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Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Usta dh Nouman Ali Khan’s

B ayyinah
Dream Nahw - Section 1

Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

By Kulsoom Ibrahim

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

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Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Click on the Day you would like to read, and it will navigate to the content.

The science of how words interact with each other.

Table of Contents
Day 1 Chapter 1 ........................................................................................................ 8
Day 2 ........................................................................................................................... 8
Day 3 Chapter 2 ........................................................................................................ 8
Day 4 ........................................................................................................................... 8
Day 5 Flexibility ........................................................................................................ 9
Day 6 ........................................................................................................................... 9
Day 7 Harf of Jarr ...................................................................................................10
Day 8 Harf of Nasb and Idaafah .............................................................................10
Day 9 Special Mudaafs ...........................................................................................10
Day 10 The five Isms ...............................................................................................10
Day 11 Chapter 3 - Gender .....................................................................................11
Day 12 .......................................................................................................................11
Day 13 .......................................................................................................................12
Day 14 Fi’ls as Ideas + Ism Overview .....................................................................12
Day 15 Gender and Number ...................................................................................12
Day 16 Type and a look at Kullun page 42 .............................................................13
Day 17 Qu’ran Questions and Ism Al Ishaarah Review .........................................13
Day 18 Chapter 4 – Mawsoof and Sifah .................................................................14
Day 19 Ism Al Ishaarah ..........................................................................................14
Day 20 Connector Letters ........................................................................................15
Day 21 Harf Ataf and Introduction of Jumlah Ismiyyah .........................................16
Surah Al Jumu’ah Ayaat 1 to 3 ...............................................................................17
Day 22 Jumlah Ismiyyah .......................................................................................17
Day 23 Jumlah Ismiyyah Part 2 ............................................................................18
Day 24 Jumlah Ismiyyah Part 3 ............................................................................18
Day 25 Jumlah Ismiyyah Part 4 ............................................................................19
Day 26 Jumlah Fi’lliyah Part 1 ...............................................................................20
Day 27 Jumlah Fi’lliyah Part 2 ...............................................................................20
Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Day 28 J - I Part 5 Introduction of Kaana and Surah Al Fatiha Ayaat 1 to 04 .......21

Day 29 Jumlah Ismiyyah Part 6 and Surah Al Fatiha ayah 05..............................21
Day 30 Jumlah Ismiyyah Part 7 ............................................................................22
Day 31 Jumlah Ismiyyah Part 8 + Introduction of Laisa........................................22
Day 32 Jumlah Ismiyyah Part 9 ............................................................................23
Day 33 Jumlah Ismiyyah Part 10 ..........................................................................23
Day 34 Jumlah Ismiyyah Recap ............................................................................24
Day 35 Jumlah Fi’lliyah Recap ...............................................................................24
Day 36 Jumlah Ismiyyah Part 11 ..........................................................................25
Day 37 Jumlah Ismiyyah Part 12 ..........................................................................25
Day 38 Jumlah Ismiyyah Part 13 ..........................................................................26
Day 39 Jumlah Ismiyyah Part 14 ..........................................................................27
Day 40 Jumlah Ismiyyah Part 15 ..........................................................................27
Day 41 Jumlah Ismiyyah Part 16 ..........................................................................28
Day 42 The Past Tense Fi’l Part 1 ...........................................................................28
Day 43 The Past Tense Fi’l Part 2 ...........................................................................29
Day 44 The Detail - Mafóol Part 1 ...........................................................................29
Day 45 The Detail - Mafóol Part 2 ...........................................................................30
Day 46 .......................................................................................................................31
Day 47 .......................................................................................................................32
Day 48 .......................................................................................................................33
Day 49 .......................................................................................................................35
Day 50 .......................................................................................................................36
Day 51 Nightmare Exam Part 1 ...............................................................................37
Day 52 Nightmare Exam Part 2 and Review of Part 1 ............................................37
Day 53 Nightmare Exam Part 3 and Review of Part 2 ............................................37
Day 54 Nightmare Exam Part 3 Review ..................................................................37
Day 55 Nightmare Exam Part 4 and Review of Part 3 ............................................38
Day 56 Nightmare Exam Part 4 Review ..................................................................38
Day 57 Nightmare Exam Part 4 Review Section 2...................................................38
Day 58 Nightmare Exam Part 3 and 4 Review ........................................................39
Day 59 Chapter 6 - Review from page 72 onwards ................................................39
Day 60 Review of Normal Light and Lightest Present Tense...................................40

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Day 61 Forbidding Form Review and Practice ........................................................41

Day 62 Commanding Form Review and Practice ....................................................41
Day 63 Command Quiz and Sarf Review ................................................................42
Day 64 Forbidding, Commanding and Sarf Review ................................................42
Day 65 How Allah gives examples ..........................................................................43
Day 66 Command and Forbid Translation Practice ................................................43
Day 67 Commanding and Forbidding in the 3rd Person ..........................................43
Day 68 Heavy and Heaviest Present Tense Page 94 ..............................................43
Day 69 Things you need to know about the Fi’ls – Fils of Shock ............................44
Day 70 Fi’l Checklist and Q & A .............................................................................45
Day 71 The Passive Voice Part 1 Page 102 - 103....................................................45
Day 72 The Passive Voice Part 2 .............................................................................46
Day 73 The Passive Voice Part 3 Page 104 - 107...................................................46
Day 74 The Passive Voice Part 4 Page 107 - 109...................................................46
Day 75 The Passive Voice Part 5 Page 109 ............................................................47
Day 76 The Passive Voice Part 6 Page 109 - 113...................................................47
Day 77 Negation Part 1 Page 116 ...........................................................................48
Day 78 Negation Part 2 Page 116 - 117 ..................................................................48
Day 79 Negation Part 3 Page 116 - 117 ..................................................................49
Day 80 Negation Part 4 - Negating Jumlah Isimmiyah Page 117 - 120 ..................49
Day 81 Negation Part 5 Absolute Categorical Negation Page 120 - 121 .................49
Day 82 Negation Part 6 Tools of Negation Page 121 - 122 ......................................49
Day 83 Negation Part 7 Min Zaa’idah Page 122 - 126 ............................................50
Day 84 Chapter 10 - The Incomplete Fi’ls Page 128 - 129 ......................................51
Day 85 Negation Quran Examples ..........................................................................51
Day 86 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 2 ......................................................................52
Day 87 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 2 Part 2 ...........................................................52
Day 88 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 2 Part 3 ...........................................................53
Day 89 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 2 Part 4 and Ayah 3 Part 1 .............................53
Day 90 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 3 Part 2 ...........................................................53
Day 91 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 3 Part 3 ...........................................................54
Day 92 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 4 Part 1 ...........................................................54
Day 93 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 4 Part 2 ...........................................................54

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Day 94 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 4 Part 3 ...........................................................55

Day 95 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 5 Part 1 ...........................................................55
Day 96 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 5 Part 2 ...........................................................56
Day 97 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 6 Part 1 ...........................................................56
Day 98 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 6 Part 2 and Ayah 7 Part 1 .............................56
Day 99 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 7 Part 2 ...........................................................57
Day 100 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 8 Part 1 .........................................................58
Day 101 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 8 Part 2 .........................................................58
Day 102 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 9 Part 1 .........................................................59
Day 103 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 9 Part 2 .........................................................59
Day 104 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 9 Part 3 .........................................................59
Day 105 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 9 Part 4 and Ayah 10 Part 1.........................60
Day 106 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 10 Part 2 and Ayah 11 .................................60
Day 107 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 10 Part 3 .......................................................61
Day 108 Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 10 and Conclusion ........................................62
Surah Al Munafiqoon .................................................................................................64
Day 109 Kaana Review...........................................................................................65
Day 110 Sisters of Kaana .......................................................................................66
Day 111 Chapter 10 Sisters of Kaana + Ism Mawsool ...........................................68
Day 112 Kaana + Past and Present Tense .............................................................69
Day 113 ..................................................................................................................70
Day 114 Negation Templates with Kaana Part 2 Page 136 ...................................71
Day 115 Negation Templates with Kaana Part 1 Page 136 ...................................72
Day 116 .....................................................................................................................73
Day 117 Chapter 11 - The Compound Ism Part 1 Page 139 ...................................74
Day 118 The Compound Ism Part 2 Page 139 ........................................................75
Day 119 The Compound Ism Part 3 Page 139 ........................................................75
Day 120 The Compound Ism Part 4 Page 139 - 140 ...............................................76
Day 121 The Compound Ism Practice Part 1 with Ustadh Jawaad ........................77
Day 122 The Compound Ism Practice Part 2 with Ustadh Jawaad ........................78
Day 123 The Compound Ism Practice Review with Ustadh Nouman ......................78
Day 124 The Compound Mudaf Ilaihi Page 140 - 141 Part 1 ..................................79
Day 125 The Compound Mudaf Ilaihi Page 140 - 142 Part 2 ..................................81

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Day 126 Kaana Review...........................................................................................82

Day 127 Kaana Negation Templates Practice + Introduction of Sarf ......................83
Surah Al Jumu’ah ......................................................................................................84


Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Dream - Nahw - Section - 1

Week - 1
Days Description

Day 1 a. Chapter 1 - Page 1 to 7

b. Pronoun Quiz - 1 @50:00
ُ َ ْ َْ ُ َ ْ َ ْ
c. 5 Special Isms / ‫ا�سماء ا�مسة‬ @55:20

a. Pronoun Quiz - 1
ُ َ ْ َْ ُ َ ْ َ ْ
Day 2
b. 5 Special Isms / ‫ا�سماء ا�مسة‬ @6:20

a. Pronoun Quiz - 1
ُ َْ ُ َ ْ َ ْ
Day 3
b. 5 Special Isms / ‫ا� ْم َسة‬ ‫ ا�سماء‬- continued… @8:20
c. Chapter 2 - Page 8 and 9 @11:20
d. Vocabulary for the day @55:40
ٌ َ َ
Q&A a. Question about difference between ‫فا ِعل‬ and ‫ا ِ ْس ُم فا ِعل‬ @59:40

b. Recognizing words and their families @1:11:40

ٌ َ َ
c. Surah Yusuf Ayah 70 - Example of ‫فا ِعل‬ and ‫ا ِ ْس ُم فا ِعل‬ together in
one Ayah. @1:17:00
َ َ
Day 4 a. Ustadh explained what is ‫تابِع‬ ?  ‫ تابِع‬means follower. @3:45
b. Chapter 2 - Page 10 to 15 @14:35
• Drill 2 on page 14 @36:50
• Drill 3 on page 14 @41:40
c. Ustadh explained few Ayaat from Surah Rahman, describing ‫ َج َّنة‬and
‫ح َّن ُم‬
َ ‫ َج‬. @57:00

d. Homework: • Read from page 16 to 21.

• Drills 4 and 5. @1:12:20
e. Pronoun Quiz - 1 @1:13:00
Q&A a. Ustadh explained Ayat 27 & 78 from Surah Rahman. @1:30:00
(Virtual Tour of ‫ َج َّنة‬by Ustadh)

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

a. Pronoun Quiz - 1
Day 5
b. Chapter - 2 - Flexibility - Page 16 - 18 @7:20
c. Explanation on Comparatives, Superlatives, Body defects and
Colors. @42:00
a. Ustadh explained Root Letters and Verbs with Vowels ‫اوي‬
b. Question about: Is there a way to differentiate when a word belongs
to a family or an Ism when it is spelt the same? @1:20:20
َ َ ّ َ
c. Ustadh explained ‫� َما خل َق‬
ِ ‫مِن‬ @1:24:40

d. Homework for Weekend: • Finish reading Chapter - 2.

• Analyze Grammar and Sarf of Ayaat 2 and 3 of Surah Al Munafiqoon.

Week - 2
Days Description
a. Chapter - 2 - Flexibility - Page 19 - 21
Day 6
b. Unique Masculine & Feminine names which are Partly Flexible.
@3:15 to 16:50

c. Ustadh explained
ُ ْ ‫م‬
�ِ ً ْ ْ ُ ْ
@19:47 i. ‫@ ا ِهبِطوا مِ�ا‬32:40

ii. Finding what kind of word it is through the Process of Elimination.

d. Drill - 5 @46:10

e. Pronouns Oral Review @49:50

f. Pronoun Quiz - 1 @53:00

g. 114 Surahs are divided into 2 groups: Makki and Madani @ 59:20

h. Homework: Read all Chapter 2 and do all drills in it from page 21

to 32. @1:10:55

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

a. Chapter - 2 - Harf of Jarr - Page 24 - 27 @7:00

Day 7
َ َ َْ ُ ْ َ
b. Practicing labeling of Fragments + ِ‫ا��لة‬ ‫لفظ‬
c. Ustad explained Harf of Jarr and their meanings. @20:00
d. Analyzing last 3 Ayaat of Surah Al A’laa + Drills @26:00
e. Ustadh explained “Emphasis”. @38:40 (Laam at-Tawkeed was
explained in detail by Ustadh in Intensive 4 – Day 5. @1:02:50)
f. Drill - 6 @ 45:35
g. Pronoun Quiz - 1 @ 55:25 and Drill 7 @1:01:30
h. Q & A @1:14:40
a. Pronoun Quiz - 1
Day 8
b. Chapter 2 - Harf of Nasb and its victim Page 26 - 30 @6:45
* A question answered on Flexibility @53:00
c. Analysis of Surah Al Asr @58:30
d. Homework: Prepare Pronouns for the Quiz and make Flash cards
for Special Mudaf. @1:06:05
a. Pronoun Quiz - 1
Day 9
b. Special Mudaf - Page 31 @6:20
c. The Game - Freshly Grounded @51:40
Q1. Who makes you feel safe?
Q2. What is stopping you from taking the big step in your life?
Q3. When was the last time you faced a fear? How did you feel
afterwards? @1:01:00
d. Homework: Get better at Pronouns and their meanings, read
Special Mudaf - 5 to 6 times and make Special Mudaf hand-made
e. Q & A @1:02:40
* Surah Al Jasiyah Ayat 3 - Question regarding Ismu Inna. @1:09:40
a. Pronoun Quiz - 1 from Surah Al Kahf
Day 10
ُ َ ْ َْ ُ َ ْ َ ْ
b. Chapter 2 - Five Special Isms / ‫ا�سماء ا�مسة‬ Page - 32 @14:15
No cards
ْ ‫َذو‬
c. Surah Al Baqarah Ayat 177 for ِ and analyzing the grammar
learnt so far, ayah is about giving charity @37:00
d. Drill - 10 @47:30

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

e. Ustadh explained how a Mudaf is attached to ‫ ;ي‬attached pronoun

of ‫�نا‬. @51:00
f. Ustadh explained 3 Reasons for a word to be Jarr @1:00:30
g. Quran Example: Coherence in Surah Al Isra and Surah Al Kahf
h. Homework: Get better with Pronouns for the Quiz and get perfect
with Present Tense. Page 39 from Intensive 1 @1:24:30

Week - 3
Days Description
a. Pronoun Quiz - 1 & 2
Day 11
b. Chapter - 3 - Gender - Page 34 - 35 @19:50
c. Notes on Comparatives and Superlatives. @29:15
d. The Game - Freshly Grounded @53:52
Q4. If you were to start a new business today what it would be?
Q5. When was the last time you lost track of time?
Q6. What are you overthinking? @59:45
Q7. What keeps you balanced? @1:02:03
e. Q & A @1:08:40
a. Pronouns Quiz - 1
Day 12
b. Present Tense Chart Review @9:38
ٌ ْ ‫َ� ْمي‬

c. Notes on Comparatives + ِ (means “to specify”) @16:30

d. Chapter - 3 - Gender - Body Parts in Pair - Page 35 @27:50

e. The Game - Freshly Grounded @50:10
Q8. What does patience mean to you?
Q9. What does a perfect night in look like to you?
Q10. Tell me one of your anxiety or worries, let us talk it out.
f. Homework: Read Feminine because the Arab said so… Attempt
the Drill - 1 on Page 36, read Page 38-39 and do Drill - 2. @1:08:15
ُ َ
g. Email questions: about ‫ م ِْن �بْل‬from Surah Yusuf ayah 6. @1:10:13

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

a. Ustadh answered Drill 2 on Page 39 @5:50

Day 13
b. Ustadh explained Comparatives, Superlatives and Colors. @6:20
b. Notes on  “When Non-Human Feminine Plural + Non-Human
Broken Plural come together”. @26:10
c. Ustadh instructed the students to continue reviewing Sarf and
previous Nahw lessons on thier own on daily basis. @53:30
d. Pronouns Quiz - 1 @56:30
e. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:03:00
Q11. What is your best memory with me?
ْ َ ٌ ْ
Day 14 a. Fi’ls as Ideas = ‫ أن‬+ Light Present Tense = Idea = ‫ا ِسم‬
ََْ ْ َ
b. ‫ �بل‬+ ‫ أن‬+ Light Present Tense = Mudaf and Mudaf Ilahi @32:00
ٌ ْ
c. Complete Review of ‫@ ا ِسم‬35:20

d. The Game - Freshly Grounded @ 1:03:40

Q12. What life question have you recently found an answer for?
(Must listen to Ustadh’s answer for above question as he explains how
you need to be good to yourself too…)
Q13. What is a win you could really do it right now?
e. Homework: Complete everything up to Drill 4 on page 42 but not
CHAPTER 4, plus review Sarf families.
f. Pronouns - Present Tense Quiz - 1 @1:18:10
a. Ustadh read my email.
Day 15
b. Chapter 3 - Pointers - Page 41 @7:20
c. Ustadh explained Pointers having different endings based on who is
being addressed. @8:00

d. Drill 3 on Page 41 @31:00

e. Ustadh explained Ism Mawsool and Silatul Mawsool on page 41.
e. Pronouns - Present Tense Quiz - 1 @49:30
f. Pronouns - Present Tense Quiz – 2 @55:20
g. Pronouns - Present Tense Quiz – 3 @1:09:30
h. Review and memorize all 14 Families over the weekend.
i. The Game - Freshly Grounded @ 1:22:37
Q14. What about keeping in touch with people do you find the hardest?
Q15. How do you deal with pressure?
Q16. Tell me something about your mother that you did not appreciate
until you became older.

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Week - 4
Days Description
a. Present Tense Quiz - 1
Day 16
b. Present Tense Quiz - 2 @16:30
c. Drill - 3 on Page 41 @25:50
ٌّ ُ
d. A look at � on Page 42 @27:20
e. Drill - 4 @47:30
f. Quran Time: Ustadh said about Jinns @50:10
g. Homework: Read and do drills from page 44 to 48
h. Q & A
i. Q about �َّ ‫َح‬ being Harf of Jarr and the light Harf @1:04:50
ْ ّ ‫ = َك‬call Him great! @1:08:50
‫� ُه‬
ii. Q about command: ِ
ْ ُّ
ُ َْ ُ ُْ ْ
iii. Q about ‫ = إِن يدرِ�م الموت‬if death reached you all.

i. The Game - Freshly Grounded @ 1:22:37

Q17. Tell me something about your father that you did not appreciate
until you became older.
a. Ustadh answered few email questions.
Day 17
i. Advance Arabic question from Surah Al A’raf Ayah 111 about

‫ج ْه‬ ْ َ‫أ‬
‫ر‬ ‫جئْ ُه‬ ْ َ‫أ‬.
ِ = ِ Listen to Ustadh for complete explanation.

ii. A question from Surah Al Ahzaab Ayah 32 about the wives of

َّ ُ
ِ�‫@ َر ُسول ا‬13:20
iii. Firaun and Musa a.s are non-Arabs so how come other non-Arabs
speaking in Arabic in Quran? @18:00
b. Present Tense Quiz - 1 @29:40
c. Ustadh explained how the Arabs can use ‫ ه َّن‬for a Non-Human
Broken Plural and how ‫ ه َّن‬is used in the Quran for skies, idols, and
dogs. @39:00
َُ ّ َ ُْ ُ َْ
d. Chapter - 4 - ِ ‫ الموصوف و‬Page 44 @45:40
َُ ّ َ ُْ ُ َْ
e. Ustadh explained: Complex ‫الصفة‬ ِ ‫@ الموصوف و‬49:50

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

ْ َ ٌ َ ُ َ َ َ ْ ُ ْ ٌَ َ
f. Ustadh explained: ِ‫ا ِسم ا�شارة ِ ومشار إِ�ه‬ and Complex ‫إِضافة‬ @57:30

g. The Game - Freshly Grounded @ 1:17:10

Q18. If you can give me a piece of advice on anything, what would it be?
(Best advises given by Ustadh to UJ and kids, and UJ to Kids about
developing good habits. Must listen.)
َُ ّ َ ُْ ُ َْ
a. Chapter - 4 ِ ‫الموصوف و‬
‫الصفة‬ Page 44 - 45
Day 18
b. Ustadh added few points on Comparatives @33:30 + 52:00
c. Ustadh explained two examples on Page 45 about how two names of
َُ ّ َ ُْ ُ َْ
Allah are not ‫الصفة‬
ِ ‫الموصوف و‬ @1:04:00

d. Ustadh spoke about Christmas. @1:12:50

e. Holiday Assignment: @1:18:20
i. Memorize Surah Al Jumu’ah
ii. Figure out complete Nahw in the Surah and label everything: Present
Tense, Past Tense, Mawsoof Sifah, Attached Pronouns, Mudaf + Mudaf
Ilaihi etc.. Print the PDF posted by Ustadh Jawaad and work on it.
e. Present Tense Quiz - 1 @1:22:50
f. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:29:15
Q18. Do you remember the moment that shaped your life as you know it?
Q19. Tell me something about yourself that less than 5 people know.
Q20. What about me intimidates you the most?
g. Musabbihaat: 57 to 66 Madani Surahs. @1:44:00
Musabbihaat means Surahs from 57 to 66, these surahs are called
Musabbihaat as a bunch, may be Surah Talaq or Surah Tahrim is not
considered a part of this group. They all have a common goal; they were
given to ummah to help them become stronger in their faith when they
were living as a community.
h. Read the article which Ustadh mentioned on Gender.
24th and 25th December 2020 - Holiday
Week - 5
Days Description
َ ٌ َ ُ َ َ َ ْ ُ ْ
Day 19 a. Chapter 4 - ِ‫ار إِ�ْه‬‫ا ِسم ا�شارة ِ ومش‬ Page 45 – 50

b. Ustadh explained the examples on page 47. @14:20

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

c. Ustadh explained the examples for

َ ‫ا ِْس ُم ْا� َش‬
ِ ‫ارة‬ In Other Fragments on
page 48 and 49. @25:00
d. Ustadh explained Pointing at an Idafah with examples on page 49.
e. Ustadh explained the second example on page 49 and also told the
story of the young men in Surah Al Kahf @36:50
f. Drill – 2 on page 50. @49:10
Q&A a. Finding all Pronouns in Surah Hud Ayah 81
b. Surah Taha Ayah 63: The question is about ‫إن‬ @16:50

c. Surah Saad Ayah 1 - The question about Mawsoof Sifah @29:00

d. About Prayer: Surah Maun Ayah 4 @32:00 + Surah Al Hijr
Ayaat 91 - 95 @34:00
e. Surah Ahzaab ayat 13: The question is about ‫@ إن‬37:00
َ َ َْ ُ َ ْ َ
f. Comparatives: Difference between ‫أسلم‬ from Family 4 and ��‫أ‬
g. The Game - Freshly Grounded @56:00
Q21. What is the biggest small thing that you can do?
Q22. Would you say that you are the same person in private as you are
in public?
Q23. Do I seem like I need validation?

