Use Case Exercise

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Primary: Regular user. Define issues, add solutions, vote on issues/solutions

Issue manager. Accepts issues for it to be shown to the users

Supporting: System. Handles all the data and input from users and issue managers.

Use cases:

Upload issue

Accept issue

Vote on issue

Write solution for issue

Use case: upload issue

User writes an issue. User uploads the issue. The system transfers the issue to the issue managers list of
issues needing approval.

Use case: Accept issue

Issue manager reviews an issue suggested by a user. Issue manager accepts the issue. System adds the
issue to the ‘issue board’.

Use case: Vote on issue

User uses board to vote on an issue. System accepts the vote and adds the vote to the total votes.

Use case: Write solution

User selects an issue. User writes the solution. System accepts solution and adds the solution to the issue
on the board.

Use case: Upload issue


Level: User goal

Primary Actor: Regular user

Stakeholders and interests:

- Issue manager: Accepts issues for it to be shown to the users on the issue board

Preconditions: User logged in to system

Success guarantee (or Postconditions): Issue is saved in the system and shown on the issue board

Main success scenario:

1. User requests to upload an issue

2. User writes the issue
3. User sends the issue to the system.
4. System presents that the issue has been added to the system successfully


a. If the system at any time crashes, save the current state so it can be retrieved at startup
1. User logs in
2. User request the last unsaved state to be retrieved

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