Tgs 2 - Ni'matul Mukarromah - B English Conversation

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Nama : Ni’matul Mukarromah

NIM : 22110042
Tugas - 2 : Business English Conversation
Prodi : Administrasi Bisnis

Daily Activity on week day

I wake up at 05.00 A.M in the morning and after that I pray for subuh, then I helped
mother clean the house until 07.00 A.M. then I got ready like taking a shower, make
up to go to college, and at 08.00 A.M I go to a college after that I have breakfast in
college but sometime I bring food from home. 09.00 to 13.00 A.M I studying aand
after that I go to home at 14.00 A.M. I taking shower again and then I pray for
maghrib and I take a dinner, and I do my homework then I will sleep at 11.00 P.M.

Daily Activity on week end

I wake up at 07.00 A.M in the morning and after that I helped mother clean the
house like washing dishes, sweeping. And I take shower then I have breakfast with
my family, at 12.00 to 14.00 A.M I will take a nap then at 14.00 A.M I go to jogging in
Stadion or sometime I workout at home the I go home at 17.30 A.M. I take shower
again and then I pray for maghrib and I take a dinner, and I do watching K-Drama and
after that I will sleep usually 00.00 or 01.00 P.M.

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