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Good day everyone!

So today we’re gonna discuss about the mathematics

curriculum framework of the Philippines. But before that, let’s have a game
first. Before we tackle our new topic, let’s have a game first. This game is called
“Simon says”. You must follow the command only if it starts with the phrase
“Simon says”. For example, If I say “Simon says, touch you head” you will
have to touch your head. If I say “touch your ears” without stating “Simon says”
you should not touch your ears. The person who will not follow the command,
will be the one to guess the picture.
Okay, very good. So this our the words that you will encounter later as we
discuss our new topic.
Okay, our topic for today is all about mathematics curriculum framework of the
We, already know what is curriculum right?
So, A curriculum is like a guide that shows teachers what they need to teach and
students what they need to learn.
The mathematics curriculum framework of the Philippines put critical thinking
and problem-solving skills as the goals of learning and teaching mathematics.
The following lesson will give you a deeper understanding of this curriculum
that is currently implemented in the country.
Mathematics education in the Philippines contains five general contents:
NUMBERS AND NUMBER SENSE - A number is a mathematical object
used to count, measure, and label while number sense is a person's ability to
understand, relate, and connect numbers.
MEASUREMENTS - use of numbers and measures to describe, understand,
and compare mathematical and concrete objects. It focuses on attributes such as
length, mass and weight, capacity, time, money, and temperature, as well as
applications involving perimeter, area, surface area, volume, and angle measure.
GEOMETRY - branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and
relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogs.
PATTERNS AND ALGEBRA - The patterns in algebra fall into two broad
categories: repeating patterns and growth patterns. A repeating pattern is defined
as a pattern in which there is a discernible unit of repetition —
Probability is all about chance. Whereas statistics is more about how we handle
various data using different techniques. It helps to represent complicated data in
a very easy and understandable way.
These general contents are the same across levels, from kinder to Grade 10. The
key standards for the intermediate grades are shown below.
Let’s move on to the key standards, this is what the students are expected to
Key stage standards
Grade 4 The learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of
key concepts and skills involving numbers and number sense
( whole numbers up to 100 000, multiplication and division of
the whole numbers, order of operations, factors and
multiples, addition and subtraction of fractions, and basic
concepts of decimals including money); geometry (lines,
angles, triangles and quadrilaterals) ; patterns and algebra
(continues and repeating patterns and numbers
sentences) ;measurement (time, perimeter, area, and
volume) ; and statistics and probability (tables, bar graphs,
and simple experiments) as applied- using appropriate
technology in critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning,
communicating, making connections, representations, and
decisions in real life.
Whole Numbers up to 100,000: They learn how to read,
write, and work with large numbers like 10,000 or 50,000.
Grade 5 The learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of
key concepts and skills involving numbers and number sense
( whole numbers up to 10 000 000, order of operations,
factors and multiples, fractions and decimals including
money, ratio and proportion, percent) ; geometry ( polygons,
circles, solid figures) ;patterns and algebra ( sequence and
number sentences); measurement ( time circumference, area,
volume, and temperature); and statistics and
probability( table, line graphs, and experimental probability)
as applied, using technology in critical thinking, problem
solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections,
representations, and decisions in real life.
Grade 6 The learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of
key concepts and skills involving numbers and number sense
( divisibility, order of operations, fractions and decimals
including money, ratio and proportion, percent, integers);
geometry (plane and solid figures); patterns and algebra
( sequence, expression and equation); measurement ( rate,
speed, area, surface area, volume, and meter reading); and
statistics and probability ( tables, pie graphs, and
experimental and theoretical probability) as applied, using
technology in critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning,
communicating, making connections, representations, and
decisions in real life.

Content standards Performance Learning

standards competencies
The The The
learner………… learner………… learner…………
Numbers and Demonstrates Is able to apply Adds and
Number Sense understanding of the four subtracts simple
the four fundamental fractions and
fundamental operations mixed numbers
operations involving without or with
involving fractions and regrouping
fractions and decimals in
decimals. mathematical
problems and
So, by the end of In simple terms,
Grade 4, students performance
should standards mean
understand how what students are
to do these four expected to be
basic math able to do. For
operations with this particular
fractions and standard, it means
decimals. that by the end of
the learning
period, students
should be able to
use the four main
math operations

Content standards- are broad descriptions of what the students should learn
Content Standards: Think of these as big ideas or main topics that
students need to learn about. They are like the overall goals for what
students should know by the end of a certain grade or course. For
example, in math, content standards might include understanding
fractions, multiplication, and division.
Performance standards- outline what the students should be able to do once
the concepts and skills are taught.
Performance Standards: These are like specific targets or abilities that
students should be able to show once they've learned the content
standards. They tell us what students should be able to do with the
knowledge they've gained. For instance, in math, a performance standard
might be that students can solve multiplication problems with two-digit
Learning competencies- are logically-arranged objectives that must be aimed
in the classroom instruction for the students to achieve the required content and
performance standards.
Learning Competencies: These are the smaller, more specific skills or
objectives that teachers focus on during classroom instruction to help
students reach the performance standards. They are like stepping stones
that lead to achieving the bigger goals of the content standards. For
example, in math, learning competencies might include understanding
place value or knowing how to add and subtract fractions.
So, to put it simply, content standards are the big ideas students need to learn,
performance standards outline what students should be able to do with that
knowledge, and learning competencies are the smaller steps teachers take to
help students reach those standards
The Philippine Mathematics curriculum under k-12 program promotes critical
thinking and creativity, Moreover, content standards, performance standards,
and learning competencies are explicitly stated to guide teachers in developing
their lesson.

Can you explain the importance of the five general contents of mathematics
education in the Philippines?
*The five general contents of mathematics education in the Philippines is
important because it provide students with essential skills for solving problems,
reasoning logically, and making informed decisions in everyday life and future
endeavors. By mastering these content areas, students can develop a deeper
appreciation for the beauty and utility of mathematics and its applications in the
world around them.
Another question, why are content standards, performance standards, and
learning competencies important aspects of the mathematics curriculum?
Content standards, performance standards, and learning competencies are
crucial parts of the mathematics curriculum because they help ensure that
students are learning what they need to know and can do in math.
What do you think is the importance of curriculum to students and
*The curriculum is super important for both students and teachers because it
gives them direction and guidance.
** Without a curriculum, teachers might feel lost or unsure about what to teach
next and students will not be able to learn effectively.

Good day everyone, lets proceed to Robert gagne’s hierarchy of learning.

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