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Electric charge
 Electric charge is the amount of electricity that can either be negative or positive.
 Its symbol is Q
 The SI unit of Charge is coulomb (C).

Electric current
 Electric current is the rate of flow of charge through a conductor.
 Its symbol is I
 The SI unit for electric current is Amperes (A).
 Its formula is;
𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒆
Electric current =

I= , Where I = Electric current in amperes (A)
Q = Amount of electric charge in coulombs (C)
t = Time in seconds (s)

 Current is measured using an instrument called Ammeter.

 Electric current flows from positive to the negative terminal of electrical source.

1. A motor uses a current of 20A for 10s. How much charge flows through it?

Data Solution
Q =? Q = It
I = 20A Q = 20A×10s
t = 10s Q = 200C

2. Calculate the current if 60 C of electric charge flows through a conductor for 15 s.

Data Solution
Q =60 C
t = 15s 𝑸 60
I =?
I= = = 4A
𝒕 𝟏𝟓

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Potential Difference
 Its symbol is P.d
 Potential difference is the energy that is required to move a unit charge from one point to
another in a circuit.
 It is the energy converted per unit charge passing through a component.
 The S.I unit is Volt (V).
 It is sometimes called voltage.
 The device used to measure potential difference is called Voltmeter.
 Its formula is:-

Where, E = energy transferred between two points (or work done) in joules (J)
Q = the charge moving between two points in coulombs (C)
V = Potential difference in volts (V)

NOTE: A Volt is a joule per coulomb (1V = 1 J/C)

Electromotive force (e.m.f)

 Electromotive force is the amount of energy that is given (supplied) to each coulomb of a
charge that passes through the cell.
 The S.I unit is Volt (V).
 Its formula is:-
e.m.f = , Where E = energy supplied by the cell in joules (J)
Q = the charge flow through the cell in coulombs (C)
e.m.f = Electromotive force in volts (V)

 Emf is the maximum voltage of a battery.

 Emf can only be produced if the battery is not supplying a current.

Difference between e.m.f and p.d

 E.m.f is produced by chemical reaction in the battery that causes separation of charge
whereas p.d is caused by charge separation and it drives the current.

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1. 60 C of charge flow through a bulb which transfers 180J of energy into light. What is the
potential difference?

Data Solution
V =?
Q = 60C 𝑬 𝟏𝟖𝟎𝑱
E = 180J V= = = 3V
𝑸 𝟔𝟎𝑪

2. When a current of 2.5A flows for 8s through a bulb, 240J of energy are consumed.

a) How much charge flows through the bulb?

b) What is the potential difference across the bulb?

Data Solution
Q =? Q = It
(a) t = 8s Q = 2.5A×8s
I = 2.5A Q = 20C
V =?
(b) Q = 20C 𝑬 𝟐𝟒𝟎𝑱
V= = = 12V
E = 240J 𝑸 𝟐𝟎𝑪

Electrical Resistance
 Electrical resistance is the opposition to the flow of current.
 The Symbol for resistance is R
 Its SI unit is Ohm [Ω]
 The Formula is:-
𝑷𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑽
Resistance = or R=
𝑪𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑰

 This relationship is called Ohm’s law


1. A current of 2A flows through a conductor. The conductor has the p.d. of 12V. Find the
resistance of the conductor.

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Data Solution
R =? 𝑽 𝟏𝟐𝑽
R=𝑰 = = 6Ω
V = 12V 𝟐𝑨

I = 2A

2. Find the p.d. across a 1.5Ω resistor when a current of 4A flows through it.

Data Solution
V =? V= IR
R = 1.5Ω V = 4×1.5
I = 4A V = 6V

3. Find the current flowing through a 5Ω resistor that has 20V across it.

Data Solution
I =?
V= 20V 𝑽 𝟐𝟎𝑽
I=𝑹 = = 4A
R = 5Ω 𝟓Ω

Factors that influence resistance

1. Type of a conducting material
 Good conductors of electricity such as copper, allow current to flow through them easily.
 Poor conductors have higher resistance to the flow of current.
 Insulators such as glass and plastic have very high resistance.

2 Length of the conductor

 The longer the length of a conductor, the higher the resistance.
 The shorter the length of a conductor, the lower the resistance.

