in which specific
yoga ‘poses’ are completed. The movement is generally slow, and the poses
are meant to work your muscles and stretch your tendons in a way that
would not normally be possible in daily life. You may feel muscles and
tendons you didn’t know existed after your first class.
Practicing yoga should not be an intimidating task. Although you may be
surrounded with other people in a formal class, the idea is to only compete
with yourself. Your strength and flexibility will improve with practice, and
so you are only trying to improve upon yourself, not compare yourself with
others. It is not a game or a competition.
There are many different styles of yoga, ranging from a more regimented
class, like Bikram, which uses the same set and combination of poses.
Bikram is also often done in a hot room, more than one hundred degrees to
add a more cardiovascular component to the practice. This will be too
intense for a beginner, but for a seasoned yogi, provides increased
flexibility and more spiritual connection. The heat requires the mind to
focus exclusively on regulating heart rate and maintaining temperature.
With the mind preoccupied on that, it becomes a lot easier to enter a
meditative state.
If you are practicing on your own, there are a number of poses to include
that will help engage your Third Eye specifically. Any pose that rests your
forehead is benefitting the pineal gland. Mountain pose, in which you bend
and rest your forehead on your knees is a great one, although it may take a
bit of time to increase your flexibility to this level. Staff pose is similar but
a little easier from a seated position. Dolphin pose, a modification of
downward dog, is another beginner-level pose. Child’s pose is perhaps the
easiest of all. The forehead and Third Eye become grounded to the floor.
More classical meditative yoga is also available, in which the focus is more
on the breathing process rather than the physical aspect. Either way, you
will be moving your body, increasing energy flow, relaxing and meditating.
Yoga is great for helping connect all of your entities, physical, emotional
and spiritual. Regular yoga practice will strengthen the body between all
Yoga can certainly be a challenge for people who don’t move around easily.
Although regular practice will improve range of motion, starting with a
different type of exercise may be helpful. Practicing Tai Chi is another
exercise that has the same meditative properties, but the methods are a bit
Tai Chi, although it originated as a form of martial arts, focuses on different
poses as well. Instead of being intense and effective for defense, it is a
choreographed, graceful movement, constantly flowing from the body. It
also focuses on breathing, creating a meditative practice along with the
physical exercise. Each pose flows flawlessly into another, with no static
pauses, unlike yoga.
Tai Chi is low impact and therefore is open to a greater variety of people. It
does not include weight training and does not put a great deal of stress on
the cardiovascular system, unlike running or jogging. It is a great practice if
you are just beginning an exercise routine. Regular practice has been shown
to increase aerobic stamina, increase energy, reduce stress and increased
muscle tone.
These benefits are achieved with regular practice, just as with any exercise
routine. It is important you maintain a routine to truly feel an improvement
in your body and mind. If you are new to Tai Chi, finding a beginners’ class
is your best bet. Learning the fluidity of the movement takes a bit of
practice, but once you get the hang of it, the movement will flow, and you
will see more of the meditative benefits.
Regular exercise is mostly about reducing stress when it comes to your
third eye. The movement of energy releases tension and increases flow
during times of rest. When you are stressed, your body produces stress
hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. The goal of these hormones is to
raise your heart rate and stimulate muscles to physically flee from danger.
This response dates back to the very existence of humans when there was
more incidence of physical peril.
These days, our stress comes from late meetings, work schedules and the
like. We are not expending the energy given by those hormones, and it
builds up, blocking flow within the energy system. Exercise helps relieve
some of that tension so that we may be more relaxed overall.
No matter what exercise you decide on, choose something to do regularly
that you enjoy. The true benefits of exercise come when you like what you
are doing, and you are not just going through the motions. Switch up your
exercise routine to keep it interesting, and don’t forget to take rest days
when your body is feeling fatigued.

Yoga is a form of exercise and meditation that offers many benefits. It

contains all the elements needed to cleanse and balance your chakras. You
have to learn how to practice yoga if you are intent about opening and
healing the energy centers of your body. It is important you practice the
physical movement involved, deep focus, and breathing.
Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word, yuj, which means to bind or unite. Its
male practitioners are called yogi and the female practitioners are called
yogini. Yoga has a lot of aspects but in opening and strengthening your
third eye, it is vital that you get engaged with the asana program. The latter
is composed of physical postures aiming to purify one’s physical attributes
and maintain your energy and strength to finish the meditation.
The practice is a step-by-step process. You can begin with the basics and
gradually try the more complicated poses that will give you more health and
spiritual benefits as you go on. You can allot an hour per session twice or
thrice a week in the beginning and gradually add more hours and days in
performing the practice until it becomes part of your lifestyle.
