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Vocabulary Words Week 4

 The river's water became increasingly brackish as we sailed further downstream, signaling our
approach to the estuary.
 The taste of the well water was slightly brackish due to the high mineral content, making it
unsuitable for drinking without treatment.

 The devious plan to undermine the competition involved spreading false rumors and employing
covert tactics to tarnish their reputation.
 Sarah's devious smile hinted at her mischievous intentions as she concocted a clever and devious
prank to play on her friends.

The politician's incendiary remarks during the debate ignited a heated argument among the candidates,
overshadowing the substantive issues.

The discovery of an incendiary device in the abandoned building raised concerns about potential arson
and prompted an immediate evacuation of the area.

 His myopic view of the world prevented him from seeing the long-term consequences of his
actions, leading to short-sighted decisions.
 The company's myopic focus on short-term profits at the expense of long-term sustainability
ultimately harmed its reputation and bottom line.

 Using pejorative language to describe individuals based on their race, ethnicity, or background is
not only offensive but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes.
 The critic's review was filled with pejorative remarks about the film, but many audience
members found it to be an enjoyable and thought-provoking experience.

 The vandalism of the historic church was seen as a sacrilege by the local community, as it
desecrated a place of worship with deep historical and religious significance.
 Burning a sacred text is considered an act of sacrilege in many cultures, as it shows profound
disrespect for the beliefs and values of a community.
 The suppliant refugees, with desperation in their eyes, pleaded with the border guards for
entry, seeking safety from the conflict in their homeland.
 The villagers gathered around the shrine, offering their prayers and sacrifices as suppliant
gestures, seeking divine intervention during the drought.
 The field of wheat undulated in the breeze, creating a mesmerizing wave-like pattern that
stretched as far as the eye could see.
 The snake moved silently through the grass, its body undulating in a graceful, serpentine motion
as it searched for prey.

During a heated debate on immigration policy, emotions ran high as opposing sides clashed with
incendiary rhetoric. While some used pejorative language to label immigrants, others approached the
issue with a more compassionate perspective. A group of suppliant individuals, refugees who had fled
violence in their homeland, stood before the policymakers, their plea for refuge contrasting sharply with
the incendiary words exchanged within the chamber. Their presence served as a stark reminder that real
lives and human dignity were at stake amidst the fiery discourse.

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