RTO 2024-2025 Fin FNS30122 Student Package Task 1

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RTO Department of Education - 90333, 90222, 90072, 90162

Student Package
FNS30122 Certificate III in Financial Services
Task 1 Safety
Units of competency assessed:

BSBWHS211 Contribute to health and safety of self and others

List any pre-requisite or co-requisite units of competency:
Training Package Title (release #) FNS Financial Services
Qualification Code and Title (release #) FNS30122 Certificate III in Financial Services
Student name Tanishka Chandel
School name Chatswood High School
Location (if different to school) Chatswood
Assessor name Mr David Chow
Assessment date of issue Insert date
Assessment due date 1st March 2024 (Week 5 Friday)
Context for assessment The student is to be assessed on their ability to demonstrate that they can:

● actively participate in two different work activities that contribute to the

health and safety of self and others
● identify and report at least one hazard to designated personnel.

The student is to be assessed on their knowledge and understanding of:

● organisational safety policies, procedures, instructions and requirements

relating to own work role
The sections are broken down into the following:

Section 1:
Part A - Written Questioning
Section 2: Product Based
Part A - WHS Meeting
Part B - Workplace Inspection
Part C - WHS Meeting
Part D -Hazard Report
Section 3: Direct Observation
Part A - Pre-start systems and equipment checks.
Carry out work tasks

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These can be performed either in an industry workplace or a simulated industry

The school will provide safe and well-maintained facilities, equipment, tools and
materials as required for each individual unit of competency in order to allow the
assessment to be undertaken
Reasonable adjustments allowed All students must be provided the opportunity to access and participate in the
learning and assessment process. Reasonable adjustment must be discussed
with individual students prior to assessment. Reasonable adjustments are
implemented to provide equitable access for students while maintaining the
integrity of the qualification and industry outcome. All reasonable adjustments
must be documented on the student assessment copy

Assessment Package Outline

Students must complete all components of the assessment to a satisfactory level to be deemed as competent for a unit of
Assessment Method Units of Competency Duration
Section 1: Written and/or BSBWHS211 Contribute to health and safety of self and others
oral questioning
Section 2: Product base BSBWHS211 Contribute to health and safety of self and others
Section 3: Direct BSBWHS211 Contribute to health and safety of self and others

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Student Checklist and Declaration
Student Checklist and Declaration: Please tick Yes, No or NA Yes No NA
I have read the Student Assessment Package before signing this declaration. YES

I understand the requirements of this Student Assessment Package in order for me to demonstrate YES
competency when working in industry.
I understand what is being assessed, I have completed sufficient training and believe I can perform the YES
task/s in this assessment.
During the induction process I was informed about the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit YES
Transfer (CT) process.
I understand I have a maximum number of reattempts for individual tasks and I will refer to student YES
instructions for each task.
I have been provided with information on the assessment appeals process. YES

I have notified the assessor of any learning needs to be considered during this assessment and we NA
have discussed whether reasonable adjustments are required.
I will submit my completed Student Assessment Package to my assessor. I declare the work submitted YES
will be my own work and will not be copied from another person or source.

Student signature

Date 16 - 2 - 2024

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Section 1: Written Questioning
Due date 1st March 2024 (Week 5 Friday)
Time You will have 1 hour approximately to complete these questions
Instructions to the You are required to undertake 14 short knowledge questions assessment.
● You must complete all questions satisfactorily to demonstrate your knowledge and
● All responses must be your own work.
● Assessments task section 1 (theory assessments) must be completed either on Evidence
Central or on a hard copy provided by your assessor or electronically as determined by your

If you achieved a Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS) result for theory assessments, you may be required to
undertake additional theory assessments called supplementary assessments. Your trainer/assessor
will provide the additional material for a reassessment.
Student must Knowledge as required by the unit of competency through both written and observable behaviours in
demonstrate practical activities
Student to submit You must submit the following evidence:
● Completed hard copy knowledge assessments; or
● Complete the electronic version of the knowledge assessment and upload according to the
assessor’s instructions; or
● Evidence Central self-marking knowledge assessment quizzes
Resources Students will be provided with the following resources to complete the assessment tasks:
● The School Shop WHS Policy
● The School Shop Policy and Procedure Manual

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Part A - Written Questioning
1. Using The School Shop WHS Policy and Procedures Manual, outline 6 tasks you would do at the start of the day to ensure
a safe working environment.