Q24. Do I seem like more of a doer or a thinker?

a. Past Tense Quiz - 1
Day 20
b. Past Tense Quiz - 2 @17:20

c. Ustad explained script rule for ‫َعل ِْم ُت ُم ْو ُه‬ @25:00 + @28:25

ُ ُ ُّ َ ْ ُ ُ ُّ َ َ ْ ُ
d. Difference between ‫ت ِلك الرسل‬ and ‫أو�� ِك الرسل‬ on page 47. @40:30

ْ ُ
e. Chapter - 4 - Connector Letters ‫ُح ُر ْوف ال َع ْط ِف‬ on page 50. @43:30

f. Examples from Surah Fatha to understand the role of Connector

Letters in carrying over the effect of Light Harf “so that” in the Ayaat
1 to 3. @49:15

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Q&A ْ َ
a. Question about Comparatives and ‫ أن‬+ Light Present Tense

ً َ ْ
b. Question about ‫@ إِذ إذا إِذا‬10:55

c. Question about ‫َما‬ as Mudaf Ilahi - Surah 2:172 @13:55

d. Question about ‫إذا‬ as Ism Majroor - Surah 17:77 @19:20

ُ َ ْ َ َّ َ ٌ َ
e. Question about ‫ت ق ْو ُم ل ْو ٍط‬ ‫ كذب‬- Finding the Outside ‫فاعِل‬ in this
ayah. - Surah 26:160 @21:00
ُ َْ
f. Question about why ‫ �ن� ْم‬is “masculine”, while all the other
Pronouns are Feminine? Surah 33:33 @28:15
ْ ْ ْ َ ْ َ َّ َ
g. Question about ‫ قدمت �يدِي ِهم‬- Finding the Outside
ٌ َ
‫فاعِل‬. @41:00
h. The Game - Freshly Grounded @50:00
Q25. When I think of meeting Allah, I feel…??
Q26. Think about someone you recently had a disagreement with,
without telling me who they are, share three amazing qualities about
Q27. What are you preventing yourself from feeling?
a. Past Tense Quiz - 1
Day 21
b. Ustadh explained the difference between Ism which is Light and Fi’l
Mudaari - Normal, Light and Lightest. @19:40
ْ ُ
c. Chapter - 4 - Connector Letters ‫ُح ُر ْوف ال َع ْط ِف‬ Page 50 - 51 @29:15
ُ َّ ْ ْ ُ َ ْ ُ ْ
d. Introduction to ‫مية‬ ِ ‫ا�ملة ا�س‬ @45:55

Q&A a. Surah Saad Ayah 12: Why the Mudaf Ilaihi is not Jarr? @8:00
b. Question about Taabi’ and Harf Ataf? @27:28
َّ َ
c. Surah Ar-Raad Ayaat 18 and 19. i. Where is the victim of ‫?أن‬
ْ َ ََ
ii. Question about ‫@ ? أ�من‬39:20

d. The Game - Freshly Grounded @44:00

Q28. What do you do daily to exercise your mental health?
Q29. What are you excited to go home to?
Q30. Think about someone in your life that is no longer here, what is
one lesson they taught you?

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

a. Analyzing - Nahw and Sarf of Surah Al Jumu’ah - Ayah - 1

Al b. Ayah - 2 @38:50
Jumu’ah c. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:22:40

Ayaat Q31. Who inspired you the most in your childhood? Do they still inspire
you now?
d. Ayah 2 - Continued @1:27:30
e. Ayah - 3 @2:07:00
f. How words correspond from one sentence to the next… @2:20:20
g. Q & A @2:34:20
1st January 2021 - Holiday

Week - 6
Days Description
a. Homework: Underline all the Present Tenses in Suratul Jumu’ah
Day 22
and Suratul Munafiqoon
b. Sentence Structure continued @5:40
َّ َ َ ْ ُ
َ �‫ا�ِ َو‬
a. Question about ِ ‫ح ْم ِده‬ ِ ‫سبحان‬ @4:30
ْ ُ
b. Question about ‫@ شك ًرا‬10:37
c. Ustadh explained about, how a Fi’l is stuck in time and how an Ism
is permanent by an example of the word ‫ َس� ًما‬which was said by the
ٌ َ َ
angels to Ibrahim a.s and his response as ‫ س�م‬to the angles in Surah
51:24-25. @12:00
(Ustadh did a complete session on this topic again in Ramadan 2021:
Qur’anic Expression by Dr. Fadel Saleh Al-Samerai Part - 16)

d. Question about ‫ت‬ْ َ‫ َك َّذب‬in Surah Shura ayah 160 @18:14

َ َّ ُ ْ ُ َ ْ َ َّ َّ
e. Question about sentence structure: ِ‫@ إ ِن ا� عِنده عِلم الساعة‬23:50

f. Question about ……‫� ول�م‬

ْ ُ َ َ ْ �‫ا‬
ُ َّ ‫ار َك‬
َ َ‫@ ب‬33:40
ٌ َْ ُ ْ َ َّ ُ
g. Question from Surah As-Sajda Ayah 17 about ‫ �فس‬/ � ٍ ‫قرة ِ أع‬

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

a. Q & A i. Question is about why the first word starts with Jarr in
Day 23
� ْ ‫َغ‬
Surah Al Fatiha  ِ
ii. Question about
ٌ ْ ‫َخ‬
� @5:50

b. Day 22’s homework checked by Ustadh @8:00

c. Homework: Go thru all the Present Tense and find the faai’l of each
of them in Suratul Jumu’a and Suratul Munafiqoon. @43:50

� َ ْ ‫ُم َت َعلّ ٌِق ب‬

َ �‫ا‬
d. Sentence Structure continued… Ustadh explained ِ ِ with
examples. @44:30
e. i. Ustadh said, “Why use more words when you can say less”. @58:50
ii. Ustadh said about misconceptions about Qur’an and about its
translation plus shaming others after learning.
f. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:01:40
Q32. Do you find it easy to apologize? (Must listen to Ustadh’s answer.)
Q33. If someone could see your actions and do not hear your words
what they would say your priorities are?
Q&A Q & A continued in the same session of Nahw Day 23 @1:22:00
a. Finding ABC in Surah Al Dukhan Ayah 6 @ 1:25:00
i. When Allah’s names come without the word Allah then they are not
Mawsoof Sifah, they are actually separate, and they are Khabar 1
and Khabar 2.
b. Finding ABC in Surah Qalam ayah 34 @1:30:00
c. Finding ABC in Surah Al Aa’diyaath @1:41:00
d. Finding ABC in Surah Ash-Sharh and Ustadh explained it @1:45:40
a. Review of Mubtada and Khabar with examples @6:00
Day 24
b. Ustadh explained Mubtada, Khabar and MBK and how they are
chained. @18:00
c. Ancient Arab saying, “May be a word is stronger than beating”.
Ustadh said, “How words have the power to create all kinds of
emotions”. A book mentioned by Ustadh to read when you are done
with Arabic, “Words like loaded pistols”. @30:10
d. Ustadh explained Mubtada, Khabar and MBK with examples.
َّ ُ ْ ْ َ ْ ِ�َّ ِ
َ and
e. How ِ �ِ ‫ا�مد‬ ‫ا� ْم ُد‬ are different from each other. @55:30

Q&A Q & A continued in the same session of Nahw Day 24 @1:13:00

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

a. Question about Bayaan (its advance Arabic, we will learn later)

ُ َ ُ َّ َ َ
b. Question about ‫ا� �ف ْو ٌر َرحِيْ ٌم‬ ‫@ و‬1:20:30
ُ َّ َّ َ ُ َ َّ َّ
c. Question about Surah Dhariayth 51:58….‫@ إِن ا� هو الرزاق‬1:25:20

d. Quran example about pairs in Surah Dhariayth 51:47 to 60

َّ ‫ا� عِنْ َدهُ عِلْ ُم‬
َ ‫الس‬
ِ‫اعة‬ َ َّ ‫@ إ َّن‬1:40:30 (Same Question was
e. Question about ِ
answered in Day 22 Q & A @23:50)
f. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:50:20
Q34. Name one thing you love about the way you have been raised…
Q35. I can improve my relationship with Quran by……...?
a. Past Tense Quiz - 1
Day 25
ُ ْ ُ َ ُْ
b. Surah Al Jaasiyah 45:36 & 37 - Analyzing ‫ا� ْملة ا� ْس ِم َّية‬ @20:00

c. Definitions of Muqaddam and Mua’qqar @35:15

d. Quran Time: Surah Ash-Shura 42:52 - Allah described Quran as
Ruh & Light @51:00
Q & A continued in the same session of Nahw Day 25 @1:11:00
ُ َّ ْ ْ ُ َ ْ ُ ْ
a. Ustadh explained ONLY and ESPECIALLY effect in ‫مية‬ ِ ‫ا�ملة ا�س‬
when we move around the A B & C, @1:12:00
b. Question about adding an attached pronoun ‫ي‬ to
‫ه ًدي‬ and ٰ ْ‫َمث‬
1. َ ٰ ‫ُه َد‬
‫ي‬ =
ُ ََْ
my guidance 2. ‫ = مثواه‬his residence,
َ ‫َمثْ َو‬
‫اي‬ = my residence

c. Question from Surah Al Qasas Ayaath 8,9 and 35 @1:34:00

d. Q about ……‫ول�م‬
ْ ُ ََ � ُ َّ ‫ار َك‬
ْ �‫ا‬ َ َ‫ ب‬Ustadh explained it in detail. @1:46:00
ٌ َ ْ ِ‫ام لَع‬ َْ ُ َ َّ
e. Q about ٌ‫ ُمبْ َت َدأ ُم َؤ َّخر‬ ‫� ًة‬ ِ ‫� ا��ْ َع‬
ْ ِ ‫� ْم‬ ‫@ إِن ل‬1:52:00
f. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:54:20
Q36. How could you do better with your finances?
Q37. Who haven’t you got connected for long time... call them…
Q38. Finish the sentence, when I am (double your age), I would like to

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

ُ ْ ُ َ ُْ
Day 26 a. Review of ‫ا� ْملة ا� ْس ِم َّية‬
ُ ْ ُ َ ُْ
b. Introduction of ‫ا� ْملة ال ِف ْعل َِّية‬ @5:45

BREAK @1:05:00
Q&A Q & A continued in the same session of Nahw Day 26 @1:18:00
a. Past Tense Quiz - 1
ُ ْ ُ َ ُْ
b. Question about ‫ا� ْملة ا� ْس ِم َّية‬ @1:26:10

ُ َّ ْ ْ ُ َ ْ ُ ْ
c. Notes on ‫ا�ملة ال ِفعل ِية‬ @1:30:08

• Followed by quick and short Q & A.

d. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:37:30
Q39. What is your biggest insecurity?
Q40. Are you a defensive person?
Q41.When was the last time you laughed hard that your stomach hurt?

Week - 7
Days Description
ُ ْ ُ َ ُْ
Day 27 a. Review of ‫ا� ْملة ال ِف ْعل َِّية‬
ٌ ْ
b. Different kinds of ‫َمف ُع ْول‬ @19:20

َْ ٌ ْ
c. ‫ َمف ُع ْول ُمتل ٌق‬- @42:20
َْ ٌ ْ
d. Examples of ‫َمف ُع ْول ُمتل ٌق‬ in Surah al Fajr in Ayaat 19, 20, 21, 25,
and 26 @58:20
Q&A a. Past Tense, Present Tense, Doer - Quiz – 1 @1:11:00
b. Analyzing Ayah 4 of Surah al Jumu’ah @1:23:50
c. Question about “You all” in Surah Al An’aam Ayah 64 @1:35:15
َ َ
d. Question about ‫إِذا‬  ‫إِذا‬ + Past Tense = Future tense @1:38:00

َّ ُ ْ َ َ َ
e. Question about ِ�‫ذل ِك فضل ا‬ in Surah Al Jumua’h @1:39:00

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

ٌ ْ
f. Question about ِ‫َمف ُع ْول بِه‬ in Surah Al Jumua’h @1:41:00

g. Question about Surah Al Qadr @1:42:20

h. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:53:00
Q42. Who really are you?
ُ َّ ْ ْ ُ َ ْ ُ ْ ُ َّ ْ ْ ُ َ ْ ُ ْ
Day 28 a. Review of ‫مية‬ ِ ‫ ا�ملة ا�س‬and ‫ ا�ملة ال ِفعلِية‬in the following:
َّ َّ َّ ّٰ َ َ ْ ُ
i. ‫� ٱ� ِ ٱلر� ٱلرحِي ِم‬ ii. ِ �‫سبحان ا‬
ّٰ َ َ ْ ُ ُ َّ َ ُ َْ
iii. ِ �‫اسبح سبحان ا‬ iv. ِ ‫ُس ْو َر ُة الف‬
َ َ
b. Introduction of ‫@ �ن‬21:00
ٌ ٌ
c. Complete ‫ ف ِْعل‬and Incomplete ‫ف ِْعل‬ @41:00

َ َ
d. Examples of ‫ �ن‬from the Quran @55:10
Q&A a. Quiz - 1 Figure out the complete grammar of the questions: whether
No it’s a Fragment or a ‫ف ِْعل‬ @1:16:00
b. Ustadh explained how Arabic is studied. @1:31:20
c. Must listen. @1:44:30 Quran Time: Surah Al Baqarah Ayah 177
about goodness towards oneself and towards others. “Allah talks about
the qualities of goodness people should have, especially sabr.
According to Allah, Allah gives all the qualities in Rafa, then He
switches to Nasb when it comes to sabr. As if, if that isn’t there then all
the other stuff will get washed away like they wouldn’t even matter.
ٌَ َْ ُ
a. Ustadh gave notes on Jumlah Ismiyyah - starting with ‫مبتدأ‬ with
Day 29

b. Notes on
ٌ َ ‫َخ‬
� with examples. @19:50

BREAK @ 56:00
Q&A a. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:04:45
Q43. Who is someone you are thankful to, lets come up with a
meaningful gift you can gift them?
Q44. Finish the sentence... dear Allah…………
Q45. What has been tough about today?
b. Surah Al Fatiha continued…Ayah 5 @1:14:00

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

c. Jumlah Quiz - 1 @1:25:40

d. Ustadh spoke about Esa a.s @1:33:30
e. The reason for using Jumlah Ismiyyah when you could have used
Jumlah Fi’liyyah. Ustadh explained this with examples. @1:38:30
ُ َّ ْ ْ ُ َ ْ ْ
ُ  Added one more point about َ َ
Day 30 ِ ‫ا�ملة ا�س‬
a. Notes continued on ‫مية‬ ‫�ن‬
in the Notes on
ٌ َ ‫ َخ‬.

c. Notes on MBK with examples. @4:30
d. Ustadh explained the Ayaat of Surah Al Burooj. @27:00
(Ustadh discontinued the class due to technical issue and re-started as
2nd video Nahw Day 30 followed by Q & A session.)
e. Surah Al Burooj continued in the 2nd video Nahw Day 30.
f. Homework: Surah Al Burooj 12 to 15 and 20 to 22, what kind of
sentence it is and its grammar.
Q&A Q & A continued in the same session of Nahw Day 30 @10:00
a. Analyzing the grammar of Surah 48 Ayah 9
b. Analyzing the grammar of Surah 45 Ayah 36 @24:20
c. Jumlah Quiz -1 @10:00
d. The Game - Freshly Grounded @43:00.
Q46. What took you the longest to understand about me?
e. Quran Time: Surah Al A’la Ayah 16 @56:40
a. Ustadh checked Homework of Surah Al Burooj.
Day 31
b. Notes on Jumlah Ismiyyah and Jumlah Fi’liyyah continued @16:00
c. Ustadh explained Surah Fatir Ayah 28 about, “Knowledge and
fearing Allah”. Must listen. @25:10
d. Notes on Jumlah Fi’liyyah continued @37:10
َ َ َ
d. Review of ‫�ن‬ and Introduction of ‫@ ليْ َس‬47:00
Q&A Q & A continued in the same session of Nahw Day 31 @1:07:20
a. Question about Surah al Burooj ayah 20
b. Question about Mowsoof Sifah @1:17:20
c. Quiz - 1 - Jumlah Recognition from Surah 63 Ayah - 4 @1:22:00
d. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:32:50
Q47. What was the point in your life when you started believing in

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

e. Quiz - 2 - Jumlah Recognition from Surah 63 Ayah 7 @1:41:20

f. How many times Allah said “they” in Surah Al Munafiqoon in
Balaaghah point of view? @1:48:20

Week - 8
Days Description
18th Jan Holiday
a. Review of Mubtada and Khabar with examples.
Day 32
b. Ustadh explained ‫ ليْ َس‬with examples @29:15
and ‫ ليْ َس‬+ Ba Zaaida (Extra Ba). @39:20
َ َْ
c. ‫ ليس‬example from Surah Al Teen @56:10

Q&A a. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:10:00

Q48. What do you think the hardest part of my childhood was?
Q49. What is an Islamic reminder that you once heard that stayed with
you until this day?
b. Quiz - 1 - Analyze whether the sentences are Jumlah Ismiyyah or
Jumlah Fi’liyyah from Surah 63 Ayaat 1 and 2 @1:23:15
c. Quran Time: Surah Tawbah Ayah 128 & 129 – Ahmad’s
question, “Why no bismillah for this Surah”. Understanding Allah’s
sunnah to understand, “Why there is no bismillah for Surah Tawbah”.
a. ‫ليْ َس‬ continued…
Day 33
b. Introduction of ‫َما‬ of Negation @31:20
c. Quran Time: Surah Maryam about ‫ليْ َس‬ @53:40

Q&A a. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:09:00

Q50. What are you avoiding lately and why?
b. Quiz - 1 on ‫ليْ َس‬ @1:13:00
c. Surah Al Waqiah Ayah 2 about ‫ليْ َس‬ @1:31:40

d. Ustadh reading about ‫َما‬ from the book - Al Qutoof Min Lughat
Al Quran @1:39:00

e. Question about ‫َما‬ from Surah Yusuf @1:47:00

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

a. Ustadh did review of Sentence Structure from a Muhammad

Day 34 Aslanov Turk’s Notes.
b. Ustadh spoke about, the beauty of studying - “how some people
become as if they know everything and how some people become as if
they know nothing”. @38:45
c. Put you focus on things that are productive and nothing is productive
then Allah’s words.
The more you study Quran the more you will appreciate the Sunnah of
the Prophet ‫@ ﷺ‬44:00
d. Ustadh mentioned a Hadith about the Creation of Humanity.

Q&A a. Quiz 1 - Find out whether it is Jumlah Ismiyyah or Jumlah Fi’liyyah

from Surah 63 Ayaat 3 and 4. @56:45
b. Quiz 2 - Find out whether it is Jumlah Ismiyyah or Jumlah Fi’liyyah
from Surah 63 Ayaat 6. @1:15:30

c. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:25:15

Q51. Do you think I find it hard to empathize?

d. Quran Time: Surah Al Balad Ayah 17 @1:38:50

َ َ ‫اص ۡوا ْ بٱل ۡ َم ۡر‬
١٧ِ‫�ة‬ َّ ‫اص ۡوا ْ ب‬
َ ‫ٱلص ۡ� َوتَ َو‬ َ ‫َوتَ َو‬
ِ ِ ِ
(Must listen - it’s about counselling each other)
a. Review of Jumlah Fi’liyyah
Day 35
b. Past Passive @8:00
c. Naai’bul Faai’l @24:20
d. Commands @32:40
Q&A a. Past Passive and Commands Quiz - 1 @1:10:20
b. Review of Surah 63 Ayah 11 @1:28:10
c. Question about AL @1:34:40
d. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:37:00
Q52. How do we improve our relationship?

e. Quran Example Surah Al Takwir: Ustadh explained ‫إِ ْط َناب‬.

