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A perspective on MXenes: Their synthesis,

properties, and recent applications

Cite as: J. Appl. Phys. 128, 170902 (2020);
Submitted: 14 July 2020 • Accepted: 25 October 2020 • Published Online: 05 November 2020

Konstantina A. Papadopoulou, Alexander Chroneos, David Parfitt, et al.


Optical properties of functionalized Ti3C2T2 (T = F, O, OH) MXene: First-principles calculations

AIP Advances 6, 055105 (2016);

Photocatalysis over MXene-based hybrids: Synthesis, surface chemistry, and interfacial charge
APL Materials 9, 070703 (2021);

Ti3C2Tx MXene for wearable energy devices: Supercapacitors and triboelectric

APL Materials 8, 110701 (2020);

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 170902 (2020); 128, 170902

© 2020 Author(s).
Applied Physics

A perspective on MXenes: Their synthesis,

properties, and recent applications
Cite as: J. Appl. Phys. 128, 170902 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0021485
Submitted: 14 July 2020 · Accepted: 25 October 2020 · View Online Export Citation CrossMark
Published Online: 5 November 2020

Konstantina A. Papadopoulou,1 Alexander Chroneos,1,2 David Parfitt,1

and Stavros-Richard G. Christopoulos1,a)

Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing, Coventry University, Priory Street, Coventry CV1 5FB, United Kingdom
Department of Materials, Imperial College London, London SW7 2BP, United Kingdom

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:

Since 2011, after the discovery of new ceramic two-dimensional materials called MXenes, the attention has been focused on their unique
properties and various applications, from energy storage to nanomedicine. We present a brief perspective article of the properties of
MXenes, alongside the most recent studies regarding their applications on energy, environment, wireless communications, and biotechnol-
ogy. Future needs regarding the current knowledge about MXenes are also discussed in order to fully understand their nature and overcome
the challenges that have restricted their use.

Published under license by AIP Publishing.

I. INTRODUCTION with a description of the gaps in the current knowledge, and issues
MXenes are a new type of material that was first discovered in that need to be addressed in order for MXenes to be widely used.
2011 after chemically etching a MAX phase.1 The first MXene was
discovered1 when the A-layer of a MAX phase was removed leaving II. METHODS TO OBTAIN MXENES
behind two-dimensional (2D) flakes with the general formula A MAX phase is a layered structure of carbides and nitrides
Mnþ1 Xn Tx (n ¼ 1, 2, 3), where T stands for a surface termination, with the general formula Mnþ1 AXn (n ¼ 1, 2, 3), where M is an
more commonly fluorine (F), hydroxyl (OH), or oxygen (O) early transition metal (groups 3–7 in the periodic table), A is an
atoms.2 MXenes, therefore, are a family of 2D crystalline materials element belonging in the A-group of the periodic table, and X is
with theoretically infinite lateral dimensions but atomically thin either carbon (C) or nitrogen (N)3–5 (see bottom panel of Fig. 1).
thickness, whose terminations, i.e., the surface atoms, make them The most common practice to obtain MXenes is by wet chemical
exhibit different properties. etching of atomic layers from a multi-layered MAX phase, consid-
The first MXene discovered was the titanium carbide (Ti3 C2 ) ering that, in a MAX phase, the layer-to-layer bonding is much
at Drexel.1 Since then, the field has grown with studies of MXenes weaker than the intralayer one. Initially, the MAX phase is soaked
trying to shed light on their properties and applications. Useful in in an acid that destroys the bonds between the transition metal and
energy storage, electromagnetic shielding, biology, and environ- the A element.
mental applications like potable water, MXenes are promising can- Experiments determined6 that MXenes obtained via wet
didates for substituting current materials. It is the scope of this chemical etching exhibit higher electronic conductivity and have
paper to provide an overview of the synthesis and applications of fewer atomic defects. However, the procedure is only useful for
MXenes, as well as a description of the latest discoveries in the carbon-based MXenes as it fails to remove the A-layer from nitride-
field. In Sec. II, methods used for obtaining MXenes from the cor- based MAX phases.
responding MAX phases are described, while Secs. III and IV refer The first etchant used was hydrofluoric acid (HF),2,7,8 a mate-
to MXenes’ properties and some of their most recent applications, rial that is considered dangerous to the environment. Therefore,
respectively, discussing their promise regarding energy storage and the need arose to find different etchants. A safer mixture of hydro-
conversion. Finally, in Sec. V, we conclude this Perspective article chloric acid (HCl) with lithium fluoride (LiF) started being used in

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 170902 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0021485 128, 170902-1

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Applied Physics

added to the solution and the mixture was stirred until the urea
was fully solubilized. The gel-like result was then heated at 800  C
under a N2 gas flow, and afterward calcinated. Silvery black
powders were obtained.
Ma et al.10 performed x-ray diffraction (XRD) on the samples,
and no other crystalline side phases, e.g., MoOx , were observed, a
fact that meant that the powders had high purity.