1 Ensure that emergency exits are clear.

2 Carry out workplace inspection.

3 Check for possible hazards and assess the risks.

4 Inform workers of any changes in procedures and practices of machines.

5 Go over the safety procedures and guidelines.

6 Report to the supervisor if hazards are noticed.

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2. Using the image below, identify and explain at least 6 of the potential hazards.

Identify the hazard (name and describe it) Explain the hazard (Why is it a hazard? What illness or injury could
result from this hazard?)
Hot coffee pot on a work station near equipment Hot coffee could be knocked when using the equipment that is near
the coffee pot resulting in burns to the employee.
1 The package being damaged from the end and The contents of the package could be seen as a slip hazard as the

leaking out the contents. person could trip on it and there could be a risk of injury.

2 The lady standing on the office chair with wheels The lady standing on the chair is a risk of injury as she could cause

physical damage to herself.

3 The person reading a book while walking The book acts as an obstruction to her vision and could put herself at

risk of injury to herself and others.

4 The sunlight from the window The sunlight could cause an obstruction to the person’s vision and

cause partial or temporary blindness and could delay the work.

5 The coffee being spilt from the tray The coffee can act as a slip hazard as its liquid and could make the

surface slippery.

6 Boxes near the entrances The box near the entrance could act as an obstruction and cause

someone to trip over it and there could be a risk of injury.

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3. What do these signs mean and where are they most likely to be found?

Sign Meaning Location

it denotes the location of the closest above or adjacent to specified exits

emergency exit in case a hazard and doors

the sign indicates that its mandatory warehouse, construction, building or

to wear headphones for ear mining sites.

this sign shows that in case a fire in an accessible position, along an

occurs this equipment will be exit pathway
available nearby to put it off.

this sign is to show that in case an workplaces, education centres and

accident or injury occurs there will public areas.
be medical attention provided

gloves must be worn in this warehouses, offices, on

location as it could cause cuts or containers, pipes and tanks.
splinters on your hands

foot protection must be worn in warehouse, construction, building

these areas to protect the feet in and mine sites.
case of a hazard.

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to remind employees to wear a hospitals, general practices,
mask to prevent the spread of medical centres and pharmacies.

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4. Which of the following should be undertaken prior to commencing your daily activities.

Make sure your workstation is clean and tidy

Adjust chair including back seat, height

Make a coffee

Check plugs and cables are secure and not a trip hazard

Check that computer and other electrical equipment in working order

Check personal social media posts

Check photocopier has enough paper

Power on and check usability of equipment

Adjust screen to correct position

5. There is a fire in the storeroom. Refer to The School Shop WHS Policy for guidance. Who do you report this to?
First report to the manager, if the manager is not available then go directly to the fire warden to make the
to escort people to safety. If the manager is available report the fire incident and ask to inform the fire warden/ safety

6. List the procedures you should follow. Refer to The School Shop WHS Policy for guidance.

Emergency Incident: FIRE

1. If practical, advise the manager immediately.
2. If unable to advise the manager immediately, call 000. Give details about the emergency and answer questions directed
by the operator.
3. Report to the Fire Warden/ Safety Officer (if the manager was not available)
4. Manager to inform the Fire Warden / Safety Officer.
5. Fire Warden/ Safety Officer (or Manager) to make the announcement.

7. List three responsibilities of an employee (worker) in relation to Work Health and Safety and duty of care.
- take reasonable care for their own health and safety.
- take reasonable care for the health and safety of others.
- comply with any reasonable instruction, policies and procedure given by their employer, business or PCBU.