For the first part, you have to learn the right warm-up sequences to help the
different parts of your body prepare for the rest of the movements. Here are
some warm-up sequences that you can follow for the different areas of your
1. Start by doing the Easy Pose. Sit with your buttocks on the floor and your
legs crossed. Place your feet below your knees. Put your hands on your lap
with the palms facing downwards or upwards. Press your hip bones to the
mat as you reach your hands-on top of your head. Gently drop your
shoulders as you push your chest in front. Allow your face and stomach to
relax as you breathe through your nose. Keep the pose as long as you can.
2. Breathe in as you push your arms in the direction of the ceiling.
Intertwine your fingers and extend your palms upward. Breathe out and
arch your body to the left.
3. Breathe in as you push your palms to the ceiling while keeping your hips
grounded to the mat. Breathe out and arch your body to the right.
4. Breathe in as you reach your palms upward. Breathe out as you round
your spine by pressing your hands to the front.
5. Breathe in as you reach up your palms. Breathe out as you bend your
right elbow on the back of your head. Repeat the step, but this time, work
on your left elbow.
6. Breathe in as you push your palms to the ceiling. Breathe out as you
slowly put your hands down.
7. Breathe in as you make slow and large circles when you roll your
shoulders up and down to the front, and then to the back. Breathe out as you
lay your knees to the mat.
1. Begin the sequence with any seated pose. Lay back your shoulders,
extend your spine, and keep your chest open. Breathe out as you lay your
chin to your chest. Breathe in as you put your neck back to the middle.
2. Breathe out and lay your head backward. Keep your shoulders down as
you lift your chin and allow your mouth to relax. Breathe in as you put your
neck back to the middle.
3. Breathe out as you move the lower part of your left ear to your left
shoulder. Breathe in as you put your neck back to the center. Repeat the
step, but this time, do this on the other side.
4. Breathe out as you extend your chin to your left shoulder. With your
body faced in front, gently twist your neck and look at any point behind
you. Breathe in as you put your neck back to the center. Repeat the step, but
this time, do this on the other side.
Make sure that your movements are gentle and fluid, and your breathing is
slow and deep.
1. Start in Easy Pose or Sukhasana. Sit with your buttocks on the floor and
your legs crossed. Put your feet below your knees. Lay your hands on your
lap with the palms facing downwards or upwards. Push your hip bones to
the mat as you reach your hands on top of your head. Gently drop your
shoulders as you push your chest in front. Allow your face and stomach to
relax as you breathe through your nose. Hold the pose as long as you can.
2. Breathe in as you extend your fingertips in the direction of the ceiling.
3. Breathe out and allow your palms to rest on the mat.
4. Repeat step 2 and when you breathe out, twist your body to the left.
Repeat the step, but this time, twist your body to the right. Repeat the step
and when you exhale this time, arch your body to the left. Repeat, then arch
your body to the right. Inhale and put your arms behind you and breathe out
as you lay your hands on the mat.
5. Bring your spine to a neutral pose, with the shoulders down, the spine
extended and your chest open. Repeat the warm-up before you begin doing
other yoga poses.
Asanas pertain to yoga positions. It comes from asanam, a Sanskrit word
that means seated posture. There are yoga poses that will help you in fine-
tuning your perception and make it clearer to see life as it is.
Here are the yoga poses beneficial in opening, balancing, and healing your
Third Eye chakra:
Child’s Pose (Balasana)
This resting pose can be performed between the more challenging poses. It
relaxes the brain and relieves neck pain, backaches, stress, and tiredness.
Coming from the Table Pose, breathe out as you lower your hips to your
heels and your forehead to the mat. Keep your knees together, but you can
also set them apart if you are uncomfortable. You can keep both palms
under the forehead and lay your arms at the sides with the palms facing up.
Breathe in and out in a slow and deep manner. Push your belly to your
thighs as you breathe in. Hold the pose for up to 12 breaths. Release the
pose by placing your palms underneath your shoulders. Breathe in and go
back into a seated pose.
Supported Shoulder stand (Salamba Sarvangasana)
Lie with your back on the floor, with your feet and knees hip-distance apart.
Breathe in and push your feet down as you begin lifting your hips. Turn on
your shoulder tops and use a block to support your sacrum. Your sacrum is
the triangular bone that is situated at the base of your spine. Place the block
under the sacrum, making sure that you are comfortable with its height.
Put your hands to your sides and push them to the floor. Move your chin in
the direction of your chest, making sure that you don’t move your head
from side to side. As you breathe out, pull your right knee to your chest.
