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Business Plan for Mayez

Presented By:

Passant El-Gheriany Riham Abd ElSalam

Dina Hisham Sohila Salem

Mohamed Nasser Haytham Abolfetouh

Supervised By:

Dr. Waled Eid

January 2024
Table Of Content
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 1
Industry & Market Analysis.................................................................................................................................... 3
Competitive Analysis .............................................................................................................................................. 9
The Economics of the Business ............................................................................................................................ 11
Marketing Plan ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Marketing Plan .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Sales Plan ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
Service Design and Development Plan ................................................................................................................. 16
Operations Plan ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Management Team and Company Structure......................................................................................................... 21
Overall Schedule ................................................................................................................................................... 22
Financial Projections ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Amount of funds needed & how it will be used. .................................................................................................. 28
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................ 30
Reference .............................................................................................................................................................. 31


Executive Summary

• Problem Summary
The current education system in Egypt often falls short in adequately preparing students for the workforce. There
is a growing demand for individuals who possess both academic knowledge and practical skills that are directly
applicable to the job market. Mayez addresses this issue by offering a diverse range of courses and programs
designed to equip students with the skills and competencies needed for future career success. Also, in high
schools, students are always hesitant about choosing what university and what college that will be suitable for
him and his future.

• Solution Summary
Mayez is an innovative startup that aims to revolutionize the educational landscape in Egypt by providing a
comprehensive online and offline platform for youth to acquire new skills and prepare for their future careers.
Recognizing the market need for aligning education with industry requirements, Mayez offers a unique solution
that runs in parallel with traditional education, enabling students to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge
and practical skills demanded by the job market.

• Market
Our market scope is a broad market where we are targeting various segments from high school students,
undergraduates and graduates. The educational technology market in Egypt is poised for significant growth,
driven by a young population eager to acquire skills that enhance their employability. With an increasing emphasis
on entrepreneurship and innovation, there is a clear demand for a platform like Mayez that empowers youth to
develop practical skills in parallel with their formal education.

• Competition
There are many educational centers that provide technical courses that can allow you pursue a certain career but
we are different in terms of we will be the first platform that will always strive for reaching to the most recent
jobs in the market as well as having our very own assessment center where we assess our candidates based on
their competencies and passions, provide coaching for our candidates and allocate our candidates to most suitable
career pathway program based on their competencies, knowledge, skills and capabilities.

• Why Us?
o Comprehensive Skill Development: Mayez provides a wide array of courses covering various
industries and sectors, including technology, business, healthcare, and creative arts. Through
interactive online modules, students can acquire practical skills that are in high demand in the job


o Industry-Relevant Content: The platform ensures that all courses and programs are updated
regularly to reflect the latest industry trends and requirements. This ensures that students are
equipped with the most relevant skills needed to succeed in their desired careers.

o Flexibility and Accessibility: Mayez's online platform offers flexibility in terms of time and
location. Students can access the courses anytime, anywhere, allowing them to learn at their own
pace and balance their education with other commitments.

o Personalized Learning Experience: Mayez employs advanced technologies, such as artificial

intelligence and machine learning, to provide personalized learning experiences. The platform
adapts to each student's progress and offers tailored recommendations for further skill

o Industry Connections and Job Placement Support: Mayez understands the importance of
connecting students with potential employers. The platform establishes partnerships with industry
leaders and provides career guidance and job placement support to help students transition
seamlessly into the workforce.

o Affordability: Our platform and our subscription will be affordable for all social level with the
aim to spread the needed competencies for all Egyptian students to reduce the number of


Industry & Market Analysis

• Market Overview:
o It is hard to quantify the size of the industry as government data is virtually non-existent. most
firms in Egypt advertising themselves on social media as educational consultants (including
professional counseling, language schools, actual schools, social counselors, and skills
development centers), and around 20% are classified as college prep providers. These vary in size,
prices, and services offered. Some are non-profits organization.
o Market Growth: the market is growing as the increasing awareness of the Investing in self-
development and the importance of career development presents an opportunity to expand services
to meet growing demand.
o Market Segmentation:
• College prep providers: primary focus is to help students gain admissions to universities
• Assessment Center: help individuals identify suitable career paths based on their skills and
• Training, coaching and advisory: provide training courses, workshops, education tracks.
• Career guidance and advisory.
• Recruitment Agents: connect the candidates to hiring companies which match their skills
and qualifications.

• Industry Trends:
o Emerging Trends:
• The gap between the markets needs and the graduates’ qualification.
• The rapid and continuous change in the business and industry fields and environments.
o Technological Advancements: In view of the rapid development of technology and AI, online
platform and mobile application is a must not optional
o Regulatory Changes: We believe that the government supports and facilitates procedures for all
parties that contribute to achieving Vision 2023 and the digital transformation strategy in Egypt.

