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Podcast “Green Diaries”

Trabalho realizado por: Giulia Souza, Inês Cardoso, Margarida Rodrigues, Leonor Ribeiro

Inês/Giulia - Hi! Welcome to “Green Diaries”, we are here today to present and discuss
about eco-fashion. It`s a pleasure to meet you and know more about your company, I`m
Inês and I`m Giulia and today we are going to be your hosts.
Leonor/Margarida - Firstly, we are grateful for this opportunity, I`m Margarida and next to
me is my friend and coworker Leonor and we are the creators of “Refashion”.
Inês/Giulia - Where did this idea of eco-fashion and create a company about it came from?
Leonor/Margarida - The idea of creating this brand came about three years ago.
Margarida and I have always loved fashion and we used to shop for clothes and accessories
in fast-fashion shops such as Zara, Berska etc., but after a while we realised that the clothes
had poor quality fabric and didn't last more than a year and that's when we discovered
thrifted shops.
That's when we began to realise that second-hand clothes were the best option and that
people were becoming more and more interested in this type of clothing.
Inês/Giulia - Yes, that's true, second-hand clothes have gained a lot of popularity over the
years and this type of more conscious consumption helps with various problems, right?
Leonor/Margarida - Yes, you're absolutely right! This kind of more conscious consumption
of clothes can drastically change our planet! By buying second-hand clothes you are
contributing to sustainability, as every year consumers throw away approximately 200,000
tonnes of textiles.
Inês/Giulia - 200,000 tonnes? what? I had no idea it was that much.
Leonor/Margarida - It's really impressive... The clothes end up being cheaper too, you can
find pieces that you don't see anywhere else, you avoid clothes going to waste by giving
them a new lease of life and for those looking for designer clothes you can buy them, if
you're lucky enough to find them, sometimes at half the price.
Inês/Giulia - You're making us want to start buying from thrift shops now! But now
focussing on your business, was it easy to create a shop from scratch?
Leonor/Margarida - Of course not! It's normal for things not to be easy at first and, to be
honest, we even thought about giving up in some situations that were less pleasant, but
thanks to social networks and the internet in general, “Refashion” gained popularity very
quickly, which was incredible.
Inês/Giulia - It was amazing to have you here on our podcast! We love your brand and I'm
sure we'll visit your shop one of these days.
Leonor/Margarida - We'd be delighted to have you visit the shop! Thank you once again for
inviting us, we loved the experience.
Inês/Giulia - Now for our listeners! We hope you enjoyed this episode of our podcast about
the "Refashion" shop.

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