B. Chemical vapor deposition

Also, in 2015, Xu et al.11 developed a chemical vapor deposi-
tion (CVD) process to obtain MXenes, using methane as the source
for C and a Cu foil above a Mo foil as the substrate. They experi-
mented at a temperature above 1085  C. During CVD, the decom-
position of chemicals on the surface of the substrate leads to
deposition, from the vapor phase, of films of materials. The high
temperature used, allowed the Cu foil to melt so that a Mo–Cu
alloy was formed at the liquid Cu/Mo interface. This resulted in
Mo atoms diffusing to the surface of the liquid Cu, thus forming
Mo2 C crystals after reacting with the C atoms produced by the
decomposition of methane. However, the produced material,
although it had MXene-like structure, was in fact a 2D transition
metal carbide with a larger area than the thus far produced nano-
sheets that reach up to 10 μm.11
Xu et al.11 obtained 2D ultrathin α-Mo2 C crystals a few nano-
meters thick and with lateral sizes larger than 100 μm. They were
able to control the thickness via the concentration of methane
used. The resulted MXene-like material was free of defects, and its
superconductivity was stable when the material came in contact
with air for a few months.11

C. Molten salt etching

The first time the molten salt etching method was used for
MXenes was in 2016.12 Urbankowski et al.12 mixed Ti4 AlN3
powder with a fluoride salt mixture in a 1:1 mass ratio and heated
the mixture at 550  C for 30 min. They found five different fluoride
FIG. 1. The primitive cell of a M3 AC2 MAX phase17 (top left panel), alongside phases containing Al, but the absence of Ti-containing fluorides,
the primitive cell of the resulted in M3 C2 MXene17 (top right panel). The blue confirmed the selectivity of etching. To dissolve the Al-containing
spheres represent the M atoms, the red the A atoms, and the brown the C
fluorides, they used diluted sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ) and the etching
atoms. The bottom panel indicates the location, in the periodic table, of the com-
ponents of a MAX phase. products were then removed by washing with de-ionized water and
then centrifugation and decanting. The XRD pattern showed that
almost all the fluoride salts were removed and that the resulting
powder contained Ti4 N3 Tx , where T stands for either OH or F
2014.9 The problem remained though, because HF gases are pro- surface terminations, and still unetched Ti4 AlN3 . To further
duced in situ.2 The issue was solved by the development of different decompose the layered Ti4 N3 Tx MXene, the powder was mixed
methods to bypass the use of HF. These methods are discussed with tetrabutylammonium hydroxide (TBAOH), which was then
below. removed by washing with de-ionized water and then centrifuged
and decanted. De-ionized water was added to the remaining
powder, which was then probe sonicated and centrifuged. The
A. Urea glass route result was finally filtered and the smaller unlayered Ti4 N3 Tx flakes
Ma et al.,10 in 2015, synthesized Mo2 C and Mo2 N MXenes (T ¼ OH, F) were collected.
from the metal precursor MoCl5 using the urea glass route. They The resulted MXene showed more atomic defects than the one
added ethanol into the precursor, thus causing its reaction with the obtained through HF-etching, which reduces the value of breaking
alcohol in order to form Mo-orthoesters. Solid urea was then strength of the material.

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 170902 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0021485 128, 170902-2

Published under license by AIP Publishing.
Applied Physics

eliminated with the application of a series of hydrothermal tem-

peratures and concentrations of NaOH water solutions under an
argon atmosphere.
The MXenes obtained through this hydrothermal procedure
have more OH and O terminations than their HF-etching counter-
parts, and this significantly enhances their performance as