When do you say more and when do you say less, sometimes saying
more is effective and sometimes saying less is effective @1:57:50

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Week - 9
Days Description
ُ َّ ْ ْ ُ َ ْ ُ ْ
Day 36 a. Chapter 5 - ‫مية‬ ِ ‫ – ا�ملة ا�س‬Page 54 to 58

b. 5.2 Finding the Invisible “IS”. Ustadh explained this concept with
different examples. @9:55
c. A Break in Chain - Examples on page 55 explained. @17:55
d. Common Breaks in the Chain - Examples on page 55 and 56
explained. @31:20
e. Drill - 1 on Page 57. @43:00
f. Examples on Page 58 explained. @45:50
Q&A a. Surah 63 ayah 01 - Ustadh explained about ‫إِذا‬ @1:07:00
‫إِذا‬ = Super Special Mudaf and its Mudaf Ilaihi is Jumlah Fi’lliyah.

b. Oral Quiz - 1 from Surah 63:01 - Analysing the grammar and

translating it. @1:19:20
c. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:30:20
Q53. When was the last time you spoke from your heart to Allah, what
motivated it?
Q54. Who is your biggest cheer leader?
d. Quran Time: Surah Al Mulk ayah 01 about the test, death and life
+ Allah’s names - Aziz and Ghafoor. @1:37:40
@1:50:50 A human being will have nothing to show for themselves
except the efforts they made, not the actions, the efforts! Allah
rewards efforts, not results, we don’t own results because He owns the
results, we own the efforts, that’s why it’s said that a human being
have nothing in their possession except their efforts
e. Homework: Learn the vocabulary and understand the basic
grammar of the Ayah 01 of Surah 63 @1:58:10
a. Chapter 5 - Page 59 to 62
Day 37
• Drill - 2 on Page 59, attempted this Drill in the class. @1:00
• Followed by Ustadh’s explanation for each one. @10:30
Cards b. Ustadh explained 3 different categories of ‫@ ال‬18:35
c. 5.3 Grammatical Labelling on Page 59 @26:40
d. Ustadh added few points under the topic of Mubtada. @33:20
e. Ustadh explained the examples on Page 60. @38:20

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

f. Drill - 3 on Page 62 @45:00

g. Homework: Read 5.4 and do Drill - 4 from Page 62 to 64 @58:00
h. Q & A about the Drill – 3 on Page 62. @58:35
Q&A a. Oral Quiz - 1 - Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 1 @1:20:20
b. Sarf given for Ayah 01 @1:26:00
For Tomorrow’s Quiz - Memorize the Sarf which Ustadh gave for the
Surah 63 Ayah 01.
c. Analysing the grammar and translating Ayah 02 of Surah 63
ْ ٓ ُ َ َّ
d. Ustadh explained - ‫ٱ�ذوا‬ @1:31:35
َْْ ُ ْ َ
� ْ ََُّ ْ
ِ ‫ف ِعل متعدِي إ ِ ٰ� مفعول‬ =A ‫ف ِْعل‬ that has 2 Mafools.

Note - Ustadh explained this concept of 2 Mafools again on Day 87

ٓ ُ ْ
e. Ustadh explained ‫ – َسا َء‬it’s a dramatic word, it’s called ‫أ� َعال ا�َّ َع ُّجب‬.
f. Story of Zakariya a.s  Surah Maryam 1 to 10 and Surah Ale Imran
37 to 41 @1:46:15
a. Chapter 5 - 5.4 Abnormal Sentence Structure - Page 62
Day 38
b. When the Mubtada is common and it’s followed by a Jaar Majroor
then they become Mawsoof and Sifah  Fi Mahalli ______?
Example: ‫ = قل ٌم ل َِم ْر�َ َم‬A Pen for Maryam - Page 63 @11:00
c. When Harf of Jarr Laam + attached Pronoun = has/have @37:30
Example: �ُ = he has or he owns
Q&A a. 5.4 Abnormal Sentence Structure - Page 62
b. What 4 things Jaar Majroor does? Ustadh explained with examples.
c. Homework: Read 5.5 “He has” and “There is” Sentences - on
Page 64.
d. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:26:20
Q55. What steps could you take to get closer to �‫? ا‬

e. Quran Time: Surah Al Baqarah Ayah 228  about divorced

women and about the rights men have over them. @1:28:30

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

a. Review of 5.4 with a kid guest student from Qatar.

Day 39
b. What 4 things Jaar Majroor does? Ustadh explained again with
examples. @12:00
c. Review of Drill 4 - 3rd question. @41:45
d. 5.5 “He has” and “There is” Sentences on Page 64. @ 46:00
ُ ُْ ْ ُ َ
e. Ustadh explained ‫� دِيْ ِن‬
َ ‫� ْم َو‬
ِ ‫@ ل�م دِ�ن‬1:04:20
Q&A a. Surah 63 - Review of Ayah 01. Vocabulary and Sarf given for Ayah
02. @1:12:00
b. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:23:10
Q56. One of Allah’s names is your protecting friend (Wali), name a time
in your life where you have felt that name in existence?
c. Quran Time: Surah Al Rum Ayah 08  about thinking about
yourself. @1:33:30

‫ = َح ٌّق‬truth, rightful justice, purpose. ‫ = و‬used to separate sentences

d. Homework: Do Drills 6,7 and 8. Read ahead carefully until Page
69 and underline what you do not understand.@1:56:00
a. Chapter 5 - Page 63
Day 40
Ustadh explained the examples on it and the difference between
Pointer  “That” and Harf of Nasb  “Clarifying That”
b. Laam + Majroor and ‫عِن َد‬ + Mudaf Ilaihi = to has /have  only in
Jumlah Ismiyyah. Ustadh explained with various examples read my
notes for this. @10:40
Note - Ustadh explained ‫عِن َد‬ from page 65 again on Day 42. @6:20

c. Ustadh checked the homework - Drill 6 of Page 66 @31:00

َ َ
d. ‫فاس ٌِق‬ = transgressors, corrupt people. ‫ فاس ٌِق‬are the bad people in the
Quran @46:30
‫ = فاس ٌِد‬when a fruit is bad but you can’t tell that its bad because all the
ٌ َ
corruption and the rotting is hiding inside; that’s called ‫فاسِد‬.
‫ = فاس ٌِق‬when it’s so bad that the ugly brown glue that’s inside starts
oozing out from side of the fruit and you want to take that to the trash
that is called ‫فاس ٌِق‬.

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Q&A a. Review of Drill 4 on page 64 @1:00:30

b. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:28:30
Q57. What test your patience?
c. Homework: Do vocabulary of Ayaat 1 to 3 of Surah 63
d. Surah 61 As-Saf Ayah 5 and 6 about, “Why Esa a.s did not say
“oh my people”; like Musa a.s said in the same ayah”. @1:42:00

Week - 10
Days Description
a. Examples reviewed from page 65
Day 41
b. Chapter 5 - 5.6 Complex Sentences @8:50
ُ ْ ٌ َ ‫@ َخ‬28:50
c. Al Badal - ‫ا�َدل‬ The Substitute + Having Multiple �
َْ َ
d. The Referee Pronoun - ‫ض ِم ْ� الفصل‬  Appendix I - on Page 68
e. Oral Quiz of Ayaat 1 and 2 of Surah 63 @1:02:20
f. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:15:50
Q58. What are you most thankful to Allah this week?
Q&A ٌ َّ َ ُ ٌ َ َ ْ ُ
a. Quran Time: Surah Al Baqarah ayah 177 about ‫مبتدأ مؤخر‬.
a. Appendix II - Page 69
Day 42
َ ْ
b. ‫ ظرف‬- Ustadh explained ‫عِن َد‬ from page 65 again. @6:20

c. Chapter - 6 �‫فعل الما‬ @21:40

d. When Past tense is used where Present tense was expected.

Expecting the Present tense but still using the past tense to do so or
vice versa. There are 07 reasons for this. Look into notes for more
details @43:30
Q&A a. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:13:30
Q59. Do you think I am good at hiding my emotions?
b. Vocabulary review of Ayaat 01 and 02 of Surah 63. @1:18:00
َ َ
c. When ‫ �ن‬comes with Present Tense then it creates Past continuous
meaning. @1:22:00

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

d. Vocabulary of Ayaat 03 and 04 of Surah 63. @1:23:00

e. Homework: Read Chapter 6 and do Drills 3 and 4. @1:29:40
f. Quran Time: about ‫إِخت ِ َصاص‬ @1:34:30
َّٰ َ ّ ُ َ ۡ ُ ۡ َ َ َّ َ
َ ‫ٱلشكِر‬
i) ‫�ن‬ ِ ‫ب ِل ٱ� فٱ�بد و�ن مِن‬ - Surah Az-Zumar 39:46

So, worship ONLY Allah and BE among the grateful.

*Ustad explained ‫@ إِيا‬1:43:50

َ َ ُ ‫ك ُروا ْ ِ َّ�ِ إن ُك‬

١٧٢‫نت ۡم إِيَّاهُ � ۡع ُب ُدون‬
ُ ۡ َ
‫ وٱش‬- Surah Al Baqarah 02:172
ii) ِ
BE grateful to Allah if it is ONLY Him that you worship.
ۡ َّ َ َ
iii) ۖ‫ َء َام َّنا بِهِۦ َو َعل ۡيهِ ت َو� َنا‬- Surah Al Mulk 67:29
We believe in Him and ONLY on Him we rely.
(Ustadh did a complete session on this topic again in Ramadan 2021:
Qur’anic Expression by Dr. Fadel Saleh Al-Samerai Part - 21)
g. Ustadh showed his collection of books. @1:58:00
a. Chapter - 6 - Drill 3 and 4
Day 43
َ ََّ ٌ
b. Ustadh explained ‫@ مفعول ِ� � ٍل نصب‬44:00
No َ ََّ
Cards ‫ ِ� � ٍل نصب‬means “in place of”.
Q&A a. “The strength in hearts comes from the Quran” @1:04:00
b. Review of Vocabulary of Ayaat 01 and 02 of Surah 63. @1:12:50
c. Vocabulary of Ayaat 03 and 04 of Surah 63. @1:19:10
d. Quran Time: 17:88 + 55:33 Ayaat about Humans and Jinns
a. Ustadh briefed about The Sentence Structure Assignment.
Day 44
b. Quran Example: Surah 6:151 + 17:31 @5:00 to 36:00
ُ ُ ُ َ ۡ َّ َ ُ َ َْ ُ َۡ َ
١٥١ ۖ‫َو� �ق ُتل ٓوا أ ۡو�ٰ َد�م ّم ِۡن إ ِ ۡم� ٰ ٖق � ُن ن ۡر ُزق� ۡم �يَّاه ۡم‬
ۡ ُ َّ ۡ ُ ُ ُ ۡ َ ُ ۡ َّ ٰ َ ۡ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ ُ َ ٰ َ ۡ َ ْ ٓ ُ ُ ۡ َ َ َ
٣١ ‫و� �قتلوا أو�د�م خشية إِم� ٖق� �ن نرز�هم �يا� ۚم‬
َ ََّ
* MBF explained + ‫@ ِ� � ٍل نصب‬14:00
*Ustadh explained ‫@ إِيا‬19:35 + 39:35

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

c. Homework assignment is to listen to the Divine Speech and take

notes on it and inform Ustadh what we have learnt from it. @36:15
In the Bayyinah app / website scroll down to Quran  Courses 
Divine Speech.
Pronouns used for Allah. Ustadh explained why Allah uses “We” in the
d. Chapter 6 - ِ‫ ال َمف ُع ْول �ِيْه‬- Page 76 @40:30
Q&A a. Q & A with UJ @1:03:45 to 1:14:45
b. Question about Sentence Structure of Surah Tawbah Ayah 01 -
whether it is Jumlah Ismiyyah or Jumlah Fi’lliyah. @1:14:45
Ans.There are 2 kinds of sentences in Grammar  Jumlah Ismiyyah
and Jumlah Fi’lliyah. There are 2 kinds of sentences in Balaaghah 
Jumlah Khabaria and Jumlah Inshaeeyah. (For rest of the explanation
listen to Ustadh at the above timestamp.)
ٌ ْ
c. Review of different types of ‫ َمف ُع ْول‬. @1:22:40
d. Question about Sentence Structure of Surah Taghabun Ayah 09.
e. When it looks like a Fragment but still it’s being used as a sentence;
that’s the strongest one, so strong that even the ‫ه َو‬ didn’t have a place
in it.
ْ َ ٌ َ ُ َ َ َ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ ِ ‫ َذل َِك الْ َف ْو ُز الْ َع‬. @1:34:10
These are the ِ‫ ا ِسم ا�شارة ِ ومشار إِ�ه‬variations. ‫ظيم‬

f. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:34:10

Q60. Tell me one of your anxieties, let’s talk it out. (repeated question)
g. Review of Ayah 1 to 03 of Surah 63 @1:40:30
h. Vocabulary given of Ayaat 04 and 05 of Surah 63. @1:45:10
َ ْ
Day 45 a. �ُ ‫َمف ُع ْول‬
َ ْ
b. ‫@ َمف ُع ْول ُم ْطلق‬14:50
c. ‫@ َمف ُع ْول َحال‬24:50
ٌ َ َ َّ
٥٨‫ون ٱ�ِ �شِفة‬
ُ ََ َ َۡ
d. ِ ‫ ليس لها مِن د‬- Surah An-Najm 53:58 @46:40
There is no relief from it other than Allah. (In context of the Judgement
day in the previous ayah) Ustadh said, “don’t cut up the Quran”.

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Q&A a. UJ’s question to Ustadh about Surah 03:51 and Surah 43:64
ٞ ‫ط ُّم ۡس َت ِق‬ٞ ٰ �َ ‫ص‬ َ َ ُ ُ ُ ۡ َ ۡ ُ ُّ َ َ ّ َ َ َّ َّ
٥١‫يم‬ ِ ‫وهۚ �ٰذا‬ ‫إِن ٱ� ر ِ� ور��م فٱ�بد‬
ٞ ‫ط ُّم ۡس َت ِق‬ٞ ٰ �َ ‫ص‬ َ َ ُ ُ ُ ۡ َ ۡ ُ ُّ َ َ ّ َ َ ُ َ َّ َّ
٦٤‫يم‬ ِ ‫وهۚ �ٰذا‬ ‫إِن ٱ� هو ر ِ� ور��م فٱ�بد‬
There is double emphasis in Surah 43 Az-Zukhruf ayah 64. Listen
to Ustadh’s explanation on this.
b. Ahmed’s question: why did Allah chose to preserve the Quran but
not the Torah and the Injeel? @1:17:05
c. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:21:50
Q61. Ask me anything, I promise to be vulnerable.

ٌ َّ َ ُ ٌ َ َ ْ ُ
d. Question about ‫مبتدأ مؤخر‬. @1:34:40

e. Homework: Do Chapter 6: Drill 05 and translate the examples.

f. Surah 61 As-Saf Ayah 05. @1:43:21

Week - 11
Days Description
a. Ustadh briefed about Holiday assignment shared his pattern of
Day 46
studying and making notes.
b. Ustadh checked homework: Chapter 06: Drill 5 on Page 78. @9:30
ْ َ َ
c. ‫ج َعل َنا‬ ‫ف‬ analyzed @21:10

d. Ustadh explained that there are some words in Arabic which needs
two Maf’ool bihis and ‫ َج َعل‬is one of them. @25:00
َ ْ ‫@ ل ِْ� َخ‬31:10
e. Question about ‫ر�ن‬ ِ
Ustadh explained that when we have a ‫�رة‬
ٌ َ َ‫ ن‬word then the Jarr
Majroor is the Sifah of it.
ُ َ َ ََ
f.‫ فأخذه ْم‬ Grammar analysed. @33:35
ْ ُ َ َ ََ
g. ‫ فأخذهم‬ Grammar analysed. @38:30
h. ‫َو َع َد� ْم‬  Grammar analysed. @44:45

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

i. Ustadh shared the reason why he made the Masdar – Nasb in all the
Sarf Families. @47:00
j. Ustadh explained the difference between Mafool Haal and Mafool
Mutlaq. @48:25
Mafool Haal - describes the state of the doer when they are doing
Mafool Mutlaq - describes the state of the act that is being done.
Mafool Haal is about the person doing it and the Mafool Mutlaq is
about the thing that’s being done.
k. Back to ‫َو َع َد� ْم‬ @49:52
l. Ustadh explained Mafool Haal and Mafool Mutlaq with few
English examples. @56:25
m. Ustadh gave complete translation of ……. ‫و َع َد� ْم‬.
َ @1:01:50
n. Q & A @1:03:10
o. Surah Al Baqarah Ayah 36 – Ustadh explained this Ayah about
‫@ إِخت ِ َصاص‬1:12:45
َ ْ
(Ustadh explained about ‫ إِختِصاص‬on Day 42 @1:34:30 and he also did a
complete session on this topic again in Ramadan 2021: Qur’anic
Expression by Dr. Fadel Saleh Al-Samerai Part - 21)
p. Surah 63 Al Munafiqoon Ayah 4 – A student have a question
ٌ ‫ُخ ُش‬
ٌ‫ب ُم َس َّن َدة‬ @1:24:00

q. What is Shaitan’s promise? @1:29:00

r. Ustadh explained Surah 63 Al Munafiqoon Ayah 5 @1:30:55
َّ ُ ُ َ ۡ ْ َ َ َ َ َ
ِ�‫�ذا �ِيل ل ُه ۡم � َعال ۡوا � َ ۡس َتغ ِف ۡر ل� ۡم َر ُسول ٱ‬
s. Ustadh gave few sentences to start speaking in formal Arabic.
t. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:47:00
Ustadh read thru few questions but didn’t choose any.
u. Quran Time about Hearing and Seeing in the Quran. @1:50:00
(Ustadh did a complete session on this topic again in Ramadan 2021:
Qur’anic Expression by Dr. Fadel Saleh Al-Samerai Part - 23)
a. Correction in text of topic 5. Mafool Haal on Page 77 + Ustadh
Day 47
explained Mafool Haal in detail with examples. @19:20
ْ َُ ْ ْ
‫صلة ال َم ْو ُص ْول‬
b. Introduction of ِ + ‫@ اس ُم ال َم ْو ُص ْول‬29:00
ْ ُ ْ َْ ُ ْ
c. Surah 63: Analyzing ‫@ اسم الموصول‬48:00

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

ْ َُ
d. We don’t do the status of ‫صلة ال َم ْو ُص ْول‬
ِ @58:00

e. Question about, “why the gender of Mawsoof Sifah in this ayah

ً َ �
‫�ا‬ ً َ�‫اَ ْر َسلْ َنا َعلَيْه ْم ر‬
ْ َ ‫احا‬
doesn’t match”. ِ ِ @1:03:50 + @1:20:00
f. Question about ‫@ أولو‬1:14:45
ْ ْ
Q&A a. ‫اس ُم ال َم ْو ُص ْول‬ can play different roles like Mubtada, Khabar or MBK in
a sentence. @1:23:00
b. ‫َما‬ or ‫َم ْن‬ can be ‫َم ْع ِرفة‬ based on the context of the sentence.
َُْ ْ َُْٰ
c. UJ’s question to Ustadh about ‫ ه��تم أو� ِء‬from Surah 3:119
ْ َُ ْ ْ
d. Question about ‫صلة ال َم ْو ُص ْول‬
ِ + ‫اس ُم ال َم ْو ُص ْول‬ in Ayaat 1 and 2 of Surah
Al Jumuah. @1:46:34
e. Quran Time - Ustadh explained Transitive and Intransitive in
more depth with an example from Surah 03:37.
‫�زِ ٌم‬ : Intransitive and ‫ُم َت َع ّدِي‬ : Transitive. @1:52:20

f. Homework: Analyze the grammar until Ayah 06 of Surah 63.

a. Surah 63 - Analyzing Homework of Ayah 06.
Day 48
َ ٓ
b. Ustadh explained ‫@ َس َوا ٌء َعل ۡي ِه ۡم‬7:20
ُ َّ ‫أَ ۡم ل َ ۡم � َ ۡس َت ۡغ ِف ۡر ل َ ُه ۡم لَن َ� ۡغ ِف َر ٱ‬
ۡ‫� ل َ ُهم‬
ْ َّ ْ َ
c. Ustadh explained ‫م� الشأن‬
ُ ِ ‫@ ض‬10:30
ْ َّ ْ َ
‫� الشأن‬ ُ ‫ = ض ِم‬Pronoun of Awesomeness
ٌْ َُْ
• ‫ = �ذوف‬something that wasn’t said but its there in our mind.
ٌْ َُْ
Hidden, anything hidden is called ‫@ �ذوف‬20:20
َ ۡ ََۡ َۡ
d. Ustadh explained ‫@ أستغفرت‬27:52
َ َۡ
• Ustadh explained ‫ أ‬+ ‫ = أم‬whether….or…… @59:15

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

e. Ustadh explained – why the 3rd Laam  ‫ ل ُه ۡم‬in the Ayah 06 is not
translated and how ‫ �ف َر‬cannot have a Maf’ool Bihi directly, we will
have a MBF as shown in the second below. @34:40
Example – 1 ‫� ُه‬َ َ َ‫ن‬ = he helped him
ََ َ ََ
Example – 2 ‫�ف َر ُه‬  �ُ ‫�ف َر‬ = he forgave him

f. Ustadh told to have a copy of this book – “The Verbal Idioms of the
Quran by Mustansir Mir”. @39:40
All the Fi’ls in the Quran that come with different Harf, and have the
different chemical reaction with each, are mentioned in this book.
َۡ َۡ َ َ َّ َّ
g. Ustadh explained Ayah 6 from ٦� ِ ٰ�‫ٱ� � َ� ۡهدِي ٱلق ۡو َم ٱل‬
َ ‫س ِق‬ ‫إِن‬ @43:28

h. Ustadh explained ‫ َ� ۡهدِي‬along with similar Fi’ls. @48:45

ْ َْ
i. Ustadh explained ‫ الفصل‬means when you go from one sentence to

another without a ‫ و‬in between then that is called ‫الفصل‬

ْ َْ
‫الف ْصل‬ is Balaaghah studies.
‫الف ْصل‬ is a really important concept in the Quran, it means two things,
1. The two sentences are totally disconnected or 2. The two sentences
are so deeply connected that they can’t even tolerate a ‫و‬ between them.
ْ ُ ْ
j. Ustadh explained ‫ال َم ْسك ْو ُر َ� ْع َد ال ُم ْد َم ِر‬ @56:35
Why Allah used a Noun at the end when the pronoun was already
k. Homework Assignment – Think about, “what would be the benefit
be of mentioning the noun after Allah already talked about them with a
Pronoun?”. @58:35
Q&A a. Question about ‫@ ا َم ُن‬1:03:50
b. Question about
َّ َ ْ and ‫ا� ْم ُد‬
ِ�ِ ‫ا� ْم ُد‬ َ ْ ِ�َّ ِ @1:18:00
c. Question about, “Why one ayah has a feminine pointer and
masculine pointer in another? @1:22:45
ۡ َۡ َٓ َ ۡ َ ۡ
ِ ‫ت ِلك مِن أ�باءِ ٱلغي‬
Surah 11:49  ‫ب‬
ۡ َ ۡ ٓ َ َ ۡ َ َٰ
Surah 3:44, 11:100, 12:102  ِ ‫�ل ِك مِن أ�باءِ ٱلغي‬
Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

d. Cards @1:30:00
Q. What’s the story behind the Ayah that changed your life?
Q. The most embarrassing moment at school. @1:45:15
e. Ustadh explained Surah Hud – Ayah 46 about Nuh’s a.s son.
َ َ ۡ َ ََ
f. Ustadh explained Surah At- Takwir ٢٦‫@ ف� ۡ� َن تذه ُبون‬1:43:00
a. Review and observations in Ayah 06 of Surah 63. @4:10
Day 49
b. Question about ‫@ استغفر‬8:00

c. Analyzing Homework of Ayah 05 of Surah 63. @11:30

َ ََّ ْ ْ ٌ ُ َْ
d. Ustadh explained ‫� � ٍل نصب‬ِ ِ‫مفعول �ِيه‬ @12:30
e. ‫ إِذا‬is a Special Mudaf @17:35 + @22:00
f. ٰ ‫ َ� َع‬is ‫نَاق ِص‬. �‫ا‬
�‫ا‬ ٰ ‫ َ� َع‬means to be high (in status).
َ َ َ ٰ َ َ
ٰ ‫� َع‬,
�‫ا‬ �‫د‬, ‫هدي‬ @26:00
َ َ َُ
g. Surah Al An’am Ayah 150 & 151 about ‫� َعال ْوا‬ and ‫هل َّم‬ = come on!

