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The game should take young explorers on an interactive adventure through the solar
system, exploring the space and discovering fascinating facts about the universe. The
explorer should be able to navigate through the solar system, visit different planets, and
learn about each planet's unique characteristics. They should learn facts about the size,
composition, and other features of each planet they visit. With interactive quizzes and
puzzles, children will be able to test their knowledge while having a blast!
Let’s pick up where
we left off!
A quick recap of what we
We have:
have accomplished so far
1. Planned
2. Analyzed
3. Designed
4. Implemented
Buckle up!
Let’s blast off to Sprint 1! We:
1. Designed and implemented the main interface
2. Designed and implemented the sign up/log in pages
3. Designed and implemented the guidance window
4. Implemented the menu including the setting and the credits
5. Incorporated transactions and interactions into/within the game
6. Designed the graphical representation of the solar system
7. Designed the game elements such as planets and stars
To Sprint 2!
1. Designed different graphical representations of the credits
(prizes) and implemented them within the credits page
1. Connected the credits to the game progress
2. Implemented and displayed the starting point of the game (unlocked the first planet)
3. Started gathering information about each planet
4. Displayed information associated with the first planet
5. Designed and implemented different characters and spaceships
To Sprint 3!
1. Generated audio for each character and implemented it within the game
2. Designed and implemented the first 3 games of the first 3 levels (planets)
3. Implemented the helper robot
4. Implemented the universe and solar system pages
5. Gathered general information for preparation and displayed them among the start of
each game
6. Displayed the icons to each page
7. Connected the games to each other
8. Connected each game with its corresponding prize
What’s next?
We will:
1. Improve the overall design of the game
2. Set up a database to retrieve the player data
3. Add more audio throughout the game (sound effects and voiceovers)
4. Set up a question bank and difficulty levels
5. Incorporate animations for character movements and transitions between games
6. Make the game more accessible by providing multiple language options
7. Provide playing as a guest as an offline choice
8. Provide a challenge between friends via a joining link
9. Make the game more portable by making it available on different devices and
operation systems
Challenges we overcame
Values we gained
(as a group)

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