E. Electrochemical synthesis at room temperature

Yang et al.,14 in 2018, first proposed an electrochemical
method without the use of F for the delamination of Ti3 C2 in a
binary aqueous electrolyte. They constructed a two-electrode
system with bulk Ti3 AlC2 as anode and cathode. Only the anode
underwent the etching process and produced Ti3 C2 Tx . To avoid
the fact that the etching only takes place on the surface15 and allow
FIG. 2. Side and top views of crystal structures of a 2D MXene monolayer: (a) the electrolyte ions to diffuse into the deeper layers of the anode,
Ti2 CT2 and (b) Ti3 C2 T2 . Republished with permission from Bai et al., Royal they used a mix of 1M NH4 Cl and 0.2M tetramethylammonium
Soc. Chem. 6(42) (2016). Copyright 2016 Clearance Center, Inc. hydroxide (TMAOH) with a pH . 9. Applying a low potential of
þ5 V, the bulk anode was gradually delaminated. Afterward, the
sediment and suspended powders of Ti3 C2 Tx were ground and
transferred into 25% w/w TMAOH in order to get individual
D. Hydrothermal synthesis in an aqueous NaOH
sheets of Ti3 C2 Tx .
The resulted MXenes exhibited an electrical conductivity
Li et al.13 reported in 2018 a method to obtain Ti3 C2 Tx similar to that of the ones produced after the use of HF or HCl/
MXene from the Ti3 AlC2 MAX phase, assisted by sodium LiF.9 However, the electrochemical method appears to be the most
hydroxide (NaOH). In this method, the hydroxide anions (OH ) promising one regarding the overall etching yield, as up to 60% of
attack the Al layers, which results in the oxidation of the Al the bulk material can be transformed into Ti3 C2 Tx .14
atoms. The Al hydroxides Al(OH) 4 produced are then dissolved In Fig. 1, we see the Ti3 AlC2 MAX phase alongside the Ti3 C2
in alkali and the exposed Ti atoms are terminated by OH or resulted bare MXene where the Al layers have been removed. In
O. However, the process allows for new Al hydroxides to be Fig. 2, the terminated Ti2 CT2 and Ti3 C2 T2 MXenes16 are showed.
formed that are confined into the lattice from the Ti layers and Finally, Fig. 3 shows the timeline of the etching methods used
cannot further react anew with the OH . The problem was to produce MXenes until 2017.18

FIG. 3. Timeline of the etching methods used to produce MXenes since the first discovery in 2011, and up to 2017. Reprinted with permission from Peng et al., Chem 5
(1), 18–50 (2019). Copyright 2019 Elsevier.

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 170902 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0021485 128, 170902-3

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Applied Physics


A. Mechanical properties
Depending on the surface terminations, the mechanical
properties of an MXene may show significant differences. Bai
et al.16 determined for Ti2 C and Ti3 C2 that there is a stronger
interaction between the O terminations and Ti atoms than in the
F or OH terminated MXenes. In addition, the O-terminated
MXenes have very high stiffness, and this is attributed to
the bonding strength between Ti–O, which is higher than in the
Ti–OH and Ti–F cases. Magnuson et al.19 also found that the
surface groups withdraw charge from the Ti–C bonds and weaken
them. In particular, they found that the Ti-C bond is longer in
Ti2 C-Tx than in Ti3 C2 -Tx , a fact they suggest could affect the
elastic properties of the materials. The authors also suggested that
the modification of the bond strength can be used to optimize the
elasticity. In addition, Zha et al.20 suggested that O-terminated
MXenes should be the first choice for applications regarding FIG. 4. The bending rigidity of the Tinþ1 Cn MXenes, graphene multilayers, and
structural materials, supercapacitors, and so on, due to their MoS2 as a function of their thickness h, cubed. Reprinted with permission from
larger mechanical strength. Borysiuk et al., Comput. Mater. Sci. 143, 418–424 (2018). Copyright 2018
Regarding the strain MXenes can withstand, Chakraborty Elsevier.
et al.21 showed that boron (B) doped Ti2 CO2 , where B substitutes
the C atoms, exhibits higher critical strain (by about 100%) com-
pared to the bare MXene. This fact is attributed to a weaker Ti–B The great potential of MXenes for applications in structural
bond when compared to the Ti–C bond. Theoretically, composites30 remains to be explored, provided that bulk quantities
Ti2 CO2 -based composites have been found to withstand large can be produced.
strain under uniaxial and biaxial tension.22
Moreover, Yorulmaz et al.23 by calculating the Young
modulus, noted that, for the carbides, the MXene gets stiffer as the B. Electronic properties
mass of the transition metal M increases. This result could not be Perhaps, the most important electronic property of MXenes is
replicated for the nitrides. their high electronic conductivity. Most bare MXenes and the
The vast majority of carbide-based MXenes are considered majority of those with surface terminations exhibit a metallic
mechanically stable, which is not the case for nitride-based behavior. In recent years, an attempt is being made to increase the
MXenes. In general, single MXene flakes are unstable in environ- MXene metallic conductivity, although the first discovered
ments that contain oxygen and water.24,25 However, they are Ti3 C2 Tx , which is also the most studied one,31 is still the most
relatively stable in water where oxygen has been removed or in conductive.
dry air. The focus has been on developing new Mnþ1 Xn chemistries
MXenes, in general, have lower strength and stiffness than gra- that will result in higher conductivity by controlling the surface ter-
phene. Despite this fact, molecular dynamics calculations have pre- minations. However, the studies made in that regard lack experi-
dicted high enough rigidity for Ti2 C, Ti3 C2 , and Ti4 C3 MXenes, so mental validation.32 A different approach to affect MXene
that applied surface tension is not enough to overcome it.26–28 In conductivity is cation or organic-molecule intercalation where, for
Fig. 4, we can see the bending rigidity of the Tinþ1 Cn MXenes, gra- stacked materials, the resistance of the device can be increased by
phene multilayers, and MoS2 as a function of their thickness. It is over an order of magnitude.32,33 Figure 5 shows the temperature
clear that the thicker MXene nanoribbons have higher values of dependent electrical conductivity of various Mo-based MXenes
bending rigidity. The exact value depends on a variety of reasons, where there is a rapid increase above 500 K.
such as temperature, and size and shape of the samples. Zhang et al.,34 in 2018, showed that OH-terminated MXenes
Finally, surface-modified MXenes were also studied early on exhibit nearly free electron states, located outside the surface atoms
in 2013 by Enyashin and Ivanovskii,29 in particular, MXenes termi- and parallel to the surface. These states concentrate in regions
nated with methoxy OCH3 groups. Their stability was examined by where the positive charge is the highest and provide almost perfect
estimating their formation energies ΔH, where it was indicated that transmission channels for electron transport. Moreover, during
a negative value of ΔH is energetically favorable in order to have their experiments, O-terminated MXenes, for example, Tinþ1 Cn O2 ,
more stable products. In addition, by calculating the relative total exhibited lower electrical conductivity than the ones terminated
energies, ΔEtot , of Ti2 C(OCH3 )2 and Ti3 C2 (OCH3 )2 , it was found with F and OH, that is, Tinþ1 Cn F2 , and Tinþ1 Cn (OH)2 ,
that if the methoxy groups are placed above the hollow sites respectively.
between the three neighboring carbon atoms within the MXene Despite the fact that the simulated non-terminated MXenes
layer (see Fig. 1), the structure is more stable than when placing the are all metallic, upon surface functionalization, some of them
methoxy group above a Ti atom. become semiconducting35 with a bandgap as large as 0:194 eV

