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Musical Lines
Phrases in a musical piece
Musical Form

Musical Form is a structural outline

in a song or piece. The composer
keeps this in mind when he/she
begins to write a song or piece.
Common Musical Forms

1. Variation Form (AA’A”)

 The piece begins with a theme that is the main
melody. That is followed by one or more
variations of that melody. A variation is music
that is similar to the theme but is also different
enough that is does not repeat the melody
2. Binary Form (A B)
 Is a musical form in 2 related sections (A and
B) with each section repeated ( AA BB). This
form is focused around the idea of contrast.
3. Ternary Form (A B A)
 A three-part form featuring a return of the
initial music after a contrasting section.
Symmetry and balance are achieved through
this return: (ABA) the return of the first (A)
material may be an exact repeat, or varied in
some way.
4. Rondo Form (A B A C A)
 It is a piece of music where the musical
material stated at the beginning of the piece
keeps returning. This opening music can be
called either the theme or the refrain; they
are same thing.

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