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WEEK: Four
DATE: 20th – 24th May, 2019
LESSON TITLE: Hadith 6th of An-Nawāwi’s Collection
SUBTITLE (IF ANY): Meaning and Lessons/Application of the Hadith
DURATION: 80 Minutes
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
i. read the Hadith in Arabic/ transliteration text correctly.
ii. mention the theme of the Hadith
iii. appreciate the lessons contained in the Hadith
Sami’tu: I heard, Halal: Lawful, Haram: Unlawful, Bayyinu: Clear, ‘Umuru: Matters,
Shubuhat: Doubtful things, Waqa’a: Entered, Mudqata: A Mosel of Flesh, Qalib: Heart.
A chart showing the text of the Hadith in Arabic/transliteration, English meaning.
A copy of 40 Ahadith of An-Nawāwi’s Collection
Information Technology
The have learnt some of the An-Nawāwi Collection in last term and leant some lessons
Hadīth 6th of An-Nawāwi’s Collection
The Arabic text of the Hadīth
The transliteration of the Hadīth
An Abī AbdulLahi Nu'mān ibn Bashīr. RadiyalLahu anhumā. Qāla: Sami'tu Rasulallahi sallalLahu
alayhi wasallam yaqūlu: "Inna li-halāla bayyinun, wa inna li-harāma bayyinun. Wa baynahumā
umūrun mushtabihātu lā ya’lamuhunna kathīrun mina Nnāsi. Faman ‘ittaqa Sh-Shubuhāti faqad
istabra’a li-dīnihi wa ‘irdihi. Waman waqa’a fī Sh-Shubuhāti waqa’a fīl-harāmi. Karra’ī yar-‘a
hawlali-himā yūshiku ‘an yarta’a fīhi. ‘Alā wa’inna likulli malikin himā. ‘Alā waᵓinna himā Allāh
mahārimuhu. ‘Alī wa’inna fīl-jasadi mudghatan: ‘idhā salahat, salaha li-jasadu kulluhu; wa ‘idhā
fasadat, fasada li-jasadi kulluhu. ‘Alā wahiya al-qalb."

English translation of the Hadīth

The Messenger of Allāh (PBUH) said: “Indeed what is lawful is obvious, and what is unlawful is
obvious. But between the two of them are doubtful matters about which many people do not know
what to do. Thus, he who avoids doubtful matters clears himself in regard to his religion and his
honour. But he, who falls into doubtful matters, falls into the unlawful. Just like the shepherd who
pastures (his flock) around sanctuary all but grazing therein. Truly, every king has a sanctuary and
truly Allāh’s sanctuary is His prohibitions. Truly in the body there is morsel of flesh which, if it is
healthy, all the body is healthy. And if it is diseased, all the body is sick. Truly, it is the heart.” (It
was related by Bukhāri and Muslim).

Some Lessons of the Hadith

 Lawful things and acts are called Halāl in Islām.
 Unlawful things and acts are called Haram in Islam
 Lawful things and acts (Halāl) are well explained in Islām.
 Unlawful things and acts (Halāl) are well explained in Islām as well.
 It is better and wiser for Muslims to leave any act whose lawfulness is not clear..
 Muslims should always do acts that are Halal
 Human being are like shepherd before Allah
 Human being will be questioned about his flock on the last day
 The heart of a man determines all his actions and reactions
 A healthy heart thinks and does good deeds and always obeys Allāh
 A dirty and sick heart thinks and does bad deeds and disobeys Allah
 The boundaries laid down by Allāh not to cross are all what he made unlawful.


Activity 1: Read the topic written on the board
Activity 2: The students listen to the reading of the teacher
Activity 3: They read after the teacher
Activity 4: Listen to the explanation of the meaning of the Hadīth by the teacher
Activity 5: They mention the lessons of the Hadīth
Activity 6: Ask questions on the Hadīth and its application.
The teacher evaluates the lesson through questioning such as:
i. What is the meaning of Halal and give to examples
ii. State the meaning of Haram and mention two examples
iii. Mention the main theme of Hadith 6th of An-Nawāwi’s Collection?
iv. Human beings will be questioned on the Last Day, why?
v. What name did the Prophet called “man” in the Hadith?
vi. What determines the goodness or badness of somebody actions?
vii. What are the boundaries of Allah laid down for human being not to cross?

He wraps up and concludes the lesson using web summary method and correct any
mistake observed during assessment.

Write the ATTRIBUTES OF ALLAH (11-20) before the next class

HOD/VP’S COMMENTS & ENDORSEMENT: ……………..………………………………

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