• The Five Competitive Forces Model Analysis:

o Threat of New Entrants:
Barriers to Entry:
▪ Regulatory Compliance: Strict accreditation and regulatory requirements can pose barriers
for new entrants.
▪ High Initial Investment: Establishing quality educational programs, hiring qualified
instructors, and developing infrastructure require substantial initial investment.
▪ Brand Recognition: Established institutions with strong brand recognition may have a
competitive advantage.

o Bargaining Power of Buyers (Students/Learners):

Abundance of Alternatives:
• Competing Institutions: Availability of similar courses and programs from different
• DIY Learning Resources: Free or low-cost self-learning resources pose alternatives.

o Bargaining Power of Suppliers (Instructors/Experts):

Limited Pool of Expertise:
• Industry Specialists: Limited availability of qualified instructors, especially in specialized
• Dependence on Key Faculty: Dependency on key faculty members for program success.

o Threat of Substitute Products or Services:

Emergence of Alternative Learning Platforms:
• online Courses and MOOCs: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and other online
platforms provide alternative learning channels.
• Self-Learning Resources: Abundance of free or low-cost self-paced learning resources.
• Corporate Training Programs: In-house training programs offered by companies.

o Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

o Number of Competitors:
▪ Local Institutions: Intense competition from local educational institutions.
▪ Global Competition: The ability of learners to access courses from institutions globally.
▪ Corporate Training Providers: Competition extends to companies providing specialized
o Industry Growth:
▪ Growing Demand: High demand for certain courses or skills may increase rivalry.
▪ Saturation: Saturated markets can lead to increased competition for a limited pool of

• SWOT Analysis:
Strengths Weaknesses
• expertise and Qualified Consultants: 1. Limited Geographic Presence:
A team of experienced and highly qualified career Operating in a limited geographic area may restrict the
consultants can provide valuable insights and guidance reach and accessibility of services to a broader
to clients. audience.
• Comprehensive Qualification Programs: 2. Dependency on Technology:
Offering a range of comprehensive qualification Overreliance on technology could pose challenges,
programs that address various industries and career especially for clients who prefer in-person
paths. consultations or face technical barriers.


• Strong Industry Connections: 3. High Service Costs:

Established partnerships with employers, industry The cost of career consulting and qualification
professionals, and educational institutions for programs may be perceived as high, potentially
networking and job placement opportunities. limiting accessibility for some individuals.

• Technology Integration:
Utilizing technology platforms for online assessments,
virtual career coaching, and access to a broader
Opportunities Threats
• Growing Demand for Career 1. Competition from Other Career Services:
Development: Increasing competition from other career consulting
The increasing awareness of the importance of career services or online platforms offering similar
development presents an opportunity to expand services.
services to meet growing demand. 2. Economic Downturn:
• Diversification of Qualification Economic downturns may lead to reduced demand
Programs: for career consulting services as individuals
Developing new and specialized qualification prioritize basic needs over professional
programs in emerging industries or niche markets. development.
• Expansion into Online Learning: 3. Technological Disruptions:
Expanding services into the online learning space, Rapid technological changes may necessitate
offering webinars, e-learning courses, and virtual continuous updates to stay current, posing
workshops. challenges for technology-dependent services.
• Partnerships with Educational 4. Regulatory Changes:
Institutions: Changes in regulations or accreditation requirements
Collaborating with universities and educational for qualification programs may impact the service's
institutions to provide joint qualification programs operations.
and enhance credibility.

• Risk Analysis:
1. Operational Risks:
• Technical issues, such as system outages or disruptions in online learning platforms, can impact
the delivery of education.
• Risks associated with maintaining consistent and high-quality educational content and delivery.
• Dependence on key instructors, and the risk of losing them or facing disruptions in availability.
• Problems in managing facilities, scheduling, and other operational logistics.
2. Market Risks:
• Shifts in the target demographic for educational services may impact enrollment numbers.
• Increased competition from new entrants or established educational institutions.
• Reduced demand for education and training services during economic downturns.
3. Financial Risks:
• Overreliance on a specific revenue source, such as tuition fees, grants, or partnerships.
• Risks associated with securing and maintaining funding.


• Inability to manage and control costs effectively.

4. Regulatory and Compliance Risks:
• Risks associated with maintaining accreditation and complying with regulatory standards.
• Changes in government policies affecting educational institutions.
5. Technology Risks:
• Risks of data breaches, cyberattacks, and the compromise of sensitive information.
• Risks associated with reliance on technology for teaching and administration.
6. Strategic Risks:
• Inability to adapt to new teaching methods, technologies, or industry trends.
• Overreliance on a narrow range of courses or programs.
7. Student and Enrollment Risks:
• Risks associated with variations in enrollment numbers.
• Challenges in retaining students due to factors such as competition or dissatisfaction.
8. External Environmental Risks:
• Risks related to natural disasters affecting facilities or operations.
• Events like global health crises that impact in-person learning.
9. Reputational Risks:
• Risks associated with negative publicity, whether due to quality concerns, legal issues, or other
10. Legal and Liability Risks:
• Risks associated with failing to comply with educational laws and regulations.
Industry analysis is a dynamic process, and businesses need to regularly update their assessments to stay abreast
of changes in the market environment. This analysis forms a crucial part of strategic planning and decision-making
for businesses aiming to navigate and succeed in their respective industries.