•�ٰ َ comes from the word ‫ = ُعلُ ٌّو‬to be high @43:00

h. ‫ط‬
ْ َّ ‫اب‬
ِ �‫ال‬ ْ َ and ‫الطلب‬
ُ ‫ َج َو‬- ‫�ط‬ ُ ‫ َج َو‬- ‫@ َطلب‬49:00
َّ ‫اب‬

i. Instructions from Ustadh to stick to what’s in hand and become

perfect at that first. @57:30

a. Question about
ْ َّ ‫اب‬
‫ال� ِط‬ ْ َ
ُ ‫ َج َو‬- ‫�ط‬ @1:12:30
b. Question about how Jumlah Ismiyyah and Jumlah Fi’lliyah are
connected in Ayah 06 of Surah 63 @1:14:00

c. Holiday Homework: Repeat all classes of Sentence Structure from

Day 21 to Day 48. @1:17:05

d. Focus only on Ayah 1 to 6 of Surah 63 thoroughly with completely

meanings and grammar. The Exam would be on 22nd Feb 2021 from
Chapter 1 to Chapter 8. @1:20:25

e. There are 5 sentences in Ayah 6 of Surah 63. @1:23:45

ُ ُ َ َ َ َّ
f. Quran Example: �ٍ ْ‫� خل ٍق َع ِظي‬ٰ ‫ إِنك لع‬- No doubt “you” ‫ ﷺ‬truly are ON
a great character. @1:26:00
Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

g. The Game - Freshly Grounded @1:39:12

Q63. If you could get anything you want, what it would be?

h. Ustadh advised to repeat and understand the 2, 5, and 6 Ayaat of

Surah 63 - Al Munafiqoon.

a. Ustadh briefed about the Holiday Assignment and about the exam
Day 50
after it.
b. Ayah 05 continued of Surah 63 @4:10
َ َْ ُ َ
• For ‫�ِيْل‬ ‫ب الفا ِعل‬
we look for a ِ �‫@ نا‬6:20 + @9:25
َْ ََ َ ََ َ ََ
• 6 commands  ‫ �عالوا‬- ‫ �عا�َا‬- ‫ �عال‬and
َْ ََ َ ََ ٰ ََ
first 3 Past Tenses  ‫ �عالوا‬- ‫ �عا�َا‬- �‫ا‬ ‫@ �ع‬11:53
• Ustadh explained about two words which are exactly the same, but
they are different in meaning. Like: “Book the tickets and I bought a
َ َّ ُ َ َ َ
c. Definition of ‫ جواب‬- ‫@ َطلب‬29:00
ْ َّ َ َ َّ َ
d. Ustadh explained ‫ لووا‬- ‫ لو�ا‬- ‫ي‬ ٰ ‫ = ل َ َّو‬to turn around @32:40
e. Ustadh explained Jumlah Haaliyyah @41:30 to 1:08:20

f. Holiday Assignment: Over the break, start by thoroughly reading

Chapters 6 and 7 then work your way back to the beginning of the
When you return from the break, there will be a comprehensive exam
based on all 7 Chapters.
We return on 22nd Feb inshaAllah @1:09:50
Q&A a. Question about ‫ إِختِ َصاص‬from Surah Al Mujadilah Ayah 15. @1:12:30
b. Question about Negation in Surah 63 Ayah 06 @1:16:30
c. Question – Can we have fi’l maadi as a Haal @1:20:00
d. Question about assumptions about Quran @1:23:25
َ َ
e. Question about ‫إِذا‬ ‫ ُمضاف‬- It doesn’t make anything Jarr
as Special
ٌْ ٌ ْ
after it, but when it comes with a ‫ ف ِعل‬or ‫ اسم‬then it would be called Fi
Mahalli Jarr @1:34:00
َ ُ
f. Ustadh explained ‫يَ ْو َم‬ as Special ‫@ مضاف‬1:39:00
g. Cards @1:40:45
Holidays from 13th Feb to 21st Feb 2021

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Week - 12
Days Description
a. Ustadh briefed about the Exams throughout this week.
Day 51
b. Exam -1 Section 1 @6:00 to 33:40

c. Homework Assignment: Make this exam an open book test to show

a perfect score by showing why it is right and why it is wrong for each
question and then followed by Exam 2 in the next class + grade for
Exam 1.

a. Ustadh checked Exam - 1 - Section - 1

Day 52
b. Section - 2 @ 22:00

c. For the ones that are false in Section - 2, read the English and
produce the Arabic of them. Convert from English to Arabic. @40:00
Question numbers: 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,11,14,16,17,18,21,22,25. @49:00

d. Exam - 2 Question paper shared with students and Ustadh briefed

about the sections in it. @1:09:10

a. Ustadh checked Exam - 2 - Section - 1

Day 53
ٌّ ُ
b. Review of � with examples. @16:05

ٌّ ُ
• Ustadh used to search all the � in the Quran. There

is also a root letters search on this website; he really appreciated the

website’s developer for his work. @24:10

c. Section - 2 @ 34:30

d. Section - 3 @ 53:35
a. Ustadh checked Exam - 3 Section – 1
Day 54 • Ustadh explained Jaar Majroor as Sifah from Surah Yaseen and
Surah Al Qasas. @6:00
• Review of ‫@ ليْ َس‬22:00
b. Section - 2 @ 37:40
ٌ َ ٌ ْ ْ ّ
• Review of What’s ‫فاعِل‬, ‫ َمف ُع ْول‬and ‫@ ? ُم َت َعل ٌِق بِال ِف ْع ِل‬48:00
• Section - 2 Ustadh stopped at Question - 5
c. Homework Assignment: Figure out a good translation for all in
Section - 2 @58:30

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

a. Ustadh briefed about future weekly quiz and a comprehensive exam

Day 55 by end of the month and review about previous lessons and Sarf.
b. Exam - 3 Section - 2 continued from question - 6. @2:00
• Ustadh explained the normal order of Jumlah Fi’lliyyah. @12:35
• Ustadh explained, What is Kinaya for 8th question. @16:30
• Question about “Can Figurative speech be considered Kinaya?”.
(Ustadh’s answer is noted under Day 55 notes.)
c. Section - 2 Question - 9 continued @28:15
• Notes on ‫ب‬ُ ‫ َ�ْ َس‬- to think / to assume @32:00
َ َ ْ َ ُ َْ ُ ُ ُ َ ْ َ
• ‫ �سبهم ا�اهِل أغن ِياء‬- The ignorant ones thinks, they are independent.
d. Section - 2 Question - 10 @47:10
e. Section - 3 @53:00
f. Ustadh briefed about Exam - 4 and about his plan for the coming
week plus we will have a class tomorrow too. Saturday - 27th Feb 2021
a. Ustadh explained the Exam - 4 concepts. @2:30
Day 56
b. Section - 1 @17:50

27th Feb • Question 12, isn’t �ٍِ ‫ب ِ ُم ْسل‬ MBK? No, it isn’t because it’s a BAA Zaaida
and it’s the Khabar itself not a MBK. Ustadh reviewed this concept and
explained it with a Quran Example. @52:30
• BAA Zaaida explained in detail again. @1:03:00
There are 4 ways of saying “isn’t”. Two things you can do to the
Mubtada and two things you can do to the Khabar.
c. Question 14 onwards continued @1:16:00
d. Section - 3 of Exam - 3 and Section - 2 of Exam - 4 would be
continued on Day 57 InshaAllah.

Week - 13
Days Description
a. Exam - 4 - Review of Section - 2
Day 57
ً ‫� الْ ُق ْرآن ُه‬
‫دي‬ ِْ
b. Question - 6  ِ @11:00

ْ ْ ُ َ
c. ‫ا�نس‬
ِ ‫ �م‬- Laam used for the whole category. @14:30
d. Question - 7 @22:07

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

e. Question - 8 and 9. @28:40

f. Question - 10 @31:45
g. Question - 11 and 12 @34:55
a. Review of 4 kinds of Jaar Majroor with examples.
Day 58
b. Exam - 4 - Section - 2 continued from Question 13th. @11:00
َ ٌ َ ُ َ َ َ ْ ُ ْ
• Review of Complicated ِ‫ار إِ�ْه‬ ‫ا ِسم ا�شارة ِ ومش‬ @29:00
c. Exam - 3 - Section - 3 from Question 3 to 5 @34:00
• Review of 4 ways of negating with ‫َما‬ and ‫ليْ َس‬. @36:30
• Ustadh explained PAST CONTINOUS TENSE
ُ ُ ْ‫ َ�ن‬+ ‫َ� َن‬
� = He used to help. @45:00

d. Homework: Read Chapter 6 and 7 and underline or highlight what

you don’t understand and bring some intelligent questions to Ustadh in
next class. @1:09:00
a. Chapter 6 - Review from Page 72 onwards. @2:00
Day 59
ُ َ
b. 6.3‫ الفاعِل‬- Page 73 @4:55
ٌْ ٌ َ
• When the ‫ ف ِعل‬and ‫ فاعِل‬doesn’t match in gender then something
special happens, Ustadh explained with an example from Surah Yusuf
َ َ
 ‫قال � ِْس َو ٌة‬
ُ َْ
c. 6.4 ‫المف ُع ْول‬ - Page 74 @23:00

ٌ ٌ ْ ٌ
• Some ‫ ف ِْعل‬have no problem adding a ِ‫ َمف ُع ْول بِه‬while some ‫ ف ِْعل‬cannot
ٌْ ُ ْ َ َ َ ِ ‫ َغ‬the closest
take a ِ‫ مفعول بِه‬in ‫ نصب‬status. Like for example ‫ضب‬
they get is they take a Jaar Majroor Fi Mahalli Nasb - Mafool Bihi.
ْ ّ
d. ‫ ُم َت َعل ٌِق بِال ِف ْع ِل‬- Page 77 @27:30
• Verbal Idioms of the Quran by Mustansir Mir. Collection of each ‫ف ِْعل‬
and how the meaning changes with each ‫َح ْرف‬ or when no ‫َح ْرف‬ is
used. @34:50
Note - 6.5 is missing in the textbook, may be its a typo in numbers.

e. 6.6 Abnormal Sentence Structure on page 78 @37:40

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

f. 6.7 Complex Sentences on page 79 @47:10

g. 6.8 Question words on page 80 @49:10
h. Homework Assignment - Find an Ayah in which, Allah himself is
asking a question. @51:00
a. Ustadh briefed about the Review classes in the month of Ramadan
Day 60
and his plan to continue classes for a year or longer than that,
b. Review of Attached Pronouns when attached to a ‫ ف ِْعل‬they are
ٌ ْ
always a ‫ َمف ُع ْول‬. @4:30
c. Review of Present Tense @7:00
d. Review of Normal, Light and Lightest Present Tense. @8:45
e. Notes on Normal, Light and Lightest Present Tense. @16:30
f. Drill - 02 on Page 85. @20:50
g. Review of Light and Lightest Harf. @24:45
h. Ustadh explained examples on pages 86 and 87 along with
explanation about ‫يُ ِر�ْ ُد‬. @26:15
• Review of how to make Commands. @31:45
• Review of ْ�َِ ‫ل‬ or ْ
� ِ ,‫ِل‬ @38:50
i. Ustadh explained two kinds of ‫ل َّما‬.
1. ‫ل َّما‬ with Present Tense means “not yet”.

2. ‫لما‬
َّ َ with a Past Tense means “when”, followed by examples on page
88. @52:45
• Ustadh explained when ‫ي‬ is dropped and only a Kasra remains then
it still means “my”. @55:20
َْ َْ
j. Ustadh explained ‫ ول‬and ‫فل‬ followed by examples on page 89.
k. Ustadh picked and explained an ayah from Day 59’s homework,
Surah 77:14. @1:00:30
l. Homework: Memorize question words on page 80 and review Sarf
again. @1:13:45
5th March 2021 Holiday

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Week - 14
Days Description
a. Oral Quiz - 1 on Question words.
Day 61
b. Review of Commanding and Forbidding. @3:00
c. Oral Quiz - 2  Look at the forbidding and give the ‫ه َو‬ version of it.
d. Oral Quiz - 3  Ustadh gives a Present Tense word and a pronoun
as a question and we need to figure out the Arabic Form of Forbidding
of that mentioned Pronoun. @35:20
e. Ustadh advises UJ to prepare a quiz based on Commanding and
Forbidding for tomorrow. @41:40
f. Ustadh explained the difference between a Negative Comment and a
Forbidding. @42:15
g. Weaker Forbidding and Stronger Forbidding. @51:50
h. Ustadh briefed about tomorrow’s Quiz. @51:30
ٌ َ ٌ
• Any ‫ف ِْعل ُمضارِع‬ converted into 6 Forbiddings then meanings of each
Forbidding’s, which means, the student should remember the
َ ْ ُ َْ َ َ ُ ُ َْ َ
difference between ‫�ن‬ ‫� �ن‬ and ‫� ْون‬ ‫ � �ن‬and things like that and the
student should know how the meanings changed from one to another
and should also remember what changes in the meanings are.
• Take any Forbidding and covert it back to ‫ه َو‬ version.
i. A student’s email question: “Is ‫إِذا‬ an Ism and if yes, then a sentence
that starting with it would be a Jumlah Ismiyyah right?”. @54:40
j. Ustadh’s travel adventures: He drove from Kosovo to Albania, and
he visited three cities in Albania, and he shared stories of Second world
war, stories of Christians, Muslims and Jews, and their history, he
learnt during his visit there. @58:38
a. Ustadh checked about yesterday’s Quiz which he mentioned in
Day 62
yesterday’s class.
b. Commanding and Forbidding continued. @1:55
c. Ustadh explained about the Root letters. @6:50
d. Helper Alif for Commands. @15:20
e. Forbidding and Commanding for all 14 Families. @19:40

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

َ َ
f. Commanding for ‫أ ْسل َم‬ family. @50:00

g. Ustadh briefed about tomorrow’s Quiz based on today’s lesson of

Commanding and Forbidding. @59:50
h. Break @1:00:40
Q&A a. Q & A session held by Ustadh Jawaad. He guided about the Drills
on the Dream EZPZ app and on the website @1:06:00
b. Ustadh Jawaad shared the Quiz PDF of Day 61 and gave clear
instructions about it and gave 10 minutes to attempt the quiz.
c. Ustadh Jawaad reviewed the Quiz Section - 1. @1:19:20
d. Ustadh Jawaad reviewed Section - 2. @1:29:10
e. Q & A for last 5 mins. @1:35:20
a. Ustadh is on flight, so Ustadh Jawaad conducts a Review class for
Day 63
Day 62 Drills of Commanding.
b. Ustadh Jawaad gave time to do the drills. @3:30
c. Ustadh Jawaad explained how to access Drills on the website. @25:30
d. Ustadh Jawaad reviewed the Quiz, Section - 1. @27:40
e. Section - 2 @49:50
f. Reviewing Sarf Families of Section - 1. @1:05:10
g. Q & A about the Drills. @1:13:10
a. Ustadh Jawaad gave a Drill - Make a Command / Forbidding for the
Day 64 given Pronoun from the Root letters which are provided with it. First 5
questions are from the family of the same root letters and from
questions 6 to 10, Root letters are provided along with the Family.
b. Ustadh Jawaad reviewed the Drill. @22:00
c. Ustadh Jawaad taught how Commands for 8 Big Families look the
same as, Past Tense with a small change. @46:50
d. Ustadh Jawaad taught Shortcuts for recognizing the Sarf Families.

e. Ustadh Jawaad guided about practicing Arabic typing: “10 Fast

Fingers Arabic” or “Typing test Arabic”, search on Google and practice.
12th March 2021 Holiday

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Week 15
Days Description
a. How Allah gives examples.
Day 65
b. Ustadh explained what is Tarsheeh and What is Tajreed? @11:20
c. Surah 2 Ayah 17 analyzed for Tarsheeh and Tajreed. @22:00
a. Ustadh explained the Drill and also guided to solve 1st and 2nd
Day 66 questions.
ُ ُ َ َ
b. Ustadh explained Commands and Forbidding for ‫قال َ�ق ْول‬ @33:00
c. Tarsheeh and Tajreed continued in last 5 minutes.
a. Commanding and Forbidding in the 3rd person.
Day 67
b. Ustadh explains Commanding and Forbidding with examples.
َْ ْ
c. Ustadh explained ‫ ِل‬٬‫ فل‬٬‫ َول‬with examples. @10:40
d. And they should forgive, and they should turn the page, wouldn’t you
love Allah forgives? This is figurative language. @29:00
ُ َ
e. Question about, “How come the Laam in ‫ل� ْم‬ is not translated?”
• Harf of Jarr with a ‫ف ِْعل‬.  There are two kinds of Harf of Jarr with
‫ف ِْعل‬, look for more details in the notes.
f. Question about, So then how do we say, "He went with?”
‫َم َع‬ = with. @44:26

g. The purpose of today’s session is how do you say, “should”. @45:16

h. Ustadh explained, how do you say, “Should Not”. @46:00

i. Ustadh gave more details about this ayah with the story behind it
about Abu Baker r.a. “And they should forgive, and they should turn the
page, wouldn’t you love Allah forgives?” @50:40

a. Ustadh briefed about tomorrow’s class, our progress and Ramadan

Day 68

b. Review of Normal Present Tense. @1:30

c. Heavy Present Tense  by adding extra Noon to a present tense

ْ َ ُ َْ ُ ُ ْ‫ َ�ن‬.
means “definitely”. Example: He definitely helps = ‫�ن‬ ‫ ن = �ن‬+ �

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

d. Heaviest Present Tense = double emphasis by adding double extra

noon to a present tense means “definitely, definitely”. Example: He
َّ َ ُ ْ َ ُ ُ ْ‫@ َ�ن‬23:10
definitely definitely helps = ‫ن = �ن�ن‬ +�

e. Notes given on Heavy Present Tense @40:30

f. Notes given on Heaviest Present Tense @43:10

g. Recognition Tips given on the Heavy Present Tense and the

Heaviest Present Tense @48:00

h. Example for Forbidding with Heaviest Present Tense from Surah Al

Kahf Ayah 23. @49:50

i. Terms for Heavy Present Tense and Heaviest Present Tense @52:20

j. Question about Noon At-Tawkeed, is it same as Noon Khafeefa or

Noon Sakheela? Answer is yes.. @56:15

k. Request from a student to repeat the forbidding with emphasis.


l. What’s the coolest place that you have ever visited? @58:00
a. ‫ف ِْعل‬ Checklist.
Day 69
ٌ َْ
b. Point 17 in the ‫ف ِْعل‬ Checklist is about ‫أ� َعال ا�َّ َع ُّجب‬ (The Fi’ls of

Shock) @30:00

a. ‫ ن ِْع َم‬+ ‫َرفع‬

b. ‫ بِئ َس‬+ ‫َرفع‬
ْ ‫َح ُس َن‬ َ
c. ‫ َح ُس َن‬/ ‫ت‬ +‫نصب‬
َ ‫ َس‬/ ‫ت‬ْ َ َ َ
d. ‫اء‬ ‫ ساء‬+ ‫نصب‬
َََْ َ َ
e. ‫ ما أ�عل‬+ ‫نصب‬
(They are on page 50 and 51 in the Textbook or on page 352 in Chapter 19.)

c. Surah Al Baqarah Ayaat 174 and 175 grammar analyzed. @58:00

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Week 16
Days Description
َ َ
Day 70 a. Review about 6 Conjugations of ‫قال‬ from Day 69.

َْ ُ
b. Review of ‫َمق ْول الق ْول‬ @4:10

c. Shortcuts on How to quickly make Commands from Past Tense in 8

Big Families. @ 9:00
َّ َ ََ ََ
d. Two ‫ت‬ Families  ‫� َعل َم‬ and ‫اءل‬‫�س‬ @25:28

e. Surah Maidah Ayah 2. Find out which one is a Past Tense, and
which one is a Command.

َ ُۡۡ ۡ ۡ ََ ْ ُ ََ َ
َ ۡ
َ ٰ ‫اونوا � ٱل� َوٱ�َّق َو‬ ّ ۡ ََ ْ ُ ََ
َ ‫@ َو�ع‬28:20
� ِ ٰ �‫ٱ�ث ِم َوٱلعد‬
٢‫ن‬ ِ � ‫ىۖ و� �عاونوا‬ ِِ
f. Putting different Root Letters into
َ‫أ ْسلَم‬ Family with examples from
Quran. @38:30
g. No Shortcuts for Commands in 6 Small Families, we need to follow
َ ٌ
Sarf Sagheer until ‫ف ِْعل أ ْمر‬ to get to Commands @45:20

َّ َ َ َ َّ َ َ َ
h. ‫� تأ� َد‬ �‫إِذا ت‬ = “When more is said, more is meant”. Ustadh

explained with examples from Quran 42:13 and 3:103, how one ‫ت‬ is
َّ َ
dropped when there is a double ‫ت‬ in ‫� َعل َم‬ family. @51:50

i. Surah 42:13 explained how double ‫ت‬ remains when there is a

َّ َ
double ‫ت‬ in ‫� َعل َم‬ family in this ayah. @1:00:40

j. Surah Al Imran Ayah 103 explained, how one ‫ت‬ is dropped when
َّ َ
there is a double ‫ت‬ in ‫� َعل َم‬ family. @1:04:10

a. Ustadh spoke about his plans for Ramadan.