3. Thickness of the conductor

 Current flows more easily through a thicker wire than through a thinner wire.
 The thicker the wire, the less the resistance and vice versa.

4. Temperature: An increase in resistance causes an increase in temperature.

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 A resistor is an electrical component that is designed to provide a specific resistance in
an electrical circuit.
 It is a device which provides some resistance in the circuit.
 Resistor limits the flow of current through an electrical circuit thereby protecting other
electrical components.

Resistor symbol

 Electrical appliances such as electric kettles, stoves, radios, bulbs and TVs all have
resistors in them.
 A resistor which can vary resistance is called the rheostat.

 Rheostat is a device that controls current by increasing or decreasing the resistance of a
 A rheostat changes/varies resistance in a circuit.

Rheostat symbol

Rheostat in a circuit
 A rheostat is always connected in series.

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Ohm’s law
 Ohm’s law states that the current passing through a conductor is directly proportional to
the voltage provided the temperature is constant.
 Not all conductors obey ohm’s law.
 Conductors that obey ohm’s law are called ohmic conductors.
 Conductors that do not obey ohm’s law are called non ohmic conductors.
 The graph of voltage against current is a straight line passing through the origin for an
ohmic conductor.

 The slope of the graph gives the resistance of the conductor: R=𝑰

The table below shows results of an experiment done to verify Ohm’s law by applying different
potential differences across the ends of a resistor R.

Potential difference (V) 0 2.0 3.0 5.0 8.0

Current (A) 0 0.33 0.50 0.83 1.33

a) Plot a graph of potential difference versus current.

b) Use the graph to determine the resistance of the resistor, R.
c) Does the resistor obey Ohm’s law? Give a reason for your answer.

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2017 GCE
The table below shows corresponding values of potential difference across a torch bulb and the
current flowing through the same torch bulb.

p.d / volts 0.20 1.00 5.00 10.00 16.00 23.00 31.00 40.00
Current / Amperes 0.40 0.80 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.40 2.80 3.20

a. Using correct circuit symbols draw a clearly labelled diagram of a circuit which could
have been used to obtain this data. [2]
b. On the graph paper provided, and using the data in the figure above, plot a graph of the
current on the a-axis and the p.d on the Y-axis. [3]
c. From the graph, state whether or not the filament of the touch bulb is ohmic conductor.
Explain your answer. [2]
d. (i) use the graph you have drawn to determine the value of the p.d across the torch bulb
when the current flowing through it is 2.6A [1]
(ii) Calculate the resistance of the torch bulb when the current through it is 2.6A. [2]

2017 S.C
The figure below shows a circuit that a grade 12 learner connected when trying to measure the
resistance of resistor R.

a) What name is given to the energy supplied by component E? [1]

b) Identify instruments P and Q [2]
c) What is the function of component S? [1]

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d) The table in the figure below shows the different current and voltage readings the pupil
obtained by using the setup in the figure above.
Current/ A 0 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.75 1.00
Voltage/ V 0 1.15 1.65 2.65 4.10 5.55

i) On the graph paper provided, draw a graph of voltage against current. [4]
ii) Use your graph to find the value of the resistance R. [2]

2021 SC
The following diagram shows a graph of voltage against current of a conductor.

a) What is the maximum current through the conductor? [1]

b) Calculate the resistance of the conductor when the current was 1.0A. [2]
c) Calculate the power in the conductor when the voltage was at 6V. [2]

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2022 SC
The figure below shows a graph of voltage (V) against time (t) when charging a phone battery.

(a) (i) What was the voltage in the phone at the start of charging? [1]
(ii) How long did it take the phone to reach full charge? [1]
(iii) What was the maximum charge voltage? [1]
(b) If the working current of the phone is 0.6A, calculate the
i. Charge accumulated by the phone in 2 hours; [2]
ii. The power of the phone when fully charged. [1]

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Internal resistance of electric cells

 This is the resistance provided by a cell because of the material it is made from.
 Internal resistance is the resistance found inside of an electric cell.
 Part of the electric potential energy (emf) supplied by the cell is used to do the work inside
the cell.
 As a result, the potential difference that drives the current through the rest of the circuit is
 This potential difference is called terminal potential difference (V).
 The potential differences that drive the current through the internal resistance of the cell is
called lost volts.
 Lost volts (V) is not available to the rest of the circuit.
 The maximum potential difference (emf) = potential difference available to the circuit (V)
+ potential difference across the resistance of the cell (lost volts; VL)

 emf = V + VL
 emf = IR + Ir


Resistors in series
 The current is the same at all points (constant) in series:
IT = I1 = I2 = I3 =…

