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DS Bennie


Mechanical forces:

Electric Forces and Electric Fields

Forces: There are three fundamental forces in nature Gravitational, Electromagnetic and Nuclear Charging by induction: In metals, outer atomic electrons are not bound to any atoms, there is an electron sea. When a negative object is brought towards the metal the electrons move to the other end polarizing the metal.

electric charge is measured in Coulombs C Fundamental building blocks of matter are atoms positive ions are formed when a neutral ion loses an electron. When a neutral ion gains an electron it becomes a negative ion. In a neutral object, the positive charge = negative charge. Number of ewhere q=charge and e= charge of 1 e-

Placing a grounding wire at the negative end causes the e-s to leave making the metal positive.

Coulombs Law: Quantifies the Force between two charges. k = coulombs constant = 8.99x109 Nm2/C2

Polarization is when an object has opposite charges at each end. H2O is polarized because the O has a higher affinity for e-s causing the electrons to be shared unfairly in favour of the Oxygen. Ice is less dense than water Electric Dipole: Electric dipole consists of a pair of point charges with equal size but opposite sign separated by a distance d.

Electric Force Field:

If there are a number of charges then:

you sum the field.

Vector Flux: The dipole points to the positive atom

Flux of vector v through an area = vAcos

DS Bennie


Gaus Law: used for calculating the vector flux through an arbitrary surface.

Capacitors: Capacitors store electric potential energy

For a single plate:

Where the Permittivity of Empty Space is for

an arbitrary space for two plates: for a charged wire: where is the positive linear charge density. Electric field of the wire is: (check book on how it was derived) Two Oppositely charged Parallel Plates:

note: Electric Potential: Electric potential at point P due source in its neighbourhood:

work done by electric field in moving a unit charge over a distance d from the positive charged plate. units: J/C if there are multiple charges exerting a potential on P then:


change in electric potential:

A-area d-distance between the plates Units: Farad (F) Resultant electric field:

voltage across the capacitor

DS Bennie


Capacitors in Parallel:

Capacitors in Series:

thus for total

thus for total

Di-electrics: Insulating material between the capacitors: The capacitance increases and the potential difference decreases

Co-original capacitance Cd-di-electric Capacitance

Electromotive Force: A constant current is maintained in a closed circuit through the use of a source of energy, called an Electromotive force (Emf). Emf (batteries, electric generators) increases the potential energy of charges circulating in a circuit (charge pump). Current moves from the lower potential to the higher potential.

where K is the dielectric constant Cd/Co

Unit of current: C/s = Ampere (A) note: the historic convention considers positive moving charges When a battery is on, an electric field is established.

Resistance: Moving charges in a conductor collide with ionized atoms, thus experiencing resistance. Resistance through a wire: where is the resistivity constant of the material that can be calculated with the formula: where is the temperature coefficient of resistivity. Resistivity is thus temperature dependent.

Drift velocity = Average velocity of charges in direction of Electric field.

Internal Resistance: In a realistic battery the charges passing through will experience an internal resistance (r). Thus the voltage measured across the batteries terminals is less than the emf (e). i.e. the voltage drops due to internal resistance

DS Bennie


ELECTRICITY Electric Power: Direct Current Circuits: Direct current (DC): Uni-directional flow of charge. Alternating currents (AC): varying direction of current flow. The total equivalent resistance of two resistor R1 and R2 connected in parallel is given by:

where U is the potential energy = VQ which is my electric potential multiplied by the charge. Units = J/s = Work (W) Kirchhoffs Laws: Junction Rule: The sum of the currents entering a junction much be equal to the sum of the currents leaving the junction.

Loop Rule: The algebraic sum of the changes in potential across all of the elements around any closed circuit loop must be zero.

Example circuit for Kirchhoffs Laws:

Derived equation:

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