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Chapter 9

Linear Momentum &


Details and Figures in this presentation are taken from: Halliday, David, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker. Principles of Physics, 10 th Ed, University
Physics by Young and Freedman, 11th Ed, Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Serway, 5 th Ed, Physics for Scientists and engineers by Giancoli
3rd Ed, and many websites like, & Past exams of PHYCS 101 Department of Physics at UoB.

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020

The concept of momentum allows the analysis of car collisions
even without detailed knowledge of the forces involved, and in
addition aid engineers in designing safer vehicles.
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Two particles interact (collide) with
 F 0 each other
F12  F21 0
m1a12  m2a21 0
d1 d2
m1  m2 0
dt dt 
F ma
  m11    m22   0 
dt d
Define Momentum dt
 
p = mυ Unit: kg.m/s
Vector quantity
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Linear Momentum
• Linear momentum is a vector quantity
– Its direction is the same as the direction of the velocity
• The SI units of momentum are kg m / s
• Momentum can be expressed in component form:
px = mvx py = mvy pz = mvz

d d
 F ma m  m
dt dt
F 
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020

System: Impulse
  d
 F ma m dt
d  d 
 m  p
dt  dt
d p  F dt
pf  tf 
d p   F dt
pi ti

   tf 

 p  pf  pi   F dt

  p Fav t F
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Impulse-Momentum Theorem

 I Fav t
The change in the
momentum of a
particle is equal to
the impulse of the
net force acting on
the particle.

  p I
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A car of mass 1500 kg collides with a wall and rebounds. If the
collision lasts for 0.15 s and the average force exerted on the car by the
wall is 54000 N, then the change in momentum in (kg.m/s) is:

a) 8100
b) 9720 Solution
c) 11340
d) 12960  I p
e) 14580
 Fav t p
 p 54000 0.15
 p 8100 kg.m / s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A 50 grams ball strikes a wall with a speed 1 = 15 m/s and
bounces off with a speed 2 = 5 m/s, as illustrated in the figure. If the
ball is in contact with the wall for t = 0.01 s, then the magnitude of the
average force (in N) exerted on the ball by the wall is:

a) 100 Solution
 I  p
b) 200
c) 300 I m f  mi
d) 400 
I Fav t m  f  i 
e) 500 
Fav 0.01 50 10  3  5 iˆ  15iˆ 
Fav 0.01 50 10  3  20 iˆ  1iˆ N .s
 Fav  100 iˆ N  Fav 100 N
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A ball of mass m = 0.2 kg strikes the floor with a speed of 8 m/s and
bounces up with a speed of 6 m/s. The ball is in contact with the floor
for 0.02 s. Find the magnitude of the average force exerted by the
floor on the ball.
a) 70 N 6 m/s
b) 140 N
 I  p 8 m/s
I m f  mi
c) 210 N
d) 280 N 
I Fav t m  f  i 
e) 350 N 
Fav 0.02 0.2 6 ˆj  ( 8) ˆj 
Fav 0.02 0.2 14 ˆj 2.8 ˆj N .s
 Fav 140 ˆj N  Fav 140 N
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Impulse = Area Under the F-t Curve

 tf 
I   F dt

(a) A net force acting on a particle may vary in time.(b) The value of the constant
force (ΣF )avg (horizontal dashed line) is chosen so that the area (ΣF )avg t of the
rectangle is the same as the area under the curve in (a).
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A force-time curve for a baseball of mass 5 g struck by a bat is shown
in the Figure. What is the magnitude of the impulse, I (in N.s)?

a) 100
b) 250 Solution
c) 200
d) 400  I Fav t
e) 125  I Area
I  5 40
I 100 N.s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Isolated System: External Forces=0

 F 0
F12  F21 0
m1a12  m2a21 0
d1 d2
m1  m2 0
dt dt
  m11    m22   0
 cons tan t  0
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Conservation of Momentum
d  
 p1  p2  0
dt 

  p cons tan t
Whenever two or more particles in an
isolated system interact, the total
momentum of the system does not change.
 