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 170902 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0021485 128, 170902-4

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Applied Physics

C. Magnetic properties
Materials with strong and controllable magnetic moments are
important to applications of spintronic devices. Despite the variety
of MXenes, the ground states of the majority of them, bare or oth-
erwise, are non-magnetic. This is attributed to the strong covalent
bond between the transition metal and the X element.35 Some bare
MXenes though have been predicted to be intrinsically magnetic.
These include Cr2 C51 and Ti2 N52 (ferromagnetic), and Cr2 N53 and
Mn2 C54 (anti-ferromagnetic). The magnetism in the case of
MXenes can be55

(1) intrinsic properties of the transition metal,

(2) defects in monolayers, and
(3) surface terminations.

As stated before, the most common MXenes, including Ti3 C2 , are

FIG. 5. The temperature dependent electrical conductivity of various Mo-based non-magnetic; however, there are cases where different magnetic
MXenes. The increase in conductivity results in a decrease in the resistivity. structures were reported. For example, Dong et al.56 determined
Reprinted with permission from Kim et al., Chem. Mater. 29(15), 6472–6479 that Ti2 MnC2 Tx MXenes are ferromagnetic in the ground states,
(2017). Copyright 2017 American Chemical Society. regardless of the nature of the surface terminations. Ti2 MnC2 Tx
belongs to a new family of ordered double-transition-metal
MXenes57,58, which have one or two layers of a transition metal
sandwiched between the layers of another one. In 2018, Sun et al.59
(W2 CO2 ). Due to electron transfer from the transition metal to the studied double-transition-metal MXenes with Ti atoms as the
electronegative surface terminations, the transition metal exhibits central layer and showed that different terminations and cation
lower density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level.36,37 At the configurations lead to a variety of magnetic orders and properties
moment, no MXene semiconductors have been experimentally real- different from the single transition metal carbides known thus far.
ized, although many are theoretically predicted taking under con- In 2017, reports about a novel MAX phase with in-plane
sideration a wide bandgap for all surface terminations.37 chemical order were made.60,61 These compounds were called
In addition, there have been cases where simulated MXenes i-MAX and have the general formula (M2=3 M1=3 ) AX. From
were predicted to be topological insulators.38,39 In this category of i-MAX phases came the i-MXenes after etching the A-element
materials, their edge states are conducting but they exhibit insulat- atoms (e.g., W4=3 C and Nb4=3 C ). Prior to that, Zhu et al.64 had
ing properties on the surface.40 Currently, in all of the studies on found for Nb2 C a theoretical in-plane lattice constant value in
topological behavior of MXenes, only O- or F-terminated ones agreement with the experimental one and showed that the energeti-
have been taken under consideration. None of the insulator cally favorable site for Li adsorption is located on top of C. In
MXenes though have been observed experimentally, considering 2020, Gao and Zhang,65 turned their attention to the magnetic
the fact that only ones with mixed terminations have been practi- properties of i-MXenes with a general formula (M2=3 M1=3 ) X. In
cally obtained. Control of the surface terminations is once again particular, by performing density functional theory (DFT) calcula-
the key for obtaining this kind of materials. tions, they examined the cases where M 0 , i.e., the dopant element,
In general, processes like doping,41 strain application,42 stack- is magnetic and one of the transition metals except Tc. Out of
ing, and alloying44 can control a material’s electronic structure.
319 i-MXenes, they found 62 cases that they were magnetic. In
MXenes can withstand a lot of strain (see Subsection III A), so addition, six can change their magnetic configuration, depending
strain engineering has attracted considerable attention.45 For on their geometries (rectangular or hexagonal), which in turn need
example, Yu et al.46 found an indirect-to-direct bandgap transition a strain to be applied. Therefore, the magneto-crystalline anisotropy
in Ti2 CO2 , Zr2 CO2 , and Hf 2 CO2 when applying biaxial strains 4%, of i-MXenes can be enhanced.
10%, and 14%, respectively. In Fig. 6, we can see the classification of the magnetic ground
Most of the studies regarding the electrical properties of the states for the 319 i-MXenes.
Ti3 C2 MXene have focused on modifying the surface terminations An extensive theoretical study of the magnetic properties of
via thermal treatment.47,48 However, it was determined49 that when nitrogen-based MXenes, which have an extra electron per unit cell
calcination temperature is increased to 800  C, the Ti3 C2 nano- when compared to carbon-based ones, was carried out by Kumar
sheets collapse and the 2D nanostructure is destroyed. et al.66 The authors suggested a simple model to predict the mag-
An additional method to manipulate the electrical properties netic behavior of M2 NT2 based on the assumption that only elec-
of an MXene is by using reinforcing materials. An example is chito- trons occupying the non-bonding d-orbitals can contribute to
san,50 a kind of fiber obtained from the exoskeleton of shellfish and magnetism. By applying their model to M2 NT2 MXenes with tran-
insects, where the reinforced MXene exhibits gradient increase of sition metals belonging to the third period of the periodic table,
its electrical resistivity as the amount of chitosan increases they identified five nitride MXenes (Mn2 NF2 , Mn2 NO2 ,
incrementally. Mn2 N(OH)2 , Ti2 NO2 , and Cr2 NO2 ) with robust ferromagnetic