Day 71
b. Past Passives explained in detail. @9:15
c. Converting 14 Families Past Tense into Past Passive. @23:15

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

d. Ustadh explained and gave notes on ‫�زِم‬ = Intransitive and

‫ُم َت َع ّدِي‬ = Transitive @32:00

e. Chapter - 8 Drill - 1 on page 102. @42:45

f. Drill - 2 on page 103. @49:30
g. Homework: Read all of Chapter 8. @59:40
a. Review of Passives from Day 71.
Day 72 َ
b. Process to recognize ‫�زِم‬ = Intransitive and ‫ = ُم َت َع ّدِي‬Transitive. @14:35
c. Chapter 8 - Page 103 - Past Passives. @ 31:00
d. Present Tense Review @33:20
e. Present Tense Passives @36:40

f. Ustadh explained difference between 1. ‫َج َه َد‬ = to struggle/ work hard

2. ‫ = َجاه َد‬to struggle @48:07

g. Homework: Do Drill 3, 4 and 5 @1:01:07

a. Ustadh checked homework - Drill 3.
Day 73
b. Drill 4 @17:25
c. Drill 5 @35:40

‫اض‬ َ ً ِ ‫ َم‬٬‫َماض‬
d. Ustadh explained difference between ٍ ‫ م‬٬‫اضيا‬ ٍ @36:17

e. Why the Arabs use passives? / Implications of using passives.

Day 74 a. Process of recognizing a Passive ‫ف ِْعل‬. @5:40
b. Ustadh explained the examples of Chapter 8 on page 108. @9:00
c.  Using an Arabic dictionary to find out the family of a
‫ف ِْعل‬. Ustadh does not recommend to look for the meanings
from the Quran. @18:20
َ َ
d. Ustadh explained how the last example on page 108 belongs to ‫أ ْسل َم‬
ْ َّ َ
َ ْ ‫ت ل ِلْ ُم َّت ِق‬
family. � ‫أعِد‬ @28:35

e. Chapter 8 - Drill 6 on page 108 @38:30

َ ُ َ َ ‫بَاب‬
• Process to find out the family of ‫ت ْر َج ُع ْون‬.  ‫� َب‬ @42:35

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

f. Homework: Remaining 2 Ayaat in Drill 6 on page 109. Complete its

analysis on your own, without looking up at the translation, do Drill 7
on page 112 and finish reading rest of the Chapter 8 and highlight what
you do not understand. @56:55

Week 17
Day 75 a. Quiz - Convert the ‫ف ِْعل‬ into Passive and translate them.

b. Ustadh checked homework of Chapter 8 - Drill 6 on page 109. @31:00

َْ َ
c. Notes on ‫فاعِل ُمنف ِصل‬- A distant doer. @41:50
ٌْ َ ٌَ َ َ
d. Ustadh explained ‫ ش ِفيع‬and ‫شفاعة‬. @48:00

e. Ustadh explained  8.3 The Rhetorical Benefits of The Passive Voice.

1) When there is no reason to mention the doer  Second example
on page 109. @1:00:00
f. Ustadh explained these two with examples.
1. When Transitive only happened because of a Harf.
2. When the Harf fuses in meaning with a ‫ف ِْعل‬. @1:02:20
g. A conversation with the guest students. @1:10:20
a. Ustadh advised all the students regarding being yourself and not be
Day 76
conscious about what others think about them or what others say about
them. Must listen.
b. Ustadh briefed about passives, linguistic concepts, and unique
cases in Quran. @6:55
c. Chapter 8 - 8.3 - Example 3 on page 109 @9:30
d. Ustadh explained 2) Out of Respect for Allah  Example 1 on page
110. @15:00
e. Ustadh explained, “Hinting at someone other than the ‫”فاعِل‬.

f. Ustadh explained,
ٌّ َ
� = idea, idea without ‫ال‬. @28:30

g. Ustadh mentioned about  “The Jinns heard the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬recite

the Quran in Taif.” @34:10
h. 3) Expanding the Scope of Action  Example 1 on page 110.

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

i. Ustadh explained the Ayah 23 of Surah Nur about those people who
spread rumors, they are cursed in this life and in the Hereafter and for
them is a great punishment. @43:30
j. Drill 7 on page 112 @57:00
َْْ ُ ْ َ َ ّ ََُ ٌْ
k. �
ِ ‫ ف ِعل متع ٍد � مفعول‬ A Fil that can take two Mafool Bihis.
l. Ustadh told a story about his experience when he became a 3rd grade
teacher. @1:06:00
a. Introduction to Negation
Day 77
b. Chapter 9 - Negation. @8:00
َ َ ُ َ
c. Ustadh explained ‫ �ن‬+ ‫َما‬ and ‫ يَك‬+ ‫ل ْم‬. @17:45

d. Present Tense Negation. @28:30

َ َ َ َ
e. An example from Quran explaining, ‫ � ناه َِية‬and ‫ � نا� َِية‬. @34:40

َ َ َ َ
f. Quiz - Label whether the following are ‫� ناه َِية‬or ‫ � نا� َِية‬. @46:50

g. Ustadh explained the examples for Present Tense Negation on page

117. @51:00
h. One of the guest students asked a question about Poetry from the
Divine Speech. Why did Allah specify poetry? Beautiful explanation from
Ustadh – must listen. @56:00
َ َ َ َ
Day 78 a. Quick Review of ‫ � ناه َِية‬and ‫ � نا� َِية‬.
b. Chapter 9 - Future Negation. @5:40
َ َ
c. Quiz – Translate the English sentences into Arabic using ‫ل ْم‬ or ‫ل ْن‬
d. ‫ل َّما‬ = Not yet  Future Negation @32:15
َ َ
e. Ustadh explained ‫ل َّما‬ + ‫ُمضارِع‬ = not yet and
‫ل َّما‬ + ‫َماض‬ = finally when. @34:30

f. Ustadh explained 3rd kind of Negation, it’s not mentioned in the

textbook. Check in Day 78 notes. @38:25
g. Ustadh explained first 2 examples from Drill 1 on page 117. @50:20

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

h. Homework: Drill 1 on page 117  Do all 6 kinds of Negation for

each given examples. @1:03:20
i. Ustadh advised to repeat each class two to 3 times and make notes by
pausing every 5 minutes to understand the concepts thoroughly.
a. Ustadh checked and explained Drill - 1 on page 117 - homework.
Day 79
b. Quran Example – Surah Baqarah ayah 185 about the month of
Ramadan and Quran. @42:00

Week 18
a. Ustadh briefed about his plans for weekly exams based on each
Day 80
chapter that we have covered so far.
b. 9.3 Negating Jumlah Ismiyyah @3:55
c. Negating in 4 ways with ‫َما‬ and ‫ليْ َس‬. @27:50
d. Drill 2 – Negate in 4 ways with ‫ َما‬and ‫ليْ َس‬. @39:00
a. Muslim Chart Review
Day 81
b. Ustadh explained Absolute Categorical Negation. @5:25
c. Labelling Absolute Categorical Negation. @9:30
d. Ustadh explained ‫ا�َ ْو َم‬ @16:10

e. Translating the Absolute Categorical Negation sentences @17:00.

َ ُ َْ َ َ ٌ ْ َ
f. Ustadh explained Neither/nor with the example  ‫� خوف َعليْ ِه ْم � � َزن ْون‬
a. Absolute Categorical Negation continued.
Day 82
b. Ustadh guided, how to use one of his favorite websites.

c. Ustadh explained
َ‫َ� إِ ٰ َ� إ ِ َّ� ُهو‬ @11:45

d. Ustadh explained the difference between Absolute Categorical

Negation and a Normal Negation with examples. @20:35
e. Ustadh explained Ayaat of Surah Al Baqarah : 254 and Surah
Ibrahim : 31, “How human beings want what’s immediate, but Allah
offers a long-term deal and how Shaitan offers a short term deal”.
Must listen. @ 24:45
f. Chapter 9 - 9.4 Shared Tools of Negation on page 121 @37:35

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

g. Reading through the examples from the Textbook on page 121.

h. Drill 3 - Completed on page 122. @55:40

i. A group of Surahs which begin with ‫حم‬. Surahs from 43 to 46. These
Surahs, they challenge people who don’t believe in the next life, they
challenge people who don’t acknowledge the God’s existence and they
strengthen those who believe. These Surahs they talk about the power of
revelation, the power of Allah’s word, it’s about re-enforcing the
fundamentals of our faith.
This was the height of the debate in Mecca, when the people of Mecca
were challenging the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬when he ‫ ﷺ‬was teaching the people of
Mecca about Islam and they were challenging it with their own
philosophy, and this was the Qur’an’s answer.
And there is another group which is from Surahs 50 to 56 and it’s all
about the Qur’an. If somebody wants to know how Quran talks about
itself then it’s in from Surah 50 to 56. @1:08:30
j. “Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is nothing but a messenger”. Why this is important?
Because people took Jesus (Esa a.s) and made him more than a
messenger. @1:10:15
k. How Quran protects us from believing in things that other people fall
into and it protects us from taking Islam and corrupting it into how
people before us corrupted what their Prophets gave them. @1:11:24
a. Announcement about bullying other students in study groups made
Day 83 by students on Whatsapp and other social media.
b. Negation continued. @8:00
c. Chapter - 9 Drill 3 on page 122 continued. @12:00
d. When the line between Imaginary and Reality gets blurred. Ustadh
explained about Echo Chambers and Meditation. @17:30
e. A guest student asked a question on acceptance. How can we
differentiate between acceptance and not following someone or
something blindly? @25:00
f. Ustadh explained Min Zaaida on page 122. @30:00
g. Ustadh explained the examples for Min Zaaida on page 123. @35:35
h. Chapter - 9 Drill 4 on page 124. @45:40
i. Ustadh said to review the Summary of Negation on page 125. @52:45
j. Can Min Zaaida be used with any other negative words or any with
‫@ ? َما‬53:25
k. Quran Example for Min Zaaida from Surah Al Kahf. @55:12

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

a. Homework assignment for the weekend: Find one example from

Day 84
the Quran for each Negation that is not in the chapter. Take help from to look for translations or meanings.
b. Ustadh also shared his Ramadan plan, it would be a review of Surah
Al Jumu’ah and Surah Al Munafiqoon. @3:50
c. Ustadh showed how to use @6:10
d. Chapter 10 page 128. @12:00
e. Reading Chapter 10 from the Textbook. @21:20
f. Drill - 1 @23:40
g. 10.2 Sentence Structure + Drill 2. @26:25
h. Recognizing the Mubtada in Arabic sentences on page 129. @30:25
َ َ
i. Ustadh explained ‫�ن‬ again with examples and gave notes on it.

Week 19
a. Ustadh listed all Negations. @4:45
Day 85
b. Ustadh checked Homework assignment of Negation. @11:00

c. Ustadh explained two kinds of ‫َما‬  ‫َما‬ of Negation and ‫َما‬ of what.
d. Quran Example: Surah Yunus Ayah 88. There is a debate about
the ayah whether it is �ِ ‫( ن‬Negation) or not. @46:00
• It,s about the scene where Musa a.s is crossing the water and the
Pharoah has issued the order that there has to be a genocide.
e. Ramadan Plan @1:02:50
• Review of everything we have learnt so far by applying it on the Ayaat
of Surah Al Munafiqoon and Surah Al Jumu’ah.
• Read the transcript of Ayah 1 of Surah Al Munafiqoon because
Ustadh will start from Ayah number 2 from the next class onwards.
• Ustadh will read from the book called Al Tabeer Al Qurani by Dr.
Fadel Saleh Al Samerai.
• Quran Memorization goal for a year and half – Have a goal to memorize
from Surah Al Dhuqaan to Surah Al Nas, (Surah 44 to 114) memorize
as much as you can.
• Get into the habit of memorizing because this study is impossible
without Quran memorization into your life.
• Have a goal for reading with good flow.

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Ramadaan 2021
a. Started analysing 2nd Ayah of Surah Al Munafiqoon. @2:00
Day 86
b. Ustadh explained the Process of Elimination of Big words to
ُ َ َّ
recognize what ‫ ا�ذ ْوا‬is? @3:30
ْ ُ َ َّ َ ْ
c. ‫ ا�ذوا‬is a ‫ف ِعل ماض‬, so it’s a Jumalah Fi’lyyiah. Ustadh explained the
ٌْ ُ ْ َ
process to find a ‫مفعول‬. @13:40
َ َ َّ
d. Ustadh explained ‫ا�ذ‬, its Sarf Sagheer and its meanings. @19:50
َ َّ َ
e. Ustadh explained ‫علم‬, its Sarf Sagheer and its meanings. @26:15
ََ َ
f. Ustadh explained ‫قاتل‬, its Sarf Sagheer and its meanings. @30:00

Day 87 a. Ustadh explained the Sarf Skill and Sarf Sagheer of

‫آم َن‬ @2:00

َ َ َّ
b. Review of Sarf Sagheer of ‫ا�ذ‬. @6:00

َْْ ُ ْ َ
c. Ustadh explained � ْ ََُّ ْ
ِ ‫ف ِعل متعدِي إِ ٰ� مفعول‬ =A ‫ف ِْعل‬ that has 2 Mafools.
Note - Ustadh first explained this concept of 2 Mafools on Day 37
ٌ َ ٌ ْ ‫يَم‬, which means “Oath”
d. ‫� ْ� َمان‬ is a Broken Plural and its Singular is � ِ
and it also means “a right hand”. @9:35
e. Ustadh explained ‫َج َّنة‬ and same Root Letters gives different
meanings, yet they have similarities. @11:55
f. Ustadh explained ‫جذ ٌر‬ِ and its Root Letters. @16:10

ّٰ َ َ
g. Ayah 2nd continued from ِ�‫ ف َص ُّد ْوا � ْن َسبِيْ ِل ا‬.
َّ َ َّ ُ َ ْ َ
• Ustadh explained ‫الفاء السببِية‬. ‫ = ف‬so /then /therefore/as a result.

h. Ustadh explained the Process of Elimination for ‫َص ُّد ْوا‬ and its Sarf
Sagheer. @21:20
ّٰ َ
i. Analyzing ِ�‫� ْن َسبِيْ ِل ا‬ @29:30

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

j. ‫� ْن‬ and ‫م ِْن‬ = from. Sometimes they have same meaning. @32:45
k. Homework: Review ‫ن ِْع َم‬, ‫بِئ َس‬, ‫ َح ُس َن‬, ‫ َساء‬. They are on page 50 and 51
in the Textbook and they are also on page 352 in Chapter 19.
َ ُ ْ ُ َ ٓ َّ
Day 88 a. Ayah 2nd continued from ‫إِ� ُه ۡم َسا َء َما �نوا َ� ۡع َملون‬.
ٌْ ْ َ
b. Ustadh explained the Concept of �ِ‫�مي‬. @5:00
ٌْ ْ َ
c. Quran Examples for the Concept of �ِ‫�مي‬. @10:00
َ ََُۡ ْ ُ َ َ
d. Ayah 2nd continued from ‫@ ما �نوا �عملون‬15:00
َ َ َ
e. Ustadh explained how ‫ ُمضارِع‬+ ‫�ن‬ becomes Past continuous tense.
He used to…… /He has been……. @16:50
f. Q & A all noted in the notes. @23:00
َ ُ ْ ُ َ
g. Ayah 2nd continued from ‫ َما �نوا َ� ۡع َملون‬and Ustadh explained Ism
Mowsool and Silatul Mawsool. @27:50
a. Completed analysing 2nd Ayah of Surah Al Munafiqoon.
Day 89
b. Started 3rd Ayah of Surah Al Munafiqoon. @10:40
َّ َ َّ َ
c. Ustadh explained how ‫بِأن‬ and ‫ِ�ن‬ are a combination of Harf Nasb
and Harf Jarr. @12:10
d. 3rd Ayah continued. @19:20
e. Ustadh briefed about upcoming exams on and before Eid. @31:35

Week 20
َ َۡ َ َ ُ ُ َٰ َ َ ُ َ
Day 90 a. 3rd Ayah continued from ٣‫� قلو� ِ ِه ۡم � ُه ۡم � َ�فق ُهون‬ ‫@ �طبِع‬2:00
b. ‫ ُطب ِ َع‬is too advance, Ustadh explained ‫ ُطبِ َع‬with different examples.
َ َۡ َ َ ٌ
c.‫ � ُه ۡم � َ�فق ُهون‬use to find the the family of a ‫ف ِْعل‬. This
one is from ‫مع‬
َ ِ ‫ َس‬family. @22:20
d. Ustadh explained the translation of the 3rd Ayah. @28:50

e. Ustadh explained ‫السبَبِ َّية‬ ُ ‫الْ َف‬. ‫َف‬

َّ ‫اء‬ = so /then /therefore/as a result.

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

The ‫ف‬ of cause. @30:25
َ ََّ ْ ٌ
f. Ustadh explained ‫� �ل نصب‬ ِ for a ‫ف ِْعل‬. @32:05
g. Full translation of the 3rd Ayah. @33:00
a. Review of Passives.
َ ‫ف ِْعل‬ َ
‫ف ِْعل ُمضارِع‬
Day 91
b. Recognizing the ‫ماض‬ and from the few words that
Ustadh listed and turn them into Passives. @5:20
َ َ
c. 4th Ayah continued from ‫�ذا َر� ْ� َت ُه ْم‬. @19:20
d. Recognizing what
َ‫َر َ�يْت‬ is? By following the Process of elimination
for big words. @19:55
e. ٰ‫َرأي‬ – Past Tense Chart practice. @21:30

f. ٰ ‫يَ َر‬
‫ي‬ – Present Tense Chart practice, memorize the Present tense
chart @30:00
g. Homework: Find all the ‫ف ِْعل َماض‬ and ‫ف ِْعل ُمضارِع‬ in Surah Al
Infitaar. @34:00
a. Homework of Surah Al Infitaar checked.
Day 92 َ
b. Review of ٰ‫َرأي‬ charts. @7:40
ْ َ‫ك أ‬
ُ ‫ج َس‬
ْ‫ام ُهم‬ َ ُ ُْ
c. 4th Ayah continued from ِ ‫�ع‬. @11:20
d. Ustadh explained how the Mafool Bihi gets translated like the Faa’il
and how the Faa’il gets translated like the Mafool Bihi.
Example: “Their body counts impress you”.  “You like their body
ُ ‫ُ� ْعج‬
‫ب‬ َ ‫@ أَ ْع‬27:00
َ ‫ج‬
counts”. This works only for ِ and

e. Homework: Give two translations of the sentences using “impress”

and “like” which Ustadh gave.
a. Homework checked.
ٞ ‫ك َ� َّ� ُه ۡم ُخ ُش‬.
Day 93
ٞ َ
b. 4th Ayah continued from ۖ ‫ب ُّم َس َّن َدة‬ @15:00
ۡ ُ
c. ‫@ ه ُم ٱل َع ُد ُّو‬27:15
َ َّ ُ َ ُ َ ۡ َ
d. ‫ح ٍة َعل ۡي ِه ۡ ۚم‬
َ ‫� َص ۡي‬ ‫@ �سبون‬28:45
َ ۡ َۡ ْ ُ ُ
e. ۖ‫@ �ن َ�قولوا �س َمع لِق ۡول ِ ِه ۡم‬35:15
f. Complete translation of 4th Ayah @44:20

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

g. Review of ٰ ‫َرأ‬
‫ي‬ charts. @45:35
ُ َ ۡ َ
Day 94 a. 4th Ayah continued from ‫ٱحذ ۡره ۡ ۚم‬ ‫ف‬
ُ َّ ُ ُ َ َ َ
b. ۖ�‫@ �ٰتلهم ٱ‬11:50
َ ُ َ ۡ ُ ٰ َّ َ
c. ‫�� يؤفكون‬ @26:40

d. Ustadh mentioned about a dictionary for hard vocabulary in the

Quran by Raghib Isfahani @31:55
e. Ustadh briefed about the weekend exam for 1 – 4 Ayaat of Surah 63
and to find the question paper under study materials tab under today’s
video. @38:40

Week 21
a. Ustadh briefed about checking of the exam of Surah 63 1 - 4 Ayaat
Day 95
is on us from the Answer Key which he would post today or tomorrow.
َ َ
b. 5th Ayah – Ustadh gave Sarf Sagheer of ‫@ قال‬4:20
َّ ُ ُ َ ۡ ُ َ ۡ ۡ َ ۡ َ ْ ۡ َ َ َ
c. 5th Ayah continued from ِ �‫�عالوا �ستغ ِفر ل�م رسول ٱ‬ @17:00
َ َ َ َّ ُ َ َ
d. Ustadh explained ‫ طلب‬and ‫@ جواب الطلب‬19:50
َ َ َّ ُ َ َ
e. How do you translate when something is ‫َطلب‬ and ‫الطلب‬ ‫جواب‬.
Translation of the ayah 5th given. @29:27
f. Q. Does every Command is a ‫? َطلب‬ @32:00
A. No, only those Commands which are followed by a lightest ‫ف ِْعل‬.
َ ْ َ
‫ ُمق َّدم‬, ‫ إِختِ َصاص‬, ‫ت ْوكِيْد‬, ‫جيْل‬ َْ َْ َْ
g. Ustadh explained ِ ‫ �ع‬and ‫�شو�ق‬. @32:55
َ َ َ َّ ُ َ َ
h. Ustadh explained ‫ طلب‬and ‫ جواب الطلب‬again. @38:55
ْ َْ ْ َْ
“Surrender! You will be safe”. – ‫أسل ِم �سل ِم‬
i. Ustadh explained from Surah Ar- Rum about the war between
Romans and Persians. @43:55