  pi  pf
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A 25 kg child standing on an ice floor throws a 0.5 kg ball to the left
with a speed of 1 = 5 m/s. What is the recoil speed 2 (in m/s) of the

a) 0.10
b) 0.12  
  p  p
c) 0.14 i f

d) 0.16  m1  m2  0 m1 1  m2 2
e) 0.18
 0.5  25  0 0.5  5i  25 2
0  2.5 i  25 2
2 0.1 i m / s  2 0.1 m / s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A man with mass m1 = 80 kg standing on a cart with mass m2 = 40 kg
moving to the right with speed V = 3 m/s, as shown in the figure. With
what speed 1 (in m/s) should the man jump such that the cart stops
(2 = 0 m/s)?

a) 1.5
b) 3   pi  pf
c) 4.5
 m1  m2  V  m11  m22 
d) 6
e) 7.5 120 3  80 1  40 0 
360 80 1
1  4.5 m / s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
(a) An executive stress reliever. (b) If one ball swings down, we see one ball swing
out at the other end. (c) Is it possible for one ball to swing down and two balls to
leave the other end with half the speed of the first ball? In (b) and (c), the velocity
vectors shown represent those of the balls immediately before and after the
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2 Semester 2019-2020
Collisions – Characteristics
The term collision represents an event during
which two particles come close to each other
and interact by means of forces.

The interaction forces are assumed to be much greater

than any external forces present.
 
 p  p i f
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Collisions – Characteristics
• Collisions may be the result of
direct contact.
• The impulsive forces may vary in
time in complicated ways.
– This force is internal to the
– Momentum is conserved.
 
 p  p i f
(a) The collision between two
objects as the result of direct
contact. (b) The “collision”
between two charged particles.
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Types of Collisions
• Elastic collision: NO kinetic energy is lost.
K 0  K i K f
• Inelastic collision: Some kinetic energy is lost
K 0  K i  K f
Most actual collisions fall in between elastic and inelastic.
•Momentum is conserved in all collisions
 
 p  p i f
• Generally some energy is lost to deformation, sound, etc.

• There must be no transformation of kinetic energy into other

types of energy within the system.
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
For an elastic collision, which of the following statement is correct:

(a) linear momentum is conserved and kinetic energy is not conserved

(b) linear momentum is not conserved and kinetic energy is conserved
(c) both linear momentum and kinetic energy are conserved
(d) neither linear momentum nor kinetic energy are conserved
(e) none of the above

 
 p  p i f

 K  K i f

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020

Elastic Collisions
• In an elastic collision,
momentum and kinetic
energy are conserved.
 
 pi  pf
 K  Ki f

– Perfectly elastic collisions

occur on a microscopic level.
– In macroscopic collisions, only
approximately elastic collisions
actually occur.

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020

Head on Elastic Collisions
• Both momentum and kinetic
energy are conserved.
 
 pi  p f
   
m1 1i  m2  2i m1 1 f  m2  2 f

 K  K
i f

1 1 1 1
m11i  m2 2i  m11 f  m2 22 f
2 2 2

2 2 2 2

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020

Test Problem
Block A with mass mA = 2 kg traveling at A = 10 m/s to the right
collides with block B with mass MB = 3 kg traveling at B = 5 m/s to the left.
After the collision block A travels with a speed of ′A = 8 m/s to the left and
block B with a speed of ′B = 7 m/s to the right. Which of the following
statements is correct?
(a) The collision is an elastic collision.
(b) The collision is an inelastic collision but not perfectly inelastic.
(c) The collision is a perfectly inelastic collision.
(d) The collision is not possible.  Ki  K f
(e) None of the above.
 