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 170902 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0021485 128, 170902-5

Published under license by AIP Publishing.
Applied Physics

Berdiyorov,70 in 2016, investigated the role of surface termina-

tions on the optical properties of Ti3 C2 T2 (T ¼ F, O, OH) MXenes
and compared the results to the bare MXene Ti3 C2 . Using the
dielectric constant, Berdiyorov calculated the refractive index, n,
and the extinction coefficient, k, for all samples and found that at
low photon energies, E, the terminations reduced n, while at higher
E (.1 eV), n was enhanced. The surface terminations also resulted
in the reduction of k for most of the photon energy range. In addi-
tion, at even larger photon energies (E . 5 eV), the terminations
resulted in stronger absorption as compared to the bare MXene.
Finally, in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum
(5 eV , E , 10 eV), all surface terminations resulted in larger
reflectivity as compared to the bare MXene.
Halim et al.,71 by studying Ti2 CTx and Nb2 CTx films, showed
a different approach to control the optical properties of MXenes is
to change the nature of the transition metal. They found that the
Nb-based films showed an increase in absorption toward the infra-
FIG. 6. Classification of the magnetic ground states for the 319 i-MXenes. red spectral range. This behavior significantly differed from that of
Mag = Magnetic, NM = Non-magnetic, AFM = Antiferromagnetic, the corresponding MAX phase Nb2 AlC, a fact that was not
FM = Ferromagnetic, Noncol = Noncollinear Magnetic Structure. “NM to Mag” observed for the Ti-based films. Halim et al.71 suggested that the
and “AFM to FM” mark the compounds whose ground state changes by impos- difference in the optical properties lay within the electronic config-
ing hexagonal geometry. Republished with permission from Gao et al., Royal
Soc. Chem. 12(10) (2020). Copyright 2020 Clearance Center, Inc.
uration of the transition metals (Ti is in group 4 and Nb is in
group 5 of the periodic table) and their bonding with the C atoms
and surface terminations.
In 2017, Li et al.72 showed that MXenes exhibit higher capabil-
ground states. Curie temperatures for all terminations were also ity to absorb light than carbon nanotubes (CNTs). In addition,
well above the room temperature, a fact that made the magnetically Jiang et al.,73 in 2018, examined the optical non-linearity of
ordered phases stable. Ti3 C2 Tx using excitation sources with various wavelengths
In 2018, Bandyopadhyay et al.67 investigated the point defect (800 nm, 1064 nm, 1550 nm, and 1800 nm). They found absorption
formation mechanisms in MXenes. They found that few of the response two orders of magnitude larger than other processes but
defective MXenes acquire a magnetic nature because of unpaired the refractive index was comparable to that of graphene. Finally, for
electrons in the spin split d-orbitals. Therefore, they suggested that Ti2 C, Ti2 N, Ti3 C2 , and Ti3 N2 , for E , 1 eV, the reflectivity has
intrinsic point defects can be used to modify the magnetic proper- been found to reach 100%, which means that these materials have
ties of MXenes. the ability to transmit electromagnetic waves.74
Moreover, Scheibe et al.,55 in 2019, investigated the influence In general, it is believed that both the linear (e.g., absorption)
the different terminations have on the magnetic properties of and nonlinear (e.g., refractive index) optical properties of MXenes
Ti3 C2 Tx . They found that the bare TiC samples exhibit paramag- are highly dependent on the energy structures (e.g., energy
netic behavior, similarly to the samples with F or S-based termina- bandgap, direct/indirect bandgap, topological insulators, etc.).74
tions, but if the sample contained two kinds of terminations, then
its behavior was shifted to ferromagnetic/paramagnetic. Therefore, IV. APPLICATIONS
the magnetic properties of Ti3 C2 Tx can be altered via modulation
of the surface terminations. Another example of the impact of the Since they were first discovered in 2011, MXenes have received
terminations is described in Ref. 68. When Cr2 C is terminated by significant attention. Studies have revealed their potential applica-
F, H, OH, or Cl groups, it will be transformed from a ferromagnetic tions in energy storage, optoelectronics, spintronics and catalysis,
half metal into an antiferromagnetic semiconductor. and even in environmental and biological issues. Below, we sum-
The potential use of MXenes in spintronics makes the marize the most recent applications, with a particular focus on
methods to control their magnetism a rapidly advancing field. energy storage.