Company description
1. Business Name, form and the life stage
• MAYEZ (Under establishment): limited liability company (LLC).
2. Mission Statement:
• Find the suitable career path for students in the early stage. “Find your path”
• Aligning market needs with candidates’ qualifications.
3. Vision Statement:
• Prepare qualified, skilled and unique youth candidates can join and compete in the market fields
which are witnessing rapid and continuous development within a few years.
4. Products or Services:
• Training and Educational Platform that provides:
1. Career assessment and coaching.
2. Training and qualifying courses and tracks.
3. Career guidance and advisory.
4. Recruitment assistance.

5. Objectives:
• Understanding of the self (through use of assessment tools, experiential learning...).
• Exploring possibilities through ‘tasting’ courses or occupations.
• Awareness-raising of range of occupations (through Career Fairs...).
• Learning decision-making skills (through role play, games, case studies...).
• Becoming informed about education and training pathways (through use of printed or web-based
• Relating personal interests and abilities to occupational families (through CG interviews, on-line self-
help tool...).
• Learning that sex-role and social class based stereotyping limit choices, opportunity and achievement.
• Understanding the career planning process by preparing a personal action plan, with the support of the
CG adviser.
• Learning to find information supporting decision-making, and how to use it.
• Understanding and development of the skills needed to set up a business (e.g. through Youth
Enterprise schemes).
• Becoming aware of employment trends.
• Developing effective learning and study habits and relating these to work habits.
6. Strategies:
• Diversification: Diversify course offerings, target demographics, and revenue streams.
• Student Support Services: Enhance student support services to improve retention and satisfaction.
• Market Research: Continuously monitor market trends and demographics to adapt to changing
• Quality Assurance: Implement robust quality control measures for content, faculty, and delivery.
• Technology Resilience: Invest in cybersecurity measures and ensure backup systems are in place.
7. Location(s):
• Headquarters: Alexandria
• Advanced phases will include the additional offices or branches.
8. Target Market:
Demographic Segmentation
Age Education
• High school students (16 - 19 years) 60% • Government education (Major)
• Undergrads and fresh grads (20 - 25) 30% • Private education (Minor)
• Graduates (25+) 10%
The main target segment is the high school students
which still confused about the education tracks they
would join after obtaining a basic education certificate,
their capabilities, opportunities and the market trends.
Geographic Segmentation


9. Partnerships and Collaborations:

• School, institutes and university.
• Government and ministries.
• Industries key players.
• Recruitment organizations.


Competitive Analysis
Current Alternatives
There are several institutions in Egypt that focus on preparing students for the work environment by providing
practical skills and industry-relevant training. Some of these institutions include:

1. Vocational Training Centers:

• Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (TVETA): TVETA is a government
organization that offers vocational training programs across various sectors, including automotive,
construction, tourism, and information technology. These programs aim to equip students with hands-
on skills and prepare them for specific job roles.

2. Professional Training Centers:

• Information Technology Institute (ITI): ITI is a specialized training institute that offers programs in
information and communications technology (ICT). It provides training in areas such as software
development, cybersecurity, digital marketing, and data science, preparing students for careers in the
technology industry.
• Egyptian Banking Institute (EBI): EBI offers professional training programs in banking and finance.
It provides courses and certifications that cover topics like banking operations, risk management,
financial analysis, and customer service to prepare individuals for careers in the banking sector.

3. Entrepreneurship and Business Development Centers:

• Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC): TIEC, affiliated with the Ministry of
Communications and Information Technology, offers various programs and initiatives to support
entrepreneurship and innovation. It provides training, mentorship, and funding opportunities to
aspiring entrepreneurs, helping them develop business skills and launch their startups.
• Incubators and Accelerators such as Flat6Labs, Innoventures, and Startup Reactor provide training,
mentorship, and support services to entrepreneurs and early-stage startups. These programs focus on
developing entrepreneurial skills, refining business models, and preparing participants for the
challenges of the work environment.

4. Universities and Technical Institutions:

• Cairo University, Ain Shams University, and other major universities in Egypt offer a wide range of
academic programs that incorporate practical training and internships to bridge the gap between
academia and the workplace. These programs often collaborate with industry partners to provide
students with real-world experiences and industry exposure.
• Technical institutions like the German University in Cairo (GUC) and the American University in
Cairo (AUC) offer programs that combine theoretical knowledge with practical training to prepare
students for specific industries or professions.


Our Competitive Advantage

We differentiate from other institutions by providing 360-degree service for diversified segment including high
school potential students, undergraduates, and graduates to assess their skills through a unique assessment center,
suggest the jobs that they will fit in based on their assessment results and develop their knowledge, skills, abilities
and attitude according to the most suitable in-demand job opportunities in Egypt.

We offer educational sessions and workshops both online, hybrid and offline.


The Economics of the Business

• Personnel Costs: Personnel costs include salaries, benefits, and training for faculty, administrators, support
staff, and other employees. It also includes costs associated with hiring, onboarding, and retaining
qualified personnel.
• Infrastructure and Facilities: Costs associated with maintaining and upgrading physical infrastructure,
classrooms, research facilities, and other campus amenities.
• Instructional Resources: Costs related to curriculum development, textbooks, educational materials,
software licenses, online learning platforms, libraries, workshops, and digital resources needed for
teaching and learning.
• Administrative and Operational Expenses: These include costs for administrative staff, IT infrastructure,
utilities, maintenance, security, marketing, and other operational expenses.
• Student Support Services: Costs associated with providing student support services such as technical
advising, counseling, career services, and extracurricular activities.
• Compliance and Regulatory Costs: Costs associated with complying with government regulations,
accreditation requirements, quality assurance, and legal obligations.

