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Practices and new words.

School subjects (asignaturas escolares)

Maths – Matemáticas Drama - Teatro
Art – Artística Music – Música
Science – Ciencia Geography- Geografía
History – Historia Drawing – Dibujo
Economics – Economía Chemistry – Química
Language - Lenguaje Physics - Física
Computer Science- Informática
Social Science – Ciencias Sociales
Physical Education – Educación Física
EXERCISE 2 – Dates
day + month + year
7th July 2019
the seventh of July, two thousand and nineteen
/dza ssséevvvnavvv chulái · tuu záusandand naintíin/
Example: We write: (escribimos) 21/03/1977
We write (escribimos): 21st March, 1977
We say (decimos): the twenty-first of March, nineteen
seventy-seven (La otra manera de decir el año: diecinueve
setenta y siete)

Complete the following sentences with the verb to be in affirmative:

1. I_______very happy.
2. You_______a nice person.
3. He______ problematic.
4. She______ my friend.
5. We_______ positive.
6. You______ worried.
7. They______ different.
8. Johnny ______your brother.
9. Sarah and Paul ______ married.
10.The dog ______ here.
11.Jessie and I _____ hungry.
12.Mario _____ the manager of the local business.
13.This exercise ______very difficult.
14.Jackie and Anna ______my best friends.
15.I_____ a teacher.
16.The girl ______very nice.
17.The weather ______ very cold today.

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