Vocabulary Words Week 7

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Vocabulary Words Week 7

 Prolonged immobilization of a limb can lead to muscle atrophy, causing a decrease in muscle
mass and strength.
 The lack of mental stimulation can result in brain atrophy, leading to cognitive decline and
memory impairment over time.

 The town's residents reached concord on the proposed development plan, reaching a
unanimous agreement for its implementation.
 The international delegates sought to establish concord on critical issues during the diplomatic
summit, fostering collaboration and mutual understanding.

 After the storm passed through, the neighborhood was left in disarray with fallen trees and
scattered debris.
 The sudden resignation of the CEO sent the company into disarray, causing uncertainty and a
reorganization of leadership.

 As the shipwreck survivors clung to pieces of flotsam, they hoped for rescue amidst the vast
 The beach was strewn with flotsam from the recent storm, a testament to the power of nature's

 The historian worked diligently to glean valuable insights from ancient manuscripts, piecing
together the forgotten narratives of a bygone era.
 She carefully examined the research papers to glean useful data and trends, aiding her own
study in the field of biotechnology.

 The judge chose to incarcerate the convicted criminal for their actions, ensuring the safety of
 The authorities made the decision to incarcerate the suspect while they awaited trial for their
alleged involvement in the robbery.
 His jocular sense of humor always lightened the mood, making even the most mundane
meetings enjoyable.
 The comedian's jocular performance had the audience in stitches, unable to contain their
laughter throughout the show.

 She was known for her mordant wit, always ready with a sharp and cutting remark that left
others momentarily stunned.
 The novel was laced with mordant commentary on societal injustices, prompting readers to
reflect on the darker aspects of human nature.

 The company faced hefty pecuniary penalties due to their violation of environmental
 He was motivated by pecuniary gain rather than a genuine passion for his work, and it showed in
the quality of his output.

 The recumbent bicycle allowed for a more comfortable and ergonomic riding position, reducing
strain on the rider's back.
 She found solace in the recumbent chair, reclining, and closing her eyes to relax after a long day
at work.

In a dystopian future, society had fallen into disarray, where once bustling cities now lay in ruins,
plagued by decay and atrophy. The government, desperate to maintain control, implemented draconian
measures to keep the populace subdued, leading to mass incarcerations and loss of freedoms. The grim
reality was further exacerbated by a mordant sense of humor pervading the ruling elite, who seemed to
revel in the suffering and plight of the masses. Despite the disarray and darkness, a spark of resistance
emerged, a flickering hope that one day the chains of oppression would be shattered, and a new dawn
would rise from the ashes.

Rhetorical device: Asyndeton

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