Breathe in and stretch your right leg.
Take 5 breaths. Breathe out and pull your right knee back in. Breathe in and
move your right foot back to the floor. Breathe out and pull your left knee
to your chest. Breathe in and stretch your left leg upward. Count to 5.
Breathe out and pull your left knee back in. Leave it there as you pull your
right knee to meet with it. Both your feet now will be off the floor. Keep
your focus on the support from your hands and the block under your
sacrum. As you breathe in, begin extending your legs upward. Hold the
pose for 5 breaths.
Pull both knees to your chest and allow them to come down as you breathe
out. Breathe in and put both feet on the ground. Press your feet firmly to the
floor, lift your hips and remove the block. Gently allow your body to go
back to the earth and take your moment until your spine has settled.
Yoga practice is beneficial to your overall health. The postures involved
will boost your strength and flexibility while nurturing the core of your
energy system.

The best time to meditate is when everything is quiet and you will not be
disturbed. Hence, you will have to consider your lifestyle and your
Some people discourage practicing meditation in bed. This is because the
bed signals the mind that it is time to sleep. But there are many mediators
who meditate on their bed without a problem. Just try it if you want. If you
have no issues with it, then feel free to meditate on your bed.
It should be noted that you do not have to practice all the guided meditation
techniques in this book in one session. It is suggested that you try them one
by one, and then pick those that work best for you. Not all meditation
techniques work the same way, and each technique may have a different
effect on you. Regardless which of these guided meditations you chose to
do, rest assured that all these techniques effectively develop your third eye,
so there is nothing for you to worry about. Also, do not allow these
techniques to limit you. If you want, feel free to make changes and
modifications. As long as you do not include anything that is negative in
nature, then there is nothing for you to worry about.
Now, before meditation proper, you may want to ask, "Is it safe to do
guided meditations?" The answer is yes, it is safe to do guided meditations
especially if you know what you are doing. Still, just to be more secure, it
helps to offer even a short prayer before you start any meditation. You can
ask help from God, your guardian angel or spirit guide, or others. Another
practice of protection is to surround and mark your meditation space with
salt. Hence, if you will meditate on your bed, then sprinkle salt around your
bed. Salt tends to cleanse and fend off negative energies.
The time that you give for meditation should be spent for meditation. This
means that when you meditate, you should not worry and think about the
food that you will cook for dinner or the project that you left hanging at
work. All your thoughts and energies most be devoted to the meditation
practice. You need to give it 100% focus.
By now, you already have the knowledge that you need about the Third Eye
chakra and the practice of meditation. It is now time to put that knowledge
into actual application.
It is now time to engage in some real meditation sessions. It is good to start
with quick 5-minute yet effective meditation techniques. This is an easy
way to experience one whole session and be familiar with the actual
practice of meditation. However, if you want, you may skip this part and go
straight to the meditation technique of your choice. After all, all the
meditation techniques in this book are safe to use and very effective. You
can also practice these meditation techniques as many times as you want.
Just remember to ground any excess energy.
Just a quick review: For safety and protection, always say a prayer before
engaging in mediation. Ask for protection and divine guidance. Another
common practice is to surround or sprinkle the area where you intend to
meditate with salt. Another simple option you have is to keep a glass of
saltwater beside you. These are just some simple things that are very easy to
do that can work as a form of psychic self-defense. Again, after doing
meditation, to ground excess energy (if any), simply place your hands on
the floor and willingly send the excess energy down to mother earth.
Before you do any of the meditation techniques in this book, it is a requisite
that you first relax yourself. A good way to do this is to assume a
meditative position. Breathe in; and as you breathe out, feel and visualize
all negative energies and emotions leaving your body. Breathe in positive
energy and breathe out negativity. You should also relax your whole body.
In meditation, it is important for your body to be relaxed, and allow your
mind to be active. When it comes to relaxing the body, you may start with
your toes. Breathe in positive energy of love, joy and peace; and then
breathe out negative energy. Relax your toes and then focus on your knees
and do the same. Continue to do this gradually until you reach the top of
your head. Relax every muscle and body part. Soon, your whole body will
feel very light and relaxed. Release all the day’s tension and stress and relax
yourself completely. Once you are fully relaxed, then that is the time for
you to assume the meditation exercises in this book.
Relax and breathe in positive energy. Think of love, peace, and harmony.
As you breathe in, visualize and feel as if you are breathing in positive
energies from the universe. Let this positive energy fill your entire being.