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

a. Ustadh briefed about the exam’s answer key to be uploaded soon and
Day 96
advised the students to do the review of all the previous sessions of
Surah 63 by following the timestamps.
َّ ُ ُ َ ۡ ْ َ َ َ َ َ
b. 5th Ayah continued from ِ�‫�ذا �ِيل ل ُه ۡم � َعال ۡوا � َ ۡس َتغ ِف ۡر ل� ۡم َر ُسول ٱ‬
َ َ َ َّ ُ َ َ
Ustadh explained ‫ طلب‬and ‫ جواب الطلب‬again @2:00
ْ َ ْ َّ ُ َ َ
c. Ustadh explained ‫ �ط‬and ‫ جواب ال�ط‬with English examples and he
explained the difference between if and then sentences and when and
then sentences. @6:40
ْ ۡ َّ َ َّ
d. Ustadh explained ‫ – لووا‬is from the ‫ َعل َم‬family and its Past Tense
Chart followed by its practise. @8:40
ۡ ُ َ ۡ ََ َ ۡ ُ َ ُ ْۡ َ
ُ َّ
e. ‫@ لووا رءوسهم ور��تهم‬17:17
َ ُ ۡ َ ۡ ُّ ُ َ َ ُّ ُ َ
f. ٥‫@ يصدون وهم مستك ِ�ون‬20:50
ْ َْ
g. Sarf Sagheer of � ‫ ا ِست‬and it doesn’t have a Passive line because
its ‫�زِم‬. @26:30

a. Ustadh announced about encouraging students and others to sponsor

Day 97
other students.
َ ُ َّ َ ۡ َ َ ۡ ۡ َ َ ٌ ٓ َ َ
b. 6th Ayah - ‫ٱ� ل ُه ۡ ۚم‬ ‫سواء علي ِهم لن �غ ِفر‬ @4:25
َ ۡ َ َ َ َ َ ََۡۡ َۡ
c. ‫ت ل ُه ۡم أ ۡم ل ۡم � ۡس َتغ ِف ۡر ل ُه ۡم‬ ‫@ أستغفر‬12:25
d. When you use more words than usual it is called ‫إِ ْط َناب‬, its used for
several reasons, but here it’s been done to express anger or to reinforce a
decision. @17:25
َ ُ َّ َ ۡ َ َ
e. ‫ٱ� ل ُه ۡ ۚم‬ ‫لن �غ ِفر‬ @20:00
f. Homework: Analyze the grammar of the last part of the ayah 06 –
َۡ َۡ َ َ َّ َّ
٦� ِ ٰ�‫ٱ� � َ� ۡهدِي ٱلق ۡو َم ٱل‬
َ ‫س ِق‬ ‫إِن‬ and also translate on your own, do not
look for translations. @24:20
َ ‫س ِق‬ َۡ َۡ َۡ ۡ َ َ َ َّ َّ
Day 98 a. Homework checked for end of Ayah 6 - ٦� ِ ٰ � ‫ٱل‬ ‫م‬‫و‬‫ق‬ ‫ٱل‬ ‫ِي‬
‫د‬ ‫ه‬ � � �‫إِن ٱ‬
b. 7th Ayah – Ustadh highlighted 4 new vocabulary words and he
explained them first and gave its Sarf Sagheer. @4:30
c. 7th Ayah - Analysing the grammar. @16:50
ْ ُّ َ َ َّ َ َّ
‫� ينفض ۗوا‬ ٰ َ َ ْ ‫ون َ� تُن ِف ُقوا‬
َ ‫� َم ۡن ع‬
ٰ ‫ِند َر ُسو ِل ٱ�ِ ح‬ َ ُ ُ َ َ َّ ُ ُ
‫هم ٱ�ِين �قول‬

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

d. Is it Silatul Mawsool because it is Maqool Al Qawl? Yes, it is. Listen

to Ustadh for complete answer. @26:00

e. Question about  Confusion about Root Letters of

َ‫ َ��ْ َفق‬and ‫ا� َق‬
َ َ
‫ ن‬are
they related to each other? Listen to Ustadh for complete answer. @26:00
f. The Game - Freshly Grounded II @31:50
Q1. Tell a reminder that helped you refocus in Ramadan?
g. Ustadh spoke about the goals for next Ramadan and for next two
years. @35:35
َ ۡ َ َ َ َّ ٓ َ َّ
Day 99 a. 7th Ayah – continued from ‫�ض‬
ِ �‫ت وٱ‬ ِ ٰ �ٰ�‫َو ِ�ِ خ َزا� ِ ُن ٱلس‬
b. Ustadh jumped to 8th Ayah as it is similar to what we just analysed in
the 7th Ayah.
َ ‫و�ِۦ َول ِلۡ ُم ۡؤ ِمن‬
ۡ َّ
ِ ‫َو ِ�ِ ٱلعِ َّز ُة َول َِر ُس‬ @3:10

c. Q & A about Silatul Mawsool. @11:25

d. 7th Ayah – continued from

ْ ُّ َ َ َّ َ َّ
ٰ ‫ِند َر ُسو ِل ٱ�ِ ح‬
‫� ينفض ۗوا‬ ٰ َ َ ْ ‫َ� تُن ِف ُقوا‬
َ ‫� َم ۡن ع‬
e. Ustadh explained how ٰ َّ ‫ َح‬is part of Harf Jarr group and Light Harf

group. @22:05
َ َ ۡ َ َ ٰ َ ُ ۡ َّ ٰ َ َ
f. 7th Ayah – continued from٧‫� � َ�فق ُهون‬‫�ن ٱلم� ِف ِق‬
ِ �‫@ و‬29:00
َ ََُۡ َ َ َ ُ ۡ َّ ٰ �َ ‫@ َو‬33:00
g. Ustadh jumped to end of 8th Ayah - ٨‫�ن ٱلم� ٰ ِف ِق� � �علمون‬ ِ
h. We will complete rest of the 8th Ayah in the next class. @34:30
i. Homework assignment: In 8th Ayah – Identify all the isms, Fi’ls and
harfs. If it’s a Fi’l then find out if it’s a Present Tense, Past Tense or Amr.
َّ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ ُّ َ َ ۡ َّ َ ۡ ُ َ َ َ ۡ َ ٓ َ ۡ َ َّ َ َ ُ ُ َ
ۚ ‫�قولون ل�ِن رجعنا إِ� ٱلمدِينةِ �خ ِرجن ٱ�عز مِنها ٱ�ذل‬
j. The exam for this weekend will be from Ayah 1 to 7 and its not an
open book exam. @36:30
k. The Game - Freshly Grounded II @37:25
Q2. What lesson did you get from yesterday?
Q3. When was the last time you gave yourself permission to switch off?

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Week 22
a. Ustadh gave some general input about Tadab-bur (Contemplation)
Day 100
and Tazak-kur (Reminder) and he also mentioned that he would give a
take home quiz.
b. 8th Ayah – continued from the beginning @3:45
َّ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ ُّ َ َ ۡ َّ َ ۡ ُ َ َ َ ۡ َ ٓ َ ۡ َ َّ َ َ ُ ُ َ
ۚ ‫�قولون ل�ِن رجعنا إِ� ٱلمدِينةِ �خ ِرجن ٱ�عز مِنها ٱ�ذ‬
c. Ustadh explained “Emphasis” @8:00
d. Back to 8th Ayah, applying the emphasis “even”, and Ustadh
explained the “Emphasis” in the ayah. @12:50
ۡ َ
e. Ustadh explained ‫�ُخ ِر َج َّن‬ – Heaviest Present Tense = triple
emphasis with Laam of Emphasis. @15:10
f. Ustadh explained about
ْ َّ ‫اب‬
‫ال�ط‬ ُ ‫ َج َو‬- it can be lightest, heavy and
heaviest. @18:40
ۡ َ
g. Ayah 8 - continued from ‫�ُخ ِر َج َّن‬. @26:30

h. The Game - Freshly Grounded II @31:50

Q4. Have you been tolerating your flaws or improving them lately?

Day 101
َ َ ۡ َ ٓ َ ۡ َ َّ
a. Ayah 8 - continued from ِ‫ رجعنا إِ� ٱلمدِينة‬- Ustadh explained that
No Cards ‫ َر َج َع‬is sometimes ‫( �زِم‬Intransitive) and sometimes ‫( ُم َت َع ّدِي‬Transitive).
َّ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ ُّ َ َ ۡ َّ َ ۡ ُ َ َ
b. ۚ ‫رجن ٱ�عز مِنها ٱ�ذل‬ ِ ‫ ل�ِن �خ‬- Ustadh explained the Superlatives in
this Ayah by giving different examples. @8:15
َّ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ ُّ َ َ ۡ َّ َ ۡ ُ َ َ
c. Nahw of ۚ ‫ ل�ِن �خ ِرجن ٱ�عز مِنها ٱ�ذل‬- @22:15

Note - Ustadh explained

َ ‫و�ِۦ َول ِلۡ ُم ۡؤ ِمن‬
ۡ َّ
ِ ‫ – َو ِ�ِ ٱلعِ َّز ُة َول َِر ُس‬on Day 99 along
with Ayah 7. @3:10
َ َ َ َ ۡ َ
• Ustadh explained ٨‫� � َ� ۡعل ُمون‬ ‫� َّن ٱل ُم َ�ٰ ِف ِق‬
ِ ٰ �‫ َو‬on Day 99 along with
Ayah 7. @33:00
d. Complete translation of Ayah 8 given @23:40

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

ْ ُ َ َ َ َّ َ ُّ َ ٰٓ َ
Day 102 a. Ayah 09 – started from ‫ي��ها ٱ�ِين ءامنوا‬ @2:30
b. Ustadh explained ‫يَٰٓ� ُّ� َها‬ @ 7:12

َ �‫َّٱ‬
‫ِين‬ = Ism Mawsool and
ْ َُ َ
‫ءامنوا‬ = Silatul Mawsool. @16:08

ْ ُ َ َ َ َّ َ ُّ َ َٰٓ
d. Notes and observations about ‫ي��ها ٱ�ِين ءامنوا‬ @16:50
ْ ُ َ َ َ َّ َ ُّ َ
(Ustadh explained ‫��ها ٱ�ِين ءامنوا‬ previously on Day 48 @1:03:50)

e. Ustadh explained that there are two dimensions to Imaan 

Quantitative vs. Qualitative and gave Notes and observations about
them. @27:15

f. The Game - Freshly Grounded II @37:10

Q5. Do you find it difficult to be present?

a. Ustadh explained Commanding in 3rd person again.

Day 103 َ
� + Lightest Present Tense in 3rd person
No Cards ْ ُ ْ‫َ� َ�ن‬
� = He shouldn’t help

ً‫� إِل ْ َهاءا‬

ْ ِ ْ‫� يُل‬ ْ َ َ
b. Ustadh explained the Sarf of ٰ ‫ اَل‬- ‫أ ْسل َم‬ Family. @5:20 +
c. Ustadh explained the Lightest form of ْ ِ ْ‫@ َ� يُلْهِ = َ� يُل‬8:30

ۡ ُ ُ ََۡ ٓ ََ ۡ ُ ُ َ َۡ ۡ ُ ُۡ َ
d. Ayah 09 continued from ‫@ � تل ِه�م أم�ٰل�م و� أو�ٰد�م‬14:45
e. When two � are together = Neither / Nor @25:20

No weekend holiday for this week.

a. An email question about Commanding in 3rd person and
Day 104
Commanding in 2nd person, Ustadh explained it to make the concept
more clear.
َ ُ ٰ َ ۡ ُ ُ َ ٰٓ َ ْ ُ َ
b. Ayah 09 continued from ٩‫�ون‬ ِ �‫@ فأول�ِك هم ٱل‬15:10
َ َ َۡ َۡ ََ
c. Ustadh explained Ayah 09 from ‫@ ومن �فعل �ٰل ِك‬18:50

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

ۡ ۡ
• Why ‫َ�ف َعل‬ is lightest even though there is no Lightest Harf in the
Ayah? @20:30
d. Q & A about Ayah 09. @ 26:40
e. The Game - Freshly Grounded II @34:30
Q6. Name one time when having patience made all the difference.
َْ ُ ََ
Day 105 a. Ustadh explained ‫از الق ْو ِل‬� with examples.
َْ ََ
‫= �از الق ْول‬ Special kind of indirect speech (mix of direct and indirect)
َْ ُ ََ
b. Ustadh explained ‫از الق ْو ِل‬� in Ayah 09. @5:10
َْ ُ ََ ََ
‫از الق ْو ِل‬ � is pretty common in Quran, there are other kinds of ‫ �از‬too
and ‫ل‬
ْ َْ ُ ََ
ِ ‫ �از القو‬is one of them.
Ustadh explained how its you who is responsible for the distraction
not your belongings and your children. (Must listen)
c. Ustadh explained Ayah 10. @20:00
َّ ۡ ُ َ َ َ َ ۡ َ َ ۡ َ ّ ُ ٰ َ ۡ َ َ َّ
َ ُ ‫� ُم ٱل ۡ َم ۡو‬ ْ ُ َ
ِۚ�‫ت عن ذِك ِر ٱ‬ ‫َوأن ِفقوا مِن ما رزق��م مِن �ب ِل أن يأ ِ� أحد‬
d. Translation given for what we analyzed so far in Ayah 10. @33:00
e. Q & A about Ayah 10. @35:15
f. The Game - Freshly Grounded II @38:00
Q7. What’s your ideal Sahoor?
Q8. Name 3 of your favorite people from your Teens. @42:40

Week 23
a. Ustadh skipped this part of Ayah 10 to do it later.
Day 106
َ ٰ َّ َ ّ ُ َ َ َ َّ َّ َ َ َ َ َ ٰٓ َ ٓ َ ۡ َّ َ ٓ َ ۡ َ ّ َ َ ُ َ َ
١٠�‫ح‬ِ ِ ‫�ب فأصدق وأ�ن مِن ٱلصل‬ ٖ ‫ب لو� أخرت ِ� إِ� أج ٖل ق ِر‬ ِ ‫�يقول ر‬
b. Ustadh explained Ayah 11 @1:40
َ ُ َ ُ َّ ‫� َ� ۡف ًسا إ َذا َجا ٓ َء أَ َجلُ َها ۚ َو‬
ُ ‫ٱ� َخب‬
١١‫� ۢ ب ِ َما � ۡع َملون‬ ُ َّ ‫َولَن يُ َؤ ّخ َِر ٱ‬
ِ ِ
c. Complete translation given for Ayah 11 @13:30
d. Grammar breakdown of Ayah 11 @16:30
ٓ ٌ َ
e. Question about ‫ َجا َء‬and its ‫فاعِل‬ @23:40

f. Al Quran app by Sheikh AbdelKader for Tajweed. @28:25

g. The Game - Freshly Grounded II @29:20

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Q9. Tell me one thing that you have discovered about yourself this year?
(Ustadh encouraged the students to answer this question too.)
h. Ustadh’s advise @38:00
We look back to figure out what we did wrong, we don’t “stare back”, we
“glance back”, like the rare view mirror.
Oh! that’s what I did and then we fix our eyes on what’s ahead. So, alot
of us, we look at the opportunities we missed, and we repeatedly keep
thinking about it, but no.
You “glance back” and “stare ahead”, keep focus on what lies ahead so
that you don’t make the same mistakes again.
* Speak less and listen more.
a. Ayah 10 continued from…
Day 107
َ ٰ َّ َ ّ ُ َ َ َ َّ َّ َ َ َ َ َ ٰٓ َ ٓ َ ۡ َّ َ ٓ َ ۡ َ ّ َ َ ُ َ َ
١٠�‫ح‬ِ ِ ‫�ب فأصدق وأ�ن مِن ٱلصل‬ ٖ ‫ب لو� أخرت ِ� إِ� أج ٖل ق ِر‬ ِ ‫�يقول ر‬
َّ َ َّ ُ َ ْ َ
• Ustadh explained ‫الفاء السببِية‬. ‫ = ف‬so /then /therefore/as a result.
The ‫ ف‬of cause.

‫ب‬ ّ َ
b. Ustadh explained ِ ‫ = ر‬my Master @9:30 + @39:00
ٓ ََۡ ْ ْ�َ ‫@ َح ْرف‬16:00
c. Ustadh explained �‫ضيض = لو‬ ِ
ٓ ََۡ َّ َ
�‫ ه� = لو‬ Why don’t you / how come you don’t just…
ٓ َ ۡ َّ َ
d. Ustadh explained �ِ ‫@ أخرت‬18:30
ٓ�ِ َ‫ أ َّخ ۡرت‬is usually used with a Past Tense.
َّ َ َّ ُ َ ْ َ َّ َّ َ َ
e. Back to ‫ الفاء السببِية‬in ‫@ فأصدق‬22:50
َْ َ ً
‫ = َمق ْول الق ْول‬inside quotes (“………”)
َ َّ َّ َ
f. Sarf of ‫أصدق‬ @25:20
َ َّ َّ َ َ َ ُ َ
g. Final Translation given from ‫فأصدق‬  ‫@ � َيقول‬35:30 + 40:40
h. The Game - Freshly Grounded II @29:20
Q10. What you need to be more balanced in?
Q11. What are you not prioritizing?
(Ustadh encouraged the students to answer this question too.)

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

َ ٰ َّ َ ّ ُ َ َ َ َّ َّ َ َ
Day 108 a. Ayah 10 continued from… ١٠�‫ح‬ِ ِ ‫فأصدق وأ�ن مِن ٱلصل‬

b. Ustadh explained ‫ َو‬and how it carries the status forward. @4:20

c. Ustadh explained the concept of ‫ = ا ِْحت ِ َباك‬Mixing matching /

Crisscrossing. @11:20
d. Ustadh explained that Jawab Al Shart can come with a ‫ف‬, if it
does then it can be Light instead of Lightest. @22:10
َ َ َ ٰٓ َ ٓ َ ۡ َّ َ ٓ َ ۡ َ
e. The Shart is ٖ ِ ‫@ لو� أخرت ِ� إِ� أج ٖل ق‬29:15
‫�ب‬ ‫ر‬
f. Ustadh explained, how the languages have deteriorated over time.
g. Complete translation for Ayah 10 given. @34:00
h. Hints for Surah Al Jumu’ah @39:40
Ayah Hints

• ‫َما‬ = Fi Mahalli Ra’f
َ َّ �
• ‫ت‬ِ ٰ �َ ٰ �‫ٱلس‬ ِ = Silatul Mawsool
ۡ ُّۡ
• ‫مِنهم‬ = Sifah Fi Mahalli Nasb
• ‫= إِن‬ is short for ‫إِ� ْه ْم‬
َ َ َ َ ّ ُّ ۡ
• ‫ر�ن‬
ِ ‫ = ءاخ‬is Jarr carried over from ‫ٱ�م ِِ�ۧن‬
(There are multiple possibilities but Ustadh has given only one for
this assignment)
ۡ ُۡ
• ‫ = مِنهم‬Sifah
ُۡ ُ
• ِ‫ = يؤ� ِيه‬is a normal ‫ ه َو‬version
4 ٓ ََ َ
• ۚ ‫ = من �شا ُء‬means whoever He wants / also means whoever
5 • ‫بِئ َس‬ = was covered in previous sessions, need to find it and
review. (They are on page 50 and 51 in the Textbook and they are also
on page 352 in Chapter 19.)
ْ ُ َّ َ َ َ َْ
6 • ‫ = �تمنوا‬is a Command - ‫�� ُت ْم‬
7 • ‫ = �يۡدِي ِه ۡ ۚم‬is ‫َرفع‬

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

ُ َُ
8 • ۖ‫ = م� ٰ ِقي� ۡم‬is Mudaf and ‫َرفع‬
ْۡ َ ۡ َ َْ
9 • ‫ = فٱسعوا‬is a Command - ‫�� ُت ْم‬
i. Instructions for the Holiday assignment @48:30
• Explain the Nahw of each Ayah, no need for Sarf.
• Explain all the big words and tell what they are, like Mudari, Amr
• Explain whether it’s a Jumlah Ismiyyah or Jumlah Fi’liyyah, if its
Jumlah Ismiyyah then find out whether is Mubtada, Khabar or
Muta’alliq Bil Khabar.
• What are the fragments and how are things connected to each other
and then translate each Ayah, you can look up for the translation, that
is student’s choice but you have to explain why you translated the way
you have translated.
• Ustadh doesn’t care for the answer but he cares for the reasoning
and the process.
• After the holidays, Ustadh will pick students every day, who would
come online and explain the grammar breakdown to Ustadh and to the

• Ustadh’s advice is to watch all of Surah Al Munafiqoon sessions

covered in Ramadan and prepare good notes.
• He advised the students to be humble and not be overconfident.
• Hint for Surah Al Jumu’ah – go thru the whole Surah Al Jumu’ah
and highlight what’s easy, go to for vocabulary.
j. The Game - Freshly Grounded II @55:05
Q12. One of Allah’s names is the Provider, what are you thankful for
that money can’t buy?

k. Ustadh said he values hard work not the results and he mentioned
how Allah values the efforts but not the results because He is the One,
who controls the results. Must listen. @1:01:55

Eid Hangout on 13th May 2021

Eid Holidays from 13th until 25th May 2021
Classes will resume from 26th of May 2021 InshaAllah

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Surah Al Munafiqoon

Days Ayaat

Intensive 3 – Day 7 a. Ayah 01 @1:34:16

Intensive 4 – Day 3 a. Ustadh explained

َ ‫@ َج‬1:41:35
Intensive 4 – Day 4 a. Ayah 02 @1:23:18

Intensive 4 – Day 5 a. All Past Tenses explained @1:22:09

Intensive 4 – Day 10 a. Ayah 02, 03 and 04 @1:30:28

a. Quiz - 1 - Jumlah Recognition - Ayah 04 @1:22:00

Day 31
b. Quiz - 2 - Jumlah Recognition - Ayah 07 @1:41:20

a. Quiz - 1 - Analyze whether the sentences are Jumlah

Day 32
Ismiyyah or Jumlah Fi’liyyah from Ayah 1 and 2 @1:23:15

a. Quiz - 1 - Find out whether it is Jumlah Ismiyyah or

Day 34 Jumlah Fi’liyyah in Ayaat 03 and 04. @56:45

b. Quiz - 2 - Find out whether it is Jumlah Ismiyyah or

Jumlah Fi’liyyah Ayah 06. @1:15:30
Day 35 a. Review of Ayah 11 @1:28:10
a. Ayah 01 - Ustadh explained about ‫إِذا‬ @1:07:00
Day 36
‫إِذا‬ = Super Special Mudaf and its Mudaf Ilaihi is a Jumlah

a. Oral Quiz - 1 - Ayah 01 @1:20:20

Day 37
b. Sarf given for Ayah 01 @1:26:00

c. Analysing the grammar and translating Ayah 02 @1:31:00

Day 39 a. Review of Ayah 01 and Vocabulary and Sarf given for
Ayah 02. @1:12:00
Day 41 a. Oral Quiz of Ayaat 01 and 02 @1:02:20

a. Vocabulary review of Ayaat 01 and 02. @1:18:00

Day 42
b. Vocabulary of Ayaat 03 and 04. @1:23:00
Day 43 a. Review of Vocabulary of Ayaat 01 and 02. @1:12:50

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Day 43 b. Vocabulary of Ayaat 03 and 04. @1:19:10

a. Review of Ayah 01 to 03. @1:40:30

Day 44
b. Vocabulary given of Ayaat 04 and 05 @1:45:20
Day 46 a. Ayah 05 @1:30:55
ْ ْ
Day 47 a. Analyzing ‫اس ُم ال َم ْو ُص ْول‬ @48:00

Day 48 a. Ayah 06 @00:00

a. Review and observations in Ayah 06. @4:10

Day 49
b. Analyzing Homework of Ayah 05. @11:30
Day 50 a. Ayah 05 continued @4:10

Ramadan 2021 a. Ayah 02 to Ayah 11 from Day 86 to Day 108

Week 24
Days Description

a. Ustadh briefed about his approach towards Holiday Assignment -

Day 109
Surah Al Jumu’ah.
b. Review of Jumlah Ismiyyah. @5:30
No Cards
َ َ َ َ ََُ
• Ustadh explained ‫ �ن‬and ‫� �ن‬ ‫خ‬
ٌ ْ َ ٌ ْ َ ُ َّ َ
• Ustadh explained ‫ ا� عل ِيم حكِيم‬ ‫�ن ا� عل ِيما حكِيما‬
ً ْ َ ً ْ َ ُ َّ َ َ َ
َ ْ َ ّ ُ َ َ ُ َّ َ ْ َ �
ً ْ‫� ٍء قَدِي‬ ّ ُ َ َ ُ َّ َ َ
‫� ٍء قدِي ْ ٍر‬ �
ِ � � ‫ا‬  ‫ا‬‫ر‬ ِ � �‫�ن ا‬
c. Ustadh explained the examples which are given below and none of it
ٌ َ ‫َخ‬ َ َ
has a � and he explained same examples with ‫�ن‬. @23:00
ْ َ ْ َ َ َ
• ‫= �َا عِل ٌم‬ We have knowledge  ‫�ن �َا عِل ٌم‬ = We had knowledge

ٌ ْ َ
ِ ‫ِلرجا ِل ن‬
َ ّ ّ َ َ
ٌ ْ‫ِلر َجال نَ ِصي‬
• ‫صيب‬ ِ ‫ = ل‬Men have a portion  ‫ب‬ ِ ِ ‫�ن ل‬ = Men had a portion

َ َ
Note - The only time we replace an Independent Pronoun with ‫ �ن‬is
when the Independent Pronoun is a Mubtada.