A. Energy storage and conversion

D. Optical properties Energy storage and conversion has been a key scientific chal-
Regarding optics, various interesting features of MXenes have lenge for years, since the materials used for these applications need
been demonstrated in the past few years. These include optical to be light, flexible, conductive, and have large surface-to-mass
transparency, plasmonic behavior, and efficient photothermal con- ratio [specific surface area (SSA) (m2 g1 )].75 Carbon black has
version. The ability of MXenes to interact with light in multiple SSA , 900 m2 g1 ,76 while carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have
ways has had a significant impact on the research community.69 SSA ¼ 1001000 m2 g1 .77 A sheet of graphene, on the other
Once again, it is the surface terminations that play the most signifi- hand, has theoretically very large surface-to mass ratio,
cant part in determining a material’s optical properties. SSA ¼ 2630 m2 g1 ,77 a value that is similar to that of the activated

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 170902 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0021485 128, 170902-6

Published under license by AIP Publishing.
Applied Physics

carbon.78 Other 2D materials that can be used for energy storage They found that multilayer ion intercalation is possible, and that
are the transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) like WS2 , in com- the materials manifest high capacity, especially for the Li case.
bination with graphene.79 Regarding ionic diffusion, the authors showed that the lower
MXenes are a new class of 2D crystals that can be used in energy barriers result in ultrafast diffusion. Furthermore, in the
energy applications. Compared to materials like graphene, MXenes same year, Zhang et al.98 showed that MXenes can be used as a
have much smaller specific surface area. For example, experimen- conductive binder for Si electrodes in order to decrease the inactive
tally produced Ti3 C2 Tx has SSA up to 66 m2 g1 and V2 CTx up to volume of the electrode and have better battery performance.
19 m2 g1 ,80 while theoretically Ti3 C2 Tx can reach up to Moreover, the Ti3 C2 Tx MXene was found to be useful as a reinforc-
496 m2 g1 . Ren et al.,81 in 2016, managed to produce porous ing material for polymers such as polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), where
Ti3 C2 Tx MXenes (p-MXenes) using a transition metal salt and acid the strong films fabricated can be used as electrodes for
treatment. They determined that the p-Ti3 C2 Tx MXene had SSA supercapacitors.99,100
increased from 19:6 (pristine Ti3 C2 Tx ) to 93:6 m2 g1 . In addition, Wang et al.101 studied Ti3 C2 MXenes as the S
Furthermore, a high specific capacity of 1250 mAhg1 was cathode host for LiS batteries. They showed that the bare MXene
revealed for p-Ti3 C2 Tx /CNT electrodes. Graphene electrodes, on cannot be used directly for this purpose due to decomposition.
the other hand, when chemically modified, can reach However, S and O terminated Ti3 C2 can achieve high performance.
1200 mA h g1 ,82 while Hassoun et al.,83 in 2014, showed that In 2020, Li et al.102 investigated the use of chalcogenated
electrodes based on Cu-supported graphene nanoflakes ink can Ti3 C2 as an anode material for Li-ion batteries. Chalcogenation
reach specific capacities of 1500 mA h g1 . Both these values are gave the Ti3 C2 T2 , T ¼ O, S, Se, and Te, MXene enhanced Li-ion
close or even larger than the corresponding ones for the MXenes. accessibility and mobility while Ti3 C2 S2 and Ti3 C2 Se2 MXene elec-
Regarding volumetric capacity, functionalized graphene shows trodes yielded a theoretical Li-storage capacity of 462:61 mA h g1
results up to 200 F g1 ,78,84,85 while for MXenes, researchers were and 329:32 mA h g1 , respectively. The authors noted that the fab-
able to achieve for Ti3 C2 320 F g1 as early as in 2014.86 rication of MXenes with larger interlayer spacing could achieve
At present, Li-ion batteries do not operate satisfactorily in large- higher Li-storage capacity.
scale operations like sustaining a clean power grid.87 Intercalation To summarize, if we were to compare graphene with MXenes
