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Vocabulary Words Week 5


 She was able to articulate her thoughts with such clarity that even complex scientific concepts
became understandable to a broad audience.
 The politician's ability to articulate his policy proposals in a compelling manner won him support
and admiration from voters across the political spectrum.


 The scientific community gave credence to the groundbreaking research findings after rigorous
peer review confirmed their validity.
 Her consistent honesty and reliability over the years had earned her the credence and trust of
her colleagues and superiors in the organization.


 He tried to dissemble his true feelings during the meeting, but his nervous body language
and hesitant speech gave him away.
 Her attempt to dissemble her involvement in the controversial project was quickly
uncovered when documents revealed her signature on key decisions.

 The archaeologists decided to exhume the ancient burial site in hopes of uncovering valuable
artifacts and gaining insights into the civilization's practices.
 After receiving new information about a potential crime, the authorities obtained a warrant to
exhume the body for further forensic analysis.


 The swamp water was so murky that you couldn't see what lay beneath the surface, making it an
eerie and mysterious place.
 The company's financial records were deliberately kept in a murky state, hiding questionable
transactions, and creating suspicion among investors.


 The chef added a piquant blend of spices to the dish, creating a delightful burst of flavors that
tantalized the taste buds.
 Her piquant sense of humor kept the conversation lively and entertaining, drawing laughter from
everyone in the room.


 While the idea of a utopian society where all people live in harmony and abundance is
appealing, it often remains an elusive dream in the complexities of the real world.
 The author's novel presented a utopian vision of a future where technology had solved all of
humanity's problems, sparking discussions about the feasibility of such a world.


In the realm of politics, leaders sometimes dissemble their true intentions with carefully crafted words,
attempting to present a utopian vision of the future to the public. They aim to articulate their policies in
a manner that conceals the murky details of their plans, making them sound appealing and idealistic.
However, behind the facade of eloquence, the public often yearns for transparency and a more honest
discussion about the challenges and complexities that lie beneath the surface of these seemingly
utopian proposals.

Rhetorical Device- he loved winning and hated losing

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