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· What is your experience managing databases? (how many years?, what activities?

While my primary focus has been on mobile network support , my role at Huawei involves working with
various technologies, ensuring the optimal functionality of customer networks, which involves
interaction with databases indirectly. Like conducting health checks on various network elements based
on Key performance indicators reports to assess network performance.

· What is your experience with internal/external customer service? (how many years?, what

In my role as a Front Office Engineer at Huawei, I have been providing support to mobile networks,
which involves communication and interaction with both internal team members and external
customers. I've been doing this since at least June 2020. My activities include proactive and reactive
incident management, incident follow-up using a ticketing system, and ensuring that tasks and
responsibilities are completed within specified timeframes, which all require effective communication
and customer service skills.

· Do you have programming experience? (how many years?, what type of programming?)

Yes, I have programming experience in various contexts, with my primary programming language being
C++. This experience includes:

Thesis Project: During my research thesis project at the Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energías
Limpias, I developed and implemented optimization algorithms for photovoltaic arrays. These algorithms
required programming skills to model and simulate energy systems, and they were executed using
Matlab/ Simulink. This experience involved coding, algorithm design, and the application of logic to
optimize energy generation systems.

Integration Scripts at Huawei: As part of my role as a Front Office Engineer at Huawei, I generated scripts
to integrate links between core . These scriptsm may not be traditional software coding , required writing
code that follows specific logic to ensure correct integration of network links, contributing to the overall
functionality mobile network.

· Have you used MySQL, SQL, or Azure DevOps? (No/ Yes, in which case: how have you used it?)
No, I do not have experience with MySQL, SQL, or Azure DevOps. However I pride myself on being a fast
learner and adapting quickly to new tools. My background in engineering has equipped me with a strong
foundation in problem solving and logical thinking, which I believe allows me to acquire the necessary
skills in these areas if the job requires it.

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