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8. List four examples of The School Shop’s obligations in relation to Work Health and Safety and duty of care for it’s
employees and customers.
1. safe systems of work; safe use of plants, structures and substances.
2. adequate information, training, instruction and supervision.
3. effective systems for monitoring the health of workers and workplace conditions.
4. adequate facilities for the welfare of workers; notification and recording of the workplace.

9. The owners of The School Shop have appointed a manager. List two examples of manager (or officer’s) responsibility in
relation to Work Health and Safety and duty of care.
1. acquiring and keeping up to date knowledge of work health and safety matters.
2. understanding operations of the business and the hazards and risks involved.

10. Which people does the WHS Act 2011 apply to when visiting The School Shop.
a. Only the workers
b. Only the workers and the PCBU
c. Only the clients or customers or delivery drivers
d. Any Contractors, Workers, PCBU, Customers, Delivery Drivers

11. What is a hazard in relation to WHS?

A situation or a thing in the workplace that has the potential to harm the health and safety of people as well as damage
plant or equipment.

12. What is a risk in relation to WHS?

Hazards need to be eliminated or minimised in order to achieve a good WHS system and environment.

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The school shop has recently hired a finance worker named Alex to manage the financial transactions and records for the shop.

On Alex's first day in the school shop's finance department, he arrives with enthusiasm and a desire to excel in his new role. As
he begins his work, he encounters several hazards that pose risks to his safety.

Alex was asked to move a number of heavy boxes from the account’s office to the storeroom. As he bent over, he felt a twinge
on his back.

Alex notices that the printer is plugged into a power board that is overloaded and covered in dust.

Alex's workstation is not ergonomically set up. His chair is uncomfortable, and his computer monitor is placed too low. His chair
won’t adjust as there is no longer any gas in the struts that make it raise and lower.

After tripping over some electrical cables that were lying across the walkway, Alex fell and injured his wrist when he landed.

It wasn’t a great start to Alex’s first day at The School Shop.

13. Complete the following table using the scenario above. Use the Risk Assessment Matrix in The Shop School WHS Policy
and Procedure Manual to make a judgement of the risk rating.

Hazard 1 Hazard 2
Name the hazard (physical hazard) ergonomic hazard

What type of harm might this hazard this hazard could cause an this hazard could cause

cause? electrical shock to Alex. permanent back pain to Alex from

his poor posture.

How can Alex reduce his risk of injury? he can reduce the risk by he can reduce the risk by getting

plugging out some of the wires another chair which has

from the power board. adjustable height.

Risk Rating 1-6 6 4

14. Who should Alex report his concerns to?

Alex should report his concerns to his supervisor or manager.

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Assessor Feedback 1– Section 1
This Assessor Feedback form is for your Assessor to complete for each of the assessment. Once completed your Assessor will
discuss their comments with you and ask you to complete the feedback section.

Task: Written Questions

☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory (additional evidence required)
Assessor feedback to student

Attempt Number (Out of 3) 1

Assessor name Mr David Chow
Assessor signature

Assessor Feedback 2 – Section 1

Task: Written Questions
☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory (additional evidence required)
Assessor feedback to student

Attempt Number (Out of 3) 2

Assessor name Mr David Chow
Assessor signature

Assessor Feedback 3 – Section 1

Task: Written Questions
☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory (additional evidence required)

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Assessor feedback to student

Attempt Number (Out of 3) 3

Assessor name Mr David Chow
Assessor signature

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Section 2: Product based
Due date 1st March 2024 (Week 5 Friday)

Time Students have approximately 3 hours to complete this section

Instructions to the Section 2:

Prior to the Assessment
● Students will be informed of the date of the Assessments for this section.
● Students to follow school policy for non-attendance of practical assessments
● Students should be familiar with The School Shop WHS Policy and Procedure document.

During the Assessment

● Students will be observed and assessed carrying out pre-start systems and equipment
checks under supervision and according to organisational policies and procedures
● Students will be observed and assessed on their ability to carry out work tasks according to
WHS instructions
● Two meetings will be held.
● All STUDENTS MUST participate in these meetings to be deemed competent
● Students to follow teacher guidance on completing Meeting Minutes.