Revenue Streams:
• Assessment Services: Charging fees for the assessment center where high school students, undergraduates,
and graduates evaluate their skills. This could be a one-time fee, or a tiered pricing structure based on the
depth of assessment or additional services offered.
• Job Matching and Placement Services: Providing recommendations for suitable jobs based on assessment
results and potentially charging employers for connecting them with qualified candidates.
• Educational Sessions and Workshops: Charging for online, hybrid, or offline educational sessions and
workshops. This could be a one-time fee per session or a package deal for multiple sessions.
• Skill Development Programs: Offering specialized courses or programs to enhance skills required for
specific jobs. These could be priced individually or as bundled packages.
• Subscription/Membership Model: Providing access to exclusive resources, job listings, or ongoing
educational content for a recurring fee.
• Corporate Partnerships: Collaborating with companies for talent development programs, wherein
companies pay for tailored training or access to a pool of skilled candidates.
• Consulting Services: Providing personalized guidance to individuals or businesses based on assessment
results, charging a fee for advisory services on career development or workforce planning.
• Certification Programs: Offering certifications based on skill development courses or assessments, with
fees for certification exams or completion of programs.


Marketing Plan
Marketing Plan

In this era of competition education institutes need to adopt trending marketing channels like Digital to reach the
right audience (students and parents). Before starting with tips, strategy, digital marketing plan for education
sector, let see why Digital Marketing is best for education institute:

1. Better ROI
2. Cost-effective marketing
3. Affordable than Traditional Marketing
4. Target the Right parents and students
5. Personalize your Marketing
6. Creating brand awareness
7. Increase Brand Credibility
8. Engage the students/parents at the Decision Stage
9. Generate Consistent Leads for your institution
10. Trackable and Modifiable
11. Easy performance tracking
12. Higher Conversion Rates
13. Compete with Large institutions
14. Know About Your Competitor institution’s
15. Get Prepared for the “Internet of Things”
16. Ensure Online Business Survival



In 2023, education has taken on new forms. The challenges of the early part of the decade have now been
overcome and left a changed educational landscape. As the world now faces new challenges, including high fuel
costs and inflation, options for distance learning are still being chosen by many. Educators have continued to use
apps to supplement in-classroom learning as well. Education marketing will continue to evolve to meet the
moment and increase the reach of apps to the students, teachers, and families looking for digital learning solutions.

12 Best Education Marketing Strategies in 2023

The best education marketing strategies—regardless of whether they’re used in marketing for schools or in
marketing for educational apps—take advantage of the tremendous opportunities created by the internet.
If you want to stay ahead of the curve, look no further. Here are the top 12 higher education marketing trends of

• Short-Form Video
• Conversational Marketing
• Video Landing Pages
• Student Ambassadors
• Cross-Channel Marketing
• Virtual Tours
• Chatbots
• Dedicated Hashtags
• Enhanced Website User Experience
• Mobile-First Marketing
• Podcasts and Audio Content
• Digital Advertising

Creating a marketing plan for an education platform involves understanding your target audience, highlighting
your platform's unique value proposition, and utilizing various channels to reach potential users.

Example Execution:
1. Develop a series of engaging video tutorials showcasing the platform's features and benefits.
2. Partner with influential educators or schools to endorse and use your platform.
3. Run targeted social media campaigns with compelling visuals and testimonials.
4. Offer a limited-time free trial or discounts for early adopters.
5. Customize this plan based on your platform's specific strengths, target audience, and available resources.
6. Regularly assess and adapt your strategies for optimal results.


Sales Plan
1. Sales planning is a fundamental component of sound selling.
2. A sales plan lays out your objectives, high-level tactics, target audience, and potential obstacles. It's like
a traditional business plan but focuses specifically on your sales strategy. A business plan lays out your
goals — a sales plan describes exactly how you'll make those happen.
3. Sales plans often include information about the business's target customers, revenue goals, team structure,
and the strategies and resources necessary for achieving its targets.

The purpose of your company's sales plan is to:

1. Communicate your company's goals and objectives.
2. Provide strategic direction.
3. Outline roles and responsibilities.
4. Monitor your sales team's progress.

Sales Planning Process

When sales planning, you have some key steps you need to cover — including:

Example Execution:
1. Establish a dedicated sales team to reach out to educational institutions and offer tailored packages with
volume discounts.
2. Develop a sales playbook outlining effective sales techniques, objection handling, and product
3. Implement a referral program offering discounts to users who refer new sign-ups.
4. Offer personalized demos to potential users showcasing how your platform can address their specific


Service Design and Development Plan

Concept Development:
• Define the target audience: Identify the specific age group and educational background of the target
audience in Egypt.
• Conduct market research: Analyze the current educational landscape, including the needs and
preferences of students, parents, and educational institutions.
• Identify market gaps: Determine the areas where traditional education falls short in meeting industry
demands and identify the skills that are in high demand.
• Define the value proposition: Clearly articulate the unique selling points of MAYEZ, highlighting how
it addresses the identified market gaps and provides value to the target audience.