As you breathe out, visualize negative energy leaving your system. Gently
in, and slowly out… Now, visualize a ray of pure white and divine light
descending from the heavens and entering the top of your head through
your crown chakra. See and feel how this brilliant pure light of energy
enters your body, filling every inch and every crevice of your being. This is
a pure light and energy of positivity, love, harmony, and peace. Let it fill
your entire being. As you inhale, draw more of this pure energy of love and
kindness. As it fills your entire being, see how it heals your chakras and
your whole body. Imagine negative energy fading out and being replaced
with positive energy. This light is healing you, removing away all
negativity, diseases, and hatred. See and feel how pure and white this ray of
energy is. It is powerful, and you are absorbing it every time you inhale.
Now, say a little prayer to God and ask him for healing. Now, relax and just
let be and let go. You are drowning in an ocean of healing, light, and love.
When you are ready to end the meditation, visualize the ray of light slowly
fading away. Now, think of your physical body, and gently open your eyes
with a smile. Do not forget to say another prayer and thank God for all his
love and blessings. You are healed; you are cured; and you are empowered.
Grounding is a basic skill in Wicca. It is a way of cleansing your body from
all negativity and being connected to mother earth. If you are feeling
stressed or depressed, then you may want to try this meditation. Another
benefit of this meditation is that it will allow you to draw earth energy.
Hence, if you want to have stability in your life, then this is also a good
mediation for you. This is also a good meditation for healing, as well as for
self-empowerment. Here are the instructions:
Assume a standing or sitting position. This time make sure that your bare
feet are touching the floor. Since this meditation is about connecting to
mother earth, it is advised that you do this outdoors. However, if such is not
possible, then you can do this even in the comfort of your room.
Now, once you are relaxed enough, imagine roots like those of a tree
extending from the soles of your feet and send them down into mother
earth. Continue to send them gently as deep as possible into the earth. You
are a tree whose roots are finding home and stability in mother earth. Allow
your roots to have a natural stop. When they stop, then just relax and feel
how connected you are to mother earth. Remember that you have always
been a part of the earth even when you were in the belly. You have been
swimming in the earth’s great energy all your life. Hence, you are not a
stranger to the earth. No matter what you do, you are always enveloped in
the earth’s energy. Now, as you breathe out, imagine all your stress and all
other negativity leaving your body. See and feel the negative energy being
drained away flowing through your roots and into mother earth. Do not
worry; all negative energy sent to the earth will be neutralized. You can
never harm the earth. Continue to do this until you feel that you are
cleansed from all negativity.
Now, the next step is to fill yourself with positive energy — the earth’s
energy. The color correspondence of the earth is green, so you may want to
visualize the earth’s energy as something green in color. As you inhale,
visualize and feel drawing energy from the earth. With your roots, seep and
absorb the earth’s energy and drink from mother earth. Let the energy flow
through your roots and into your body. Feel the invigorating energy of the
earth. Allow it to fill your whole being and empower you. Continue to do
this until you feel very much recharged.
When you are ready to end the meditation, simply visualize pulling your
roots back into the soles of your feet. Also, do not forget to thank mother
earth. Think of your physical body and slowly open your eyes with a smile.
This is an excellent meditation exercise to purify yourself and your energy
field. This meditation uses white light and positive memories to conjure
Assume a meditative position and relax. Now, think of a happy memory.
Try to re-experience this memory in your mind. See yourself smiling and
happy with it. Do you feel your heart chakra being activated? The feeling is
just amazing. Now, imagine a ray of white light descending from the sky
and entering the top of your head, filling your body. As it fills your body
and purifies it, think of the happy event. Using your intention, let the happy
event charge the ray of white light that you absorb in your body. You are
full of happiness and positive energy. Fill yourself with this white light until
you are glowing brightly. Now, extend the white light of purification from
your body to your aura. Allow yourself to glow up to five feet. Continue to
draw energy and mix it with the happy memory. You are glowing, and you
are full of divine light and happiness.
This is an excellent meditation that you can do just when you are about to
sleep. Do you sometimes wonder what certain noises might be coming from
in the middle of the night? Well, instead of opening the window or the door,
why not check it out psychically? Here are the instructions:
You are in bed, and you want to rest. However, you also want to know what
is happening around you. Wouldn’t you like to know what is going on
across the street or the next neighborhood? Just relax. Now, visualize
yourself slowly getting bigger. Keep your eyes closed. You are expanding.
You are about to be as big as your house. Look around you; what do you
see? What is happening in your neighborhood? Continue to expand and
grow big. Do not worry; you do not affect physical objects. But, being made
of energy as you are, you have limitless potential. It is not your physical
body that is expanding but your soul. The more that your soul expands, the
more love you have. You are now bigger than your house. What is
happening around you? Look down and tell me what do you see? Look at
the sky, the moon and the stars.