After the Assessment

● Students will be given feedback informing of the outcome of the assessment
● Students will be given up to 2 more opportunities to attempt the task.
Student must Knowledge as required by the unit of competence through both written and observable behaviours in
demonstrate practical activities.

Student to submit Students must submit the following evidence:

● Meeting 1 Minutes
● Workplace Site Inspection Checklist
● Meeting 2 Minutes
● Hazard Report form

Resources Students will be provided with the following resources to complete the assessment tasks:
● The School Shop WHS Policy and Procedures Manual
● The School Shop
● Hard copy of the task if required

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Part A – WHS Meeting


You are part of the WHS Committee for The School Shop and are required to attend regular WHS committee meetings and
meet legislative requirements for consultation and safety. Your WHS Committee Chairperson (teacher) has called the first
Committee meeting for the year.

The first meeting will be held to discuss an upcoming safety inspection and hazard identification at the “School Shop” or office.

All Staff (students) must refer to The School Shop WHS Policy and Procedure document.

1. At the meeting each student is to contribute by identifying one WHS issue or hazard that they could be looking for during
the workplace inspection.


Purpose: WHS Inspection pre-planning Date: 27-2-24

Chair: David Chow Location: R9028 Start Time: 10 : 40 am
Attendees: Madeline L, Tanishka C, Jasmine Hong
Tanishka C - Slippery surfaces
- Electrical equipments away from the liquids
- Ergonomics
- Fans
- Ventilation

Maddie L - Fire Safety Equipment

Jasmine Hong (absent) N/A

Date of upcoming inspection: 1/3

Time Meeting Closed: 10: 46 am

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Part B – Workplace Inspection
You are to conduct a workplace inspection and complete the checklist. Your teacher will arrange a suitable workplace location and
time for the inspection. You will be required to upload the checklist. If you have completed the checklist on paper, this will need to
be scanned and uploaded for submission (or alternatively typed into electronic format and submitted.)

Workplace Site Inspection Checklist

Inspector’s name: Tanishka Chandel
Date of inspection: 29 - 2 - 2024 Location : Senior Studies
Acceptable Action required if not acceptable
Ergonomic furniture is appropriately adjusted e.g.
c Yes c No
keyboards, chairs
Furniture is well maintained and in good / safe condition furniture could have a more permanent fix than a temporary one
c Yes c No
(not broken) (the blue tack on the buckle of the door)
Desks and benches stable and suitable for the work c Yes c No
the desk should be cleaned and organized (too many papers
Workspace (desk space) clean and tidy c Yes c No lying around) , sharp objects should not be placed out on the
Office space (including floors and walkways) clean and
c Yes c No there could be less boxes on the floor
tidy with no trip hazards
Sufficient space is provided around workstations so staff remove the large bin and place it in a storage room so that it
c Yes c No
and others can move and work safely could be more spacious
Floor is clear and no present trip hazards c Yes c No
Lifting aids are available where required (if seen) c Yes c No N/A
the height of the window needs to be in an accessible position
Adequate ventilation in all areas (ie airflow, windows) c Yes c No as well as the controller of the window should have a softer
group so it does not cause any physical hazard.
Storerooms and storage areas are tidy and free from the storage areas need to be organized more and no used
c Yes c No
obstruction (if applicable), including trip hazards clothes or be
Stored materials are secured appropriately to prevent ensure that no items on the shelves are not sticking out the
c Yes c No
them falling (if applicable) storage place.
Heavy equipment is stored at waist level (if applicable) c Yes c No
Shelving is stable and well maintained c Yes c No
Exit points clearly identified and accessible c Yes c No
Electrical equipment is in good working order (tags on
c Yes c No
Electrical leads are secured to prevent trip hazards c Yes c No
All power boards have an overload switch c Yes c No
All electrical cables free of possible contact with water or
c Yes c No
other conductors
Double adaptors are not used in conjunction with other
double adaptors or extension leads
c Yes c No N/A
No leads placed where subject to damage e.g. heat or
c Yes c No
No broken plugs, sockets or switches c Yes c No
Photocopiers are placed in well ventilated areas c Yes c No
Access to all fire safety equipment unobstructed c Yes c No
Fire extinguishers mounted on the wall, signs located
c Yes c No
above them and accessible