Course and Program Development:

• Identify key industries and sectors: Determine the industries and sectors that are most relevant and in
demand in Egypt.
• Define course categories: Categorize the courses based on industries, skill sets, and levels of proficiency.
• Collaborate with subject matter experts: Engage industry professionals and experts to develop course
content that is relevant, up-to-date, and aligned with industry requirements.
• Incorporate interactive and practical elements: Design the course modules to be interactive, engaging,
and focused on hands-on learning to ensure the acquisition of practical skills.
• Develop assessment and certification processes: Establish clear assessment criteria to evaluate students'
mastery of skills and provide certifications upon successful completion of courses.

Technology and Platform Development:

• Select a robust online learning platform: Choose or develop a learning management system (LMS) that
supports a seamless and user-friendly learning experience.
• Incorporate personalized learning features: Integrate artificial intelligence and machine learning
technologies to provide personalized recommendations and adaptive learning paths for individual
• Ensure mobile compatibility: Optimize the platform for mobile devices to enable students to access
courses anytime, anywhere.
• Implement data analytics: Utilize data analytics to track student progress, identify areas for
improvement, and enhance the learning experience.

User Experience Design:

• Conduct user research: Gather feedback and insights from potential users to understand their needs,
preferences, and pain points.
• Develop an intuitive user interface: Design a clean and user-friendly interface that allows students to
navigate courses and access resources easily.

• Create engaging multimedia content: Incorporate interactive elements such as videos, simulations, and
quizzes to enhance the learning experience.
• Implement social and collaborative features: Enable students to connect with peers, mentors, and
industry professionals to foster a sense of community and facilitate knowledge sharing.

Launch and Marketing Strategy:

• Develop a comprehensive marketing plan: Define marketing channels and strategies to reach the target
audience effectively, including social media, content marketing, and partnerships with educational
• Engage in targeted advertising: Implement online advertising campaigns to raise awareness and drive
user acquisition.
• Leverage influencers and ambassadors: Collaborate with key influencers and industry experts who can
promote MAYEZ and endorse its value proposition.
• Offer free trials and promotions: Provide initial free trials or promotional offers to encourage user
adoption and generate positive word-of-mouth.

Continuous Improvement and Growth:

• Gather and analyze user feedback: Regularly collect feedback from students, instructors, and other
stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and enhance the platform's features and content.
• Expand course offerings: Continuously update and expand the course catalog to address emerging
industry needs and stay ahead of market trends.
• Establish partnerships: Collaborate with educational institutions, industry associations, and corporate
clients to expand reach, offer specialized programs, and provide internship or job placement opportunities.
• Monitor industry trends: Stay informed about the latest advancements and changes in industries to
ensure that MAYEZ's course offerings remain relevant and up to date.


Operations Plan
A useful way to illustrate how your business will be run is to first articulate your general approach to operations
in terms of what’s most important and what the make-or-break issues are. You can then frame the discussion in
terms of “backstage,” or behind-the-scenes activities, and “front stage,” or what the customer sees and

Backstage Operations:
1. Technical Infrastructure:
o Server Management: Ensure reliable servers or cloud services for hosting the platform.
o Database Management: Maintain a robust database to handle user data securely.
o Software Development: Employ a team for ongoing platform development and updates.
2. Content Creation and Management:
o Content Development: Have a team to create, curate, and organize educational materials.
o Quality Control: Implement processes to ensure content quality and relevance.
3. Technical Support and Maintenance:
o IT Support: Provide help desk or support team for technical issues and user assistance.
o System Maintenance: Regularly update and maintain the platform for optimal performance.
4. Data Security and Compliance:
o Security Measures: Implement encryption, authentication, and other security protocols to protect user
o Compliance: Ensure adherence to data privacy laws and educational standards.

Front Stage Operations:

• User Interface and Experience:
o Platform Design: Create an intuitive and user-friendly interface for easy navigation.
o Accessibility: Ensure the platform is accessible to diverse users, including those with disabilities.
• Educational Services:
o Course Delivery: Provide a seamless experience for accessing courses, lectures, and materials.
o Interactivity: Incorporate features for student-teacher interaction, discussions, and assessments.

• Customer Support:
o User Assistance: Offer various support channels (chat, email, FAQs) for user queries.
o Feedback and Improvement: Gather user feedback to enhance the platform's usability.
• Marketing and Engagement:
o Promotion: Use the platform itself to market new courses, features, or events.
o Community Building: Foster a sense of community among users through forums or groups.

Integration of Backstage and Front Stage:

1. Communication Channels:
Ensure coordination between technical teams and user-facing departments for smooth operations.
2. Agile Development:
Use agile methodologies to bridge the gap between technical development and user needs, allowing for iterative
3. Continuous Improvement:
Gather insights from both backstage and front stage operations to refine the platform continuously.
4. Training and Collaboration:
Train front stage teams about new features and updates for effective user engagement.