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
 K  m
 i 2 1 1i 2 2 2i 2
  m   2 10   3   5 
  K i 100  37.5 137.5 J
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
 K m
 f 2 1 1f 2 2 2 f 2
   m   2   8   3  7 
  K f 64  73.5 137.5 J
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A block of mass m 1 = 1kg moving to the right on a frictionless table
with speed 1 = 2 m/s makes a head on elastic collision with a stationary
block of mass m2 = 9 kg, as illustrated in the figure. After the collision the
speed '2 (in m/s) of block m2 is:
a) 1.3
b) 1.0
c) 0.8
d) 0.6 Solution
   K  K
i f
e) 0.4  p  p i f 1 1 1 1
m11i  m2 2i  m11 f  m2 22 f
2 2 2

m11  m2 2 m11'  m2  2' 2 2 2 2

1 2 1 2 1 1
12  9 0 11'  9  2' 1 2  3  0  112  9  22
2 2 2 2
2 1'  9 2' ..............( 1 ) 2 0.512  4.5 22 ...................( 2 )

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020

Inelastic Collisions
• In an inelastic collision, kinetic
energy is not conserved,
although momentum is still
 
 pi  p f
   
m1 1i  m2  2i m1 1 f  m2  2 f

 K  K
i f

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
m11i  m2 2i  m11 f  m2 2 f
2 2 2 2
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A block with mass m1 = 4 kg moving with a speed v1 = 6 m/s, collides with
a stationary (v2 = 0) block with mass m2 = 2 kg. After the collision, m1 has
a speed of v1 = 3 m/s in the same original direction. The speed of m 2 after
the collision v2 in m/s is:

(a) 2 Solution
(b) 4  
(c) 6  p  p i f
(d) 8
(e) 10 m11  m2 2 m1V1'  m2 V2'
4 6  2 0 4 3  2V2'
' '
24 12  2V  V 6 m / s
2 2
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A bullet with mass m = 8 g traveling at a speed vi, strikes and penetrates a
block of mass M = 3 kg initially at rest (Vi = 0). After the collision, the bullet
emerges with a speed vf = vi/4 and the block moves with a speed Vf = 0.9
m/s. The initial speed in mm/s of the bullet is:

(a) 250
(b) 300  
 
(c) 350 Solution mi  M Vi m  f  M V f
(d) 400 8 8 vi
vi  3 0    3 0.9
(e) 450 1000 1000 4
  8 2
vi  0  vi  2.7
 pi  pf 1000
 vi 450 m / s

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020

Perfectly Inelastic Collisions
• If the objects stick together after the
collision, it is a perfectly inelastic
• Since the objects stick together, they
share the same velocity after the collision.
 
 pi  p f
  
m1 1i  m2  2i  m1  m2   f

 K  K
i f

1 1 1
m11i  m2 2i   m1  m2   2f
2 2

2 2 2
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A car of mass m1 = 900 kg moving with an initial speed of v1 = 35 m/s
hits another car with mass m2 = 2100 kg initially at rest. If the collision
is perfectly inelastic, what is the speed of both cars vf (in m/s) after the

a) 6.0
b) 7.5  
c) 9.0 pi 
 p
Solution f
d) 10.5
e) 12.0 m11  m2 2  m1  m2   f
900 35  2100 0 3000 f
31500 3000 f   f 10.5 m / s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A 5-kg fish swimming at a speed of 4.8 m/s swallows 1-kg fish at rest.
What is the speed in (m/s) of the larger fish just after swallowing the
small one? 4.8 m/s ? m/s
0 m/s

a) 1.25
b) 2 Before After
c) 3 Solution
d) 4 m11  m2 2  m1  m2   f
 
 pi  pf 5 4.8  10 6 f
24 6 f   f 4 m / s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A 1000 kg car traveling east at 20 m/s collides with a 1500 kg car traveling
west at 10 m/s The two cars stick together after the collision. Determine their
velocity after the collision.

a) 1 m/s, east 20 m/s

b) 2 m/s, east
1500 kg
c) 3 m/s, west
d) 4 m/s, west
e) 5 m/s, east 
 p  p
i f
  
m1v1i  m2 v 2i  m1  m2  v f
1000 20 i  1500  10 i 2500   5000 i 2500 
 2 i m / s   2 m / s, East
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A 10 g bullet with a speed of vi = 400 m/s is fired at a M = 0.99 kg block
initially at rest. The bullet becomes embedded in the block which slides and
compresses a spring with force constant k = 1600 N/m. The maximum
distance in m the spring compresses is:

(a) 0.10
(b) 0.20
(c) 0.25 Solution
(d) 0.40 Wnet E E f  Ei
 
(e) 0.50  pi  p f 1 2 1
    0  kx  (m  M )V f2
m1 1i  m2  2i m1 1 f  m2  2 f 2 2
1 1 2
0.01400  0.99 0 (0.01  0.99) V f 2
1600 x  (4) 8
2 2
4  0 V f  V f 4 m / s  x 0.10 m
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A block with mass 2m moving with a speed  collides with and stick to a
stationary block of mass m. After the collision the two blocks move a
maximum vertical height hmax = 0.4 m up the smooth track. The initial speed
of the block, , in m/s is:

(a) 3.0
(b) 4.2
(c) 5.2 Solution
(d) 6.0 Wnet E E f  Ei 
 i  f 

(e) 10.3 1    
m1 1i  m2  2i m1 1 f  m2  2 f
0 3 mghmax  3 mV f2
1 2m   m 0 3m V f
10 0.4  V f2
2 2  0 3 2.83 8.49
V f 2.83 m / s  4.24 m / s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A ball with mass m1 = 400 g moving at speed 1 = 10 m/s collides and sticks to
a stationary ball with mass m2 = 600 g which is hanging from a light string, as
illustrated in the figure. After the collision, the maximum height -h- reached by
the system is close to:

a) 10 cm
b) 20 cm
c) 39 cm
d) 65 cm Solution
e) 80 cm  
 pi  p f
    Wnet E E f  Ei
m1 1i  m2  2i m1 1 f  m2  2 f
0.4 10  0.6 0 (0.4  0.6) V f (m1  m2 )V f2
0 (m1  m2 ) gh 
4  0 V f  V f 4 m / s 10 h 8  h 0.8 m 80 cm
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Two-Dimensional Collisions
For a general collision of two objects in two-dimensional
space, the conservation of momentum principle implies
that the total momentum of the system in each direction is

 
 p  pi f

m1v1ix  m2v2ix m1v1 fx  m2v2 fx

m1v1iy  m2 v2iy m1v1 fy  m2v2 fy
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Collisions in 2 Dimensions
glancing collision between two

 
 pi  pf
m1v1i  0 m1v1 f cos   m2v2 f cos 
0  0 m1v1 f sin   m2 v2 f sin 
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A ball with mass m1 = 5 kg moving at 0 = 10 m/s strikes a stationary
ball of mass m2 = 2 kg. After the collision, the first ball moves at 1 = 3
m/s at an angle of 37 as shown in the figure. What is the speed (in
m/s) of the second ball, 2?
(a) 6.0  
(b) 10.1 pi  pf
 
(c) 14.7
m10  0 m1 1 cos 37  m2  2 x
(d) 19.5
5 10 5 3 0.8  2 2 x   2 x 19 m / s
0 m1 1 sin 37  m2  2 y
    x2   y2
0 5 3 0.6  2 2 y
 2 y  4.5 m / s  f  19 2  4.52 19.5m / s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
Two cars of equal masses move as shown in the figure, with the first
moving with 1 = 10 m/s and the second with 2 = 20 m/s. After the
collision they stick together. What is their speed (in m/s) directly after
the collision, f?
 
