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Introduction to Municipal Solid Waste

Overview of Solid Waste
 Ch.1 Integrated Solid Waste Management
- History of solid waste management
- Solid waste legislation
- 4Rs; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle & Recover
 Ch.2 Municipal Solid Waste Characteristics & Quantities
- Composition and chemical analysis of waste
- Sampling municipal solid waste
- Parameters determining waste recovery potential

What is solid wastes?
 Waste is a consequence of everyday life of all creatures

 All the wastes arising from human and animal

activities that are normally solid and that are discarded
as useless or unwanted. (Tchobanoglous, 1993)
 Solid waste: unwanted or discarded material with
insufficient liquid content to be free flowing. The term
refuse is synonym with solid waste
 Garbage: Residential or commercial food waste
 Rubbish: Residential and commercial solid waste
exclusive of garbage. The term trash is synonymous with
 Sludge: The solid, semisolid, or liquid waste generated
from a municipal or industrial wastewater treatment plant
or air pollution control facility, excluding the treated
 Municipal solid waste (MSW): Those durable goods,
nondurable goods, containers and packaging materials,
food wastes and yard trimmings, and miscellaneous
organic wastes arising from residential, commercial,
institutional, and industrial sources.
 Other types of wastes: industrial waste, construction
and demolition waste, agricultural waste, oil and gas
waste, and mining waste
Management of solid waste in history
 MohenjoDaro (India, 10,000 BC);
rubbish chutes and waste collection system
 Harappa and Punjab (India, 10,000 BC);
toilets and drains
 The island of Crete (2100BC);
trunk sewers connecting homes
 Athens (500 BC);
waste disposal out of town (Pile of rubbish)
 Rome (14 AD);
waste (wastewater) collection program through pipeline
Management of solid waste in history

Trunk sewer in Crete Sewer in Athens

No clear difference between wastes and wastewater

Sewer in Rome
Solid waste in history
 Industrial revolution (mid-1800s)
- population increased in the cities
- inadequate water supply, wastewater disposal, waste
 John Snow; suspected that water supply was the cause
of the cholera epidemic
Solid waste in history of U.S.
 Metropolitan Board of Health (NY, 1866) declared war
on trash (forbidding the throwing of garbage and dead
 First incinerator (1887); Governor’s island in NY
 Generation rate increased
 Collection in the open horse-drawn wagons
 Water dump
 Ocean disposal became illegal (1934)
 A precursor of modern landfill was started in 1935 in
CA; the site today is on the U.S.EPA
 ASCE (1959) published the first guide to sanitary
Management of MSW in U.S.
New materials affecting on MSW management
 1908 paper cups replace tin cups in vending machine
 1913 Corrugated cardboard becomes popular as
 1924 Kleenex facial tissues are first marketed
 1935 First beer can manufactured
 1944 Dow chemical invents Styrofoam
 1960 Pop-top beer cans are invented
 1963 Aluminum beer cans are developed
 1977 PETE soda bottles begin to replace glass
Legislation and regulations
 Rivers and Harbors Act (1899); prohibited the dumping of
large objects into the water
 Solid Waste Disposal Act (SWDA, 1965); development of
more efficient methods of disposal
 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA, 1969); create the
council on Env. Quality which is the precursor of EPA
 Resources Recovery Act (1970): amendment of SWDA (1965)
 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA, 1976 and
1984); hazardous waste was separated from MSW
 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and
Liability Act (CERCLA, 1980); Superfund
 Clean Air Act (1970); combustion of solid waste
 Recycling program (1990s); over 40 states established the
recycling goals
Definition of Solid Wastes in Korea

‘쓰레기, 연소재, 오니, 폐유, 폐산, 폐알칼리, 동물의 사체 등으로서 사람의

생활이나 사업활동에 필요하지 아니하게 된 물질 (폐기물 관리법)’

- 주관성 : 개인적 필요성/유용성과 사회적 필요성/유용성
- 폐수와의 구별 (액상; 고형물함량 5% 이하, 반고상, 고상폐기물: 고형물 함
량 15% 이상)
- 환경에의 영향성
Classification of Solid Wastes in Korea
생활폐기물 (Municipal Waste)
사업장폐기물 사업장 일반폐기물
(Industrial Waste) (Ind. Haz. Waste)
건설폐기물 (C&D Waste)
(Designated Waste)
(Medical Waste)