 The potential difference is not the same across the resistors in series.
 The potential difference (V) is the sum of potential difference across each resistor:
VT = V 1 + V2 + V3 +… OR VT = I R1 + I R2 + I R3 +…

 Total potential difference is equal to electromotive force (emf):

VT = emf = V 1 + V2 + V3

 Total resistance, R, in series is equal to the sum of the separate resistances:

R = R1 + R2 + R3 +…

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1. The diagram below shows an electric circuit. When the switch is closed, the ammeter shows a
reading of 6A.

(a) Calculate the total resistance of the circuit.

(b) Calculate the potential difference across each of the resistors in the circuit.
(c) Calculate the total potential difference for the circuit.

2021 GCE
1. The figure below shows an electric circuit containing two resistors.

a) On the figure, draw on the circuit to show how a voltmeter will be used to measure the
potential difference across the 6Ω resistor. [1]
b) When the switch is closed, calculate the current through the ammeter, A. [2]
c) What is the potential difference across the 6Ω resistor? [2]

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2019 S.C
1. The figure below is a circuit diagram with two resistors connected to a 3V power supply

a) Indentify the type of circuit arrangement of the resistors shown in the circuit above.
b) Calculate the total resistance in the circuit.
c) Calculate the ammeter reading when the switch is closed.

2. The diagram below shows two resistors in series connected to a 3V battery.

The ammeter has negligible resistance. What is the resistance of R?

3. Two lamps S and T of resistance 200Ω and 300Ω respectively are connected in series with
240V mains as shown in the figure below.

(a) Calculate the

i) Current at point V [2]
ii) Potential difference across lamp S [1]
(b) Draw a circuit diagram showing resistors S and T connected in parallel. [1]

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(c) Using the diagram in (b), calculate the

i) Current through lamp S and lamp T [2]
ii) Total resistance of the circuit. [2]
(d) Give two reasons why lamps are preferably connected in parallel in hones. [2]

4. The diagram below shows a circuit.

What is the reading on voltmeter V2?

Resistors in parallel
 The potential difference across each resistor in parallel is the same (constant).
VT = V1 = V2 = V3

 The current in parallel is different across each resistor.

 The current in the main circuit is the sum of the currents in the separate branches (parallel)
IT = I1 + I2 + I3 + ⋯ OR I= + + + ……
𝑹𝟏 𝑹𝟐 𝑹𝟑

 The reciprocal of the total resistance is equal to the sum of the reciprocal of individual
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
= + +
𝑹 𝑹𝟏 𝑹𝟐 𝑹𝟑

 For two resistors in parallel, total resistance can be found using the formula:

𝐑𝟏 𝐗 𝐑𝟐

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1. The diagram below shows an electric circuit.

(a) Calculate the total resistance of the circuit.

(b)Calculate the current that passes through each of the branches.
(c) Determine the reading on the ammeter.

2020 GCE
Figure below shows two pairs of 3.0Ω resistors connected to a 6.0V battery.

Calculate the
(a) Resistance in the circuit between M and N,
(b) Current through the battery
(c) Power developed in the battery

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2020 SC
The figure below is a diagram showing a 240V mains supply connected to a television set and
two lamps.

The power supplied to each lamp and television is 40W and 120W respectively, when the
switches are closed.
a) Calculate the
i) Total power supplied [2]
ii) Total number of kilowatt hours (KWh) of energy supplied to the circuit in 3.0 hours. [2]
iii) P.d across the television set. [2]

2017 S.C
The figure below shows an electric circuit in a clothes dryer containing two heaters and X and Y
connected to a 230V power supply.

When both switches are closed, the current in X is 3.5A.

a) Calculate the power developed in heater X. [2]
b) The resistance of X is double that of Y. determine the total resistance of X and Y. [4]

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2016 SC
The figure below shows a 6.0V power supply connected to two resistors which are in parallel.

a) Calculate the effective resistance of the two resistors. [2]

b) Calculate the value of the current in
i) The 4Ω resistor [2]
ii) The battery [2]
c) Would the addition of an extra resistor between A and B, in parallel with the original
resistors, increase, or decrease the current in the battery? Explain your answer. [2]

Combining both series and parallel

 When the arrangement of the resistors is a combination of both resistors in series and
resistors in parallel, then steps need to be taken to calculate the total resistance.
 The effective resistance for all resistors in parallel should be determined using the
formula for resistors in parallel, then the total resistance of the resistors in parallel added
to those in series.