Locations & Facilities

• Establish a central training hub with classrooms, labs, and a resource center equipped with necessary
tools and technology.
• Offer a mix of traditional classrooms and tech-enabled spaces to accommodate different learning styles.
• Invest in a robust online platform or LMS for remote learning, and equip training centers with video
conferencing facilities for virtual sessions.
• Provide a well-stocked library or resource center with books, research materials, and online resources
for supplementary learning.

• Learning Management System (LMS): A comprehensive platform for course delivery, content
management, assessment, and learner tracking.
• Content Creation Tools: Software for developing engaging educational content, including authoring
tools, video editing software, and interactive content creation platforms.
• Video Conferencing and Collaboration Tools: Platforms for conducting virtual classrooms, webinars,
and interactive sessions.
• CRM (Customer Relationship Management): Software for managing interactions with learners,
tracking leads, and supporting user engagement.
• Data Analytics and Reporting Tools: Tools to gather insights on user behavior, performance metrics,
and course effectiveness.


• Cybersecurity Solutions: Software for data encryption, firewall protection, and monitoring to ensure
user data security.

• Servers or Cloud Infrastructure: High-performance servers or cloud services to host the platform and
store data securely.
• Computers and Devices: For learners and instructors, ensuring compatibility and accessibility across
various devices.
• Audiovisual Equipment: For recording educational content, conducting presentations, and facilitating
interactive learning experiences.
• Networking Equipment: Routers, switches, and other network devices to ensure seamless connectivity.

Other Information Technology:

• AI and Machine Learning: Integration of AI-driven tools for personalized learning experiences,
adaptive assessments, or content recommendation systems.
• Blockchain Technology: Implementation for secure record-keeping of certifications, credentials, or
• Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR): Adoption for immersive learning experiences or
specialized training simulations.
• API Integrations: Integration with third-party services for features like payment gateways, analytics, or
content libraries.

Future Plans:
• Enhanced Personalization: Utilizing AI to personalize learning paths, recommendations, and
assessments for individual learners.
• Mobile Learning Solutions: Development of mobile apps or responsive design for convenient access to
courses on mobile devices.
• Continuous Technological Upgrades: Regular updates and improvements to keep up with
technological advancements and user needs.

Equipment & Tools

The equipment and tools used in an education platform or training system can vary depending on the type of
learning offered, whether it's online, in-person, or a hybrid model. Here's a breakdown of essential equipment and
2. Computers and Devices
3. Networking and Connectivity
4. Cameras and Microphones
5. Learning Materials
6. Projectors and Screens


Management Team and Company

For a startup like Mayez, a decentralized organizational structure, specifically a flat structure, might be suitable.
These structures promote flexibility, collaboration, and efficient decision-making. In a flat structure, there are
minimal levels of management, and decision-making authority is distributed among the team members.

Advantages of the flat structure for Mayez:

1. Fast and efficient decision-making.
2. Strong collaboration and communication among team members.
3. Reduced bureaucracy and faster response to market changes.
4. Encourages innovation and autonomy among employees.

The company structure will include the following departments:

1- Marketing and Partnerships

Develop and execute marketing strategies, manages advertising and promotional campaigns, identifies and
establishes partnerships with relevant organizations, and enhances brand awareness and customer acquisition.

2- Content and Education

Design and develop educational content & Careers learning pathways pillars, ensures alignment with industry
standards, collaborates with subject matter experts, manages content production processes, Managing Trainers &
Instructors relationship and maintains content quality and relevance.

3- Technology
Oversee the development and maintenance of technology platforms, manages software development processes,
ensures system reliability and security, and collaborates with other teams to implement technological solutions.

4- Finance and Accounting

Manages financial operations, prepares financial statements and reports, monitors budgets, conducts financial
analysis, and ensures compliance with financial regulations.

5- HR , & Administration
Manage HR, Admin & Lega processes, recruits and retains talent, and supports organizational culture , Handle
Administration tasks related to training rooms preparations , & facility handling, beside handling legal tasks &
agenda through third party


6- Customer Service
serve as the primary point of contact for customers, addressing inquiries and resolving issues, & ensure smooth
operations and maintains a high level of customer satisfaction.

The selection of the team should be based on the below profiles requirements to fit the startup culture & Mayez

• Startup Experience: Candidates with previous experience in startups or dynamic environments tend to
adapt well to the fast-paced nature of startups.
• Innovation Mindset: Individuals who demonstrate a passion for innovation, creativity, and the ability to
think outside the box.
• Flexibility and Adaptability: Candidates who are comfortable with ambiguity, can adapt quickly to
changing circumstances, and are open to wearing multiple hats.
• Learning Orientation: A willingness to continuously learn and develop new skills, as startups often require
employees to take on diverse responsibilities.
• Cultural Fit: Alignment with the startup's values, mission, and team dynamics, fostering a collaborative
and positive work environment.

Overall Schedule
1- Preparation Phase:
Conduct market research to identify the target audience, competition, and market potential.
Develop a detailed business plan, including the value proposition, revenue model, and growth strategy.
Secure funding or investment to support the startup's initial operations and development.

2- Product/Service Development:
Define the educational product or service offered by Mayez, considering market needs and trends.
Collaborate with content creators, subject matter experts, and technology teams to develop and refine the
Conduct testing and gather feedback to ensure high quality and relevance.