Take note in your mind what you see during the meditation. Pay attention to
small details. Now, when you are ready to end the meditation, simply
visualize your soul gradually returning back to its normal size, until you are
back and contained again in your physical body. Now, think of your
physical body and smile.
Note: The next day, you might want to check the small details that you saw
during the mediation to see if you got them correctly. If you are just starting
out, you may commit some mistakes. However, as you get good at doing
this meditation, you will realize that there are some things that you see
during the meditation that closely or precisely reveal the details of the
physical plane. The more that you practice, the more that your inner sight or
inner mind will see clearly. This is also an excellent exercise for improving
clairvoyance or the ability of clear-seeing.
This meditation can be used to open yourself to receiving visions. Regular
practice of this meditation can lead to lucid dreaming and astral projection.
The steps are as follows:
Close your eyes. In this meditation, all that you need to do is to focus on the
light. With your eyes closed, consider everything that you see that is not
black as light. Just gently focus on the light and think of nothing. Now,
other thoughts may distract you as you focus on the light. Gently ignore
these thoughts and keep your focus on the light. This light is your mantra —
your point of focus in this meditation. I will leave you now, and I want you
to focus on the light. Soon, you may see other visions. When this happens,
turn your focus on the visions. For now, focus on the light. Nothing exists
but the light.
To end the meditation, gently return to your body. Think of your physical
body. Move your toes and fingers, and gently open your eyes.
It is a common teaching that if you want to be blessed, then you should be a
blessing to others. This meditation is about blessing other people, not for
the sake of getting blessing in return, but only to spread goodness in the
world. This is also an effective way to lower stress and reduce anxiety. By
being a blessing, you raise your vibration. Here are the instructions:
Think of a person whom you want to bless. The person may be your loved
one, a stranger, an enemy, a friend — anyone whom you want to share
positive energy with at this very moment. Now, close your eyes and
imagine the person standing in front of you. You should visualize him or
her as clearly as possible. Take as much time as you want. What is he
wearing? What is he doing? Do not worry; if you do not “see” the person
clearly, your intention to bless this specified person is enough. Whisper the
name of the person five times. Now, raise your hands in a blessing position.
Imagine your hands lighting up with white light of blessing. Now, feel the
compassion that you have with the person. See and feel the white light of
blessing building up in your hands. Your hands are now glowing brightly. It
is now time to bless the person. Visualize and send the light coming from
your hands to the person whom you want to bless. See a powerful ray of
light as you send the blessing to the person. Fill the person with the energy
of blessing and positivity. See him smiling as he is being filled with the
energy of blessing that is coming from you.
This is an excellent meditation that will allow you to meet and talk with
your spirit guide. It is believed that every person has a spirit guide who
assists him in this life. A spirit guide may or may not have been human.
Hence, your guide may take a human form or even animal form, or others.
Take note that your guide is a pure spirit, so he can take any form or shape.
The best way to know more about your guide is to meet with him or her and
have a conversation. When engaged in meditation, your guide will most
likely converse with you using telepathy (via the mind), but you may also
see your guide talk to you in a regular way. This will depend on your level
of spiritual maturity and how your guide prefers to communicate with you.
Either way, the important thing is to receive messages from your guide and
be able to talk with him. Let us begin the meditation.
Assume a meditative position. Close your eyes and relax completely. Now,
whisper that you want to meet your sprit guide. Your spirit guide sees and
hears you no matter what you do. Now, imagine that you are standing in
your room, and in front of you is a staircase going down into the unknown.
There are ten steps down. Slowly take a step and feel yourself getting into a
deeper state of consciousness. The more you take a step the deeper into the
mind you journey. Slowly take another step, and then another. Slowly and
gently walk down the stairs and finally you reach the last step. Take it and
Now, imagine that in front of you is a big forest. There is a pathway that
heads straight into the forest. Take this path. Walk slowly and appreciate the
beauty of the forest. Just walk straight and do not take any turns even if you
feel tempted to do so. This way you will not lose your way in the forest. Do
you see and hear the birds chirping? Look at the tall and green trees; feel
the soil under your feet. As you walk and take this path, you see a huge
clearing ahead. In the center of the clearing stands your spirit guide. What
does your spirit guide look like? Is he or she even human? Continue to walk
towards your spirit guide. Your spirit guide smiles at you and you come to
greet him. Now, spend some time with your spirit guide. Ask your guide
any questions that you want. Also, feel free to share your life with your
spirit guide. If you have problems, then you may talk about that, too. Your
spirit guide is happy that you have taken this step. You have ignored your
guide for so long, and so he or she is very happy about this meeting. Stay
with your guide as much as you want.