 The resistors in parallel, Rp

𝐑𝟐 𝐗 𝐑𝟑
Rp =
 Therefore, in series (Total resistance, RT) is:-
RT = R1 + Rp + R4

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1. The circuit diagram below shows resistors connected to a 3V battery of negligible

If the switch is closed, calculate:

a) The reading on the ammeter
b) The current flowing through the 3Ω resistor.
c) The potential difference across each resistor.

2022 GCE
The figure below shows a circuit consisting of a 12V battery with a combination of resistors
between points X, Y and Z.

a) Calculate the effective resistance between Y and Z in the circuit. [2]

b) Find the current through the 2Ω resistor. [2]
c) Calculate the voltage across the 2Ω resistor. [2]

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2019 GCE
The figure below shows a circuit diagram connected to a 12V supply.

a) Combined resistance of the 2Ω and 3Ω resistors. [2]
b) Total resistance in the circuit when the switch is closed. [2]
c) Potential difference across the 2Ω resistor. [2]
d) Total current flowing in the circuit when the switch is closed. [2]

2018 GCE
The figure below shows an electric circuit diagram

a) Calculate the resistance between AC [2]

b) Calculate the potential difference across the 6Ω resistor. [2]

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2017 GCE
The figure below shows three resistors connected to a 12V battery.

a) The effective resistance between X and Y [2]
b) The current flowing through a battery [2]
c) The current flowing through a 6Ω resistor. [2]


 Electric energy is converted into other forms of energy in any electrical circuit.
 The circuit may contain devices that convert the electrical energy to light, kinetic or sound
energy, but even in these circuits, some heat energy is generated – even if this conversion is
 In other cases, the generation of heat energy is exactly what is required, such as in an
electric kettle.
 When current flows through a conductor, heat is generated – even in small amounts – as a

Electrical Energy
 Electrical energy is the product of the potential difference and the quantity of electric charge
flowing in the circuit.

E = VQ

 We also know that Q = It

So that

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E = VIt
Also we know that V = IR
So that
E = I2Rt

 Where:
E = energy consumed, in joules (J)
V = potential difference, in volts (V)
I = current, in amperes (A)
R = resistance in ohms (Ω)
t = time, in seconds (s)


1. A current of 3 A flows through a cable for 1.5 hours. The resistance of the cable is 18Ω.
How much electrical energy will be converted to heat energy in this cable?
2. A small heater operates at 12V, 2A. How much energy will it use when it is switched on
for 5 minutes?
3. The figure below shows a resistor connected to a cell of e.m.f 2V

How much heat energy is produced in the resistor in 6 seconds?

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2018 SC
The figure below shows a circuit diagram with a lamp connected to a 12V battery.

a) Calculate the charge passing through the battery in 2 minutes. [2]

b) How much energy is transferred by the battery? [2]
c) Calculate the resistance of the lamp. [2]

Electrical Power (P)

 Electric power is the rate at which the electric energy is dissipated in an electrical circuit.
 Electrical power is the rate of using electrical energy.
 SI unit: watt [W]
 Formula:
P = VI OR P=

Note: Energy also can be found using the formula

 E=Pxt

1. A 12V battery is giving off a current of 2A to a resistor. Find the power dissipated in the
2. A power supply with a potential difference of 5V drives a current through a cable that
has a resistance of 20Ω. Calculate the rate at which energy is dissipated in this circuit.

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 When you use the electricity supplied by ZESCO, you have the electricity meter.
 In the meter, you can find the unit of Kilowatt-hours (kWh).
 By using this unit, the cost of electrical energy is calculated.
 1kWh is called 1 unit ( 1kWh = 1 Unit)

How to calculate the cost of electrical energy

i. Calculate the number of units (energy consumed) in kWh.