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remove the dangerous items that are sticking out of the shelves
could cause physical hazard also make sure to remove the
Storage safety c Yes c No
disinfectant sprays and used clothes in a separate box and by
neatly labelling them.
the window opener needs to be fixed or there needs to be
Climate ventilation c Yes c No
installation of fans within the room.
Lighting c Yes c No
disinfectant sprays are easily accessible, they should be placed
Hazardous materials c Yes c No
in a more secure spot.
Floor safety c Yes c No
Display shelves/racks c Yes c No remove the dangerous items sticking out the shelves.
Dressing rooms c Yes c No N/A
Stairs and ramps c Yes c No N/A


List any safety signage you observe during your List all safety procedures you observe during your inspection
- the evacuation diagram is up to date and the directions
- fire alarm are accurate.
- notice board for electrical devices - to carefully switch on the lights.
- fire extinguisher
- exit sign in case of fire

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Part C – WHS Meeting
After your workplace inspection you will hold another WHS Committee meeting to report and discuss your findings. Each student is
to discuss one finding from the inspection.
Each student is to complete the minutes

Purpose: WHS Committee meeting Post Inspection Date: 1 - 3 - 2024

report back
Chair: David Chow Location: R9028 Start Time: 11:48 am
Attendees: Madeline L, Tanishka C, Jasmine H
Maddie L - unsafe shelves
- messy tables with knives
- blue tack on buckle of the door
- bins placed under tables
- chairs and tables are placed at reasonable heights

Tanishka C - could be slightly more spacious and the shelves could be more organised.
- the room would become stuffy if the air conditioner was not turned as there is
no ventilation.
- windows are placed too high and not easily accessible which was also
affecting the air quality.
- the bin was quite large in relation to the size of the room.

Jasmine Hong - exit signs, correct evacuation diagrams, toilet signs.

- random and unorganised sprays and disinfectants.

Date of upcoming inspection: 1/3

Time Meeting Closed: 11: 58 am

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Part D – Hazard Report
Complete the hazard report form for one of the hazards you identified in your inspection or for one of the hazards displayed in the
image below.

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The School Shop
Hazard Report Form
Health and Safety Committee

To be completed by the person reporting the hazard

Date: 29 - 2 -2024 Location of the hazard: The huge window near the shelves

Time: 12: 30 pm Reported by name: Tanishka Chandel

Reported to: Mr Chow

Brief description of hazard:

The sunlight from the huge window is obstructing the screen view of the device.

What is the risk? The risk of sitting in front of direct sunlight can cause damage to the eyes as well as the work
could get delayed as the screen view on the device is not properly visible.

Who is at risk? The person here at risk is the person working right in front of the window doing the work.

Recommended action to control the hazard:

Recommended action to control this hazard would be to provide curtains on the window. In case it gets too bright and
then the curtains could be used to protect the eyes from the direct sunlight rays. The desk could also be shifted to
another place so that the lighting does not act as an obstruction.

Signature of person reporting the Date: 29 - 2 - 2024


Signature of Supervisor: Date:

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Assessor Feedback 1– Section 2
This Assessor Feedback form is for your Assessor to complete for each of the assessment. Once completed your Assessor will
discuss their comments with you and ask you to complete the feedback section.