‫� َن ُم ْسل ِ ًما‬
ُ َ
Example: ‫ه َو ُم ْسل ٌِم‬ 

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

َ َ
d. Ustadh explained these examples with ‫@ �ن‬31:00
َ َ َ َ
Sentences without ‫�ن‬ Sentences with ‫�ن‬
ْ ُّ ْ َ ْ ُ َ ُ َ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ ْ ُّ ْ َ ْ َ ُ َ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ َ َ
• ‫ا�� َيا‬ �ِ ‫المسلِمون مساف ِرون‬ • ‫ا�� َيا‬ �ِ ‫�ن المسل ِمون مساف ِ ِر�ن‬
The Muslims are travelers in the The Muslims were travelers in the
worldly life. worldly life.
ْ ُّ ْ َ َ َ ُ َ َ ْ ُْ ْ ُّ ْ ْ َ َ َ ُ َ َ ْ ُ ْ َ َ
• ‫ا�� َيا‬ �ِ ‫ان‬
ِ ‫ان مساف ِرت‬
ِ ‫المسل ِمت‬ • ‫ا�� َيا‬ �ِ �
ِ ‫ان مساف ِرت‬
ِ ‫ت المسل ِمت‬
ِ ‫�ن‬
The two Muslim women are The two Muslim women were
travelers in the worldly life. travelers in the worldly life.
e. Ustadh once again reviewed the Concept of Outside ‫ فاعِل‬with
examples. @37:40
َ َ َ َ ََُ
f. Ustadh explained few more examples of ‫ �ن‬and ‫� �ن‬ ‫خ‬. @43:00
َ َ ََُ
Note - ‫� �ن‬ ‫خ‬ is always nasb.

g. Ustadh told the students to post in the comments section on the

Bayyinah website about what they found difficult in the first Ayah of
Surah Al Jumu’ah and he will take last 15 minutes to explain or
answer those difficulties, one at a time. @52:52

َ َ
Day 110 a. Chapter 10 - List of ‫ �ن‬and its sisters on Page 128
َ َ
b. Drill Questions made by Ustadh on ‫ �ن‬and its sisters. @10:45
c. Homework - Review the videos on Drill 1 and 2 by following the
Timestamp Document which can be found under the STUDY
MATERIALS on the Bayyinah website. @18:50

(Chapter 10 - Drills 1 and 2 were completed on Day 84 @23:40)

d. Ustadh explained ‫� ْن ُم ْسلِ ًما‬  Be a Muslim. @19:45

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

e. Ustadh explained ‫ل‬ = for/has @23:40
ْ َ ْ َ َ َ
• ‫�َا عِل ٌم‬ = We have knowledge  ‫�ن �َا عِل ٌم‬ = We had knowledge

ٌّ ْ ‫َو‬
f. @29:10 Ustadh explained ‫ج ُه ُه ُم ْس َود‬ = his face is blackened

ًّ ْ ‫َظ َّل َو‬

‫ج ُه ُه ُم ْس َودا‬ = his face remained blackened

This example is from the Quran about how the ignorance of previous
cultures used to be depressed when a baby girl was born because they
preferred sons over daughters and Ustadh mentioned how Islam is
opposite of this and how the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬told us that having daughters is
like a ticket to Jannah.

g. Drill - 3 on page 132 @32:45

• 1 to 4 were done in the class and rest of Drill 3 is given as homework.

h. Ustadh explained Surah Al Jumu’ah Ayah 01. @39:30

i. Ustadh explained the names of Allah in Ayah 01 and the additional

reasons to do Tasbeeh of Allah. @52:30

j. Cards @55:00

Q. What is the worst fight you had with a friend that you made up later?

• Ustadh said, sometimes people that you really don’t get along with or
you really get annoyed with turns out that they are really not like that,
something else was bothering them and it turns out to be a beautiful
relationship and sometimes people who are really nice to you turns out
to be the meanest people and sometimes people that are mean to you
turns out to be the nicest people, so don’t judge by the first impression or
don’t judge by the outside appearances, who knows how people turn out
to be……

k. Homework Reminder - 1. Review Drill 1 and 2 from previous videos

by following the Timestamps Document and complete the Drill - 3 on
page 132.

2. Read all of Chapter 10 till Drill - 3 and Sarf is on the way.

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

َ َْ
Day 111 a. Ustadh explained ‫أ� َعال ناق ِص‬ = Incomplete Fi’ls

َ َ َ
‫�ن‬ = he was  ‫ف ِْعل ناق ِص‬ = 99% Jumlah Ismiyyah

َ َ ٌّ َ‫ف ِْعل ت‬
‫�ن‬ = he existed  ‫ام‬ = 1% Jumlah Fi’liyyah

ُ ُ َ ُ ُ
Ustadh explained ‫� ْن � َيك ْون‬, ‫ � ْن‬is a Command and the usual
translation for ‫ � ْن‬is  Be and it is! but Ustadh says, we will not say,
“be” but we will say, “exist”, like Allah commands something and He
says, “Exist!” and that comes into existence. Subhan Allah!!!

b. 10.3 Abnormal Sentence Structure examples were explained on

Page 133. @12:15
َ َ َ
c. Ustadh explained ‫ �ن‬- ‫ ليْ َس‬- ‫َما‬ with some examples and

placement of Mubtada, Khabar and Muta’lliq Bil Khabar, followed by

ُ ُ َ
the explanation of ‫ل� ْم د ِْ� ُن� ْم‬. @18:20

َّ ْ ‫لَيْ َس ال‬
� ُّ ْ ‫لَيْ َس ال‬

d. Ustadh explained ِ and ِ and placement of

Mubtada, Khabar in a sentence. @31:45

• 10.3 Abnormal Sentence Structure examples continued.

e. Ustadh explained
‫اس ُم َم ْو ُص ْول‬ and explained the example of it from

Surah Quraish @41:30

f. Ustadh explained
‫اسم َم ْو ُص ْول‬ and gave notes on it followed by the

explanation of couple of Ayaat from Surah Quraish @41:30

g. Surah Al Jumu’ah Ayah 01 continued @53:45

h. Conversation with the guest students till the end of the class.

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Week 25

Days Description
َ َ
Day 112 a. Ustadh explained ‫�ن‬ in Jumlah Fi’liyyah. @1:20

َ َ َ‫َ� َن ن‬
� 
َ َ َ‫ن‬
� and
ُ ُ ْ‫َ� َن َ�ن‬
� 
ُ ُ ْ‫َ�ن‬

• Ustadh explained - Distant Past = ‫َماض بَ ِعيْد‬ @18:00

َ َ َ‫ = َ� َن ن‬he had helped/ he had helped long time ago

ُ ُ ْ‫ = َ� َن َ�ن‬he used to help/ he had been helping (used to happen

َ َ ُْ َ َ َ ُ ُ َْ
b. Ustadh explained ‫�ن‬ with ‫�� ْم‬ ‫ن‬ and ‫� ْون‬ ‫�ن‬ @9:20

• Ustadh explained the translation for above @20:30

َ َ َ
c. Ustadh explained ‫�ن‬ with
ُ ُ ْ ‫�ن‬
ْ َ َ‫ ن‬/ �
ُ‫�ت‬ @11:00

• Ustadh explained the translation for above @21:35

d. Ustadh explained
َ َ
‫�ن‬ with
ُ ْ‫ قُل‬/ ‫� ُف ُر ْو َن‬
ْ َ
‫ت‬ @12:45

• Ustadh explained the translation for above @22:00

e. Chapter -10 - Ustadh explained examples on page 134. @22:45

َ ُ
f. Ustadh explained ‫يَ� ْون‬ with Past Tense and Present Tense
َ َ َ‫� ْو َن ن‬

ُ َ
‫ي‬ = it’s possible that he helped / he might have helped

ُ ُ ْ‫� ْو َن َ�ن‬

ُ َ
‫ي‬ = it’s possible that he helps/ he might help

g. Surah Al Jumu’ah Ayah 02 @34:00

• Review of Ism Mawsool and Siltatul Mawsool in the Ayah.
َ َ
h. Q & A about ‫�ن‬ + Surah Al Jumu’ah Ayah 02 @41:00

Q. What’s the difference between “he had been helping and he has been
helping”? @47:40

i. Homework – Drill - 5 on page 134. @49:35

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

َ َ َ
Day 113 a. Ustadh explained ‫�ن‬ with ‫َما‬ and ‫ل ْم‬ @2:40

َ َ َ‫َما َ� َن ن‬
� = No, he hadn’t been helping / no, he didn’t use to help

ُ َ َْ
ُ ُ ْ‫� ْن َ�ن‬
� ‫لم ي‬ = He hadn’t been helping / he didn’t use to help

َ َ َ
b. Ustadh explained ‫�ن‬ with ‫َما‬ and ‫ل ْم‬ in plural. @8:00
َ ُْ َ ُْ
‫ = َما كن ُت ْم ت�ف ُر ْون‬No, you all didn’t use to disbelieve
َ ُْ َ ُ ُ َ َ
‫ = ل ْم ت� ْون ْوا ت�ف ُر ْون‬You all didn’t disbelieve
َ َ
c. Homework – Find any 4 examples of any version of ‫�ن‬ from the
Quran and translate them, also mention the reason why you chose to
translate it that way.
Note - Do not repeat the examples given in the textbook or explained in
the class. @11:08
d. Ustadh explained Drill - 5 on page 134. @13:25
(Find the answer key for Drill - 5 under Study Materials section on the
Bayyinah website.)
e. Ustadh spoke about the authenticity of the Hadiths and how
Ayaat are being mistranslated and he also spoke about the Sunnah.
Must listen. @21:30
f. A conversation with the guest students. @42:00
g. Surah Al Jumuah Ayah 02 continued. @47:20
ْ ً ْ
• Ustadh explained a question about ‫ َر ُس ْو� مِن ُه ْم‬- ‫مِن ُه ْم‬ being Sifah
ً َ
of �‫ر ُس ْو‬.  Ustadh answered this question with different examples.

h. Question about Mafool Fihi. @52:15

i. Ustadh explained ‫َ�تل ْوا‬ = to follow and gave Sarf of it, the
meaning of ‫َ�تل ْوا‬ became reciting / reading because the one who is
reading is following the letters. @54:05

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

َ َ ْ�َِ ‫ل‬
Day 114 a. Ustadh explained ‫�ن‬ with Lightest Harf ‫ِل‬ from

ْ�َِ ‫ل‬ is not translated as so that.

َ ُ ْ‫َما َ� َن ِ�َن‬
� = He would never be the one to help / it’s impossible that
he would help / it wouldn’t be right for him to help
(The above example has got 3 meanings.)
b. Ustadh explained Ayah 179 from Surah Al Imran @5:00
In Surah Al Imran, Allah mentions about how the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was
almost killed in the battle of Uhud and actually a rumour was spread
that He ‫ ﷺ‬was killed and 70 closest companions of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬were
also killed in the battle.
They were winning at first then things got bad, it was turned out to be
very disastrous for the Muslims and Allah said many things for the
Muslims to understand, how do you deal with when a terrible disaster
happens and one of the things that Allah said is this…
ُ َّ ‫ٱلط ّيب َو َما َ� َن‬
َّ ‫يث م َِن‬ َ َ ۡ َ َ ٰ َّ َ ۡ َ َ ۡ ُ َ ٓ َ ٰ َ َ َ ۡ ُ ۡ َ َ َ ُ َّ َ َ َّ
�‫ٱ‬ �ِ ِ ِ‫ما �ن ٱ� ِ�ذر ٱلمؤ ِمن ِ� � ما أنتم عليهِ ح� ي ِم� ٱ�ب‬
َّ ْ َ َ ‫ٱ� َ�ۡ َت� مِن ُّر ُسلِهِۦ َمن � َ َشا ٓ ُء‬ ََ ۡ ُ َ ُۡ
ۡ ‫� ٱلۡ َغ‬
‫�ٔام ُِنوا بِٱ�ِ َو ُر ُسلِهِۚۦ �ن‬ ۖ َ َّ ‫� َّن‬
ِ ٰ�َ ‫ب َو‬ ِ ‫ي‬ ‫ِ�طلِع�م‬
ٞ ‫� ۡم أ ۡج ٌر َع ِظ‬ ُ َ َ ْ ُ َّ َ َ ْ ُ ۡ ُ
١٧٩‫يم‬ ‫تؤمِنوا و�تقوا فل‬
c. Ustadh explained Negation Templates Part 2 from page 135
d. Homework Assignment - @27:18
َ َ َ َ َ
From the Quran Find out any version of ‫ �ن‬+ ‫َماض‬ and ‫ �ن‬+ ‫ُمضارِع‬
َ ْ ُ َ
Example - ‫�ن ْوا يَ�ذِبُ ْون‬
• Read over Chapter 10 again @ 38:10
e. Surah Al Jumuah Ayah 02 continued. @28:25
ّ َ
• Ustadh explained ‫َو�ُذكِيْ ِه ْم‬ and also explained its Sarf.

ْ �ِّ ‫ يُ َذ‬- is a regular ‫ف ِْعل‬ with an irregular ending, it belongs to

‫َعل َم‬
(Ustadh said that he will teach the irregular Sarf in detail when we
start Sarf.)

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

a. Ustadh explained 2 kinds of Laam  Laam of Lightest Harf and

Day 115
Laam of Harf of Jarr. @1:00 + @6:30
b. A conversation with the guest students. @4:00 + @7:40
َ َ
c. Ustadh explained ‫َما �ن‬ with Laam of Harf of Jarr and he
explained it with few examples. @10:25

(Negation Templates Part 1 from page 135)

َ َْ َ َ َ َ
َ ُ ْ‫� َد أ ْن َ�ن‬
� �ِ ‫ما �ن‬ = It wouldn’t be right for Ahmad to help /

It wouldn’t be appropriate for Ahmad to help

d. A conversation with the guest students. @21:00
e. Ustadh checked Homework Assignment which he gave couple of
َ َ
days ago, it’s about – “Find 4 examples of any version of ‫�ن‬ with
ٌ َ
‫َماض‬ and ‫ُمضارِع‬ from the Quran”. @28:30

• Ustadh explained the examples from the student’s homework, and

he also explained 3 most important kinds of
‫ما‬. @31:30
1. ‫ = َما نا� َِّية‬Negation
َْ ُ ْ َ َ
2. ‫ = ما موصولة‬what / whatever

3. ‫َما َم ْص َدرِ َّ�ة‬ = Classified translation

f. Ustadh explained 2 examples with ‫ب ِ َما‬ from student’s homework

g. Ustadh explained why the study of the tafseer is important and
how it effects the translation of the Quran and then he explained
َ َ ّ َ ‫م ِْن‬
‫� َما خل َق‬
ِ @43:35

h. No Surah Al Jumu’ah today.

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

a. Q & A with Ustadh Jawaad

Day 116
َ َ
• Review of ‫�ن‬ with Laam of Harf of Jarr.
َ َ
• Question for the template of ‫ َما �ن ل ِــــ‬- Will the Inside pronoun of
َ َ
‫�ن‬ change depending on the subject? @11:40

Listen to Ustadh Nouman’s explanation on this.

َ ُْ
b. Surah Al Jumuah Ayah 02 continued from ‫َ�تل ْوا َعليْ ِه ْم‬ @15:20
ُْ ً ٌ
• Mawsoof Sifah = ‫ َ�تل ْوا‬+ �‫ َر ُس ْو‬ A common Ism followed by a ‫ف ِْعل‬,
ٌْ ُ ُ َْ ٌ ْ ُ
that ‫ = ف ِعل‬Sifah, for example �‫ مسل ِم �ن‬- A Muslim who / that helps

c. Ustadh explained 3 kinds of Mawsoof Sifah. @25:50

• Q. Does the ‫ف ِْعل‬ has to match in all 4 properties with the Ism?

The answer is no, please listen to Ustadh’s answer for more details.
d. Back to Ayah 02 - continued from ‫َو�ُ َز� ِيْ ِه ْم‬ @36:10

• When the Jumlah Fi’liyyahs are connected with a ‫ و‬then they all
ََْ ْ َ ُْ ً َ
fall into one giant bucket. ‫وا� ِكمة‬ to ‫ = َ�تل ْوا‬1 Sifah of �‫ر ُس ْو‬.
e. Ustadh explained – A Past Tense followed by a Present Tense then
the Present Tense becomes a Haal of the Past Tense. @43:45

ْ َ ‫َد َّر َس‬
ْ ِ ‫�م‬ = He taught while talking.

ُ َْ َ َ َ
• ‫ن� �ل ِس‬ = He helped while sitting.

َ َ
f. Ustadh said that, he will give an assignment on the ‫�ن‬ Chapter.
• He also said that this week (the coming week) is the last week of
NAHW and we will start Sarf.
• He said to read ahead Chapter 11 and he will plan 10 days
Intensives for Sarf for about 2 to 3 hours each day.

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Week 26
Days Description
a. Ustadh briefed about doing a review, like - “What you need to
Day 117 َ َ
know chart”, for ‫�ن‬ , Negation etc, based on the emails Ustadh
received from the students requesting for a review for above
• Surah Al Jumu’ah – Ustadh said that we will have additional
sessions for Surah al Jumu’ah than continuing it in the regular
b. Chapter 11 – Compound Ism @5:30

• Ustadh explained Compound Ism with few examples.

Two kinds of Compound Isms

ٌ ْ َ
1. ‫ف ِْعل‬ + ‫أن‬ = Jumlah Fi’liyyah turning into a Compound Ism.
َ‫أ ْن � ُ َساف ِر‬ = to travel / that he travels

(Ustadh explained this concept of Fi’l as Ideas in detail on Day 14)

ٌ�َ ‫ َخ‬+ ٌ‫ُمبْ َت َدأ‬ َّ َ

2. + ‫أن‬ = Jumlah Ismiyyah turning into a Compound
ٌ ‫ضح‬ْ ُ َ َ ْ ُ ْ َّ َ
‫ك‬ ِ ‫أن ا�ستاذ م‬ = that the teacher is funny

c. Ustadh explained an example from page 139 @19:10

ْ َ ْ َ َ َ َْ ْ َ ُْ ُ ْ ‫ا� َها َب إ َ� ال ْ َم‬
َّ ُ ْ ُ
‫ج ِد‬
ِ ‫س‬ ‫م‬ ‫ال‬ �ِ ‫إ‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ه‬‫ذ‬‫ي‬ ‫ن‬ ‫أ‬ ‫د‬� ‫ر‬
ِ ‫ي‬ = ‫د‬
ِ ‫ج‬
ِ ‫س‬ ِ ‫ي ِر�د‬
d. Ustadh explained Masdar in English and Masdar in Arabic.
َ ْ َ
(Masdar) ‫إ ِ ْس� ًما‬ = ‫أن � ُ ْسلِ َم‬ = to submit /submission / submitting
ْ َ
• Compound Ism that works with ‫أن‬ is actually a Masdar.

e. Homework – Read all what Ustadh taught in class today from

Chapter 11. @31:00

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

a. Chapter 11 - Ustadh explained the 3rd example on page 139.

