Corpus Planning

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Corpus planning is a prescriptive intervention in a language's forms, in which decisions

are made to engineer changes in the language's structure. Corpus planning actions are
frequently the outcome of ideas about a language's ability to perform desired functions
in its current form.
*Prescriptive intervention- offers the user a helping hand in analyzing the problem and
selecting the right style from which to approach the problem.

The creation of a linguistic standard or norm for a linguistic code
The development of a linguistic code's linguistic standard or norm.

The process of selecting, developing, and laying down (prescribing) a model for
standard language usage.
The process of choosing, establishing, and enforcing (prescribing) a standard language
usage model.

Functional and terminological elaboration

The functions and terms used are being elaborated
The words and functions used are still being defined.

Linguistic purification programs

Language purification, that is, maintaining linguistic consistency and standards of
a language, usually through the development of prescriptive grammars and dictionaries.
Language purification refers to the process of preserving a language's linguistic
consistency and standards, which is usually accomplished through the creation of
prescriptive grammars and dictionaries.
New varieties of English and other languages of wider communication
New Varieties of Language - The term "New Englishes" refers to regional and
national varieties of the English language used in places where it is not the mother
tongue of the majority of the population.
New Language Varieties - The term "New Englishes" refers to regional and national
varieties of the English language spoken in countries where English is not the native
Wider Communication - Language used by people as a medium of
communication across language or cultural barriers.
People uses language as a medium of communication to communicate across linguistic
and cultural differences.

Language documentation
Also known as documentary linguistics, is the subfield of linguistics that deals with
creating multipurpose records of languages through audio and video recording of speakers and
signers and with annotation, translation, preservation, and distribution of the resulting materials.

Language documentation, often known as documentary linguistics, is a branch of

linguistics concerned with producing multipurpose records of languages by recording speakers
and signers on audio and video and then annotating, translating, preserving, and disseminating
the resulting resources.

Multi-modal literacies
Multimodal is the combination of two or more of these modes to create meaning. Most of
the texts that we use are multimodal, including picture books, text books, graphic novels, films,
e-posters, web pages, and oral storytelling as they require different modes to be used to make
The use of two or more of these modalities to create meaning is known as multimodal.
The majority of the texts we use are multimodal, such as picture books, text books, graphic
novels, films, e-posters, web pages, and oral storytelling, since they require the use of multiple
modes to produce meaning.

The rise of new indigenous literatures

Indigenous literature can be defined as literature written by original or native peoples
and their descendants, starting with a definition of indigenous peoples as the original or natural
occupants of a place or region.

Standardization and “accountability” in education

Standardization assumes that if every student is exposed to the same set of instructional
conditions (along with the assumption that every teacher teaches in the same manner), all
students will graduate with the same level of knowledge.
Accountability is a way for policymakers at the state and district levels, as well as
parents and taxpayers, to monitor the performance of children and schools. It is literally the
process through which students, instructors, and administrators offer an account of their

Movements for authenticity and cultural identity

The definition of authenticity refers to the proven fact that something is legitimate or
real. If no one questions the fact that the desk was made in the 14th century because experts
determined it was, that is an example of its authenticity.
Race, gender, sexuality, and ability are socially constructed cultural identities that
developed over time in relation to historical, social, and political contexts. Race, gender,
sexuality, and ability are cultural identities that affect our communication and our relationships.

Ethnolinguistic nationalism
Ethnic nationalism, also known as ethnonationalism, is a type of nationalism in which
ethnicity is used to define the nation and nationality, with an emphasis on an ethnocentric (and
in some cases ethnocratic) approach to many political issues concerning ethnic affirmation.

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