Number of units = Power (in kW) × time (in h)

Number of units (E) = Pt

Where, P = Power of electrical components, in Kilowatt-hour [kW]

t = time taken [hr]
E = Energy consumed (Number of units) [kWh]

ii. Calculate the cost of electrical energy by cross multiplication.

Cost of Electricity = Number of units × cost per unit.

1. Calculate the cost of running a 2kW heater for 2hours if electricity costs 40 ngwee per
2. 4-security lights of 120W are turned on for 30days. What is the energy cost if it costs K60 per
3. An electrical appliance is rated 250V, 500W. Find the cost of using this appliance for
120minutes if the electrical energy costs K100 per unit?
4. An electric kettle is marked 240V, 100W.
(a) What is the meaning of the statement above?
(b) Calculate the current which is drawn by the kettle when it operates normally.
(c) Calculate the resistance offered by the heating element.

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1. A 2kW stove, a 0.2kW television set and a 0.1kW lamp are all switched on at the same
time. What is the total cost of running these appliances for 4hours at K2.00 per unit?
2. What is the cost of running a 100W lamp for 30 minutes if electrical energy costs K10
per unit?
3. If the electrical energy costs K2 per unit, what is the cost of running a 2kW heater for
4. A secretary in a manager’s office uses the following appliances with respective power
1. Electric kettle – 1200W
2. Printer – 600W
3. Computer – 100W
Given that the cost of electricity is K0.80/kWh. Calculate the cost of operating all the three
appliances at once for 12 hours.


 When we use an electrical appliance in our house, a plug of the appliance is connected to a socket.
Zambia uses three pin plugs. (Japan uses two pin plugs.)

Three-pin plugs
 Below is the three-pin plug with live, neutral and earth wires and a fuse.

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Live wire (brown wire)

 It supplies the electrical energy to the appliance.
 The line has a high voltage.
 If you touch this line, it is dangerous because the current flows through your body. You
may die of electric shock.

Neutral wire (blue wire).

 It makes the circuit complete in the electrical appliance.

Earth wire (green or yellow wire).

 This wire is connected to the metal casing of an electrical appliance.
 If live wire is in contact with the metal casing due to any accident, the user gets the
electric shock from the metal casing.
 If earth wire is connected to the metal casing, the current escapes from the earth wire.
 It protects the user from the electric shock.


 Switches are used to turn the current on and off in a circuit.
 In the case of leakage, the switch can be used as the safety device to cut off the current.
 The switch should be installed on the live wire so that the electrical appliance is
disconnected from high voltage when the switch is open.

Earth wire
 It protects the user from the electric shock and accidents.

Double insulation
 It is the insulation around the electrical wires as well as another layer of insulation in the
form of outer case of the device.
 Some electrical devices such as such as radio or cell phone charger are double insulated. It
makes the leakage of current difficult.
 This protects from the electric shock and accidents.

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Electric fuses
 A fuse is a device that prevents too much current from damaging an electrical device.
 If too much current flows through an electrical component, the component can overheat or
start a fire.
 The fuse prevents too much current from flowing through an electric device.
 If too much current flows through a fuse, a wire in the fuse melts and it intercepts too
much current from live wire, thereby breaking the circuit.
 Once the circuit is broken, the current can no longer flow and therefore it cannot damage
the appliance.

Fuse rating
 The fuse rating is the maximum current that the fuse can carry without melting. We should
choose a proper fuse rating.
 If we choose a large fuse rating, it allows too much current to flow.
 If we choose a small fuse rating, the electrical appliance doesn’t work.
 The fuse rating should be slightly larger than the working current of an appliance under
normal operation.
 Available fuse ratings are 3A, 5A, 13A, 15A or 30A.

1. An electric pressing iron is rated ‘1kW, 240V’. Which fuse value must be used in this
2. A refrigerator is rated at 240V 480W. Which fuse should be used, 3A or 13A?
3. An electrical cooker of 1kW uses an electrical supply of 240V. Which fuse should be used,
3A, 5A, 13A or 30A?
4. An electric kettle is rated 230V, 3000W. What is the suitable fuse to use on this kettle?

Conserving electrical energy

i. Replace old appliances with energy-saving models. E.g. Use of energy-saving light bulbs.
ii. Unplug all appliances that are turned off.
iii. Switch off any appliance if no one is using them (TV, geyser, radio, light bulbs etc.)

Current Electricity By Mr. Lubombo. B

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