(a) 9.0
(b)11.2  pi  pf 
(c) 13.5
(d)15.8 m11  0  m1  m2   xf  10 m 2m xf
(e) 20.3  xf 5m / s

0  m2 2  m1  m2   yf  20 m 2m yf   yf 10m / s

    x2   y2   f  52  102  125 11.2m / s

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
Two clay balls each of mass m = 1 kg are moving with a speed v = 20
m/s, as in the figure. If they collide, stick together, and move along the
x-axis, then the kinetic energy (in J) lost in the collision is:

(a) 9
(b) 36 Solution
(c) 81  
(e) 200
 p  p i f

1 1
 K i  1400  1400 400 J
m11 cos 37  m2 2 cos 37  m1  m2  V 2 2
2m cos 37 2m V  K f  2 256 256 J
20 0.8 V  V 16 m / s  K K f  K i  144 J
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A mass of M = 3 kg initially moving with a velocity of V = 6 m/s in the
positive x-direction explodes into two pieces, m1 = 1 kg and m2 = 2 kg. If m1
is seen moving at an angle 1 = 45and m2 at 2 = 30 as shown, then the value
of v2 in m/s is:
(a) 4.4  
(b) 5.5  pi  pf
(c) 6.6
(d) 7.7 M V m11 cos 45  m2 2 cos 30
(e) 9.9 18  0.707  1  1.73  2 ..........(1)

0 m11 sin 45  m2 2 sin 30 Eq (1)  Eq (2) :

0  0.707  1   2 .......... (2) 18  2.73  2   2 6.6 m / s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Extra Examples
Test Problems

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020

Test Problem
A ball with a speed  and a momentum p strikes a wall and bounces off
with the same speed. What is the magnitude of the change in the ball’s
momentum ?
a) 0 
b) 2p F 0
c) p  p m f  m i

d) p/2  
 p m   i  m  i
e) 3p 
p    2  m   i   2 pi
 
p 2 p
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A 25 kg child standing on a frozen lake throws a 0.5 kg ball to the
west with a speed of v1 = 5 m/s. Neglecting friction between the child
and the ice, find the recoil speed (in m/s) of the child.

(a) 0.1 Solution

(b) 0.2
  p  p
(c) 0.3 i f

mch 2i  mball1i mch 2 f  mball1 f

(d) 0.4
0 mch 2 f  mball1 f
(e) 0.5
 mch 2 f mball1 f
25 2 f 0.5  5  2.5 kg.m / s
 2 f  0.1 m / s   2 f 0.1 m / s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A child in a boat throws a 2 kg box out horizontally with a velocity of 10 m/s.
The combined mass of the child and the boat is 40 kg. Calculate the velocity
(in m/s) of the boat immediately after, assuming it was initially at rest.
10 m/s
a )  0.5iˆ
b)  0.5i Solution
  x
c)  i   p  p
i f

d )  i  m1  m2  0 m1 1  m2 2
e)  10i  2  40  0 2 10i  40 2
0 20 i  40 2
2  0.5 i m / s  2 0.5 m / s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
Two boys, with masses m1 = 25 kg and m2 = 50 kg, stand on a cart
with mass m3 = 25 kg moving to the right with a speed V = 1 m/s. The
first boy jumps to the left with a speed 1 = 1 m/s and the second boy
jumps with a speed of v2 to the right such that the cart comes to rest.
The value of 2 (in m/s) is:
(a) 2.5   p  p
i f

(b) 3.0 (m1  m2  m3 ) V m11  m2 2

(c) 3.5 100 1 25 ( 1)  501
(d) 4.0 100  25  501
(e) 6.5 125 501
1 2.5 m / s   2 f 2.5 m / s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
Two blocks with masses 2 kg and 3 kg are placed on a horizontal
frictionless surface. A light spring is placed between the blocks. The
blocks are pushed together compressing the spring and then released
from rest. The 3 kg mass has a speed of 2 m/sec. Calculate the
potential energy (in J) stored in the spring when the blocks were
a) 6
2 m/sec

b) 15 2 kg
3 kg 3 kg
2 kg
Before After
c) 20
  p  p  (m1  m2 ) V m11  m2 2
d) 25 i f

5 0 21  3 2
0 21  6  21  6 kg.m / s
e) 30
Solution 1  3 m / s  1 3 m / s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A 0.5 kg ball strikes a wall with a speed vi = 13 m/s and bounces back
with a speed vf = 7 m/s. The magnitude of the impulse in N ・ s
delivered by the wall is:

(a) 8 Solution
(b) 9  I  p
(c) 10 I m f  mi
(d) 11
(e) 12 
I m  f  i 
 
 I 0.5  7iˆ  13iˆ  10 iˆ N .s
I 10 N .s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A ball of 0.02 kg mass hits a wall with a speed -15 m/s and rebounds
backwards with a speed 10 m/s. If the time of contact is 0.1 s, then
what is the average force the ball experiences during the impact?

a) 5
 I  p
b) 7.5
c) 10 I m  f  mi
d) 12.5 
I Fav t m  f  i 
e) 15 Fav 0.1 0.0210  ( 15) 
Fav 0.1 0.5 iˆ N .s
 Fav 5 iˆ N  Fav 5 N
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A ball of mass m = 0.10 kg strikes a wall with a speed of v1 = 8 m / s
and bounces off with a speed of v2 = 6 m /s. If the collision time with
the wall is t = 0.02 s, what is the magnitude of the average force (in N)
exerted by the wall on the ball ?
a) 70  I  p
b) 105 I m  f  mi
c) 140 
I Fav t m  f  i 
d) 175
e) 210 Fav 0.02 0.1 6  ( 8) 
Fav 0.02 1.4 iˆ N .s
 Fav 70 iˆ N  Fav 70 N
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A 1500 kg car moving with a speed vi = 15 m/s, collides with a wall
and rebounds with a speed vf = 3 m/s. If the collision lasts 0.2 s, then
the magnitude of average force (in N) exerted on the car by
the wall is: Solution
 I  p
(a) 54000
(b) 67500 I m f  mi
(c) 90000 I Fav t m  f  i  
(d) 135000
Fav 0.2 1500 3  ( 15) 
Fav 0.2 27000 iˆ N .s
 Fav 135000 iˆ N  Fav 135000 N
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A 5 kg mass with a velocity v1= 8i m/s is subjected to an impulse of
I = -20i kg.m/s. The final velocity (in m/s) of the mass is:

 I  p
(a) i Solution
(b) 2i I m f  mi
(c) 3i
(d) 4i  I m  f  i 
(e) 5i 
 20 iˆ 5  f  8 iˆ 
 4 iˆ  f  8 iˆ
 f 4 iˆ
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A 5 kg block initially traveling at vi = 2 m/s, is influenced by a force
giving the block an impulse of magnitude I = 50 N.m in the direction
of motion. The final speed in m/s of the block is:
(a) 4
 I  p
(b) 6
(c) 8 I m f  m i
(e)12  
 I m  f  i  50 iˆ 5  f  2 iˆ  
10 iˆ  f  2 iˆ

 f 12 iˆ m / s   f 12 m / s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A 2 kg block moving at 9 m/s collides and sticks to a 4 kg stationary
block. The blocks common speed in m/s after the collision is:

(a) 1
(b) 2 Solution
(c) 3  
(d) 4  p  pi f
(e) 5   
m1v1i  m2 v 2 i  m1  m2  vf

2 9 i  4 0 6  '

 ' '  '

18i 6    3 i m / s   3 m / s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
Block A of a 1 kg mass and a speed of 5 m/s collides with block B of a
2 kg mass and of a speed 2 m/s. If the two blocks stick together after
collision, what is their final speed v in (m/s) ?

