Sociological Thinking

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The social thinker that I think has interpreted our society well is Karl Marx. He’s
ideology upon how society is actually working and how it looks is far by the most
significant upon the given contributions of the others. His construction of the term
“capitalism” has become the center for how the society’s economy and class could
work. Karl Marx’s showing the reality of how we give such things a value can start a
conflict between the two different classes. Which is why he also believed that this
could be the conflict between the two social classes in the industrial society. It’s how
the higher class often sees lower class people as low value and treats them
depending on how they are being looked at. I do believe that his greatest
contribution on the ideology for society is the term capitalism. Wherein he expresses
that this could be summarized into two which are: Use value is where such
commodities are being used for what they are meant to and exchange value is when
such commodities are being sold for wealth. Thus he saw that there becomes an
effect to the second summarization for capitalism. Karl Marx saw how the population
became obsessed with commodities that have a higher value, and gives value to
such things and there he concluded it as fetishization. He saw money and currency
was an example of this ideology where papers are suddenly being fought to and
being valued. Money was first seen as a tool to buy commodities for a person but
society changed and the people started to romanticize this tool. Karl Marx therefore
believed and concluded in his contribution that the society is only relying on such
inequality of wealth and to build their own wealth and this cycle can only be
abolished when the means of production are being handed out to the workers who
are doing the job. This contribution is the most important ideology that I have
encountered as this applies to our real life contributions wherein capitalism is
everywhere. Thus I also believe that everything he said is true, from how he
explained capitalism and to the two effects that have separated the two types of
social class from his era up until the present. This contribution of his is not just being
mirrored from the era he was studying, but because all of the said factors can be
seen as well here in the 21st century.

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