This meditation is for chakra balancing, alignment, empowerment, and
healing. Since it works directly with the main energy centers of your body,
it also heals you and empowers you as a person. This helps in reducing
stress, cleansing, and self-empowerment.
Assume a meditative position. Imagine all your chakras. Now, see and feel
a ray of brilliant white light descending from heaven. Let it touch and fill
your crown chakra. Do you feel your crown chakra being energized?
Visualize your crown chakra being cleansed and empowered by this pure
ray of divine energy. Do not stop until your crown chakra is glowing
brightly and fully empowered. Now, let the ray of light descend down to
your Third Eye chakra. Again, repeat the process as with your crown
chakra. Direct the ray of light to cleanse and energize your Third Eye
chakra. Take as much time as you need. Feel your Third Eye chakra being
empowered that you can see everything through time and space. Your Third
Eye chakra is now glowing and is full of divine light. Next, we move down
to your throat chakra. Allow the ray of light to charge your throat chakra
completely. Take as much time as you need. Now, let the ray of powerful
light to go to your heart chakra. Let it fill your heart chakra. Allow it to
cleanse away all emotional pain and regrets in your life. See your heart
chakra being healthy and full of love again. Now, let the ray of light
descend to your solar plexus chakra. See and feel the ray of light cleansing
and empowering your solar plexus chakra. You are full of life. You are
strong as the earth and the sky. Now, let the ray of light heal and purify your
sacral chakra. Do not stop until you see your sacral chakra fully energized
and cleansed of all negativities. See and appreciate how your sacral chakra
is pulsating with life. Last but not least, let the divine ray of white light
charge your root chakra, the chakra of stability and foundation. See your
root chakra glowing brilliantly and powerfully. You are as stable as the
earth. You are powerful and mighty. Now, see, feel, and appreciate the
beauty of having all your 7 main chakras empowered and cleansed. You are
full and complete. Life surges through you. Life and power, are you.
When you are ready to end this meditation, simply visualize the ray of light
slowly fade away. Gently move your fingers and toes, and slowly open our
eyes with a smile.
This meditation will allow you to venture into the infinite space, mingle
with the planets and stars, and make you realize and experience how infinite
and powerful you are. This is also a good way to heal yourself, as well as to
reduce stress and make you feel more powerful. If you want to take control
of your life, then this is the meditation for you.
With eyes closed, take a deep breath. As you exhale, let go — let go of
yourself. See yourself floating on top of your body. Look down to your
body. Now, take another breath and rise up into the air. Look down and see
the city beneath you. You will rise and fly away into space. You are a
powerful and infinite being, and you will join the stars. Are you ready?
Continue to rise and rise upwards. Now, you are in outer space. See the
planets and the stars, bright pulsars greeting you. You are an old soul who
has survived thousands and thousands of centuries of war. Stars died so you
can live. See the light of infinite stars filling you and empowering you. You
are cleansed, and you are charged with divine energy from the starts. Look
at the planets and greet them. Now, it is time for you to journey to other
galaxies. Fly away and see these galaxies still unknown to the people of the
earth. These galaxies know you and adore you. For centuries, they have
kept watch over the evolution of your soul. Now, it is time for you to light
up like a powerful star, for such is what you truly are. Allow your light to
mesh with the planets and the stars. You are one with the universe. You are
the universe. When you inhale, you inhale the power of the whole planets
and the stars; and when you exhale, you share with them positive energy.
Continue to charge yourself and share energy with the universe. Experience
your divine power and know for certain that nothing is impossible. Spend as
much time as you want in this deepened state of consciousness. Feel free to
explore other galaxies and planets. Fly and fly away into the mystery of life.
When you are ready to end the meditation, simply think of your physical
body and desire yourself to go back to your body. Take a deep breath and
slowly move your fingers and toes. Now, gently open your eyes with a
This meditation session uses guided imagery to help relax the mind, open
the potential of your inner spirit and bring a sense of calm to your life. Use
it anytime you need a pick-me-up, and on a regular basis to maintain good
mental and spiritual health. Let’s begin.
Find a seated, comfortable position in a quiet room. Settle in, relaxing your
hip flexors, back, and shoulders. Roll your shoulders and neck gently back
and forth, releasing any tension that may have built up. Close your eyes.
Take a deep breath in and out, pushing your anxieties out with your exhale.
Take a few breaths to clear yourself of all of your negativity. It is now gone,
and you now have space to accept calm, positive thoughts.