ُ َ ٌْ َ ْ ُ ْ ُ َ ْ َ
Day 118
ْ‫�م‬ ‫أن تصوموا خ� ل‬
b. Ustadh explained � it has got a lot of meanings, he explained
this with few examples.
� = has to / obligated to / must
َ َّ َ ْ َ َ
Example – ِ ‫الص�ة‬ ‫عليك‬ = you have to pray / you must pray /

you are obligated to pray

‫ج ِد‬ ْ ‫ب إ َ� ال ْ َم‬
‫س‬ َ ‫@ أَ ْن يَ ْذ َه‬21:40
c. Ustadh explained ِ ِ
َ َ َْ ْ َ
Two ways to say “to go”  1. ‫ أن يذهب‬or use the Masdar 2.
d. Ustadh explained the Masdar from all 8 Big Families @30:10
ْ َ
• Converting a Present Tense into a Compound Ism by adding a ‫أن‬

ً َ ْ َ ْ ُ ْ َ
Example – ‫ = أن �سل ِم = إِس�ما‬to submit /submission / submitting

e. Ustadh explained 1st example from page 139 @40:50 + @45:15.

ْ َ ْ َ َ َ َْ ْ َ ُْ ُ
‫ج ِد‬
ِ ‫ي ِر�د أن يذهب إِ� المس‬
f. Ustadh explained 2nd and 3rd example from page 139 @49:00.

‫ج ِد‬ ‫س‬ َ ‫َعلَيْهِ أَ ْن يَ ْذ َه‬

ْ ‫ب إ َ� ال ْ َم‬ ُ َ ٌْ َ ْ ُ ْ ُ َ ْ َ
‫� ل� ْم‬ ‫أن تصوموا خ‬
ِ ِ and

g. Homework – Ustadh said to repeat today’s class before joining

tomorrow’s class. @52:55

َ ْ َ
Day 119 a. Ustadh explained the difference between ‫إِ ْس� ًما‬ and ‫أن � ُ ْسل َِم‬
‫إ ِ ْس� ًما‬ = no doer  Regular Masdar
ْ َ َ ْ ْ
‫أن � ُ ْسل َِم‬ = he (Inside doer)  Compound Ism / ‫ال َم ْص َدر ال ُمؤ َّول‬
b. Ustadh explained @7:30 + @15:55
ُ َ ٌْ َ ُ َ ّ
‫� ل� ْم‬ ‫الصيام خ‬
ِ = Fasting is better for all of you.

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

ُ َ ٌْ َ ْ ُ ْ ُ َ ْ َ
‫� ل� ْم‬ ‫ = أن تصوموا خ‬That all of you fast is better for you.
• A Masdar is doer less and also timeless because a Masdar is an
Idea, and an Idea is an Ism but a Compound Masdar or Compound
Ism is acting like an Ism while keeping the qualities of a ‫ف ِْعل‬.@17:40
c. Ustadh explained @10:20

‫ب‬ َ ْ‫يُر�ْ ُد أَ ْن ُ�ي‬

• ِ ِ = He wants (himself) to answer

‫ب‬ َ ْ‫يُر�ْ ُد أَ ْن أُجي‬

• ِ ِ = He wants that I answer
َ ْ ُْ ُ
• ‫ا� َجابَة‬ ِ ‫ي ِر�د‬ = He wants to answer

d. Ustadh explained an Ayah about Hajj. (Must listen) @20:45

ْ َ ْ ‫إ َّن َخ‬
‫الزادِ ا�َّق ٰوي‬
َّ �
ِ = Certainly the best of all provisions is Taqwa.

(Taqwa = being protective of self)

e. Ustadh explained an Ayah about Masdar. (Must listen) @28:50.

‫اب‬ َ ْ َ ُ َ َ ْ َ ُ ُ ْ َ َ َّ َّ
ٍ ‫� حِس‬
ِ ‫إِن ا� يرزق من �شاء بِغ‬ = Certainly Allah, He provides to
whomever He wants without Hisab.
f. Ustadh answered an email question about a student’s concern
regarding the interpretation of the Quran, “Shouldn’t we be using
the Sunnah of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬to interpret the Quran than using the
grammar”. @40:00

a. Ustadh briefed about Sarf and building on Arabic Skills after

Day 120 Sarf which will help the students to read Arabic without Harakaat,
followed by Advance Nahw.
َّ َ
b. Ustadh explained ‫أن‬ = That (I thought, I heard, I wanted, I saw,
I assumed etc.) @3:40
َ َ
* “That” is not same as the Pointer “that”,  ‫ذل ِك‬
Example - I thought “that” we would start the class on time today.
**Everything after the “that” is a full sentence, when “that” is added
before, then it turns the entire sentence into a Compound Ism.
c. Ustadh explained @13:35 (it = death)
ُ َ ْ ُ َّ َ َّ َ َ
‫وظن �نه ال ِفراق‬ = and he became convinced that it is the separation.

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

d. Ustadh explained the examples on page 140. @25:54

َ ْ ُ َ ْ ُ ْ ُ َّ َ َ ْ ُ َ ْ َ َ
• ‫و�حسبون ��هم مهتدون‬ = and they assume that they are committed to
ٌّ ُ َ ُ َّ َ ُ َ َ َّ َ َ
• ‫ = �ب� � �نه عدو‬it became clear to him that he is an enemy. @30:00

• Ustadh explained that sometimes the doer doesn’t have to be a

person, it can be something else too.
For example - The book fell. The degree became valid. The
temperature increased. Islam dominated. Entertainment corrupted
the young man.
e. Ustadh explained @45:30
َ َّ ‫اعلَ ُم ْو أَ َّن‬
ٌ‫ا� َ� ُف ْو ٌر َرحِيْم‬ ْ َ
‫ف‬ = So know (all of you) that Allah is Extremely
Forgiving, Always Loving and Caring
f. Ustadh spoke about his funny flying experiences. @51:25

Day 121 a. Review of

ٌّ‫� َ ُ� َ�نَّ ُه َع ُدو‬
َ َّ ‫َ� َب‬ = it became clear to him that he is an
enemy, with Ustadh Jawaad.
b. Question - A Compound Ism is a combination of a Harf and a Fi’l
or a Harf of Nasb and its Ism? @7:40
Answer – So far from what we have learnt, a Compound Ism is a
ْ َ
combination of 1. ‫ أن‬+ Jumlah Fi’lliyah and
َّ َ
2. ‫ أن‬+ Jumlah Ismiyyah.

c. Ustadh Jawaad gave 4 examples with few hints to “Identify the

Compound Ism, its status, role in the sentence and translate in 10
minutes time”. @10:45
d. Ustadh Jawaad explained 1st example @23:10
ُ ََ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ
َ ُ‫� ْم م ِْن ت‬
ٍ ‫ر‬ ‫و مِن آياتِهِ أن خلق‬
e. Ustadh Jawaad explained 2nd example @31:25
ُ ‫َوتَ ْر َ� ُب ْو َن أَ ْن َ�نْك‬
َّ‫ِح ْو ُهن‬

f. Ustadh Jawaad explained 3rd example @34:30 + 55:50

َ�ْ ‫أُ ْو�ء َِك َما َ� َن ل َ ُه ْم أَ ْن يَ ْد ُخلُ ْو َها إ َّ� َخا� ِف‬
ِ ِ

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

g. Ustadh Jawaad explained 4th example @39:45

ْ‫� ْوا إ َ� َر ّ�هم‬
ُ َ ْ ُ ْ َ َ ْ ُ َ َ َ ْ َّ ْ ََْ
ِِ ِ � ‫و�نذِر بِهِ ا�ِ�ن �افون أن‬
h. Q & A about the above examples. @53:20
i. Ustadh Jawaad gave full ‫إِع َراب‬ of all 4 examples. @1:01:05

This document is listed under Study Materials on the Bayyinah


Week 27
Days Description
a. Ustadh Jawaad did some corrections in examples which were
Day 122
given on Day 121.
b. Ustadh Jawaad gave 4 new examples with few hints to “Identify
the Compound Ism, its status, role in the sentence and translate.”
b. Ustadh Jawaad explained 1st example @34:15
ْ‫إ َّ� َّا� ِْ� َن تَابُ ْوا م ِْن َ�بْل أَ ْن َ� ْقد ُِر ْوا َعلَيْهم‬
ِ ِ ِ
c. Ustadh Jawaad explained 2nd example @44:00
َ‫ا� ِْ� َن �ِيْها‬ َ َّ ْ َ ُ َّ َ َ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ
ِ ‫ف�ن �ق ِبتهما ��هما ِ� ا�ارِ خ‬
d. Ustadh Jawaad explained 3rd example @58:05
ِ�‫ج َد ا‬ ‫ا‬‫س‬َ ‫ِ� أَ ْن َ� ْع ُم ُر ْوا َم‬
َ ْ ��ْ ‫َما َ� َن ل ِلْ ُم‬
ِ ِ
e. Ustadh Jawaad explained 4th example @1:02:40
َ‫� َم بَيْ َن ُه ْم أَ ْن َ� ُق ْول ُ ْوا َسم ْع َنا َوأَ َط ْعنا‬
ُ ْ َ ْ ُ َ َ َّ َ ْ ُ ُ َ َ ْ ْ ُ ْ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َّ
‫إِ�ما �ن قول المؤ ِمن ِ� إِذا دعوا إِ� ا�ِ ورسو ِ�ِ ِ�ح‬

a. Ustadh Nouman did a review of Day 122 examples from Ustadh

Day 123
Jawaad’s document which is listed under Study Materials.
ْ‫إ َّ� َّا� ِْ� َن تَابُ ْوا م ِْن َ�بْل أَ ْن َ� ْقد ُِر ْوا َعلَيْهم‬
Ustadh explained 1st example - ِ ِ ِ
b. Ustadh explained 2nd example @13:20
َ‫ا� ِْ� َن �ِيْها‬ َ َّ ْ َ ُ َّ َ َ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ
ِ ‫ف�ن �ق ِبتهما ��هما ِ� ا�ارِ خ‬

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

c. Ustadh explained 3rd example @26:30

َّ َ َ َ ْ ُ ُ ْ َ ْ َ َ ْ ْ ُ ْ َ َ َ
ِ ‫�� ِ� أن �عمروا مسا‬
ِ�‫جد ا‬ ِ ‫ما �ن ل ِلم‬
• Ustadh explained ‫َ� ْع ُم ُر ْوا‬ in detail @29:30

d. Ustadh explained 4th example @37:10

َ ُ ُ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ْ ُ َ َ َّ َ ْ ُ ُ َ َ ْ ْ ُ ْ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َّ
‫ح� َم بَيْ َن ُه ْم أن َ�ق ْول ْوا َس ِم ْع َنا َوأ َط ْع َنا‬ �ِ ِ�ِ ‫إِ�ما �ن قول المؤ ِمن ِ� إِذا دعوا إِ� ا�ِ ورسو‬
e. The Game - Freshly Grounded II @39:00
Q13. Tell me something about your grandparents.
f. Ustadh briefed about the remaining topics in Chapter 11 and
about Sarf which he intends to finish in next 2 months followed by
building Arabic skills to read without harakat plus Surah Al
Jumu’ah review.

a. Ustadh mentioned about an email question.

Day 124
ٌ َ ٌ
b. Ustadh taught the ‫ف ِْعل ُمضارِع‬ Terminology with examples.
c. Ustadh explained Chapter 11 - @19:10
11.3 Tools that Create Compound Mudaf Ilaihi on page 140.
• Ustadh explained ‫ظرف‬ of Time and Space

ْ َ
d. Ustadh explained ‫إِذ‬ and ‫إِذا‬ @24:35
‫إِذ‬ = when (past)  When you came in, I noticed.
‫إِذا‬ = when (future)  When you come in tomorrow, I will throw

furniture at you.
ْ َ
‫إِذ‬ and ‫إِذا‬ like to have a complete sentence as a Mudaf Ilaihi and
that complete sentence would be Fi Mahalli Jarr Mudaf Ilaihi.
ْ َ َ
• ‫إِذ‬ and ‫ إِذا‬, they both are always details, all ‫ظرف‬ are Nasb = detail.

e. Ustadh explained examples for ‫إِذا‬ from page 140 @30:20

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

‫َماض‬ and ‫ُمضارِع‬ in Arabic are not only about Past , Present or
Future, they have other jobs too, one job of ‫َماض‬ vs. ‫ُمضارِع‬ is……

 ‫ َماض‬refers to something that happens one time and

‫ُمضارِع‬ refers to something that happens over and over again.

ْ َ
f. Ustadh explained ‫إِذ‬ and ‫إِذا‬ with Past tense and Present Tense
Present tense Past Tense
ُ ُ ْ‫إِذْ َ�ن‬
� = when he kept helping
َ َ َ‫إِذْ ن‬
� (1X) = when he helped

(it kept happening multiple times)

ُ ُ ْ‫إ ِ َذا َ�ن‬
� = when he kept helping
َ َ َ‫إ ِ َذا ن‬
� = when he helps

(when he continues to help)

g. Ustadh explained ‫إِذا‬ with Jumlah Ismiyyah on page 141.
‫إِذا‬ َ ‫إ َذا الْ ُف‬
‫جا� ِ َّية‬
with Jumlah Ismiyyah is called ِ @43:00

َ ُ َ ُ َ
‫ه َو قاد ٌِم‬ = he is coming ‫إِذا ه َو قاد ٌِم‬ = All of a sudden he came!

‫إِذا‬ has nothing to do with “when” now,
‫إِذا‬ with Jumlah Ismiyyah = all of a sudden

ٌ ِ َ‫إ ِ َذا ُه َو ن‬
�‫ا‬ = All of a sudden he helped!

h. A conversation with a guest student. @46:05

i. Ustadh advised all the students to go through Concise
Commentary for at least 20 to 30 minutes each day to make all the
Arabic Study rock solid, he said to try this for 6 months as this
will make a huge difference on how you understand the Quran, he
said, to listen to Quran being explained.

• Ustadh also mentioned that he would start Cover to Cover

Concise Commentary all over again. @49:25

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

a. A conversation with a guest student.

Day 125
b. Ustadh explained ‫إِذا‬ with Jumlah Ismiyyah on Page 141. @7:10

c. Ustadh explained �‫�ت‬ from the second example on page 141.
d. Ustadh talks about “Influencers”. @18:30
Influencers can be pretty powerful, why because they don’t just turn
away themselves, but they can turn others away too.

e. Ustadh explained ‫يَ ْوم‬ - ‫يَ ْوم‬ is a special special special – Mudaf.
• Ustadh told to learn the following vocabulary.

�ٍ ‫يَ ْو ًما يَ ْو‬ ‫يَ ْو ٌم‬ = a day

‫ا�َ ْو ُم‬ = the day
َْ َْ
‫ا�َ ْو َم ا�َ ْو ِم‬ = today (without adjective)

‫يَ ْو َم يَ ْو ِم‬ ‫يَ ْو ُم‬ + Mudaf Ilaihi = the day of

َ ‫يَ ْو َم الْ ِق َي‬
ِ‫امة‬ and ‫ا�ِيْ ِن‬
ّ ‫يَ ْو ِم‬

‫يَ ْو َم‬ + Compound Mudaf Ilaihi = the day on which

‫اق‬ َ ْ َ ُ َ ْ ُ ََْ ُّ ‫يَ ْو َم يُ ْد َع ْو َن‬

ُ ‫الس‬
ِ‫ج ْود‬
Examples: ٍ ‫يوم ي�شف �ن س‬ and

f. Practice of ‫يَ ْوم‬ from the Quran examples. @32:10

g. Looking at different variations of ‫يَ ْو َم‬ in Surah Al Naba. @35:00

h. Reading about ‫يَ ْوم‬ from the Textbook and Ustadh explained the
examples on page 142. @37:45
i. Ustadh explained Ayah 40 from Surah Al Naba. @39:40

He explained that, ‫يَ ْو َم‬ is a Mudaf and rest of the Ayah is the
Mudaf Ilaihi.

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

ُ ٰ ََْ
‫ …… يَ ْو َم‬end of Ayah 40 = one complex giant Maf’ool Bihi of ‫�نذ ْرن� ْم‬
َ ََْ
‫ �نذ ْرنا‬ has got two Maf’ool bihi.
1. ‫� ْم‬ = who are We warning

2. ‫يَ ْو َم‬ …… end of Ayah 40 = what are we warning about

j. Ustadh explained ‫إِذا‬ from Surah Al Munafiqoon Ayah 01
k. Ustadh said that we will do a Review of Kaana in the next class.
After Kaana sessions we will start Sarf followed by Grammar of
Surah Al Jumu’ah @49:05
• Ustadh also said to review all the Sarf families with their
meanings as it would really help our further Sarf study.
ْ َّ ‫إ َذا‬
‫ال�ط َِّية‬
l. Ustadh briefly explained ِ which is on page 141 @50:45

m. A conversation with the guest student. @52:20

• Ustadh said that from next week he would be starting Surah Kahf
from the story of Musa a.s

a. Review of Jumlah Ismiyyah and Invisible “IS”

Day 126
َ َ
b. Ustadh explained Jumlah Ismiyyah with ‫�ن‬ @4:50

c. A conversation with guest students. @10:30

َ َ
d. Review of Jumlah Ismiyyah with ‫�ن‬ continued. @17:40
َ َ
e. Ustadh explained a Quran example about ‫�ن‬ with different
variations. @23:15
ُ َ
‫= َما �ن ْوا ُم ْه َتد ِْ� َن‬ no, they were not committed to guidance
f. Ustadh explained Ayah 47 from Surah Az - Zumar @31:10
َ ََۡ ْ ُ ُ َ َّ َ
٤٧‫َو�َ َدا ل ُهم ّم َِن ٱ�ِ َما ل ۡم يَ�ونوا �تس ُِبون‬
ََ ََ
• Ustadh explained ‫ بدا‬ ‫ = بدا‬became clear / come out in the open
َ ََۡ ْ ُ ُ َ ٌ َ
• ٤٧‫ َما ل ۡم يَ�ونوا �تس ُِبون‬ Outside ‫ فاعِل‬for ‫ = َما • بَ َدا‬what
َ َ
g. Ustadh explained ‫ �ن‬Mind Map with few examples. @40:00

Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

Week 28
Days Description
َ َ
Day 127 a. Review of ‫�ن‬ Negation Templates + practice with few examples.
ْ َ َ َ
‫َما �ن ِل ــــــــ أن ــــــــ‬
(Ustadh explained this concept in detail on Day 115 @10:25 )

َ‫اذ أَ ْن َ� َنام‬
ُ َُْْ َ َ َ
‫ما �ن ل ِ�ست‬ (5 ways to translate this sentence.)

1. It wasn’t appropriate for Ustadh to sleep.

2. It isn’t appropriate for Ustadh to sleep.
3. It wasn’t possible for Ustadh to sleep.
4. It isn’t possible for Ustadh to sleep.
5. It wouldn’t be possible for Ustadh to sleep.
َ َ
b. Review of ‫�ن‬ Templates plus practice with few examples.
ٌ َ َ َ
‫ُمضارِع‬ + ‫َما �ن ِل‬
(Ustadh explained this concept in detail on Day 114 at the beginning
of the class and @23:20)
c. Introduction of Sarf. @32:00
Sarf starts from Page 149 of Section 2 of the Textbook.

• Ustadh explained ‫ َو َزن‬- Word Patterns

ََُْ َ ْ َ‫� أ‬ ْ َ ُ َ َْ ُ َ ْ َ َُْ َ َُ ْ ُ َ ْ َ َُ ْ َ
‫َو َزن‬ = ‫أ�عل‬ 
ُ‫�د‬ َُ� ‫أصغر أ�ظم أ�ف أ�رم أحسن أفضل أ‬
‫جذر‬ ِ = Root Letters (Root Letters are of 3 letters 99% of the time.)
ََُْ َ ْ َ
‫َو َزن‬ ُ
= ‫ أ�عل‬ ‫أ�د‬
ْ ُ َ ْ َ
‫جذر‬ِ = ‫ أ�د‬ ‫ح م د‬
Note - From one ‫َو َزن‬ you can have 1000 words and each one would
have its own ‫جذر‬ِ
ٌ َ
d. Ustadh explained another word of different ‫ َو َزن‬ ‫@ ُمف ّ ِعل‬42:20
ٌ َ ّ َ ُ ٌ َُّ ٌ ّ َُ ٌ ّ َُ ٌَّ ُ ٌّ َ ُ ٌ َّ ُ ٌّ َ ُ
‫ُمف ّ ِعل = َو َزن‬  ‫� ُم َعل ٌِم‬ِ ‫ضل � ِمد م‬ ِ ‫�ف مك ِرم �سِن مف‬ ِ ‫مص ِغر مع ِظم م‬
Dream Nahw - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 127

ٌ َ
e. Ustadh explained another word of different ‫ َو َزن‬ ‫@ � َّعال‬49:00
ٌ َ ٌ ‫اد َج َّو‬
ٌ � ٌ ‫ار َر َّ� ٌن َو َّه‬
َّ َ ‫اب‬ ٌ ‫ار َ� َّف‬ ٌ َّ َ ٌ َّ َ ٌ َّ َ
‫ � َّعال = َو َزن‬ ‫اد‬ ٌ ‫ان َج َّب‬ ‫�اف صغار حس‬
ٌ َ ْ
‫ � َّعال‬is the ‫ َو َزن‬for the above words while the ‫جذر‬ ِ is different
each time.
ْ ْ
Note - A word is made up of two things ‫َو َزن‬ and ‫جذر‬ِ , the ‫جذر‬ِ
part is made up of 3 letters (99% of the time).
‫َو َزن‬ doesn’t just tell you how many letters it has but it also tells you
which letter gets which harakat and it also tells you about
additional letters. Extra letters can go anywhere in the word, it is
ََُْ ٌ َ ٌ َ
determined by the ‫َو َزن‬  ‫أ�عل‬ ‫ُمف ّ ِعل‬ ‫� َّعال‬
Sound and combination are from the Nahw world but everything
before that is the Sarf world.
Example - Nahw  ‫ُم َعلِ ٌم‬  Sarf

Surah Al Jumu’ah

Days Ayaat

31st Dec 2020 a. Ayah 01 to 03

Day 27 a. Ayah 04 @1:23:50

Day 110 a. Ayah 01 @39:30

Day 111 a. Ayah 01 @53:45

Day 112 a. Ayah 02 @34:00

Day 113 a. Ayah 02 @47:20

Day 114 a. Ayah 02 @28:25 (No Surah Al Jumu’ah on Day 115.)

Day 116 a. Ayah 02 @15:20

Surah Al Jumu’ah review - to be continued with Sarf sessions.

*******The End of Nahw*******


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