pseudocapacitance,88 which occurs through bulk redox reactions with as materials for anodes for Li-ion batteries, despite the fact that gra-
ultrafast ion diffusion,89,90 has risen as an alternative chemistry for phene has larger SSA and higher capacity, we should also take into
advanced electrochemical energy storage devices. The intercalation consideration that graphene electrodes do not allow fast enough
pseudocapacitors have many benefits, considering the limited expo- diffusion for energy applications that require high power output.103
sure of the surface to the electrolyte. This leads to a decrease of the Furthermore, graphene’s low lithiation potential enables the forma-
irreversible surface reactions due to electrolyte decomposition, tion of lithium dendrites, which are flammable and limit the
without affecting the charge storage.91 MXenes pose as good materi- cycling stability of the battery cells.104,105 In contrast, MXenes have
als for these pseudocapacitors as their morphology minimizes the higher lithiation potential and wider interlayer spacing,1,106 which
surface, which interacts with the electrolytes, and their really small allows for fast ion intercalation. Add to that fact graphene’s limited
interlayer spacing makes for fast ion intercalation. commercial use, mainly due to its expensiveness, MXenes seem
In 2012, shortly after their discovery, Naguib et al.92 studied currently the most promising materials for battery applications.
the MXene’s Ti2 C use as anode for lithium-ion batteries. They
found that Ti2 C had reversible capacity five times higher than the
corresponding MAX phase Ti2 AlC, exhibiting a stable capacity of B. Other applications
225 mA h g1 . They suggested that the results were promising for Apart from energy storage devices, Sarycheva et al.107 reported
the use of MXenes as Liþ intercalation electrodes in lithium-ion the use of MXenes for antenna applications. In particular, they
batteries.92 Since then, other batteries have been examined, for constructed the first radio-frequency (RF) MXene devices for wire-
example, sodium-ion, pottasium-ion, and lithium-sulfur.93–95 less communication and showed that MXene antennas need lower
In 2015, Zhu et al.64 investigated the Li adsorption in mono- thickness in order to work than those of the best-known metals,
layer Nb2 C and Nb2 CX2 MXenes and found that the most energeti- enabling ultra-thin and transparent wireless devices.
cally favorable site for Li adsorption was on top of the C atom. Blanco et al.108 determined that MXene nano-sheets showed
They also showed that, since Li forms clusters on Nb2 C(OH)2 and unique catalytic properties for the hydrodeoxygenation (i.e., a
LiF forms clusters on Nb2 CF2 and Nb2 CO1,5 F0,5 , OH and F termi- process to remove oxygen) of guaiacol in order to make it more
nations must be avoided in battery applications. Moreover, Nb2 C stable. In addition, in Ref. 109, MXenes were studied as
was found to be the most promising electrode material for Li-ion energy-efficient alternatives to the Haber–Bosch process, which is
batteries because of its low diffusion barrier. used in the production of ammonia. To this end, Mo2 TiC2 was
In addition, Zhu et al.,96 in 2016, replaced OH, F, and O ter- examined as an electrocatalyst and the authors proved through the
minations with S and predicted high electric conductivities and analysis of Gibbs free energy, that it could be a new, effective mate-
cycling rates for Li-ion batteries using Zr-based MXenes. The life- rial for ammonia synthesis.
time of the battery was also found not affected by by-products like Apart from the aforementioned environmental uses, MXenes
dendrites. have also been used for the removal of heavy metals from water.
More recently, in 2019, Shukla et al.97 studied S-terminated For example, Shahzad et al.110 developed a system to remove
MXenes (V2 NS2 and Ti2 NS2 ) as anodes for Li/Na ion batteries. copper from water using Ti3 C2 Tx MXenes. XRD analysis showed

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 170902 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0021485 128, 170902-7