Imagine that you are perched comfortably on a smooth, dark rock by the
side of a large pond. The rock is almost soft to the touch, and the curve of
the rock gently cradles your bottom and legs. The warmth from the day’s
sun warms your body as it comes in contact with the rock. Feel the warmth
on both hands as you rest them on the rock.
Now, look out onto the pond, clear and deep in the middle. It is so pristine
that you can see every rock and branch that specks the floor. You see a few
fish here and there, milling around, also soaking in the mid-day sun.
A light breeze touches your skin with the warm air and causes the very
surface of the water to gently sparkle. You are the only one sitting by this
pond, and there are only the sounds of the water trickling in from the nearby
spring, and the birds chirping in the trees around you. Look up to see the
tips of branches reaching out from the forest, harnessing the energy of the
sun, the life-giving force.
See the light, transparent through the round, oblong leaves. They rustle
lightly in the warm breeze. You take a deep breath, soaking in the smell of
fresh air, and the earthy aroma of the forest.
Across the pond is a grove of pine trees, whose silhouettes remind you of
pipe cleaners, almost fluffy looking. The light shines through the needles,
creating a soft glow. You see a single bird, flitting about the branches of one
of the trees, likely searching for a mid-afternoon snack. It flaps its wings,
effortlessly hopping from branch to branch. The energy in this tiny bird is
envious, something you hope for.
Yet, at this moment, you are soaking in all of the energy you could need.
The warm sun bombards you with positivity, and the gentle breeze brushes
negativity away from your spirit. There is a sense of calm here unlike any
At this moment there is peace and quiet, no responsibilities or worries. It
energizes you to your very core, creating a sense of urgency to feel this way
forever. You imagine your life looking and feeling like this every day. You
vow no matter where you are in life, to imagine in your mind that you are
here, at this moment, relaxed as can be. You see the green water, feel the
warm, smooth rock, feel the sun kiss your face. In every moment going
forward, there is only this feeling.
Open your eyes and carry this image with you. Now is the time to live your
best life, go forth with the energy given by the sun. It is eternal and never-
ending. Simply harness this image any time you need a little pick-me-up.

Now, let us discuss some of the best practices of meditation. These

practices will help you to stay focused, develop more quickly, and have a
better meditation journey.
Although not required, it is strongly advised that you should keep a
meditation journal. Do not worry; you do not have to be a professional
writer to keep a journal. However, you do need to update it regularly and be
completely honest with everything that you write in your journal. Your
journal should contain your experiences, mistakes and lessons, and others,
relevant to your meditation practice. Did you get a message from your spirit
guide or the universe? You may want to take note of that, too. The
important thing is to be clear and honest.
Your meditation journal will allow you to view yourself from a new
perspective. This way you will be able to identify lessons and mistakes
more easily. It is also a good way to appreciate your developments in your
meditation practices.
The more relaxed you are, the easier it will be to meditate. If you feel fear
or any negative emotion, then it will only make you defensive and prevent
you from journeying far beyond the physical plane. To free yourself, you
have to relax. Forget about all of your problems and just enjoy the
meditation practice.
Expectations can ruin your meditation. When you expect something, you
manipulate what happens instead of experiencing the moment. Therefore,
drop all your expectations. Also, do not expect to become holy or witness
psychic phenomena. Although such things can happen, they usually appear
only to those who have dropped their ego and have pure intentions. Do not
have expectations. Instead, just be present in the moment and experience
the journey. Do not expect to see or feel anything. Just be yourself and learn
how to feel and just enjoy the moment.
Regular practice of meditation cannot be overemphasized as it is the only
way to truly develop and improve as a mediator. Regular meditation is one
that is continuous and often. Ideally, you should meditate daily. If you are a
beginner, then 15 minutes to 30 minutes would be fine. But, as you learn
and develop, then you can meditate for an hour or even hours. Do not
worry; as you will see for yourself, once you get deep in meditation, you
will not be able to notice the time. In fact, an hour may seem just like five
minutes; other times, five minutes may seem like an hour. When you get
deep into meditation, you will realize that time does not exist.
Do not allow this book or anything else to limit your development. Feel free
to read other books, articles, and other writings about meditation and the
Third Eye chakra. There is no end to learning. Strive to be the best version
of who you are. Just a word of caution about acquiring too much
information: Sometimes having too much knowledge can be bad for your
development as having so much information will give you lots of things to
wonder about as you meditate. Be careful with the information that you
feed to your mind. Strive to learn but also choose the quality of the
knowledge that you absorb. Also, do not quickly believe everything that
you read. Do your research and let your actual meditation experiences teach
you the truth.