Task: Products - Meeting Minutes 1 and 2, Workplace Site Inspection and Hazard Report
☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory (additional evidence required)
Assessor feedback to student

Attempt Number (Out of 3) 1

Assessor name Mr David Chow
Assessor signature

Assessor Feedback 2 – Section 2

Task: Products - Meeting Minutes 1 and 2, Workplace Site Inspection and Hazard Report
☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory (additional evidence required)
Assessor feedback to student

Attempt Number (Out of 3) 2

Assessor name Mr David Chow
Assessor signature

Assessor Feedback 3 – Section 2

Task: Products - Meeting Minutes 1 and 2, Workplace Site Inspection and Hazard Report
☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory (additional evidence required)
Assessor feedback to student

Attempt Number (Out of 3) 3

Assessor name Mr David Chow
Assessor signature

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Section 3: Direct Observation
Due date 1st March 2024 (Week 5 Friday)

Time Approximately 15 minutes during section 2 of the task

Instructions to the
The observation will assess your ability to perform the following:
● Pre-start checking systems and equipment
● Carry out safe work practices using computer equipment and ergonomic furniture

● If you achieved a Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS) result for your assessments, you may be
required to provide additional work as supplementary evidence to achieve competence. Your
trainer/assessor will provide with the specifics of what is required.
Student must Ability to
demonstrate ● Carry out pre-start systems and equipment checks under supervision and according to
organisational policies and procedures
● Carry out work tasks according to WHS instructions

You will be observed by your Assessor on your ability to:

Part A - Direct Observation pre-start systems and equipment checks

● Carry out pre-start systems and equipment checks under supervision and according to organisational policies and
Part B – Hazard Report
● Carry out work tasks according to WHS instructions

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Section 3 - Assessor Feedback 1
This Assessor Feedback form is for your Assessor to complete for each of the assessment. Once completed your Assessor will
discuss their comments with you and ask you to complete the feedback section.

Task: Direct Observation – Pre-Start checks and Work to WHS Instructions

☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory (additional evidence required)
Assessor feedback to student

Attempt Number (Out of 3) 1

Assessor name Mr David Chow
Assessor signature

Feedback 2
Task: Direct Observation – Pre-Start checks and Work to WHS Instructions
☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory (additional evidence required)
Assessor feedback to student

Attempt Number (Out of 3) 2

Assessor name Mr David Chow
Assessor signature

Feedback 3
Task: Direct Observation – Pre-Start checks and Work to WHS Instructions
☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory (additional evidence required)
Assessor feedback to student

Attempt Number (Out of 3) 3

Assessor name Mr David Chow
Assessor signature

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Final Assessment Outcome
This form will be completed by your assessor at the completion of the task
Student name
Assessor name Mr David Chow
Task Task 1 Safety
Units of competency BSBWHS211 Contribute to health and safety of self and
The following reasonable adjustments have been Further reasonable adjustments
Some examples of reasonable adjustment may include:
● in accordance with industry standards
● Altering/simplifying the language used
● are fair and equitable and do not compromise the
● Providing support staff
integrity of the task
● Providing tutorial sessions – this is part of delivery
● assess all aspects of the unit of competency
before assessment
● Providing additional time to complete the task within
industry standard
● Altering the collection of knowledge evidence, using
verbal questioning instead of written. The student’s
response be recorded by the assessor/scribe and
annotated with a “V” next to a written response.

Unit of Competency Final Assessment Outcome

Competent / Not Yet Competent
BSBWHS211 Contribute to health and safety of self and others c Competent c Not Yet Competent

Overall Feedback
Student name
Course Feedback:

I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate
Assessor name Mr David Chow
Assessor signature

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Student feedback
Please provide feedback to your assessor regarding this assessment task Yes No Unsure
Did the class work before assessment help you to complete this Student Assessment Package?
Were the student instructions in the Student Assessment Package clear?
Do you feel you were provided enough opportunity for you to demonstrate your industry knowledge
and skill for the unit of competency being assessed?
Were you given enough feedback about your performance at the end of every task and assessment?
Could this assessment or tasks within this assessment be improved? If yes, how? (record your
response in the space below)
Will you be continuing your VET studies in this industry when you leave school?
Student self-evaluation comment (optional) e.g., areas I would like to improve on, new skills learnt, or general comments.
Student to write comment here

Student name
Student signature

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