- 생활폐기물 중 유해폐기물
- 이론적 분류와 법적 분류

※ 방사능 폐기물 (Radioactive wastes) 별도

Policies & Efforts by MOE in Korea
 Waste management (1986) 폐기물관리법. 2007년 최종개정
 자원의 절약과 재활용 촉진에 관한 법률 (1992)
 Volume-based Waste Fee System (unit pricing system, 1995)
폐기물 총량제도
 Framework Plan on Food Waste Utilization (1998)
 2nd Comprehensive National Waste Management Plan (2002-
2011) 2차 폐기물 종합관리
 Circulatory Waste Resources Management System (2002) 자원
 Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) System (2003) 생산
 Act on the Promotion of Construction Waste Recycling (2003)
건설폐기물 재활용
Volume-based Waste Fee System
 Since 1993 the total amount of waste generation has
steadily increased.
 Household waste material has substantially decreased
after the introduction of the Volume-based Waste Fee
System (1995).
 However, the total amount of waste generation has
gradually increased again since 1999.
 The rate of recycling exceeded the rate of landfilling
for the first time ever in 2002. Between 1996 and
2002, the recycling rate of municipal waste increased
from 26.2% to 44.0%, while the rate of landfilling
decreased from 68.3% to 41.5%.
Framework Plan on Food Waste Utilization
 Ongoing nationwide food waste reduction campaign led in
partnership with local authorities, citizen groups, civil society
organizations, and the food industry.
 In 2002, the proportion of food waste within household waste
generation decreased from 29.1% to 22.8%.
 Preparation for ban on direct landfilling of food waste to start
in 2005 was a particular area of current focus for education,
PR, and raising public awareness.
 Utilization of waste resources was significantly increased from
9.8% in 1997 to 62.6% in 2002
 First project; utilization of the carbon dioxide and methane gas
produced inside the Sudokwon (Metropolitan) Landfill Site.
 Similar projects at 11 landfill sites administered by local
2nd Comprehensive National Waste
Management Plan (2002-2011)
 The goal is described as the "firm establishment of a
sustainable and resource circulating socio-economic
 The consistent promotion of waste reduction policy, the
greater utilization of waste resources, and the safe
treatment and strengthened management of waste
 Amendments (2014)
Circulatory Waste Resources Management
System (2002)
 To reduce municipal waste generation by 12%
 To reduce the amount of waste incinerated or landfilled by
 To increase recycling by 53% by 2011

 To reduce industrial waste generation by 8%

 To raise industrial waste recycling to 80%

 Household waste recycling rate from 44% to 50% (2002-

Recyclings policies promoted by MOE
in Korea
 지정 부산물의 재활용
 철강 슬래그, 석탄재, 콘크리트 덩이, 아스팔트 등 재활용
가능한 폐기물
 폐기물 예치금제도 (Waste Deposit-Refund System 1992)
 폐기물의 회수 및 처리비용을 사전에 예치하고 적정한 방
법으로 회수, 처리할 경우에 예치금을 반환
 음․식료품 용기와 살충제, 유독물 용기 등 7개 품목 17종
을 대상 → 현재 6개 품목 12종에 대해 실시
 생산자책임재활용제도(EPR 2003. 1)
 대통령령이 정하는 재활용가능 폐기물의 일정량 이상을
재활용하도록 생산자에게 의무를 부여하고, 재활용목표
가 달성되지 못할 경우 실제 재활용에 소요되는 비용 이
상을 생산자로부터 징수하는 제도
Act on the Promotion of Construction Waste
 Construction waste rapidly increased by 4 times
between 1996 and 2002 due to numerous housing and
redevelopment projects
 Concrete and asphalt accounted for more than 72%
 This policy is expected to come into full effect in
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
 In 2003, the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
System was introduced in place of the previous policy of
the Waste Deposit-Refund System.
 Mandatory recycling: set a certain portion (goal) of
products to be recycled.
 Without achieving the goal, the producers pay the cost for
actual treatment
 The EPR System, is being successfully implemented and
currently applies to more than 23 items, among them,
glass bottles, packaging film, battery, fluorescent light
bulbs, and electronic products like TVs and computers.
Joining International Covention
 Basel Convention (1984)…join 1994
 London Convention (1975)…join 1993
 1996 Protocol …..join 2012
Policies changes in Korea

Waste Cleaning

Waste Recycling

Waste Minimization and resource recovery(4Rs)

(Circulative resource management for sustainable society)

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