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Applied Physics

that copper reacts strongly with the surface terminations of the quantum efficiency, and dynamic range than the current Ti/Au–
MXenes, resulting in surface oxidation. GaAs–Ti/Au devices, proving that MXenes are also useful in the
MXenes have also been found useful in biological applica- optoelectronics and microelectronics industries.
tions. Szuplewska et al.111 examined the bio-compatibility of Finally, MXenes’ structure allows for distance between atomic
Ti2 NTx toward human skin malignant melanoma cells and layers and changes in conductivity when external pressure is
human breast cancer cells. They determined that the multi- applied.124 Tan et al.124 used MXene-based pressure sensors and, by
layered Ti2 NTx shows higher toxicity toward cancerous cells designing an optoelectronic spiking afferent nerve, they were able to
when compared to normal ones, thus revealing the potential use detect Morse code, braille, object movement, and handwritten words,
of MXenes in biotechnology and nanomedicine. Moreover, showing promise for human-machine interaction technologies.
MXenes have been used in various bioimaging techniques112 In Fig. 7, we can see the summarized applications of MXenes
such as fluorescence microscopy, where MXene’s fluorescence beyond energy storage, as presented in this paper.
properties are enhanced by attaching a fluorescence species to
their surface,113 in vitro bioimaging using quantum dots,114,115
and x-ray computed tomography (CT) where MXenes are used as V. SUMMARY AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS
imaging contrast elements.116–118 In the present paper, we provided an overview of the methods
The properties of MXenes also make them suitable materials for the synthesis of MXenes from the corresponding MAX phases,
for sensors. For instance, Liu et al.119 proposed a nitrite bio-sensor alongside the advantages and disadvantages of each method. In
containing hemoglobin (Hb) immobilized on Ti3 C2 , which was addition, we described the mechanical, electronic, magnetic, and
used to detect the presence of nitrite in water samples. They pro- optical properties of MXenes. The ability to manipulate the
posed Ti3 C2 MXenes as suitable candidates for enzyme immobili- MXenes’ terminations led to materials with large mechanical
zation, as they can provide a safe micro-environment for the strength, high conductivity, intrinsic magnetism, strong absorption,
proteins. In addition, Rakhi et al.120 developed a glucose bio-sensor and large reflectivity. In addition, we outlined the most recent
based on an Au/MXene nanocomposite to detect glucose in the applications of MXenes, focusing on energy storage, which are
presence of other electroactive substances. Crystalline Au nanopar- summarized in Fig. 7.
ticles where placed on the surface of Ti3 C2 Tx Mxenes and an The latest results show that MXenes composed of transition
improved electrical conductivity was found, making the Au/MXene metal elements of group 6 of the periodic system (Cr, Mo, W) are
composite a good enzyme immobilization matrix. Another study in the most promising ones for superconductivity, at least in the case
2017 by Muckley et al.121 proposed the use of MXenes as sensors of Mo and W.125 In addition, Luo et al.,126 in 2020, have, for the
for water and humidity in air, while Ma et al.122 in the same year first time, examined the tensile behavior of Ti3 C2 Tx . They found
constructed MXene-based sensors to detect human activities such that the number of defects influences significantly the overall
as swallowing, coughing, joint-bending. mechanical properties of the films, a fact that is reflected by the
In 2019, Montazeri et al.123 devised MXene/GaAs/MXene dependency of their tensile strength, elastic modulus, and fracture
photodetectors and showed that they have higher responsivity, strain on thickness.

FIG. 7. Summary of the most recent applications of MXenes beyond energy storage, as referenced in this paper.

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 170902 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0021485 128, 170902-8

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Applied Physics

Numerous scientific reports are published yearly regarding the Perhaps, the biggest challenge yet, though, is the experimental
MXenes’ possible applications. However, there are several gaps in validation of all the theoretical studies, and the verification of the
the current knowledge that need to be addressed. predicted properties of MXenes.
Despite the amount of theoretical studies regarding their use
in energy storage devices, the charge storage mechanism of the
MXenes is not fully understood yet, neither are the effects of their
different compositions on their performance as electrodes. The authors acknowledge support from the International
Moreover, MXenes’ stability and durability are still important chal- Consortium of Nanotechnologies (ICON) funded by Lloyd’s
lenges. MXene nanosheets degrade quickly when in contact with Register Foundation, a charitable foundation which helps to protect
water and oxygen, making their use in various applications life and property by supporting engineering-related education,
difficult.127 public engagement, and the application of research.
Another significant problem is the fact that, for many MXenes
studied through computational techniques, there is no precursory
MAX phase,25 for example, W2 C. The attention should be turned
into the synthesis of new layered materials that could be used for Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data
the production of MXenes. In that respect, a way to access more were created or analyzed in this study.
MXene compositions is by the synthesis of quaternary MAX
phases. Quaternary MAX phases lead to the formation of MAX
phases with elements (for example, bismuth) that are not present
in the synthesis of ternary MAX phases.128–131 In addition, the ter- 1
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