Abstinence and Birth Control Analysis Chart: Sample: Sterilization Surgery For Men (Vasectomy)

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Abstinence and Birth Control

Analysis Chart

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Directions: Complete the chart by filling in one pro and one con for each method
of contraception. Some of the methods listed in the lesson are not included on
this chart.

List one pro
List one con
Sample: Sterilization Surgery for Men (Vasectomy)
You would not have to rely on remembering to take or use something.
It is, for the most part, permanent.
IUD or IUS (intrauterine device or system)

Almost as effective as abstinence

Doesn’t protect against STIs
Implantable Rod

Failure rate of 0.1% according to the CDC;

Can cause you to develop acne or worsen it
Progestin Shot/Injection (Depo-Provera)

Doesn’t require remembering to take a pill

Can take up to 1 year for fertility to turn to normal
Combination Oral Contraceptives
“The Pill”

Less severe menstrual cycles

Only 91% effective against pregnancy
The “Mini Pill”
Able to get pregnant immediately after stopping use
Less effective than the combination pill

Over 99% effective if used exactly correctly

May not be suitable for women who smoke, are older than 35 or weigh over 200
Vaginal Contraceptive Ring

Works if you have sickness, unlike the combination pill.

Some medicines can make the ring less effective
Diaphragm with Spermicide

Reusable and inexpensive

Only 80-82% effective against pregnancy
Sponge with Spermicide

Buyable without a prescription

Only 86% effective against pregnancy , and even less if you’ve given birth in the past.
Cervical Cap with Spermicide

Requires less spermicide than a diaphragm

Spermicide can be messy
Male Condom

Can help protect against STIs

Not as effective as many methods of female birth control
Female Condom

Can cut chances of getting STIs

Can cause discomfort, higher failure rate than male condoms
Spermicide Alone

Affordable and convenient

Only 70% effective against pregnancy, (least effective on the list)
Pregnancy Prevention and Contraception Rubric



Needs Improvement

Identification and description of Pros for each option
18–20 points
Pros are complete and detailed with clear and accurate information provided.
14–17 points
Pros are mostly complete with clear and accurate information provided.
11-13 points
Pros are mostly complete with mostly accurate information provided. Detail may be lacking.
0–10 points
Pros are mostly inaccurate and/or incomplete and lacking in detail.
Identification and description of Cons for each option
18–20 points
Cons are complete and detailed with clear and accurate information provided.
14–17 points
Cons are mostly complete with clear and accurate information provided.
11-13 points
Cons are mostly complete with mostly accurate information provided. Detail may be lacking.
0–10 points
Cons are mostly inaccurate and/or incomplete and lacking in detail.

Total Points Possible: 40 points

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