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Submitted for to fulfill an assignment on

Children Language Teaching and Practice

Lecturer : Sri Supiah Cahyati, SH.,M.Pd.

Almira Lutfi Madani
B1 Crossing

Page 4. Motivation
After watching the story of Teddy Stoddard, I learned that I myself would most likely have
acted similarly to the teacher, Ms. Thompson. The touching story taught me that no matter
what a child looks or acts like, you should always give them the same help and opportunities
to thrive. If a child is resistant and struggling, then that is even more reason for a teacher to
put in extra effort in helping them. As shown in the story, the teacher had such a tremendous
impact on Teddy’s life that he felt she had played a mother role when no one else was there
to push him. That story brought so much emotion and made me realize how much a teacher
can make a difference in a child’s life.

Page 10. Assessment

1. TEVYL (Teaching English to Very Young Learners, TEYL (Teaching English to Young
Learners), Older Learners.
TEVYL (Teaching English to Very Young Learners) : Learn things through playing;
they are not consciously trying to learn new words or phrases - for them it’s incidental,
Love playing with language sounds, imitating, and making funny noises, Not able to
organize their learning, Not able to read or write in L1; important to recycle language
through talk and play, Their grammar will develop gradually on its own when exposed to
lots of English in context.
TEYL (Teaching English to Young Learners) : Are developing as thinkers,
Understand the difference between the real and the imaginary, Can plan and organize
how best to carry out an activity, Can work with others and learn from others, Can be
reliable and take responsibility for class activities and routines.
Older Learners : Less flexible thinking, Self-direction, Practical and outcome-focused,
Use personal experiences, Readiness to learn, Slower learning but more knowledgeable,
Aging does slow down the learning process for adults.

2. Make the situation of teaching English to young learners (TEYL) communicative : Turn
lessons into songs, visual diagrams to illustrate new vocabulary, Encourage mnemonic
devices to memorize grammar rules, Weave in spontaneous or consistent dialogues
throughout the lesson, Break up solitary study sessions with games, Review vocabulary
through role playing, Repeat previous lessons in every class, Get out of the classroom.
3. characteristics of young learners as the active learners, learn through sensory, respond the
languaCe through concrete things, interested in physical movements and real activities to
stimulate thinking. They will be enthusiastic if they are taught using fun activities, love to
play and learn best when they are enjoying themselves. Furthermore, as young learners are
not same as adults, the teachers must know their characteristics detail, which are as follow:
1) Being active/learning by doing.
2) More interested and curious with something.
3) Having the capacity for indirect learning.
4) Unable to think abstract but good at imitating.
5) Talking a lot and being creative with limited vocabulary and grammar.
6) Having capacity to grasp meaning and own world of imagination.
7) Having short concentration, like playing and learning best when having fun activities.

Page 11. Reflection

1. Write K-W-L chart based on the topic in this Unit.
Martin Luther King
What I know I want to know I Learned!
"I have a dream" Did he get arrested? Sent to jail for a
Civil Rights Activist How did he help out civil rights protest
Holiday in January African Americans? - Used Non-Violence
- Bus Boycotts
- Political Change

2. This video is about How Children Learn : Children learn by doing, Children learn through
social interaction, Children learn through scaffolding by adults, Create interest in the task,
Break the task down into smaller steps, Model your expectations, Remind students of the
purpose of the activity, Control frustration during the task.

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