(A) 2.3 Solution

(B) 2.7
(C) 3.0  
(D) 3.3
(E) 3.7
 p  p i f
  
m1v1i  m2 v 2 i  m1  m2  v f
15 i  2 2 i 3 
9 i 3    3 i m / s   3 m / s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
Two bodies of masses, m1 = 8 kg and m2 = 4 kg moves along the x-axis
in the opposite directions with velocities, v1 = 11 m/s and v2 = -7 m/s.
They collide and stick together. What is their velocity in (m/s) after

a) 5
b) 7  
c) 9 Solution  p  p i f
d) 11
m11  m2 2  m1  m2   f
e) 13
8 11  4  7 12 f
88  28 12 f   f 5 m / s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A block of mass m1 = 30 kg has a speed v1i collides with a block of mass m2
= 60 kg that has a speed of v2i = 1 m/s. The surface is frictionless. After the
collision the two blocks stick together and have a common speed of vf = 2
m/s. Determine the loss in kinetic energy (in J) of the blocks due to the
collision. v1i v2i vf

m2 m2
a) 20 m 1 m1

b) 40 before   after
c) 60 Solution  pi  pf
d) 90 m11i  m2 2i  m1  m2   f 1 1
 K i  30 16  60 1 270 J
e) 120 301i  60 1 90 2 2 2
301i  60 180 kg.m / s  K f  90 4 180 J
1i 4 m / s  K K f  K i  90 J
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A mass m1 = 1 kg traveling at v1 = 8 m/s to the right collides with a
second mass m2 = 2 kg traveling at v2 = 2 m/s also to the right. After the
collision m1 stops and m2 moves at v′ 2 = 6 m/s. Which of the following
statement is correct:

(a) this is an elastic collision

(b) this is an inelastic collision
(c) this is a completely inelastic collision
(d) this collision is not possible
(e) none of the above

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020

Test Problem
A mass m1 = 2 kg moving in the positive x direction at v1 = 2 m/s and a
second mass m2 = 4 kg moving in the positive y direction at v2 = 5 m/s
collide and stick together. Their common speed v in m/s is:

 
(a) 1.5
(b) 2.1  p  p
i f
(c) 2.7
m11  0  m1  m2  Vx'
(d) 3.4
(e) 4.1 4 6 Vx'  Vx' 0.67 m / s

0  m2 2  m1  m2  V y'  20 6 V y'  V y' 3.33m / s

    x2   y2   f  0.67 2  3.332 3.4 m / s
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
Two equal masses ( m1 = m2 = m), the first with a velocity v1 =10 m/s in the
positive x direction and the second with a velocity v2 = 5 m/s in the positive y
direction, collide and stick together. What is the angle  (in degrees) that the
combined mass moves after the collision?
a) 26.6  
b) 28.2  p  p i f

c) 45 m11  0  m1  m2  Vx'
d) 56.3 10 2 Vx'  Vx' 5 m / s
e) 14.4
0  m2 2  m1  m2  V y'  5 2 V y'  V y' 2.5 m / s
y  2.5 
 tan     tan  1   26.6
x  5 
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
An object initially at rest explodes into three fragments with equal
masses. If the velocities of two fragments are 1 = (3i+ 4 j) m/s and
2 = (-i - 3 j) m/s, the velocity 3 (in m/s) of the third fragment is:
 
a) - 2i + 2j Solution  p  p i f
b) - 2i + j
c) - 2i + 0j M V m11  m2 2  m23
d) - 2i - j   
0 m 3iˆ  4 ˆj  m  iˆ  3 ˆj  m3 
e) - 2i - 2j
0 3iˆ  4 ˆj  iˆ  3 ˆj  3
0 2iˆ  ˆj  3
3  2iˆ  ˆj
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020
Test Problem
A 0.1 kg ball is dropped from a height hi = 1 m, strikes the
ground and bounces back a maximum height hf = 0.8 m. If
the ball is in contact with the ground for t = 0.01 s, then
the magnitude of the average force in N applied by the
ground on the ball is: Solution
 Wnet E E f  Ei
(a) 79.4 1
0  mi2  mghi
(b) 82.1 2
(c) 84.7 1  i  4.47 m / s
10 1  i2  i 4.47m / s
2   f 4.0 m / s
(d) 87.1
 Wnet E E f  Ei  I p
(e) 81.3
1 Fav t m f  mi
0 mgh f  m 2f
Fav 0.01 0.18.47
10 0.8   2f   f 4.0 m / s Fav 84.7 N
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 101, 2nd Semester 2019-2020

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