There are many things that contribute to blocking your Third Eye. You will
need to avoid fluoride consumption in all forms. You should also stay away
from harmful chemicals and base metals in your food items. However,
these are not the only things that stand in the path of your Third Eye
awakening. Your mind, habits, and rigidity can prove to be major
roadblocks in the way of your success.
Some major hurdles in the way of your Third Eye awakening are:
One of the biggest problems in achieving anything significant in life is the
attitude of giving up easily. This is a fast-paced world, and things have
become a bit too easy. You can obtain a majority of material things just by
ordering them. However, it’s not that easy when it comes to developing
abilities. You need to work persistently and remain patient. If you raise your
expectation levels too much and start expecting fast results, you may end up
being frustrated very soon. You must remain steadfast and keep working on
your abilities. The power is within you, and only you can harness them with
your perseverance.
If you have a simple perspective of black and white, then you may find it
difficult to open your Third Eye effectively. This world has a great amount
of grey. We must often read between the lines. It won’t happen that one day
your Third Eye pops open and you start seeing ghosts walking around you.
If you keep waiting for that moment, it may never come. People with such
tendencies fail to work on their power of perception. You have to start
looking for signs, and work on enhancing the power of understanding those
signs. Do not oversimplify this complex world.
When your Third Eye starts opening, a lot of energy exchanges place. Your
internal energy starts interacting with the energies around you. It may not
interact only with positive energies. This can be a pretty exhausting
experience. You may not feel it directly, but it can lead to disappointment.
There is something in us which starts telling us that the whole activity is
futile. You need to be strong to handle this intense energy exchange. You
must focus on the right things and not let your mind stray. If you allow your
mind to stray, you will waste a lot of energy and end up feeling exhausted.
In such cases, you will never come to know that your Third Eye was open
and working.
People easily get lost once their Third Eye starts opening. They start mixing
reality with imagination. Either, they start trying too hard or do not make
the right attempts. The Third Eye is not the power of imagination. It is a
point where you will need to make a distinction between fact and fiction.
Do not imagine things. If you rely heavily on emotions and desires, you will
never be able to focus in the right direction. You must remain aligned. Your
aim should be clear, and you must not make things up in your mind.
Being skeptical is a good thing. It prevents you from falling in traps.
However, there are areas where this rationality doesn’t work. The Third Eye
opens a new dimension about which you know nothing. You can’t prove or
disprove anything of that dimension as you have no knowledge about it. If
you start dissecting it with the knowledge of this world, you will develop
inaccurate conclusions. To open your third eye, you will have to open
yourself to new experiences.
When your Third Eye starts opening, you will get messages from your
body. You will need to listen to those messages and make adjustments
accordingly. If you fail to do so, you may not be able to adjust to this new
reality. Do not ignore the messages from your own body. Try to feel even
the tiniest changes. The more you listen to it, the more you will respond to
your opening third eye.
The human mind is very powerful and has infinite capabilities. However,
this powerful mind can become self-destructive when it is not focused in
the right direction. Distraction is one thing that can harm your goal of
gaining true insight. People start looking for powers and abilities even
before they have started walking down the path. This will only cause
desperation and will not lead to the development of any kind of ability.
Your Third Eye will never open fully if your approach would remain
Thank you for taking time to read my book. The next step is to take action
and begin uncovering the true power of your third eye. Doing so will help
guide your life in the direction of your deepest desires and purpose in life.
Decision making will become easier as your inner self will give you the
guidance necessary to navigate through life.
It is important that whenever you practice strengthening psychic abilities or
meditation exercises, you be sure to leave it as a fun and stress-free activity.
One of the most vital parts of strengthening psychic abilities, increasing
psychic awareness, Third Eye awakening, and meditation is the elimination
of stress.
If you do not want to meditate but do so because you feel you have to, it
will be less beneficial to do so than skipping it altogether because your
mind will not be willing to easily concentrate on your inner energies and
chakra system. Be sure that you are in a place mentally where you can relax
and be free of stressors for the time being so that you can get the most from
the tips contained in this book.
This book has been designed to help you understand the role of the Third
Eye in your life and the ways you can activate it. There are plenty of
materials available on the internet on this subject, but it creates more
confusion than it helps.
It has been observed that although people embark on the journey of Third
Eye activation with great zeal and enthusiasm, they end up frustrated and
disillusioned. The reasons for their failure are not difficulties of the path,
but a lack of attention paid to the small concepts, preparation required, and
the protection they need to consider.
This book has tried to explain all the major concepts in detail. I wish you
the best on your journey and life and hope you will apply what you have
learned in this book to open your Third Eye and see!

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