3- Formation Phase:
Register the startup as a legal entity and fulfill any necessary regulatory requirements.
Establish the organizational structure and recruit key team members, including the management team and
essential employees.
Set up the necessary infrastructure, such as office space, technology systems, and operational tools.


4- Marketing and Launch:

Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy, including branding, digital marketing, and customer acquisition
Create promotional materials, websites, and social media presence to build awareness and generate interest.
Plan and execute a launch event or marketing campaign to officially introduce Mayez to the target audience.

5- Operations and Growth:

Monitor and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) related to customer acquisition, revenue, and user
Continuously refine and improve the product/service based on customer feedback and market demands.
Scale operations, expand the customer base, and explore new market opportunities.
Implement effective financial management practices, including budgeting, cost control, and revenue optimization.

6- Profitability and Sustainability:

Maintain a focus on revenue growth while managing costs and optimizing operational efficiency.
Evaluate and adjust the pricing strategy based on market dynamics and profitability goals.
Develop partnerships and explore additional revenue streams to diversify income sources.
Continuously analyze and adapt the business model to ensure long-term sustainability and profitability.


Financial Projections

One of our main financial targets is to engage the number of customers who enroll in our courses to be 10 students
per class in the first six months. This target is based on our market analysis, which shows that there is a high
demand for learning and skills development in Egypt, especially among young professionals and entrepreneurs
who want to enhance their career prospects and competitiveness. We have identified the segments and channels
that have the most potential for growth, such as social media, online platforms, and referrals. We have also
developed a marketing plan and a budget to reach them effectively and efficiently. We will track the number of
enrollments, the conversion rate, and the customer satisfaction rate on a monthly basis, and adjust our strategy
accordingly. By achieving this target, we will generate 500,000 LE in revenue, 100,000 LE in profit, 10% in
growth, and 15% in return in the first year of operation. The following chart shows our projected revenue and
profit for the next six months:

Month Revenue Profit

Jan 81, 000 LE 16, 200 LE

Feb 93, 150 LE 18, 630 LE

Mar 107, 123 LE 21, 425 LE

Apr 123, 191 LE 24, 638 LE

May 141, 670 LE 28, 334 LE

Jun 162, 920 LE 32, 584 LE

Total 709, 053 LE 141, 811 LE

We believe that our financial targets are realistic and achievable, as they reflect our mission of providing high-
quality and affordable education to anyone who wants to learn new skills. We also believe that our financial
targets are relevant and time-bound, as they align with our business objectives, our market potential, and our
industry benchmarks. We will monitor and evaluate our financial performance regularly, and report our results to
our stakeholders and investors.

For the first year Mayez will provide seven different tracks, each focusing on a specific skill or competency that
is in high demand in the market. For example, we will have tracks on digital marketing, data analysis, project
management, supply chain, entrepreneurship, and Human Resources management.


Each track will consist of a series of sessions and workshops, delivered online or in-person, depending on the
preferences and availability of the students. The sessions and workshops will be tailored to the individual needs
and capabilities of the students, as well as the job specifications and requirements of the employers.

The duration and frequency of each track will vary, depending on the complexity and depth of the skill or
competency. However, we estimate that each track will take about 9-18 months to complete, with2-4 sessions or
workshops per month.

The monthly subscription fee for each track on average is 800 EGP, it varies from one specialization to the other,
which is competitive and affordable compared to other learning and training centers in the market. The fee covers
the access to the sessions and workshops, the materials and resources, the feedback and support, and the
certification upon completion. Besides, We the assessment services fees on average will be 500 EGP per

We expect to expand the number of tracks and increase the number of enrolled students in the first year, as we
grow our market share and reputation. We project that we will have about 70 students per month in the first six
months, and about 100 students per month in the next six months. This means that we will have a total of 1,020
students in the first year, generating a total revenue of 1.5M and a total profit of 280,000 EGPs.

For the long-term we aim for growing Mayez and to become the leading provider of online learning and
assessment services in Egypt and the Middle East region, and to diversify the portfolio of skills and competencies
offered by the center from 7 tracks to 20 tracks after 5 years, and to cater to different segments and sectors of the
market covering a wide range of specializations and jobs in demand.

Mayez aims at establishing partnerships and collaborations with reputable universities, employers, and
organizations to supply with competent candidates that are well educated and trained right after the first batch
graduates from Mayez, with estimate duration of two years.


Financial Highlights by Year

The below data reflect the KPAs of business financial performance. It includes key metrics such as total
revenue, Net profit, expenditure, profit, quick ratio and current ratios.

Additionally, there are more financial key metrics that are explained below:

Revenue: Forecasting that the center will have 100 students per month after the, each paying 800 EGP for the
subscription fee and 500 EGP for the assessment fee, the monthly revenue is 130,000 EGP.

Profit: The center has monthly expenses of 80,000 EGP, including salaries, rent, materials, and marketing, the
monthly profit is 20,000 EGP.

Return on investment (ROI): The center initial investment is estimated to be of 500,000 EGP and a monthly
profit of average 30,000 EGP, the monthly ROI is 6%.

Growth rate: Mayez growth rate is expected to be around 15% in the first year especially by increasing the
customer loyalty and retention rate, and generating more referrals and repeat business.

