Julious Victoria - Activity No. 1-MGS 003

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Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City

Activity No. 01
MGS 003- School Operation and Resources Management
2nd Semester, SY: 2023-2024


Direction: Discuss each question. (10 points each)

1. Discuss School Operation and Resources Management (SORM).

School Operation and Resources Management is the process of ensuring the
delivery of quality education, safe and caring, and effective learning environment for
the learners while maintaining the sustainability of the institution.
2. To you, what is the main problem of school-based management and why is it
In my own point of view, the main problem of school-based management is
transparency to maintaining the trust between and among the school organization
and its stakeholders. Transparency is one of the most important aspect of school-
based management in order for the institution gain and maintain the trust of the
stakeholders and continue to deliver quality education to the learners with the aid of
the stakeholders.
3. What experience do you have managing school operations, including facilities,
budgeting, and staffing?
In my two years as Teacher I, I do not have much experience in managing school
operations that includes facilities, budgeting, and staffing since I am designated as
School ICT coordinator and School Records In-Charge which do not have the same
function as the above-mentioned functions in the school operations. Hence, I have
eagerly enrolled myself in this course to gain knowledge and skills that I may be
able to contribute and use in managing a school in the future.
4. Describe your experience with creating and implementing operational policies and
In the span of two years, my knowledge and capabilities in creating and
implementing operational policies and procedures is limited. Thus, experience also
is limited only to adhering to such policies and procedures created implemented by
the school administration.
5. How would you handle a situation where a teacher or staff member is not adhering
to the established policies and procedures?
If I were to be given the chance to become a school leader, where a teacher or staff
does not adhere to the established policies and procedures, I will call the attention
of this particular teacher or staff to reprimand him/her and remind him/her his/her
duties and responsibilities as an employee of thr department and a member of the
school organization. As a school leader, it is my duty and responsibility to ensure
that all the policies and procedures are being effectively implemented.
6. Can you provide an example of a time when you had to manage a crisis or
emergency at a school?
In my experience, I do not have any particular incident where I had to manage a
crisis or emergency at a school except the electrical malfunction of our school
wherein it creates fire and the only thing that comes in to my mind during that
incident was the safety and welfare of my pupils where I had to turn off the
electricity supply near the burning wire without hesitation. I realized that it was a
very dangerous act, however, it saves us all. As an adviser and considered leader
of the class, I think, what I did was jusy right.
7. As a school leader, what are the resources needed to manage a school? How
important is resource management in schools?
As a school leader, the resources needed to manage a school is a good relationship
with the teachers and other members of the school organization, funds provided by
the department, and funds and efforts geniunely contributed by the stakeholders. It
is very important for the school leader to invest a good and harmonious relationship
with the teachers and other members of the school organization in order to provide
qualityeducation to learners. Funds should also be allocated accordingly and
appropriately to sustain the needs of the institution and to gain and maintain trust
from the stakeholders.
8. What is the role of a school operations manager? What are the two major
responsibilities of an operations manager?
The role of the school operations manager is to ensure the sustainability of the
school to meet the needs of the learners. The two major responsibilities of an
operations manager are ensuring that the school has adequate supplies and
equipment to meet the needs of students;and monitor the school’s budget and
financial status on a regular basis to ensure that funds are used appropriately.
9. Why are the functions of administration and supervision important to school
operations? Please give your insights
The functions of administration and supervision to school operations are important
to maintain the sustainability and ensure quality and effective learning for the
learners. The school system cannot function well if resources are not managed
properly. Through adminstration and supervision, the school can successfully
deliver its promise to provide quality education with a safe and caring learning
10. How does the administration ensure that the school is fiscally responsible? What
processes are in place to monitor financial resources and why?
To ensure that the school is fiscally responsible, it important to undergo due process
in utilizing its resources. The department has its own process where the school
needs to adhere. Through School Improvement Plan (SIP), the school will be able to
identify the needs of the school. To monitor the financial resources such as the
MOOE, there are certain documents to be prepared and submitted such as APP,
PPMP, etc. to properly allocate the funds and should be liquidated to account the
expenses of the school.

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