Customer acquisition cost (CAC): Mayez estimates that the average amount of money spent to acquire a new


customer, such as the advertising, the promotion, and the incentives based on its marketing strategy is 10,000
EGP spent on marketing per month to acquire 20 new customers per month, so the monthly CAC is 500 EGP.

Customer lifetime value (CLV): assuming the average amount of money earned from a customer over their
entire relationship with Mayez, such as the recurring fees, the referrals, and the cross-selling showing how loyal
and valuable the customers are. Mayez has an average customer retention rate of 80% and an average customer
lifetime of 12 months, the monthly CLV is 9,600 EGP.

Customer retention rate (CRR): assuming that the percentage of customers who continue to use the Mayez
services over to be 80% of the customers per batch. So, the biannual CRR is 80%.


Amount of funds needed & how it will

be used.
Financing Needed
Mayez will operate in a highly competitive and dynamic market, where the demand for training and learning
solutions is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8% from 2021 to 2030. Mayez will differentiate itself from its
competitors by offering high-quality, customized, and cost-effective training and learning solutions, using
innovative and interactive technologies and methodologies, and employing experienced and qualified trainers and

Mayez will require an initial investment of 500,000 LE to start its operations, which will cover the costs of setting
up rental, acquiring the necessary equipment and software, developing the curriculum and content, hiring and
training the staff, and marketing and promotion. Mayez expects to break even in the second year of operation and
generate a net profit of 800,000 LE in the third year, with a projected revenue of 1.4M LE .

Mayez is seeking funding from investors or lenders who are interested in supporting a promising and profitable
business opportunity in the training and learning market. Mayez offers attractive returns on investment, as well
as the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives and careers of millions of learners in Egypt. Mayez
invites potential investors or lenders to review its detailed business plan and financial projections, and to contact
us for further discussion.

Use of Funds

The funds that we plan to use for starting Mayez will be allocated for the following purposes:

1. Securing Rent at a suitable office space, furnishing and equipping it with the necessary furniture,
computers, projectors, cameras, microphones, speakers, and other devices, and installing the required
internet, electricity, and security systems.

2. Acquiring the necessary equipment and software, which includes purchasing or licensing the best-in-class
learning management systems, app-based learning platforms, video conferencing tools, content creation
tools, and other software and applications that will enable Mayez to deliver high-quality and engaging
online and offline training programs.

3. Developing the curriculum and content through designing the training programs for various industries and
skills, based on the latest market trends, industry standards, and learner needs. This also includes creating
and updating the learning materials, such as slides, videos, quizzes, assignments, and certificates, that will


support the delivery and assessment of the training programs.

4. Recruiting and retaining the best talent in the training and learning market, such as trainers, instructors,
curriculum developers, content creators, learning consultants, project managers, sales and marketing
executives, customer service representatives, and administrative staff. This also includes providing them
with the necessary training and development opportunities to enhance their skills and competencies.

5. Marketing and promotion by creating and implementing effective marketing and promotion strategies to
attract and retain clients and learners, such as building a strong brand identity, creating a user-friendly
website, launching social media campaigns, participating in industry events and exhibitions, offering
discounts and incentives, and establishing partnerships and collaborations with other stakeholders in the
training and learning market.

Sources of Funds
We are seeking a total of 500,000 LE to start and operate our training and learning center. The sources and types
of funds are as follows:

- 100,000 LE from our own savings and personal loans from family and friends. This represents 20% of the
total funding and shows our commitment and confidence in the project.
- 200,000 LE from a bank loan with a 10-year term and a 7% interest rate. This will be used to purchase
equipment, furniture, and software for the center, as well as to cover the rent and utilities for the first year.
- 200,000 LE from an angel investor who will receive 10% equity in the company. This will be used to hire
and train staff, develop and market our services, and create partnerships with local employers and
educational institutions.

We believe that this financing plan will provide us with sufficient capital to launch and grow our business, while
also giving us a reasonable return on investment for ourselves and our investor.


In conclusion, Mayez stands as a promising solution to the longstanding challenges faced by the education system
in Egypt. By acknowledging and addressing the gap between academic knowledge and practical skills, Mayez
emerges as an innovative force in the educational landscape.

The comprehensive approach, integrating both online and offline platforms, showcases Mayez's commitment to
providing diverse opportunities for youth to enhance their skills and competencies. The recognition of the
importance of practical skills in the job market is a pivotal aspect of Mayez's strategy, making it a valuable asset
for students aspiring to succeed in their future careers.

Moreover, Mayez's role in assisting high school students in making informed decisions about their future
education paths adds a layer of guidance and support crucial in navigating the complexities of choosing
universities and colleges. This further establishes Mayez as a holistic solution catering to the various challenges
encountered by students in their educational journey.

In essence, Mayez not only identifies the issues prevalent in the current education system but actively works
towards bridging the gap and equipping students with the tools they need to thrive in the workforce. As a beacon
of innovation and adaptability, Mayez contributes to reshaping the educational landscape, ensuring that students
in Egypt are better prepared for the dynamic demands of the professional world.


• How to Write a Financial Plan: Budget and Forecasts - Bplans
• Financing plan: How to create one? | Meaning and Types | Agicap


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